SQL 2012 :: Store Procedure Only Output One Select Statement
May 28, 2014There are about 10 select statements in a store procedure.
All select statements are need.
Is it possible to output only the result of last select statement?
There are about 10 select statements in a store procedure.
All select statements are need.
Is it possible to output only the result of last select statement?
I want to create store procedure which will print out something like this:
Insert into [dbname].dbo.[gameBooks] value (@gameBookID, gameBookTitle, ganeVolumn)
But first one print out good, as I expected. I either got nothing or the error message on second piece.
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line xxx
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Insert into [dbname].dbo.[cookBooks] value (' to data type int.
Any Help will be greatly appreciated.
on SQL 2005 SP1.
Here is my example code (not the real one):
Create Procedure [dbo].[makeNewString]
Declare bookID int
Declare newRowID int
Declare insertBookInfoString nvarchar(150)
select 'Declare @newBookID int'
Set insertBookInforString =
(Select 'Insert into [dbname].dbo.[gameBooks] value (' + @gameBookID + ',' + gameBookTitle +',' + ganeVolumn +')'
from [dbname].dbo.[gameBooks])
where @gameBookID=@myBookID
Print insertBookInforString
select 'SET @newRowID = Scope_Identity()'
print @newRowID
select 'Declare @newBookID int'
Set insertBookInforString =
(Select 'Insert into [dbname].dbo.[cookBooks] value (' + @cookBookID +',' + cookBookTitle +','+cookVolumn+')'
from [dbname].dbo.[cookBooks]
where @cookBookID=@myBookID)
Print insertBookInforString
first insertBookInfoString prints out fine.
But I kept this error on second part:
DECLARE Declare @newBookID int
(1 row(s) affected)
Insert into [dbname].dbo.[gameBooks] value (@gameBookID, gameBookTitle, ganeVolumn) (this is what I want)
SET @newBookID = Scope_Identity()
(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line xxx
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Insert into [dbname].dbo.[cookBooks] value (' to data type int.
How do you use data from a select statement as inputs for a store procedure?
Code Block
Select FirstName, LastName from Student where Grade = 'A'
And I want to use all the FirstName and LastName as inputs for this store procedure
Code Block
Exec StudentOfTheMonth @FirstName = FirstName, @LastName = LastName
How can I input parameter for Store Procedure like In ('Value1','Value2')
Example :
Create procedure GetUsers
@Users nvarchar(200)
Select * from Users where UserID in (@Users)
Inside some TSQL programmable object (a SP/or a query in Management Studio)I have a parameter containing the name of a StoreProcedure+The required Argument for these SP. (for example it's between the brackets [])
EX1 : @SPToCall : [sp_ChooseTypeOfResult 'Water type']
EX2 : @SPToCall : [sp_ChooseTypeOfXMLResult 'TABLE type', 'NODE XML']
EX3 : @SPToCall : [sp_GetSomeResult]
I can't change thoses SP, (and i don't have a nice output param to cach, as i would need to change the SP Definition)All these SP 'return' a 'select' of 1 record the same datatype ie: NVARCHAR. Unfortunately there is no output param (it would have been so easy otherwise. So I am working on something like this but I 'can't find anything working
DECLARE @myFinalVarFilledWithCachedOutput
DECLARE @SPToCall NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'sp_ChooseTypeOfXMLResult
''TABLE type'', ''NODE XML'';'
DECLARE @paramsDefintion = N'@CatchedOutput NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT'
I have a stored procedure that ends with
Select columnname from tablename order by ordercolumn
We will call that "sp_foldersOfFile". It takes 1 parameter, a fileID (int) value.
The result when I execute this from within Management Studio is a single column of 1 to n rows. I want to use these values in another stored procedure like this:
Select @userCount = COUNT(*) from permissions where UserID = @userID and
(projectid = @projectID or projectid=0) and
clientid = @clientID and
folderpermissions in (dbo.sp_FoldersOfFile(@fileID))
The Stored Procedure compiles but it does not query the folderpermissions in the selected values from the sp_FoldersOfFile procedure. I'm sure it is a syntax issue.
I have a stored procedure that I have written that manipulates date fields in order to produce certain reports. I would like to add a column in the dataset that will be a join from another table (the table name is Periods).
The structure of the periods table is as follows:
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Period] [int] NULL,
[Quarter] [int] NULL,
[Year] [int] NULL,
[PeriodStarts] [date] NULL,
[PeriodEnds] [date] NULL
The stored procedure is currently:
USE [International_Forecast_New]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetOpenResult] Script Date: 01/07/2014 11:41:35 ******/
[Code] ....
What I need is to add the period, quarter and year to the dataset based on the "Store_Open" value.
For example Period 2 looks like this
Period Quarter Year Period Start Period End
2 1 20142014-01-27 2014-02-23
So if the store_open value is 02/05/2014, it would populate Period 2, Quarter 1, Year 2014.
naturale02 writes "Here is my SP:
CREATE procedure test as
select top 10 count (*) as Download, a.item_code as Item_Code, b.item_title as Item_Title
into report..ten
from tbl_statistics_archive a , shabox..tbl_items b
where a.item_class = '10'
and convert(char(10),a.created,111) >= convert(char(10),getdate()-7,111)
and convert(char(10),a.created,111) <= convert(char(10),getdate()-1,111)
and a.item_code = b.item_code and a.item_class = b.item_class
group by a.item_code, b.item_title
order by 1 desc
I have create the table called 'ten', and i schedule this SP, but when i start the job, there was nothing shown on 'ten' table, which part i have been doing wrong, kindly help me.
Thank you"
I'm trying to use a store procedure to add an item into the database and retrieve the id of such item within and output parameter but this is not happening.
The item is added into the db but the output param is not modified.
Here is the code:
CREATE procedure dbo.AddItem(@Desc nvarchar(100),@intItemID int output)as insert into RR_Item ( desc ) values ( @Desc )
select @intItemID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()GO
I have tried in the last line of the SP
select @intItemID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
select @intItemID = @@IDENTITY
select @intItemID = max(itemid) from RR_Item
but nothing seems to work.
I'm calling the store procedure as follows from asp.net:
Dim intItemID As New SqlParameter("@intItemID", SqlDbType.Int)
intItemID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(objConn.ConnectionString, "AddItem", desc, intItemID)
Any help would be appreciated.
How do I call capture the output (not return value) from calling a store procedure from within a store procedure so I can use that data for further processing (say join it with another table)?
For example,
--- returns all words not in Mastery Level 0
EXEC sp_anothertest
--- use the data coming back from sp_test and join it with another table here and say insert them into tblFinalResults
SELECT * tblFinalResults
myprocedure(@Cusname varchar(50), @Cusid int output)as
Insert into Customer(Cusname) values (@Cusname)SELECT @cusid = @@IDENTITY
i add the query to my adapter called CreatCustomer (@Cusnam,@Cusid)private Merp_CusListTableAdapter _CuslistAdapter = null;protected Merp_CusListTableAdapter Adapter
{if (_CuslistAdapter == null)
_CuslistAdapter = new Merp_CusListTableAdapter();return _CuslistAdapter;
Now how i write function in BLL to receive output paramter from creatcustomer function?
Hi all,Could someone give me an example on how to create and execute the store procedure with using output parameter?In normal, I create the store procedure without using output parameter, and I did it as follow:CREATE PROC NewEmployee (ID int(9), Name Varchar (30), hiredate DateTime, etc...)ASBEGIN //my codeENDGOWhen i executed it, I would said: Execute NewEmployee 123456789, 'peter mailler', getDate(), etc....For output parameter:CREATE PROC NewEmployee (ID int(9), Name Varchar (30), hiredate DateTime, @message Varchar(40) out)ASBEGIN insert into Employee ...... //if error encountered set @message = "Insertion failure"ENDGOExec NewEmployee 123456789, 'peter mailler', getDate(), do I need to input something for the output parameter here?Anyone could give me an example on how to handle the output parameter within the store procedure coz I am not sure how to handle it?Many thanks.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy store procedure get the QuestionID (PK) from the page and then it's to return a few varchars but gives me the error that string can't be converted to int. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_getQuestionsforEditPopulateText]@QuestionID int,@QuestionDescription varchar(MAX) OUTPUT,@Option1 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option2 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option3 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option4 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option5 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@reference varchar(50) OUTPUT,@chb1 int OUTPUT,@chb2 int OUTPUT,@chb3 int OUTPUT,@chb4 int OUTPUT,@chb5 int OUTPUTAsSet @QuestionDescription =(Select questionDescription from QuestionsBank Where questionID = @QuestionID)Set @Option1 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 1)Set @Option2 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 2)Set @Option3 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 3)Set @Option4 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 4)Set @Option5 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 5)Set @reference = (Select referencedescription from reference where questionID = @QuestionID)Set @chb1 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 1)Set @chb2 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 2)Set @chb3 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 3)Set @chb4 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 4)Set @chb5 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 5) RETURN This is what the page callsDim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("myconnectionstring ") Dim cmdUpdate As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("usp_getQuestionsforEditPopulateText", dbConnection) cmdUpdate.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@QuestionID", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@QuestionID").Value = QuestionID cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@QuestionDescription", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@QuestionDescription").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option1", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option1").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option2", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option2").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option3", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option3").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option4", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option4").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option5", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option5").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@reference", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@reference").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb1", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb1").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb2", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb2").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb3", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb3").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb4", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb4").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb5", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb5").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output 'open connection dbConnection.Open() 'Execute non query cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery() 'close connection dbConnection.Close()
View 8 Replies View RelatedHi all,
I've a requirement to store the output of the stored procedure into temp. tables/ table varibles.
I've 4 select statements as my output of the stored procedure. How do I store the results of all the 4 select stmnts into 4 different temp tables.
Simplified SP is as...
Create procedure usp_test
select c1,c2 from table1
select c3,4 from table2
select c9,c8 from table3
select c5,c7 from Table4
I'm expecting something like this...
declare @table1 table (c1, c2)
insert into @table1
Exec <Sp_Name>
select * from @table1
I know the above stmnt works, if my SP has only 1 select stmnt as output.
Please help me to acheive this for multiple select statements.
I am running a select statment which retruns one row how I can assign that results to a memory variable ?
hi guys!it's very very simple question for you mighty sql DBAs. but very hardfor a developer like me who is very very new to MS SQL.anyways the problem is i want to use one SPs out to in the SELectstatement. here is an example :select * from sp_tables tablename like 'syscolumns'please note that this is just an example. i'm using different SP but iwant to use in the same way.if anybody has anything to say. please write to me. i would be glade toread your repliesThanks,Lucky
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf you want to return a single value should I use OUTPUT or Scaler which one is more effiecient?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHello Guys,
Please could you help me formulate a SELECT statement to output a date in the format (Month, Date Year), eg
October, 07 2007. Thanks.
If I query like this, am getting the following Output.. Why is the part before '_ ' gets truncated and gets displayed as result ?
SELECT 10_to_100
SELECT 25_from
If anybody is familiar with the reason,pls share...
cheers !
Is it possible to do something like this?
SELECT * from (
exec Store_Procedure
--StartDate is a column from "Store_Procedure"
where StartDate >= @Param
I'm trying to do this:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spStoryDisplay]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@clsYear int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
SELECT *, "Class Year" =
WHEN year1 >= 1940 AND year1 < 1950 THEN '1940s'
WHEN year1 >= 1950 AND year1 < 1960 THEN '1950s'
WHEN year1 >= 1960 AND year1 < 1970 THEN '1960s'
WHEN year1 >= 1970 AND year1 < 1980 THEN '1970s'
WHEN year1 >= 1980 AND year1 < 1990 THEN '1980s'
WHEN year1 >= 1990 AND year1 < 2000 THEN '1990s'
WHEN year1 >= 2000 AND year1 < 2010 THEN '2000s'
FROM dvlStory
WHERE "Class Year" = @clsYear
I kept getting this error:
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spStoryDisplay, Line 27
Invalid column name 'Class Year'.
So, my question is, how do I compare to the additional column "Class Year" to the parameter?
Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".
Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.
I'm sure this is a very simple piece of code, but I'm having trouble understanding how to do this.
First I have a database with three columns
In my program i have function that will get one value from Database.
Here i want to assign the output of the sql query to a local variable.
Its like select emp_id into Num from emp where emp_roll=222;
here NUM is local variable which was declared in my program.
Is it correct.?
can anyone please guide me..?
I have a user login scenario where I would like to make sure that they not only exist in the user table, but also make sure there account is "verified" and "active". I'm trying to return 3 output parameters. UserID, verified, active. Is this possible?
Do I need just a select statement to do this? What is the difference between the output and select statements?
Thanks in advance.
I'm executing the following...
select COL1, min(COL2) from TABLE group by COL1
the table has many duplicate entries, where COL2 is the primary key and unique, but its the duplicate COL1 entries that have to be removed.
I was hoping a simple
"delete from table where COL1 not in (select COL1, min(COL2) from TABLE group by COL1)"
would do the trick, but obviously in returning two columns from the subselect this won't work. Can I hide the COL2 output from the query that will be put in the subselect?
this is a one-off thing, so i'm not overly concerned about overhead or elegance. just need to make it so.
While writing store procedure in db most of Time i will Use common Table to write select queries for selecting more than seven table whether it reduce speed performance or it won't
;with cte
From my one app, a dynamic where clause will generate like below.
//where ordercity='london' and orderby='smith'
//where orderamount > 100 and shipcity='new york'
From server, I created a store procedure as below.
SELECT * FROM [Order] WHERE @whereSql
How to complete the store procedure so that I don't need to pass parameters one by one...
HI, I'm a simple store procedure that returns a result such as this one:
and in other store procedure I need to filter result from this list.
I think that some query like this is impossibile
select fields from table where id in (execute sp)
how can I make this?
Thanks a lot.
Is there a way to build a select statement that will output related rows with different column data per row? I want to return something like:
rowtype| ID | value
A | 123 | alpha
B | 123 | beta
C | 123 | delta
A | 124 | some val
B | 124 | some val 2
C | 124 | some val 3
where for each ID, I have 3 rows that are associated with it and with different corresponding values.
I'm thinking that I will have to build a temp table/cursor that will get all the ID data and then loop through it to insert each rowtype data into another temp table.
i.e. each ID iteration will do something like:
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('A', 123, 'alpha')
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('B', 123, 'beta')
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('C', 123, 'delta')
After my loop, I will just do a select * from #someTempTable
Is there a better, more elegant way instead of using two temp tables? I am using MSSQL 2005
Hi all,Anyone can show me how can I catch the 'Print' statement that I have defined in my store procedure using SQL server 2000 DB on the .aspx page? ( I am using ASP.NET 1.0)My store procedure as follow:CREATE PROC NewAcctType(@acctType VARCHAR(20))ASBEGIN --checks if the new account type is already exist IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AcctTypeCatalog WHERE acctType = @acctType) BEGIN PRINT 'The account type is already exist' RETURN END
BEGIN TRANSACTION INSERT INTO AcctTypeCatalog (acctType) VALUES (@acctType)
--if there is an error on the insertion, rolls back the transaction; otherwise, commits the transaction IF @@error <> 0 OR @@rowcount <> 1 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION PRINT 'Insertion failure on AcctTypeCatalog table.' RETURN END ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRANSACTION ENDENDThanks for all your replies
In one store procedure I do insert same data into two tables (They have the same structure): OrderA and OrderB
insert into OrderA select * from OrderTemp
insert into OrderB select * from OrderTemp
And then got an error for code below.
"Multi-part identifier "dbo.orderB.OrderCity" could not be bound
IF dbo.OrderB.OrderCity=''
update dbo.OrderB
set dbo.orderB.OrderCity='London'
I have below code to send email in HTML table format with store procedure. from my
Database = "CreditControl"
Table = "Testing$"
and code as below
DECLARE @bodyMsg nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @subject nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @tableHTML nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @recipients nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @profile_name nvarchar(max)