SQL 2012 :: Table Property For Retention Date?
Feb 21, 2014
I want to store data warehouse source tables and files in an Archive schema and then delete / drop them after a specified period of time.
Is there a table property that I can set (can't find one) or some other mechanism so that I can easily identify these tables with a script.
If there is no such property or feature within the database engine I will define a metadata table and record it there, but a property or similar that I can set at archive time would be very handy.
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May 30, 2015
I want to compare two columns in the same table called start date and end date for one clientId.if clientId is having continuous refenceid and sartdate and enddate of reference that I don't need any caseopendate but if clientID has new reference id and it's start date is not continuous to its previous reference id then I need to set that start date as caseopendate.
I have table containing 5 columns.
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Jan 13, 2015
I am trying to select data from table that have YYMM as table names, they are formatted table1410,table1411, table1412. I am trying to format it like this
declare @tablename60 varchar(50) = 'table' + SUBSTRING(CAST(DATEPART(YY,dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())) as varchar(4)),3,4) + SUBSTRING(CAST(DATEPART(MM,dateadd(mm, -1, getdate())) as varchar(2)),1,2)
But this is hard coding the YYMM, and I would like to have it pull 30,60,90 days fromthe first of the current month. I am having a bit of trouble formatting, how to accomplish this.
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May 15, 2014
I have a very large table that I need to partition. Ideally the table will write to three filegroups. I have defined the Partition function and scheme as follows.
AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('2012-07-01', '2013-06-01')
AS PARTITION vm_Visits_PM TO (vm_Visits_Data_Archive2, vm_Visits_Data_Archive, vm_Visits_Data)
This should create three partitions of the vm_Visits table. I am having a few issues, the first has to do with adding a new clustered index Primary Key to the existing table. The main issue here is that the closed column is nullable (It is a datetime by the way). So running the following makes SQL Server upset:
ALTER TABLE dbo.vm_Visits
VisitID ASC,
ON [vm_Visits_PS](Closed)
I need to define a primary key on the VisitId column, but I need to include the Closed column in order to partition on it.how I would move data between partitions on a monthly basis. Would I simply update the Partition function, or have to to some sort of merge, split, or switch function?
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Dec 23, 2014
I need to create a table which holds date information for our financial year.
I have all the dates between now and 2045 and the start of the week and the end of the week. What I also have is the first sunday of the previous week in the spreadsheet too.
Please see below attachment
What I need to autofill once I import these three dates into a database is the week and the month.
The difficulty surrounding the month is that, we start a new month on the FIRST Sunday of the month.
So dates 07/04/14 to 04/05/2014 would be month 1.
Month 2 would begin on 05/05/2014 as it is the day after the first Sunday of the month, and so on....Month 5 would start on the 04/08/14.
Need to script something that would automatically calculate the week and month for me on the basis on above, if I have the start date, end date and 1st sunday already in a table?
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Mar 16, 2015
I have a table with EmployeeID, StartDate, and EndDate with a PK of EmployeeID, StartDate. How can I check to see that there's no overlap for StartDate and EndDate for a given employee? That is, on any given day there must only be 1 row for an employee where Getdate() is Between StartDate and EndDate. For an active employee their EndDate is set to 06/06/2079.
I've tried it using Row_Number() with Over() but am returning too many rows indicating overlap when none exists.
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Aug 25, 2014
We have a database and have 6-7 growing tables. All the tables have Primary and foreign key relation. I want to do partition based on the date column.
I need 3 partitions
First partition has to hold present data
second partition need to hold the previous year data (SAS storage)
Third partition need to hold all the old data and need to be in the archive database
I understand that first we need to disable the constraints (Indexes PK & FK)
Then create partition function and partition schema
Then Create the Constraints again
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Oct 30, 2014
I have a table (we will cal DateTable) with several (20) columns, each being a date type. Another table's (Project) PK is referenced in the DateTable.
I am trying to write a query that will pull all dates for a specific project from the DateTable if they meet certain criteria(i.e. if the date is <= 7 days from now.
I started with a normal select statement selecting each column with a join to the project and then a where clause using
(DateTable.ColumnName BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE()) OR (DateTable.ColumnName BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE())) ...
The rest of the columns(all with OR between them).
The problem with this is that because I am using OR once one of the dates meets the criteria it selects all the dates that are associated with the project. I ONLY want the dates that meet the criteria and don't care about the rest.
Obviously because I have all the columns in the select statement... So I need something like
Select ALL Columns
from DateTable d
Join Project p
where p.ProjectID = d.ProjectID AND only dates BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(day, 7, GETDATE()))
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May 12, 2015
I have a date that I need to add 'n' number of business days to. I have a calendar table that has a 'IsBusinessDay' flag, so it would be good if I was able to use this to get what I need. I've tried to use the 'LEAD' function in the following way;
SELECT A. Date, B.DatePlus3BusinessDays
LEFT JOIN (Select DateKey, LEAD(DateKey,3) OVER (ORDER BY datekey) AS DatePlus3BusinessDays FROM Calendar WHERE IsBusinessDay = 1) B ON A.DateKey = B.DateKey
Problem with this is that because I am filtering the Calendar for business days only, when there is a date that is not a business day in TableA, a NULL is being returned.
Is there any way to do a conditional LEAD, so it skips rows that are not business days? Or do I have do go with a completely different approach?
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Mar 11, 2014
I am querying a table log file in an attempt to get the most recent status of an item. The items can have a variety of different statuses:
(A = Active, R = Repeat, L = liquidation......)
Here is a sample of the data I am trying to report off of:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item_status](
[item_number] [varchar](20) NULL,
[sku] [varchar](100) NULL,
[Field_Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Old_Value] [varchar](150) NULL,
[New_Value] [varchar](150) NULL,
[Change_Date] [smalldatetime] NULL
I have tried join to the same table - but I am still unable to get it to work.
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Jun 4, 2014
Disable logins on access expiry date(Not windows password expiry). we grant access to users on databases only for 60 days. So access is only valid for 60 days. Then the user should again request access to the database going thru security clearance. Thn the DBA's enable the login. Maintaining all these logins of users manually is causing more confusion.
As we know, we dont have any inbuilt functionality to automatically disable logins in SQL Server.
I have a table where the logins and expirydate were recorded in a DB.
Using this table and SQL Server agent. Can i achieve this process automated ?
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LoginsExpiry](
[LoginName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[ExpiryDate] [date] NULL,
[Roles] [varchar](500)
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Jun 10, 2015
Need a script to capture current date modify table list(12 AM to 11:59 PM PST) in a database.
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Sep 9, 2014
What are the tables are having the Default Constraint those table's Script the User can't generate but remaining tables He/She can generate,If i want DENY he/she to do not generate the script those are not having the DF Constraints what should i do.....
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Jul 23, 2015
Where do you set an SSIS EvaluateAsExpression property of the variable to TRUE?
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Mar 5, 2015
I have a table which is updated daily using a MERGE statement. As records are insert, updated and deleted, I am saving the OUTPUT from the MERGE statement into a history table with a timestamp and action$ column appended to the record.
Using this history table, I'd like to rebuild the data based on specific past date. I was able to create a stored procedure that inspects each record in the history table and apply it to the data in a temp table. The stored procedure solution uses multiple queries to rebuild the data at a point in time. I was curious if there was an easier and more efficient solution using a table function.
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Jul 29, 2015
My goal is to select values from the same date range for a month on month view to compare values month over month. I've tried using the date trunc function but I'm not sure what the best way to attack this is. My thoughts are I need to somehow select first day of every month + interval 'x days' (but I don't know the syntax).In other words, I want to see
Jan 1- 23rd
feb 1-23rd
march 1-23rd
april 1-23rd
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Jun 16, 2006
I am having problems exporting data into a flat file using specific code page. My application has a variable "User::CodePage" that stores code page value (936, 950, 1252, etc) based on the data source. This variable is assigned to the CodePage property of desitnation file connection using Property expression.
But, when I execute the package, the CodePage property of the Destination file connection defaults to the initial value that was set for "User:CodePage" variable in design mode. I checked the value within the variable during runtime and it changes correctly for each data source. But, the property of the destinatin file connection doesn't change and results in an error.
[Flat File Destination [473]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column01" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "Flat File Destination" (473) failed with error code 0xC02020A0. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
If I manually update the variable with correct code page and re-run the ETL, everything works fine. Just that it doesn't work during run-time mode.
Can someone please help me resolve this.
Thanks much.
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Apr 17, 2008
I developed a simple custom control flow component which has several read/write properties and one readonly property (lets call it ROP) whichs Get method simple returns the value of a private variable (VAR as string). In the Execute method the VAR has a value assigened. When I put the value of ROP or VAR into MsgBox I can see the correct value. However when I execute the component I can not see the value of the ROP in the property window. I see the property but its value is empty string. For example when I put a breakpoint to postexecute or check the property before click OK in a MsgBox I would expect that the property value would be updated in SSIS as well. Is there a way how to display correct values of custom tasks properties in property window?
Thanks for any hints.
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Jun 9, 2014
I am having a problem in creating query for this exciting scenario.
Table A
ID ItemQtyCreatedDatetime
W001 CB112014-06-03 20:30:48.000
W002 CB112014-06-04 01:30:48.000
Table B
A001 CB112014-06-03 19:05:48.000
A002 CB112014-06-03 20:05:48.000
A003 CB112014-06-03 21:05:48.000
A004 CB112014-06-04 01:05:48.000
A005 CB112014-06-04 02:05:48.000
I would like to return the nearest date of Table B in my table like for
ID W001 in table B should return ID A002 CreatedDatetime: 2014-06-03 20:05:48.000
ID W002 in table B should return ID A004 CreatedDatetime: 2014-06-04 01:05:48.000
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Apr 20, 2004
I am trying to change the default number of SQL errorlogs from 6 to 12. Does anyone know how to change that?
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Dec 4, 2007
I have members in a database who have paid thru dates. I am creating retention reports
I created a cross tab in Crystal (using SQL) that counts records that paid within a certain year. I need to create a script that will let me find when members skip payment for a year. Any ideas?
I was thinking of running a count of all paid (Activity) records, but still kind of stuck.
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May 7, 2008
Untill recently I had a smooth running SSIS package,but suddenly it throws error syaing
"OnError,,,,,,,The result of the expression
"@[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] +"SomeTextStringHere"+ @[User:trANTTextFileName] +(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key]+ "SomeTextStringHere"
" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property."
I have child SSIS package running under a parent package (through execute package task)
I have few flat file connection managers in child package for text file import , in which I am building text file path dynamically at run time by assigning an expression in connection string property of connection manager.
The Expression is as follows
"@[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] +"SomeTextStringHere."+ @[User:trANTTextFileName] +(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key]+ +"SomeTextStringHere"
Where @[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] is a variable which contains path of directory containg text
files.Value in this variable is assigned at runtime from parent package's variable,which in turns fetch
value from a configuration file on local server.
With my current configuration this path has been configured to some other server's directory over network ( I.e my package picks text files from some other servers folder over network)
"Some string here"+ @[User:trANTTextFileName]" part of file name string.
(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key] Contain the date of processing ,value in this variable is also picked up at run time from parent package variable.
1) So can someone give me some insight into possible reason of failures.
2) Is it possible that problem arises if directory (from which I m picking text files) is assigned password or is there exist some problem in accessing forlders over network ?
3) Or there can be some problem in package configuration at design time( I.e where I m assigning value in variable from parent package vriables)?
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Nov 6, 2007
I currently have a simple transactional replication setup for a database. My publisher and distributor are on the same box. The subscription is setup using a push agent.
My question is related to recovery of the subscriber.
So lets say replication is setup and working fine. Suddenly we had a failure on the subscriber database. Now I could just reconfigure the subscription, and the subscribing database would be back up and good to go, but the problem is that over time, we have made some changes to the subscribing database that are not made in the publisher. For example, the tables have different indexes. Just reconfiguring the subscritpion would not recover these objects.
So I have to acutally restore the subscriber database. So I do that, and apply transaction logs up to the most recent transaction log backup. Now, consider that my transaction log backups on the subscriber happen every 4 hours, and the most recent transaction log backup I had was from 3 hours ago. So now at this point, my subscribing database is 3 hours behind my publisher.
Now, will the distribution agent resend the missing 3 hours of transactions?
In the distribution agent properties, there are two settings for transaction retention, "at least" and "but not more than". Currently they set to 0 and 72 hours respectivly. Now I would assume that if I set the "at least" setting to the subscriber transaction log backup period, in this case 4 hours, I would be covered, and the distribution agent would indeed re-replication the transactions that happend since the recovery point 3 hours.
I just wanted to verify that this is acutally what these settings are refering too, and that if I set the "at least" setting to 4 hours, I would be covered.
- Eric
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Jul 25, 2006
Pl any one tell me which algorithm is better for Customer retention Using SQL server 2005 analysis services
It will be great if some one can give the same with example of data model with key column , and rest
Thanks in Advance
Rajesh Ladda
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Sep 19, 2007
I'm curious what are considerations for choosing a good transaction retention time? The default SQL uses is 0 to 72 hours. With this setting I found that cleanup was taking upwards of 30 minutes (for a process that defaults to run every 10 minutes). I've read that lowering it can improve performance, and that also you don't want this running too long because of deadlock issues between this and the log reader. So how short is too short? Optimally, since the system this runs on is under heavy use I'd like to optimize this as much as possible, which makes me think that the smaller the retention the better, but is something like 1 or 2 hours too short? What are possible consequences of such a short period of time?
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a query to run a report where the results has a column named “Due Date” which holds a date value based on the project submission date.Now, I need to add 4 columns named, “45 Days Expectant”, “30 Days Overdue”, “60 Days Overdue” and “90 Days Overdue”.I need to do a calculation based on the “Due Date” and “System (I mean default computer date) Date” that if “System Date” is 45 days+ to “Due Date” than put “Yes” in “45 Days Expectant” row.
Also, if “Due Date” is less than or equal to system date by 30 days, put “Yes” in “30 Days Overdue” and same for the 60 and 90 days.how to write this Case Statement? I have some answers how to do it in SSRS (Report Designer) but I want to get the results using T-SQl.
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Jun 2, 2014
I'm writing a view to check record counts in a table that has numerous datasets and therefore various "Activity Dates". Is it possible as part of the SQL statement to have a CASE statement for example so that it can identify the field to use as the activity date?
The field to use is being identified using a seperate table so at the moment I have CASE WHEN FieldToUse = '2' THEN MapCol ELSE '[Activity_Date]' END, where FieldToUse = '2' identifies the date field to use and the MapCol data is the field name to be used as the activity date.
Is this even possible?
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Nov 12, 2007
I have just started in the scary world of SQL Server admin and am trying to unravel the mysteries of backups etc.
If I run 'BACKUP DATABASE xxx TO DISK = 'D:DB_Backupsxxx.bak' WITH RETAINDAYS = 7' each day, each db backup if appended to the same '.bak' file and the RETAINDAYS protects the backup from being deleted by SQL Server. OK so far. But does anyone understand what criteria is used to decide when to overwrite the older backups? My backup file is getting bigger everyday, with no sign of any of the old data being deleted! Do I have to wait for the entire disk to become full before they start to get overwritten? Or should I just not worry and trust that it will do it all correctly?
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
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Jul 13, 2006
In sql2005 the database backup retention has been added in sql server properties in database setting.
In 2000 we had a comfortable option to set retention based on maintenance plan,files and also our space availabilty.It has helped the dba's a lot.But it has been removed in sql 2005.
Is that sql server setting is the only retention period setting or do we have to set in anyother tabs..
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Sep 11, 2007
I want to change the history retention time because the history stores about 1 gb of detail per database per day in the msdb
Some of the log shipped databases have a monitor server option that has a setting for retention time
but most of the log shipped databases are not using a monitor server since the option was unavailable at setup.
So is there a way to change the history retention time
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Mar 2, 2004
Has anybody ever tried to do this. I can't figure it out. All I want to do is take an existing table that already has values in the column that I want to change and add the identity property to yes and set the identity seed and increment to a specific number. I know you can do it in the CREATE TABLE statement but is there a way to use the ALTER TABLE command?
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Aug 1, 2007
Is there any way to remove IDENTITY property on particular table? I tried removing IDENTITY property using Manangement studio, but this operation behind the scene use migration concept that is by creating tmp table and then populating with data; droping the orginal and renaming the tmp back to original.
Second, i want some kind of generic solution using certain system table like aya.sysobjects, sys.identitycolumn etc such a way that i should be able to remove the idenity property from all of the table accross a database.
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Jan 29, 2008
Presently using CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), [ExpiryDate], 100) to get close to the correct format.Only stumbled across this by accident so am assuming there might be better hidden 'treasures' .Formatting dates seems to be my biggest time-consuming activity and I just don't seem to get better at it!
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