SQL 2012 :: Updating DB Hosted Offsite With A DB That Is Running Locally?

Feb 17, 2014

how to update a SQL 2012 DB that is hosted off-site with a SQL DB that is running locally. This is a situation where the updates are one-way, local to remote.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Change IP Address Of Server Which Is Locally Hosted And Is Not On Cluster?

Sep 3, 2014

I am asking about a virtual IP for SQL Server, is there a way we can assign a different IP to SQL Server other than the server's(host) IP address? like the same what we do in a clustered env.

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SQL 2012 :: Set Up Web Services Locally On Machine

Apr 6, 2014

I need to set up web services locally on my machine.I am working in a team. They gave project that I mapped to my local drive and take the latest version and build the solution. Some of them are configured to use IIS. So before build the solution, in the IIS manager I created the self certificate and added https binding.

I am not sure after that what I have to do? How to test my web services are running locally or not?Do I need to do anything else to set up web services locally?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Setup Services Locally

Apr 29, 2014

I need to set up the services locally.

I deployed the web services locally to iis. When I browse that web service, I am getting

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Factory=" " Service=" " %>

What is that mean

I am using iis 8 version and windows 8

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SQL 2012 :: OpenRowSet Works Locally But Not Over Networked Drives?

Jul 10, 2013

getting SQL able to import files via ORS. So we got it to work on local drives, but not over networked drives. This is the code and error:

select * into sample.dbo.[eriktest] from
'Data Source=serverSample est.xlsx;
Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"')...[Sheet1$]
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".

But going from the local C: or D: drives is fine. I also tried using xp_cmdshell (OPC) to map a drive, and then tried using ORS with the drive letter, and got the same error.

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SQL 2012 :: Attaching MDF / LDF Hosted On Another Server / Mapped Drive

Mar 20, 2015

Although clearly not best practice for a produciton DB, is it supported to attach MDF/LDF files that are hosted on a network drive?

I have been exploring options to host a read only archive database that we need to access on a very short term adhoc basis.

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Updating A Table On My Hosted Database From A Local Database

Aug 1, 2007


How do I insert data that I have collected in a local database onto a table on my online ie hosted database which is on a different server?

At the moment I am just uploading all the data to the hosted DB but this is wasting bandwith as only a small percentage of data is actually selected and used.

I thought that if i used a local DB and then update the table on my hosted DB this would be much more efficient, but I am not sure how to write the SQL code to do this!

Do I do some kind of

INSERT INTO sample_table


FROM origanal_table

Or is it more complicated than this?


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SQL 2012 :: SharePoint 2013 Hosted SSRS - Subreport Consolidate To A Single Folder

Jan 13, 2015

I am in the process of migrating 300+ reports and 200ish subreports to SharePoint 2013 hosted. I wanted to avoid the duplication of creating copies of all the subreports across 9 different folders.

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Updating Tables On A Running Database

Aug 7, 2006

First post here, hi to everyone.

Is it possible to update rows in a table while users are working on that table or do I have to throw them out? Thanks for the help!

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Updating Table With Running Total

May 28, 2008

Have a table where I need to update a field with a running total.

Table OrderRebate
I need to calculate a running total on ext_rebate for each order number. So I need the running total to reset to zero when the order number changes.

I've got as far with the code below but it never resets. Does a running total for every record.

DECLARE @runningtotal decimal(16, 6)
SET @runningtotal = 0
UPDATE OrderRebate
SET @runningtotal = RunningRebateAmt = @runningtotal + ext_rebate
WHERE ord_no = ord_no

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SQL 7 Offsite Restore

Oct 11, 2000

I've created a BAK and shipped it offsite, but the offsite location is unable to restore it.
They're getting a very generic ODBC error HY000 with no other information. I can sucessfully
restore the database to another server in my shop without issue. Anyone have any ideas? The
offsite location is running 7.0 Standard Edition SP1, and restore is being attempted from the server.

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Copying My Database To Another Offsite Computer

Jul 19, 2006

My need: I want to copy my databse (the file itself) in a mem card so that I can use it in another comuter offsite.How do I do that. it s like  a back up I think, except that I ll need to import the DB in another computer at home.When I try using Backup the DB of Entreprise Manager, I get violation error, can t copy the file being used or something like that. Am I doing it the right way or is there another better way to do this.

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Copying My Database To Another Offsite Computer

Jul 19, 2006

My need: I want to copy my databse (the file itself) in a mem card so that I can use it in another comuter offsite.
How do I do that. it s like a back up I think, except that I ll need to import the DB in another computer at home.
When I try using Backup the DB of Entreprise Manager, I get violation error, can t copy the file being used or something like that. Am I doing it the right way or is there another better way to do this.


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Offsite Database Mirroring For Standby Machine

Feb 7, 2006

Hi all,

we want to create a offsite redundant server which can be a standby machine if something happens to our primary machine, any input how to do this over internet? what type of bandwidth we need, and for security ssl or vpn? or anything i missed thats important to consider. Plans are to use sql server 2005. Thanks all

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Extracting Large Tables From Offsite Linked Server

Oct 1, 2014

I work in Healthcare IS for Company A, but Company B is hosting one of our EMR programs for us. This was done on purpose, so that whether a patient is seen at one or the other, their medical history is more complete. However, this puts all of the data that I need to get to on a server across town that I can only access via Sql Server Management Studio as a linked server.

Now, in some ways, the performance has been better than I expected, but sometimes it behaves very erratically. I am using OPENQUERY to handle all of the pulls, and am not joining to any local tables, in order to maximize efficiency.

Here is some of the code I run, and what happens:

FROM Encounter_ItemChild

[Code] ....

***The above query was programmatically generated by taking the IDs from the second query, and packing as many into the IN condition as possible. Each statement could hold only about 900 IDs, so around 70 queries get built...however, each one returns the records in question in 1-2 seconds.

My main question is...if the second query pulls all IDs from Encounter in a few seconds, and that query is used in the first query's WHERE clause, why does it spin and spin, while manually throwing the IDs in instead runs almost instantly?

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SQL Server 2012 :: XML - Updating Parts Of Fields

May 30, 2014

I have a table where one of the fields contains XML as in the following. Is there an SQL update statement that can change any occurrences of timezoneIdfrom 0 to 1, and timezone from America/New_York to America/Chicago and time to time - 1 hour?

<scheduleitem><schedule><frequency><weekly weeklyInterval="1"><WED/></weekly></frequency><startDate>2008-08-05</startDate><time>22:30:00</time><timezoneId>0</timezoneId><timezone>America/New_York</timezone></schedule></scheduleitem>

After the query is run, rows like the above would be changed to

<scheduleitem><schedule><frequency><weekly weeklyInterval="1"><WED/></weekly></frequency><startDate>2008-08-05</startDate><time>21:30:00</time><timezoneId>1</timezoneId><timezone>America/Chicago</timezone></schedule></scheduleitem>

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SQL Server 2012 :: Updating A Field Based On Result Set

Feb 21, 2014

I am trying to update records based on the results of a query with a subquery.

The result set being produced shows the record of an item number. This result produces the correct ItemNo which I need to update. The field I am looking to update is an integer named Block.

When I run the update statement all records are updated and not the result set when I run the query by itself.

Below you will find the code I am running:

create table #Items
ItemNovarchar (50),
SearchNo varchar (50),
Historical int,
Blocked int

[Code] ....

Below is the code I am using in an attempt to update the block column but it updates all records and not the ones which I need to have the Blocked field set to 1.

Update #items set Blocked = 1
Where Exists

[Code] ...

Why is the update changing each record? How can I change the update to choose the correct records?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Updating Table2 By Checking Table1

Apr 23, 2014

I want to update table2 by checking table1.

if trauma has atleast 1 then clm2 in table2 would be 1
if infec has atleast 1 then clm2 in table2 would be 2


Clm1 Clm2
Trauma 1
Trauma 1
Trauma 1
Infec 2
Infec 2
Trauma Null


clm1 clm2
Trauma 1
infec 2

I have to update table2 based on table one ny checking multiple columns.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Updating 25 Million Records In Batches

Nov 10, 2014

I have 2 tables with this schema

CREATE TABLE tableValues(
[NAME] [varchar](50) NULL

[Code] ....

I want to update tableToUpdate in batches of 5000 per batch and set the lastenecryptionDT to null based on the the join to the tableValues using the column ENCRYPTIONID, and also output updated rows into another table. Incase I would need to do a rollback.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS / Dynamic Updating Of A Recordset Variable?

Jul 8, 2015

updating a recordset contained in an System.Object variable during runtime.

I am trying to execute multiple file actions (plus parsing those files into a set of staging tables) at separate locations in parallel. I know I can do this in C# but I have a business requirement to use SSIS for all ETL operations.

Any one site can have 0 to many of 1 to 3 files. I would like to run multiple sites at the same time, so when all files of all types are completed at that site then go on to the next site in the list. I know I can do a single site at a time in a foreach loop but if I can run lets say 3-5 sites concurrently then I should be able to save execution time.

My thought is to have a recordset of the sites, when any 1 of the 3 (or more) "control flows" is open, update the recordset to let it know that site being actioned, when that site is complete, update the recordset that the site is completed, and so on.Or am I running in the wrong direction?

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SQL 2012 :: Updating A Column By Default Based On A Rule?

Oct 26, 2015

CREATE TABLE EDI_data_proc_log(
ID int IDENTITY(1,1),
comment VARCHAR(3000),
run_by varchar(100),
duration int );

When a record is inserted I like the duration column to be computed.This should happen only after the first record to the table has gotten inserted.You might say a trigger would be the best.. Ok then, show me the syntax.

Or I am thinking can we write a user defined function that will compute the value for the duration column.

--By default, I would like to update the duration column as follows:

--It should record the number of seconds between the last insertion ( You can get that time from the time_recorded column from the previous record and the current time can be obtained from the getdate() function )

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS - Updating Source And Target Data Structure

Feb 17, 2015

I have a SSIS package that simply moves data from a SQL database A to another SQL database B. I have update (increased) the size of a nvarchar column, on both A and B.I am wondering if there is a way to "refresh" somehow the SSIS package so I don't have to rebuild and redeploy it.The error I get now is a truncation error: "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page".

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SQL 2012 :: Email For Over Running Jobs?

May 28, 2014

I'm trying to find out if there is a way within sql server or via script of emailing when a particular job or jobs has over run?

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SQL 2012 :: Replication Log Reader Not Running

Apr 30, 2015

In ReplMon, some Log Reader agent jobs display as "not running". Rigt-clicking on it the only option is to "Stop" the agent. Seems to me if it's NOT RUNNING you should be able to Start it but that option is disabled. Also, looking at the Agent Job Activity Monitor on the distribution server it says that the job is currently executing.

Running the Replication Agents Checkup job yields nothing and those jobs are still "not running". I can easily Stop/Start the Log Reader in ReplMon or insert a tracer token and then all looks fine. I'm just puzzled by the inconsistency and wondering how I can programmatically check and resolve it.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Running Total On 2 Columns

Jul 25, 2014

Table A has day to day transactions, Table B has beginning balance. I'd like to get a running total balance day to day. Really what I want to do is use the previous days total to add the current days transaction to, but I don't know how to do it. The basic layout is below, but as you can see, I'm not getting the totals correct.

create table #current(acctNum int,
dates date,
transtype char(10),
amt INT
insert into #current(acctNum, dates, transtype, amt)

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Running Total With Thresholds?

Mar 18, 2015

I have a data table in below format and the need the desired output in 2nd table format




Desired Output to be:

1TRUE 100250


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SQL Server 2012 :: Running Totals With OVER Clause?

May 28, 2015

A while back, a "quirky update" method was proposed for lightning fast running totals based on the three-part MSSQL UPDATE's SET statement and tally tables. However, some claimed this was not 100% absolutely guaranteed behavior.

How does the new OVER clause compare in terms of performance ?

pk int not null primary key identity,
N int
INSERT INTO @Tbl (N) SELECT TOP 1000 1 FROM syscolumns a CROSS JOIN syscolumns b

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SQL 2012 :: Getting Notification About Long Running Jobs?

Nov 5, 2015

We have a scheduled restore job daily from production backup to non-production. The job usually runs in 2 hrs but today it ran more than 8 hrs.

How to get notification about this job like if it runs more than 3 hrs send email with % of restore completed

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SQL 2012 :: Error When Running SSISDB Execution Report

Nov 15, 2013

Whenever you connect to a database server that is running SQL 2012 integration services, then you right click on SSISDB, choose "Reports, then Standard Reports, then Executions" there is a display of each execution and options to drill down.

There is a particular execution that when I click to see "All Messages" I get a blank screen in SSMS with the following error: "Error: and error occurred during local report processing. --> An error has occurred during report processing. --> Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown."

Before I go add more memory to this SQL box, I need to understand how an out of the box, canned SSRS report such as this, which is built into Integration Services could produce this issue?

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SQL 2012 :: Error When Running DTSX Package File

Aug 21, 2014

What do I need to stop this error?

Started: 5:05:48 PM
Error: 2014-08-21 17:05:50.64
Code: 0xC000F427
Source: File System Task
Description: To run a SSIS package outside of SQL Server Data Tools you must install File System Task of Integration Services or higher.
End Error

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SQL Server 2012 :: Reset Running Total To X Amount

Dec 22, 2014

I need to calculate running total which resets when reached to 16, and also needs to calculate remaining amount as paid.

I have attached sample data, so we have two columns Earned, and Used. And we need to calculate Balance, and Paid columns.

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SQL 2012 :: Use Of Running DBCC Free Session Cache?

Feb 12, 2015

What is the use of running DBCC FREESESSIONCACHE.

How frequently can we do this on all the databases.

What happens if we schedule to run it every 1min.

Are there any advantages/disadvantages of running this on all databases.

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SQL 2012 :: Job Activity Monitor - Start Time Of Currently Running Job?

Apr 14, 2015

Is there anywhere in the SSMS to see the start time of a currently running job, currently running it's first step, without needing to run a query?

If not, why would Microsoft decide to not show it in the job activity monitor?

SSMS = Sql Server Management Studio

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