SQL 2012 :: Adding A Constraint To A Table

Sep 16, 2015

Select MemberNbr, EligYear,EligMonth, count(*) FROM [MemberMonth]
GROUP BY MemberNbr, EligYear,EligMonth HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

THIS WILL GIVE ME ZERO ROWS,,, That is GOOD which means NO DUPLICATES..I need to add a constraint to the table MEMBERMONTH to make sure no one can insert duplicate records.

MemberNbr VARCHAR,
EligYear INT ,
EligMonth INT

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Transact SQL :: Adding A Column To A Large (100 Million Rows) Table With Default Constraint?

Apr 24, 2013

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM dbo.syscolumns WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Employee) and name = 'DoNotCall')
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ADD [DoNotCall] bit not null Constraint DoNot_Call_Default DEFAULT 0
IF ( @@ERROR <> 0 )
GOTO QuitWithRollback

It just takes a LOT of time in SQL Server Management studio. I have to cancel the query and cancelling takes a whole lot time. I am using SQL Server 2008.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Add A Table Constraint That Will Only Accept Values Y Or N

Oct 21, 2015

Create table enrollment_in

What I need is a constraint to limit the values to Y or N

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SQL 2012 :: Create A Check Constraint Where Another Table Column Value Is Also Involved

Mar 12, 2015

Table ATable B
Col 1BCol1
Col 2

I want to put a check constraint on A.col3 that depends on the values of A.Col1, A.Col2 and B.BCol1

How can I achieve this without using function.

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Columns To Existing Table

Aug 21, 2014

I have a table. I want to add 2 date columns. One when we are inserting any record it will show and another whenever the record updated to record that.

I want to insert dummy data for the previous dates. How to insert those dummy dates in batch wise?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding New Columns To A Table

Apr 28, 2015

I am planning to add some new columns to an existing sql server 2012 table. I know that I need to use the alter statement to accomplish this goal. However my questions is the location of where I want to add the new columns to the table. It would make more sense to add the new columns to the middle of the table since these columns have a similar meaning as other columns in the middle of the table.

However is it better to add these new columns at the end of the table? I am asking this question since I am thinking I might need some sql to move the values of existing columns and values around?

Thus is it better to add new columns to a table in the middle of the table, at the end of the table, or at the end of the table? If so, why one location is better than another location?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding New Row In Temp Table

May 12, 2015

I am trying to insert a single row in Temp table #InventoryItems . The temp table is mentioned in a curosor childcur_inventory. While looping through the cursor I have mentioned nested if else condition . In the Else condition where I have mentioned PRINT "Hello World" I want to insert a single row in the temp #InventoryItems. I trying to use Select Top 1 but the cursor is looping indefinitely trying to insert multiple record

I want to insert only one record with null values.

DECLARE childcur_inventory CURSOR FOR SELECT Structure_Number, State, Neighbor_State, Border_Bridge_Structure_Number FROM #InventoryItems
OPEN childcur_inventory
FETCH childcur_inventory INTO @Structure_Number, @State, @Neighbour_State, @Border_Bridge_Structure_Number

[Code] .....

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Columns To A Table At Certain Place

Jul 2, 2015

When I add three columns to a table, they always go to the end of it.

I want to add a column as the third of the table, the second column that I want to add needs to be at the fifth place.

How can I do this using t-sql?

Is this possible?

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Column To A Table Over Linked Server

Apr 22, 2015

I have a situation that I need to add a field to a table over linked server. The specifications of this is dynamic and it is being done in TQL / Stored procedures and this can not change. My code is generating the statement just fine and if I copy paste it to a new SSMS window and execute it WORKS.. The problem is I need to dynamically generate the statement (I am doing that just fine, I THINK). THEN I need to execute the statement IN THE SPROC, this part is not working.

Here is the code:

SET @AlterSQL = @DestinationServerName + '.[' + @DestinationDBName +'].' + @DestinationSchemaName + '.sp_executesql N'' ALTER TABLE '
+ @DestinationTableName + ' ADD ' + @TempColumn + ' int' + CHAR(39)

The above Creates this when I expose it via a PRINT statement:

addb15.[FSParallel].dbo.sp_executesql N' ALTER TABLE Node ADD ImportIdentity int'

After I create the statement I use:


And this returns the following error:

Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Procedure ETLDynamicImport, Line 244
Could not find stored procedure 'FSParallel.dbo.sp_executesql N' ALTER TABLE Node ADD ImportIdentity int''.

<hr noshade size='1' width='250' color='#BBC8E5'>

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Transact SQL :: Adding New Columns To Server 2012 Table

Apr 28, 2015

I am planning to add some new columns to an existing sql server 2012 table. I know that I need to use the alter statement to accomplish this goal. However my questions is the location of where I want to add the new columns to the table. It would make more sense to add the new columns to the middle of the table since these columns have a similar meaning as other columns in the middle of the table.However is it better to add these new columns at the end of the table? I am asking this question since I am thinking I might need some sql to move the values of existing columns and values around?Thus is it better to add new columns to a table in the middle of the table, at the end of the table, or at the end of the table? If so, can you tell me why one location is better than another location?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding RowID To Existing Table - Inconsistent Results

May 6, 2015

I am getting inconsistent results when BULK INSERTING data from a tab-delimited text file. As part of my testing, I run the same code on the same file again and again, and I get different results every time! I get this on SQL 2005 and SQL 2012 R2.

We have an application that imports data from a spreadsheet. The sheet contains section headers with account numbers and detail rows with transactions by date:

AAAA.1234 /* (account number)*/
1/1/2015 $150 First Transaction
1/3/2015 $24.233 Second Transaction
1/1/2015 $350 Third Transaction
1/3/2015 $24.233 Fourth Transaction

My Import program saves this spreadsheet at tab-delimited text, then I use BULK INSERT to bring the data into a generic table full of varchar(255) fields. There are about 90,000 rows in each day's data; after the BULK INSERT about half of them are removed for various reasons.

Next I add a RowID column to the table with the IDENTITY (1,1) property. This gives my raw data unique row numbers.

I then run a routine that converts and copies those records into another holding table that's a copy of the final destination table. That routine parses though the data, assigning the account number in the section header to each detail row. It ends up looking like this:

AAAA.1234 1/1/2015 $150 First Purchase
AAAA.1234 1/3/2015 $24.233 Second Purchase
BBBB.5678 1/1/2015 $350 Third Purchase
BBBB.5678 1/3/2015 $24.233 Fourth Purchase

My technique: I use a cursor to get the starting RowID for each Account Number: I then use the upper and lower RowIDs to do an INSERT into the final table. The query looks like this:

SELECT RowID, SUBSTRING(RowHeader, 6,4) + '.UBC1' AS AccountNumber
FROM GenericTable
WHERE RowHeader LIKE '____.____%'

Results look like this:

But every time I run the routine, I get different numbers!

Needless to say, my results are not accurate. I get inconsistent results EVERY TIME. Here is my code, with table, field and account names changed for business confidentiality.

TRUNCATE TABLE GenericImportTable;
BULK INSERT GenericImportTable FROM 'SERVERGeneralAppnameDataFile.2015.05.04.tab.txt'
SELECT RowID, SUBSTRING(RowHeader, 6,4) + '.UBC1' AS AccountNumber
FROM GenericImportTable
WHERE RowHeader LIKE '____.____%'

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Adding A Constraint To A View

Apr 2, 2008

I have created a SQL view of several tables, and need to add either a primary key or a constraint to this view. I need it for some full text indexing that will be performed on the view. How do I do it?

Thanks in advance :)

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Need Help Adding Foreign Key Constraint

Dec 13, 2007

Here is my sqlce:

Code Block

alter table tblV
add constraint
foreign key (T_ID)
references tblT(T_ID)
on delete set null on update cascade
Error is:
Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 25501
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 3,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = foreign ]

I'm new with SQL Mobile, so sorry for the novice question.


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How To Tell SQL Server To Use The Default Constraint Name When Adding One?

Oct 26, 2005

Hi guys,

I have this problem. I want to add a new primary key to a table but i want the name of the contstraint to be generated by the system. I have this TSQL code.


Reading the BOL, it says that if you don't supply a name for the constraint it generates one. But I get this error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PRIMARY'".

If I add a name to the constraint, it works fine.
I'm using SQL Server 2000


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Adding A Column With Foreign Key Constraint

Oct 1, 2007


I am trying to alter a table adding a column with foreignkey constraint. The table that holds the primary key in that relation has data, so i am not being able to execute the alter statement.

This is the error:

Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_MOPAeroportoICAO_IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo'. The conflict occurred in database 'MOP', table 'MOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo', column 'IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo'.

This is the script:

ADD IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
REFERENCES MOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo (IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo)

How can i turn of check when i add the foreign key ?

Thanks in advance

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Adding A Default Constraint To An Existing Column

Mar 9, 2000

I cannot figure out how to add a default constraint to an existing column. The syntax I'm using is :


This gives me a syntax error.

The column was originally added with a default constraint of 1 to a 2.6 million row table.
I dropped the existing constraint and need to add the new default constraint of 0 for that column.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Adding Constraint For Business Logic

May 27, 2015

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[bkrm_lendcoll] ADD CONSTRAINT
     ReqdCovgAmt_constraint33 CHECK     
( case 
  when CovgAmt = 0 and  ReqdCovgAmt = 0 then 1
  when CovgAmt = 0 and  ReqdCovgAmt = 1 then 1
  when CovgAmt = 1 and  ReqdCovgAmt = 0 then 1
  when CovgAmt = 1 and  ReqdCovgAmt = 1 then 0
end =1

This is my first attempt to add a constraint for business logic.  The desired behavior is that the two columns together have the same behavior as a radio button.  (one can be true, the other true, both can be false, but both cannot be true.) I get this error when I attempt to update it.

The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "ReqdCovgAmt_constraint33". The conflict occurred in database "Std", table "dbo.lendcoll".

So, basically my question is, when you have two bit columns and want them to have the truth table such as described, how can I set a Check constraint to enforce this?

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Reporting Services :: Adding All Columns To Table Without Adding One By One

Sep 3, 2015

Is there any way or option to get the all columns of dataset added to table when we add a table in data region. It will take lot of time to add one by one and also there are chances to add one column ore than once.

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SQL 2012 :: Violation Of PRIMARY KEY Constraint

Apr 17, 2014

Got the following error when the backup was run

Executing the query "BACKUP DATABASE [msdb] TO DISK = N'd:Sql backups..." failed with the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__backupse__21F79AAB7WERB85D3'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.backupset'. The duplicate key value is (16771).Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in the msdb database. This may indicate a problem with the msdb database. The backup/restore operation was still successful.

12 percent processed.
21 percent processed.
31 percent processed.
41 percent processed.


The statement has been terminated.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

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SQL 2012 :: Column Constraint And PK Autoincrement

May 18, 2015

Running an insert into a table where a column has a constraint for unique records

i have an autonumber pk that increments but numbers are not in sequence etc. if constraints are found


10 records are inserted but only 2 are unique but there is a gap of 8 in the PK autoincrement value (it's like the unique records that were not inserted are still being recorded by the autoincrement).

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SQL 2012 :: Remove Date Constraint From A Query

Jun 13, 2014

I am trying to remove the dates from a query. my goal is to load it in ssas and add a time dimension. Right now i have to change the dates evrytime i run reports (monthly). Here is the query

drop table #tmptmp

SELECT *, (DATEDIFF(day, enrollmentsDate, ShipmentDate))
- ((DATEDIFF(WEEK, enrollmentsenttDate, InitialShipmentDate) * 2)
+(CASE WHEN DATENAME(DW, enrollmentsentDate) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
+(CASE WHEN DATENAME(DW, ShipmentDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

[Code] .....

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SQL 2012 :: Property Test Is Not Available For Default Constraint

Sep 9, 2014

What are the tables are having the Default Constraint those table's Script the User can't generate but remaining tables He/She can generate,If i want DENY he/she to do not generate the script those are not having the DF Constraints what should i do.....

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SQL 2012 :: How To Create Check Constraint On A View

Mar 12, 2015

I want to create a check constraint on a table but the constraint values depend upon another table column as well, now one possible way is to create a function to check the column value. But I don’t want to use the function.

Can I do this in a view if so then how can I achieve this.

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SQL 2012 :: Setup Constraint On Database Allows Only One LineitemNumber For Each InvoiceID

Sep 23, 2015

I am trying to setup a constraint on a 2012 database the allows only one "LineitemNumber" for each InvoiceID. I am not certain how to do this. Both of these columns exist in the same table. I know the starting code would look like: ALTER TABLE dbo.InvoiceLineItemBase WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT CK_LineItemNumber

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Cannot Truncate Table 'Database.dbo.Table' Because It Is Being Referenced By A FOREIGN KEY Constraint..

Aug 23, 2006

Here is my issue I am new to 2005 sql server, and am trying to take my old data which is exported to a txt file and import it to tables in sql. The older database is non relational, and I had made several exports for the way I want to build my tables. I built my packages fine and everything is working until I start building relationships. I remove my foreign key and the table with the primary key will get updated for the package again. I need to update the data daily into sql, and once in it will only be update from the package until the database is moved over.

It will run and update with a primary key until I add a foreign key to another database.

Here is my error when running the package when table 2 has a foreign key.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "TRUNCATE TABLE [consumer].[dbo].[Client] " failed with the following error: "Cannot truncate table 'consumer.dbo.Client' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Instance To Cluster?

Oct 8, 2014

We have an active/active two-node QA cluster with four instances of sql. I need to add a fifth. In the past I always moved existing instances to the other node while installing a new instance.

Other than impacts to users from install reboots, is that a hard requirement?

QA is reluctant to have me put the four existing instances on one node for most of a day, fearing big performance slowdowns. Each node has 250GB of memory and each instance is allowed 50GB. Netapp disk backend.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding Certain Rows And Minus Value With A Row

Nov 25, 2014

I got a table where i need to add certain rows and minus the valu with a row.


Result in the 8 Row


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SQL 2012 :: Error At Adding Listener For AlwaysOn

Jun 11, 2015

I am trying to setup an AG on a cluster, I was able to define where I want my replica, but I need to setup the ip for the listener of that one

When I am adding the Ip at the listener I am getting the following message:

The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource control API returned error code 5057. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.

The attempt to create the network name and IP address for the listener failed. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the values provided for the network name and IP address may be incorrect. Check the state of the WSFC cluster and validate the network name and IP address with the network administrator. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 41009)

Browsing around I found this guide: [URL] ......

And I make sure that the cluster has permissions to "Read all properties", "Create Computer Objects", even to "Create all child" permissions

I also added those permissions to the account that starts sql at that cluster and I am logged as that and I am still getting the error....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding A Conditional Join?

Aug 16, 2015

I need to add a join in my select query depending upon a variable @LoggedUser. the Join is to be there if @loggedUser is 1 else i do not need it. Currently I am using two different queries one with join and one without it under If (@LoggedUser check).

the join is like -
JOIN (SELECT CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),Analyst_Effective_date , 1) AS DATETIME) Analyst_Effective_date
FROM Users us (NOLOCK) JOIN Primary_Analysts (NOLOCK)
ON User_Count_Id = Analyst_Id_fk
WHERE User_Count_Id in ((SELECT VALUE FROM dbo.fParseString(@Analyst, ',')) )) Ana
ON dep.Departure_Code = Ana.Primary_Analyst_Departure_Code_fk

Any way that the join can be added conditionally in the query so i do not have to write the whole code again for one join.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding Flags Depending On Criteria

Feb 12, 2014

I have a data output with many rows. In order to group things with flags, I do this in excel using 2 formulas which *** a flag of 0 or 1 in 2 new columns.

This takes a long long time as I have hundreds of thousands of rows and wondered of I could do it in sql?

Its transact SQL and the formulas I use in excel are:

=IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A2=A2)*($B$2:$B2=B2)*($C$2:$C2>=C2-1/24)*($C$2:$C2< C2+1/24))> 1,0,1)

How I can do this in sql??

The columns above do not relate to the actual columns I use, just an example.

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Article To Existing Transnational Replication?

Aug 5, 2014

In my local environment , i was setup transnational replication then i have added new article by using below script

EXEC sp_changepublication @publication = 'demo', @property =
N'allow_anonymous', @value='TRUE'
EXEC sp_changepublication @publication = 'demo', @property =
N'immediate_sync', @value='TRUE'
EXEC sp_addarticle @publication = 'demo', @article ='employee',


But article not added and showing this error message The initial snapshot for article 'employee' is not yet available.

What is the issue, what can i do to add new article ? What did I mistake?

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SQL 2012 :: Any Variation While Adding File Groups And Files?

Sep 17, 2014

When the database is configured for mirroring and you want to do partitioning on that database, How can we do? Is this similar process or any variation there while adding file groups and files? The partition will reflect in the mirroring database also?

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Header Information To XML Generated File

Apr 23, 2015

I have a sql query:

'5' AS 'value/@version',
'database' AS 'value/@type',
'master' AS 'value/name',
LTRIM(RTRIM(( [Server Name] ))) AS 'value/server',
'True' AS 'value/integratedSecurity',
15 AS 'value/connectionTimeout',
4096 AS 'value/packetSize',
'False' AS 'value/encrypted',
'True' AS 'value/selected',
LTRIM(RTRIM(( [Server Name] ))) AS 'value/cserver'
FROM dbo.RedGateServerList

I need to add some header information to the beginning of the query:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><!--
SQL Multi Script 1
SQL Multi Script
Version:><multiScriptApplication version="2" type="multiScriptApplication"><databaseLists type="List_databaseList" version="1">

Everything I have tried ends up as a failure, usually compile issues. My goal here is to be able to automare a configuration file for multiscript so I can keep my server list up to date.

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