SQL 2012 :: Anyway To Examine Actual Code Inside DBREINDEX

Aug 25, 2014

Someone claimed that the query:

INSERT INTO [table1] SELECT * FROM [table1]

was a result of running DBCC DBREINDEX.I wasn't able to replicate this when I did a trace on my local machine, but SQL Monitor from Red-Gate shows that query happening for at least some of the tables that are being reindexed via a job. Is there anyway to examine the actual code inside DBREINDEX to see exactly what commands it may execute?

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How Can I Get The Actual Line Number From Inside Flatfile Sources For Each Record?

Jun 12, 2006

hi all,

maybe this is not a serious problem, but I tried for days to come toi a solution without success.

My Problem:

I have have several flatfile sources I need to import into a sql-server 2005 DB.

It is very important for me to have the original line number from inside the source file for each record. The rowcount transform doesn't fit in for this task, because it accumulates all rows until the end of the dataflow.

I tried script components and it works fine if i assume there are no errors in my source. then I simply could declare a local variable and count it up and add a custom collumn to my output. But for errors in my source this won't work, because a second script component won't know the actual value of a package level variable, which i use to store the value, because i am only allowed to access this variable in the post execujte method of the script.

How can I achieve my goal? Please help me...

Thanks in advance .. Bernd

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Way To Retrieve Actual Size Of Ntext Column In Native Code?

Aug 3, 2007

Howdy folks! (I feel im creating too many topics...but all my questions are unrelated :-/)

Dev environment: SSCE, Native c++ OLE code, Win CE 5

I have a routine that calculates the size of a set of columns in order to create a byte buffer for retrieving data from an IRowset and inserting it into a custom class. This method works great for all data types except ntext. When I look at the column information from an ntext field, the DBCOLUMNINFO::ulColumnSize member holds 536,870,911 (the max length of an ntext type). Obviously I dont want to allocate 1GB of memory for each ntext column. Is there anyway (natively) to determine the actual number of characters in a field?

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SQL 2012 :: Difference Between Estimated And Actual Number Of Rows?

Oct 20, 2014

I have found execution plan with significant difference between actual and estimated number of rows (roughly actual/2=estimated) in non-clustered index seek.Statistics are updated.

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How Can I Get Actual Operation Cost From Actual Execution Plan?

Jul 25, 2006

I have a view in SQLServer 2005. It took 30 sec. to finish. Then I deleted 4500 records from one table that is used in view. It took 90 sec. to finish now. I did a comparison on Actual Execution Plan between before I deleted data and after I deleted data, they are almost same, only different is Actual Number Rows become less after deleted data. So, I wonder why data become less but time become more. When I look closely on the Actual Execution Plan, the ridiculous thing is, there are only Estimated Operation Cost on each step, no Actual Operation Cost. I guess there are something wrong with optimizer because reuse same Execution Plan, but how can I tell which step wrong without Actual Operation Cost.



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SQL 2012 :: Long Delay Between Job Start And Actual Package Execution

May 7, 2014

I have problems sometimes with a package.

There is and SQL Agent job that starts a package (from a file system using cmd command). Usually job takes 8-10 minutes. But sometimes it get stuck for a long time (1+ hour).

DTexec process can be found with procmon, but it seems it just not doing anything (And package is not logging to file Start of the execution) After long wait it just runs a package quickly.

I've moved a package to SSIS catalog to try to get more detailed logging, but with no luck.

Job starts at 1 PM, package execution starts at 1:49 PM. Without any messages about the execution in SSISDB log.

First I've thought it might be long validation problem, but when package executes validation messages are there and they perform quick.

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SPLIT A String Inside SSIS/T-SQL Code?

Feb 20, 2008

I have a RPC which gives me multiple - single record rows like

Robert|K|Half|TX|1123823|1423904 -- This is one such record that i get in 1 Column

Now I need to split the above record into 6 Fields and populate in my local DB
I know i could use any .NET Language and accomplish this. But Iam limited to using SSIS/T-SQL Proc's

Any ideas / directions?

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How To Pull Data In The Inline Code Block Inside A Template?

Jan 12, 2007

The code block is embedded into a grid view item template.    <ItemTemplate> <% if ((bool)Eval("isNew")) { %> New Post <% } %></ItemTemplate> but as per rule Eval and Bind can be only use bind the data. How would i pull the information from sqldatasource in the template like this? 

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Code Inside! --&> How To Return The @@identity Parameter Without Using Stored Procedures

Oct 30, 2005

Hi.here is my code with my problem described in the syntax.I am using asp.net 1.1 and VB.NETThanks in advance for your help.I am still a beginner and I know that your time is precious. I would really appreciate it if you could "fill" my example function with the right code that returns the new ID of the newly inserted row. 
Public Function howToReturnID(ByVal aCompany As String, ByVal aName As String) As Integer
'that is the variable for the new id.Dim intNewID As Integer
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO tblAnfragen(aCompany, aName)" & _                                    "VALUES (@aCompany, @aName); SELECT @NewID = @@identity"
Dim dbConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)Dim dbCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()dbCommand.CommandText = strSQL
'Here is my problem.'What do I have to do in order to add the parameter @NewID and'how do I read and return the value of @NewID within that function howToReturnID'any help is greatly appreciated!'I cannot use SPs in this application - have to do it this way! :-(
dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@aFirma", aCompany.Trim)dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@aAnsprAnrede", aName.Trim)
dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
'here i want to return the new ID!Return intNewID
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New System.Exception("Error: " & ex.Message.ToString())
End Try
End Function

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Making Managed Code Calls Inside SQL Server In Context Of The Client

Aug 17, 2006

Dear all,

I am very new to the subject of writing CLR code inside SQL Server, so I apologise if my questions seem naive.

I have a requirement to populate an asp.net 2.0 GridView control with data columns, some of which are directly from a SQL Server 2005 database, but some of which are calculated by calling CLR methods passing the values from the database columns to those methods.

However, the methods I need to call only make sense in the process context of the client web site which is calling the stored procedure which I want to write to return the data columns.

In effect, I want to be able to make a remote procedure call from within the SQL Server CLR code to the methods available in the client process.

Is this possible? If so, could someone please refer me to an example of how to do it.

If it can be done, it opens up lots of very cool possibilities!


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When Should I Examine The Values Of Expressions?

Aug 24, 2007

I have written a few custom tasks and I've noticed that they don't behave exactly like the built-in MS tasks when in design mode. Specifically, they don't update themselves with the values of expressions that have been assigned to their custom properties.

Here's an example. My task exposes a property called JobNumber. Let's say I make a variable called @[User::JobNumber], give it a value, and assign the variable as an expression to the JobNumber property. When I look at the properties in either the property window or my custom UI editor, the value assigned to the variable never shows up in the property itself. If, on the other hand, I were to assign a variable to the ServerName property of an OLEDB connection manager, the next time that task validates itself I will see the value of my variable in the ServerName property.

Everything works fine at run-time; it's just design-time that the behavior is undesirable.

I'm sure this is because I need to be doing something myself, but the question is what, and when?

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How To Examine SQL Clause Of An System View

Apr 13, 2008

I'm having some difficulties getting sql server replication to properly filter joined tables to my subscribers. I would like to examine the contents of the view the system uses to select the data from my subsidary tables. Unfortunately these views are marked as system views, and I cannot view the underlying SQL clause.

I imagine this data is stored somewhere in yet another system table... does anyone know how I can examine the sql statement of a view that is marked as a 'system view'?



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Examine Multi Valued Parameters In Expressions

May 7, 2008

I am trying to selectively show or hide a table based on the values in a multi valued parameter. How can I examine all values (simulate the like functionality) within an expression?

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Index Design Recommendation - Examine Column Uniqueness

Nov 30, 2005

I am reading "SQL Server Query Performance Tuning Distilled",on page 104 it talks about one of the index design recommendationswhich is to choose the column that has very high selectivity of valuesinstead of a column that has very few selectivity of values.My question is if I have currently indexes on my tables that have1, 2, 3, 4, ... values only on thousands of rows, are these nonclusteredindexes pretty much useless indexes that I should get rid of?And I know that pretty much the number of selectivity values willalways remain very low.Thank you

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SQL Server 2012 :: Run DBCC Inside Stored Proc Using EXECUTE AS

Mar 18, 2014

I am a SysAdmin on a test/dev SQL instance. Other non-sysadmin users (developers) need the ability to execute DBCC commands like the following:


I tried creating a store proc in a user database and granting those non-sysadmin users EXECUTE permission on it as so:

CREATE PROC spFreeSystemCache

When I try to create this proc, I get the following error:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure spFreeSystemCache, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near 'sa'.

Ok, so I can't EXECUTE AS sa...

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SQL 2012 :: Pull String Inside Stored Procedure Definition

May 5, 2014

In the below procedure definition, i need to find a way parse the definition and get the list of places where the where clause is being used.


[Code] ....

In the above query there are more than one places and the where clause may not have the same string the where clause it can be with a space between the "=" and the value in single quotes.

Result set should be in the below format:


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SQL 2012 :: Adding ADSI LDAP Server Connection Inside CMS Collection?

Jun 17, 2014

Is there a way to query the LDAP from inside the CMS? I know I can add a linked server in a singular instance but I'd like to do it inside a server group. I haven't found anything so far about querying the LDAP inside a server group so it might not be possible?

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SQL 2012 :: Bulk Insert (or Another Way) To Table From Datatable From Inside Store Procedure

Nov 4, 2014

I passed .net datatable from a .net app to a store procedure. From this store procedure, how to code to bulk insert (or another way) to SQL table?

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Serious Script Component Bug - Clears Out All Code Inside Component

Nov 27, 2007

No idea where this bug crept in from. Have been using SSIS for 1.5 years now without hitting this problem.

I had a script component opening an XML document and parsing it using XPATH. I added some code that uses StreamReader / Streamwriter (closing one stream before starting the other). The code works without issue in my C# app.

And it ran without issue 2-3 times in SSIS. Then suddenly after running my package again, the script component says it completes successfully, yet nothing happens. I set a breakpoint on the first line of code - it never hits it. I add a msgbox as the first line of code - and it never displays.

I then close my package / exit out of ssis ... and then re-open it. When i open my script component, all of my code is GONE. All references that I added are gone.

I tried adding the streamreader/writer process to a dll I created from my c# app ... and added the DLL to the package -- same result.

I can reproduce this on 2 different computers.

Anyone experience this problem ? Any idea how to stop it ? Or debug it ?

Here is a slimmed down code sample of what causes the error :

Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument
MsgBox("xmlLoaded") --this doesn't display once the package starts "acting up"
Catch ex As Exception
UpdateXML("c:ulkasync_86281519_20070628045850225_4.xml", ex.Message)
End Try
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateXML(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal message As String)
Dim invalidChar As String = message.Trim().Substring(message.Trim().IndexOf("0x"), 4)
Dim rd As StreamReader = New StreamReader(fileName)
Dim xml As String = rd.ReadToEnd()
Xml = Xml.Replace(invalidChar, String.Empty)
xml = xml.Replace("", String.Empty)
xml = xml.Replace("<![CDATA[<![CDATA[", "<![CDATA[")
xml = xml.Replace("]]>]]>", "]]>")
Dim wr As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(fileName)
Dim xdoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Catch ex As Exception
UpdateXML(fileName, ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Class

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SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Loop On Result Of First Query Inside A Stored Procedure

Jan 23, 2015

I have to write a Stired Procedure with the following functionality.

Write a simple select query say (Select * from tableA) result is

ProdName ProdID
ProdA 1
ProdB 2
ProdC 3
ProdD 4

Now with the above result, On every record I have to fire a query Select SUM(sale), SUM(scrap), SUM(Production) from tableB where ProdID= ["ProdID from above query"].How to write this query in a Stored Procedure so that I can get the required SUM columns for all the ProdID's from first query?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Find A Specific String And Replace It With Another Inside Of VARCHAR Field

Aug 14, 2015

I'm trying to find a specific string (a name) and replace it with another inside of a VARCHAR(7000) field. Unfortunately, there are names like Ted and Ken that I'm trying to replace. I would like to leave words like Broken, admitted, etc... intact.

SETBody = LEFT(REPLACE(tbl.Body, pm.OldFirstName, p.FirstName), 7000)
FROM Table tbl
JOIN Person p ON p.PersonID = tbl.PersonID
JOIN PersonMap pm ON pm.PersonID = p.PersonID AND LEN(pm.OldFirstName) > 2
WHEREtbl.Body LIKE '%[^a-z]'+pm.OldFirstName+'[., ]%

'The problem I'm running into is that the '[, ]%' in the LIKE excludes any record that ends with the FirstName because it is requiring either a space, comma or period after the name. Is there some way to add an empty string to the list of acceptable characters as that would cover any scenario in the data? I would prefer not to add all characters except space, comma and period, but I guess I could do that.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Geography Data Type - Test If Point Is Inside A Closed Polygon

Dec 5, 2013

I have a closed polygon that coincidently is in the shape of Iowa :) I have a point that is within the state and a point WELL outside it, but I get weird results that I don't expect when I try to get it to tell me that the point is within the polygon. Here is some basic code, with long coordinates data.

DECLARE @g geography,
@pIn geography,
@pOut geography

SET @g = geography::STPolyFromText('POLYGON((-91.119987 40.705402, -91.129158 40.682148, -91.162498 40.656311, -91.214912 40.643818, -91.262062 40.639545, -91.375610 40.603439, -91.411118 40.572971, -91.412872 40.547993, -91.382103 40.528496, -91.374794 40.503654, -91.385399 40.447250, -91.372757 40.402988, -91.385757 40.392361, -91.418816 40.386875, -91.448593 40.371902, -91.476883 40.390968, -91.490158 40.390762, -91.500221


(1 row(s) affected)As I read that there is a distance of about 7864 meters, this is close to what I would expect, so that's ok. The point outside I would expect a distance as well so that is confusing.. Then we have the intersects, it says that the point inside does NOT intersect but the one outside DOES, this is backed up by the intersection values.

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Do GetDate() Inside SQL Server OR Do System.DateTime.Now Inside Application ?

Sep 12, 2007

For inserting current date and time into the database, is it more efficient and performant and faster to do getDate() inside SQL Server and insert the value
to do System.DateTime.Now in the application and then insert it in the table?
I figure even small differences would be magnified if there is moderate traffic, so every little bit helps.

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Nov 16, 2007

I'm trying to execute a stored procedure within the case clause of select statement.
The stored procedure returns a table, and is pretty big and complex, and I don't particularly want to copy the whole thing over to work here. I'm looking for something more elegant.

@val1 and @val2 are passed in


INSERT INTO #TEMP (myint, mybool)
SELECT my_int_from_tbl,
CASE WHEN @val1 IN (SELECT val1 FROM (EXEC dbo.my_stored_procedure my_int_from_tbl, my_param)) THEN 1 ELSE 0
FROM dbo.tbl
WHERE tbl.val2 = @val2


If I have to, I can do a while loop and populate another temp table for every "my_int_from_tbl," but I don't really know the syntax for that.

Any suggestions?

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SQL 2012 :: Text Qualifier Inside A Text Qualified Field

Mar 12, 2015

In SQL 2005 if i was trying to insert some data with a text qualifier inside a text qualified field, it would work, for example:

"Name","ID ","Location","","Comany",""House Name" Road",

In SQL 2012, this fails with the error message, cannot find the text qualifer for field.

To get around this, we are having to import the data into a Dirty Data column of aTEMP table, ID, Dirty Data, Clean data - perform multiple updates and change the text qualifier and ensure they are only changed in the right places so we can keep the ". In this example, we changed the text qualifier to PIPES.

After these updates, we then export the data from CLEAN data back out to CSV, then reimport it into the origional destination table with a new text qualifer.

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SQL 2012 :: Code That Audits All Logins To Production

Jul 2, 2015

So I'm using the 2012 SSMS to connect to a SQL 2008 database, upon which we have code that audits all SQL logins to production and notifies us via email that someone is using logins they shouldn't. Mostly it's to notify us if people other than the DBAs are using these logins from their desktops instead of using their windows accounts.

This morning I opened up SSMS 2012, logged into my production servers in Object Explorer using Windows Auth. An hour later, I had to update an exception table, so I opened a new query with SQL Auth and used a SQL-only login it. Immediately the email pops that someone on my desktop is using a SQL Login. That's okay. That's expected.

What I didn't expect is that after I closed the query window, the email kept popping. The query window isn't even open / connected to production any more, but SQL still thinks I'm logged in using a SQL Login instead of with Windows Authentication (which is what I used on the Object Explorer connection).

Is there a bug with 2012 that causes a new connection type to affect all current connections? I.E., did it change my DB Windows Auth connection to SQL Auth on the other connection?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Code To Archive Data

Jul 31, 2015

I wrote code to archive Data.I created a table that set the maximum number of records to archive and delete and loop until finished or a set a flag in a table to stop archiving. I was able to limit the number of records to commit.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Append Go Clause To 10k Lines Of Code

Dec 28, 2014

I have 10k indexes I need to rebuild and each time the script reaches an error it stops all further activity. How can I append 'GO' to the end of each line so it will continue on error messages?

Once I have the syntax I can do a find and replace function in Notepad++

USE [AdventureWorks2014] + char(13) + char(10) + GO
ALTER INDEX [IX_Person] ON [Person].[Person] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF) + char(13) + char(10) + GO
ALTER INDEX [IX_Emp] ON [HumanResources].[Employee] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF) + char(13) + char(10) + GO
************** Truncate ***********

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Monitor Replication Count Using Code

Jun 4, 2015

I Want to monitor Replication count of object (Table )if it is not equal to Publication (Table ) and subscriber (Table ), It have to send mail with count difference.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Dtexec Return Code 5 Error In Cluster

Apr 18, 2014

We made SSIS package in dev environment in windows 2008R2 and SQL server 2012. Same packages were placed on SAN disks in cluster environment and are invoked with security contexxt of admin user and wih dtexec utility ( we call this using an sp). rarely but procedure completed i see the log text file by SSIS package and find the return code 5 means package is unable to load. i canst found what are the exact reasons for return code 5.

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SQL 2012 :: Migration Of SSIS Script - (binary Code Not Found)

Jul 6, 2015

exporting an SSIS from a 2008 R2 SQL Server and re-import it into a SQL 2012.

I have inherited an SQL 2008 R2 Server running two SSIS packages. I have both as .dtsx files and & a manifest to install.The task at hand is now to migrate those to a new SQL 2012 server.[There is also an IIS running on that machine and project-specific .dll and stuff within the IIS document root. I do not know if these .dlls relate to the IIS web page or to the SQL .dtsx) But the migrated web site runs fine].

Installation of the packages into the MSDB works out flawlessly and one of the scripts runs fine, but the other fails to run with the error:

"Error: the binary code for the script is not found. Please open the script in the designer by clicking Edit Script button and make sure it builds successfully."

Google tell me something about a "Pre-compile option"-setting on server as explained here. I can not find this option setting anywhere in SSMS. Also as the migration is from 2008 R2 -> 2012 this should not be relevant as in both versions pre-compilation should be automatic, right?

- I installed visual studio 2013 community

- I installed SSDTBI

- Start the "Integration Services Import Project Wizard"

to import the SSIS directly from the "Integration Services Catalog"

However, things don't quite work very well - Trying to import (from the locally installed SQL instance) it will not display the tree of SSIS stuff, but only the root directory.

So importing directly from the running system won't work. Let's see if we can get somewhere with the .dtsx As I _do_ actually have the .dtsx files here, why not open them up directly in Visual studio and try to get compiled whatever needs to be compiled.I create a new "integration Services" Project and open up the .dtsx into this project. ==> LOTS of errors of all kind.

(The job of this script is to fetch messages from an Exchange.)But opening up this specific bit of code doesn't work a bit - there is no binary code in it and how to reate it or where to get it from...

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Differentiate Between Whether Stored Procedure A Is Executed Inside Query Analyzer Or Executed Inside System Application Itself.

May 26, 2008

Just wonder whether is there any indicator or system parameters that can indicate whether stored procedure A is executed inside query analyzer or executed inside application itself so that if execution is done inside query analyzer then i can block it from being executed/retrieve sensitive data from it?

What i'm want to do is to block someone executing stored procedure using query analyzer and retrieve its sensitive results.
Stored procedure A has been granted execution for public user but inside application, it will prompt access denied message if particular user has no rights to use system although knew public user name and password. Because there is second layer of user validation inside system application.

However inside query analyzer, there is no way control execution of stored procedure A it as user knew the public user name and password.

Looking forward for replies from expert here. Thanks in advance.

Note: Hope my explaination here clearly describe my current problems.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove String From Column Post Code Field

Sep 8, 2015

I am querying with a SELECT statement against an address table that has a post code column with corrupt data.

Sample record:- Northants NN4 0NB
Should be NN4 0NB

I have used the following on another column:-

LEFT(A.Addr1,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX ('(', A.Addr1) =0 THEN LEN(A.Addr1) ELSE CHARINDEX('(' ,A.Addr1) -1 END) AS 'Address 1'

but unable to correct this problem?

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