SQL 2012 :: Can SSIS Package Replace Stored Procedure
Jun 25, 2014
We require to convert a list of SPs in to SSIS packages. Most of the SPs do the below steps:
mainly our store procedure r to have compare the present date to past date , and comparing emp id between the files and also some joins. updating table r take place.
we can assign one parameter value for each excecution of [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] by calling this catalog procedure..
Example: If I have 5 parameters in SSIS package ,to assign a value to those 5 parameters at run time should I call this [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] procedure 5 times ? or is there a way we can pass all the 5 parameters at 1 time .
1. Wondering if there is a way to pass multiple parameters in a single execution (for instance to pass XML string values ??) 2.What are the options to pass multiple parameter values to ssis package through stored procedure.?
I would like to standardize SSIS development so that developers all start with the same basic template. I have set it up so it is an available template ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/908018 ) but I would like it to be the default when a new project or package is created. Is this an option?
Hello friends! I have one query regarding execution of SSIS package through Stored Procedure.
I have created SSIS package which extract data from database and put that into various text files.Here I am using two global variables one is for Department ID and another is path where I wanna to place my text files as per departments.When I ran it through command prompt it works fine but now I want that dtsx package to run from stored procedure with same input parameters
Source: {8A27E8DF-051B-4F6B-9538-85BED1F161D8} Description: Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted. End Error Error: 2007-02-22 11:31:37.32 Code: 0xC0011002 Source: {8A27E8DF-051B-4F6B-9538-85BED1F161D8} Description: Failed to open package file "C:setupSSIS PackagesSSIS Package File Extract DataSSIS Package File Extract DatainDataExtract.dtsx" due to error 0x80070003 "The system cannot find the path specified.". This happens when loadin g a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format. End Error Could not load package "C:setupSSIS PackagesSSIS Package File Extract DataSSIS Package File Extract DatainDataExtract.dtsx" because of error 0xC0011002. Description: Failed to open package file "C:setupSSIS PackagesSSIS Package File Extract DataSSIS Package File Extract DatainDataExtract.dtsx" due to error 0x80070003 "The system cannot find the path specified.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.
And also I am not understand where i should pass my two input parameters which I used in SSIS package variables???????
I'm trying to create a stored procedure which will run 2 SSIS packages before it runs some other SQL code. I read [url=http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms162810.aspx]this[/url] article. I'm trying to use the package from the file system.
Here is the my code:
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_participant_limits_report AS dtexec /f "C:....Activity_Limits.dtsx" GO
The error message says it doesn't like the "/". Anyone?
In SQL Server 2005 I need a stored procedure that will execute an SSIS Package for me. There is some earlier stuff on the board but I don't understand it. I don't want to create a Job to do it if I don't have to.
Hey guys, I've got a problem here. I need to send the query result to a csv file then transfer the file to a website. I thought this is a good candidate for a SSIS package. The package is ready now but I don't know how can I execute it from within a stored procedure. I thought sp_OA family of extended procedure would be helpfull. After following steps: EXEC @hr1 = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @oPKG OUT
EXEC @hr1 = sp_OAMethod @oPKG, 'exec' EXEC @hr1 = sp_OADestroy @oPKG it tells me command execute successfully. But no package actually gets executed and I can see no results Thanks
I need help debugging a CLR stored procedure that is being called from an SSIS package. I can debug the procedure itself from within Visual Studio by using "Step into stored procedure" from Server Explorer, but really need to debug it as it is being called from SSIS.
I would like to find out how would I call an AS400 (IBM DB2) iSeries Stored Procedure from within my SSIS Package. What tasks should i be using? and do I need any additional adapters installed on my machine to access AS400(IBM DB2). Thanks.
I have a SSIS package that contains a DTS 2000 package in it. The DTS 2000 package imports data into several tables from an ODBC data source. When I execute the package through BIDS, no problems. Everything works great. I am now trying to execute the SSIS package in my stored procedure & it gives me the following error: Error: 2007-01-30 11:54:24.06 Code: 0x00000000 Source: Populate IncrTables Description: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040427): Execution was canceled by user. at DTS.PackageClass.Execute() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.Exec80PackageTask.Exec80PackageTask.ExecuteThread() End Error
I did a search for this & found KB 904796. It had the exact error message but I don't believe my packages uses 2000 metadata services. Just to be safe, I reinstalled the backward compatibility features & the DTS 2000 tools on the server. That still did not fix anything. I found another forum that suggested loading the DTS 2000 package internally, which I did & it did not fix anything. I am using a password for the protection level so that is not causing my issue. Does anyone else have any suggestions as to what I might be able to try?
SQL 2005 Dev Ed SP1 & post SP1 hotfixes installed Win 2k3 server Thanks! John
Hi, I have an ssis package which reads a file and upload the data into a table. Im executing this package through Stored procedure through dtexec /F command If im uploading this file from local machine the package is executing and the data is uploaded to the table. If it is in network and try to upload it will through an error that can't upload the file.. I have also shared the file on the network.
I need help debugging a CLR stored procedure that is being called from an SSIS package. I can debug the procedure itself from within Visual Studio by using "Step into stored procedure" from Server Explorer, but really need to debug it as it is being called from SSIS.
I've created a varible timeStamp that I want to feed into a stored procedure but I'm not having any luck. I'm sure its a simple SSIS 101 problem that I can't see or I may be using the wrong syntax
in Execute SQL Task Editor I have conn type -- ole db connection -- some server sql source type -- direct input sql statement -- exec testStoredProc @timeStamp = ?
if I put a value direclty into the statement it works just fine: exec testStoredProc '02-25-2008'
This is the syntax I found to execute the procedure, I don't udnerstand few things about it.
1. why when I try to run it it changes it to exec testStoredProc @timeStamp = ? with error: EXEC construct or statement is not supported , followed by erro: no value given for one or more requreid parameters.
2. I tired using SQL commands exec testStoredProc @timeStamp and exec testStoredProc timeStamp but nothing happens. Just an error saying unable to convert varchar to datetime
3. Also from SRS I usually have to point the timeStamp to @timeStamp and I dont know how to do that here I thought it was part of the parameter mapping but I can't figure out what the parameter name and parameter size should be; size defaults to -1.
To set the scene I am using SQL 2012, in project deployment mode (SSIS Catalog rather than file system).I have setup an SSIS package to run a stored procedure which exports data for the last hour to a .tsv file and then FTP's the file to some other location via a sql agent job - This all works fine.However, I can see there may be a requirement to run the package with dates that need to be set i.e. in the event of a lost file of some other reason the package has not run and missed some of its hourly slots and the customer requires the files to be resent.
The stored procedure I am using has parameters for "DateOverride" - boolean), "start" and "end" dates (datetime) with defaults set "0" for "DateOverride" and null for the "Start" and "End" dates, I have built logic into the procedure which sets the dates if the parameters are null (as in the above to an hour before now). What I would like to be able to do (and this is to make it user friendly for support staff) is to be able to set parameters/variables in SQL agent with "DateOverride" set to "1" and the the dates I would like to be sent to the stored procedure "Start" and "End" parameters.
I did try using the parameters in SSIS which worked well when the values were true or false (0,1) but didn't work at all for the dates. If I left the dates as I had set them is SSIS it worked, but if I changed them (even if it was just changing the hour) the job errored/crashed and corrupted the job step leaving me the ability to only delete it.
I have created an SSIS package where I have added an Execute SQL Task to run an existing stored procedure in my SQL database.
General: Result Set: None Connection Type: OLE DB SourceType: Direct Input IsQueryStoredProcedure: False (this is greyed out and cannot be changed) Bypass Prepare: True
When I use the following execute statement where I am "Hard Coding" in the parameters, the stored procedure runs successfully and it places the data into the table per the stored procedure.
However, the @system_cd parameter can change, so I wanted to set these parameters up as variables and use the parameter mapping in the Execute SQL Task.
I have set this up as follows and it runs the package successfully but it does not put the data into the table. The only thing I can figure is either I have the variables set up incorrectly or the parameter mapping set up incorrectly.
Stored procedure variables:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ml_location_load] (@system_cd nvarchar(10), @location_type_cd nvarchar(10)) AS BEGIN .....................
Here is my set up, what is wrong here:
I Created these Variables:
Name Scope Data Type Value system_cd Locations String '03' location_type_cd Locations String Store
I added these parameter mappings in the Execute SQL Task
Variable Name Direction Data TypeParameter NameParameter Size User::system_cd Input NVARCHAR@system_cd -1 User::location_type_cd Input NVARCHAR@location_type_cd -1
I used this SQLStatement: EXEC dbo.sp_ml_location_load ?,
It runs the package successfully but it does not put the data into the table.
We are executing a SSIS package using a xp_cmdshell command in a SP as shown below. This package does consumes time to execute almost 90 minutes and does get executed successfully too. But the strange thing is we don't get the result in @result variable just because somehow the next sql statement after the below highlighted statement doesn't get executed at all. After checking execution stats for the SP using the query attached below we observed that somehow the SP vanishes out of the execution stats for the server.
I have created an SSIS package where I have added an Execute SQL Task to run an existing stored procedure in my SQL database.
General Tab:
Result Set: None Connection Type: OLE DB SourceType: Direct Input IsQueryStoredProcedure: False (this is greyed out and cannot be changed) Bypass Prepare: True SQL Statement: EXEC FL_CUSTOM_sp_ml_location_load ?, ?;
Parameter Mapping:
Variable Name Direction Data Type Prmtr Name Prmtr Size User: system_cd Input NVARCHAR 0 10 User: location_type_cd Input NVARCHAR 1 10
location_type_cd - Data type - string; Value - Store (this is static) system_cd - Data type - string - ?????? The system code changes based on the system field for each record in the load table
STORED PROCEDURE: The stored procedure takes data from a load table and inserts it into another table:
Stored procedure variables: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ml_location_load] (@system_cd nvarchar(10), @location_type_cd nvarchar(10)) AS BEGIN .....................
This is an example of what I want to accomplish: I need to be able to group all system 3 records, then pass 3 as the parameter for system_cd, run the stored procedure for those records, then group all system 18 records, then pass 18 as the parameter for system_cd, run the stored procedure for those records and keep doing this for each different system in the table until all records are processed.
I am not sure how or if it can be done to pass the system parameter to the stored procedure based on the system # in the sys field of the data.
I have this small snippet from a stored procedure...--Let @course = XY-101SET @newUserRole =@course SELECT REPLACE(@newUserRole,'-','') SET @newUserRole =@newUserRole + 'STUD' Problem is, it doesn't seem to be replacing the dash (-) with a blank/nothing/delete.The STUD does come out attached to the string, but the dash remains...It comes back as XY-101STUDAnyone see a problem with it?Thanks,Zath
@DeptID nvarchar(10) ) As If Exists ( Select DeptName From Departments Where DeptID LIKE @DeptID ) Return 1 Else Return 0
Now I want to apply replace and upper functions to DeptID in database before saying "DeptID LIKE @DeptID".
for example the parameter is :"D&V" DeptID in database is:"d & v" //there are spaces
if I say DeptID LIKE @DeptID nothing is found because of character nonmatching So I have to apply replace & upper functions to the column DeptID in database
I'm using replace in a stored procedure to eliminate carriage returnsa user might have entered in an Access field.The problem is that even though it seems to strip out the carriagereturn I can't get rid of the "□" character.This is my code:DECLARE @myReturn nvarchar(1)SELECT @myReturn = NCHAR(10)REPLACE(UserAddress,@myReturn,' ') AS myTEXTFor example, the user has entered:123 Oak StreetSuite 101What I get after running the replace is: 123 Oak Street □ Suite101lq
I would like to fetch the data flow component name while package is executing. Since system variable named [System::SourceName] only fetches name of the control flow tasks? Is there a way to capture them?
#1 This stored procedure can be used to search and replace substring in the char, nchar, varchar and nvarchar columns in all tables in the current database. You should pass the text value to search and the text value to replace. So, to replace all char, nchar, varchar and nvarchar columns which contain the substring 'John' with the substring 'Bill', you can use the following (in comparison with the SetTbColValues stored procedure, this stored procedure replace only substring, not the entire column's value):
We have a legacy database that have hundreds of stored procedures.
The previous programmar uses a string like servername.databasename.dbo.tablename in the stored procedures. We now have migrated the database to a new server. The old server is either needed to be replaced by the new server name, or remove it.
I don't know why he used servername as part of the fully qualified name, we don't use linked servers. So I think better removing the servername in all the stored procedures.
I know I can do a generate script, and replace the text and then use alter procedure to recreate all the stored procedures. But since hundreds of them, is there a programmatically way to replace them?
I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure
at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT
I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT
We have SQL Server 2012 running on Windows 2008 Server. We would like to use a SSIS Package to generate a text file and then secure copy it to a vendor's ftp site. Would it be best to use an FTP Task or Execute Process Task (to call the batch file)? Would I need to install some software like winscp or does the Windows O/S has some secure copy or ftp programs that may be used?