SQL 2012 :: Compress Existing Backup File?

Jan 22, 2015

I have a SQL 2012 enterprise server, and I'm using Commvault as my backups. So commvault can restore a .bak file to my server, but it cannot use sql compression on the file apparently. So what would be a 150GB .bak backup file is now 600GB. I have to manually upload these files to an auditing firm on an sftp server and the transfer times are now huge.

Is there a way to use something in sql to compress this already existing .bak file down?

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How To Compress Backup File

Jul 15, 2015

Any easy way to compress backup file. I use SQL Server 2008 R2

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SQL Server 2008 :: Easy Way To Compress Backup File?

Jul 15, 2015

easy way to compress backup file. I use SQL Server 2008 R2

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Is There A MS SQL Backup Tool That Will Zip Or Compress The Backup Files?

Feb 27, 2007

Currently we use a SQL maintenance plan to do a full backup of all our databases daily (about 40 databases on our production server).  As you can imagine, this eats up disk space quickly so currently we manually zip the backup files and/or move them to an archive drive.  I considered writing an application to walk through the backup folder structure and zip any .bak file it finds, but I know there are some third party tools out there that will backup/restore a MS SQL database.
I was wondering if any of these also zip the backups once they are created.  Any recommendations or suggestions are welcome.

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Existing Backup File Kept Growing In Size.

Jan 3, 2007

I'm having a problem. When I use the SQL query to make a backup of the database, it worked fine. But everytime I use it, the backed-up file's size kept growing in size. Say I have the file, test.bak whose filesize is 450 MB then I run a new backup to overwrite the existing test.bak file, it just end up as 900 MB. If I run it again, it become 1350 MB and so on.

Is there a way to prevent that from happening?

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SQL 2008 Backup Split/compress/speed

Apr 18, 2008

Is there any improvments in SQL 2008 backup methods such as spliting backup files in manageable size(s), compress the backups and/or improving the speed of backup?

Though there are "commercial" tools available, it would be nicer if Microsoft SQL team can incorporate some core needed features in these areas for Small/Medium size businesses.

This is not a question but a suggesstion.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Compress Table Timelines

Jul 8, 2014

Here is data I am working with:

INSERT INTO HISTORY(CUSTOMER, PLANNBR, SUBPLAN, STARTDATE, ENDDATE) VALUES('9111111', 'H1111LAC', '006', '2014-01-01', '2014-05-31', '201401')
INSERT INTO HISTORY(CUSTOMER, PLANNBR, SUBPLAN, STARTDATE, ENDDATE) VALUES('9111111','H1111LAC', '006', '2014-01-01', '2014-05-31', '201402')


I need to compress these segments into records which will look like this. The HistoryMonth column is not used to make the final determination of records to keep.



Customer 9111111 shows a change in both PlanNbr and SubPlan 2014-06-01 Need to show both records
Customer 9111112 shows a change in SubPlan 2014-06-01 - Need to show both records
Customer 9111113 shows no change in PlanNbr or SubPlan - Need to show 1 record
Customer 9111114 show a break between and enddate and next start > 1 day - need to show both records

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SQL 2012 :: Add Existing Shared Folder To File Table

Jan 29, 2015

I need to add an existing shared folder to a SQL FileTable. So this is the path and I created a SQL Filetable and now I need to add it to the filetable.

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SQL 2012 :: Compress Data Transfer During Synchronization Between Availability Group Nodes?

Apr 13, 2015

I got this situation where my network admin observerd that there is a high network utilization between 2 nodes in our AG (the primary node & the DR site, 2 separate locations of course); then he advised to compress the data transfer between those 2 nodes as the previous DBA already did that before!

Ok, I have no clue about this, so decided to google it, got nothing. My backup is already compressed through some third party app (just in case if that matters to the subject).

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SQL 2012 :: Database Size From Backup File

Apr 21, 2014

finding the database size from the backup file.I have SQL 2012 backup file, is there any way to find the estimated database size from the backup.I tried restoring , i got an error saying " no space need additional xxx bytes " ...does this error gives the exact space needed to restore ?

One more question....one of the backup file size is 7.2 GB, when i try to restore it ....it throws error saying it needs 292GB extra space while only 100 Gb is available. How come 392 Gb sized database becomes 7.2 Gb .bak file ?

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SQL 2012 :: Create A Database From Backup File

Dec 11, 2014

I know this is easy but I am having trouble creating a database from a backup file.

I created a database (Test).

Then I selected 'Test', went to Tasks and selected 'Restore Database'.

I selected 'Device' browsed to the backup file.

I choose the destination database to be 'Test'.

There is no backup sets listed to restore. The 'OK' button is disabled.

How do you get the backup list to display? This is a new database. I don't need a backup.

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SQL 2012 :: Create New Database From Backup File

Jul 15, 2015

I need to create a new db from a backup file of an allready existing database (vehicledb) on this server.So i created a new database with name "vehicledb2" .But when i try this, the backup says that this file is used...The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'Vehicles2' database. Restore of database 'Vehicledb' failed.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Database Backup Taken Twice Into Same BAK File?

Aug 13, 2015

I have accidentally taken the backup of a database twice into same .bak file. Now the file is twice the size. Will it be fine if I restore this backup? Or will I screw up any data?

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SQL 2012 :: File And Filegroup Backup Components Greyed Out

Apr 22, 2014

I am looking at the file / filegroup level backup and recovery options within SQL Server and I'm struggling with the following concept.

Books online assures me that it is possible to perform a file restore whilst the database is in the simple recovery model.

So I have set up a database with two separate file groups, a read/write primary and a read only "secondary". Each filegroup has 2 underlying data files.

I have then created a "live" customers tables within the primary filegroup and assigned my existing "archive" customers tables within the secondary filegroup.

If I try to perform a file or filegroup level backup within management studio, those options are greyed out. I can only perform a database backup.

If I switch back to the full recovery model, the options are no longer greyed out.

So my question is this, is file level backup and recovery actually supported in the simple user model, do you have to perform this task outside of management studio, or (as is likely) am I missing something crucial?

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SQL 2012 :: Reclaim Disk Space By Shrinking Log File After TLOG Backup

Feb 25, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2012 DB in Full recovery mode that has never had a TLOG backup. the log is huge 200+GB.

I tried doing a transaction log backup but there is not enough space on the Disk.

How can I reclaim this log space in SQL Server 2012?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Spool Backup Command Result To A Text File

Jun 9, 2015

I am running backups on SQL Sever express and I take backups via the batch file executing the TSQL as below. This works perfectly fine, I just need to be able to spool out the backup completion log. What TSQL command can I use to do that?

My batch file looks like this:

@echo off
sqlcmd -S SERVER01 -E -i H:master_scriptsTOM_FAM_log.sql

Which will the call the TOM_FAM_log.sql :

DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) -- database name
DECLARE @path VARCHAR(256) -- path for backup files
DECLARE @fileName VARCHAR(256) -- filename for backup
DECLARE @fileDate VARCHAR(20) -- used for file name
SET @path = 'H:BackupTOM_FAM'

[Code] ....

Usually if we schedule the backups using the maintenance plan, we can chose reporting options that can spool the result of the backup to a text file. What is the T-SQL for the spool report to a text file.

This option produces a file that writes logs with the details I posted below. I would like to do the same or similar using T-SQL in my code.

Microsoft(R) Server Maintenance Utility (Unicode) Version 11.0.3000
Report was generated on "SERVER01".
Maintenance Plan: Backup logs
Duration: 00:00:00
Status: Succeeded.

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: Existing Replica MDF File Size Increased In Size Than New Replica Install

Apr 14, 2015

Here are my scenarios:

We have an application with replicated environment setup on sql server 2012 . Users will have a replica on their machines and they will replicate to the master database. It has 3 subscriptions subscribed to the publications on the master db.

1) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with no sql server on it. After the initial synchronization(used replmerge tool) the mdf file has grown to 33gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studion . Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 84 gb with little empty free space available.

2) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with sql server 2008 on it. After the initial synchronization(used replmerge tool) the mdf file has grown to 49 gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studio , Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 90 gb with 16 gb free space available.

3) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with sql server 2012 on it. We have dropped the local database and recreated the local db and did the initial synchronization using replmerge tool. The mdf file has grown to 49 gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studio , Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 90 gb with 16 gb free space available.

Why it is allocating the space differently? This is effecting our initial replica set up times.

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Split The Existing MDF File Into Mutliple Files As A File Group?

Jul 30, 2007

I have a huge MDF File - 120 GB File (Had setup as 1 MDF initially) -- Did not anticipate that the DB would grow to that size!!

Anyways.. I heard that the general performance woul grow if i had them as "File Groups"..

Is there anyway - to split the existing MDF file into Mutliple files as a File Group?

Where should i start? Can someone please direct me..

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How Do I Insert Data From A Flat File Or .csv File Into An Existing SQL Database???

Mar 29, 2006

How do I insert data from a flat file or .csv file into an existing SQL database???

Here what I've come up with thus far and I but it doesn't work. Can someone please help? Let me know if there is a better way to do this... Idealy I'd like to write straight to the sql database and skip the datset all together...

strSvr = "vkrerftg"

StrDb = "Test_DB"

'connection String

strCon = "Server=" & strSvr & ";database=" & StrDb & "; integrated security=SSPI;"

Dim dbconn As New SqlConnection(strCon)

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter()

Dim insertComm As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [Test_DB_RMS].[dbo].[AIR_Ouput] ([Event], [Year], [Contract Loss],[Company Loss], " & _

"[IndInsured Loss Prop],[IndInsured Loss WC],[Event Info]) " & _

"VALUES (@Event, @Year, @ConLoss, @CompLoss, @IndLossProp, @IndLossWC, @eventsInfo)", dbconn)

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@Event", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Event")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@Year", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Year")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@ConLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Contract Loss")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@CompLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Company Loss")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossProp", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss Prop")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossWC", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss WC")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@eventsInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, "Event Info")

da.InsertCommand = insertComm

Dim upComm As New SqlCommand("UPDATE [Test_DB_RMS].[dbo].[AIR_Ouput] " & _

"SET [Event] = @Event " & _

",[Year] = @Year " & _

",[Contract Loss] = @ConLoss " & _

",[Company Loss] = @CompLoss " & _

",[IndInsured Loss Prop] = @IndLossProp " & _

",[IndInsured Loss WC] = @IndLossWC " & _

",[Event Info] = @EventInfo", dbconn)

upComm.Parameters.Add("@Event", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Event")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@Year", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Year")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@ConLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Contract Loss")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@CompLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Company Loss")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossProp", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss Prop")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossWC", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss WC")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@EventsInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, "Event Info")

da.UpdateCommand = upComm

da.Update(dsAIR, "TextDB")



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How Do I Insert Data From A Flat File Or .csv File Into An Existing SQL Database???

Mar 29, 2006

How do I insert data from a flat file or .csv file into an existing SQL database???

Here what I've come up with thus far and I but it doesn't work. Can someone please help? Let me know if there is a better wway to do this... Idealy I'd like to write straight to the sql database and skip the datset all together...

strSvr = "vkrerftg"

StrDb = "Test_DB"

'connection String

strCon = "Server=" & strSvr & ";database=" & StrDb & "; integrated security=SSPI;"

Dim dbconn As New SqlConnection(strCon)

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter()

Dim insertComm As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [Test_DB_RMS].[dbo].[AIR_Ouput] ([Event], [Year], [Contract Loss],[Company Loss], " & _

"[IndInsured Loss Prop],[IndInsured Loss WC],[Event Info]) " & _

"VALUES (@Event, @Year, @ConLoss, @CompLoss, @IndLossProp, @IndLossWC, @eventsInfo)", dbconn)

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@Event", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Event")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@Year", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Year")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@ConLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Contract Loss")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@CompLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Company Loss")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossProp", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss Prop")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossWC", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss WC")

insertComm.Parameters.Add("@eventsInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, "Event Info")

da.InsertCommand = insertComm

Dim upComm As New SqlCommand("UPDATE [Test_DB_RMS].[dbo].[AIR_Ouput] " & _

"SET [Event] = @Event " & _

",[Year] = @Year " & _

",[Contract Loss] = @ConLoss " & _

",[Company Loss] = @CompLoss " & _

",[IndInsured Loss Prop] = @IndLossProp " & _

",[IndInsured Loss WC] = @IndLossWC " & _

",[Event Info] = @EventInfo", dbconn)

upComm.Parameters.Add("@Event", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "Event")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@Year", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Year")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@ConLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Contract Loss")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@CompLoss", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "Company Loss")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossProp", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss Prop")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@IndLossWC", SqlDbType.Float, 4, "IndInsured Loss WC")

upComm.Parameters.Add("@EventsInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, "Event Info")

da.UpdateCommand = upComm

da.Update(dsAIR, "TextDB")



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Importing Data To An Existing Database Column From An .xsl File Or .cvs File

May 15, 2006

good morning,

 I want to load data that i receive everydays from my customers in .xls file format (excel) or cvs file format,  to the database that i have created on this purpose. but  when trying to do that whith SSIS; i got an error message .... that i can't import redudant data in my database column.


Best regards.

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The Backup Set Holds A Backup Of A Database Other Than Existing Database. Restore Database Is Terminating Abnormally

Apr 9, 2008

I have a problem when i restore my .DAT_BAK file. I am getting error like "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing database. Restore Database is terminating abnormally".

I tried by using


And also i tried like



When i use like this,

RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:DATAMYTEST.DAT_BAK'. I am able to get the output as LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, etc.

Can i anyone please help me out?

Thanks in Advance,
Anand Rajagopal

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SQL 2012 :: Error (backup Failed To Complete The Command BACKUP LOG) In Event Viewer

Aug 23, 2013

On the SQL Server the Event Viewer shows the same messages and errors every evening between 22:05:00 and 22:08:00. The following information messages are shown for every database:

"I/O is frozen on database <database name>. No user action is required. However, if I/O is not resumed promptly, you could cancel the backup."

"I/O was resumed on database <database name>. No user action is required."

"Database backed up. Database: <database name>, creation date(time): 2003/04/08(09:13:36), pages dumped: 306, first LSN: 44:148:37, last LSN: 44:165:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=VIRTUAL_DEVICE: {'{A79410F7-4AC5-47CE-9E9B-F91660F1072B}4'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required."

After the 3 messages the following error message is shown for every database:

"BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP LOG <database name>. Check the backup application log for detailed messages."

I have added a Maintenance Plan but these jobs run after 02:00:00 at night.

Where can I find the command or setup which will backup all databases and log files at 22:00:00 in the evening?

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SQL 2012 :: Backup Cleanup Of Differential And Log Backups Based On Full Backup?

Feb 19, 2015

Using Ola Hallengren's scripts I do a full backup of a database on a Sunday. Then differential backups every 6 hours and log backups every hour. I would like to keep a full week of backups based off the full backup done on Sunday. Is there a way for me to clear out the diff and log folders after the successful full backup on Sunday nights?

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SQL 2012 :: Schedule Backup / Copy Backup And Rename To Other Folder

Dec 29, 2014

I'm looking to schedule a maintenance plan for my databases which I have done.I'd like this database to be copied to another folder and the name altered to include the file name and the current date time stamp.Is this possible in the scheduled maintenance plan?

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SQL 2012 :: Add Features With Existing Installation?

Oct 29, 2014

We use SQL Server 2012 sp1.We want to install a feature that we did not install the first time.

So we run the "SQL Server Installation Center" from our server.At the step "Setup Support Rules", we received this error:

Rule "consistency validation for sql server registry keys" failed.

The SQL Server registry keys from a prior installation cannot be modified.

To continue, see SQL Server Setup documentation about how to fix registry keys.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Add New Filegroup To Existing Partition Scheme

Jul 10, 2014

How to add some more ranges to existing partition schema and function?

Already My table partitioned on date ranges,

6 partitions , each partition contains 6 moths data, so total data is 3 years.

i.e. 1 partition data- from jan2012 to Jun2012
2 partition data- from july2012 to dec2012
3 partition data- from jan2013 to Jun2013
4 partition data- from july2013 to dec2013
5 partition data- from jan2014 to Jun2014
6 partition data- from july2014 to dec2014
After Jan2015 data will go to Primary file group(Default)

Now customer wants to add two more file groups with these partitions ranges, i.e. jan2015 to jun15 and Jul15 to dec15.

File group and ndf file adding is OK, But

how to alter partition scheme and partition function with these additional ranges to existing partition function and scheme?

partitioned table size is 200 GB.

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Columns To Existing Table

Aug 21, 2014

I have a table. I want to add 2 date columns. One when we are inserting any record it will show and another whenever the record updated to record that.

I want to insert dummy data for the previous dates. How to insert those dummy dates in batch wise?

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SQL 2012 :: Setup AlwaysOn On Existing Cluster?

May 19, 2015

We have an existing SQL Server 2012 Enterprise cluster with 2 nodes (active-active) and uses Windows 2008 R2 OS. We are looking for a way to increase HA as well as offload backups to secondary server and it was suggested that AlwayOn could be an option.

The questions I have are:

1) Is it possible to turn on AalwaysOn feature on an existing cluster?

2) If yes to above, does the secondary replica need to exist as a node on the same cluster or can it be on a completely different cluster?

3) If the secondary replica is on the same cluster (i.e. we add a 3rd node to existing 2 node cluster), can that node be provisioned with storage from a completely different SAN? (i.e. Node 1 and Node 2 accesses LUNs on SAN1 and Node 3 accesses LUNs on SAN2).

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SQL 2012 :: Missing Other Backup Files Backup

Nov 3, 2014

I scheduled automatic backup process but its only showing backup of the only one .sql file in the backup folder. Other created .sql files are not backed up. Why is it so?

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Article To Existing Transnational Replication?

Aug 5, 2014

In my local environment , i was setup transnational replication then i have added new article by using below script

EXEC sp_changepublication @publication = 'demo', @property =
N'allow_anonymous', @value='TRUE'
EXEC sp_changepublication @publication = 'demo', @property =
N'immediate_sync', @value='TRUE'
EXEC sp_addarticle @publication = 'demo', @article ='employee',


But article not added and showing this error message The initial snapshot for article 'employee' is not yet available.

What is the issue, what can i do to add new article ? What did I mistake?

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SQL 2012 :: Script Out Or Copy Existing Assemblies SSAS

Sep 5, 2014

How I can script out or copy an existing assembly to another SSAS box? I am kind of new to MDX.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Prepend Value To Existing Value While Creating A Temp Column

Dec 5, 2014

I am looking for a way to create a temp column who's value would take the value of another column and prepend a value like this to it "domain". This is the Select statement I currently have:

SELECT Nalphakey,[Last Name],[First Name],[User Name],[E-mail Address],[User Name]
FROM SkywardUserProfiles

I understand how to create an Alias for an existing column, but not sure how to do what I am wanting. I also understand that the following will do the concatenation that I need, but I have only used it in an UPDATE query, and I'm not sure how to use it within a Select statement or if that's even possible:

domainName=CONCAT('domain',User Name);

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