SQL 2012 :: How To Do Dynamic Audit For The Tables

Jul 21, 2014

I would like to do a dynamic audit for the tables ( columns which needs to audited will also change dynamically). For example,

I am having 3 tables, table1 table2 table3

User can select Table 1 ( col 1, col3, col4) and Table2 ( col 3 and col 5).

I want to achieve this functionality without any triggers or output clause, so only one option which is left is "ChangeDataCapture" ( to my knowledge). So i did a small POC. The problem here is, system captures all the field data even though value doesn't change, for example,


CountryId CountryCode CountryName
Update TableA
Set CountryCode = 'INDI', CountryName = 'INDIA'
Where CountryId = 1

On running the above query, CDC stores the value for both the columns, but i don't want this. I only wanted to store the CountryCode value alone.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].tCountry(
CountryId bigint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL Primary Key,
CountryName [varchar](50) NULL,
CountryCode [varchar](50) NULL,
CreateBy bigint
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db


--See here, i want to display CountryName as NULL, because i didnt do any changes in this column

--Why am i asking this bcoz, Frm my front end application, i will send the complete list of columns and the values to the update query.

Select * from cdc.dbo_tCountry_CT Where __$operation in (3,4)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Join Two Dynamic Pivot Tables

Dec 11, 2013

I have two dynamic pivot tables that I need to join. The problem I'm running into is that at execution, one is ~7500 characters and the other is ~7000 characters.

I can't set them both up as CTEs and query, the statement gets truncated.

I can't use a temp table because those get dropped when the query finishes.

I can't use a real table because the insert statement gets truncated.

Do I have any other good options, or am I in Spacklesville?

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Audit Tables And Triggers

Jul 23, 2005

Dear Group,I would like to create an audit table that is created with a trigger thatreflects all the changes(insert, update and delete) that occur in table.Say I have a table withSubject_ID, visit_number, dob, weight, height, User_name, inputdateThe audit table would have .Subject_ID, visit_number, dob, weight, height, User_name, inputdate,edit_action, edit_reason.Where the edit_action would be insert, update, delete; the edit_reason wouldbe the reason given for the edit.Help with this would be great, since I am new to the world of triggers.Thanks,Jeff

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DB Engine :: How To Audit DML On Tables

Jun 8, 2015

I have a windows 2012 server and will like to know how to audit DMLs on a table (delete, truncate, update) on this table, I want to see all T-Sql DML statement carried out on this table in a file.How can this be achieved using if possible something already built into SSMS.

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SQL 2012 :: Turn Off Server Audit Trace

Mar 21, 2014

Somehow someone turned on a audit on the sql server and it is filling up our hard drive and shutting down sql server eventually. Been trying to google how to shut this audit off but coming up with no via soolution yet. how can I turn this trace off. Each fiel says AuditTrace and date and they happen every other minute. I went into the sql profiler and can pull up the files but how to shut the trace off, it does not say.

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Audit Tables, Delete Triggers, And Asp.net

Jul 20, 2005

i'm in a bit of a bind at work. if anyone could help, i'd greatlyappreciate it.i have a web app connecting to a sql server using sql serverauthentication. let's say, for example, my login/password isdbUser/dbUser. the web app however, is using windows authentication.so if I am logged into the network as 'DOMAINEric', when I access myweb app, my web app knows that I am 'DOMAINEric'. but to the sqlserver db, I am user 'dbUser'.now, i for each table i have, i need to implement an audit table torecord all updates, inserts, deletes that occur against it. i wasgoing to do so with triggers. this is all fine for selects, inserts,and updates. for each table, i have an updatedby and an updatedate.for example, let's say i have a table:create table blah(id int,col1 varchar(10),updatedby varchar(30),updatedate datetime)and corresponding audit table:create audit_blah(id int,blah_id int,blah_col1 varchar(10),blah_updatedby varchar(1),blah_updatedate datetime)for update and insert triggers, i can know what to insert into theupdatedby column of audit_blah because it's in a corresponding row inblah. my web app knows what user is accessing the application, andcan insert that name into blah. blah's trigger will then insert thatname into audit_blah.however, in the case of a delete, i'm not passing in an 'updatedby',because i'm deleting. in this situation, how can the trigger knowwhat user is deleting? the db only knows that sql user 'dbUser' isdeleting, but doesn't know that 'dbUser' is deleting on behalf of'DOMAINEric'. is there any way for my app to inform the trigger toaccess my windows identity without having a corresponding row in thetable from which to pull that info?obviously, i could have each of my app's users log into SQL serverthrough Windows authentication; then i could just use SYSTEM_USER.but let's say, for performance's sake, it'd be better for me to useone sql server login. (i believe one user works better for connectionpooling purposes.) is there a way to get around this?(i'm hoping a built-in function exists that solves all my problems.)suggestions? resources?any help would be great appreciated.happy turkeys.Eric

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Audit Tables With Composite Keys

Aug 31, 2007

I am trying to write triggers on each tables in my database to audit data changes. My AuditLog table consists of the following columns -

LoginName varchar(100) - user name
Action varchar(5) - this will store 'INSERT','UPDATE','DELETE'
TableName varchar(30) - name of the table updated
PrimaryKey int - primary key of the record updated
ColumnName varchar(30) - name of the column updated
OldValue varchar(1000) - old value converted to varchar
NewValue varchar(1000) - new value converted to varchar
RecUpdDate datetime - record update date.

This table design will work for tables with single column primary keys. However, it will not work for tables with composite primary keys. Any suggestions on how to make this work with composite primary keys? I prefer not to change the tables in my database to use single column primary key.

Thanks in advance.

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Database Audit Specification To Audit Select On Certain User And Table

Nov 1, 2014

I have made a server security audit and specify from database audit specification to audit "select" on a certain user and on a certain table. I logged in by this user and made the select statement..when i run this query

"select * from sys.fn_get_audit_file('d:Auditaudit1*',null,null)"

It return a value at which time the query has done

after 15 minutes i repeated the same action, i run the audit query and the same result is showed off on the panel.is it suppose to return a list of values by how many times this user has made the select statement on that table ? for example at 5:00 pm then 6:00 pm and so on

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Audit Logon / Audit Logoff Problem With SQL 2K

Jan 18, 2006

I need help...here is the problem.Last weekend, the servers in our datacenter where moved around. After thismove, and maybe coincidental, 1 server is performing very poor. Afterrunning a trace with SQL Profiler, I saw the problem which was laterconfirmed with another tool for SQL server performance monitoring. It seemsthat all connections to the SQL server (between 200 - 400) are doing a login/ logout for each command that they process. For example, the user'sconnection will login, perform a SELECT, and then logout. This is not a..NET application. The client software was not changed, it is still thesame. The vendor has said that it is not supposed to do that, it issupposed to use 1 connection that log's on in the morning and logs off atthe end of the day or whenever the user exits. 1 user may have severalconnections to the database.At times, the server is processing over 250 login / logouts (avgeraged for30 second period). Has anyone seen this problem? I have the server inAUDIT FAILUREs only. The server has become very unresponsive, things thattook 3 seconds now take over 15 seconds.Any ideas???

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SQL 2012 :: Creating Dynamic SSIS File Format - Dynamic CSV File As Output

Mar 2, 2014

I am trying to create an ssis package with dynamic csv file as output. and out format contains query output.

sample file name:

Unique identifier + query output + systemdate();

The expression is looking like this.

@[User::FilePath] + @[User::FileName] + ".CSV"

-- user filepath is a variable from ssis package. File name is the output from SQL query. using script task i have assigned the values to @[User::FileName] .

When I debugged the script task the value getting properly but same variable am using for Flafile destination. but its not working.

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Dynamic Tables Names And Temporary Tables Options

Oct 5, 2007

Firstly I consider myself quite an experienced SQL Server user, andamnow using SQL Server 2005 Express for the main backend of mysoftware.My problem is thus: The boss needs to run reports; I have designedthese reports as SQL procedures, to be executed through an ASPapplication. Basic, and even medium sized (10,000+ records) reportingrun at an acceptable speed, but for anything larger, IIS timeouts andquery timeouts often cause problems.I subsequently came up with the idea that I could reduce processingtimes by up to two-thirds by writing information from eachcalculationstage to a number of tables as the reporting procedure runs..ie. stage 1, write to table xxx1,stage 2 reads table xxx1 and writes to table xxx2,stage 3 reads table xxx2 and writes to table xxx3,etc, etc, etcprocedure read final table, and outputs information.This works wonderfully, EXCEPT that two people can't run the samereport at the same time, because as one procedure creates and writesto table xxx2, the other procedure tries to drop the table, or read atable that has already been dropped....Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get around thisproblem?I have thought about generating the table names dynamically using'sp_execute', but the statement I need to run is far too long(apparently there is a maximum length you can pass to it), and evenbreaking it down into sub-procedures is soooooooooooooooo timeconsuming and inefficient having to format statements as strings(replacing quotes and so on)How can I use multiple tables, or indeed process HUGE procedures,withdynamic table names, or temporary tables?All answers/suggestions/questions gratefully received.Thanks

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SQL 2012 :: Extract All Tables Names And Their Row Counts From Linked Server Tables

Oct 7, 2015

I am using the following select statement to get the row count from SQL linked server table.


MHDLIB is the library name in IBM DB2 database. The above query gives me only the row count of table MHSERV0P. However, I need to get the names, rowcounts, and sizes of all tables that exist in MHDLIB librray. Is it possible at all?

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SQL 2012 :: Contains Use On Dynamic Parameters

Sep 16, 2015

how to use Contains function on sql parameters?If Sql parameter has space then its not working else working.

If @searchParam='serachtext' then its working but if its @searchParam='serach text' then not working

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Dynamic Tables.

Apr 30, 2004

hello everyone,

Thank you Darrell for your help on my "Firehose" problem.

Well, I have another question for everyone. I have three tables with the same columns: Products, Products_Sold, and Products_StandBy. I have a Stored Procedures that gets the products: Products_Get, Products_Sold_Get, and Products_StandBy_Get. I want to be able to only have one stored procedure that gets from all tables depending on what @Table variable I give it.

I tried the following, but it didn't work:

CREATE Procedure CMRC_Products_Get
ProductID int,
Chest nvarchar (50),
ItemSize nvarchar (50)

CMRC_WomensSizes ON @Table.Chest = CMRC_WomensSizes.Chest

I get an error message on the line: "@Table.Chest,"

So, my question would now be, how do I go about doing what I'm attempting here? Anybody? Thanks ahead for any help.



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Dynamic Tables???

Jun 20, 2008

hi all.

i just want to know if i can create a dynamic table. i mean a table which expands itself based on the requirement.

or a table can only be static???


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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic Value On Pivot

Sep 21, 2015

Can we pass dynamic values while pivoting?

Here is example

Declare @a date, @b date
set @a='2015-09-08 22:19:29.330'
set @b='2015-09-17 22:19:29.330'
create table #DateTemp(Full_Date_Text_YYYY_MM_DD datetime,Full_Date date)
insert into #DateTemp(Full_Date_Text_YYYY_MM_DD,Full_Date)
select '2015-09-09 00:00:00.000','2015-09-09'

[Code] ......

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Populating A DB From 2 Tables (Dynamic)

Apr 27, 2005


I am quite new to the complexities of MS SQL and have a problem, I would like to resolve. I have 2 tables with a unique identifier in both and want to populate a new table with information from both, but the second table I would like to populate just some fields that have a DOB eg

Table 1:


example of content for Table 2:
uniqueId Type Setting
123 DOB 03/04/74
234 TFN 12345678
567 POA Mr Smith

So the new table needs to be populated with a ll of info in table 1 and has a new field called DOB so only the clients with a DOB should populate this field, if the client in Table 1 has a TFN reference, this record should be added to the new table but no value needs to be entered eg

123 Chris Smith 1 high street 03/04/74
234 Jon brown 2 high terrace <Null>


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How To Access Tables From A Dynamic

Jun 9, 2004

I have a procedure that takes database name and queries some tables in the database specified. I am trying to access tables like this:

SELECT COUNT(id) FROM @dbname..sysobjects WHERE type='U'

How can I access the tables while the database name is in a variable.


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Static And Dynamic Tables

Sep 26, 2006

dear experts,

i heard in a session, that the tables which are modifying continuously are known as dynamic tables.and which are not are known as static tables.

my question is how to find the statics to judge static and dynamic tables?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic Pivot With Subgrouping

Nov 25, 2013

I am trying to pivot some data as you would normally however I am trying to also group the pivot into three sub column groups too.

Basically the scenario is that I have three sub groups Budget, Person, RenewalDate for each Service (Service being the pivot point). So for each unique service I want to display the budget person and renewal date for each service by company.

I have created two tables to illustrate the base data and the required output.

How to do this dynamically because the number of Services is unknown, i.e. it could be 4 Services or 20, each with three sub columns, budget, person and renewal date.

Please find code below. It should be quite self explanatory as to what I am trying to do.


1. I really need it to be dynamic
2. the Services are not standardised names, they are numbered for illustration purposes only, they vary in naming convention.

create table #BaseData
Company nvarchar(100),
Person nvarchar(50),
[Service] nvarchar(100),
Budget int,
RenewalDate datetime

[Code] .....

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS - Dynamic Column Mapping

Jul 16, 2014

I am new to SSIS and i got 1 assignment.


In my destination table i am having some 30 columns and the CSV files what i get may have 10 columns or 20. How do I map columns between source and destination dynamically?

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SQL 2012 :: Dynamic Partitioning Of Table Server

Dec 3, 2014

I need Dynamic Partition of SQL Table.

1. What is the best practice for partitioning (on date column)

2. The project on which i am working correctly have a case where in i get the update of my status flag after few days (Say 15 - 30) in that case if my data got into partition table how to update and how to search which partition has my data

3. Is creating partition occupies more disk space?

4. Is every partition would need index?

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SQL Server 2012 :: DATE As Dynamic Table Name

Jan 13, 2015

I am trying to select data from table that have YYMM as table names, they are formatted table1410,table1411, table1412. I am trying to format it like this

declare @tablename60 varchar(50) = 'table' + SUBSTRING(CAST(DATEPART(YY,dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())) as varchar(4)),3,4) + SUBSTRING(CAST(DATEPART(MM,dateadd(mm, -1, getdate())) as varchar(2)),1,2)

But this is hard coding the YYMM, and I would like to have it pull 30,60,90 days fromthe first of the current month. I am having a bit of trouble formatting, how to accomplish this.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Where Clause In Dynamic Query?

Jul 2, 2015

I am creating a dynamic query where i am appending a where clause something like -

IF (@CurCaptureDate IS NOT NULL)
SET @where_clause = @where_clause + CHAR(10) + 'AND CD.CaptureDate = ' + @CurCaptureDate

PS - CD.CaptureDate is datetime and @CurCaptureDate is also datetime

but when executing , it gives this error - Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 169 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

i am not able to use convert here with these quotes.

i tried this - SET @where_clause = @where_clause + CHAR(10) + 'AND CD.CaptureDate = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),@CurCaptureDate )

but it makes it to -

AND CD.CaptureDate = Jul 19 2014 12:00AM. I would need the date in quotes.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic String Replacement

Sep 16, 2015

I have a table with the following data;

CREATE TABLE #Tab (Data Varchar(100))

Select 'Apple=5,Orange=10,Banana=11' UNION ALL
Select 'Apple=10,Orange=1033,Banana=0' UNION ALL
Select 'Apple = 120,Orange = 1,Banana = 112'
Select * from #Tab

How do I replace every value before the '=' but leave the comma.

Here is what the final output should look like

CREATE TABLE #TabFinal (Data Varchar(100))

INSERT INTO #TabFinal (Data)
Select 'Apple,Orange,Banana' UNION ALL
Select 'Apple,Orange,Banana' UNION ALL
Select 'Apple,Orange,Banana'

Select * from #TabFinal

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Ad-hoc Dynamic Query With Multiple Tables

Feb 8, 2005

I'm trying to create an ad-hoc query on a Asp.net page for user. Besides the usual Boolean operators, Field Names, Comparison operators & Field Values, the ad-hoc query also involves multiple tables, eg [Customers] , [Members] & [Orders].

Now I have difficulties on writing a TSQL sp on how to take the dynamic query with different tables under consideration. User might simply query each individual tables (eg, Customers with age > 25) or combination of tables (eg, Membered Customers with Orders Amt > 1000 between 1/1/2005 - 1/31/2005)

I have look up a lot dynamic query on the net but all are with only 1 single table to hit. Could anyone give me a direction on how to write a dynamic query script with multiple tables under consideration? Much appreciated.

ps: The ad-hoc query only contains these defined tables, no other table will be involved.

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Dynamic Sql - How To Use 'if Exists' With Variable Tables..?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi allIn the SP below im (trying to) do some dynamic sql. As you can see the tableto use is set as a variable and the 'exec' method used to run thesqlstatements.My problem is that the 'if exists' method is not doing what i was hoping itcould do.The @presql command returns somewhere between 0 or 50 rows (give and take) -i just want the 'if exists' part to determine if the select statementreturns something or not since i then will have to update a current row - orinsert a new one.Even if there is no rows returned, the 'if exists' command will return true:-/Any suggestions to a different way of approach...?Thanks in advance :-)######## Stored procedure start ########[various @ variables]....declare @presql varchar(200)select @presql = 'SELECT * FROM '+@CurrentDB+' where btsiteID='+cast(@SiteID as varchar(6))+''IF exists((@presql))BEGINdeclare @UpdateSQL varchar(400)set @UpdateSQL = 'UPDATE '+@CurrentDB+' SET btDate='''+cast(@FileDate asvarchar(12))+''''exec(@UpdateSQL)ENDELSEBEGINdeclare @InsertSQL varchar(2000)select @InsertSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + @CurrentDB + '(btDate,btTime)VALUES('''+ cast(@FileDate as varchar(12)) + ''','+ cast(@ImportTime as varchar(6)) + ')'EXEC(@InsertSQL)END######## Stored procedure end ########

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SSIS DYnamic Temp Tables

Nov 27, 2006


I have a database with serveral tables, for example 'customer', I want to update this table with a SSIS package. However, to ensure we don't have issues if the update fails then I've put in an intermediate stage

Using an Execute SQL Task I create temporary tables, for example 'customer_tmp'. Data is then imported into these tables. When all the data is imported successfully the original tables are dropped and the temporary tables are renamed, removing the '_tmp'

This works fine and I'm happy with it. However, if someone adds a column to one of the tables in SQL server it is lost on the next upload.

Similarly I have to hard code creating the indexes into the package as well.

Does anyone know how I could copy the original table definitions and create the temporary tables dynamically. So that any new columns would be picked up?

And indeed is it possible to copy the indexes from one table to another before the drop and rename trick?

Thanks in advance.


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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Report With Dynamic Column Headers

Sep 22, 2013

I have a report which runs for last 12 months data. Since this is going to be last 12 months the column headers change every month. How can we implement this with dynamic column headers in the dataset?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic Pivot Table Not Grouping

Mar 26, 2014

I have a query


--Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column
SELECT @ColumnName= ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',','')

[Code] ....

and so on.

I've tried putting my group by everywhere but it's not working. I'm missing something but what?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Creating Dynamic Pivot Table

Jul 2, 2014

I am having trouble figuring out why the following code throws an error:

@cols nvarchar(50),
@stmt nvarchar(max)
select @cols = ('[' + W.FKStoreID + ']') from (select distinct FKStoreID from VW_PC_T) as W
select @stmt = '
select *

[Code] ...

The issue that I am having is:

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '[' to data type int.

I know that I have to use the [ ] in order to run the dynamic sql. I am not sure what is failing and why as the syntax seems to be clean to me (obviously it is not).

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package - How To Get Dynamic Date Files From FTP

Nov 11, 2014

I am working on FTP TASK in SSIS Package. i have to get files from FTP that file names are like 20141110.txt. i want to download any particular date file from ftp. How to i set expression in Remote path?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic Return Type In A Function

Mar 3, 2015

I have created a function that will check whether the data is null or not. If its null then it will display that as No data else it will display the original value. Below is the function

Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fnchkNull] Script Date: 3/4/2015 12:01:58 PM ******/


The code is working good. However i want the return type to be dynamic. If the data type supplied is integer then i want to return a integer value like 0 if its null. if the data value is varchar then i want to return 'No Data'.

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