SQL 2012 :: How To Notify External Application
Sep 17, 2014
When my SQL Agent job completes successfully, I'd like to send a notification to QlikView. The idea is to stop QlikView having to constantly check if the job has been run, and just get notified when it needs to update its data.
I don't know how to start. Can the job notifications push a success message to QlikView? I don't think I want to send an email, but something that indicates to QlikView to update the tables.
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Aug 10, 2007
Hi all,
I have a VB.NET 2005 application that needs to monitor constantly each change of a field on a SQL server 2005.
Is there a way of setting a trigger up in the SQL Server that notifies the VB.NET application to avoid having the VB.NET apllication querying the SQL table all day for changes?
The table in SQL stores a temperature value. I need the VB.NET application to receive this value everytime there's a change. I could do a timer on the VB.NET application to check for changes in the table every 1 second but I don't think this is efficient. The temperature value may change once every two or three seconds.
The VB.NET application will process the temperature value.
Is there a way of notifying the VB.NET application (which runs from a different server) from within SQL Server? If so, how? If not, what would you go about implementing this?
Thanks again for your comments,
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Jul 20, 2005
I have the need to restore a database to a user's laptop on a dailybasis. This has been no problem using Enterprise Manager. I found astored procedure to run the restore and tried to call it from a visualbasic program. While I can connect to the database, I get an errortelling me "exclusive access could not be obtained because thedatabase is in use".Does this mean the only way to run the restore is via EnterpriseManager?Thanks,Tom
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May 8, 2007
In my database (SQL Server 2005), some data were inserted from a external application.
In order to validate the data , I want to get the SQL statment executed by the application.
Is this possible?
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Jul 7, 2006
I have a custom external application that executes some packages. I would like to display the execution progress as it would appear in the Progress tab of the SSIS designer. How would I do that? Any help is appreciated.
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Apr 3, 2008
Can you put is a call withing a Data Flow that will call an External Application and pass a parameter to that application IE say a command line app and then take the output and assign it to back to the flow as a "column" or whatever for that row... IE I want to take a value push it to an external app and then the output from that app I want to insert it into another field for that row in the new table I am moving the data to.
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Sep 11, 2006
Hi, all here,
I am having a question about the language in which external managed code written can interact with SSIS? Is it only applications wrriten in .NET-compliant language can interact with SQL Server Intergration Services packages?
Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance and advices for that.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Apr 8, 2014
I'm currently working on a project at work to test the effects of database compression, trying to obtain measurable data on the impact of the compression on other server resources, and therefore whether the reduction in space used is worth the extra overhead. This has involved taking a trace of a production customer's workload for a period of time and replaying it against a backup using Distributed replay in synchronised mode.
I'm then taking a trace of that replay, as well as using perfmon to record useful data about the server, before and after compression is enabled. Finally, I'm loading the traces into a tool called Qure to analyse the impact of the compression on reads, writes, CPU, overall duration etc.
What I'm finding is that even across 2 different 'baseline' runs, which are replaying the exact same workload against the exact same database, performance etc differs to a significant enough degree that it calls into question the validity of the test. I can only put this down to the fact this server is on a VM, which is affecting available resources, which in turn affects execution plans the workload is generating and causes different replays of the same workload. I'm therefore looking at doing this on a standalone server, but I still can't be sure the differences will go away.
How to make tests such as this as similar as possible on multiple runs, when elements outside of SQL Server are in effect out of my control?
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Jan 11, 2006
I am new to SSIS programming, so bear with me if my question seems naive to you gurus. I have a situation that needs to set the data source for a data flow from external .NET application ('external' means that the application will run on different process than the SSIS). I am trying to set the data source on which the data flow works from my C# application in a DataSet format. Ideal solution is not to save the DataSet to any file on harddisk (I know that will work, but has the overhead of writing, reading and managing the temp file). What I want to achive is that the business logic of picking data for SSIS Data Flow to process is controlled inside my C# application, the Data Flow just does what it does best - Transformation. Have any of you successfully done this before?. Thanks!
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Apr 28, 2014
We have request where client want to host both application server(IIS...etc) and MSSQL DB server on same machine. (DB is used for Time & Attendance tracking only, so there are not many transactions per day and No HA) .........
Do we have any disadvantages if we host both on same Machine.?
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Jul 10, 2014
We recently upgraded to sql server 2012. We have xxx-D-011 as OLTP server and yyy-D-011 as distributor server.
The log is showing deadlocks every day between application queries/updates and replication jobs.
A fragment of the log about the deadlock is included below.
2014-07-10 15:31:05.94 spid13s deadlock-list
2014-07-10 15:31:05.94 spid13s deadlock victim=process37ced3498
2014-07-10 15:31:05.94 spid13s process-list
2014-07-10 15:31:05.94 spid13s process id=process37ced3498 taskpriority=0 logused=0 waitresource=OBJECT: 8:532249001:0 waittime=357 ownerId=860304057 transactionname=SELECT lasttranstarted=2014-07-10T15:31:05.090
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Dec 2, 2006
I have a problem with the notification. I have enabled Database mail and i have created an Operator.
Under SQL Server AgentJobs and then in the job properties i have enabled notification but i don`t receive a mail. Test e-mail works fine but "real" e-mail not.
I have also tried with the Database Maintenance Wizard but even then it just not work.
I have noticed that others have experienced the same problem but i have seen no solution yet.
Could you please help me? What can cause this problem? What`s the best i can do to start searching for the solution? Thanks!
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Oct 1, 2014
I am using SQL server 2012. An user tried to export tables from GIS application to the SQL database.
After export, and login to the SQL server, we see all the tables has his name as the schema but not dbo.
He was added as a login and user as in a windows group. Meaning he is a member of the windows group.
I assume when export, the default schema should be dbo. but apparently not.
I went to the setting and explicitly make the default schema for the windows group user to dbo. But he tried again, it still use his username as schema prefix to the tables. just wondering why is this?
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Jun 6, 2001
Currently, I have set up a SQL 7.0 database backup job and have one person notified if the job succeeds, but HOW do I choose an option to notify a different person if the job fails ?
Thank you in advance
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Sep 25, 2001
I can not get SQLServerAgent to Send Mail. Help!
SQLMail started successfully.
In the server agent properties I use the Test button and I receive the
"Successfully started(and stopped) a mail session with this profile."
Indicating that mail should work.
If I send a email notification from a scheduled job it gives me the error:
NOTE: Failed to notify 'operations' via email
In the SQL Server Agent Error log I get.
"[264] An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been
xp_sendmail works fine.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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Aug 14, 2000
Hi Guys,
Is there a way to notify DBA when a new stored procedure,table,view is created by any user...
Help is greatly appericated..
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Oct 13, 2006
I have a requirement to create a sorted list of objects, stored withinan assembly, and I would like to use a After Insert/Update trigger tonotify that assembly that something has changed, rather than pollingthe database for changes all the time.My initial problem is that I need to create a static list so that itcan be dynamically looked at by other assemblies, but SQL Server won'tallow me to attach a dll which contains a static method.Has anyone done something like this? Are there any decent examplesavailable anywhere?any help will be appreciated.simo
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Aug 27, 2007
I am developing desktop application with SQL Server 2005 in C#. I need your help. My Question is "How to notify a Database trigger is executed thru C# application?".
Now I am going to explain clearly. I have a table "Employee" and I created one trigger (it may be INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) for that table. Then I created a C# application to show a msg box when that table is modified. Now my question is If that table is modified a message box will be shown. I know about trigger (If trigger assigned table is modified that trigger will automatically executed.) But how do i know that trigger is executed thru a C# application. Please send your suggestion or links.
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Oct 18, 2007
I have two question
1.In SSIS is there a way to unzip the text files
I have set an automated process in sql server agent
I receive ziped text files.I want to unzip the files before loading the data
2.Is there a way to notify when an error occurs in the package in sql server agent.
Please let me know
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Mar 23, 2008
there is any way to a bd notify the user by creat a file or send a e-mail or even connect to a ip and send a message when any record is changed ( update/insert/delete)
i have seen a event called triger but i donīt know if is that what i want and i think this event canīt do what i need.
any one can help me?
thanks a lot
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Jun 9, 2014
I have a procedure where after processing, i am required to send multiple message to calling application.
For ex:
create procedure test as
(@a as int,
@b as int
@c as int )
some transformations */
print 'variable a is' + @a;
print 'variable b is' + @b;
print 'variable c is' + @c;
I am only providing a sample of return messages, but in reality there a lot more messages where a string and a parameter value need to concatenated.Unfortunately print is not allowing to concatenate parameter value.I can use RaiseError, but these messages are not really any error messages.
i tried to concatenate all message and output it using OUT type parameter, but the length of all messages combined exceeds 10000 characters.
Is there any other alternate to send these messages out to application?
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Mar 24, 2015
I have to create a query that will be returning the users and the application modules they have access for. Along with the list of users and modules the query should also return if any module is not accessible for that user.
The 'ApplicationUsers' table is like this:
CREATE TABLE #ApplicationUsers
userId INT,
UserName VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO #ApplicationUsers VALUES
(1, 'Daniel'), (2,'Martin'), (3, 'Brandon'), (4, 'Doug')The 'ApplicationModule' table is like this:
[Code] .....
I used pivot query but there are a couple of limitations in it(may be I am making mistakes in it). First, the pivot columns are static whereas I need dynamic column names(Application Modules). Second, I need to include all the users with all the modules with access or without access that I am unable to achieve.
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Oct 6, 2015
I have a bad web application install for Master Data Services. This was the first installation and there was some back and forth to get it going. I now have set up an identically configured server correctly and figure the easiest thing to do is delete the web app and re-create it rather than spend a bunch of time troubleshooting. How do I do this? I've googled and haven't had much luck. I only want to uninstall the web app since everything up until then was installed correctly.
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May 25, 2001
I'm running sqlserver 2000 EE on windows nt 4.0 server. We are using
Microsoft outlook express. I would like to setup our sqlserver to
notify me via e-mail when a job finishes.
1) What value should I have for mail profile. Under
sql server age properties.
Please let me know.
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Jan 5, 2004
I have job in SQL Server 2000 that is setup to notify an email operator upon successful completion.
When I test the notification to the set email operator it sends the email just fine.
When the job is run manually it emails the operator just fine.
When the job is run on a schedule it does not email the operator upon completion. It gives the details in view job history "NOTE: Failed to notify '<operator>' via email.
I have other jobs on the same server that run and notify via email to other operators upon successful completion just fine.
I have parsed MS Technet and the web and did not find anything.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Nov 19, 2007
can the Notify Operator Task send the output error message of its predecessor task(e.g Execute T-SQL Statement Task) to the operator? If yes, how?
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Nov 6, 2007
Simple question:
I have two servers S1 and S2. Inmediately after new data on S1 is available I want to perform some actions on S2.
I can use a trigger on S1, but if S2 is down the transaction on S1 will be lost. I could use database replication but I only need one single table in S1 to report changes to S2
Is there any other approach I could use?
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Sep 18, 2007
How do I get the option my database mail profile to appear in the drop down list on the "Notifications Page" in my job properties?
I have configured the mail profile and sucessfully sent a test E-mail.
I have also set "Enable mail profile" in the SQL Agent Properties and restarted the agent.
What else do I need to do, help please?
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Oct 8, 2007
I am havig trouble getting database mail to work. I setup IIS on the same box as sql. I setup SMTP with the relay to In sql server, I setup database mail to point to localhost, with no authentication. After the setup, when I test the email (RMB Send test message) it works fine.
I created a job that will fail every time. I setup myself as the notify party on the job. When I run the job, it fails. I get no email. The job log has the following error:
The job failed. The Job was invoked by User xxxxAdministrator. The last step to run was step 1 (test 1). NOTE: Failed to notify 'Dan Jones' via email.
I have spent lots of hours trying to make this simple thing work. What is wrong?
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Mar 31, 2014
I have been investigating the number of connections activeinactive to a certain database server and I have stumbled across an application which seems to not be clearing its database connections.For one instance of a client there was >70 sql connections which eventuated from the closing and reopening one 1 screen in the culprut app. Once the application was closed all of the connections are recycled but its evident that within the application itself it is not correctly reusing already existing open connections.
I have raised a point with the main programmer that we need to investigate more into how the application is managingot managing its ADO .NET connections to SQL.
I am starting with doing some reading here URL... and I was hoping to get some more information about the possible impact of excessive sql connections on the SQL Server itself. Our organization is quite lucky in that our SQl Servers are Overspecced given their workload, bearing that in mind I would like to dig a bit deeper to get some stats if I can to highlight the scope of the issue to the managementprogrammers.Our SQL server peaks at 6500 processes and a good 70% of those are due to this applications mis-management of its sql connections.
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Jun 5, 2014
We have a Silverlight based application which currently supports only one production version. Idea is to support three concurrent versions of the same application and user will switch to the newer versions based on their interest or they can still continue with the older version.
We still have to use the existing database for all these three versions.
What is the best way to architect this so that we can differentiate the code between the versions and still keep the data in sync and run all the versions in parallel.
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Jun 25, 2002
Does anyone know how to send a notification, using SQL Agent Alert,
if disk space gets to a certain level on the various server
hard drives?
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Jun 12, 2015
I'm trying to set the query to send email ONLY when it returns records of blocks and i cant seem to get this going.
declare @blocks varchar(max)
set @blocks = (SELECT spid,
loginame [Login],
blocked BlkBy,
sd.name DBName,
[Code] ....
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