SQL 2012 :: Parse Data Separated Through Text

Nov 10, 2014

I am trying to parse data separated through text (ie abc1, abc2, abc3, abc4, etc).

ID ParseData
1 [abc1.Pants/abc2.Orange hat /abc3.Purple shirt /abc4./abc5./abc6./abc7./abc8.]
2 [abc1.Gray Shoes/abc2.Striped jacket /abc3./abc4./abc5./abc6./abc7./abc8.]
3 [abc1.Blue jeans/abc2./abc3./abc4./abc5./abc6./abc7./abc8.]

New Data (abc1, abc2, abc3, etc each have a field in the new data set)
ID ParseData abc1 abc2 abc3 abc4 abc5 abc6 abc7 abc8
1 [abc1.Pants...abc8.] Pants Orange hat Purple shirt
2 [abc1.Gray...abc8.] Gray Shoes Striped jacket
3 [abc1.Blue...abc8.] Blue Jeans

If I only want the data in between abc1 and abc2, between abc2 and abc3, etc, what would be the best way to do that?

My code so far looks like:
@string varchar(100) = '[abc1.Pants/abc2.Orange hat /abc3.Purple shirt /abc4./abc5./abc6./abc7./abc8.]',
@searchString1 varchar(20) = 'abc1',
@searchString2 varchar(20) = 'abc2';

SELECT newstring
FROM dbo.SubstringBetween(@string,@searchString1,@searchString2);

This returns 'Pants.'How do I continue to parse between abc2 and abc3? between abc3 and abc4?And then continue to ID2?Should I be referencing the ParseData field instead of string of data that I want to parse?

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Data Warehousing :: Query To Extract All Text After Hyphen From String Containing Comma Separated Text

Aug 27, 2015

I have a parameter value as shown below and this is dynamic and can grow 

Example : 101-NY, 102-CA, 165-GA
116-NY, 258-NJ, 254-PA, 245-DC, 298-AL
How do I get the values in the below format
NY,CA,GA   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state
NY,NJ,PA,DC,AL   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state

correct query that will fetch  only state names and not the numbers.

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How Do You Parse A Single Field List Of Values Separated By Comma?

Jan 3, 2008

ID ContactID

1 4, 5, 6, 8
2 3,4,6

Someone coded their database like this. It is a SQL server table with these two fields.
How do I use SSIS to parse out that single field?

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SQL 2012 :: Parse XML Data To Table Format

May 5, 2014

declare @xml table (xmldata xml)
insert @xml select
N'<parseObject name="Motel">
<field name="vehicleno" fieldType="int" fieldSize="">

[Code] ....

I want to extract data in in table format

ParseObjectName FieldType FieldSizeGrammar
Motel VehicleNo Int NULL div.biz-page-subheader li > span.i-phone-biz_details-wrap
mapbox-icon span.biz-partno[/size]

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Merge Two Tables Data On Behalf Of ID In Comma Separated Manner

Jul 2, 2015

i want to combine upper two tables data like below result sets. Means they should be grouped by bsns_id and its description should be comma separated taken from 2nd table. In sql server 2012.

This is the image path :


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How Can I Parse Text Held In MS SQL 2005 Text Field

Apr 24, 2007

Hi,I been reading various web pages trying to figure out how I can extract some simple information from the XML below, but at present I cannot understand it.
I have a MS SQL 2005 database with which contains a field of type text (external database so field type cannot be changed to XML)The text field in the database is similar to the one below but I have simplified it by remove many of the unneeded tags in the <before> and <after> blocks. I also reformatted it to show the structure (original had no spaces or returns)
For each text field in the SQL table contain the XML I need to know the OldVal and the NewVal.
<ProductMergeAudit> <before>  <table name="table1" description="Test Desc">   <product id="OldVal">  </table> </before> <after>  <table name="table1" description="Test Desc">   <product id="NewVal">  </table> </after></ProductMergeAudit>

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Using SQL Server (T-SQL) To Parse Text

Jul 23, 2005

In MS Access 2000 if I have a String such as:Column1Delta CC: 123Charley CC: 234Foxtrot CC: 890and I wanted to extact just the numbers in to a field called CCI could use this formula in a calculated field:CC: Mid([Column1],Instr(1,[Column1],"CC")+3,50)resulting in:CC123234890Any idea on what the code should be within a view in SQL Server?also -- what is a good reference that can help with these types ofproblems.Any help appreciated!RBollinger

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Parse XML Strings In SQL Text Field

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to build a query on a SQL2000 text field which contains XMLstring. The query is like "select requestnumber from history whererequestnumber is like '%re1%'". As you can see in the following samplerecords, the xml string has database structure and the requestnumber isa node of the XML. I wonder if it is possible to have SQL server parsethis field and allow me to do the query. If not, any suggestion wouldbe appreciated as to how to store XML data in SQL2000. I am not sureif I misused the SQL2000 XML feature correctly. So far I pass the rawquery result to ADO and manipulate it in XMLDOM.The table is to capture history of changes in any record in mydatabase. So I need to keep it simple so any record from any table canbe stored in here. The structure of the table is like this:sysObjectNumber(int, not null)recordKeyValues(char(30), not null)archiveTime(datetime, not null)history(text, null)A sample record would be like the following:sysObjectNumber recordKeyValues arvhiveTime History=============== =============== =========== =======1728725211 ABC 2005-03-25 8:09:56.700<history><partnumber>ABC</partnumber><type>2140461537</type><color>1</color><remain></remain><lastdatein></lastdatein><lastdateout></lastdateout><lastquantityin></lastquantityin><lastquantityout></lastquantityout><threshhold>null</threshhold><usedby>user1</usedby></history>1728725211 ABC 2005-03-28 11:01:14.407<history><partnumber>ABC</partnumber><type>2140461537</type><color>1</color><remain></remain><lastdatein></lastdatein><lastdateout></lastdateout><lastquantityin></lastquantityin><lastquantityout></lastquantityout><threshhold>4</threshhold><usedby>user2</usedby></history>1728725211 ABC 2005-03-28 11:46:12.723<history><partnumber>ABC</partnumber><type>2140461537</type><color>1</color><remain>4</remain><lastdatein></lastdatein><lastdateout></lastdateout><lastquantityin></lastquantityin><lastquantityout></lastquantityout><threshhold>4</threshhold><usedby>user1</usedby></history>1728725211 ABC 2005-03-28 11:46:35.273<history><partnumber>ABC</partnumber><type>2140461537</type><color>1</color><remain>4</remain><lastdatein></lastdatein><lastdateout></lastdateout><lastquantityin></lastquantityin><lastquantityout></lastquantityout><threshhold>4</threshhold><usedby>user4</usedby></history>

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Can SSIS Parse This Text Report Without A Lot Of Programming?

May 18, 2006

I've got some machines that output text files after each shot of parts. I'd like to take the data in those files and parse it and insert it into a SQL Server database for future massaging. The text files look like the example I've posted below. Can SSIS parse out the set points and actual values even though the file isn't CSV or tab delimited and the data is kind of 'strewn' all over the report? Each report does have the exact same format so the report format doesn't change from report to report, just the data. Thanks in advance.


WP4.57 C Y C L E P R O T O C O L

Order data 18.05.06 11:27:57

Order number : 2006 Recipe no. : 15761

Machine number : 7 Recipe name : Stabilizer Bar Innsulator

Machine Operator: 1257 Art.descrip.: Stabilizer Bar Grommet

Shot Volume : 285.8

Part quantity : 100096 Type of mat.: M370-34

Shot quantity : 782 Batch number: 20124-125


Temperatures in øC

Set Act Set Act

Fixed heat.platen right 182 182 Tempering screw 83 83

middle 180 180 Tempering inject.cylinder 85 85

left 182 182 Tempering circuit 3 90 91

Tempering circuit 4 0 39

Movab.heat.platen right 182 182 Tempering circuit 5 0 39

middle 180 180

left 182 182 Mould temperature 1 0 39

Mould temperature 2 0 39

Third heat.platen right 0 39 Mould temperature 3 0 39

middle 0 39 Mould temperature 4 0 39

left 0 39 Mould temperature 5 0 39

Mould heating circuit 6 0 39 Compound temp.after screw 104 104

Mould heating circuit 7 0 39 Compound temp.after nozzle 0 39

Mould heating circuit 8 0 39

Mould heating circuit 9 0 39

Mould heating circuit 10 0 39


Times in sec

Injection time 51.20 Transfer time 1 2.00

Internal mould press.time 0.00 Transfer time 2 2.00

Dwell pressure time 7.00 Transfer time 3 2.00

Controlled cure time 180.00 Transfer time 4 2.00

Calculated cure time 0.00 Transfer time 5 2.00

last cycle time 276

last opening time 25


Measure when injecting Measure at injection end

max. injection speed mm/s 11.9 Injection length mm 2.0

Injection energy kNm 247.2 Injection time sec 51.20

max. int.mould pres. bar 2 Hydraulic pressure bar 190

max. dwell pressure bar 192 Internal mould pressure bar 0

Pad mm 0.4


Stock Temperatures and Pressures During Metering

Stock Temperatures(C) Set Actual Metering Pressures(bar) Set Actual

Temperature 1st Step 105 106 Pressure 1st Step 135 131

Temperature 2nd Step 105 106 Pressure 2nd Step 135 129

Temperature 3rd Step 105 105 Pressure 3rd Step 135 122

Temperature 4th Step 105 106 Pressure 4th Step 135 135

Temperature 5th Step 105 109 Pressure 5th Step 135 137

Protocol Complete

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Can You Parse Out A Text String &> 8000 Chars Long??

Mar 30, 2005

Any way to parse out a text value (not varChar, using text data type) that is > than 8000 characters long? I'm looping through 1 big string passed to the DB that is pipe delimited, but I find myself needing the substring function to keep track of which segment I'm acting on (after an update, I then need to take that segment and remove it from the string)...but the subString function won't take anything larger than 8000 chars.

Say I have this string that is text data type...


..and so on, surpassing 8000 char length, how could you parse it out using the pipes as the delimter, then do an Update using that segment? Afterward, return to that string and find the next segment, then use it, and so on (in a loop). I tried using an update to set the string = replace(string, segmentJustUsed, '') to "erase" it, but replace can't take text as the datatype. Any help? Hope this isn't to confusing.

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Parse Text File (csv, Fix Width), Perl Or Something Newer?

May 26, 2007

I need to parse some text files and load them to database - these files are mostly CSV files or fix width columns format and the column names (first line) may vary in text (e.g. different abbreviation), order and extra columns, etc.

Is it a good idea have this done using script task of SSIS? How it compare to Perl on performance? Or any other tools good for this?

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Reporting Services :: How To Determine And Parse Out Text Using VBA In A SSRS Expression

Jun 1, 2015

I have a data field in a SSRS Report that contains the requestor's User Id. Their ID is prefixed with "PRIV"...And I'm assuming that is the direct result of the network domain. I need to create a SSRS expression to determine if the User ID is prefixed with "PRIV" and then parse that out and use what's behind the "" as their true User Id.

example...."PRIVID123456" should appear as "ID123456" in the report data line.

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Query To Get Values From Datetime Column Into Comma Separated Text

Dec 20, 2005

Hi All
I am working on a query to get all the datetime values in a column in a table into a comma separated text.
     ColumnDate                                                  --------------------------- 2005-11-09 00:00:00.0002005-11-13 00:00:00.0002005-11-14 00:00:00.0002005-11-16 00:00:00.000
I wanted to get something like
2005-11-09, 2005-11-13, 2005-11-14, 2005-11-16 
Have just started SQL and hence am getting confused in what I think should be a relatively simple query. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks

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SQL 2012 :: Parse XML Files Into Relational Table

Sep 24, 2014

We have a project to parse out an xml file into relational sql table. The xml file is complex type with multiple nesting. We are trying to resort to use XQuery to parse it out to SQL tables-because of one thing or the other - other options on the table were not viable. I know that we can use C# to do the same thing but we are sticking to TSQL with Xquery. Has anybody used the same route for processing large complex xml files?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Parse A String Every 6 Letters

Jan 28, 2015

How to parse a string to equal length substrings in SQL

I am getting a long concatenated string from a query (CTVALUE1) and have to use the string in where clause by parsing every 6 characters..

[ID] [char](10) NULL,
[name] [char](10) NULL,
[CTVALUE1] [char](80) NULL

select * from ptemp

After parsing I have to use these values in a where clause like this


Now ,the values can change I mean the string may give 5 values(6 character) today and 10 tomorrow.. So the parsing should be dynamic.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Comma Separated Column Output

Nov 19, 2013

I need a query which results the output as comma separated

for example ,

select name from tablename;

say for example this produces the following,


I need the follwoing,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Comma Separated In A Single Result

May 30, 2014

I have the following table

CREATE Table #Table1
ID INT, Name VARCHAR(50), Class VARCHAR(10)
Select 1, 'name1', 'a' UNION ALL
Select 2, 'name1', 'a' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

Is it possible to have each name and its corresponding class in a single line separated by commas to give a result like the one below in #table2 ?

CREATE Table #Table2
ID INT, CommaSeparated VARCHAR(100)
Select 1, 'name1, a' UNION ALL

[Code] ...

What I have

Select * FROM #Table1

Final Result
Select * FROM #Table2

Note that I still want to see all the IDs regardless.

If that is not possible to see all the IDs, I think the results below in #Table3 should suffice.

CREATE Table #Table3
CommaSeparated VARCHAR(100)
Select 'name1, a' UNION ALL
Select 'name2, b, c, d' UNION ALL
Select 'name3, e, f'
Select * FROM #Table3

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SQL Server 2012 :: Convert Multiple Rows To One Row Separated By Delimiter?

Jun 2, 2014

I am running sqlserver 2012.

My output data is like


Now, i want to convert the output to


How can i do this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Comma Separated List Of Distinct Values

Oct 14, 2015

I am trying to create a comma delimited list of InvNo along with the JobNo .

JobNo VARCHAR(10),
INSERT INTO #ListString ( JobNo, InvNo )
SELECT '3079', 'abc'

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Parse Two Delimited Table Columns Into Multiple Records

Oct 22, 2014

I have a table structure where there are multiple "/" separated values in two columns that I need to parse out into single records.

INSERT INTO CONFIGNEW(PlanID, GroupID, SubGroupID, ExternalCode) VALUES('101/201', '000005', 'LAA/OCA/UCA/XCA', '1', 'M231_1)

[Code] .....

The results I am looking to achieve are:


Is there an SQL statement that can be used to accomplish this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Values Into Comma Separated List - Serialize

Apr 18, 2014

I have a requirement for SSRS where the input has the following structure:

Store NumberStore Owner
542 Jaklin Givargidze
542 Raymond G. Givargidze
557 Hui Juan Lu
557 Tong Yu Lu

but the user would like to see the following:

Store Number

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SQL Server 2012 :: Combining Values Into Comma Separated List - Serialize?

Apr 18, 2014

I have a requirement for SSRS report where part of the input has the following structure:

Store NumberStore Owner
542 Jaklin Givargidze
542 Raymond G. Givargidze
557 Hui Juan Lu
557 Tong Yu Lu

but the user would like to see the following:

Store Number Store Owner
542 Jaklin Givargidze, Raymond G. Givargidze
557 Hui Juan Lu, Tong Yu Lu

I am sure that this can be coded, just don't know how. I believe that proper term is to "serialize" the values.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Missing Text Data

Jul 15, 2014

Today I have a very similar situation, only today I am dealing with missing text data, not numeric data.

DECLARE @MissingTextData TABLE
RowID int
,UserID int
, EmailAddress varchar(20)
,StreetAddress varchar(20)


I would like to fill in the NULL columns with data from the other row, and then select the one row that is filled with all data. I was able to use MAX() for a numeric value, but I am really stumped on the text data. Everything that I have tried is not working.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Expand Comma Separated Values In Field In Select Statement

Jul 13, 2015

Consider the following data:

create table #test
(id int
,color varchar(20)
insert into #test
(id, color)
(1, 'blue'),(2, 'red'),(3,'green'),(4,'red,green')

if I wanted to run a query to select any records that had red in the color field, how would I do that? Not the one with only red, but a query that would give me both record number 2 and record number 4.

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SQL 2012 :: Parsing Out Data String With Text Delimiters

Nov 5, 2014

I'm trying to parse out a line of data that is separated by the text "atc1.", "atc2." etc.

For example,


If I only want the data after atc2., then I could search the string for "atc2." and collect all the characters afterwards. But how can I make sure to trim off all the data after "atc3." to make sure I'm only collecting "456" from the example above?

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SQL 2012 :: Pass List Items To Stored Proc As Comma Separated Parameter - Foreach Loop

Feb 11, 2015

I have a multiselect checkbox list in my UI. I pass the list items to my stored proc as comma separated parameter and then I have a function which converts this parameter to a table with separate rows.

E.g. : a,b,c,d

Converted to result table


I want to insert each row of the result table into another table. How to do that.

E.g., the table after the function is :

Subject varchar(100)

insert into #result values ('a')
insert into #result values ('b')
insert into #result values ('c')
insert into #result values ('d')

So the pseudo code is something like

for each row in #result

insert row into another table

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Column Data Into Comma Separated Data?

Mar 14, 2014

I have data in the below format .


I want the result in the below format


I have tried stuff but all six values(AAA...FFF) are coming in one row , however i need them as per the category.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Loading And Reformatting Text File Data Into Table

May 29, 2015

I am looking for a way to convert the following format into a sql table. The format it is Bib Tex.

Essentially a new row in the table would be for each entry, denoted by an @ logo and each column is denoted by an =, as you can see from the example data no one contains all the possible columns and some fields can be over two lines long.

To load this I was considering loading it into a table as each line being a row. Adding a row number, then a column counting the @ signs in order and essentially grouping each record, then for each group running through and looking for the column keywords 'author' , 'title' etc then splitting the data out into those constituent parts using substring and charindex.

author = "von Hicks, III, Michael",
title = "Design of a Carbon Fiber Composite Grid Structure for the GLAST
Spacecraft Using a Novel Manufacturing Technique",
publisher = "Stanford Press",
year = 2001,

[Code] ....

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How To Parse Out Data

Apr 25, 2008

This is the type of data I have within my table and I need to take it from this to the example below

Types First Name Last Name
--------- ---------------- ----------------
6L4XX,6L5XX,6L8XX,6L9XX Bob Smith
6L4XX,6L5XX,6L8XX,6L9XX Dave Johnson

Types First Name Last Name
--------- ---------------- ---------------

6L4XX Bob Smith
6L5XX Bob Smith
6L8XX Bob Smith
6L9XX Bob Smith

6L4XX Dave Johnson
6L5XX Dave Johnson
6L8XX Dave Johnson
6L9XX Dave Johnson

I have to do this for MANY rows but I don't want to use a cursor. Should I be using Dynamic SQL? If so how should I go about starting out.

Thank You

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UNION - Errror &"Unable To Parse Query Text.&"

Feb 26, 2008

SELECT SID, SAmAccountName, DOMAIN, EmployeeID, CustAtr, DisplayName, UPN, Date, flag, Date_Mod, Date_Exp, IsActive, OU, Description, IDType
FROM dbo.CORP_EMP_IDS as corp_emp_ids
WHERE (EmployeeID BETWEEN 'A' AND 'Z') AND (IsActive = 1) AND (EmployeeID NOT IN ('gen', 'G', 'M', 'S', 'T', 'TT', 'AdminAcct', 'TestAcct', 'ConfRoom', 'AcctAdmin')) AND (Date_Exp > GETDATE() OR
Date_Exp = '') AND (SAmAccountName NOT LIKE '%$%')


SELECT SID, SAmAccountName, DOMAIN, EmployeeID, CustAtr, DisplayName, UPN, Date, flag, Date_Mod, Date_Exp, IsActive, OU, Description, IDType
WHERE (CustAtr BETWEEN 'A' AND 'Z') AND (IsActive = 1) AND (CustAtr NOT IN ('gen', 'G', 'M', 'S', 'T', 'TT', 'AdminAcct', 'TestAcct', 'ConfRoom', 'AcctAdmin','AdminAccts')) AND (Date_Exp > GETDATE() OR
Date_Exp = '') AND (SAmAccountName NOT LIKE '%$%')


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Parse Data And Then Compare

Aug 14, 2007

I am using MSSQL v8 (if that matters)

The data looks like the following
| PBP 20070420 2:26pm |

Now the data in this field is not uniform it can be blank, a sentence or have a different pre fix, instead of PBP, but the date will be YYYYMMDD when it is supplied.

I need to find all the dates that are within the last 10 months. How do I perform this task?

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Parse Denormalized Data

Mar 30, 2008

I have just inherited a new project consisting of data imported into sql 2005 from a multi-dimensional database. After finding the correct ODBC and importing the data I believed that I was done, but after reviewing the resulting structure I discovered why this was called a ��multi-dimensional�? database. The resulting imported data is completely de-normalized and resembles an excel spreadsheet more than a relational database. An example of this structure is the persons table. The table has multiple columns, some of which contain the multi-dimensional fields. These fields contain multiple values which are separated with a tilde, ��~�?. I need to parse out the data and normalize it. In the specific sample of data below I attempting to take the personid, associates, and assocattrib and insert them into a sql table, associates. This table references the persons table where the personid and the associates references the personid in the persons table.

Code Snippet

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[persons](
[namepkey] [int] PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
[nameid] [varchar](6) NOT NULL,
[lastname] [varchar](41) NULL,
[firstname] [varchar](50) NULL,
[mname] [varchar](50) NULL,
[sex] [char](1) NULL,
[race] [varchar](55) NULL,
[dob] [varchar](10) NULL,
[address] [varchar](28) NULL,
[city] [varchar](32) NULL,
[state] [varchar](25) NULL,
[zip] [varchar](127) NULL,
[hphone] [varchar](10) NULL,
[busphone] [varchar](50) NULL,
[profession] [varchar](28) NULL,
[employer] [varchar](42) NULL,
[eyecolor] [varchar](23) NULL,
[build] [varchar](14) NULL,
[complexion] [varchar](26) NULL,
[haircolor] [varchar](26) NULL,
[dlnumber] [varchar](36) NULL,
[dlstate] [varchar](27) NULL,
[jacketnumber] [varchar](130) NULL,
[height] [varchar](4) NULL,
[weight] [varchar](50) NULL,
[ethnicity] [varchar](25) NULL,

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[associates](
[associd] [int] NOT NULL REFERENCES persons(personid),
[namepkey] [int] NOT NULL REFERENCES persons(personid),
[assocattribute] [varchar](20) NULL

The purpose of normalizing this data will be to show the realationship(s) between people as it has been documented in the previous data structure, i.e. person 1 is an associate of person 336 and the attribute is WIT.

My problem lies in attempting to parse out the associates and assocattrib columns and relate them to the appropriate personid. The personid relates to each associate and assocattrib and the tilde, ~, separates the values ordinal position which, in sql, would be separate rows. For example the single row:
personid associates assocattrib
58201 252427~252427~252427 VICT/SUSP~WIT~RP
Should be:
58201 252427 VICT/SUSP
58201 252427 WIT
58201 252427 RP

The imported data can have no associates:
personid associates assocattrib
152683 NULL NULL

or up to 69 associates, I am not even going to try to paste all of that here.

There are over 400,000 rows that I am looking at parsing, so any way of doing this in t-sql or the clr would be GREAT. This data is stored in SQL 2005 standard SP2. The specific machine is our test/reporting server, so I am not necessarily concerned with the best performing solution, I am leaning more towards providing some free time for me.

Any help or suggestions, including better ideas on the table structure, would be greatly appreciated.

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Ordeering Data Separated By Commas

Jan 1, 2008

Hey everyone. I've never posted on this site before so if I miss anything, please let me know.

I need to order the following data


into this order:


Because the data contains commas, I've had to change the data type to varchar. I've seen several instances of PATINDEX used however I have not ran across any of them that would put the above in the order in which I need. Btw, I have about 20 columns with this type of data and I eventually plan to use the results of each column to populate dropdownlists . Thank you all in advance.

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