SQL 2012 :: Using Money Column To Store Amount Related Columns?
Sep 3, 2015
I just joined a bank related IT department where the existing IT team is already working on creating a new application since a year now and designed database on SQL Server 2012, the amount (currency related) column's datatype found different in tables some where it is decimal and somewhere found different. I want to suggest them Money datatype to choose where we are dealing with currency related columns. My question is, is that correct to choose Money datatype or should I ignore this?
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Jan 7, 2015
I am trying to figure out how to pivot a temporary table. I have a table which starts with a date but the number of columns and columns names will vary but will be type INT (Data, col2,col3,col4………….n)
So it could look like
Date , TS-Sales, Budget , Toms sales
Turned to this
01-jan-14, 02-jan-14, 03-jan-14
Or even just the date and a SUM
What I want is to be able to sum al the columns but without knowing the name and the amount columns to start with this is a manually processes. How could I automate this?
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Dec 16, 2014
We have a table with 10 columns each column is of datatype int and can accept nulls, when I do a save is it better to have 0 inserted in to the column or just insert null?
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Aug 20, 2015
When we use Partition switch and load the data to a table, can we refresh the indexes for specific partition, so that we don't need to rebuild / refresh for complete is this possible ?
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Oct 16, 2014
I am trying to create a calendar style report that will have 12 months (as columns) and store opening listing in rows. I have created a matrix, but the problem that I have is that the store opening listing displays in the right period, but they are not in any order. I would like to have the openings always on top, right under the header in the matrix. Now I have them scattered randomly all over the matrix. I tried numerous way of sorting and that does not work.
I am attaching a sample of what I would like to accomplish (months are columns).
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Oct 29, 2014
I'd like to create a table that will store different order items. Several order items make up one single order. Order items can have 0 or more children (max depth will never be deeper than one). Order items can have up to 150 attributes/values. The way I think this should be done is using XML column instead of the EAV type of model. My table structure currently looks like this:
* child_order_item_id (PK)
* parent_order_item_id (FK to child_order_item_id)
* order_id (FK to Order table)
* product_id (FK to Product table)
* price
* attribute_XML
How my attribute_XML should look like or how to validate the xml.
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Nov 9, 2014
We are storing changed data of tables into XML format for auditing purpose. The functionality is already achieved. We are using FOR XML Path clause to convert relational data of tables into XML format.
Now, a table is having column name with '(' . For example name of the column is, ColumnName(). In this case we can not convert into XML using For XML clause. Showing error as,
Column name 'columnName()' contains an invalid XML identifier as required by FOR XML; '(' (0x0028) is the first character at fault.
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Jun 18, 2015
I have created NONCLUSTERED index on table but my report is taking more time that's why i created columnstore NONCLUSTERED index on the same table but i have one query, if any table have row and column level index(same columns in index) . Which index query will consider.
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Oct 17, 2015
We have a typical issue with Column Store Index, we have a procedure which does 2 activities - Switch & Reverse Switch
1. Fetch the Partitions needed to be switched
2. Switch the data from Main Table to Switch table
2. Disable the Column store on Switch table
SSIS Package:
3. Load data to Switch (Insert / Update)
Reverse Switch:
4. Enable the Switch
5. Switch back the data from Switch table to Main table
Issue: Some time the Column store is not getting disabled, and the package fails complaining try disabling the Column store index and try loading data.
If we re-run the procedure, the column store gets disabled.
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Apr 13, 2007
Hi Guys
I need your help again, I am try to update several columns and the data type is 'money'.
Below is the code I have used:
UnitCost ='10.00',UnitCost2 = '10.00',UnitCost3 = '10.00',UnitCost4 = '10.00',UnitCost5 = '10.00',UnitCost6 = '10.00'
WHERE ProductCode = '0008'
But it will not update, instead I get this error:
>[Error] Script lines: 1-9 -------------------------- Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'dbo.CAT_Products', column 'UnitCost'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
More exceptions ... Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table '.dbo.CAT_Products', column 'UnitCost2'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
The error message indicates that I need to use the convert function. But the columns data type is set at 'money' not 'varcher' . So do I need to convert data type to 'varcher' in order to update and convert back to data type 'money' when update complete? Or do I need to indicate in the update statement that data type is already 'money'? I am not sure how I would either.
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Jan 13, 2015
I have a very interesting problem in T-SQL coding for which I can't figure out the solution. Actually there is a Line_1_Address column in our data warehouse address table which is being populated from various sources. Some sources have already concatenated house number + street address fields in the Line_1_Address column whereas one source has separated columns for both data fields.
Now I'm trying to extract data from this data warehouse table and I need to split the house number from street address and load it into separate columns in my destination table. In case there is no data for house number then I should load it as NULL.
The issue is that data in this Line_1_Address column is very inconsistent so I don't know which functions to use. Here is some sample data for your consideration:
101 E Commerce ST
120 E Commerce ST
2 Po Box
301 W. Bel Air Ave
West Main Street, PO Box 1388
[Code] .....
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Mar 3, 2015
I have a description field in a table which also stores unit of measure in the same column but with some space between them, I need to split these into two different columns.
For Eg:
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Mar 12, 2015
I have the following query that displays 2 values. I want to add a column with the percentage ([Providers With Security]
/ProviderTotal) * 100
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary WHERE Market = s.Market) AS ProviderTotal,COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) AS [Providers With Security]
FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary s
WHERE s.[Security] = 'Yes'
How can I do this?
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Jul 5, 2000
Not nice but a work around: is there a way to get the amount of fields or rows from a table or query within MS SQL, to pick out the lastfield-4 for example ?
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Dec 11, 2013
How do I write a query using the split function for the following requirement.I have a table in the following way
Identity Name Col1 Col2 Col3
1 Test1 1,2,3 200,300,400 3,4,6
2 Test2 3,4,5 300,455,600 2,3,8
I want an output in the following format
Identity Name Col1 Col2 Col3
1 Test1 1 200 3
1 Test1 2 300 4
1 Test1 3 400 6
2 Test2 3 300 2
2 Test2 4 455 3
2 Test2 5 600 8
If you see the data, first element in col1 is matched to first element in col2 and 3 after splitting the string.
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Jan 29, 2014
I'm fairly new to SQL and am just setting up a Windows 8 app using an Azure SQL server. The issue I have is looking up a part number supersession and getting the latest number. One part number can have multiple supersessions (ie RTC5756 > STC8572 > STC3765 > STC9150 > STC9191 > SFP500160 ).The data I am supplied monthly has both the superseeded items and the supersession information in both columns and is not easy to decipher - for example:
Supersessions Table
RTC5756 | STC9191
SFP500160 | STC9191
STC9191 | STC2951
STC3765 | STC9191
STC8572 | STC9191
STC9150 | STC9191
The newest part number is kept in a separate table - called "source" - which in this instance is SFP500160. I need access to the latest part number but also to the part's previous numbers, due to the fact that some people may still be stocking them as an old part number and for them to search by. Is there an easy and efficient way of doing both a lookup for the supersessions and a join on the two tables to minimize the queries on the database?
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Jan 4, 2008
I have table 1 from which I select some values belonging to users.In table 2 I store tips a user might give: tipid, tiptitle, tiptext,tipcreatedateA user may give more than one tip.But now I want a query that selects the info of a SINGLE user and the LATEST tip he created, so resultset might look like:username lastname sex tiptitle tiptext tipcreatedateSo even though a user might have given more tips, only the latest will be retreived...and thus 1 row for a particular user is returned...How would I construct such a query? The problem is that I want to get exactly 1 row but more than 1 column from the table 2, so I think I cannot use the SQL Server "TOP" command...
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Nov 12, 2007
Okay, when i go and preview a report that has columns (my report is designed for printing lables, i'm just pulling names and addresses and placing them in a list text box and 3 columns), the columns do not show. Keep in mind this is in "preview" cause html cannot handle columns.
On the first page, the middle column is blank, then the second page has blank first and last columns, and this repeats throughout the preview. So column 2 is blank, then 1 & 3 are blank, and so on.
I'm wondering if this is a SP2-related thing cause i know SP2 caused the black-preview-renderings (and i fixed that).
I know it's working properly cause i can export to PDF and it's perfect.
So, this is merely a rendering issue (at least so far). Does anyone have any suggestions or any advice to a fix on this? I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE? It'd be very nice to be able to preview my reports before they're deployed to the intranet website.
Thanks in advance!
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Mar 18, 2015
Void Start Date: When a property becomes empty or vacant
Let Date: When the property is filled in again
I have the sample data below and like to show the void loss per month basis as below:
1) Allocate the amount from voidloss column between months based on voiddays:
for example for propcode 3698 the amount 13,612.56 needs to be divided between September and October based on the VoidDays. i.e of the 39 voiddays, 25 where in September and 14 in October hence 8726 will be allocated to September and 4886.56 to October
2) After allocating the amount sum the amount by controlgroup and total the voiddays per month. It will be great if we can divide the voiddays between months and sum them by controlgroup as well.
So in the end result we should have
ControlGroup, Month, Year, VoidLoss, VoidsdayinMonth
106 September 2014 8726 25
106 October 2014 4886.56 14
106 December 2014 2940 7
Declare @voidloss Table
( History_IND INT
,PropCode VARCHAR(10)
,VoidCategory VARCHAR(10)
,ControlGroup VARCHAR(10)
,VoidStartDate date
[Code] .....
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Mar 20, 2014
cast(round([YearlyProfit]-[MonthlyProfit],0)as int),
cast(round(isnull(sum(SalesProfit]),0),0) as int
How can I convert these columns to money so that I can display the result with comma included.
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Dec 22, 2014
I need to calculate running total which resets when reached to 16, and also needs to calculate remaining amount as paid.
I have attached sample data, so we have two columns Earned, and Used. And we need to calculate Balance, and Paid columns.
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Apr 27, 2015
I am trying to exclude records that have an assessed value that has been waived in an aggregation. For Example:
Here is my table:
CREATE TABLE #temptable (ReportingMonth Varchar(6), Fee_Code Varchar(20), Fee_Transaction_Amount Decimal(12,2), Fee_Transaction_Date Datetime, Fee_Transaction_Type Char)
INSERT INTO #temptable (ReportingMonth, Fee_Code, Fee_Transaction_Amount, Fee_Transaction_Date, Fee_Transaction_Type)
SELECT 'Jan-13', 'ONE TIME DRAFT FEE', '20', '01/24/2013', 'A'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Feb-13', 'LATE CHARGE', '33.6', '02/19/2013', 'A'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Mar-13', 'LATE CHARGE', '37.01', '03/18/2013', 'A'
Here are Data Mapping Description
Reporting Month = Month - Year
Fee Code = Fee Description Name
Fee Transaction Amount = Fee Amount
Fee Transaction Date = When Fee Amount was Applied
Fee Transaction Type = "A" = Assessed Fee; "W" = Waived Fee; "P" = Paid Fee
I've also included an image with beginning data set and what I want to identify in red and what my final data set should look like after the exclusion of those 4 records are removed.
Here are the logic requirements:In the attachment what I need the logic to do is essentially identify the $20 One Time Draft Fee from the first instance using the MIN Transaction date. Since there were $80 waived for this fee code (One Time Draft Fee), I would expect to see the first 4 (highlighted in red) to be identified as the target and as you can see in the attachment the second data set had the 4 highlighted items removed. That should be my final output.
trying to loop and remove the waive amounts from the assess amounts and tied it back to remove from my base data.
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Jun 14, 2007
i am trying to load output of count(X) and sum(salesamt) into the same column. if iam using transformation data task what datatype should i be converting the two outputs to accomidate result as
10.00 --count
234.00 --saleamt
22.00 --count
1000.00 --saleamt
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Mar 19, 2014
In the full recovery model, if i run a transaction that inserts 10MB of data into a table, then 10 MB of data is moved in the data file. Does this mean then that the log file will grow by exactly 10MB as well?
I understand that all transactions are logged to the log file to enable rollback and point in time recovery, but what is actually physically stored in the log file for this transactions record? Is it the text of the command from the transaction or the actual physical data from that transaction?
I ask because say if I have two drives, one with 5MB/s write speed for the log file and one with 10MB/s write speed for the data file, if I start trying to insert 10 MB of data per second into the table, am I going to be limited to 5MB/s by the log file drive, or is SQL server not going to try and log all 10 MB each second to the log file?
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Sep 11, 2015
Is it possible to get data-type,default-value, etc. (basically schema information) of columns in a particular query.This is something similar to what we get when we execute the following
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Employees'
But instead of TABLE_NAME i would like to give a query like
SELECT [EmployeeID],[LastName],[FirstName] from [dbo].[Employees] order by [EmployeeID].
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Jun 2, 2014
Having below data. SHCOMP (Customer ID), CBLNAM ( Customer name), SHDESC (service description), SHAMT (service charge), SHTYPE (F-> From T-> To)
[SHCOMP] [numeric](7, 0) NOT NULL,
[SHDESC] [char](35) NOT NULL,
[SHTYPE] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[SHAMT] [numeric](9, 2) NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
I need to remove records that have the same ID, Name, Description and Amount summary = 0, For example
123 cust1 desc1 45 F remove
123 cust1 desc1 -45 T remove
123 cust1 desc1 45 F remove
123 cust1 desc1 -45 T remove
123 cust1 desc1 45 F
[Code] ....
123 cust1 desc1 45 F
123 cust1 desc1 -35 T
234 cust3 desc2 30 F
here is what I did but didn't work because sum is <> from 0 so is leaving all records
into #t1
FROM #Temp
having SUM(SHAMT)=0
order by SHCUST
delete S from #Temp S
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to write a query that will give me a dynamic amount of columns back.What I want to do, I want to create a calendar application, in which foreach employee, I want to show if he is in the office or not.this should look like:ID, Name, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,888,Leo,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1The amount of columns is dynamic, and is a period of time, with a column foreach day.Any suggestions what the best approach to this could be?ThanksLeo
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Oct 8, 2007
I need to always have a formatting of 999,999,999.00 in a column called PropertyMap9.
PropertyMap9 is always a nvarchar(max)
How do I SET a value using a CONVERT or CAST to accomplish this ?
Why does this give me a syntax error ? The PropertyMap7 set actually works and performs the calculation and sets the new value for that row, however the next line gives an error. I need all 3 columns PropertyMap9, 8, and 7 to always have the above formatting, while still maintaining the nvarchar(max) datatype in the column. HELP!
update PropertyMapValues
set PropertyMap7 = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CAST(PropertyMap8 AS money) - (CAST(PropertyMap9 AS money)),1)
set PropertyMap9 = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CAST(PropertyMap9 AS money))
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure UpdatePropertyMap7, Line 59
Incorrect syntax near '='.
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Mar 21, 2015
I have the table below and like to create a view to show the no of days the property was vacant or void and rent loss per month. The below explanation will describe output required
For example we have a property (house/unit/apartment) and the tenant vacates on 06/09/2014. Lets say we fill the property back on 15/10/2014. From this we know the property was empty or void for 39 days. Now we need to calculate the rent loss. Based on the Market Rent of the property we can get this. Lets say the market rent for our property is $349/pw. So the rent loss for 39 days is 349/7*39 = $1944.43/-.
Now the tricky part and what im trying to achieve. Since the property was void or empty between 2 months, I want to know how many days the property was empty in the first month and the rent loss in that month and how many days the property was empty in the second month and the rent loss incurred in that month. Most of the properties are filled in the same month and only in few cases the property is empty between two months.
As shown below we are splitting the period 06/09/2014 - 15/10/2014 and then calculating the void days and rent loss per month
Period No of Void Days Rent Loss
06/09/2014 - 30/09/2014 24 349/7*24 = 1196.57
01/10/2014 - 15/10/2014 15 349/7*15 = 747.85
I have uploaded a screenshot of how the result on this link: [URL] ....
Declare @void Table
PropCode VARCHAR(10)
,VoidStartDate date
,LetDate date
,Market_Rent Money
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Dec 14, 2007
Hi all!
I want to create a table. One of the columns should be in the data type MONEY with two digits on the right side of the decimal point.
How is that possible?
Thanks a lot and greetings from vienna
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Jul 14, 2014
Need to know some of the DMV'S and System Tables related to Database Mirroring.
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Mar 21, 2015
I like to create an SQL view to divide amount 300,000 between 12 month starting from Month July 2014 to June 2015 as shown below
Amount Month Year
25,000 July 2014
25,000 August 2014
25,000 September 2014
25,000 October 2014
25,000 November 2014
25,000 December 2014
25,000 January 2015
25,000 February 2015
25,000 June 2015
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May 30, 2015
I want to compare two columns in the same table called start date and end date for one clientId.if clientId is having continuous refenceid and sartdate and enddate of reference that I don't need any caseopendate but if clientID has new reference id and it's start date is not continuous to its previous reference id then I need to set that start date as caseopendate.
I have table containing 5 columns.
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