SQL 'Hyphen' Problem...

Aug 24, 2001

I am new to SQL.

But here is my question. I have a column 'name' and contents are like
A-B, C-D, E-F

When I query DB using, SQL

select * from tbl_Names
where name='C-D'

it does not display anything...
What am I doing wrong?

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SQLServer Name With Hyphen

Dec 30, 1999

Does anybody knows a workaround to register SQLServer with the name which contains hyphen('-') character in it? I work for multi-national company & they have naming standard for NT servers & this server has hyphen in it.
Also site server guru here thinks that server name change option is not feasible. Please help.

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Using A Hyphen In SQL Server Name

Oct 14, 2003

We are about to name a new SQL Server and was wondering if anybody has any documentation/knowledge that states one should avaoid using hyphens when naming Servers, objects, etc in SQL.

I have always heard its bad practise, but have not found any solid documentation. For example, I know that the 'connect to' statement does not like hyphens, but what about a SQL Server name on the network ?


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Creating A Job With A Database That Has Hyphen

Jun 22, 2004


1- I have given a dbo permission on a database named F12345-1, now I want to create a job on that server using this database.

2- I tried to create the first step in the new job but I don’t see my database name on the databases drop down menu (I only see the system databases)

3- I tried being under Master and using the USE sql command (Ex: Use F12345-1) at the beginning of my step but I get a message saying that the database F12345 doesn’t exist (The message doesn’t say the whole database name only the part before the hyphen)

4- I tried putting quotes around the database name with no luck, although that worked in SQL Query Analyzer but the Job didn’t like it.

Can you please help with this, knowing that I have no control on the database name (In order to remove the hyphen from the name which I am assuming is the cause of this problem)


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Know Of Any SQL Function That Would Chop-off The Hyphen From The Zipcode??

Dec 14, 2006

Anyone know what's the MS-SQL function that look at the zipcode like "30296-6912" and chop off the "-6912" suffix by just looking at the hyphen part?


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Order By Ignoring The Hyphen Character

Sep 24, 2007

I'm using the following SQL script to return a list of part number and the order is not what I expect. Perhaps this is a collation problem but I have no idea where to look to modify that.

Thanks in advance, John
select part from transactions T where (T.transdate between '20070701' and '20070705') and
(T.transtype = 'ISSU' or T.transtype = 'RTRN') order by part

Here is the beginning of the Transactions table create script

CREATE TABLE [Transactions] (
[RecNo] [int] IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL,
[Part] [nvarchar] (30) NOT NULL ,
[TransDate] [nvarchar] (8) NOT NULL ,
[TransType] [nvarchar] (4) NOT NULL ,
[FromLoc] [nvarchar] (10) ,

The 'Part' column is an alphanumeric field. The problem I am having is that the
Order By seems to ignore the hyphen character '-' when the returned rows
are ordered by the Part (which can contain hyphens in any column).

Here is an example of what I get.

1-480698-0 * These two should not be here
1-480699-0 *

I was expecting this ( and I get this in and older database ).

1-480698-0 * These should be here eariler in the data

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Inserting A Hyphen (-) Into The 3rd Position Of A Nvarchar Field

Sep 13, 2004

I have a colum of numbers, which datatype is nvarchar;


I need to insert a hyphen, 3 spaces from the right (to left) My numbers would look like this:


...do I use the rtrim function ?...what would the syntax look like ?

Thank you

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Replication Fails When Table Name Has Single Hyphen

Dec 7, 2006


I have SQL Server 2000 DB that was converted via DTS from Acccess 97. Replication fails for any table with a single hypen in the table name. If I copy one of these tables to a name using an underscore rather than a hyphen, then it replicates successfully.

Below are errror messags from agent with -Outputverboselevel set to 2. I have also seen 'Agent error code 20082', in which case the replication command is incomplete.

Any ideas?


Bill Coulter

Parameterized values for above command(s): {{N'00000000001010000100', N'000000000000000000', N'730535L1205C'}}
Agent message code 20046. Syntax error or access violation
[12/7/2006 1:22:40 PM]OUSBID02.distribution: {call sp_MSadd_distribution_history(57, 6, ?, ?, 27, 27, 2.32, 0x01, 1, ?, 1, 0x00, 0x01)}
Adding alert to msdb..sysreplicationalerts: ErrorId = 18,
Transaction Seqno = 0000108b000028f2000400000000, Command ID = 1
Message: Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent OUSBID02-engdata- failed. Syntax error or access violation[12/7/2006 1:22:40 PM]OUSBID02.distribution: {call sp_MSadd_repl_alert(3, 57, 18, 14151, ?, 1, N'OUSBID02', N'engdata', N'', N'engdata', ?)}
ErrorId = 18, SourceTypeId = 1
ErrorCode = ''
[12/7/2006 1:22:40 PM]OUSBID02.distribution: {call sp_MSadd_repl_error(18, 0, 1, ?, N'', ?)}

Source: Failed Command
ErrorId = 18, SourceTypeId = 4
ErrorCode = '37000'
ErrorText = 'Syntax error or access violation'
[12/7/2006 1:22:40 PM]OUSBID02.distribution: {call sp_MSadd_repl_error(18, 0, 4, ?, N'37000', ?)}

Source: xxx.xx.xx.xx
Number: 37000
Message: Syntax error or access violation

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SQL Server 2012 :: Hyphen Delimited String Manipulation

Oct 19, 2015

I am having a field 'Flight Route that holds hyphen delimited character sequences.


My requirement is like this:

If the flight route is:


i.e. 'whenever a sequence repeats,only one appearance of that sequence should be displayed.The field Flight Route has to be updated with this replaced string.

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Problem With Hyphen In Full Text Catalog Search

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All,we have a problem with the Full Text Catalog Search.We use the following SQL Statement for matching companies from a table:select company, lastname, firstname, pkcustomers, fkcustomers,location, title, fkFunktionen, TypeOfPositionfrom customerswhere (fkcustomers = 0 or fkcustomers is null)and active = 1and pkCustomers in (select [KEY] from CONTAINSTABLE(Customers, Company,'"*SEARCHTERMS*"'))order by company ascThe search so far is working perfect.Now the problem: There are two companies in the table called "i-fabrik"and "b-wise". There´s no way to find these two companies. I find outthat the search is successful if there are more than three letters infront of the hyphen (for exampe iii-fabrik or bbb-wise). How can thatbe? Why exactly 3 letters?I hope somebody can help me.Best regardsMarkus Weber

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Data Warehousing :: Query To Extract All Text After Hyphen From String Containing Comma Separated Text

Aug 27, 2015

I have a parameter value as shown below and this is dynamic and can grow 

Example : 101-NY, 102-CA, 165-GA
116-NY, 258-NJ, 254-PA, 245-DC, 298-AL
How do I get the values in the below format
NY,CA,GA   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state
NY,NJ,PA,DC,AL   --- each state to be followed with comma and the next state

correct query that will fetch  only state names and not the numbers.

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