SQL 6.5 Remote Servers / Replication

Aug 23, 1999


I have two SQL Servers (6.5). One based in London (LDNINNTS9) and one in New York (NYINNTS2).

I had bidirectional replication set up on one table in a DB and everything is (WAS!!!) working fine. Came to work this morning (Monday typical!) and the following has happened.

When I select the remote servers option on the NY server from Enterprise manager I get the following error message

Unable to connect to site '0'because '' is not defined as a remote server.

Now it says that '' is not defined as a remote server. So I did a select of @@Servername and it has returned (null). It was set to NYINNTS2. I have tried executing some ISQL to change the name and started and stopped the SQL Services but the name remains (null). Does anyone have an idea of what I can do to set the name up as it was?

I know that the Server name gets set to null if it is invalid, but I am trying to set it to NYINNTS2, which should not be invalid? Does the domain name impact the validity of the name?



Steve Farmer

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Remote Servers ?

Jan 8, 2001

Hi Everybody,

Can anybody help me on Remote Servers. I want to create a remote server
from 6.5 to 7.0. Is it possible to create a remote server from 6.5 to 7.0?.

From the Books online I saw remote server related commands. Like Linked servers in 7.0, tables of 7.0 can be extracted like "select * from <Remote_server>.<Database>.<Owner>.<Table_name>", in 6.5 Remote servers?. How do we execute a stored procedure of 7.0 Database from 6.5 server in remote server?.

Can anybody guide me on the above topics.

Tks in advance,

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Remote Servers

Jun 15, 2000

How do I add a remote SQL server to a local SQL server so that I can query it
using the normal T-SQL syntax. I have already tried using the following syntax:

sp_addlinkedserver @server = '',
@srvproduct = N'SQL Server'

This caused the server to show up in the linked servers under Security folder in the Enterprise Manager GUI.

(Select * from].remoteDATABASE.dbo.remoteTABLE)


[OLE/DB provider returned message: Client unable to establish connection]
[DBNMPNTW]ConnectionOpen (CreateFile()).



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Remote Servers

Oct 22, 1998

I am trying to get 1 SQL Server to update another SQL Server.
I have followed the examples in the books on-line and did have some success until I rebooted one of the servers.
I need a step by step process of how to set up the communication link to these servers.

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Getting Data From Remote Servers

Jun 20, 2007

 am an authenticated user of a remote data base
I can log in using sql server management studio and add tables and
even I can back up the database .

 But I want to get a copy of the
database to my local computer
Is there any way to do
this?The problem is that i don't have access  to the directory of sql sever  pleases tel me a way that is possible just by using sql server or any add on on it 

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Databases In Remote Servers

May 12, 2006

Hello,This is my first post, and i am looking for help about Databases in remote servers.This is my problem:1) I have a free account in "HostBasket", with 50 mb of space, and 10 mb of SQL Server... with ASP.NET 2 support --> http://www.hostbasket.com/dotnet2.shtml?LinkFrom=100602) They gave me this info for the database:Your SQL Server: sql15.hostbasket.comYour database name: myDatabaseNameYour login for the database: myLoginYour password for the database: myPasswordConnection string for ASP.NET (using ADO.NET with System.Data.SqlClient namespace):Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myLogin;Password=myPassword;Initial Catalog=MyDatabaseName;Data Source=sql15.hostbasket.com 3) Actually, i don't know what to do with that info... I mean, i have read so much info, and all people saying "their way" to do things... oh, I am so confused...4) I read in a website, this: "the database can be uploaded as a FILE saved in the App_Data folder, under the .mdf extension"I read that from : http://dotnetjunkies.com/QuickStartv20/aspnet/doc/data/vwd.aspx5) In the url given above, there is a "step by step" example... i follow it, exactly (i start a asp.net website, i create the database and the table, i show the data with the grids, etc )6) All is OK until here, i mean, when i run the website with VWD, it shows me the info OK.7) But... ¿How can i do this works on the Remote Server i described in 1) and 2) ?I know how to upload my website, in fact i uploaded a very basic one, and all was OK, but when i work with databases starts my problem...So, i am almost sure, that i have an error in the "Conecction String"... connectionString="Data Source=.SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|MiBaseDeDatos.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" ¿How should it be, to work with my free remote server?or,if you have done the "easy way" of uploading the .MDF file in the server (but a server different of mine) please, tell me the "how to..." (and the server you used :p )--------------------Ok guys, i am a Chilean young (i dont speak english very well) and i tried to write my ideas in an easy way, so I REALLY HOPE you can help me.I am a New (very new) on this (vwd , .net , asp.net ) in fact, i am using this just 3 days ago...THANK YOU SO MUCH,Carlos,La Serena, Chile.

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Non-Existent Remote Servers

May 11, 2000

Please help me! We have a server that was renamed some time ago and, for some reason, the old name is now in SQL 6.5 in remote servers. I can't remove it because it keeps saying that it is "not defined as a remote server at the site."

This is a problem because when I try to set up the server for replication as a subscriber, it gives me the same message and won't let me go any further. It's kind of a catch-22; It's not a valid server so it should be removed, but when I try to remove it, it fails because it's not a valid server.

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Query Remote Servers On 6.5?

Jul 23, 2002

Hi, all -

I know you can execute stored procedures on remote servers in SQL Server 6.5, but can you run regular queries as well using the 4 part name qualification?

Example: select * from server1.database1.dbo.table1

If not, is there another way I can manipulate data on remoter servers?

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Problem Registering Remote Servers

May 11, 1999


I've SQL 7 running on windows NT 4.0 server.
From my Sql server when I tried to register a remote server in the same office, I couldn't.

When I get the new registration wizard, I could see the server(s) I want to register. But when I finish all the steps in the wizard, it says: Unable to establish client connection.Connection Open(Create File).

I tried using both sql standard and win nt security (logins) but didn't work.

Help please.

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Run Remote Proc Without Using Linked Servers

Aug 1, 2002


Is there a way (workaround) of running a remote stored
procedure as pass through query and without having to use
linked servers. Something similar OPENROWSET when
selecting form a remote object?

Many thanks

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Transfer Data Between Two Remote Servers

Sep 26, 2005

Hi, I'm looking for an artical or Someone who can explain me what is the best way to transfer data between two remot database?

I'll Explane:
two business have local SqlServer in their office.
1 of business need to get Specific data from other. each database is protected. how can I read ake information of it?


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Problem Connecting To Remote Servers

Jan 3, 2008

Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16.
Login failed for user 'XXXXXX.COMusername'.

On the remote servers I enabled Named Pipes and TCP/IP and activated the Browser.

Here's what's strange: I can connect to one server but not any other.

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Difference Between Remote Server And Linked Servers?

Oct 25, 2000

Hi Everybody,

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between Remote Server and Linked Servers.

thks in advance,

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Server Aliases/linked Servers Cause Remote Queries

Apr 4, 2008

Can someone please shed some light on what seems to me to be a common requirement.

If I create an alias or linked server to Server1 - say Alias1 - on Server1 and then use that name in a query on Server1, a remote/distributed query is always used (even though we are running on the local server and that overhead is completely unnecessary).

Is SQL Server really not capable of deciding that
select * from Alias1.db1.dbo.table1
select * from Server1.db1.dbo.table1
should be optimized and executed exactly the same when Alias1 is Server1, but that it is a distributed query ONLY when Alias1 is really referring to a remote server? I realize that the four part name is not necessary when I am referring to objects on the current server, but I am trying to write code that is server instance independent.

It just seems that if that is not possible, then the only way to create system independent stored procs that can run in dev, staging, and production environments and work with multiple databases on multiple servers is to create all sorts of scripts to regenerate all the procs whenever you move a database between servers?

If SQL Server is even close to the enterprise big iron server that MS now claims it is, it surely needs to support running in dev, staging, and production environments and work with multiple databases on multiple servers?!

I'm really looking for someone to tell me I'm missing something simple, and of course you can do this - but complex workarounds are invited too :-)
This is not something I am investigating as an academic exercise, I am already doing this, but I have to figure out how to do it better because with all these unnecessary distributed queries, performance is horrible.

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More Questions About The Workflow Persistence Store On Remote SQL Servers

Feb 14, 2008

I am pulling my hair out having built my first application using WWF, I have moved the application off the development machine to a machine ready for production for the persistence store will now be on a remote server.

I cannot create a connection string for the persistence store that will allow me to attach to the mdb on the remote server.

the original connection string in development was:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataWorkflowPersistenceStore.mdf';Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=False

I cannot create an equivalent string that does not return a error like this one:

An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataWorkflowPersistenceStore.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.

I did simply copy the WorkFlowPersistenceStore.mdf from the development machine to the server machine (completely independant environments) - It has worked in the past for other non wwf databases - Is there something particular about the wwf database that would have prevented this?

I have tried making the persistence store permanently attached (in the development environment) but this returns a different error that implies that a permanently attached database is not allowed - so I assume that the persistence service HAS to have a detached database - Am I correct?

I have tried a UNC naming that is the same on both the machine with the server and the client machine e.g. \MACHINEwwfWorkflowPersistenceStore.mdb - but that still returns an error - Is that not allowed? (or is that not allowed) - does the file path for an attached database have to be recognisable by the client machine, the server machine or both?

MUST the User Instance be True or False or does it not really matter

It is probably obvious that I am not confident in the whole area of connection strings and the effect of different parameters and the truth is I am not certain that I have not completely confused the SQL Server with the various attempts I have made.

Is there someone who could confirm that I am in the right area and could give me an example of what SHOULD work in a situation I have described so that I know that I am roughly right and to keep trying or I am barking up the wrong tree?

Thanks in anticipation!

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Deny SSMS Connections From Remote Servers?

Nov 20, 2014

Is there any way I can deny connection from SSMS only from remote servers?

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Why Does Bulk Insert Task Not Work From Remote Servers With Windows Authentication?

Jun 10, 2007

Using Bulk Insert Task extensively in our solution. Everything was working great till we deployed it in stage columns. The database server is different from application servers. We have ASP.NET web services driving SSIS packages on application server. After struggling thru several security issues to get this working (ended up creating an application pool with a domain account) we are now stuck with this problem. On a different note still don't understand what specific security permission is available to domain account that makes it work.

Read in some blog that SQL Server 2005 SP2 Beta had this (Bulk Insert) fixed but not in final production version. Is there a specific reason why this is so?

SSIS and the API is quite easy to work with but associated security and deployment issues are not always clear. A lot of answers seem to be coming from end users - thanks a lot to all for sharing your experiences - sadly not presented clearly in SSIS documentation.

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Replication Between Servers

Mar 2, 2000

We recently installed another SQL Server so we could test performance of replication between
the two servers. After I set up the replication between the two I got the following error:
subscriber must be running in Per Seat (Named User) licensing mode to use this replication feature.
Is there any way around this? Or could you direct me to some documention pertaining to
this error?
Thank you

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Replication With 3 Servers

Jan 26, 2001


We have a project that will consist of 3 production servers in 3 different
regions and each server has it`s own clients in that region. We want to use
replication to keep them all in synch so that if one goes down, the client
PC`s would just re-connect to one of the other two remaining servers and
keep working.

1. I am wondering what type of replication to use?
2. I was leaning towards merge, but was wondering how to use it to keep 3
servers in synch? If I use the Central publisher with updating subscribers
scenario, I foresee a potential problem as follows:

A. Server1 is central publisher
B. Server2 and Server3 are updating subscribers
C. Server2 (or Server3) goes down, clients reconnect to Server1 and
keep working.
D. When Server2 (or Server3) is back up, Server1 will push all
changes back to Server2.

E. Server1 goes down, clients reconnect to either Server2 or
Server3 and keep working.
F. Since Server1 is down, changes made to Server2 not replicated
back to Server3 (The central publisher is gone) until Server1 comes back up.
G. Server2 goes down while Server1 is down, clients re-connect to
H. The changes made to Server2 were not replicated to Server3
because the central publisher is missing.
I. Server3 therefore is missing data changes.

Please help me figure this out. I feel as if I am missing something that I
could do to also keep Server2 and Server3 in synch with each other besides
the Central Publisher.

Thanks in advance!

Jay Natarajan

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Replication To Multiple Servers

Jul 12, 2000

suppose i am repliacting(Transactional Replication) to two servers using the same publications can i stop replicating to one server without disturbing the other server?
If i resume the replication to the server after two days what will happen to the two day's data?will they be replicated when i resume the replication?
Thank you

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Linked Servers Vs Replication

Jun 9, 2000

Can some one please give me a quick,brief description on the "Major diffrences" between these to features? Thank You, JJ

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Bi-directional Replication On 2 Servers With 2 Different DBs

Jan 14, 2000

Server_1 contains DB_A and DB_B. Server_2 contains DB_A and DB_B.
Can replication be setup where Server_1 DB_A (publisher) publishes to Server_2
DB_A (subscriber) and Server_2 DB_B (publisher) publishes to Server_1 DB_B (subscriber)? The environment is NT 4 (sp3) and SQL 6.5 (sp5a). Thanks in advance.

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Is Replication From Clustered Servers Possible?

May 29, 2001

Hi All,

Just want to know if we can replicate data (Transactional Replication) from a clustered servers (server A and Server B are active-passive clustered running SqlServer 7) to another server C running SqlServer 7.

If yes, how to go about doing this. Any white papers, KB articles or books out there which will walk through the steps to do it.

Appriciate any help.


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SQL Replication Between 2 SQL Servers Across Shared T1

Feb 3, 2006

Anyone know what or how to calculate how much bandwidth I may use during replication. I have done this with large pipes with out a problem, just concerned I may need to change the interval to something else.



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Replication Between Two Servers Which Do Not Have Connection At All

May 8, 2006

Hello, Heros of The Programming World!

How it is possible to perform "replication" between two databases using technological means of MS SQL Server 2005 if two servers do not have a connection at all. The only thing is possible - is transfer of data for the replication on a CD.

What is the best way to do it if central database has a hundreds of such "subscribers"?

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Snapshot Replication W/ Linked Servers

Mar 23, 2004

Hi There Gurus - Another Replication question for you all:

Can anyone point me in the right direction to get info on using Linked Servers in Snapshot Replication?

We have Replication all scripted & working between Registered servers, but one of our divisions is not allowing us to register their box on the Parent - ONLY a Linked server.

Thanks in Advance Everyone...


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Snapshot Replication Between 2 Dedicated Sql Servers

Apr 13, 2007

Hi! need your help.
I have 2 dedicated sql servers xx.xx.x.155 and xx.xx.x.165 (Hosted Environment)
Both SQL Server 2005.

I need to replicate (snapshot daily) data from 155 (Apollo1) to 165 (Apollo2).

and I have many questions as this is the 1st time that I work on this environment.

I created 3 windows accounts and was able to create the publications (Apollo1).


However (the distributor) is not visible to Apollo2 so I am unable to subscribe.

Do you have any idea what I need to do to make it visible?
I setup an ftp site to drop the publication (as I was unable to create an UNC Share) and I was hoping to be able to subscribe to it.
Probably it is a matter of permissions...maybe a firewall? should I ask my provider to open a port? do I need to create the same 3 accounts in the Subscriber?
something like Apollo2SubscriberUser?

Please help!
I am lost!

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Cannot Drop A Table On Two Servers After Merge Replication

Oct 3, 2001


I tried with success to replicate a table_test_repl from my local server to an other server.

I used only one table for testing.

After that, i can't drop the 2 tables a_test_repl (on my local server and the other : I've got a message 'cannot drop the table because it is published for replication'

What can I do? I need absolutely to drop these tables to keep a clean model
and I can't drop the database and try again.

Thanks to your answers

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SQL Server Replication From Non-clustered Database Servers

Jun 22, 2006

Hello,Being a bit of a SQL Server novice, need some advice with the followingsituation.Server A and Server B have SQLServer 2000 based databases. The vendorof the application/system has implemented their own replication processto ensure the 2 databases are in sync. However, there is no clusteringwith virtual IP addresses implemented. So to an external client/db, itis 2 identical databases with the same name on 2 distinct servers.We need to develop an application that will reside on a networkedserver C and with SQLServer 2000 as well. While most of the tables inthis database are self contained, around 10 tables will have to bemirror copies of the same tables from either Server A or Server B.Question, how do we implement subscription based replication on top ofa redundant database, when no clustering is implemented? So, inessence, when Server A is alive, the database on Server C willperiodically (or on change) replicate the 10 tables from Server A. WhenServer A is not alive, it needs to do same from server B. (When bothserver A and B are alive, it is acceptable to get data from either,since they are synchronized internally).Any alternate suggestions on achieving this functionality are welcometoo. If SQL Server 2005 has some capabilities that may address thisproblem, that is a consideration as well.Thanks

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SQL 2005 Log-shipping/replication Linked Servers

Aug 9, 2007

I am having trouble finding any documentation on how linked servers are set-up under SQL 2005 for log-shipping and replication. Under SQL 2000, the only linked servers "visible" were ones that were user-defined. Under SQL 2005, it seems when you set-up log-shipping or replication, you get these new linked servers which are automatically defined. I would like to understand them and in particular, how security is maintained. We recently had a production issue where after some problem with a server which resulted in having to restart SQL Server, and shrink msdb, log-shipping started to fail authentication when trying to run alert jobs. Only after rebooting the server, and also the log-ship target server, and waiting 9 hours, did the authentication correct itself. I would like to know how it resolved itself and what took so long?

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Replication And Power Outages/offline Servers

Sep 15, 2006

The setup: Two sql server 2005 SP1 clusters replicating with about 25 transactional publications and 10 merge publications. (Both clusters are being tested, nothing is in publication)

Currently, the servers are in the same building, which is prone to power outages. When a power outage occurs, how are the publications going to act once power is restored? Will we have to reinitialize the publications? This would be bad considering one of our publications takes around four hours to deliver a complete snapshot. What happens if one of the clusters where to go offline? When it comes back would it continue to replicate, or would the publication need to be reinitialized? Curious if anyone has any experience with this.

I've tried searching for any articles on this topic and have not been successful. If anyone knows of any, point me in that direction. Thanks!


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Remote Replication

May 5, 2004


Now, I try doing remote replication between 2 pc(eg.pc A and B). Pc A as a server for publisher and distributor, and PC B is a normal pc to store data. I want replicate data from PC B to PC A. I used merge replication for this replication. I don't understanding something like:

1. is I need 2 servers for this replication? One server for publisher and distributor and others one server for subscriber?

2. What should I do if one server also can doing replication? What the step?


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How To Get The Amount Of Bytes Exchanged During A Merge Replication Between 2 MSSQL Servers

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, guys.A very simple question for all of you: how can I get the amount ofbytes exchanged during a Merge replication between two Microsoft SQL2000 servers?Thank you.Bye,Angelo.-

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