I am trying to write a T-SQL script to change about 200 SQL Agent jobs to send notification to a different email notification list. I could do this manually but it would take me a lot more time. Is there a way to script this out in T-SQL? Thanks!
I Scheduled a SSIS package on my Sql Server Agent, when i go to the Job History it says the Job succeded for the time it was scheduled to run, but im noticing the Job does nothing, i mean the Package is running but it's not doing what it is supossed to do. I know the Package works because when i go to the BI Studio and rightclick>Execute Package it works.
Hi again, could anyone tell me what to do about this...I'm not a dba but I do need direct access to the sql server such as scheduling new jobs (I can execute them immediately as pkgs or even run them as jobs on my machine, but to schedule I need to go to the server. The NT administrator does not like the idea of anyone else touching his server, so is there any way to circumvent the situation and do the scheduling from my workstation? Someone had mentioned creating an icon on my desktop but I'm not clear on the idea. Thanks a million. I get great help on this website.
In my production server all the jobs are scheduled. but though sa user id sometimes the steps in the jobs are not visible but it is working, sometime it is visible in the sql server management studio. do i have to check any settings or change any settings.
By my customer, the jobs scheduler tool is Control-M.
I haven’t seen information about the SSISDB catalog but just the “old/classic” deployment for SSIS package on a SQL Server through msdb in the Control-M Documentation.
I writing a new achitecture concept for this customer with the SSISDB catalog.
How Control-M can work with a SSISDB architecture?
I am getting this error when a user runs this job that was created. It is executing a dos command. Any hints on what to fix or look for? This account seems to be o.k. WHat privilege needs to be set for this account.
Password verification of the 'SQLAgentCmdExec' proxy account failed (reason: A required privilege is not held by the client). The step failed
Is there a way to grant a group of users the ability to execute some jobs on a server, but restrict their access to others.
We'd like to grant our developers the permission to execute their jobs (many developers and we'd like to avoid a shared account) without giving them the ability to execute our backup, reindex, etc jobs.
Is there a way to grant execute on some jobs, but not all to a Windows group?
We're using the new msdb SQLAgent role to allow them to see all jobs and view output, but there doesn't seem to be a way to grant execute on specific jobs only.
I want to set my job agent to schedule for second basis but in EM i found by right clicking job in EDIT Recuring Job Schedule i m getting option in Hr and MM but not in SS so where i can set this in seconds (SS) or through QA????
I have a log table that track my SSIS scheduled jobs. This SQL Agent job runs every 15 minutes for now. The problem is, when I check the status(log) table, I see it fails and succeed at random. I have checked the history and I can't figure out why it is doing this.
Has anyone any idea what is going on? At least for the fact that the package succeeds after it failed shows that nothing is wrong with it. Again when I query my detination table, it is loading data as expected when it runs succeessfully.
Please any idea?
PkgID Pkg_Name Start_Time End_Time Run_Duration Success_Flag 81 Dw_DataImport 35:45.0 37:40.4 0:01:55 Y 82 Dw_DataImport 49:31.0 51:53.5 0:02:22 Y 83 Dw_DataImport 34:26.0 NULL NULL N 84 Dw_DataImport 39:05.0 NULL NULL N 85 Dw_DataImport 45:17.0 48:06.5 0:02:49 Y
Can i schedule a SSIS package by not using SQL AGENT? Do we have any other options to schedule teh package? I have worked on other etl tools which have inbuilt options.
I need to run SISS for example every day at 5pm, I run SQL Agent and created new job for my SISS package which store in SISS Package Store on SQL Server, but when this job run I go error:
Log Job History (Test SISS) Step ID 1 Server ADMNBK-010S Job Name Test SISS Step Name Run SISS Mobius Duration 00:00:02 Sql Severity 0 Sql Message ID 0 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries Attempted 0 Message Executed as user: ADMNBK-010SSYSTEM. The package execution failed. The step failed.
if I run SISS package from SISS Package Store "by hands" it works...
I have an web application where the users has to run SQL scheduled jobs from the webpage. How to assign permission to a specific user to run specific jobs without making them a member of a Sysadmin role?
Any ideas you all smart people? Thanks in advance!
I have a series of jobs in the SQL server Agent that will begin and appear to run fine, but will never finish. Is there a way to limit the time that a job will run in the agent, for instance stop with failure if not completed within 1 hour?
Hi All, I am not able to see any of the jobs in the enterprise manager that are scheduled on one of our production servers. Have any body seen this type of behaviour of SQL server.. The jobs are there in the SQL as I can query sysjobs table to see there entry.. The jobs are being executed properly when they are supposed to.. Thanks Ajay
Hi Guys, Can you please advice me on if there is a limitation on SQL agent Jobs. If then how many jobs can SQL server accomedate. If there is a limit, then is there are any ways to increase it? I appreciate your quick response. Thanks
I have several users that are a member of a Windows Nt group. I want to be able to allow this group to create, update, and delete SQL Agent Jobs. But I do not want them to be members of the SYSADMIN role. Everything that I have found states that they must be members of this server role to perform these actions. Does anyone have an idea on how to accomplish this? or point me in some kind of direction to explore.
Hello all, we just moved our databases over from a SQL 2000 server onto a new SQL 2005 server. We had no problem migrating them over, but was wondering if there was a way to migrate the jobs over as well. We have about 20 of them and would prefer not to hav to create them all again on the new server.
Hi Group, Is it possible to schedule and execute sql jobs from an asp page. I am developing an application that requires an administration section. In this section the admin would like to change / update the schedule of the sql job and also run the jobs ad hoc. Basicall y they would like the functionality of sql agen in enterprise manager to be available from their web application.
Has anbody done this before ? All information / solutions shall be psoted back to the group as I reckon this would be pretty useful functionality.
The SQL Server Agent process is running. When I use EM to start a database integrity check job, it fails with an error message of 22029 and the following:
[LOG] SQLServerAgent security context does not have server-autorestart privileges
I can not find error 22029 in Books on Line. I will go to Microsoft Knowledge base and research this problem.
In the mean time if someone can help, it is much appreciated.
Hello, I need to document all SQL Server Agent Jobs with full description of dependencies - database, table, stored procedure, etc. Is there are a tool that I can download for that particular use???
I have a job with a single ActiveX step that I have setup and am having problems running.
If i set the SQL Server Agent to run as an Administrator then my job processes fine however under the default setup which has the SQL Server Agent running as Local System I get an error.
I assume this is permissions problem so I created a basic windows user called ABC. I then created a credential called ABC linked to the windows user ABC. I then created a proxy that uses the credential ABC and then ticked the box that allows the proxy to run ActiveX scripts. I then set the ABC as a principle of the proxy.
I then set my single job step to be run under the ABC credential.
Still no luck. This is the first time i've worked with this sort of thing so I'm not sure if I'm going about it in the right way.
Please explain how i can have a job that runs as an active X script. I understand running sql server agent as administrator is bad for security so what are the alternatives?