Hey everyone,
I just signed up today as i am new to sql, and have a little problem i was hoping for some feedback.
I have a table called Nurse (see below). Nurse has an attribute called Exp_date which is the expiry date of their license. Their licenses have to be renewed every 2 years so i am trying to write an Assertion to check this (see below). unfortunaltey i am quite new to this and am not sure if it will work. I was wondering if anyone could let me know if it is wrong or if it will work. if it is wrong can i have some suggestions.
here is the Nurse table:
Nurse_ssn varchar(12),
Lic_no varchar(9),
Exp_date date NOT NULL,
here is my assertion to check that the license has been renewed in the last 2 years:CREATE ASSERTION expiry-constraint CHECK
SELECT Exp_date
FROM Nurse
((Sysdate - Exp_date)< 2)
Not a specific database application; im learning from a text book and im not trying to get this to work on a system, im just doing it on paper. its a question im having trouble with.
This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server version 9.00.2047.00 upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file, the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.
Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE. Bios Version is DELL - 1 Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 1.1.0 Current time is 17:27:14 12/25/06. 4 Intel x86 level 6, 1995 Mhz processor (s). Windows NT 5.2 Build 3790 CSD Service Pack 1.
Memory MemoryLoad = 52% Total Physical = 4094 MB Available Physical = 1963 MB Total Page File = 5973 MB Available Page File = 3757 MB Total Virtual = 2047 MB Available Virtual = 251 MB **Dump thread - spid = 63, PSS = 0x713695C0, EC = 0x713695C8 ***Stack Dump being sent to F:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGSQLDump1698.txt * ******************************************************************************* * * BEGIN STACK DUMP: * 12/25/06 17:27:14 spid 63 * * Location: lckmgr.cpp:10846 * Expression: GetLocalLockPartition () == xactLockInfo->GetLocalLockPartition () * SPID: 63 * Process ID: 5464 * * Input Buffer 404 bytes - * 3 ? [SQL SCRIPT OVER HERE]
Hi All,I have started getting Assertion Errors in SQL.It appears when I process a cube (Most of the time)Other SQL statements, usually with a join or 6 do the same thing.Whaving a scratch around google, I noticed the most people who getthese errors are using SATA drives. Either RAID or not.Surprise, I am using SATA in RAID 1.Is this a common thing with SATA? I can't go to the pwers that be andsay I need a couple large SCSI drives because I _think_ it's theSATA's.Another very odd thing that happened thismorning was I copied the mdfand ldf files off my machine (About 70GB) and onto the server. attachedthem and SQL was happy.Select Count(*) from aview gave me the count I was expecting.Select * From aview returned no rows. most of the time.I thought I was going mad. F5 works, then it doesn't then it does then,you get the point.Backup and restore seemed better until the errors below started...HELP!!!!ThanksCheers,Crispin17066 :SQL Server Assertion: File:<q:SPHINXNTDBMSstorengdrsinclude ecord.inl>, line=1447Failed Assertion = 'm_SizeRec > 0 && m_SizeRec <= MAXDATAROW'.
I am playing around trying to develop a thing in SSIS that would be like an assertion elsewhere -- e.g., test a precondition and raise an exception if the precondition isn't true. I'm posting this to see if folks have already done something like this or have suggestions how to go about it in a semi-general way that could be re-used.
My toy thingamabob right now has the goal of comparing the grand totals for a numeric field in two xml files and raising an exception if they aren't equal. I've implemented it as two XML tasks, each of which uses XSLT to compute the total and post it as a string into a variable, then a script task to convert the string variables into numbers, compare them, and take appropriate action.
We have a browser based application that is doing some updates on the database. This app was earlier built to run on SQL server 2000 and we are in the process of migrating to SQL server 2005. Until now the application was seamlessly working on the new SQL server 2005 database. I got the following error message on the web when an item was clicked on the web that triggered a set of database updated through our app server. This is first time i am seeing anything like this.
--------------------------- Windows Internet Explorer --------------------------- Unable to delete the selected items. Warning: Fatal error 3624 occurred at Feb 5 2007 2:34PM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.
Location: IndexRowScanner.cpp:370 Expression: m_sizeOfBuffer > currentOffset + colLen SPID: 54 Process ID: 2712 --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
In the beginnning we thought it may be some thing in the app server or the CLR. But when I checked the process ID in the task manager it turned out to be SQL server 2005 process. the SPID was the application servers connection to the database.
This is what I got when i ran the profiler.
SQL Server Assertion: File: <IndexRowScanner.cpp>, line=370 Failed Assertion = 'm_sizeOfBuffer > currentOffset + colLen'. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted.
Warning: Fatal error 3624 occurred at Feb 5 2007 3:00PM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.
2007-02-05 15:00:23.04 spid54 Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1. 2007-02-05 15:00:23.04 spid54 A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details
Hi, I am getting many instances of the following error, and I cannot find any documention on it, or how to remedy. Any help/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance - jason
SQL Server Assertion: File: <xcbmgr.cpp>, line=1299 Failed Assertion = 'pss->IsXcbLocked ()'. Dump thread - spid = 58, PSS = 0x2e637158, EC = 0x2e637308 Stack Dump being sent to C:MSSQL7logSQL00115.dmp ************************************************** ***************************** * * BEGIN STACK DUMP: * 10/04/00 16:39:54 spid 58 * * Input Buffer 42 bytes - * s e l e c t u i d = N E W I D ( ) * ************************************************** *****************************
I am trying to restore sql 2000 database backup on sql 2005. I get below error.
SQL Server Assertion: File: <mdupgrad.cpp>, line = 3342 Failed Assertion = 'f' No object for Index!. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or
Error: 928, Severity: 20, State: 1.
During upgrade, database raised exception 3624, severity 20, state 1, address 000000000247E5A1. Use the exception number to determine the cause
Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1.
I feel this could be due to upgrade from sql 2000 to sql 2005. I could restore other 2000 databases successfully to 2005. However only this particular database is throwing this error.
Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5' *Dump thread - spid = 112, PSS = 0x49b051f0, EC = 0x49b05520 *Stack Dump being sent to D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLlogSQLDump0576.txt
Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5' *Dump thread - spid = 112, PSS = 0x49b051f0, EC = 0x49b05520 *Stack Dump being sent to D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLlogSQLDump0576.txt
Anyone else seen this specific error message before:
quote: SQL Server Assertion: File: <lckmgr.cpp>, line=10850 Failed Assertion = 'GetLocalLockPartition () == xactLockInfo->GetLocalLockPartition ()'. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted.
google gets several hits for a different line number, and different type of lock.
We've had 3 of these today, in a 1h20 minnute period. Apparently, this first raised it's head last friday (3 on friday, 2 on Saturday). All the same line number. DBCC CheckDB to be run asap (getting approval as we type).
*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here!
Hey all -We are running SQL 2000 with ALL available service packs, etc.applied. We just built a brand new database server, which has dual2Ghz XEONs, 2GB memory, and the following disk configuration:RAID 1 array (2 disks) Operating System Windows Server 2003RAID 1 array (2 disks) Database LogsRAID 10 array (4 disks) Database DataDisks are SATA, with a 3Ware hardware RAID controller. The machineSCREAMS.We run 5 databases on this machine. 2 of these are fairly large (byour standards, anyway). The second largest database (and the busiestand most important) is consistently generating consistency errors thatbring many important queries down. These are almost ALWAYS in theform of index corruption on one single table. The corruption does notnormally occur on other tables, although it DOES happen once in awhile - rarely - on one of the other tables), nor does it EVER occuron any other databases on the server.The corruption seems to happen right in the neighborhood of midnightALMOST every day, give or take a few minutes, but does not seemdirectly associated with any of our MANY scheduled database cleanuptasks (believe me, we've tried desperately to find an associationusing SQL profiler). At midnight, our database traffic is fairly low,so it does not seem associated with a high traffic level.We are using the FULL recovery model, with log backups every 15minutes, and full backups daily at 12:15am. However, the corruptionhappens consistently BEFORE 12:15, like between 11:50pm and 12:10am.The most frustrating thing is, the database can go WEEKS without anycorruption at all, and then it'll go 4 or 5 days in a row with thisstrange corruption stuff.************************************************** ***********************Typical query errors when the corruption exists include:************************************************** ***********************SQL Server Assertion: File:<p:sqltdbmsstorengdrsinclude ecord.inl>, line=1447Failed Assertion = 'm_SizeRec > 0 && m_SizeRec <= MAXDATAROW'.SQL Server Assertion: File: <recbase.cpp>, line=1378Failed Assertion = 'm_offBeginVar < m_SizeRec'.Server: Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 7Location: recbase.cpp:1374Expression: m_nVars > 0Connection Broken************************************************** ***********************Most of the responses to this type of issue (failed assertions) on thenewgroups appear to point to hardware failures. However, this isbrand new hardware, AND, it seems to us that if this was a hardwareissue, other databases, tables, and indexes would be affectedrandomly. Isn't that a valid assumption (that if it was hardware,particularly the RAID controller, the corruption would not be in sucha predictable place)? What if we moved the physical database files toanother location on the disk? Would/could that help?If anyone could offer some suggestions as to what may be causing thiscorruption, we would be eternally grateful. It is getting to be areal pain in the A*** to run DBCC CHECKDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSSevery day or two (it always seems to solve the problem without dataloss, but still...).Again, thanks in advance for your response.Sincerely,Morgan LeppinkJoin Bytes!
Since we started using another sales program (1C Enterprise), SQL Server started "crashing" (connection between our program and SQL Server breaks) with this assertion error: Event ID: 17066 SQL Server Assertion: File: <"xrange.cpp">, line=399 Failed Assertion = '0 == pxteRangeHrow->m_pxteFetch'. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted.
After this error DBCC CHECKDB doesn't find any priblems.
I can't find what exactly causes it, sometimes we get it only once a week, but today I got it four times in a row.
We had the same error on all versions of SQL Server 2005, SQL Server SP1, SQL Server SP1+Hot fixes, etc.
select @@version Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (X64) Feb 10 2007 00:59:02 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
w3wp!library!1!10/12/2007-17:02:12:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., un-named assertion fired for component processing; Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. w3wp!library!1!10/12/2007-17:02:15:: i INFO: Exception dumped to: C:apps_srvSQL 2005 Analysis ServicesMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesLogFiles flags= ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
The reportserver also generates SQLDumper log file and a crash dump file
The report executes fine sometime and sometime gives the error mentioned above. The reportserver at some point in time stopped doing anything. I tried to delete those reports created I couldn€™t delete one report. When I try to delete it takes a long time and says request timeout error.
Then I opened the web.config file of reportserver and report manager and just saved it so that the application reloads. And then it worked fine for few moments. I was also able to delete that report which was not getting deleted before. But after some time I again get the assertion failed error.
I have the same reports deployed in another server where they are working fine. The database is SQL Server 2005 with SP2 How do it solve this problem
Checkdb reported errors against 1 index on 1 table in a database. When I try and fix the index, I get the message 'SQL Server Assertion: File: <recbase.cpp>, line=1374 (s sqldmp file is created). When I tried dropping the index and recreating, this also caused the Failed Assertion message. At this point I could not select any records from the database or copy the database to another source. Everything I tried produced the same error message. I was able to rename the table and recreate the database from another server.
After rebooting the machine, I was able to add an index to the renamed table. I can't find any information to indicate what my problem might be.
Has anyone else seen this behaviour and if so what was the resolution?
Anyone else seen this specific error message before:
SQL Server Assertion: File: <lckmgr.cpp>, line=10850 Failed Assertion = 'GetLocalLockPartition () == xactLockInfo->GetLocalLockPartition ()'. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted.
google gets several hits for a different line number, and different type of lock.
We've had 3 of these Monday, in a 1h20min period. This first raised it's head last friday (3 on friday, 2 on Saturday). All the same line number.
We failed over, ran DBCC Checkdb no_infomsgs - reported no problems. restarted SQL on passive node (previously active node that had erported the assertion failures) Then we had assertion failure on new active node. ran DBCC CHECKDB , and it also report 0 errors, 0 consistency errors.
Today (Tuesday 26th june) we've had many of these failures - in excess of 20, this morning.
As yet, we can't detect any specific issues in terms of user impact/website. Our concern is whether we are going to have data inconsistencies at some point.... and that locking , if failing, may be causing inaccurate results (depending on the specific locks that fail) - for example stock levels, causing overselling.
I have SSIS packages created to import .xls files into sql tables. I now have vb.net code within which I am trying to execute individual packages whenever my code notices the .xls files being deposited within a network folder. When I try to run my code I get the error message:
Assertion Failed:Abort=Quit, Retry=Debug, Ignore=Continue at STrace.ReadTraceValues() at STrace..cctor() at STrace.Trace(String strComponentName, String strLine) at ManagedHelper.GetNextManagedInfo(DTS_Managed_INFO&nextManagedInfo)
here is my code:
Sub RunPackage(ByVal pkgCMD As String)
Dim app As New Application
Dim pkg As New Package
Dim pkgResults As DTSExecResult
'Dim pkgevents As IDTSEvents
pkg = app.LoadPackage(pkgCMD, Nothing)
pkgResults = pkg.Execute()
The error occurs during the pkg=app.LoadPackage(pkgCMD, Nothing) statement. Any idea of how I determine why the SSIS package will not load thru my vb app? It runs fine if I load the SSIS package in SSBIDS. Thanks for any help or guidance.
//========================= end code =======================
I succeded making room for _vCAttStats vector, but when I tried providing room for the vectors of the vector I got an Assertion failed error (file dmhallocator.h Line:56 Expression assert(_dmhalloc._spidmmemoryallocator != NULL)). Please, see the code below, included in NAVIGATOR::GetNodeArrayProperty function:
//========================= begin code =======================
On our datawarehouse server we are regularly having a 1203 error, causing the sql-server to hang. We get this message in the errorlog: Failed Assertion = 'm_activeSdesList.Head () == NULL'. In the knowledgebase I found a bug description that is very lookalike to our problem.
Article: Q240853 FIX: Lock Escalation With Parallel Query May Cause 1203 Error And Server Shutdown
*** part of the article *** SYMPTOMS If a lock escalation occurs while running a parallel query, it is possible to encounter error message 1203 as follows:
spid7 Process 7 unlocking unowned resource: KEY: 13:117575457:2 (35010560ebcd) spid7 Process 7 unlocking unowned resource: KEY: 13:117575457:2 (35010560ebcd) spid7 Error: 1203, Severity: 20, State: 1 spid7 Process ID 7 attempting to unlock unowned resource KEY: 13:117575457:2 (35010560ebcd). spid7 Error: 1203, Severity: 20, State: 1 spid7 Process ID 7 attempting to unlock unowned resource KEY: 13:117575457:2 (35010560ebcd).
The error message included in the error log probably mentions the same lock resource in several of the error messages.
Once the error is printed, an assertion message similar to the following is also printed: 1999-08-09 13:15:26.79 kernel SQL Server Assertion: File: <proc.c>, line=1866 Failed Assertion = 'm_activeSdesList.Head () == NULL'. After a dump of the stack for all threads, the server initiates a shutdown of the SQL Server process. ... *** end ***
You can find the complete article on: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q240/8/53.asp?LN=EN-US&SD=gn&FR=0
We can't use the workaround, because that would shut out parallelism, which is necessary for the project.
There is a fix, but in the article Microsoft says: "A supported fix that corrects this problem is now available from Microsoft, but it has not been fully regression tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem.". You understan,d this is not one of my favorite type of fixes...
Does anyone have already installed the fix mentioned? Had any problems with it, or did it cause some other troubles?
Thx, Kurt De Cauwsemaecker Database Administrator Telepolis Antwerpen