SQL Browser Not Enumerating MSDE Instance

Apr 10, 2008

So, here is the scenario. I have a server that is running a MSDE 2000 instance (8.0.2039). Runs just fine. I install another database, this one is SQL 2005 Express (9.0.3042). Both are installed as part of application setups. Now, for various reasons, I have to uninstall the MSDE 2000 application and reinstall it. After the reinstall, the SQL Browser service no longer enumerates the MSDE instance, only the 2005 instance. As a workaround I fixed the MSDE port on the server and the clients, and it works fine. It also works fine when the application is run from the local computer without a fixed port.

Any suggestions?


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Can't See The SQL Server Express Instance On SQL Browser

Feb 8, 2007

Hi All,

I am using SQL Server Express to connect to the network using VPN on a local machine. I have done the following..

a.) Enabled the remote connections for the Express Instance and rebooted the machine.

b.) Connected to the machine with Express Edition locally and can also connect other SQL Server instances from it to verify connectivity.

c.) Yes, SQL Browser Service is running.

d.) Firewall is not turned on, so I do not have to configure any exceptions.

Now here is the big problem: When I browse for SQL Servers on the network the machine does not show up on the list, i.e "macinenameSQLExpress". I had uninstalled and reinstalled the Express edition and rebooted the machine several times with no luck on the SQL Express Instance showing up on the browser list. I even changed the default instance name to "machinenameMACHINE1" on one of the reinstalls. However, I can connect to other SQL Instances from it. But, I cannot connect to it from other machines since its not registered on the network. I have been working on this for the past few days by looking for a solution via this and other forumns. Is there some setting somewhere that I am missing that prevents this instance from not showing up on the browser list. This issue with SQL Express Edition is baffling as well as frustrating and any ideas that can resolve this issue is very much appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Named Instance With Specific IP / Port And Connect Using Browser

Jul 31, 2014

I'm trying to configure a named instances of SQL Server 2012 SP2 to have specific IP addresses and listen to that IP on port 1433. Alongside this, I have the default instance running on a different IP and listening to that on port 1433.I've managed to get them configured so that they are reachable using the IP, and looking at the log for each they are listening correctly on that IP on port 1433; in addition, the default instance connects fine using the SERVERNAME.However, when I try and connect to the named instance using the SERVERNAME/INSTANCENAME syntax, I receive the following:-

"Cannot connect to SERVERINSTANCE.
Instance failure. (System.Data)"

Configuration for the TCP/IP protocol for that instance is as follows:-

Protocol Tab

Enabled= Yes
Keep Alive = 30000
Listen All = No

IP addresses Tab

Active = Yes
Enabled = Yes
IP Address =
TCP Dynamic Ports = 0
TCP Port = 1433


The SQL Browser service is running and prior to switching off Listen To All, I could connect to the instance remotely using the instance name.

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How To Use SSMSE To Connect To Instance Service Directly (without Going Through Browser Service)?

Apr 28, 2006

I have configured an instance to use static port, say 1435, and I turned off the Browser service.

I would like to know if I can use SSMSE to connect to the instance database directly. The instance is listening at port 1435 and accepting connection requests from other methods.

What I need to put into the "Server name: " field?

Normally, it would be like: <serverIP><InstanceID> with Browser turned on.

Now how do I add the port information to it, I tried



<serverIP><InstanceID> <portNumber>

None of them worked.

Any suggestions?


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Multipile Instance In MSDE

Jan 12, 2005

I have installed 2 MSDE 2000 engines in to the PC. one is no instance name, another one's instance name is 'TEST'.

I could use a GUI MSSQL manager to connect both with local machine.

But when I tried to connect both with other machine, I found that I only could connect either one which is start in service earlier.

My case is normal?

Are they conflict by the same network port? If yes, could I change the portnumber of the MSDE??

Thanks for your support!!

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Installing MSDE With A Different Instance Name

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,

I'm trying (and have been for ages) to install a MSDE server with a
different instance name than the default.  Im setting the
instancename when using the setup.exe file and all seems to install
fine, but when I then restart my system the SQL icon appears in the
system tray but the white circle is completely empty.  It says
that it is not connected.

If i install with the default instance name then all seems to work fine.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and what I can do to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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MSDE Multiple Instance

Sep 6, 2006

I am trying to set up multiple instances of MSDE 2000 for use by Trend Micro virus scan products. I have the instance set up but I am trying to access svrnetcn.exe to set up named pipes and TCP/IP and I keep getting a 126 error "The Specified Module could not be found". Any ideas how to set this up.



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Access MSDE Instance Remotely

Nov 3, 2004

I have a named instance of MSDE running on my windows 2k3 web server. I can connect just fine using ODBC to that DB whailst I am on the server.

I would like to be able to create an ODBC connection from my local machine (running Windows XP pro) to the MSDE database on my server but I can't get it going.

I have heard that I need to edit the registry but a Google search warns that this could be a vulnerability...

How do I do it without compromising the security of my web server?


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Dbbackup.exe To Backup MSDE Instance

Feb 16, 2007

I'm running a Scheduled Task to execute dbbackup.exe to backup a local MSDE Instance for Live Comm. Server. When I save it to the local drive it works fine but I'm trying to save the backup to a remote server. I can't seem to get it to work. The account being used has full access to the remote computer and backup folder share.


"C:program filesms lcs 2005serversupportdbbackup.exe" /backupfile:\servernameackupmsdebackup

but when I run the following it works fine:
"C:program filesms lcs 2005serversupportdbbackup.exe" /backupfile:c:ackupmsdebackp

Any ideas? Thanks for any help!!!

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MSDE 2000 Set-up: Invalid Instance Name

Nov 9, 2006

Thanks in advance.

I installed SQL 2000 Client Portion in my local computer: No server functionality. I selected my computer name as an instance name. Installation went OK.

Now, I am trying to install MSDE in my computer. Error comes in early part of installation: It says, "The instance name specified is not valid"

Please, any advise and suggestion.

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Unable To Attach A Database To The MSDE Instance

May 4, 2007

Hi I'm creating a database instance with the MSDE 2000 using the Command line(executing a batch File) and once the installation is finished(from the same batch file) I'm trying to attach a database to it. but the database is not attached to the database. but when I go to the sql server and register this new database and run the same command the database is attaching.

can any one suggest how to do this without going to Enterprise manager and registering the database again.



my commands I'm using to create is (Batch FIle)


CD test

sqlrun01.msi targetdir="c: estmssql$test" datadir="c: estmssql$test" securitymode=SQL disablenetworkprotocols=0 sapwd="sa" instancename="test"




move C: est1 est_Data.MDF c: estlmssql$testmssql$testData

move c: est1 est_Log.LDF c: estlmssql$testmssql$testData


osql -U sa -P sa -S GRKPC estl -q "EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname=N'TestDB', @filename1=N'c: estmssql$testmssql$testData est_Data.MDF',@filename2=N'c: estmssql$testmssql$testData est_Log.LDF'"

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The Instance Name Spacified Is Invalid. @ Installing MSDE [URGENT]!!

Oct 3, 2004

Hi all;

I tried to install the MSDE on my machine.

I clicked on the setup.exe file which is located in C:sql2ksp3MSDE directory , then the following Error message appear to me:

Microsoft SQL Sever Desktop Engine
The instance name spacified is invalid.


What is the solution??

I am using:
MS Visual Studio.NET 2003
MS Windows XP SP1a
MS SQL Server 2000

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Cannot Connect To Named Instance Of MSDE Through Enterprise Mananger...

Jan 2, 2006

Hi- I am hoping someone can help me or shed some light on an issue I am having.
I have recently moved to a dedicated server with MSDE installed on it. The server was installed as the default instance and I changed the password to the SA account. I then copied my entire SA database over to the new MSDE database and everything was working good so it seemed. I believe at some point during copying of the data, or after installalling an application the SA account begain to fail and the password was changed. I have no idea how this happened, and better yet when I tried to change it logged in as the administrator with OSQL it told me I did not have sysadmin rights (I tried multiple Windows NT Auth logins and still got this error trying to change the password).
So... I reinstalled MSDE and created a named instane. I then attached the mdf/ldf files to my named instance and am able to connect ok from a .NET application directly to my new MSDE Named Instance database. Sounds like everything is great right? Not really, I can't figure out how to connect through enterprise manager and its driving me CRAZY!
1. I CAN connect via any .NET app and a connection string
2. I CAN connect via the server with OSQL
3. I CAN connect via the web based enterprise manager (which is very limited and a freeware ASP app).
4. I CANNOT connect via enterprise manager. I have verified from the (SVRNETCN.EXE utility)  that the port is open and have tried connecting to MY_IPADDRESSNAMEDINSTANCE but no luck. 
One additional side note, when I wasn't using a named instance I had no problems connecting through enterprise manager to my default MSDE instance.
Any help would be grealy appriciated, this is driving me nuts!

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Run Simultaneously Msde 2000 Instance And One Of 2005 Express, Possible?

Dec 2, 2006

I got on my developer computer one instance of msde 2000. I want to test sql server express 2005, can I install it without "scrap" my other instance of 2000?

Strange question maybee, but it's what I wanna do!

Thanks all!

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MSDE Fails To Install; Cnfgsvr Cannot Start The Instance Service.

Dec 1, 2005

Windows XP, SP2; MSDE 2000 Release A - on some installs of the XP SP2 MSDE installation fails, the section of the install log that applies is:

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Enumerating Instances Without DMO

Jul 23, 2005

Can anyone suggest a method of enumerating instances of MSDE 2000 withoutusing DMO ?Using C++, MFC, and ADO.Thanks

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Enumerating DTS Packages

Nov 19, 2007

Is it possible, using the SMO Enumerator (or anything else), to access the SQL 2000 DTS package object hierarchy in an SSIS package?

I started with a Script Task, I was planning on using the DMO DLL, but it doesn't look like you can access a COM DLL from the Script Task.

And the SMO Enumerator doesn't seem to enumerate SQL Server 2000 DTS package info....


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Enumerating Sql Server Databases

May 4, 2007

Hi. I would like to enumerate all the databases in a given Sql Server instance.
I've searched and found no information. Would somebody post a piece of VB code to do that?
Thanks in advance

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Enumerating Foreach Loop From Rowset

Jan 22, 2007

Please let me know if I am on the right track here.

I have an Execute SQL Task that selects multiple rows from an OLE DB connection, each row containing 3 columns (data types = string, Int32, Int32). In this task ResultSet = "Full result set" and Result Set > Result Name = 0, Variable Name = [User::viewInfo] which is a user variable with Data Type = Object.

I want to use a Foreach Loop Container to enumerate over the result set rows that are contained in the [User::viewInfo] variable described above. For each resultset row I want to breakout the 3 column values and assign them to 3 corresponding variables that can be referenced in a Data Flow in the Foreach Loop.

Current settings for the Foreach Loop Container: Collection > Enumerator = "Foreach ADO Enumerator", Collection > Enumerator Configuration > ADO object source variable = [User::viewInfo], Enumeration mode = "Rows in the first table". On the Variable Mappings page I select the 3 corresponding user variables I want the rowset column values assigned to, with indexes starting at 1 (not 0).

Thanks - Dana Reed

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SQL Server 2012 :: Enumerating Gaps Between Islands?

Aug 31, 2014

I have a system log with NULL gaps between a sequence of numbers...see "BEFORE" sample below.

The number of gaps between the Sequence_ID's are arbitrary, but generally less then 50 records.

I'd like enumerate the gaps to produce the "AFTER" result, but do it with a single query or view, not through procedures.

I've been playing with windowed functions and groupings with no success. I'm guessing it'll need some recursive CTE logic, but I haven't been able to figure it out the correct loop.

3035586234 NULL
8355585 NULL
1235584 NULL
4675583 35583
4035582 NULL
6035382 NULL
1435581 NULL
2035580 NULL
3435553 35563
6603589 NULL
9475559 35552


3035586234 3
8355585 2
1235584 1
4675583 35583
4035582 4
6035382 3
1435581 2
2035580 1
3435553 35563
6603589 1
9475559 35552

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Read All Variables In A Script Task W/o Enumerating Them

Sep 19, 2007

I'm having trouble with my configurations. All of my configurations are targeting variables and the various properties are all set to expressions containing the targeted variables. I would like (during debugging) to dump out all of the variables.

Is there a way to access all variables from a script task? It looks like you have to enumerate the variables you want in the ReadOnlyVariables or ReadWriteVariables properties. I'd rather not miss one by forgetting to list it.

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An Error Occurred While Enumerating The Websites On SERVER1

Dec 19, 2007

Hi, I have installed reporting services on 2 servers now and each time I click: "Report Server Virtual Directory", "Report Manager" "Virtual Directory" or "Web Service Identity" in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager I get the following error:
"An error occurred while enumerating the websites on "SERVER1". If "SERVER1" is a remote server, try changing the firewall settings in the operating system to allow the enumeration. The exception details are: Library not registered.
After this I cannot change any settings under these configuration items.

The servers I have tried installing are running Server2003 R2 SP1 x32 & x64.

I have tried changing service accounts, reinstalling IIS, reinstalling Reporting Services, changing website permissions and IIS configuration but I keep getting this same error.

The server is not a remote server nor is there a firewall present. As the error states there is a unregistered library but I don't know which one.

Thanks in advance.

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Reporting Services :: Enumerating Reports With Subreports?

Jul 27, 2015

Is there a good way in TSQL to:

1. List all SSRS reports containing sub-reports
2. List the SSRS sub reports?

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Trouble Enumerating SQL Server Instances 32 Bit And 64 Bit Mode

Sep 3, 2007


I have a problem enumerating SQL server instances on a 64 bits server W2K3 R2 SP2, running SQL 2000 sp4 (32 bits), SQL 2005 Express sp2 (32 bits) and SQL 2005 Developer sp2 (64 bits).
I am using the same way as the sample (found on SQLDev.net) ListSQLSvr application to enumerate the instances.

In my case i have the following instances defined:

MYPC - SQL 2000 (32 bits) (default) instance
MYPCEXPRESS - SQL 2005 Express (32 bits) instance
MYPCSQL2K5X64 - SQL 2005 Developer (64 bits) instance

When i enumerate the SQL instances for the entire network like this:

ListSQLSvr -X
All instances appear (including the instances from other machines in the network, as expected)

When i enumerate the SQL instances on my local machine like this:
Only the 32 bits instances appear..

When compiling the ListSQLSvr application to target 64 bit, the result on the local macine shows only the 64 bits instances !?!?

I am using this enumerating code in my installer to fill a listbox and depending on what kind of SQL instance (32 or 64 bits) is selected by the user, I install the correct extended stored procedure and register accourdingly (note the difference between a 32 extended Proc and a 64 bit extended Proc).
In this case I only need the local SQL instances since i want to install the correct extended proc.

Since the installer (MSI file) is one-for-all (32 and 64 bits OS's) it runs the code from a Custom Action DLL in 32 bits. Resulting in showing only the 32 bits instances.
When I would use the 64 bit installer and make my CA DLL to target 64 bits, I would only see the 64 bits instances.
But i would like to see and use all instances in my 32 bit installer and take the appropriate action to install the correct extended Proc.

I think it has to do with some internals of ODBC (SQLBrowseConnect() most likely); When using a local enumeration it uses Shared Memory and when enumerating the entire network (or any other machine) it uses TCP/IP?
If this is true, is there a way to bypass this someway?
Or if this isn't true, does anyone know any solution to the problem described?


Albert van Peppen
Senior System Engineer
Insad Grafisch b.v.

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Enumerating SQL Server 2005 Servers From The Network

Mar 6, 2008


I need to find out whether SQL Server client components are installed on a machine through my application.

For that I was expecting "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90" registry key. BUT If I install just native client drivers, this key is not getting created.

What could be another approch to determine whether system has required client components.

Also I need to list all the SQL Server 2005 servers available in the network. (Similar to the Servers combo box being populated while DSN creation in ODBC Admin tool). There are several approches.

1) Use NetServerEnum API
2) Use SQLBrowseConnect ODBC API
3) Use SQLDMO Object
4) OSQL utility.

Which one I should use VC++ (2005)?

Thanks in advance,

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Trouble Enumerating SQL Server Instances With SQL 2000/2005 On Network

Dec 4, 2007


We have (after several weeks of testing in all kind of environments) send out a new version of our application to several of our customers. Within days problems where drippin in; After looking for the problem on various customer situations we found a problem which I think is rather disturbing and very odd. I'll describe the situation, on which we finally managed to recreate the problem, here.

In my problem I use the following configuration:

Windows 2003 (standard edition) AD network with 2 domain controllers, multiple Windows XP workstations, some without SQL instances, some with SQL 2000 instances, some with SQL 2005 instances and even one with SQL 7 running.
All run a 32 bit OS.

Tools to reproduce:

ListSQLSvr application (found on SQLDev.net) to enumerate the instances.

Problem description:
I am running the machine called DEV001, which has SQL 2000 (instancename DRUMIS) and SQL 7.0 (has no instancename so this is the root instance) installed.

In any 'normal' situation all the runnings SQL instances are visible on the network like this:

Code Block
C:>listsqlsvr -X

When I turn the SQL 2005 Browser service off on the machine called DEV002 the list looks like:

Code Block
C:>listsqlsvr -X

Notice that the browser service might be off on DEV002, you can still see the EXPRESS instance and a new root instance has appeared (though it doesn't exist!)??

After restarting the Browser service all is OK again.

When I turn on Hide Server in the SQL 2000 TCP/IP properties (or turn it on in the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerDRUMISMSSQLServerSuperSocketNetLibTcp] "TcpHideFlag"=dword:00000001) on the DEV002 computer something real scary is happening..
The list looks as follows:

Code Block
C:listsqlsvr -X

When someone has entered a database (for example the backoffice database on INSADBACKOFFICEEXACT) the list looks as follows (for a short moment; 5 secs or so):

Code Block
C:listsqlsvr -X

Notice now that ALL instances are gone and no extended information is available. In the Query Analyser and in the SQL Management Studio when browsing you'll see this as well!
When someone is accessing a database instance it appears for a few seconds again.

Since our installation and applications rely on selecting a existing instance it will fail in the above situations (or at least not showing all available instances).

In my opinion this is a bug somewhere!
Note that even when the SQL Services are stopped on DEV002 (leaving the Browser service running) it still seems to block out ALL instance on the ENTIRE network!

I don't mind that one INSTANCE or even the entire MACHINE is hidden from the network, but ALL instances on ALL machines??

And the SQL Browser issue also worries me a bit since it does not stop the possibily to browse the SQL instances; it removes the SQL2000 instances but adds a root instance which doesn't even exist! Also the extended info is stripped.

Can anyone help me solve this/advise?

Also mind that in any situation there might run a lot of computers with a lot of SQL instances and I cannot tell our customers to find which machine has the SQL TCP/IP properties set to Hide...
It even seems that in some situations SBS 2003 does the hiding automatically on Install? And if so, when and why?


Albert van Peppen
Senior System Engineer
Insad Grafisch b.v.

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Merge Replication Performance Issues, Enumerating Inserts And Updates For Articles...generations And Batches

Oct 8, 2007

We have a SQLServer 2005 Enterprise merge replication publication with SQL Mobile 3.0 subscribers (Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.0). We do not use pre-computed partitions due to trigger performance issues with an SSIS/ETL application that supplies data to the merge database. We do use the "Optimize" (=true) option, though we have tried this both ways with no significant differences. We use filters and joins for each worker ID (as HOST_ID) from the subscriptions.

The sync times become increasingly worse after we run the snapshot and bring the publication online. I have tried rerunning the snapshots, this helps little, as it often behaves like the subscription was set to reinitialize and forces a big sync (reload of all data) to the subscriber. We have tried much of the obvious (e.g., flattening filters and joins, adding indexes, etc.).

When users are synchronizing, we watch replication monitor and notice that a lot of time is spent processing "enumerating inserts and updates for article [any article]", especially processing the many generations and batches. This is true for any follow-up syncs after the 1st big sync (initializing the subscription).

I read several posts regarding the batches and generations of changes, and decided to try increasing the €œDownloadGenerationsPerBatch€?. I tried adding this parameter to the snapshot agent job, and the job fails each time with a vague message, even with the default value of 100. How do you change this parameter for SQLServer 2005 Enterprise?

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

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MSDE Text Datatype - Unable To Store More Than 900 Characters. (msde + Visual Studio 2003)

Jun 6, 2005


I'm not sure if it's the setup I did wrong, but I can't seem to get my
text datatype in my database to store more than 900 characters. 
I'm trying to setup a news database for my website, which will populate
the information into a datagrid.  To test, I manually added a news
item in the database through the visual studio 2003 gui.  I
immediately noticed a problem as the I was getting an error after a
long news item saying:

"The value you entered is not consistent with the data type or length of the column, or over grid buffer limit."

I couldn't find anthing to set the buffer limit and the datatype is
"text" filled with simple text in the column.  As a further test,
simply entered 12334567890123... up to 900 characters and still
recevied the error.

I would appreciate someone leading me in the right direction on this one.

Thanks a lot.

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How Do I Change The Name Of A Computer Running MSDE With Out Reinstalling MSDE

May 27, 2000

I am trying to change the computer name of a machine running MSDE but I get an error when SQL Server starts. With regular SQL when I change the name of a computer I re-run setup and setup fixes this problem. MSDE can only be installed from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem.

My question is "How do I change the name of a computer running MSDE with out reinstalling MSDE"

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cannot Connect To Named Instance (2nd Instance) From Local SSMS

Jul 22, 2015

I've two instances(Default, Named[dynamicsFINANCE]) running on SQL server 2014. However, when I try to connect to named instance say (dynamicsFINANCE) using SQL authentication from local SSMS, I get below error message:

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

I assigned a static port number to the named instance [dynamicsFINANCE] 1450. I also setup the firewall rule to allow access to Port 1450.

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How Can I Migrate All Objects Alogwith All Constraints,SP,Triggers Etc From Development Instance To Production Instance

Jun 13, 2006

Hi fellows,

I have to migrate all objects alogwith all constraints,SP,Triggers, indexes etc from Development instance to Production instance of a DB, all those things are created through wizard ie. Sql server 2000 Enterprise Manager. if i use DTS it only mirates data along with tables and views but constraints,SP,Triggers, indexes etc not yet copied.

can any body help me how can I solve this problem by copying all objects alogwith all constraints,SP,Triggers etc from Development instance to Production instance.

This is Sql server 2000 Cluster environment.

thanks in advance for any help


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SQL 2012 :: Clustered SSAS Unable To Connect To Named Instance (instance Not Found On Server)

Mar 20, 2014

I have a 3 node cluster on which I have installed SSAS as it's own insntance. I have created this as a named instance and can connect to it by serverinstance if I'm on the server itself. However from my desktop I get the error saying instance was not found on server name.

I have defined an alternate port and setup firewall rules and can connect via server:port but not serverinstance. Prior to making this change SSAS was running on default port of 2383 and I could connect just by servername.

I have read many articles for previous versions saying that clustered SSAS will always use 2383 and that you must connect just using servername. However and this is were it gets strange. I have a 2 node UAT cluster with SSAS setup exactly the same way I've described above and I can connect from my desktop as serverinstance.

Should I be able to connect as serverinstances for a named clustered instance in 2012 ?

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Migrating From SQL2K Named Instance To SQL2K5 Default Instance

Feb 19, 2007

Hi, I have a task in hand to migrate (upgrade) from SQL2K named instance to SQL2K5 default instance. There are many intranet applications touching current SQL2K. I would like to perform this upgrade such that I don't have to touch any application code - meaning I don't have to change the connectionstring to point to new Default instance. How can I achieve this?

So, in otherwords, here is what I want to achieve:

Current Server: SQL2K: SERVER_AINSTANCE_A (named instance)

Upgraded Server: SQL2K5: SERVERB (default instance)

If I have both default, I could achive this by setting up DNS alias after migration done so that any call for SERVER_A would point to SERVER_B. But in my case, I don't have SERVER_A, I have named instance. Is there any solution?



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