SQL Browser Services Not Present In The Services List

Mar 4, 2008


I am trying to install SQL 2k5 on Windows SBS premium edition , everything goes well but when I try to connect to the local database through Management studio it says connection failed & one of the possible reasons it says is SQL Browser service is not started.I tried to start the service but, when I go to services I could not find any such service in the list.There is only SQL server VSS writer service. Pls help me to come out of this situation. I tried reinstalling SQL server few times but in vain. Pls help me.

Thanks in advance.

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Reporting Services :: The Given Key Was Not Present In The Dictionary

Jul 5, 2006

When I try to preview a SSRS report in VS 2005 I get the following error: "The given key was not present in the dictionary", however when I deploy the report and view it in the Report Manager all is fine. I have not been able to find any useful info in MSDN, what I can try?

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Can't Log In To Reporting Services In My Browser

Jan 16, 2007

I've installed the Developer's edition of SQL05 on my PC at home. I am able to open the reporting services via the Manager Studio and Windows login under my username and password, however I cannot open it in my browser when I enter the

http://computername/reports address. I get a login dialog and enter "computername/myloginID" for the user and my local login password. It will not accept the login and reprompt until I exceed 3 tries.

I also tried logging in with the PC's admin id and password as well as the sa account name and password.

Any ideas on what I missed in the setup or security?

Thanks for any assistance anyone can provide


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Reporting Services :: Data Present When Run On Report Server URL But Not On Regular URL

Nov 10, 2015

Was reported to me that reports were running but data was not being displayed. After checknig the Config manager I found that if I went to the reportserver url then clicked on a report it would diplay he correct data. But when trying it on the normal website it would not display anything.  

sql server 2008 r2
ver: 10.50.2550.0

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Reporting Services :: Freeze Header Browser

Apr 22, 2015

I want the header to be visible while scrolling. After changing on the static Properties FixedData=True, it is working on BIDS and Internet Explorer 11 . But is does not work in Chrome. Most of my users are using Chrome. Is there any way to fix it for google Chrome.

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Reporting Services Add (browser) Back Button

Jun 7, 2007

Dear all,

I have a client that has 4 reports; 1 main, and 3 that are rendered when the user clicks the report data on the main report (which passes parameters to generate the other 3).

They would like to have a back button in the report header of the 3 reports (they don't want to use the browser back button).

Is this possible using a text box, then editing the navigation properties and does anyone have an example? Or am I missing something quite obvious?

Any help would be gratefully received!!


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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - Groups In Report Manager Not Present When Exported To Excel

Mar 2, 2015

I have a report in SSRS2012. It was copied from SSRS2005 quite recently, as we have upgraded. The SQL developer said that it didn't need any code changes, as he had some kind of tool to test code problems between the two versions. The report has a table, with 5 row groups, and one detail row. The table is setup as follows:

Name             Sales          Costs       Profit


When I run this report using the Report Manager website from SSRS2005, and then export to Excel 2013, I get the 6 row groups in Excel, no problem whatsoever. I can drill into each group in Excel, using the group drilldown column on the left hand side. This works the same as the Report Manager website.

If I run the exact same report from the Report Manager website in SSRS2012, the Report Manager result is the same as SSRS2005 - all the row groups are present, and the drilldown works fine. However, the export to Excel has issues with the groups. There are only 3 row groups showing in Excel, along with a column group added for no apparent reason.

Drilling into each group shows inconsistent details, and there is no apparent logic as to what is shown within each group. I should also mention, that this issue with groups is seen on all my reports which have groups, not just this report.

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Reporting Services :: RDLs Present In SSRS Folder Path But Not Visible In Report Viewer URL?

Jun 9, 2015

I have an issue as to where only some reports are visible within Report Viewer url. But if I navigate to the path of the rdl's there are many more present that should be visible through Report Viewer. The client was recently upgraded, and I seem to have all out of box roles and permission levels yet can only see some of those reports, as if some were manually copied to this folder location at a later point and perhaps some user job needs to be run to reflect import those additional rdl's?

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Reporting Services :: Graph Misalignment In Browser - SSRS Report

Jun 22, 2015

I am facing an issue when report with graph deployed to BI, I can see the misalignment issue in the browser however, when report is run in the Report Builder/SQL Server Data tool or export into PDF then there is no issue.

How to fix the misalignment issue of the graph in the browser. See the both graph below -

Graph Misalignment Issues Screengrab in Browser

Graph without misalignment issue in PDF or Report development tool

I am using the Internet Explorer browser.

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Reporting Services :: Edge Browser Not Supporting Powerview Reports

Aug 17, 2015

When I try to open the Powerview report in the new Windows 10 Explorer (MS Edge), I am asked to install Silverlight.

When I try to install this, it says I already have it installed so I can’t proceed in opening the Powerview report.

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Reporting Services :: ReportViewer 10.0 - Pressing Browser Back Button

Jan 31, 2011

We recently upgraded from ReportViewer 9.0 to 10.0 Control in our ASP.NET application, and face some strange issues after the upgrade. When we press the Back button to go to a page that was rendering a report with one or more single-select drop down lists, the selected index in the drop down is reduced by 1, and the report doesn't render until I press "View Report". I verified that exact same setup works well with ReportViewer 9.0.

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Reporting Services :: How To Display Report At The Center Of Browser Using ReportViewer

Sep 30, 2008

I have designed plenty of reports in VS 2005 and have been deployed on the reporting server. I have been designed one web page which shows UI through which user can access which ever reports he/she wants. I have kept some buttons on UI. When button is clicked appropriate report accessed and displayed on the browser.
Problem is that, report width is about 40 - 50 % of the screen and report viewer shows the report on the left align of the screen. I just want to show the report at the center of the screen. Also, any property I can use to set the report size in the proportion of screen in Percentage(%).

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Master Data Services :: Entities Drop Down Is Not Visible In Browser

Aug 12, 2015

I have configured master data services in my DB server and when i am going to explorer the entities and respected data by using navigating as below

[URL] -->Click to Explorer 

I am able to select  data for only one default entity, in entities drop down is getting hidden back side , please find below snap to clearance.
Note: I am using Internet explorer (11.0.9600.17239) to browse the solution.

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Report Printing In Landscape From SQL Reporting Services Designer Or Browser

Jan 16, 2007


I am trying to print a report in landscape mode from VS 2003 from designer preview or at run time. The users don't want to change a mode manually. I tried to make width 11 or 11.5 in and height 8.5in with zero margins and 0.5in (tried a lot of combinations) - doesn't work! still printing in portrait. Please help! Thank you

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Reporting Services :: Edge Browser Doesn't Have Scroll Bars

Jul 30, 2015

Just upgraded to Windows 10.  My SSRS reports, SharePoint 2013 integrated, still work but have no scroll bars. I can use the touchscreen to scroll left and right. Mouse wheel or any other attempts to scroll the report view don't work.

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Integration Services :: Fetch Data From Netezza Database Based On Values Present In Excel Using SSIS

Aug 7, 2015

I have an excel sheet containing one column (ID_NO) with 400K rows. I have a database from where I have to fetch some other columns from a Netezza database. Initially I tried hardcoding all the 400K rows in the query that I wrote using filter WHERE ID IN ('1212','2334'). But after pasting all the 400K rows the query is running indefinitely.

I have imported all the ID in a SQL table (MY_LIST table). I used a DFT, and selected ODBC source, and selected my netezza server. Then in the 'Data access mode' I selected the SQL command from the dropdown.I pasted the same query that I wrote in Netezza. Is there any way to pull only for those records that I have pulled in my SQL table (MY_LIST) ?

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Reporting Services :: Position Report In Centre Of Browser AND Export To A4 Portrait PDF

Jul 29, 2015

I know how to size my report to export successfully to A4 portrait PDF and I can position the report in the centre of the browser window BUT I can't do both! I would really like to be able to position it in the centre of my browser window AND be able to print to A4 portrait PDF. If I have the report in the centre (by adjusting the body to take up the whole screen and positioning the report in the centre), it is cut in half when exported to PDF. I can only get it to export to PDF correctly, if the report is aligned to the left of my screen in the browser. Is there a way to move the body to the centre or any other tricks?

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Reporting Services :: Connect To Report Server From Client Through Internet Browser

Jun 11, 2015

after installing SQL Server 2008 R2 and the Reporting Services, I've managed to access the Report Manager URL....Reports through the web browser on the machine itself. But if i am trying to connect to on my client browser it does not find the Report Server.Do I need to configure the server in any way? Do I need to configure the firewall?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Chart Series Conditional Color Formatting Not Rendering In Browser

Aug 6, 2015

I have a chart with series that needs conditional colour for three conditions. One condition must be transparent. I have tried the various IFF or SWITCH expressions below and some work fine in SSDT but when I deploy them to the browser the formatting is lost. This simple IFF expression works. The series is transparent as required both in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) and IE11 and Firefox browsers but I need two other conditions. 

=IIF(Fields!ExhibitionID.Value = -1, "#00ffffff", "Red")

Both of the expressions below work in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) as expected but when deployed to the browser none of this formatting is rendered and all series are in blues even the ‘transparent’ series. No red at all.

=IIF(Fields!ExhibitionID.Value = -1,"#00ffffff", IIF(Fields!ExhDepartment.Value = 27,"Orange","Red"))
= -1,"#00ffffff",Fields!ExhDepartment.Value = 27,"Orange",(Fields!ExhDepartment.Value <> 27) AND (Fields!ExhibitionID.Value <> -1),"Red")

I have tried deleting various files RDL and DATA. I have tried uploading the file from report manager in IE and I have tried editing the file in report manager.

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Reporting Services :: Error Message When Trying To Open Reports On SCCM 2012 Console And IE Browser

Mar 5, 2013

I have finally have reporting services up and running. A list of all built-in reports have been populated under Monitoring>Reports but when I click on them I get the results shown in the screen shot attached. Below is the error I get when I try to open any report from my IE browser. I have confirmed SSRS is running on my SQL server. I actually had to start it in order to get the list of reports to populate becasue it was stopped. An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Cannot impersonate user for data source 'AutoGen__5C6358F2_4BB6_4a1b_A16E_8D96795D8602_'. (rsErrorIm personatingUser) Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct.

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Integration Services :: Reading Data File Present In A File System From A Package Deployed In SSIS DB?

Dec 4, 2014

I am trying to create and later read a data file from a package deployed in SSISDB, but it is not reading it while it is successfully creating the file. The same package when run from the file system package, runs successfully. Generating ispac and deploying in SSISDB is running for infinite time. Is it a permission issue?

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List Services On Server

Sep 4, 2006

--The following query will list all services and current state of each service on server
--where MSSQL2000 is installed.

CREATE TABLE #services (ident SMALLINT identity, fld NVARCHAR(200))

--get output of command in temporary table
INSERT INTO #services (fld)
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'sc query state= all' --remove 'state= all' for displaying only running services

--keep only needed records (service code, service displayed name, state
DELETE FROM #services

--remove labels
UPDATE #services
SET fld = LTRIM(RIGHT(fld, LEN(fld) - CHARINDEX(':', fld, 1)))

--display services, names and state
SELECT tbl1.fld AS srv_code, tbl2.fld AS srv_name, tbl3.fld AS state
FROM #services tbl1, #services tbl2, #services tbl3
WHERE tbl2.ident = tbl1.ident+1
AND tbl3.ident = tbl1.ident + 3

DROP TABLE #services



For those working with Linked Servers, and dont want to worry about the state of Distributed Transaction Coordinator service, the following query can be used for ensuring that MSDTC is running before any action takes place

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'sc start msdtc', no_output


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Drop Down List In Reporting Services

Dec 21, 2007

How do you create a drop down box on the report so the users can chose a value and conduct their search according to that value, See I have a SP that when the users enter a parameter they get the results according to that paramter, I would like for the choose one rather then type it up. Can anyone help please

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List Of Databases In Analysis Services

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,I have to write a program to read the names of databases in AnalysisServices. I don't know which table I can get this information from.Thanks a bunch

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Transact SQL :: Get List Of Items Present In Order Based On Confidentiality Code Of Product

Sep 29, 2015

I want to get the list of items present in that order based on the confidentiality code of that product or Item and confidentiality code of the user.

I display the list of orders in first grid, by selecting the order in first grid I display the Items present in that order based on the confidentiality code of that item.

whenever order in 1st grid is selected i want to display the items that the item code should be less than or equal to the confidentiality code of the logged-in user other items should not display.

If the all the items present in the order having confidentiality code greater than Logged-in user at that time the order no# should not display in the first grid.

Table 1:Order

Order_Id Order_No Customer_Id

2401 1234567 23
2402 1246001 24
2403 1246002 25

Table 2 : OrderedItems

OrderItem_Id Order_Id Item_Id Sequence

1567 2401 1001 1
1568 2401 1003 2
1569 2402 1005 1
1570 2402 1007 2
1571 2403 1010 1

Table 3: ItemMaster

Item_Id Item_Name confidentCode

1001 Rice Null
1003 Wheet 7
1005 Badham Null
1007 Oil 6
1010 Pista 8

Out put for 1st grid 

**Note :** Logged-in user have confidentiality code 6

Order No Customer
1234567 23
1246001 24

3rd order is not displayed in the grid

After user selects the 1st order in the grid then the items present in that 1st order should be displayed as 

1001     Rice

the second item not displayed because that having confidentiality code greater than user.

After user selects the 2nd order in the grid then the items present in that order should displays

1005 Badham
1007 Oil

I need the query to display the order details in 1st grid.

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Dynamic List Of Tables In Integration Services

Apr 27, 2006

I need to report on data from several databases on several servers. They are all SQL Server 2005 databases. I am trying to created an Integration Services task to consolidate and transform this data for easy reporting. The problem I am having is one database in particular. It has tables like this:


I want to use only the tables of the form "tblLookupParseData*" for this list. I can do this in Stored Procedures by dynmacally building up the sql query. I cannot find out how to do this in Integration Services. When I make Datasource Views, they seem to expect me to pick from a list of known tables. This list of tables grows as Customers are added to the system.

NOTE: The way the tables are structured was NOT my idea. I hate storing "data" in the structure of the database. Many people also do this when they create "period" tables such as "CustomerData_05_2005". It speeds up writing the data, and querying a specific table, but it is a nightmare for reporting. I cannot change this as it is not in my responsibility.

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Sharepoint List As Datasource In Reporting Services ?

Oct 25, 2007

Hi everybody,

I was wondering if it's possible to use a sharepoint list as datasource in reporting services ? If yes, what's your trick ?
Is it possible to use a directory as datasource in reporting services ?

Thanks for your response,

Have a nice day,


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Sharepoint List Reporting Services Extension

Sep 17, 2007

Is Microsoft planning to include reporting services extensionsion for usering Sharepoint lists as datasource in MS SQL Server 2008?
And what about reporting services extension for building semantic model on Sharepoint lists?

-- Thanks,

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Reporting Services :: Two List View - Get Job Info From Table

Oct 2, 2015

I need ssrs report  which  get job info from job table in list control  and other  one is jobid and workdate which also need to be group by and storeproc I am using for this  report is as follow:

ALTER proc [dbo].[VRAJ_JobScheduleReport]            
    @JobID int = null,    @StartDate varchar(25) = null,    @EndDate varchar(25) = nullASSET
NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON DECLARE @sql varchar(max);DECLARE @param varchar(max);DECLARE @where1 varchar(max);DECLARE
@where2 varchar(max);SET @param='';SET @where1='';SET @where2='';IF @JobID IS NOT NULL    BEGIN     
SET @param = @param + 'DECLARE @JobID int; SET @JobID=' + CAST(@JobID AS varchar(50)) + ';';      IF @where1 = ''       
[Code] ...

I need ssrs report which get job info from job table in list control and other one is jobid and workdate which also need to be group by and storeproc I am using for this report is as follow:

ALTER proc [dbo].[VRAJ_JobScheduleReport]
@JobID int = null,
@StartDate varchar(25) = null,
@EndDate varchar(25) = null

[Code] .....

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Reporting Services :: Populate Parameter List Of Users

Aug 18, 2015

I have a report where a user selects a AD Global Group.  Then I have another parameter that populates with the members of that group.  My problem is the userlist parameter isn't populating.  If I hard code a Global group name it works, but it isn't getting the Global Group parameter when I use @GlobalGroup.

SELECT sAMAccountName, displayName, distinguishedName
FROM 'LDAP://DC=xxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx'
WHERE objectCategory = 'Person' AND objectClass = 'user' AND
memberOf = 'CN=@GlobalGroup,OU=Groups,OU=SCSM,OU=Applications,DC=xxxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=us'

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Integration Services :: Best Way To Pull The Data From SharePoint List?

Jun 15, 2015

I already tried SharePoint List Source and found some bugs in it. Ex. Duplication of records, sometimes its throw an error: A possible reason might be you are trying to retrieve too many items at a time (Batch size).

I also used SharePoint WebServices and store the records into XML file and used those files as a source to load the data into Sql Server Table. 

Is there any other approach to pull the data from SharePoint List?

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Reporting Services :: Could Not Update List Of Fields For Query

Oct 7, 2015

I have the following store procedure which execute perfectly fine Under SSMS as it is :

-- Insert statements for procedure here

[Code] ....

But then when I try to create a dataset using ReportBuilder and pointing to that StoreProcedure, I get the following error message box :

"Could not update a list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the data source and that your query syntax is correct. An  item with same key already been added" ...

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Reporting Services :: Display A Report From Another Dataset In Same List?

May 29, 2015

I would like to display different addresses in the same list:

I have the query for married couples working, Also, I have a separate query of non-married people working.I would like to create a separate datasets for unmarried people in the same report.-Is there way to setup another the second data set without duplicating the fields from the first datasource. I tried to use alias on the second datasets and it did not work okay.

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