SQL CE 2.0: Calling Engine.Dispose() After Every Query?
May 19, 2006
After making several hundred queries against a SQL CE 2.0 database (through NetCF/ADO.NET), I begin getting a SqlCeException: "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."
Microsoft speaks to this situation in the following hotfix:
When I contacted them to receive the hotfixed ssce20.dll, they described the problem as SqlCeDataReader and SqlCeDataAdapter not releasing their memory resources after they went out of scope. In addition to using the hotfixed binary, they also advised me to call SqlCeEngine.Dispose() after every query to force SQL CE to release resources, as shown in the "finally" block of the code below.
I have a couple of questions about this:
Will this cause a lot of performance overhead for me, especially if my application makes frequent queries using the following code?
Can a cache an instance of SqlCeEngine and call Dispose() on that cached instance repeatedly, so I can avoid having to instantiate a new SqlCeEngine each time?
SqlCeConnection conn = null;
conn = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString);
dbCmd.Connection = conn;
<use the reader>
// Add the following code to release resources?
SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine(connectionString);
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May 12, 2015
I tried to call a exe from sql server through trigger with xp_cmdshell, But its not working as expected, shows preemptive_os_pipeops in process under the activity monitor and the process got hang.
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Oct 11, 2007
We are planning to use the BTS BRE for our business rules and calling these from a data flow transformation (e.g. for every row in a flat file during import). One way would be to use a script component.
However, the question is that the script component would have to create and destroy BRE objects (e.g. a BRE Policy object) for every row in the flat file.
Is there a way to instantiate objects and whole on to them for the lifetime of the package or a container within a package?
Any suggestions regarding achieving the above most efficiently would be much appreciated.
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Nov 21, 2007
Hi, there;
If I create a SqlCeDataAdapter object like this:
SqlCeDataAdapter adapter = new SqlCeDataAdapter(Utility.StrSelectStatement,conn);
where: Utility.StrSelectStatement is a static string;
conn is SqlCeConnection object.
Now I want to dispose this adapter object:
Can this "adapter" be disposed properly here? I ask this because I use that static string to create that adapter.
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Jul 19, 2006
Given the following code:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sc = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();sc.CommandText = "MySP";sc.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;sc.Connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("MyConnectionString"); sc.Connection.Open();sc.ExecuteNonQuery(); sc.Connection.Close();sc.Connection.Dispose();sc.Dispose();Is the call to sc.Connection.Dispose() necessary?J
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Mar 30, 2007
I have an Execute SQL Task that returns a dataset to variable DfltValData. A dataflow follows that with a script component that access that dataset (read only variable) (see code below) and everything is fine. Now, after that, there's another dataflow with a script component, with the same code as below, trying to access DfltValData. Here is where the problem is, the DfltValData object does not contains any row. Whats happening and how to solve this?
Dim olead As New Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim dt As New Data.DataTable
Dim row As System.Data.DataRow
olead.Fill(dt, Me.Variables.DfltValData)
For Each row In dt.Rows
.// read value from row.
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Mar 8, 2007
i am using visual web developer 2005 and SQL Express 2005 with VB as the code behindi am using the following code to update the database table Dim update As New SqlDataSource() update.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString").ToString() update.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text update.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE orderdetail SET fromdesignstatus = 2 ,progresspercentage = 15 , fromdesignlink = '" + designlink + "' WHERE order_id =" + ordersid.ToString() update.Update() update.Dispose() update = Nothing i am using update.Dispose() and update = nothing to release the memoryis it really necessary to use both the commandsif not , in my case which one is enough and what is the reasonplease help me
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Jan 30, 2008
I've got an application uses a WPF GUI, is built in VS2008 final, targets .Net Framework 3.5, and uses a Sql Ce 3.5 database for local storage. After a specific WPF window is rebound the application hangs. Hitting pause on the debugger reveals the offending method is a call to SqlCeConnection.Dispose(). Via Reflector I can see this method calls SqlCeConnection+ObjectLifeTimeTracker.Close() which in turn calls GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(). Within WPF there are some objects (specifically TextBox) which need to have their resources freed on the main application thread. The finalizer thread is waiting on the main application thread, which is in turn waiting on the finalizer thread, resulting in a deadlock.
You can see some additional discussion of the topic including our temporary resolution in this thread.
My question is why is there a call to GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers() buried within the SqlCeConnection.Dispose() call tree?
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Jul 11, 2006
I'm having the problem that my application hangs on SqlCeConnection.Dispose() when I'm closing the app.
public class DatabaseManager : IDisposable
private DbConnection connection = null;
// Singleton
private DatabaseManager()
public void Dispose()
if (this.connection != null)
// ...
This only happens when I'm calling Application.Exit(); and Dispose is called through the destructor of the DatabaseManager class. When I'm disposing the connection during normal work the call works as intended. BTW I'm using SQL Server Mobile 3.0.5214.0 on a PPC 2003 AKU2 (Symbol PPT8846 industrial device).
Thanks for support,
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Oct 6, 2015
SQL Server 2012 Performance Dashboard Main advices me this:
Since the application is from a vendor and I have no control over its code, how can improve this sitation?
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Jul 20, 2015
1. find an error in the real code?
2. How can I reference a query with a given name in order to simplify my code, like this:
use ventas
select * into bds_temp1
from (named_query)
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 29
Incorrect syntax near ')'.
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Mar 3, 2014
I have created testreport.rdl using SQL Server 2012 SSRS. How to execute/call this through SQL query analyser, so that this will be executed and display output.
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Apr 19, 2006
I have the following procedure, that calls a Padding function to pad characters to a field.
Here is what the procedure looks like
@Table VARCHAR(255),
@Column VARCHAR(255),
@PadChar CHAR(1),
@PadToLen INT
DECLARE @Query Varchar(5000)
SET @Query = 'UPDATE ' + @Table + '
SET ' + @Column + ' = dbo.Function_PadLeft(' + @Column + ', ''' + @PadChar + ''', ' + @PadToLen + ')'
When I run this I get the error
Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Pad_Left, Line 13
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'UPDATE Lincoln
SET baths = dbo.Function_PadLeft(baths, '0', ' to a column of data type int.
But when I just run this query, it works
@Table VARCHAR(255),
@Column VARCHAR(255),
@PadChar CHAR(1),
@PadToLen INT
UPDATE Lincoln
SET Baths = dbo.Function_PadLeft(Baths, '0', 4)
Why would one work but not the other? I don't understand, as they are the same thing, just one calls the function dynamically?
I must be missing something very obvious
Thanks for any help!
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Jul 23, 2005
I use a database that has user names stored in Encrypted format usingthe following API.Declare Sub Encrypt2 Lib "QPRO32.DLL" (ByVal Work As String, ByValPASSWORD As String)Every time i require the user name i have to again decrypt the nameusing the same function.My problem is that when i fetch a large number of records i have toloop through every record and call the encrypt function for eachrecord.Instead of binding the recordset to my control i need to loopthrough and fill my controlA MSHFlexGrid in Vb6.0.Is there a way out to this problem that will make my record populatiogfaster withoutout changing the current Encrypted users.Thanx in Advance
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Jan 4, 2007
Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error when I try to view my report:
Query Engine Error: '21000:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Sever] Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=,>,>= or when the subquery is used as an
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Aug 13, 2007
How SQL Query/ Stored procedure are being executed by SQL Server Engine ?
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Aug 26, 2015
I have a the following query which takes long time
WHERE A_DESCR in ('AA', 'BB', 'CC', 'DD', 'EE', 'FF', 'GG')
I used the following key words: sql server query tuning in operator
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May 6, 2015
Is there has any SQL query to check running out of "min memory per query SQL Server"(default value is 1024KB)?
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Aug 18, 2015
I have a query that is using up the whole TempDB (50GB) and still failing because the disk runs out of space.
The script has SELECT FROM SELECT FROM SELECT etc. and in each select it also seems to have joins.
I can also see a few UNION and UNION ALLs.
Is this normal for one query to use up that much space?
If I wanted to make this better where would I start?
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Jan 8, 2007
How can you get the Query Statement of the last executed SQL command.
I am not quite sure but I do remember coming across such a command ( maybe an undocumented one).
Thanks for your help and pointers.
My Best wishes for the new year to all the folks in the forum. Wishing you greater days ahead.
Warm Regards,
Ranjit S Hans.
Everywhere is a walking distance if you have the time - Steven Wright
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Aug 3, 2015
I've a spatial (GIS) Data which is used frequently insertion, updation.
5 lakh records insertion in daily basis. when I trying to generate reports last 3 days or one weak, it takes 20-30 minute.
very disappointing while playing with clients. how to boostup and perform fast.
I think as so once we set query plan in buffer permanently then i would be faster than ever.
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Nov 16, 2007
I have the following table:
Create Table Item(
I_Code NVarChar(40) Primary Key NOT NULL,
I_MatID NVarChar(40),
I_Name NVarChar(160),
I_BC nvarchar(20),
I_Company nvarchar(20),
I_CompanyFound nvarchar(20),
I_Info1 nvarchar(55),
I_Acquired nvarchar(35),
I_Info2 nvarchar(55),
I_Info3 nvarchar(55),
I_Date DateTime DEFAULT GetDate()
Create Index ind_Item_Name on Item(I_Name);
Create Index ind_Item_BC on Item(I_BC);
Create Index ind_Item_Company on Item(I_Company);
Create Index ind_Item_CompanyFound on Item(I_CompanyFound);
create Index ind_Item_i1 on Item(I_Company,I_CompanyFound);
create Index ind_Item_i2 on Item(I_CompanyFound,I_Company);
Now this query DOES NOT use index:
select I_Name, I_Code, I_MatID, I_BC, I_Company,I_Info1, I_Acquired, I_CompanyFound, 0 as I_Found
from Item
where (I_Company='102' or I_CompanyFound='102' )
While this one use:
select I_Name, I_Code, I_MatID, I_BC, I_Company,I_Info1, I_Acquired, I_CompanyFound, 0 as I_Found
from Item
where (I_Company='102' )
select I_Name, I_Code, I_MatID, I_BC, I_Company,I_Info1, I_Acquired, I_CompanyFound, 0 as I_Found
from Item
where (I_CompanyFound='102' )
Both return the same rows. Is this a bug? I found the following:
Some feedback?
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May 27, 2015
I've a complex view on a SQL 2014 Enterprise Edition. If I query the view with:
SELECT * FROM myComplexView
it takes 14 seconds to completes
if I want a subset of the result and I run the query with a WHERE clause:
SELECT * FROM myComplexView WHERE [Season]='A16'
The query never completes (I've waited 10 minutes and then cancelled the task).
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Nov 11, 2015
Any sql script or powershell script which outputs late running jobs? Currently I am using the below script to find out currently running jobs along with duration. But my requirement is to add few more columns to the query which indicates whether jobs is running fine or running behind expected time.
-currently using query to pull running jobs
j.name AS job_name,
ISNULL(last_executed_step_id,0)+1 AS currently_executing_step_id,
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May 16, 2015
I am learning the Optimizer from the book "Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012" for certificate exam 70-461. I really cannot understand how it explains the number of possible ways to execute a query joining three tables. the pseudo-query is:
SELECT A.col5, SUM(C.col6) AS col6sum
ON A.col1 = B.col1
ON B.col2 = c.col2
WHERE A.col3 = constant 1
AND B.col4 = constant2
GROUP BY A.col5;
The book says:"Start with the FROM part. Which tables should SQL Server join first, TableA and TableB or TableB and TableC? And in each join, which of the two tables joined should be the left and which one the right table? The number of all possibilities is six, if the two joins are evaluated linearly, one after another."
Q1: How could it be six possibilities? From my understanding, lets say, if the SQL Server has to join A and B first, and then join C, in this case I can think of 4 possibilities, which are:
1. When A Join B, Left: A, Right: B.
When Join C, Left: result of A join B, Right: C
2. When A Join B, nbsp;
When Join C, nbsp;When A Join B, nbsp;
When Join C, nbsp;When A Join B, nbsp;
When Join C, "line-height:13.5px;">
Q2: The section following the previous question says there are 4 different types of join.."This already gives four options for each join. So far, there are 6 x 4 = 24 different options for only the FROM part of this query."
How can it be 6 x 4? My understanding is 4 is only for 1 join, but in our case, there are 2 joins, so it should be 6 x 4 x 4.
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Nov 14, 2007
Hello all.
I have the following table
Create Table Item(
I_AssetCode NVarChar(40) Primary Key NOT NULL,
I_Name NVarChar(160),
I_BC nvarchar(20),
I_Company nvarchar(20)
Create Index ind_Item_Name on Item(I_Name);
Create Index ind_Item_BC on Item(I_BC);
Create Index ind_Item_Company on Item(I_Company);
It is populated with 50 000 records.
Searching on indexed columns is fast, but I've run into the following problem:
I need to get all distinct companies in the table.
I've tried with these two queries, but they both are very slow!
1. "select I_Company from item group by I_Company " - This one takes 19 seconds
2. "select distinct(I_Company) from item" -This one takes 29 secons
When I ran them through the SQL Management Studio and checked the performance plan, I saw that the second one doesn't use index at all ! So I focused on the first...
The first one used index (it took it 15% of the time), but then it ran the "stream aggregate" which took 85% of the time !
Actully 15% of 19 seconds - about 2 seconds is pretty much enough for me. But it looks that aggregate function is run for nothing!
So is it possible to force the query engine of the SSCE not to run it, since there is actually no aggregate functions in my select clause?
According to SQL CE Books online:
Group By
"Specifies the groups (equivalence classes) that output rows are to be placed in. If aggregate functions are included in the SELECT clause <select list>, the GROUP BY clause calculates a summary value for each group."
It seems the aggregate is run every time, not only when there is an aggregate function.
Is this a bug?
Thanks in advance,
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May 2, 2015
I have a holding tree with more than 200 companies, and several layers. Each company is defined by:
- a unique ID
- a direct parent ID --> the company immediately above in the tree
- an ultimate parent ID --> the company that owns the entire tree, it is the same for all
Now I am looking for a function that returns the list of all companies below a given one in the tree, and there could be several layers underneath. Doing that for the ultimate parent is easy because all companies now who their ultimate parent is, but I am struggling to build a function that works for an intermediary parent in a dynamic way.
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Dec 3, 2015
I have 3 tables:
TABLE [dbo].[Tbl_Products](
[Product_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Product_Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Catagory_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Entry_Date] [date] NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
I am using this query to get ( Product name from tbl_products , Buy Price - Total Price- Total Quantity from Tbl_Details )
But am getting a multiple result if the order purchase has more than 1 item :
SELECT DISTINCT B.Product_Name,A.AllPieceBoxes,
Tbl_Products B INNER JOIN Tbl_PurchaseHeader C
ON C.ProductId=B.Product_ID INNER JOIN Tbl_PurchaseDetails A
ON A.PurchaseOrder=C.purchaseOrder
WHERE A.PurchaseOrder=3
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Apr 3, 2007
I am trying to run a query on my sql server and get the following error message:
"An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: The directory name is invalid."
how do I fix?
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Jul 7, 2015
My Integrity job started failing recently with the following error. Msg 701, Level 17, State 123, Line 1 There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'default' to run this query. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
select @@ version
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4033.0 (X64)
Jul 9 2014 16:04:25
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)
System is having 4GB RAM and SQL is using most of it. It has 2 processors.
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Oct 11, 2015
select Team from @Teams where Team > 'AUS'
co-relation between comparison operators in WHERE Clause and the respective output.
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Aug 12, 2015
I have below table in the snapshot, My task is to send the same output as a attachment in Excel to email. i used the below procedure
EXEC [msdb]..sp_send_dbmail
@subject='DB Mail',
@body='HI Team',
@execute_query_database = 'DbName',
@query = 'EXEC J16ReimbursementFortnightly1TO15 1',
@query_attachment_filename = 'SummaryReimbursement.xls'
But I am not getting Proper Output, is seems like CSV Format, but i want it proper tabular format in Excel.
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Nov 11, 2015
I have two queries yielding the same result that I wanted to compare for performance. I did enter both queries in one Mangement Studio query window and execute them as one batch with the actual query plan included.Query 1 took 8.2 seconds to complete and the query plan said that the cost was 21% of the batchQuery 2 took 2.3 seconds to complete and the query plan said that the cost was 79% of the batch.The queries were run on my local development machine. I was the only user. No other programs were running at the time of this test. The results are repeatable.I understand that the query with the lowest cost is not necessarily the fastest query. On the other hand, the difference is quite big. The query that has approx. 80% of the cost takes 20% of the time and the other way around. I have two questions:
Is such a discrepancy normal?Can conclusions be drawn from the cost distribution? For instance, does the query that takes 8.2 seconds but only costs 21% scale better?
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