SQL Cluster Domain Move Issues

Nov 10, 2006

We have:

A Microsoft cluster, (SQL Failover cluster) with one node as the domain controller. The cluster was built off site and the domain name used is the same as our existing domain where we eventually need to install this cluster.

We need: (At least I think we need:)

To remove node 2 from the "cluster domain", DCPROMO node 1 and eliminate the "cluster domain". We then need to join the cluster (nodes) to the existing domain. We also need to recreate the accounts/groups used during installation.


1) What adverse impact will the removal of the "cluster domain" have on the security groups/accounts used in the installation?

2) Will I have to re-install SQL 2005?

3) Is my paranoia real or imagined? (Will Elvis live?) Am I on the right track or totally off base?

Any prior experience with this would be greatly appreciated. In fact, a WAG is appreciated too.



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SQL 2K Move To New Domain

Jan 15, 2007

I have SQL 2000 running on windows 2000 using NT4 authentication all my users authenticate to the NT4 including their access to SQL 2000, we are moving to a new domain using windows 2003 server and Active Direcory.

We will be a an OU in a much larger domain (about 30K users) since we need to be able to be up and running with ability to authenticate and run all our apps including SQL server authentication in the event we loose our connectivity to the rest of the world should a natural disaster hit us.

Here is my dilema, when I see my users in SQL security they all have domainuserdID where the domain is my old domain.

How do I move all my SQL users with their rights to the new Windows2K3 SQL server that will authenticate to a Windows2K3 Active Directory.

I have 300 users and I do not want to have to create each one all over again in SQL, they allready exist in Active Directory I migrated all the users last week but i still have them authenticating to the old domain till I can resolve the SQL issue.

What is an easy and proper way to what I need to do



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How To Move SQL Servers From One Domain To Another . Steps

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I need to move 6 SQL Servers from existing domain to a new domain.Currently all SQL Server servies are started using the domain accountof old domain.What precautions and steps are necessary for migration from one domainto another. Also note that the name of the servers needs to be changedin the new domain .ThanksSrinivas

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Move SQL 2000 Server From Workgroup To A Domain

Aug 24, 2006

I have been asked to move a system running MS SQL 2000 Server from a workgroup to a domain. The SQL server is running in SQL Authentication and the services are running as local system.

Will SQL Server break after the move?

Any advice will help. I thought I remember this being the case, but possibly only with Windows Authentication.

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Cluster On Workgroup And Then Domain

Sep 26, 2005

We have a set of client servers which will include a SQL Server 2000 active/passive cluster attached to a SAN. We have all the equipment here (no attachment to client site) to configure. My worry is since it will have to be setup as a workgroup, and then shipped to client to add to their domain, is this a doable option. has anyone had to do this or tried this? Or would we be better off shipping whole thing to client and setting up cluster there?

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Changing The Domain Of A SQL 2005 Cluster

Aug 28, 2006

I know it's not possible, I've read the KBs. But I don't understand why not - from my testing, it looks like the only things that break are the domain groups to which the service logins are added. The service logins can be changed, as can the IPs, and SQL starts up just fine. The only problem is the domain groups.

I saw this KB:


which says this:

After you install a SQL Server 2005 failover cluster, you can change the service accounts, but you cannot change the domain groups. If you want to use different domain groups, you must uninstall and then reinstall SQL Server 2005.

But it doesn't elaborate, it just says that the groups cannot be changed. Why not? That seems silly to me - it's not just a line in a config file somewhere? Can someone please give me a good reason why the groups cannot be changed?

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MSDTC Cannot Move On A Cluster

Aug 9, 2006

Today we installed on MS Cluster (W2k3) and SQL Server 2000 a MSDTC Service. The installation was succesfull, but wenn we try to move the group, then it failed. Because we have only 2 Disks on the cluster one for the Quorum, the other for the Sql Server. We installed the MSDTC as a Resource on the Quorum Disk. The other Thing, wenn we start the firts node all is running on the first node, but we cannot move. Wenn we start the second node all is running on the second node, but we cannot move the Group which contain the Msdtc resource.

Who has a solution to this problem??

Thanks to all

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Move Cluster Server From Different Network

Jun 22, 2000

Hi Everybody:

I need some instuctions about how to move a Microsoft cluster server from one network to the other.

I spent a few hours in Microsoft website and trie to find any document regarding reconfiguration of MSCS in different network, change IP address and any helpful procedures. I did not get anything. Would you please to give me any help document link, your experience or any workable procedures to move a MSCS from different network.

Thank you in advance for your assistants.


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How To Move Masterdb On A 2005 Cluster?

Nov 14, 2006

I found instructions on msdn for moving the system databases. However I am worried that in a cluster which is active/passive, when I shut down the instance the other instance will take over. Is there a way to take the other server off line to do the move and then bring it back online after we've moved everything? Has anyone done this before?

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Move Instance From Cluster To Stand Alone?

Aug 14, 2015

I have a SQL 2008 R2 2 node cluster.  For DR testing, I need to restore an instance on a new server (completely isolated).  The existing instance runs on what I would call an alias.  The actual cluster host name is SQLPROD (cluster nodes are SQL01 and SQL02).  The instance runs on server SQLPROD-APPLE.  The instance is called APPLE.  In production, I use SQL Management Studio and I connect to SQLPROD-APPLEAPPLE.

I've setup a new VM to run SQL.  Not a cluster.  Host name is SQLREC.  The new Vm has all the IP addresses that were on the cluster and the DNS for all the aliases are correct.  I've installed instance APPLE.  I created an alias called SQLPROD-APPLE.  When I try to open SQL Management Studio and connect, I can't connect to SQLPROD-APPLEAPPLE.  I can connect to localhostAPPLE, SQLRECAPPLE,

When I attempt to connect to the alias I get error 18452.  Pinging the alias resolves correctly.  I haven't gotten to the database restore yet, so that's not a concern.  I'm just trying to validate the connection first with the correct server and instance names.

I'm using Windows Authentication.

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SQL 2012 :: Cluster Domain / IP / Hostname / Network Name Change

Sep 19, 2014

We have 2 node sql 2012 cluster and we have a scenario where domain,IPs,Hostanmes and SQL network name are changing.

1> Can SQL cluster role be brought online by changing the sql network name and its IP once windows team reconfigure the OS cluster or there will be any challenges.

2>should I uninstall sql cluster on both nodes then windows will destroy OS cluster and they then they need to change IP,hostname and domain and then fresh installation of sql cluster

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Install SQL Server 2005 Cluster Without Domain Controller

Feb 27, 2008

I would like to install SQL server 2005 cluster on Windows 2003 cluster. Is domain controller (AD and DNS) necessary for the SQL server 2005 cluster? If yes, may I install it on one of the SQL server 2005 cluster nodes? Thanks in advance

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Installing SQL 2005 In An Existing W2k3 Cluster - Is Domain Admin Rights Required?

Apr 17, 2008

I have DBA that is convinced that they need domain admin rights to install SQL 2005 into an existing cluster. The domain groups and service accounts for SQL have been created already. Is having domain admin rights required during the install of SQL 2005 in a cluster?

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SP2 Fails On Cluster - Domain Group Cannot Be Validated For The Service Full-Text Search

Jul 10, 2007


I'm totally stuck on this issue and would really appreciate any advice. Here's what's going on...

I'm trying to install SP2 on a SQL 2005 Std x64 cluster and all the components upgrade except the DB Engine, which fails with this error saying the domain group (not the service account) could not be validated for the full-text search service.

I've rebooted both nodes. I've verified that the domain group exists. I even removed the full text search component and I still get the same error.

I've reviewed this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/915846
But the ftsgroup registry value mentioned does not exists. I assume it only shows up after sp2 is installed.

Interestingly, I couldn't uninstall full-text search unless I passed the FTSCLUSTERGROUP parameter to the setup.exe command line remove command.

The OS is Windows Server 2003 Ent x64 SP2. Not a domain controller. I'm upgrading from the RTM version of SQL Server.

I've posted the relevant parts of the summary and log files below.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

- Chris



Product : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Failure
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
Error Number : 28130
Error Description : MSP Error: 28130 A domain group is missing for one or more services. To install SQL Server 2005 as a failover cluster, domain groups must be specified for all the clustered services being installed .To proceed, enter the missing domain group information.
The domain group cannot be validated for the service Full-Text Search.


<Func Name='GetServiceAccountProperty'>
<Func Name='GetServiceAccountProperty'>
<Func Name='GetServiceAccountProperty'>
Loaded DLL:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlsval.dll

Failed to validate group name for FTSCLUSTERGROUP. Error 87
Error Code: 0x80070057 (87)
Windows Error Text: The parameter is incorrect.
Source File Name: sqlcadomaingroupdialog.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Sat Oct 7 09:43:40 2006
Function Name: validateSetDomainGroups
Source Line Number: 484

MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:610]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:610]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:610]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
Error Code: 87
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:626]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8!98) [12:17:17:642]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Error 28130. A domain group is missing for one or more services. To install SQL Server 2005 as a failover cluster, domain groups must be specified for all the clustered services being installed .To proceed, enter the missing domain group information.
The domain group cannot be validated for the service Full-Text Search.

Error 28130. A domain group is missing for one or more services. To install SQL Server 2005 as a failover cluster, domain groups must be specified for all the clustered services being installed .To proceed, enter the missing domain group information.
The domain group cannot be validated for the service Full-Text Search.
<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='87' GetLastError='0'>
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:642]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:642]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Transforming table InstallExecuteSequence.
MSI (s) (A88) [12:17:17:658]: Note: 1: 2262 2: InstallExecuteSequence 3: -2147287038
Action ended 12:17:17: Validate_ServiceAccounts.3EA9D9BF_D9D2_4023_B2A7_9E2137B2FB1B. Return value 3.
Action ended 12:17:17: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Property(S): ProductCode = {26F1A218-3158-4107-B3A6-37FD61CEE969}
Property(S): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(S): Manufacturer = Microsoft Corporation
Property(S): ProductVersion = 9.2.3042.00

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User On Trusted Domain Does Have Permission To Access Linked Server On AD Deployed In Another Domain

Sep 28, 2007

We have the followoing:

-A "master domain" AD, a "sub domain" AD, a trust relationship between the two (sub trust master)
-A sql server 2005 on a win server 2003 in "sub domain" AD
-A linked server to "sub domain" AD
-A linked server login using a "sub domain" admin acccount
-A view to this linked server
-A grant on masterDomain/Domain Users to the database
-A grant on subDomain/Domain Users to the database
-We want all connections done through "Windows Authentication" not "Database Authentication".

Queries on the view work fine using "sub domain" user accounts.
Queries on the view fail using "master domain" user accounts (including master domain admin accounts)

"Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI" reported an error. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation."

All connections are done through "Windows Authentication" not "Database Authentication".

Can we establish cross domain connectivity with "Windows Authentication" ?

Below are details of the implementation:

'SELECT displayname, givenName, sn, cn (etc...)
FROM ''LDAP://OU=PEOPLE,DC=subDomain,DC=com''
WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user'' ')

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname ='ADSI', @useself='false',
@rmtuser='subDomainAdminAccnt', @rmtpassword='sunDomainAdminAccntPassword';

In SQL Server Mngt Studio in Server Objects/Linked Servers/Providers/ ADSI properties security tab I have:

"connections will: <be made using this security context> Remote login:'subDomainAdminAccnt' With password: 'subDomainAdminAccntPassword'

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI" reported an error. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation.

Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot execute the query "SELECT displayname, givenName, sn, cn

FROM 'LDAP://OU=PEOPLE,DC=subDomain,DC=com'


objectCategory = 'Person'

AND objectClass = 'user'

" against OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI".

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Problems With Change Sql Permissions After Migrating Domain User/group Accounts Into Root Domain

Apr 5, 2007

I have a root domain and child domain.

After using ADMT to migrate the domain user or group into the root domain, when I use enterprise manager to try and change the permissions allocated to that domain user/group, i get the 'Error 15401 NT user or Group not found'.

This is a correct error as the user is now in the root domain, however sql (in sysxlogins) still thinks its in the child domain.

Is there a simpler way, other than collecting the users permissions, deleting the user from SQL then adding back in with the correct domainusername format, then adding the permissions back?

I tried renaming the 'name' in sysxlogins (not recommended) and while that worked, whenever I tried to add the migrated user to another database, the login name was missing and would not resolve.

I believe it is something to do with the SID not matching.

Any ideas on how to fix this ?

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SQL Security :: Domain Migration Altered SA Or Domain Admin Access To DBs

Jun 19, 2015

we recently migrated from our in-house domain to the Enterprise domain. Everything went smooth except for the fact that I can no longer accept my dBs using my SA or my domain admin account. There is only 1 account I can get into the management studio with but it has no admin privileges, so I can't make any  password changes or add accounts. I don't have a test environment so kind of hesitant to experiment with our production system.

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None-Domain Server Cannot Access SQL2005 Data On Windows 2003 Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I'm trying to run a test from my test environment which is a non-domain Windows 2000 server to access my domain 2003 with SQL2005. I have install 2005 tools to try to access the SQL server.

- I have try following the KB265808 - no success.
- Reading alot of blogs and it seems all are pointing to the same problem. "Remote access" but the settign is enabled.Error Message:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to ardsqldatawh.


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=53&LinkId=20476

Question: Could Windows 2003 security be blocking access? I'm using sa account to access.

Also, sa account does not seems to work for remote access. It is ok when accessing locally.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Cluster Installation Failed On Adding Node To Cluster

Oct 10, 2015

During the installation of Adding node to a SQL Server failover cluster(On passive node) getting error like.. The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server. This is either because of a semantic error such as an incompatibility with the existing WMI repository or an actual error such as the failure of the WMI server to start.We  run the below commands but didn’t get any resolution & got the same above error .
1<sup>st</sup> Method…

1. Open console command (Run->CMD with administrator privileges). 

2. net stop winmgmt 

3. Rename folder %windir%System32WbemRepository to other one, for backup purposes (for example _Repository). 

4. net start winmgmt

2<sup>nd</sup> Method..

1. Disable and stop the WMI service.

a) Command : - sc config winmgmt start= disabled

b. Command : -                 net stop winmgmt

2. Run the following commands.

a).  Command:  Winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%System32wbem

b). Command:   Winmgmt /resetrepository %windir%System32wbem

3. Re-enable the WMI service

Command:          sc config winmgmt start= auto 

Last command to run after above steps

4. Command:     mofcomp "%programfiles(x86)%Microsoft SQL Server100Sharedsqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"

File not found Error for above command.

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Access Denied To Cluster Storage When Restoring 2005 Full Text DB To 2014 Cluster

Jun 10, 2015

I am in the process of moving databases from a SQL 2005 Standard version to a 2-node 2014 cluster.All of my 2005 databases back up successfully.They all restore without issue except for one database that has a full text catalog. I get this message

Msg 7610, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Access is denied to "fileStoragedataMSSQLSERVERFullTextCatalog", or the path is invalid.
Msg 3156, Level 16, State 50, Line 2
File 'sysft_FTCatalog' cannot be restored to 'fileStoragedataMSSQLSERVERFullTextCatalog'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.
Msg 3119, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Problems were identified while planning for the RESTORE statement. Previous messages provide details.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.


I went as far as giving the folder full access to everyone temporarily and received the same error.

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SQL 2012 :: Advanced Cluster Preparation For New Instance On Existing Cluster

Apr 10, 2014

I ran the Advanced cluster preparation for a new sql instance on an existing cluster.

Slq Server 2012.

After is completed, it was successful, I realized I specified the wrong Instance Root directory.

Is it possible to remove what the preparation installed? Or is it possible to change the root directory?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Can Build Cluster By Adding Cluster Service

Jul 6, 2015

Can I build a cluster by adding the cluster service, then the SQL instances, then add the other nodes and their passive SQL instances?I would lean to building the cluster first, the add the SQL instances.

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SQL 2012 :: Server Cluster Without Windows Failover Cluster

Feb 18, 2014

I´ve been reading that SQL Server 2012 Always On is dependent on having a Windows Failover Cluster setup. Is that correct ?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Non-cluster Primary Key To Cluster Unique

Nov 6, 2014

I have following script which i am planning to run to drop all non-clustered primary keys on a database and then created as clustered. I am using someone else's script so don't know how to modify this. Some of primary key columns are used in references in other tables.

is there anyway i can drop the existing primary keys and using their original script then create again as clustered including restoring all foreign and reference keys and unique or no unique.

DECLARE @table NVARCHAR(512), @tablename NVARCHAR(512),
@column NVARCHAR(MAX);
DECLARE @indexname NVARCHAR(512);
SELECT name As 'Table'

[Code] ....

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Recovery :: Can Join A Node In Windows Cluster Which Is Already In Different Cluster

Oct 8, 2015

can we join a node in a windows cluster which is already in a different cluster?

We have this requirement as we need to setup readable secondary ( always on AG) on the third node.

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Recovery :: IP Change For Cluster / Nodes And Windows Cluster?

Jul 15, 2015

We are planning to change all IPs of PRODUCTION Failover Cluster Setup. In my cluster setup ... we have 2 Physical Nodes with windows-2008, Roles are MSDTC and SQL-2008R2.

IP change for:

1. Both Nodes(Physical)
3. SQL Server 
4. windows Cluster 

So Almost... All IPs are going to change.

Im DBA here, I need to take care of SQL cluster and MSDTC. But I haven't performed this activity before.So I'm worrying about Impacts and consequences of this change. steps how should I perform this activity.

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Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,it happen to me a strange problem:i have a mdb file (in Access 2K) with SQL Server 2K linked tables whoruns on a workstation which is on a different domain that the SQLServer. It works.If i create a mdb file from a workstation which is a the domain of theSQL Server and then i run it a my non-domain workstation i have errormessage:Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trustedSQL Server connectionBut if i reattached my tables it works.If someone have an idea....PS: same ODBC on both machines

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Script To Change Cluster Index To Non Cluster

May 20, 2003

Hi all,

We have many tables which have cluster index on column with datatype 'Char(200)'.
Does anyone have script to change cluster index to noncluster for all user tables which have clustered index on a column with 'char(200)' datatype.


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Transact SQL :: Difference Between Cluster And Non-cluster Index

Jul 26, 2015

Wanted to know about difference between cluster and non cluster index with example.

When to use cluster index and non cluster index .

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DB Engine :: Why Cluster And Non-cluster Indexed Created On Same Key

Jun 10, 2015

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Access](
 [AdminID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [FnID] [int] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

why the cluster and non cluster indexed created on the same key?

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Migrating SQL 2000 From A 2000 Domain To 2003 Domain

Mar 2, 2006

Currently running a SQL 2000 server in 2000 domain and want to migrate it to a new 2003 domain of the same name.

How do I go about it and is there any problems with this plan?

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SQL 6.5 Cluster Upgrade To SQL Server 7.0 Cluster

Jul 17, 2000

I am trying to upgrade a SQL Server 6.5(Cluster) to SQL Serevr 7.0 (Cluster)..I already have an intsllation of 7.0(On a Cluster),so this means that 6.5 and sql 7 are on seperate cluster's ,if i try to upgrade from 6.5 Cluster to 7.0 Cluster is asks me to uncluster 6.5 and 7.0 is this correct ,assume i cannot break the cluster then what???.. what is the best way i can achieve this functinality.....

thanks in advance


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How To Upgrade SQL Server 2000 Cluster To SQL Server 2005 Cluster(Database)

May 8, 2007


We are planning to upgrade the SQL Server in our production environment from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. This is a 4 Node cluster environment with 3 Databases on 3 Virtual instances. The main requirement is to achieve this with no/minimal downtime.

Could you please suggest or direct me to any documentation for the best practices used to upgrade such an environment?



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