SQL Configuration Settings Being Ignored?

Sep 13, 2006

I am sure I'm being blind here (it wouldn't be the first time - and won't be the last time).

I have a package that retrieves some values from SQL table to allow me to dynically create an email message, so it retrieves To Addresses, From Address, Header, Body from a table, populates variables, and uses expressions to assign those to the SEND MAIL TASK.

That is working (after a bit of head/wall/banging to get my default virtual SMTP server running locally).

Now I am trying to make the SMTP Server Name dynamic. The Property SMTPConnection specifies the SMTP Connection Manager to use, and not the server, so it doesn't seem as though I can configure a property on the SEND MAIL TASK to achieve this.

Now I'm focussing on using SQL Package Configurations to try and drive this. As I see it, just like XML configurations, if you change a value in the configuration source, then when the package runs, it get's that value, and uses it.

I have change the configuration value (outside of the package). I confirm it is actually changed by running a SQL Task that gets the value from the configuration table, and view the value assigned to the variable in watches. The value returned is a different value (in my case I changed it to an invalid servername), and yet the task still runs through successfully, using the previous SMTP servername.


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SQL 2012 :: Configuration Manager TCP / IP Settings?

Apr 7, 2015

We changed the IP addresses for several SQL Servers and we're a little confused by what we see in Configuration Manager. The TCP/IP properties "IP Addresses" tab still shows the old IP address, even after a restart. On "Protocol" tab, Listen All is set to "Yes".

We've found one source that says this setting causes the listening on an individual IP to be ignored.

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How To Get A List Of Configuration Settings For A Database

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I would like to know how to get a list of configuration settings for adatabase.Is there a table that I can select this info from?Or a file (perhaps an ini file?) of some kind?Things like timeout settings, rollback space, table space, etc.Thanks

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Configuration Settings In A DLL Called From SSIS

May 27, 2008

OK, here's the scenario:

I have some libraries (DLL) that I call from a regular console application. The data access methods get the connection string from the app.config, nothing special there.

The thing is: now I need to use the libraries inside a SSIS package. I call them from a script task, and everything is fine, except for the connection string.

Is there a way that I can get the connection string from the SSIS package configuration like I would from the app.config? Maybe some alternative to ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnString"] in the DTS Runtime?

Thanks in advance...

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Confused About Configuration Manager's TCP/IP Settings

Jun 26, 2006

I need another opinion about the SQL Server Configuration Manager's TCP/IP settings...

Recreation steps:
Start, (All) Programs, SQL Server 2005, Configuration Tools, SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Expand the "SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration"
Select the "Protocols for x" where "x" is the named-instance or "MSSQLServer" for default.
On the right-hand pane, right-click "TCP/IP" and select "Properties."
Select the "IP Addresses" tab.

Visually on the screen I have this:
- IP1
Active            Yes
Enabled           No
IP Address        106.xx.xxx.xx
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port          1433

- IP2
Active            Yes
Enabled           No
IP Address <-loopback
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port          1433

TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port          1433

1. If I want to change the listening port, I change all three at the same time?
1a. Does a value in the IPAll section override the individual IPx sections?
2. What does "enabled" mean? How can IP1 and IP2 not be enabled?
3. What does "active" mean? How can something be both active yet not enabled?
(4. Any plans to change the "NULL=False, 0=True" values for the Dynamic Ports?)


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Target Platform As Part Of Configuration Settings

Jul 20, 2015

We have build configuration setup for each environment that we automatically deploy to (DEV, UA, PROD 1, PROD 2, etc.)  We've recently come across a scenario where one environment will now be running a different version of SQL Server than the others.

Is it possible to tie the Target Platform version to a configuration. Such that one configuration could target 2012 while another targets 2014?

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Encrypting The Configuration Settings In SSIS Package

Apr 24, 2007

Hello Everybody,

I have developed a SSIS package to pull data from a remote SQL Server.

I have specified Database related settings in a dtsconfig file.

I was just wondering if we have any way of encrypting the config file so that only my package can read information out of it.

Or is there any other better way where i can store my database configuration (uid, pwd) so that it is not viewed by anyone.

please help me with this issude, thanks in advance...


Sudhir Kesharwani

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Need Information On Configuration Settings In Reporting Services

Jan 29, 2008


I developed a report in development environment, which will later be deployed to QA, Staging and then Production. This report has more than 10 datasets and if the report is moved through each of the databases, datasource has to be changed for all the datasets. is there anyway that I can do it globally, what i mean is can i set up any configuration files which I can use in QA, Staging and Production.

Any ideas

Priya T

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Collation Or Local Sensitive Settings Or Other Configuration Properties

Dec 26, 2005

I installed the samples and tutoriales on the same server as SQL Server 2005 and VS 2005 Team Suite.
Living in Belgium, the local settings are:
            language = Duch (Belgium)
            code page = 850
e.g. in the database samples (AdventureWorks database €“ AdventureWorks Warehouse database)
my date notation is: 26-12-2005
my number notation is: 1,0013016921998599
all demo samples and tutorials are developed using
            language = English (United States)
            code page 1252
e.g. in SampleCurrencyData.txt
the date notation is: 12/26/2005 00:00:00
the number notation is: 1.0013016921998599
I do not have any problems to test the diferent services (Data Base Engine Services, Analysis Services, reporting & notifications services ..) but I do not succeed to deploy any samples of integration services !
e.g. for Integration Services Tutorial - lesson 1: €œCreating the Project and Basic Package€?
there are no error messages, 1097 rows are processed
but, checking the result in the database, no data is updated in the FactCurrencyRate table of the AdventureWorksDW database !
-      is the problem related to the local language settings? how to solve this?
-      what is the influence of the code page ? is there any compatibility between 1252 and 850 as code page?
-      Server collation (e.g. Latin_1_General_CI_AS) is reported as key for the Unicode notation for character strings but what about notation of numbers?
-      when to use float data type DT_R4 or DT_R8?
-      I have remarked that the DT_DBTimeStamp is undependent from the source time notation €“ Is this correct?
-      what is the difference between DT_Date and DT_DBDate or DT_DBTime, or DT_DBTimeStamp?
-      Is Integration Services dependant of the local settings of the database engine?
-      how to set / modify additional regional properties in a SSIS and SSRS package?
-      how to change the default setting of the Flat File Connection Manager [starting the wizard, the local setting for the language €“ Dutch appears and this is OK for me but as codepage appears 1252 (ANSI Latin) and this is not OK as my server code page = 850]?
-      how to work with e.g. US based data as source and Belgium settings for reports?

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Multiple Environments And Configuration File Settings In Packages.

Aug 10, 2006

Suppose 2 environments on a single machine.

Each environment has different configuration settings....different

databases etc.

All the packages in the first environment have a hardcoded config files

referencing the local drive.

In order to create the second environment do I have to

go into each package and manually change the location of the

hardcoded config files. If I don't it will it not use the config files

from the first environment.


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SQL 2005 Express Setup Issue (The SQL Server System Configuration Checker Cannot Be Executed Due To WMI Configuration )

Sep 22, 2007

I am getting following error when trying to install SQL express 2005 on XPSP2.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

The SQL Server System Configuration Checker cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the machine SIGMA-805539A79 Error:2147944122 (0x800706ba).

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.1399.06&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=70342

I tied re-installing WMI using http://blogs.msdn.com/jpapiez/archive/2004/12/09/279041.aspx link but could not get it working.

Do i need IIS installed? Its not installed on this box...

please suggest something... i am stuck...


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SQL Configuration Manager And SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Tools

May 2, 2007

I have just finished installing SQL 2005 Ent Edition on Win 2000 Adv Server, SQL2005 SP2, and SP2 Hotfix KB934458. After the installation, I could see and configure all services via SQL Configuration Manager and SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tools. This worked for a couple of days and now both configuration tools no longer detect SQL2005 components. SQL Server Surface Area Configuration issued an error that said "No SQL Server 2005 components were found on specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an administrator on this computer. (SQLAC)". SQL Configuration Manager did not list any installed services. I don€™t know what caused this. Anyone has any idea? Please help! Below is the Installation Report which shows installed components.


The following components are installed on this server


Analysis Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Database Engine

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Reporting Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]


Analysis Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Database Engine

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Common components

Integration Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Notification Services

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]

Workstation Components

[Version: 9.2.3042.00 Edition: Enterprise Edition Patch level: 9.2.3054 Language: English (United States)]


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Package Configuration Wizard:-SQL Configurations Configuration Filter Not Working

May 23, 2006

Hi --I was wondering if this is a bug when I add new data in my table SSIS Confiurations and give wizard a new Configuration filter the package configuration wizard can not see the new values --the old values from the previous configuration are still showing---is there any known workaround or forced refresh I can do

thanks in advance Dave


SQL Package Configurations are most important because they provide the possibility of a central configuration store for your entire enterprise!!!!!!!! and is in my mind the only way to go


Wizard results:


SQL Server

Connection name:

Any existing configuration information for selected configuration filter will be overwritten with new configuration settings.

Configuration table name:
[dbo].[SSIS Configurations]

Configuration filter:

Target Property:

USE [ETLConfiguration]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[SSIS Configurations] Script Date: 05/23/2006 13:34:35 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SSIS Configurations](
[ConfigurationFilter] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ConfiguredValue] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[PackagePath] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ConfiguredValueType] [nvarchar](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL

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Configuration Manager - Which Configuration Type To Chose ?

Jan 14, 2006

It seems to me, that the best way is to have one Environment Varible containing the name of the SQL Server, so that you can look up the configuration in the SSIS Configuration Table when you run the package.

Is this the preferable way of doing it ? I would like to hear some positive/negative comment of why chosing a configuration type instead of another.

It seems to me that putting all of the configuration in the Environment variable is harder work but most secure (server breakdown vs table corruption/database error...)

Let's have some comments

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NT Settings For SQL 7.0

Feb 24, 2000

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Awe Settings

May 6, 2002

I am running AWE on SQL 2000 (the server has 8 gig of RAM). I have the SQL Server set to use a max of 6 gig. The server hung unexpectedly (SQL showed no errors or signs). Has anyone had any problems with using AWE, and or any suggestions or changes I might need to do?

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Configuration For Configuration Package? Is This Possible?

Mar 6, 2006

Hi Guys,

Here's the current scenario:

I am creating a windows application to manage my ssis packages.

My SSIS packages use package configurations, and by default connect to the "SSIS Configurations" table in sql server.

However, I want it to connect to a view instead of this table, so i create a view "vwSSIS_Configurations" and point the package configuration to use the view in sql server.

The application SHOULD be capable of altering the package configuration's configuration and switch its connection between the default "ssis configurations" table, and the view.

Is this possible? I cannot think of a way which I can have my application switch the package configuration's connection.


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Installation Settings

Jul 26, 2000

Can i check installation settings for SQL Server 6.5 ... like what sort order id. has been choosen etc. ? by any query ?


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Collation Settings

Jul 16, 2002

New SQL2000 installation into which I've copied data from multiple SQL7 installations. Some of the databases I've copied over from a SQL7 server with code page 850, sort order/collation 42, using the detach-copy mdf/ldf-attach procedure outlined elsewhere on this site (thank you). Other databases have been DTS'd from another SQL7 server with code page 850, sort order/collation 44.

In the end I want all databases to be in the default Latin1_General_CI_AI collation I've chosen for my installation.

I'm off to immerse myself in collation papers and alter database documentation from BOL, but was hoping someone could enlighten me in a less painful way.



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Regoinal Settings

Mar 27, 2008

Hi all

I've got a problem with an American software vendor, who's asked me to check and adjust the regional settings within SQL Express 2005, installed on an XP SP2 pc

I'm scanning meta data into this database

If I enter a date field with a UK date format, I get an error in the SQL logs

If I enter a date field with a US date format, everything is fine

The XP box is setup with all UK region settings

I've been told that my SQL install should automatically use the region settings from whatever OS that it's installed on

I've checked everywhere within SQL, and it all looks to be setup with UK region settings

I suggested to the software vendor that the problem lies with their software

Can anyone suggest if I've missed anything, or where I should be checking my region settings within SQL?

Kind Regards


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Database Settings

Apr 14, 2008

From the sql server management studio i cannot see database properties

logical file name of mdf, location of the mdf
logical file name of ldf, location of the ldf
what setup should i change to see the properties.

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Sep 9, 2006

When SQL Server and Web site are both on same machine,

it runs fine, can get data and display in web page.

but when trying to get data from remote SQL Server, it gives error.

What's the setting for SQL server configure and security settings

in different versions?

MS SQL 2000 | MS SQL 2005


Framework 1.x ? | ?

Framework 2.0 ? | ?

Thanks alot.

Please provide some setting help for the ?

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Default Rs Settings

Jun 26, 2007

is there a simple manual how to setup RS.

with the administrators group im able to view my reports. but normal users are not able to view anything. they can enter reporting services, but not open a report.

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SQL 8 Password Settings

Sep 29, 2006

I wanted to know if there is a way to enforce security settings on SQL 8 Server.  Specifically password lengths, expiration,e tc. These servers run on a Windows Platform, so if it is not possible to enforce passwords at the database level can the windows passwords parameters be enforced for the server.

Also, how would I be able to find the last changes made to the tables within the database. 

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Site Settings

Oct 16, 2006

I need to place some site settings in my Report Manger.But in my Report Manager there is no Site Settings Icon.Is this installation problem please help me.

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Where And How Can Timeout Settings Be Changed

Nov 6, 2006

I have a page that uses an SQLDataSource web control to populate a GridView control.  The SQLDataSource control uses three parameters, one of which is a text string (varchar(50)).  I get timeout expired exceptions when I run the page with two specific string values, yet when I run the stored procedure in SqlSvr Management Studio, the procedure runs in 5 seconds and under 1 seconds.  Being rnew to ASP.NET 2.0 and .Net in general, I have no idea where this lag is occurring.  I would like to know two things:
1.  What is causing the lag that causes the timeout in ASP.NET 2.0.
2.  What can be done to adjust the timeout period SQLSVR, IIS, ASP.NET).
The underlying query is running as desired (considering the data it has to chew on).  For all other values, data is returned almost instantanious.  I can provide a copy of the query id need be.
 Truly appreciate any insight you can give me!

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Incorrect Settings Arithabort

Dec 3, 2007

INSERT [DELETE] failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.
On local dev machine with SQL Express DB everything works fine. Once moved to shared hosting environment (with adjustments to web.config), insert and delete stored procedures produce the above error.
Made sure that stored procedures SET ARITHABORT ON at the beginning and OFF at the end, without success. Even SET ARITHABORT ON at DB level without success.
Suggestions appreciated

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SQl Server Connection Settings

Dec 11, 2003

Hi all,

I am a newbie to .NET and MS SQL server. I am trying to connect to sql server d/b from my application files.

How should i open a connection from my system pc5 (where application/proj being developed) to SQL serevr which is installed on my server(server1). Both are in network.

I have installed sql client on my system(pc5) and created my d/b (MyDB) thru EM, now how can i create username & password for MyDB datbase.

I had installed ASP.NET Commerce server(from ASP.NEt site) on my system pc5 its working fine with accessing Commerce d/b from server1. I observed the string in web.config file of commerce application it is as follows.

<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=server1;database=Commerce;uid=CommerceUser;pwd=CommerceUser;" />

In the same way can i create Username and passsword for MyDB database, if so how should i do that. that should look like some thing like this..

<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=server1;database=MyDB;uid=MyDBUser;pwd=MyDBpass;" />
to do in this way i need to create username and pw for MyDB . How should i create username ansd pw for MYDB datase.

Pls help me out.

Thanks in adv

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Changing ConnectionString Settings

Jun 5, 2006

Hello all. I created an app locally with VWD Express and moved it to to our server but I am getting the following error...
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file D:WebApp_DataSurvey.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
This is the connectionstring from the web.config file used on the server. I did not change anything from the local copy.
<add name="SurveyConnectionString1" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Survey.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
What settings do I need to change in order for this to work? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

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Changing Language Settings

Jan 23, 2004


I was wondering how to change the language settings on SQL Server. The server is currently set to US English, and I was wondering how it is possible to change it to UK English. The Server Regional Settings are set to UK English.

Also, on a semi-related topic, does SQL Server store dates in a universal format, and then when data is requested does it 'translate' these dates into the format required by that particular regional setting?

Thank you for any input


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How To Change Search Settings

May 12, 2014

Using the Agentpress theme I have put together a client site that is fully functional, however the client has asked that the search query is altered slightly and i'm having trouble working out how to do it.Basically they want the search facility provide the following options:

1. Bedrooms searched for as 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4 or more.

2. Property availability to provide just 2 options - Available and Include Let Properties.

how to change the search settings to return this information.

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Changing The Language Settings

Apr 5, 2006

Hi all,

I need to change the Language Settings from my query analyser. Is it Possible???

If so, how ??

Thanks in advance

"Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean"

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Xp Pro Settings To Work With Replication

Dec 23, 2006

hi guys :( ive searched on all the topics here about replication. but now i am wondering what windows xp settings do i have to edit? i read something about dcom settings and changing permissions. what is the RIGHT way to share a file or whatever because the schema cannot be accessed for some reason. i need a whole list of things to do because things are not working out after i read the tutorials on other sites. please someone help me.

basically i need to have two servers that need to be replicating each other. i realized that the instances have to be named so i am just totally confused. ill even let anyone connect remotely to help me out if they want. or explaining will do fine. please! thanks guys!
happy holidays!

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