SQL Connections Don't Go Away Fast Enough On Production Server, Dev Is Fine.

Jan 5, 2006

On my development machine (XP Pro), when I run several reports in a loop, my connection count (in performance monitor) climb up to around 25 then immediately drop back to 1 when the reports are done being generated.

On our production server (WinServer 2003, IIS6) the SQL connection count climbs up to around the same number, then holds there for a few minutes.  I know I am closing the connections properly in my code because they clean up fine on the development machine.

I'm sure this is a timeout setting or an IIS 6 option I need to tweak.  How can I make my production machine remove those connections faster?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Linked Server Tests Fine But Query Does Not Work

Apr 16, 2015

Using a 32-Bit SQL Server 2008 Express on my LOCAL PC. I downloaded the Advantage 8.1 OLE DB Provider and created a linked server to a REMOTE Advantage 8.1 database server. There is no data dictionary on the Advantage server.

Here is my linked server:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xx', @srvproduct=N'Advantage', @provider=N'Advantage OLE DB Provider', @datasrc=N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xxeccET', @provstr=N'servertype=ads_local_server;tabletype=ads_cdx;'--tabletype=’ADS_ADT’ (this test works too)
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'1xx.1xx.xx.1xx',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=Null,@rmtuser='adssys',@rmtpassword=Null

Testing the link succeeds with above. Using “ads_REMOTE_server” instead of “ads_local_server” and the test fails. Here is my problem, using the following queries will not work. Perhaps it’s a permissions issue? When I specify my local credentials for the remote server in the linked server it still does not work.

SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([1xx.1xx.xx.1xx], 'SELECT * FROM ActType')

OLE DB provider "Advantage OLE DB Provider" for linked server "1xx.1xx.xx.1xx" returned message "Error 7200: AQE Error: State = HY000; NativeError = 5004; [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL][ASA] Error 5004: Either ACE could not find the specified file, or you do not have sufficient rights to access the file. Table name: ActType SELECT * FROM ActType".
Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 2

An error occurred while preparing the query "SELECT * FROM ActType" for execution against OLE DB provider "Advantage OLE DB Provider" for linked server "1xx.1xx.xx.1xx".

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DB Slow On Server But Fast On Desktop

Apr 2, 2008

I'm trying to figure out how to determine why the same database is fast on my desktop but slow on a robust multiprocessor win2003 server.

I have a complex proc that takes about 27 seconds on my desktop sql server but takes almost 5 minutes on the server. The server processors are running at about 1% utilization while the proc is running.

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this extremely poor performance?

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First Connection Times Out To Remote Server. All Others Fine

May 2, 2008

I have an application that connects to an externally hosted SQL server. The first time i go to the web page, the application times out. I can then immediately refresh and everything works. After a period of about 20-30 minutes of inactivity, the issue repeats itself.
This is very hard to trouble shoot. 
Anyone know what to do?

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Query Slow On Client, Fast On Server

Feb 15, 2006

I have a very unusual situation - we converted a client from DB2 7.2 to MS SQL Server 2000, SP3. There is one report that runs very quickly when ran on the Database Server, but it takes a long time to complete when it is ran from a client system. This query is ran from within the application and not from within Query Analyzer.

Has anyone else here ever encountered this issue? What did it turn out to be? I am leaning away from it being a network issue.

Thanks in advance.

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Go To Page X Of Y Fast - Not Supported In Sql Server 2008?

Jun 21, 2007

I've been using full-text for quite some time, but I switched to another product for quite some time. The reason is that microsoft full-text doesn't offer the feature where one can get a resultset of page x out of y pages, i.e: give me top 100 matches of page 125 out of 5000 pages. I disappointedly waited for SQL Server 2005 and now it doesn't seem to support in sql server 2008 full-text search either. I had to get all 5000 pages of data, then jumped to page 125 to get just 100 records of that page--had to go get a coffee and came back for a 2+ millions rows table. Customers want the result in a split of a second.

Anyone knows if the final version of sql server 2008 will have better support for paging and getting top x rows? I scanned through 2008 BOL and didn't see any change from sql server 2005 or even sql server 2000 full-text search. (one improvement in sql server 2005 over sql server 2000 was the speed of populating large catalog and multiple languages support)



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Package Fast In VS But Slow When Deployed To Server

Sep 20, 2007

I have a package which completes in 3 minutes when ran from Visual Studio but when deployed to SSIS (same machine) it rans for more than 2 hours. What could be the reason for this?

View 4 Replies View Related

How To Enable Fast Graph Operation In Sql Server?

Mar 1, 2007

Storing large graph in
relational form doesn't allow us to perform graph operations such as
shortest path quite efficiently. I'm wondering if storing the graph as
objects would be better? How should I design the schema? Thanks!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query Runs Fine Individually But Not Together?

Jul 21, 2015

I am able to select the average, max, etc of the variable in a simple select statement but when I do the following, it doesn't work. The reason I am doing the following is because I am calculating the average and such over a 5 min interval, then saving the output as one line. That is why I condense average, max, min, and stdev into one variable which I then output. why it won't run when I have it like this but will run when it is like this?

will run:

SELECT AVG(NacTemp), MAX(NacTemp),MIN(NacTemp), STDEV(NacTemp)
WHERE [UTCDeviceTimeStamp] between DATEADD(minute, -5, GETUTCDATE()) and GETUTCDATE()

won't run but I need it to:

DECLARE @now datetime SET @now = GETUTCDATE() --Universal Time
DECLARE @timeint int SET @timeint = '5' --time interval in minutes
DECLARE @time datetimeSET @time = (SELECT MIN([UTCDeviceTimeStamp]) FROM [DATABASE] WHERE [UTCDeviceTimeStamp] BETWEEN DATEADD(minute, -@timeint,@now) AND @now) -- Timestamp data will be saved as
DECLARE @comma varchar(4) SET @comma = ', '

[Code] ....

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Dataset Query Runs Fine In VS, But Not On The Reports Server

Mar 28, 2008

I have created a lot of reports using this technique, but this is the first one that doesn't work. As there is absolutely nothing special about it, I can't figure out what the issue is.

I have one dataset that uses parameters chosen from two other dataset results. One dataset result runs just fine and returns values in reporting services, but the other returns blank in reporting services. In Visual Studio, both datasets return data.

I cannot for the life of me figure out what I've done that gives this result as I've never encountered it before and use this method of parametization quite frequently.

The dataset in question doesn't even join any tables, it's a direct select distinct field"1" from table"a".

I'm running SQL2005, SP2.

Thanks for any advice.


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Fast Help Needed On Simple Linked SQL Server Select

Jan 11, 2002

I have 2 SQL 2000 servers. One has been added as a linked server.
They both have a db called claims. If I am on server 1 and want to write a sql statement I am stuck with the write syntax

I tried select patient.* from testedi..claims.

The server is linked using the sa user. I know this is simple but in a hurry and stuck. THe servers are on same domain.

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Fast Date Ranges Without Loops In SQL Server 2000

Sep 28, 2005

The trick is to use a pivot tableCheck out the code herehttp://sqlservercode.blogspot.com/2...ops-in-sql.html

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Same Query - Fast On DatabaseA But Timesout On DatabaseB (same Server)

Sep 21, 2007

I have this 3rd party query:

SELECT D_P.PostId, D_P.TopicId, D_P.PostingUserId, D_P.BasePostId, D_P.ParentPostId, D_P.PostLevel, D_P.SortOrder, D_P.PostTitle,

D_P.PostDate, D_P.IsAnon, D_P.FileId, D_P.Property, D_P.IsDeleted, D_P.IsHTML, D_P.LastEdittedByUserId, D_P.LastEditDate,

CAST( ISNULL(D_P.FileId,0) AS BIT ) AS HasFile, F.FileName, CAST( ISNULL( U_RP.IsRead, 0 ) AS BIT) AS IsRead,

CAST( ISNULL( U_RP.IsFlagged, 0 ) AS BIT) AS IsFlagged, CASE WHEN IsAnon = 1 THEN CAST('Anonymous'AS VARCHAR(128))

ELSE U.FirstName+' '+U.LastName END AS Poster


INNER JOIN USERS U ON D_P.PostingUserId = U.UserId



AND D_P.PostId = U_RP.PostId

WHERE D_P.TopicId = 460106


AND ((PostTitle LIKE '%flood%') OR (PostText LIKE '%flood%'))

AND ((PostTitle LIKE '%flood%') OR (PostText LIKE '%flood%')) -- No idea why they are doing this twice


On the same server DatabaseA the query runs in less than 5 seconds. On DatabaseB the query times out. I can not see the execution plan for the query that times out. I am executing the query using SQL Server MGMT Studio. I have rebuilt all of the indexes, stats updated usage. Still no luck. I have checked all of the database setting and they are the same. If I comment out theste 2 lines "AND ((PostTitle LIKE '%flood%') OR (PostText LIKE '%flood%')) " the query run like it should and uses an execution plan all most the same as when using DatabaseA. Any pointers in the the right direction would be greatly apprecited!!!

Oh ya SQL Server EE 2005 sp 2 cu 3


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: High Memory Is 70% And Growing Fast

Mar 5, 2014

My database server memory utilisation is growing faster from past 1 week. it remained same for 1 week around 55% and now it is going to 70% and increasing.

Total OS memory is 32GB and I kept cap for sql server memory upto 29GB. Dont know what to do..

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Works Fine Inside BI Dev. Studio, But Fails When Scheduling It In SQL Server 2005.

Jul 13, 2005


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Remote Scan On Linked Server - Fast SELECT/Slow UPDATE

Aug 14, 2001

In an ASP, I have a dynamically created SQL statement that amounts to "SELECT * FROM Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable WHERE Col1 = 1" (Col1 is the table's primary key). It returns the data immediately when executed.

However, when the same record is updated with "UPDATE Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable SET Comments = 'blah blah blah' WHERE Col1 = 1", the page times out before the query can complete.

I watched the program in Profiler, and I saw on the update that sp_cursorfetch was being executed as an RPC once per each row in the table. In a table of 78000 records, the timeout occurs well before the last record is fetched, and the update bombs.

I can run the same statements in Query Analyzer from a linked server and have the same results. The execution plan shows that a Remote Query is occurring on the select that returns 1 row, and a Remote Scan is taking place on the update scanning 78000 rows (I guess this is where all the sp_cursorfetch calls are happening...?).

How can I prevent the Remote Scan? How can I prevent the execution of the RPC sp_cursorfetch for each row in the remote table?

Thank you!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Fast Data Loading With Partition Switching Strategy

Jul 28, 2015

I’m looking for clearity on partition switching. The idea is to use many BULK INSERT statements into table dbo.X_n in parallel and when BULK INSERT for table dbo.X_n is completed, switch dbo.X_n into dbo.bigdaddy. I think this is the fastest way to upload a couple hundred GB of data.

In learning about partition switching (in part) from The Data Loading Performance Guide under Partition SWITCH, I hear the instructions to say copy the main table exactly to become a target. But in that same step (#1), I read that we need to change the default file group of the target (dbo.X_n) from the default file group. Then it says I need to match indexes and lists the filegroup as something we need to match with the main table.

As an overview of the partition switching strategy, I think the whole point of BULK INSERT with partitioning is to have seperate files (in same group) to enable concurrent uploading where each table has its own file. Once the upload is completed to a table (dbo.X_n) then we do the partition switch into the main table (dbo.bigdaddy). The data we just uploaded doesn’t actually move, just the metadata for it.

“Don’t have the same filegroup on your target as the main table. You must have the same filegroup on your target as the main table.”

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Table Visibility Not Functioning Correctly On Server, Works Fine In Visual Studio

Feb 13, 2007

I have a report problem. I'm using a parameter to dynamically control visibility for two tables. If the parameter is set to one value, I want to switch one of the tables to invisible, if the parameter is set to another, I want the other table to be invisible instead.

This all works fine in Visual Studio. When I publish it to my report server, the visibility controls no longer function and both tables always display. Any ideas here?

I'm running 2005, SP2 CTP.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Error Running Stored Procedure From SSIS Runs Fine In SSMS?

Mar 23, 2015

I have simple query which creates tables by passing database name as parameter from a parameter table .

SP1 --> creates databases and calls SP2--> which creates tables . I can run it fine via SSMS but when I run it using SSIS it fails with below error .The issue gets more interesting when it fails randomly on some database creation and some creates just fine .

Note** I am not passing any database of name '20'

Exception handler error :

ERROR :: 615 :: Could not find database ID 20, name '20'. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPID: 111 Origin: SQL Stored Procedure (SP1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could not find database ID 20, name '20'. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Error in SSIS

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "EXEC SP1" failed with the following error: "Error severity levels greater than 18 can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.I have sysadmin permission .

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SSIS Package That Runs Fine Through Command Prompt, XML Error When Run Through SQL Server Agent Job CmdExec

Aug 17, 2006

I have an SSIS package that runs fine through command pormpt although when I try to run it from a SQL Servr Agent Job CmdExec step it bombs out.  Please help this has me stumped...the SSIS package uses an XML connection string so certain key settings such as connection strings and email info can be changed easily.  Currently this is all on the same machine.  I have not moved it beyond where I am developing.


On the command line I am using the following command...

dtexec /F "S:connectionscontacts.dtsConfig" /DE "password"


Below is the output log...


Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.

Started:  6:59:40 PM
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.29
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.29
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.71
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.73
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Prepare for Execute: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Prepare for Execute: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Prepare for Execute: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Prepare for Execute: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.81
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Pre-Execute: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.84
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Pre-Execute: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.90
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Pre-Execute: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.90
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Pre-Execute: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Post Execute: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Post Execute: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Post Execute: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Post Execute: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Cleanup: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Cleanup: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Cleanup: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Cleanup: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.95
   Source: Send Mail Task
   The SendMail task is initiated.: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:42.09
   Source: Send Mail Task
   The SendMail task is completed.: 100% complete
End Progress
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0).
Started:  6:59:40 PM
Finished: 6:59:42 PM
Elapsed:  1.984 seconds



When I try to use the same command within SQL Server Agent Job using a CmdExec step I get the following error...


Description: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "S:connectionscontacts.dtsConfig".  End Info  Warning: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.15     Code: 0x80012012     Source: contactsPackage Description: The configuration file name "S:connectionscontacts.dtsConfig" is not valid. Check the configuration file name.  End Warning  Warning: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.15     Code: 0x80012059     Source: contactsPackage Description: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed.  End Warning  Info: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.20  ...  Process Exit Code 1.  The step failed.


Thanks in advance for any help!!!

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Sql Server 2005 Full Text Search Not Working As Expected On Production Server

Jan 28, 2008

I have this simple full text search query that works perfectly on my own computer using sql server 2005 express, however, on the production server(shared hosting)when I added the first 50+ rows,  the full text search works perfect, but as the number of rows increases,  the full text search can only see the first50+ rows, but not the new ones. Is there any quick solution for this or it's just a common mistake for developers for not properly indexed columns?Is there a way to re-indexed all rows without loosing data on the live server? search query: SELECT TOP 50 *FROM li_BookmarksWHERE FREETEXT(Keywords,@Keywords)       

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How To Setup A Backup Server For SQL Server2005 For Production (in Case The Primary Server Fails)

Aug 1, 2007

I currently have a SQL Server cluster setup with a Primary DB Server SERVER1 and the Standby server SERVER2. SERVER1 has been failing more than normal is the past few weeks and its takes upto 5 mins for SERVER2 realize that SERVER1 is down. I am looking for a better way to implement a backup server on production with minimum downtime. Please adivse..

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SQL Server 2008 :: Import Table Data From Production To Development Server

Feb 18, 2015

Production and development servers are on different domains and they do not trust each other. How do I import data from the table t1 from a database db1 in production and load it into table t1 inside database db1 in development?

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Help Needed - How Can I Set Up A Backup SQL Server Machine As An Exact Copy Of My Production SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Any help would be greatly appreciated.My problem is that I need to set up a backup SQL Server 2000 machinewhich can be used in case of a failure to my primary. All databases(30 as of now) must be an up to the minute exact copy of productionand include most recent changes in data as well as any structurechanges (Tables, Views, SP's, Triggers, Users . . etc).When I tried this using Transactional Replication, the replicationprocess gets fouled up once I introduce any kind of structure changesto the DB. I've considered the idea of doing periodic backups andrestoring it to my backup SQL server, but this does not give me theconcurrency needed with 0 latency.I've seen articles that recommend using Transaction Replication with'Scheduled Table Refresh', and also doing database dumps to restore onthe backup machine, but I have not been able to find any documentationregarding this to try out. How can I implement this type of backupstrategy in SQL 2000?

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How To Deploy Reports To Production Server, Do I Need To Have Sql Server Reporting Services Installed Or Just Runtime Files Ok

Apr 23, 2008

I would like to deploy several reports to production server, Do i need to install reporting services entire software in order to run the reports or is it possible to just have runtime files installed on it to run the reports.

please help, i have almost 100 reports to be deployed on this server which is located in other country.

Thanks for the helpful information.

(i am using SQL server 2005 / reporting services 2005.)

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Moving The .LDF On A Production Server

Dec 7, 2001

ok ok, stop laughing. for real, is there any programatic way of doing this? whom ever created this database i inherited (SQL 2000) created the LDF and DATA files on the same drive and in the same folder for that matter. just trying to do a little disaster magament.


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Beta 3 On A Production Server.

Oct 14, 1998

This feels like a silly question, but I`m going to ask it anyway...

I have limited SQL Server experience, but have run into a wall with a client`s Web/Access combination. I need to upgrade to SQL Server. I have Beta3 installed on a development box and am very happy with it. Is anyone running this thing in a production environment? This isn`t going to be experience huge loads, so I`m tempted. Tell me if I`m crazy for wanting to try it.

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Copy Production Db To Another Server

Jan 31, 2007

I have a brand new database server with system databases.
I need to copy like four production database from another server to this new server. Can i do restore of the last production backups and restore them on the new server without creating the empty databases on the new server.If any one has better approach i will appreciate

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Production Server Issue

Apr 4, 2008

1.First issue
The port number already allocated was 2059. We have changed that into the default port 1433 in the node. Now we are able to connect the node from the client application. But we are not able to see the configuration manager in any of the environment now.

2. 2nd issue
Cluster Environment

Error while executing the Package The connection details are not loaded in the connection manager tag

The same error with advanced information.

Another error window


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Production Server Probs

Nov 9, 2007

I have production server 2000. The server gets disconnected sometime by itself and sometime it is working fine.Sometimes it even doesn't get restarted. Is there any problem with service packs and some performance issues.
Can you SQL guru give me best suggestion and how should i proceed.

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SQL Server On Production Very Slow

Jan 17, 2007

Hi,I ran test data on my development machine and it took 1 minute toinsert the data. Ran the same set of data on the server and took 5minutes.Check both database and everything is the same. I even copied theproduction DB on my machine and it was taking still about 1 minute.Look at the fragmentation, and all the numbers are better on the serverthan my development machine so it should be faster.In the application I put some timer and discover that the insert istaking 0.015 ms on the server and 0 on the development. So the problemis on the insert.It is a Web application using ASP.NET.Here are the spec of the computers:Development: P4 HT 3.2GHz 1gig memory running WIN XPServer: Xeon 2.8GHz 1.5Gig memory running WIN 2000 serverAny idea how I to pinpoint the problem? I'm not at the point ofthinking that it can be the hardware, but how to verify that?ThanksFrank

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Acess On Production Server

Jul 12, 2007


Presently our Organisation is in process of Implementing SOX.

Under Compliance all the User have to be removed from the Production Server.

1.My Question is Do a DBA Should have Admin Privilages on the Production Server.

If yes then what are the Actitvies that a DBA has to perform only if DBA have admin privilages.



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Usage Of CLR In Production SQL Server

Nov 6, 2007

Like most enterprise there is the database administrator (dba) and there are the developers(dev). The dba are conservative while the developers are also exploring their options.

One of the current usage I'm experimenting on is to provide data visualization - image for the data. Like most I needed to "create" the System.Drawing assembly in the database, marking it unsafe.

During my testing, my code had some exception and that brought down SQL Server.

I read that the CLR is better compare to the sp_OAs as well as the extended stored procedures written in C++ because it isolates the execution in a separate app domain and termination is clean - in case of any errors, it should not bring down SQL Server.

Also I read marking assembly unsafe void these benefits of isolation.

Instead of having to manage the situation where it involves code review by the dba and asking the dba to take some risk, is there a technique where all CLR code that runs in the production server does not pose stability issues.

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