SQL Data Source Control...Generate Insert, Update && Delete Statements...

Apr 23, 2008

I have an SQL data source on my page and I select "Table".  On the next screen I pick the fields I want to show.  Then I click the "Advanced" button because I want to allow Inserts, updates and deletes.  But its all greyed out abd I can't check this option. The UID in the connection string I am connecting under has the correct permissions in SQL server to do inserts, update and deletes too.  Anyone know why it would be greyed out? The connectionstring property in the aspx code is dynamic but this shouldn't be the reason because I have used this before with success

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Additional INSERT, UPDATE, And DELETE Statements Disabled.

Apr 21, 2007

Hi, I just want you to know that I am very young in ASP.NET world so please bear with me.I have been looking for an answer to my problem, but unfortunately I couldn’t find one.  So I created a user here on www.asp.net just for making this post.
Before I continue I just want to apologies if there is another post where this question is already answered.

Please watch this Print Screen I just took: � http://www.bewarmaronsi.com/Capture.JPG “
As you can see the “INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Statements� are disabled, and that’s exactly my problem. I tried with an MS access database and it works perfect, but when I use a MS SQL database this field gets disabled for some reason.
The MDF file is located in the App_data folder and is called ASPNETDB.
And when I try to add custom SQL statements, it gives me Syntax error near “=â€?. Something like that.  I bought the Total Training Set1 package and it works perfect in their examples.
I just want to thank you for reading my post and I hope that you got some useful information for me.
By the way, I’, from Sweden so you have to excuse me if my English is rusty.
PS: Can it be that I’m running windows Vista?

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INSERT, UPDATE And DELETE Statements Checkbox Inactive

Mar 26, 2008

I have problem in using the SQLDataSource. When in VS 2005 I drag and drop the SQLDataSource onto my page and then add a GridView control.I bind the GridView control to the SQLDataSource control. But the problem is it does not generate the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The dialog box is inactive. The screenshots may help. please help me in this regard. I also tried it for Accesscontrol but the same problem. Sorry for my poor English!. thanks in advance

the screenshot links:

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Is It Possible To Audit Failed Insert, Update And Delete Statements?

Oct 25, 2004

Auditors want us to track when Insert, Update and Delete failures occur. Is this possible in SQL 2000?

They also want us to track schema changes. Is this possible?

Thanks, Dave

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Insert Works, But Delete And Update Don't In A DetailsView Control

Mar 28, 2008

I have 2 Gridviews and a DetailsView for each GridView. The first Gridview and DetailsView work fine and I can Insert, Delete and Update the DetailsView just fine.  However the second Gridview/DetailsView will only let me Insert but not Delete or Update.  When I click on the "Delete" button it just ignores me.  If I do an "Edit", when I try to click on the "Update" button it is ignored again and I have to click on "Cancel".  I don't get any error messages...
Anyone have an idea what might be wrong?

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SqlDataSource: Can't Gen INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE Statements; Using 2.0 Membership Aspnetdb

Jul 20, 2006

Hi,I'm new to ASP.NET and having a problem configuring the SqlDataSource control.  I am using the standard ASP.NET 2.0 "aspnetdb" database to manage user accounts.  The problem is this:When using the wizard to configure my SqlDataSource control, the option to auto-generate the Insert/Update/Delete SQL statements are grayed out.   I've searched this forum and found that this can be a symptom of no primary keys in the tables.  However, there are primary keys (UserId), which is the default schema as generated by asp.net (aspnet_regsql.exe).  When I use the wizard, I make the following choices:How would you like to retrieve data from your database?-> Select "Specify columns from a table or view"-> Select the "vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers" view from the "Name:" drop-down list-> Select "UserId", "Email", "UserName"  from "Columns:"After this, still no option to auto-generate I/U/D statements.  Any thoughts on why this isn't working??? Thanks,Leah.

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Transact SQL :: Method To Generate Insert Statements For Data In A Table

May 30, 2013

I have a database which will be generated via script. However there are some tables with default data that need to exist on the database.I was wondering if there could be a program that could generate inserts statments for the data in a table.I know about the import / export program that comes with SQL but it doesnt have an interface that lets you copy the insert script and values into an SQL file (or does it?)

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SQL 2012 :: Generate Stored Procedures For Select / Insert / Update / Delete On Certain Tables?

Apr 3, 2015

Is there a way in SQL server that can generate stored procedures for select, insert, update, delete on certain tables?

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SqlDataSource Insert, Update Delete Options Are Dimmed In Configure DataSource Control

Mar 23, 2008

I can select the tables and fields, but when I click on Advanced the Check Box to Create the Commands is not available. they are dimmed out.
Why is this happening, is it a setting that I have missed. Any help is appreciated.

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Data Access :: Delete Statement Blocking Insert Statements

Jul 17, 2015

We are using MS SQL Server 2008. I am running a batch job which deletes 21 days older records(6-7 million records). But daily we have transaction is going on in the database. When the delete occurs, all the insert statements got blocked and waits till the delete statement to complete. May I know why the blocking occurs? 

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Generate Insert Statements

Apr 13, 2001

I need to write some insert statements, 1 per table, ~100 tables, all having the approximante form:

Select Into TableA Select * From TableB

Except that I need explicit statements:

Select Into TableA Col1, Col2, Col3, ... ColN Values ...

The reason is that I need to preserve the current identity values (it's a replication setup scenario). I can set Identity_Insert On, but then it wants the explicit column names and values.

Is there a wizard or utility that will generate the statements for me? With
100 tables in the db, I'm not looking forward to writing it all :-)


PS. Given that it's Easter weekend, if you have an answer could you please e me directly? Thanks!

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Generate INSERT Statements...

Jan 20, 2003

Hey guys...

I just made a little proc to generate inserts for a given table. Sadly, it contains two cursors... :(

Can any of you guys come up with a way without cursors?

Here's the proc:

create proc generate_inserts @table varchar(20)
--Generate inserts for table @table
declare @cols varchar(1000)
declare @col varchar(50)

set @cols=''

declare colcur
cursor for
select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where table_name=@table

open colcur

fetch next from colcur into @col

while @@fetch_status=0
select @cols = @cols + ', ' + @col

fetch next from colcur into @col

close colcur
deallocate colcur

select @cols = substring(@cols, 3, datalength(@cols))

--select @cols

declare @sql varchar(4000)
declare @colname varchar(100),
@coltype varchar(30)

select @sql = 'select replace(''insert ' + @table + ' (' + @cols + ') '

select @sql = @sql + 'values ('''

declare ccur
cursor for
select column_name, data_type
from information_schema.columns
where table_name=@table

open ccur

fetch from ccur into @colname, @coltype

while @@fetch_status=0
if @coltype in ('varchar', 'char', 'datetime')
select @sql=@sql + ''''''

select @sql=@sql + ' + coalesce(convert(varchar, ' + @colname + '), ''null'') + '

if @coltype in ('varchar', 'char', 'datetime')
select @sql=@sql + ''''''
select @sql = @sql + ''', '''

fetch from ccur into @colname, @coltype

close ccur
deallocate ccur

select @sql=substring(@sql, 1, datalength(@sql)-3)

select @sql=@sql + ')'', ''''''null'''''', ''null'') from ' + @table

exec (@sql)

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How To Generate Insert Statements In SQL Manager?

May 9, 2008

I rememeber they used to have this option to generate data script for the table in SQL 2000, but I can not find it in SQL 2005.
I need to move one table from one database to another, but I need to generate SQL Insert Statements...

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Script To Generate INSERT Statements On Table

Jul 20, 2005

I'd I have a problem I'd like to post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statementsthat will create my table and insert data into the table.I can use the scripting feature in Enterprise Manager to generate CREATETABLE scripts.Is there a script I can run that will generate INSERT statements so I caninclude sample data.Thanks

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How Can I Generate INSERT Statements From Management Studio

Aug 25, 2007

Hello All,

How are you guys doing? Hope all is well.
This is my problem...I accidentally deleted a bunch of my SQL scripts and would like to generate the INSERT statements from Management Studio. I am currently using SQLExpress. Is there a way I can accomprish my task? Kindly advise.

Thanks a bunch!

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Can I Use A SqlDataSource Control Exclusively To Pass Data To A Stored Procedure For Execution (insert/update Only)?

Feb 28, 2008

I'm reasonably new to ASP.NET 2.0
I'm in my wizard_FinishButtonClick event, and from here, I want to take data from the form and some session variables and put it into my database via a stored procedure.  I also want the stored procedure to return an output value.  I do not need to perform a select or a delete.
For the life of me, I can't find a single example online or in my reference books that tells me how to accomplish this task using a SqlDataSource control.  I can find lots of examples on sqldatasources that have a select statements (I don't need one) and use insert and update sql statements instead of stored procedures (I use stored procedures).
I desperately need the syntax to:
a) create the SqlDataSource with the appropriate syntax for calling a stored procedure to update and/or insert (again, this design side of VS2005 won't let me configure this datasource without including a select statement...which I don't need).
b) syntax on how to create the parameters that will be sent to the stored procedure for this sqldatasource (including output parameters).
c) syntax on how to set the values for these parameters (again...coming from form controls and session variables)
d) syntax on how to execute, in the code-behind, the stored procedure via the sqldatasource.
If anybody has sample code or a link or two, I would be most appreciative.
Thank you in advance for any help!

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How To Update,delete,insert The Data Into Xml Colu

Oct 10, 2007

Hi all,

How to update a particular value in xml file which was loaded into sql server 2005 database
which is of xml-type

How to DELETE a particular value in xml file which was loaded into sql server 2005 database
which is of xml-type

how to INSERT a particular value in xml file which was loaded into sql server 2005 database
which is of xml-type

update XmlCatalog1 set Document1.modify('delete /X12_U1_837/X12_Q1_837/header/ISA//ISA_Authorization_Information_Qualifier') where id=2

The error which i am getting is
XML Validation: Invalid content. Expected element(s):ISA_Authorization_Information_Qualifier where element 'ISA_Authorization_Information' was specified. Location: /*:X12_U1_837[1]/*:X12_Q1_837[1]/*:header[1]/*:ISA[1]/*:ISA_Authorization_Information[1]

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Insert, Delete, Update Data In Database

Mar 14, 2006

hi. i'm trying to create a c# application which would insert, update and delete data from a database. could anyone pls point me to the right direction in which i should take? thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Generate Insert With Column List And Select With Columnlist Statements

Oct 22, 2015

I had to enable identity_insert on a bunch of tables and I have already done that. Now I need to modify my insert into select * from statements to include column list names along with identity columns for select as well as insert statements. The DDL is same but they are both different databases.There are almost 100 tables that it needs to be modified. Is there a way we can generate scripts for insert and select for each individual table along with their column lists including the identity column?

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Insert, Update && Delete On Two Tables With Same Data Structure...

Jun 30, 2006

I have created two table with same data structure. I need realtime effects (i.e. data) on both tables - Table1 & Table2.

Following Points to Consider.

1. Both tables are in the same database.

2. Table1 is using for data entry & I wants the same data in the Table2.

3. If any row insert, update & delete occers on Table1, the same effect should be done on Table2.

4. I need real time data insert, update & delete on Table2.

I knew that using triggers it could be possible, I have successfully created a trigger for inserting new rows (using logical table "Inserted") in Table2 but not succeed for update & delete yet.

I want to understand how can I impletement this successfully without any ambiguity.

I have attached data structure for tables. Thanx...

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Update XML Source And Generate New Xml

Oct 17, 2006

Hi !
I have a very simple problems with SSIS.

I have a "XML Source". I update some value in my SQL2000 with OLE DB
Command (No problem at this point)

Now i need to update one value inside this XMLSource (Confirmation
variable) and generate a new XML file.

What objects i need to use to make this !

Thanks !

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Grabbing Mobile Data For Desktop Ui (update/delete/insert)

Mar 11, 2008


Am trying to find a way to insert/update/delete data in a SQL mobile database on a Windows CE 5.0 device FROM a desktop PC.

This situation is completely stand alone, no network (apart form device/desktop), no GPRS etc etc etc.

I've looked at RDA but i dont believe it fits my app. (pulling data from a 2005 server that doesnt exist doesnt really help me much, push can't be used without a pull which kills the idea.)

The goal is a UI on the desktop that can manipulate data in the SQL mobile Database.

I've tried all i can find/think off in relation to this but to no avail.

My latest attempt has been using the simplest method possible (using a VS wizard datasource to the devices DB and tryign to whack that on a form) but this just creates a "Path not found. Check the directory for the database [Path = Mobile Device/ce_swipe/TestDB.sdf".

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Does Anybody Know Where I Can Learn How To Add, Update, Delete Using SQL Datasource Control?

Mar 24, 2008

does anybody know where I can learn how to add, update, delete using SQL datasource control?  I have a couple of books that shows me how to SELECT but nothing shows me how to update, add new record or delete with the SQL data source control. Even this website doesn't have any tutorial. Does any body know where I can read up on how to use all features of this control? Or where that have a couple of examples on how to use it? 

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Insert And Update Statements

May 14, 2002


I am creating my companys' database and I have a small problem that must be

I have a pictures table:
ProductID int ForeignKey
Picture nvarchar(30)

(A product can have many pictures & the ProductID is unique for any product,
but not for the table of pictures).

What I want to do is to somehow do a procedure to:
1) Check if any images (for a productID) exists in the table
2) if they do not exist then add the appropriate images into the table
3) if the images exist, then update the images with the new one that I have.

What I thought was to just delete all the images from the table for the
specific product:

DELETE FROM PicturesTable
WHERE ProductID = '10-11'

and then add the appropriate images:
INSERT INTO PicturesTable (ProductID, Picture)
VALUES ('10-11', 'Dir1/Pic1.gif')
INSERT INTO PicturesTable (ProductID, Picture)
VALUES ('10-11', 'Dir1/Pic2.gif')
INSERT INTO PicturesTable (ProductID, Picture)
VALUES ('10-11', 'Dir1/Pic3.gif')

but I do not like a lot this idea because if a user tries to read the pictures
for that product (at the same time I was deleting them) s/he would get
nothing. Is any other way that I can do it please?

I would appreciate it if someone answers me.

Yours, sincerely
Efthymios Kalyviotis

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Lookups And INSERT OR UPDATE Statements ...

Apr 8, 2008

Our existing DW's ETL was written in a very complex fashion by the previous team. They use DTS package lookups to read a row in the Source SQL Server database see if that row exists in the taget SQL Server database. If the row does not exist, they use ActiveX scripts to INSERT the row in the target SQL Server database. If it exists, they update the row on the target side. How would you do this in SSIS? Apologize if this sounds like a basic question, however, I would have done this via Stored Procedures or SQL Scripts especially since it involves SQL Servers alone. Appreciate any help.

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Insert/Update Statements Or Stored Procs

Mar 11, 2004

When working from within VB, should i be using Insert or Update statements, or should i pass the values to a stored proc that does it for me.


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Need Help Trying To Work With Forms Control To Update, Insert, And Etc...

Aug 14, 2007

I am trying to use the forms view control to do a simple web app. My issue is, I cant get the connection to automatically generate insert, update and delete statements. I tried to do this manually but I always get an error. I have read that I need all the keys selected--this still didnt work.  I have about 6 tables picked in my view, and if I pick one of them then this advanced feature works. I have the primary keys selected.
 here is my saved view. this is in SQL 2000.
I am new to this so I am not sure what to include.

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How To Get Read Only Control Value Through SQl Data Source

Nov 7, 2006

I am using this sql data source control.
<asp:textbox runat="server" id="txtFromDate" ReadOnly="true"></></asp:textbox>
<asp:textbox runat="server" id="txtToDate" ReadOnly="true"></asp:textbox>
<asp:sqldatasource id="dsClickInfo" runat="server" connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:activeConnectionString %>"
selectcommand="SProc_GetTransaction" selectcommandtype="StoredProcedure">
<asp:QueryStringParameter QueryStringField="Id" Name="MerchantID" Type="int32" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtFromDate" Name="StartDate" PropertyName="Text"
Type="String" DefaultValue="0" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtToDate" Name="EndDate" PropertyName="Text"
Type="String" DefaultValue="0" />
I abouve code txtFromDate and txtToDate are marked as readonly so sqldatasource is not able to get value from these controls.
How is it possible?
Please help me..

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Problem Using Parameter On SQL Source Data Control

May 15, 2006

I have an ASP page which uses an SQL data source control, as shown below:  <asp:SqlDataSource ID="mySQL" runat="server"       ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:mySQLConnectionString %>"      SelectCommand="SELECT device FROM device_table WHERE (device_id IN (@devicelist))">          <SelectParameters>              <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="devicelist" Type="String" />          </SelectParameters>  </asp:SqlDataSource>The problem is getting the "IN" clause of the select statement to work via the ASP page with code behind in C#.  If I test the query in the page designer when configuring the SQL control by inserting 'device-1','device-2','device-3' as the value for the "devicelist" parameter, everything works as expected.  However, when that same value is written programmatically into the DefaultValue of the parameter, the resulting query contains no results (as if the string contents are invalid).  If I alter my program to supply a single entry (with no commas) it seems to work as well.  I suspect the comma (and possibly the single-quote) characters in my string when multiple entries are involved are causing the issue.Is there a proper technique for getting the requisite quote-delimited, comma-separated list into the SQL control command parameter correctly?  Should I be using some sort of escape sequence for the single-quote and comma characters?  Should I be using another "type" for the parameter; one that accepts an array of entries?  I have not been able to find any examples or documentation that provides an answer.

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Having Trouble Configuring The SqlDataSource Control's Update And Insert Commands

Jul 24, 2007

I've just finished configuring the SELECT command for the SqlDataSource in my ASP.NET 2.0 web app.  It works fine and runs against a SQL Server 2005 database, using a stored procedure that I've written.
So, then I went to configure the SqlDataSource for the UPDATE and INSERT commands, and I've written two SP's for those as well.  In the designer the second form of the wizard asks for the Select statement.  I've already given that for the SELECT statement in the third form, and I also select the INSERT tab to specify the SP I want to use for inserting data and the UPDATE tab to specify the SP I want to use for updating data.  However, there appears to be no way that I can specify what the parameters are supposed to be for anything other than the SELECT command, through the designer.  Is that correct, or have I missed something?

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Unable To Generate Model Off Of An Analysis Services Data Source

Feb 21, 2007


Our company is doing some basic research into using analysis services as a solution for our customers. I've taken our database and built an analysis services project in BI Studio and deployed it to Analysis Services on my local machine I connect to Reporting Services in Management Studio, create a folder for the cube, give my Windows user acct. Content Manager permission, create the Data Source (conn string = "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=(local)SQLServer2k5;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=STI-PDB" -- copied from the Analysis Services project in BI Studio), and go to "Generate Model". What I get is an rsModelGenerationError, sub [Create Perspective From Cubes] with a connection issue at the base:

Either the user, <computername>Thomas, does not have access to the STI-PDB Database, or the database does not exist. () (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services)

Now, in the Database Engine, my Windows account has the db_owner database role for STI-PDB and it's default schema is dbo, which all the objects are created under. What am I missing here?

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Query Date Range SQL Data Source Control

Jan 24, 2008

I have a DB with the folloing fields... ArticleID, ArticleTitle, PublishDate(DateTime Field), EndPublishDate(DateTime Field).... What I want to do is show in a list view only the articles where the date is on or after the PublishDate and before or on the EndPubishDate.
I thought I could simply do something like this
SELECT     ArticleTitle, PublishDate, PublishEndDate, PublishedFROM         UserArticlesWHERE     (Published = @Published) AND (PublishDate >= @PublishDate) AND (PublishEndDate <= @PublishEndDate)
Well I can't... can someone explain how I can do this please... I understand the the PublishDate and EndPublsihDate need a variable... The info is in the DB I just don't know how to do what I need to.

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Update Or Delete With Insert?

Dec 13, 2007

Hi All,
I have this project I'm working on it's Product Content Management System rewrite. I got to the point of updating the Product By Sku and not sure if I should use UPDATE statement or I should DELETE sections assosiated with the ProductContentID and then re-insert them again? I'm not sure which is more afficient?
I can really do both and it's really not that complicated, the only problem I see with DELETE then INSERT is the ProductContentSectionId in the Sections table is going to grow very fast and I'm a bit concerned about it.
We use SQL Server 2000 and we have about 4 bound tables where we keep the data. The one I'm talking about is the sections table where we keep the actual types of product content like a BoxShot, Description, Key Features and so on...
Thank you in advance!
Tatyana Hughes

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