I get this error when trying to save the following view. "View definition includes no output columns or includes no items in the FROM clause." The select statement is below. Any ideas?
ELSE '' END AS Company, RTRIM(CUST.ADRS_1) AS Address1, RTRIM(CUST.ADRS_2) AS Address2, dbo.Trim(CUST.CITY) AS City,
dbo.Trim(CUST.STATE) AS State, LEFT(dbo.Trim(CUST.ZIP_COD), 5) AS ZipCode, RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(CUST.PHONE_NO_1, '*', ''), '-', ''))
AS PhoneNumber1, CustomerLastSales.LastSalesDate, CUST.LST_SLS_AMT, CustomerLastSales.TotalSales, CustomerLastSales.AverageSales,
CustomerLastSales.NumberofTickets, CASE ECOMMERCE_FLG WHEN 'Y' THEN 'Web' ELSE 'Catalog' END AS TypeOfBuyer,
dbo.CustomerLastSales ON dbo.CUST.NBR = dbo.CustomerLastSales.CustomerNumber
Hi GuysUpon creating and running a view in the SQL Svr 2000, Enterprise managerthat takes more than 30 secs to return, I get an 'ODBC SQL Driver Timeoutexpired'. I have tried resetting every timeout I can find but it makes nodifference. Its damned irritating as this is an ENORMOUS DB and most of theviews I create are going to take 60 seconds + to return.Anyone know how to reset the timeout to suit the circumstances.CheersPaulBJ
Man do I struggle with Enterprise Manager as a graphical tool forbuilding views etc.Its flaky and hangs frequenlty so i have to kill it with the taskmanager and re open it.You cant debug functions ( or am I missing something)But the worst thing is that it appears to cache the results of viewsand doesnt refresh from the source.If I build a view that includes a calculated field using a customfunction, and have another view thats built on the first one, thenchange the function to produce a different result, the second viewdosnt show the new value, its shows the old value. I have to cut thesql statment from the view and then paste it back in and save it onboth views before the data is refreshed correctly.Has anyone else found this??Surely there are some better tools out there to replace EnterpriseManager for building views and SQL statements graphcally?CheersGrant
Hi Sqlserver experts,I use the SQL Server enterprise manager of MSSQL 2000 regularly.I'm often annoyed by the automatic blanking of the table views.If this happens then mostly with the hint :"The Results pane have been cleared to conserve server resources.To re-establish the result set, run query again."Is there any possibility to switch that blanking off ?Best regards,Daniel Wetzler
On one of our machines, all of the SQL Server 2000components except for the main Server component (SQL Servercore) itself were installed (Management tools, etc) a while agoand everything was running fine. Now I go and add/install theServer component and then Service Pack 3a.It seems that Service Manager won't start up (I get an hourglass cursor)and now I find that Enterprise Manager won't run as well. No errormessages appeared and I don't think I saw anything unusual inthe log file.However, I can use Enterprise Manager on a differentmachine and connect to the database (so the databaseitself seems to be running).Any suggestions as to what the problem might be and how tofix it? I like to see if I can repair this without havingto do a reinstall.Thanks.PF
IF someone can assist me. Everytime I load up enterprise manager the service manager turns off. And the enterprise manager can't connect to the local database. But everytime i turn it back on and try to connect again it shuts it off and around and around we go. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I installed SQL Server MSDE 2000 but I can't find how to start it. Does this package include an Enterprise Manager or not? I thought that maybe it was a standard XP Pro feature. I had no problem finding it in W2000 Pro.
Has anyone encountered this error: When you are in Enterprise manager and you select a database then the tables tab and then you select a table and go to open table- select all rows, I get an error--An unexpected error happened during this operation-Query Designer encountered a query error! Please let me know if you have seen this. Also, when I access this from one networked computer I get the same error, then when I access it from another I do not!! The servers are interacting with Pivotal. The one that works does not!!
Hi all, I have SQL 7.0 desktop addition installed on my local win NT workstation. I am able to connect to my local server using Quary Analyser but when i am trying to connect using EM, i am not able to connect. I am receiveing the following error message. __________________________________________________ ___________________________ A conncetion could not be established to "servername" - Specified SQL Server not found. ConnectionOpen(CreateFile()). Please verify SQL server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties(by right clicking "servername" node) and try again. __________________________________________________ ___________________________ I have tried as said in the error message and also tried connecting with "sa" but its not working. I can see that the server is running and i am able to connect through QA.
I am fairly new sql dba in a company and I am sure Enterprise Manager is installed on PC's and it shouldn't. Is there a way of finding out other then visiting each workstation. Thanks in advance..
I am considering upsizing my Access 2000 DB to a SQL 7 server. I was told that having SQL 7 Enterprise Manager is highly prefferd but not essential as I can maintain the upsized DB with Access 2000. The only way that I have been able to find JUST enterprise manager seems to be with purchasing the whole SQL 7 program for $1300! Microsoft cannot be that cruel, that you have to buy the whole program just for Enterprise Manager!
My questions are:
Can I download just MS SQL 7 Enterprise Manager anywhere for a reasonable fee or free?
if not, can I continue to use Access 2000 to maintain the SQL 7 upsized DB?
I have access to a SQL 7 server via my ISP Hosting account. I know Enterprise manager comes with the server software, but how can I get a copy of JUST Enterprise Manager?
Is it possible to administer both 6.5 and 7.0 databases from the same SQL Enterprise Manager? I have read that you cannot do this because the 7.0 "plug-in" to the MMC wont work with 6.5 databases.
We had database corruption and cannot access the Enterprise Manager. DBCC returned errors 9000 to 9999 which I can't get any suggestions on how to handle from BOL. Any ideas!!!!! Thanks.
Hi, I would like to know if we can present users to access details database information about the databases on a server through Enterprise Manager. If you create a SQL login and do NOT give it access to any database, if someone logons on your server with enterprise manager, even though he does not have access to any database, he will still see the list of all database on your servers plus tons of sensitive information like database owner. Is is possible to limit enterprise manager to only view information about database that the user has access to?
How can I force users of Ent Manager 6.5 to enter a name/password when connecting to a server that has been registered? I dont want to use the sa name and password so that anyone could use my workstation to access our servers.
Does anyone know how to turn off or disable the auto discovery for Enterprise Manager. Apparently our Network group is complaining that Enterprise Manager is generating noise on the network, it is not signifcant in volume but they complain it impacts there ability to detect hacking attempts on our network because it causes some false positives. I generally keep Enterprise Manager running because I will always have some manual job running from it and we have so many servers it takes awhile for them to all load when I first fire it up.
I have SQL server 2000 client machine on my XP desktop which worked fine until yesterday. Yesterday, I tried to set up client access (a tool from IBM to access AS400) unsuccesfully. Since ever, Each time I try to open a table in enterprise manager, I get the following error message "The query cannot be executed because some files are either missing or not registered. Run setup again to make sure the required files are registered". While when I issue a query in analyzer it works fine.
I did that several times without success. Even, I removed the whole SQL 2000 setup, rebooted my machine, ran set up again for client tools which gave the same result. Also, I re-setup MDAC2.6 SP2 but no way.
Which files are corrupted ?and I don't understand after doing all that, setup goes smoothly without indicating any errors, but still when you open a table in enterprise manager, it gives the same error.
Using MS SQL Server 7. When I go into a table in design view and order by date created, it only orders on the day and not the date (Enterprise Manager) e.g.
When we click on the Query Analyzer Shortcut, it will prompt for a user id and password.but when we expand the databases node from EM and clicks on Tools->Query Analyzer Menu, after selecting a database node, the QA does not prompt for the user id and password. Can any one explain this behaviour of QA..
I am using Mixed mode authentication for my db server.
When I view the database properties using Enterprise Manager, some of the databases on the server are reporting that there is zero space available while others have space available. Does anybody know why?
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Enterprise Manager? I have the trial copy of 2000, but I need to administer data on a SQL 7 server, and I cannot create stored procedures, add users, or create DTS packages in 2000 that will work on SQL 7. Thanks!
Is it possible to add custom columns to the design table interface. For example could I add custom column for some data on want to store under a table column. I am used to vb.net and I am able to add custom properties to a control. Is this type of customization possible for SQL Server. Is it possible to add a custom tab to the tab control where columns are located at the bottom of the designer?
I installed SQL Server Developer Edition on Windows 2003 server for our sales force. I don't want them to have acces to enterprise Manager and Query Analyser.
Hi all, I am not over familiar with SQL, I am a VB Programmer, however I need to achieve the following.
In Enterprise Manager I have 2 tables A and B.
I need to get a column from A and then scan the entire contents of B to see whether the content, the value from the column in A actually exists in B. The get the next value from A and repeat the process.
MMC cannot open the file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBINNSQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC
This may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMC Console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This may also be because you do not have sufficient rights to the file
Note: I had admini rights on PC, and Network, I am able to run Query Analyzer....
I can remote into other boxes and run Ent. Manager also.
Hi all, met with something very scary and want to confirm if anyoneelse have met this possible bug with EM?Got a production DB, say DB_A with quite a few users in it. this day,when I look into the EM-->management-->Current Activity-->Locks/Object,I saw a lot of locking on some objects belonging to a user, say User_Abut the problem is, this User_A doesn't own a thing in DB_A!! And evenif I drop this user from DB_A, the EM GUI still showing there are quitea locks on objects owned by User_A.And if use Query Analyzer to direct query on system tables, all arefine, that is those locks are actually on another User_B, which isfine.So I've checked that the problem seems to lie in that User_B has a uid8 in DB_A whereas User_A has the same uid (8) in master db. Once Iremove User_A from master db, then the EM GUI shows no locking at all(though in system tables, there are still lockings in User_B's object).So I guess it's a bug in EM but has anyone met with this kind of casebefore?