SQL Express 2005 Snapshot Replication On Disconnected/Closed Networks
Jul 9, 2007
I am having trouble setting up my Pull Subscription and I am new to replication.
I have several servers hosting a databased website that will be the same, except for user input and traffic. Quite simply, I need to copy most tables, SPs and data from network to network. I can't use FTP/Web synch ... as I mentioned the networks do not touch eachother or the internet.
On server Web1, it was easy to create a Publication called Pub via the wizard for my database: TheDB. Then on Web1, again, I added a Subscription to the Publication, indicating my second server, Web2, and the same database name: TheDB (I have already backed up and restored TheDB to all my servers). Here's one of the sp's I ran on Web1:
use [TheDB]
exec sp_addsubscription @publication = N'Pub', @subscriber = N'Web2'', @destination_db = N'TheDB', @sync_type = N'Automatic', @subscription_type = N'pull', @update_mode = N'read only'
This is where I feel stuck. Using the wizard on Web2 doesn't allow me to see Web1. So I tried the following on Web2:
use [TheDB]
exec sp_addpullsubscription @publisher = N'Web1', @publication = N'Pub', @publisher_db = N'TheDB', @independent_agent = N'True', @subscription_type = N'pull', @description = N'', @update_mode = N'read only', @immediate_sync = 1
exec sp_addpullsubscription_agent @publisher = N'Web1', @publisher_db = N'TheDB', @publication = N'Pub', @distributor = N'Web1', @distributor_security_mode = 1, @distributor_login = N'', @distributor_password = null, @enabled_for_syncmgr = N'False', @frequency_type = 1, @frequency_interval = 0, @frequency_relative_interval = 0, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 0, @frequency_subday_interval = 0, @active_start_time_of_day = 0, @active_end_time_of_day = 0, @active_start_date = 0, @active_end_date = 19950101, @alt_snapshot_folder = N'', @working_directory = N'', @use_ftp = N'True', @job_login = null, @job_password = null, @publication_type = 0
I copied the snapshot folder, ie. 20070709134423, onto CD and moved it into Web2's default replication folder, but I always receive: cannot connect to Distibutor. I've tried using an Alias, as well, but don't understand exactly how I should point that either. I checked the publication's PAL and my Web2 user has rights and is an owner of the Web2 TheDB database.
Any help is appreciated.
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Dec 14, 2006
I have a "merge" publication created, with only Procedures, Views and Functions. (Note I have other merge publications that replicate the tables from the same database). I keep getting the same error (see -below) on various procedures. I cannot find anything wrong with the procedures themselves. I also checked the offending procedure by removing it from the publication and compiling it in the database...it works fine. None of my other publications (all tables) encounter this error. * I have 3 others.
My version of SQL is 9.00.1399.06
Here is the message I am getting. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note I changed the proc name due to client restrictions.
Message: StartIndex cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: startIndex
Command Text:
select 'number' = convert(int, 0), 'definition' = definition
from sys.sql_modules
where object_id = object_id(@qualified_object_name)
union all
select 'number' = convert(int, procedure_number), 'definition' = definition
from sys.numbered_procedures
where object_id = object_id(@qualified_object_name)
Parameters: @qualified_object_name = [dbo].[pra_merge]
Stack: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ExecuteWithOptionalResults(CommandSetupDelegate commandSetupDelegate, ProcessResultsDelegate processResultsDelegate, Int32 queryTimeout, CommandBehavior commandBehavior)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ExecuteWithOptionalResults(CommandSetupDelegate commandSetupDelegate, ProcessResultsDelegate processResultsDelegate, CommandBehavior commandBehavior)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.TextModeOnObjectScripter.Script()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.GenerateNonTableArticleSchScript(Scripter scripter, BaseArticleWrapper articleWrapper, SqlSmoObject smoObject, Boolean quotedIdentifierOn, Boolean ansiNullsOn, Boolean textMode)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.GenerateStoredProcedureArticleScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSmoScriptingManager.GenerateArticleScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.GenerateObjectScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.DoScripting()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotProvider.DoScripting()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSnapshotProvider.DoScripting()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotProvider.GenerateSnapshot()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.SnapshotGenerationAgent.InternalRun()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.Run() (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 52006)
Get help: http://help/52006
Source: mscorlib
Target Site: System.Text.StringBuilder Remove(Int32, Int32)
Message: StartIndex cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: startIndex
Stack: at System.Text.StringBuilder.Remove(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.TextModeOnObjectScripter.ProcessGetObjectScriptResult(SqlDataReader dataReader)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ExecuteWithOptionalResults(CommandSetupDelegate commandSetupDelegate, ProcessResultsDelegate processResultsDelegate, Int32 queryTimeout, CommandBehavior commandBehavior) (Source: mscorlib, Error number: 0)
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Jun 25, 2007
I am using snapshot replication to copy data from one database to another. I truncate the destination table first. The publisher and the subscriber are different databases on the same server. The data turns into 1 unrecognizable row.
Here is what the source table looks like:
displayTypeID, displayType
1, Title List Formats
2, Title Details
3, Title List Export
4, Pricing Notes
5, clone Mask 001
6, clone Mask 002
7, clone Mask 004
8, clone Mask 008
9, hide From Admin
10, not Common Attr
11, Insert Title
12, title Types
The resulting data looks like this:
DisplayType, displayTypeId
, 1660953600
I see no errors in replication and nothing in the source table looks like bad data that could cause such a malady. I see the problem on two different servers now and identified the source of the problem, the column order is reversed in the source and destination tables. The data types do not even match so I would at the very least expect an error from bcp.
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Jun 13, 2006
We have two SQL Server 2005 production DB at remote sites. Due to network bandwidth issue, we need to replicate these DBs (publishers and distributers) to central corporate SQL 2000 DB (subscriber for backup and possible reporting (and in rare case as a failover server).
We would start out with backup from SQL 2000 db restored on remote SQL 2005 DBs. When we have DB issue on remote 2005 DB, we want to restore it from central corp. 2000 DB backup. Since two DBs are replicating to central DB, we DO NOT want combined db back up data on restored remote 2005 db. We can restore the db and delete unwanted data before we turn on replication from this restored server. So, this is not a problem.
The real problem is how to avoid snapshot replication (during initialization) when we create a transaction replication on this restored server to avoid over writing data on the central subcriber sql 2000 DB???
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May 15, 2007
Hi there,
I have setup merge replication which successfully synchronizes with a group of desktop users using SQL Compact Edition.
However now I have setup Article Filters and when I attempt to regenerate the snapshot I get the following error:
Invalid column name 'rowguid'.
Failed to generate merge replication stored procedures for article 'AssignedCriteria'.
When I look at publication properties at the Articles page.. All my tables have the rowguid uniqueidentifier successfully added to tables and selected as a compulsory published column, apart from the table above "AssignedCriteria".. Even when I attempt to select this column in the article properties page and press ok, when I come back it is deselected again. ( The Rowguid column is however physically added to the table)
I have scripted the publication SQL and then totally reinstalled from scratch, including the database but for some reason it doesn't like this table. I remove the article filters, but still this "rowguid" is never "selected" in article properties.
We are using Uniqueidentifiers in other columns as well for historical reasons, but this doesn't appear to be a problem in other tables..
DDL For this problematic table is as follows
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AssignedCriteria](
[AssignedCriteria] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[CriteriaName] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[TargetScore] [numeric](5, 0) NULL,
[HRPlan] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[ActualScore] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,
[Criteria] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[Employee] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[IsActive] [bit] NULL,
[addDate] [datetime] NULL,
[totalscore] [numeric](5, 0) NULL,
[isCalc] [bit] NULL,
[Weight] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,
[ProfileDetail] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [MSmerge_df_rowguid_7FF25DF903B6415FBFF24AC954BC88E4] DEFAULT (newsequentialid()),
[AssignedCriteria] ASC
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Jan 30, 2007
I have setup transactional replication everything on one box. later(two or three weeks later), Replication monitor is show red X Under my publishers (publications is disconnected). this is SQL2005.
Everyone known how to fix this problem?
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Dec 6, 2007
Hello there,
I'm currently building up a SQL 2005 Active/Standby cluster in a DMZ. I have three NIC's in each server.
Each NIC is connected to a different network: is the public NIC is the NIC used for communication betwen the cluster nodes (heartbeat) is the admin NIC
I have installed my cluster using the network for public access. This means that my SQL virtual ip is
Each server can be administered over the network (admin) and the cluster/sql sever ip is available from the (public) network.
Now for my question: How can I assign a ip address from my admin network (e.g. to the existing SQL server cluster to make it available from my admin network while keeping the public ip.
Thanx in advance!
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May 26, 2015
What is the main difference between snapshot and transactional and merge replication?
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Oct 4, 2007
Hi all,
I have a production website at Godaddy and an ASP.net 2.0 page that successfull connects to a SQL 2005 instance provided by Godaddy using SQL authentication(User ID/Password). The Godaddy database has become too small (200MB limit) and the plan is to use the SQL Server 2005 standard edition at my office. In other words, I want to host my own SQL server and keep the front-end at Godaddy.
The ASP.net test page at Godaddy generates the basic connection errors when attempting to connect to my SQL server at the office. This error has several variations depending on how the connection string is configured:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)
In this case the connection string is:
Data Source=xxx.xxx.xx.xxx,1433; Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Initial Catalog=Test; User ID=xxx; Password=xxx"
I've embedded this connection string directly into the ASP.net test page in order to make this page independent of the web.config file.
My MS SQL server is on a Small Bussiness Server 2003 with Sharepoint and Remote Workplace running, and this machine is behind a linksys router, and Routing and Remote Access is running in place of windows firewall.
I've openned ports TCP 1433 and UDP 1434 on the router and Routing and Remote Access. Telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx 1433 connects successfull, and the SQL log shows listening on 1433. I don't know if telnet is telling me that there is successful connection to the port on the router, or if it makes it all the way to the SQL server.
The SQL server is running the default instance MSSQLSERVER. Locally, I am able to connect using SQL 2005 Studio, and I am able to confirm this activity in the SQL log. Since I've openned port 1433, I also see numerous dictionary attacks in the SQL Log. Based on this, remote connectivity is there.
The strange observation is that the SQL log shows no sign of a connection attempt from the ASP.net page. The connection appears to be failing before it reaches the SQL server. I've openned ports in the Linksys router and the NAT/Firewall the same way I've openned them for Sharepoint and Remote Workplace.
I also found that when I move the ASP.net test page to another ISP, then the SQL connection that worked from the Godaddy website, is no longer able to connect. An explanation of this would also be very helpful to me.
Is there something that needs to be configured to expose the SQL server to ASP.net pages that is different from remote access?
Does IIS need to somehow be involved?
Is there something in Small Business Server 2003 that could be interferring with ASP.net page requests to the SQL server?
Do I need to run my machine as a web server to make this work?
Any help with this configuration would be greatly appreciated.
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Sep 25, 2007
We have a large number of clients attempting to replicate two publications on 2005 Express databases (2 publications subscribed to the one subscriber database) with our 2005 Server (9.00.3042.00 SP2 Standard Edition) and experiencing two significant problems:
1) Users experience the following message:
The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Subscriber for changes not yet sent to the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload).
This problem should not apparently occur with SQL Server 2005 (or 2005 Express) instances with SP2 applied. All clients experiencing this problem have SP2 installed as does our Server and the retention period is 30 days. The subscribers have been replicating well under that.
2) Replications never succeed after appearing to replicate/loop around for hours
This issue is the most critical as we have clients who have been installed and re-installed with new instances of SQL Server 2005 Express, new empty databases (on subscriber before snapshot extraction), and using fresh snapshots (less than an few hours old) which cannot successfully replicate.
Interestingly there is at least 1 instance where several computers are subscribed and successfully replicating the same database as another where replication refuses to succeed.
To test we have taken a republished database from another 2005 Server which is working fine and restored it to the same server as the one holding the database with which we are experiencing problems and subscribed to it. This test worked fine and replication of both publications went through fast and repeatedly without showing any signs of problem.
This indicates that the problem is perhaps data related as it appears localised to that database.
Below are two screenshots which may assist.
Screenshot 1 Shows that on the server side the replication attempts look like they are succeeding despite the fact that the subscriber end does not indicate success. Also the history indicates the the subscription has spent all it's time initialising and not merging any changes.
Screenshot 2 Shows a rogue process which has appears on many of the problem child subscribers. It shows a process running with no end time even though the job indicates failure in the message and even though other replication attempts appear to have succeeded after it. This process stays in the history showing that it is running even when I can find no corresponding process for it.
Can anyone suggest a further course of action/further testing/further information required which may assist?
This is extremely urgent and any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
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Apr 30, 2006
I tried to set up a pull transctional replication on SQL Express 2005.
The publisher is SQL 2000 which has tables that have primary keys.
However, only tables I see in my SQL express (Subscriber) are the system tables. What did I do wrong?
I can't find the right answer on the web.
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Oct 11, 2006
does any know of any plans to support publications in Sql 2005 Express? I want to start moving away from MSDE but we use replication (one MSDE database is the publisher and several client PC's use MSDE as the subscribers.).
Maybe it is on SP2?
Thanks for any info you have on this.
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Nov 22, 2006
I have tried to setup Web replication following the instructions in the articles in SQL Books Online, using RMO. I am able to create the subscription, but when I try to sync it I get the following error.
The process could not create file 'C:DOCUME~1lsimpsonLOCALS~1TempHNTBW115D$B_borings_BoringsAll_C:BORINGSBORINGDB.MDF' due to OS error 123.
Is anyone familiar with this error? If I can solve it, I think the replication will work.
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Apr 16, 2006
I am attempting to set up the following:
SQL Server 2005 with Merge Publication
Web Replication Enabled
IIS Configured as documented, except DB server is an AD Domain Controller so can't assign Local User to Application Pool
SQL 2005 Express
Using RMO to create subscription
Using Basic Authentication of HTTPS
Calling the replisapi.dll?diag works fine
When I attempt to do a web synchronization with the Publisher, I get the following error:
The Merge Agent could not connect to the URL 'https://test.abc.com/TestWebReplication/replisapi.dll' during Web synchronization. Please verify that the URL, Internet login credentials and proxy server settings are correct and that the Web server is reachable.
Does anyone have any suggestions. I am sure it has something to do with the security setup on the Publisher, but I can't think of anything else to try.
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Jan 8, 2007
Hi All,
I am trying to do a Replication between a network SQL Server Express Edition 2005 DB with a client SQL Server Express Edition 2005 DB. My question is
1. Can we do replicaiton between SQL Server Express Edition 2005. (No SQL SERVER present)
2. If yes can any of you provide me some guidance or some pointers on how to achieve it.
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Jan 22, 2007
Q1: Does Sql Server 2005 Express support Web/Internet to other SQL Server 2005 Express Clients or does it have to Synch across the internet to a fully installed setup SQL Server 2005 with IIS?
Q2: Does SQL Server 2005 Express support Direct Replication between other SQL Server 2005 Express clients?
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Jul 7, 2006
Hello,I am learning SQL Server 2005 Express. I need to test replication butwhen I run New Subscription Wizard I got error: "There are nopublications to which you can subscribe, either because this serverhas no publications or because you do not have sufficient privilegesto access the publications."I see no option for publications. Does this mean that in Express Icannot run replication? If I can, how?Thank you very much/RAM/
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Oct 31, 2006
I am facing problems trying to replicate SQL Server 2000 table to SQL 2005 Express. The error says:
"login failed for user 'username'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL server connection"
The same happens when I try to register the SQL 2005 server in SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager.
Any help?
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Feb 6, 2006
Hi Everyone
I have a huge problem after I noticed that SQL Server Agent has been removed
and need your advice about how to program replication between SQL Server Express and SQL Server 2005
So far I have encountered the following problems
1. When I created my snapshot Irealized it wasnt running. I then read from the documentation that i had to resort to the Windows Synchronization Manager as there was no SQL Server AGENT within SQL Server Express to accomplish this function
I did this and it worked but wouldlike to control this programmatically as well
2. Now I have a standalone SQL Server Express which is a subsciber to the SQL Server 2005 Database
How can I force the merge replication programmatically ie Vb.NET
Your kind advice is appreciated
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May 7, 2002
The database will grow to 40GB in a short while and I intend to schedule replication every hour. Can this not be done using snapshot replication??
Date: Snapshot Replication - Help!! (reply)
MAk (mak_999@yahoo.com)
5/7/2002 12:02:08 PM
Create jobs to copy database and restore database in destination servers
Robert at 5/7/2002 11:00:30 AM
Yes and I would rather not use dts to accomplish this task.
Ray Miao at 5/7/2002 10:02:15 AM
Do you have direct network connection to remote server? Did you try dts?
Robert at 5/7/2002 9:08:06 AM
I've been trying to replicate a database to an off site server using snapshot replication. It is scheduled to run every hour but I've noticed when data is changed at the source it never gets replicated to the destination. Does anyone know why?? I can't use transactional replication beause not all the tables have primary keys and they can't be added due to code. Some tables have id colunms and have been created with the Not for Replication option on the subscriber. Any help will be appreciated.
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Aug 27, 2001
I can set up snapshot replication for those tables without foreign key constraints. But if there are foreign keys in the table, there will be error
message indicating that this object can not be dropped because it is referenced by ....
Do you have any remedy for that? Thanks
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Dec 28, 2000
2 questions:
1) In snapshot replication, can the subsciber send info back to the publisher (even in a manual process)
2) In snapshot replication, do we need a distributor set up between the publisher and subscriber if there will only be a single subscriber, or can we write directly to it?
Thanks so much for any and all help!
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Jan 13, 2003
Hi Guys,
We have a production server in East Coast (SQL Server 2000 SP2 - Database size is around 30 Gig). We have a reporting server is the West Coast. We need to replicate (transactional replication every one hour) from East coast to West coast. Is there any way that I can take a backup and restore upto the last transaction backup and then start replication agent on the production (by saying schema and data already exist). Basically we don't wan't to snapshot using FTP or bcp through WAN because it is going to be very slow.
If this is possible, will there be any validation problem.
Please help.
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Apr 13, 2006
Suppose i want to replicate data from server A to server B
I am using snaphot replication.I did the snapshot replication for the first time
and server B got a snapshot of server A.
Next time i run snapshot i want the incremental data to be replicated and not all..Is this possible in snapshot replication? If not which type of replication should i use?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi All,I have set up a snapshot replication, and schedule it to run everynight. The snapshot run successfully, and data get replicated to thesubscribed server. However, data do not get transfer as the second dayand there after. I check the job history, the job (distribution) runsuccessfully. I start the snapshot agent again, then data gettransferred. I can schedule the snapshot agent to run every night, butthis is just not the way it's supposed to be. Is there anyone out therecan give me some help. Thanks.
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Sep 28, 2006
I am using SQL SERVER 2005 snapshot wizard to create snapshot. But as soon as i create a snapshot it takes away all the indexes and constraint for the tabels on the subscription end although i have this indexes and constraint on Publisher side.
Can someone help me in finding if their is some setting to create a snapshot without losing indexes and constraints or if their is some other way to do this.
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Apr 3, 2007
Hi is that possible to configure replication in the following situation.
server A is built by snap of server B. Because i am able to create publisher on server B but i am unable to create same on server A.
could any one explain the situation, why it is happening this way.
any help is appriciated.
if you are curious what kind of error i got.
TITLE: Publisher Properties
An error occurred connecting to Publisher 'SERVER A'.
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.1399.06&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.PubshrPropertiesErrorSR&EvtID=CantConnectToPublisher&LinkId=20476
SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'SERVER B'. (Replication.Utilities)
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Aug 7, 2006
I am looking forward at performing a SNAPSHOT REPLICATION between a 2000-Publisher and a 2005-Subscriber. But on following the wizard the latter is unable to recognize the publisher.
Could anyone help to let me know the possible reason or if there is some setting which i may have missed out?
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May 9, 2006
yiotis writes "Is there a way where you can programmatically (via visual basic) replicate two or more SQL Express databases located on multiple computers without the need of SQL Server 2005 acting as a publisher. From what i understand this is a limitation in SQL Express.
Right now i have SQL Express installed on 2 machines. I am able via vb to communicate with each database, read and write data between databases but cannot seem to figure out how to perform a simple replication.
Bottom line is, i need to be able to replicate via vb code 2 sql express databases with each other.
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Aug 27, 2007
Hello all,
We have 2 sites . each one has sql 2005 express edition .
is it possible to configure replication between those 2 sql servers for failover purposes ?
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Sep 15, 2006
I want to replicate data from sql server 2000 to a sql server express 2005 box.
I can dts data across..but I want to be able to set up push replication from the Sql Server 2000 box, but the option to push the data to the Sql Express server in the GUI does not come up only Sql Server 2000 boxes are listed. Initially I will be using Snapshot replication but would like to eventually move on to transactional rep if only I can get it to push the data across.
Does anyone know how to acheive this thanks for any help Sammy.
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May 9, 2001
Hi Everybody:
We encounter a difficult problem in our production environment.
I have a merge replicaiton which contains 10 tables from Server s1 and database d1 to Server s2 and database d2. Among those 10 tables 5 of them are true merge tables ( carry data both ways, from publisher to subscriber and from subscriber to publisher). Other 5 tables I would like them to carry data only one way from publisher to subscriber ( never merge data from subscriber). Anyone has any suggestions how I impliment this?
Thanks in advance.
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