SQL Express - Access Denied Error Code 5
Dec 13, 2006
The install of SQL Express with advanced services on my WinXP Pro PC seemed to go fine but now I look at it and see that the actual SQL server hasn't installed. The log files says:
Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Log File: ...SQLSetup0003_HKM1_SQL.log
Last Action: Install Finalise
Error String: Failed to set registry settings for server network libraries. The action is SetShilohRoot. The error is 5 (Acces is denied)
Also getting the same error for product: SQL Server Database Services.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Mar 22, 2006
Hello everyone.
I am trying to install Project Server, and i'm having issues with sharepoint, and connecting to SQL:
dataserver is running sbs2003 sql2003 and analsys services.
server2 is running server2003 is to be the application server for project.
ProjectDb is the database that i have setup in sql.
username is the account that can control everything as administrer.
in Sharepoint is asks for the database server: <<dataserver>>
SQL Server database name: <<ProjectDb>>
I'm using windoes authentication and then i click ok, and get the error message.
I've also see the error message can not find the SQL Server, and access denied. Under ODBC i have installed the sql server information under System DSN.
Any help would be great.
Everett Buel
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Jan 23, 2007
I am facing a issue with bulk upload on Test Server.
Issue: When running Openrowset command from SQL server other that Test Server query runs fine when trying to run the same command from Test Server it gives error.
Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot bulk load because the file "\ServerNameinputFileName.csv" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).
For example: If the command is run from System A connecting to SQL Server instance on Test Server Test Server it gives this error. If the same command with same rights is run from any other SQL server instance say Dev1 its running fine.
If the command is run from Test Server connecting to any SQL Server instance including Test Server it is running fine.
Tried: 1) Given the read/write rights on shared folder, to user under which the SQL server service is running on Test Server
2) Given the read/write rights on shared folder to everyone.
BULK '\ServerNameinputFileName.csv',
AS FileList
Please provide me with some solution. What can be the reason for such behaviour?
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Feb 22, 2007
After installing SQL Server express to my WinXP machine, when I attempt to restore a database from a 2000 backup, I get the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '5(Access is denied.)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLTEST.MDF'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
Any ideas?
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May 19, 2008
I have been for years using the following code locally in native ASP (except different UID and PWD and file path for the msado15.dll) with SQL Server 2000 on XP to do my development and then I upload to the web site later (uses different objConn etc when live). I've now tried to use the same for SQL Server Express and Vista and always get the "does not exist or access denied" error ( 2147467259).
I only want to use SQL Server locally from the machine I'm developing on as I upload the tested "ASP" code to the server which runs it. The SQL Server Browser is running and I have checked the Firewall exclusions for sqlservr.exe. Also I installed it with out Windows Logon (same as I had for SQL Server 2000).
Any ideas, I tried using the Data Source=localhost instead of explicitly defing the path except that had no affect either, I also changed the rshstest_data.mbf to rshstest.mbf as well also to no affect as there appears a difference with this in 2000 and Express?
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks..
<!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib"
FILE="e:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemadomsado15.dll" -->
on Error resume next
Set objConn = Nothing
Dim objConn
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persist Security Info=False;" & _
"User ID=xx;Password=xx;Initial Catalog=rshstest;" & _
"Initial File Name=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData
' "Data Source=localhost;"
Dim strConnect
strConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persist Security Info=False;" & _
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persist Security Info=False;" & _
"User ID=xx;Password=xx;Initial Catalog=rshstest;" & _
"Initial File Name=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData
' "Data Source=localhost;"
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Oct 30, 2007
I cannot get SQL Server 2005 Express installed on a 2003 Small Business Server. I am logged in as an admin.
The error:
Code Block
Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Installing performance counters. The error is: Access is denied.
I have uninstalled all instances of SQL Server. Rebooted server and tried again, but get same error.
Any ideas?
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Jan 14, 2007
When running the following statement in SQL 2005, I get the error message "Access is denied":
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'TYPE \SERVER-BSHAREFILE.TXT'
The following are true about the network:
The SQL Server is installed on SERVER-A.
SERVER-A and SERVER-B are Windows 2003 servers on the same Windows 2003 domain.
The SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services are running under the domain account SQLSERVICE.
SQLSERVICE is a member of the Domain Admins group.
The Domain Admins group is part of the local Administrators group on SERVER-B.
The SQLSERVICE account has also explicitly been given Full Control to the folder referenced by \SERVER-BSHARE
xp_cmdshell use has been enabled on the SQL Server.
If I run the following command in SQL:
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'whoami'the following is returned: DOMAINSQLSERVICE
If I change the command to access the c: drive instead of a network drive, it executes successfully.
Can anyone shed some light on why I still cannot access any of the files in this folder using xp_cmdshell?
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Sep 7, 2007
Hi -
I have an File System Task that copies a file from one directory ot another. When I hard code the target directory (c:dirfile.txt) it works fine. When I change it to a virtual directory (\serverdirfile.txt) I get a security error:
[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Access to the path '\gracehbtest oS2TMM_Live_Title_000002.xml' is denied.".
Where do I change the security settings?
Thanks - Grace
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Jan 3, 2007
I am using a standard installation of SQL 2005 Express installed with Visual C# Express. I have tried several connection strings, have tried connecting different databases, all of which end up giving me access denied for user <machineName>Greg (Greg is the local admin account for this PC. I found this guideline for connectivity questions (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=362498&SiteID=1), and have gone through it all, posting the answers to questions here. One thing that may be different about this machine is that it is a tablet PC (WinXP Tablet edition) and I am running VMWare Server. I also tried loading it on a WinXP Pro workstation with no VMWare, and have gotten the same results. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
My connection string:
@"Server=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=Database1");
Client error message:
Cannot open database "Database1" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'GREGBORGGreg'.
Client is local to the SQL 2005 Express - this is an application running on a local PC.
I am able to ping -a GREGBORG (as well as localhost)
I am able to telnet to port 1433 of my local machine, although Ctrl+[ does not give me an SQL prompt
I am using ADO.NET 2.0 and Visual C# 2005 Express
I have enabled Shared memory, named pipes and TCP/IP.
I have no alias' configured, and am not requiring encryption.
I am using SQL 2005 Express loaded on Windows XP tablet edition.
The SQL browser is not enabled, and it says that it has no enabled devices associated with it.
SQL Server is running under the Network System account
I have tried running it firewalled and not firewalled
I am running Clamwin anti-virus
From the ERRORLOG:
2007-01-03 12:29:56.19 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16.
2007-01-03 12:29:56.19 Logon Login failed for user 'GREGBORGGreg'. [CLIENT:]
From the command prompt I get:
C:Documents and SettingsGreg>osql -E -S (local)sqlexpress
1> use Database1
2> go
Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Server GREGBORGSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Database1'. No entry found
with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
When I try to attach Database1 in my 'My Documents' folder, it says that access is denied to the file.
I added a user via SQL Management Studio Express and then received the error:
C:Documents and SettingsGreg>osql -S gregborgsqlexpress -U Greg -P ********
1> sp_attach_db "Database1", "C:documents and SettingsGregMy DocumentsVisual
Studio 2005Projects est_SQL est_SQLDatabase1.mdf"
2> go
Msg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Server GREGBORGSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Directory lookup for the file "C:documents and SettingsGregMy
DocumentsVisual Studio 2005Projects est_SQL est_SQLDatabase1.mdf" failed
with the operating system error 5(Access is denied.).
1> use northwind
2> go
Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Server GREGBORGSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Database 'Northwind' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient
memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details.
In the ERRORLOG I have:
2007-01-03 12:38:27.25 spid51 Error: 5173, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-01-03 12:38:27.25 spid51 One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupted and should be restored from a backup.
2007-01-03 13:07:16.82 spid51 Using 'xpstar90.dll' version '2005.90.1399' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_instance_regread'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2007-01-03 13:09:24.68 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.
2007-01-03 13:09:24.68 Logon Login failed for user 'Greg'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
2007-01-03 13:09:27.43 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.
2007-01-03 13:09:27.43 Logon Login failed for user 'Greg'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
Again, thank you for any help. I think I may have been staring at this too long to be productive any more...
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Apr 24, 2007
I have installed SQL Express 2005 and I want to create a new DB using sqlcmd.
I am running a command like: sqlcmd -i file.ini (I am logged like Administrator of PC)
the content of the file.ini is:
-- Get the SQL Server data path
DECLARE @data_path nvarchar(256);
SET @data_path = 'c:Program FilesMyTestdatabase'
-- execute the CREATE DATABASE statement
( NAME = DC_dat,
FILENAME = '''+ @data_path + 'DC.mdf'',
SIZE = 10,
( NAME = DC_log,
FILENAME = '''+ @data_path + 'DClog.ldf'',
) ;
I obtain this error:
Msg 1802, Level 16, State 4, Server TESTQ5SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.
Msg 5123, Level 16, State 1, Server TESTQ5SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied.) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'c:Program FilesMyTestdatabaseDC.mdf'.
If I change the security of directory database (I add "modify" permission to Users windows group) the error disappear.
I am logged like Administrator... why is it necessary to change directory permission?
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Aug 9, 2006
I have recently downloaded SQL Server Express which I have installed using Windows authentication mode. I cannot seem to be able to make a connection to SQL Server from Dreamweaver or Microsoft Visual Web Developer as I am getting an error Server does not exist or access is denied....
I am relatively new to all of this, so would appreciate any advice....
When I installed SQL Server Express I chose Windows Authentication. When I fire up SQL Express and view Security option - the installation program has set up an sa login with a random password. I did not set this password, but think this might be a reason why I can't connect. To rectify the problem I tried creating a new user in SQL Server Express with a password that I specified. On going in to check the settings, I notice SQL Server Express has gone and changed it from the password that I set up.
Now when I try and connect to SQL Server Express I specify the following in the connection paramaters
Database The database name that I've created
User: the new user that I created
Password: the password I created as part of new user setup
Now I get error message Server does not exist or access denied
Is the problem to do with passwords or perhaps one of the many parameters one seems to have to set up? How can I change a password if I didn't create it? Is there anywhere I can reset it?
PLEASE HELP - I have literally spent 3 days attempting to get this working and am about to give up entirely. Due to my lack of experience, I need very specific step by step instructions..
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Mar 22, 2006
HI ,
This is a problem I encountered when I had to detach a database file (type .mdf):
1) I went to the MS SQL Management Server Studi and detached my database file successfully from a connection called Workhorse.
2) I needed to place the .mdf database file into a zip file in order to put it on a remote server. I did this using Shared Portal. This was also successful
3) However when I tried reattaching the database file, I got this error:
CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5A(Access denied.) while attempting to open or create the physical file "CProgram FilesMSSQL ServerMSSQLData<databasename>.mdf'
Q) The database file and log file (ldf) exist in the correct directory so I don't know what happened. Can any one help?
Thanks much
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Sep 21, 2006
Hello there,
I recently started having trouble with my local SQL Server 8.0 database server. When I try to start it with Enterprise Manager I get the following error:
An error 5 - (Access is denied) occured while performing this service operation on the MSSQLServer service.
Nothing showed up in the SQL Server error logs. If I try to connect to it using the SQL Server Management Studio that came with SQL Server 2005 I get the following (slightly more informative) message:
Cannot connect to (local) ... (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)
I'm not sure which log to look at in the MSSQL folders: MSSQL.1, MSSQL.2 or MSSQL.3.
Furthermore, if I manually start the MSSQLSERVER service, then I can connect just fine with the SQL Server 2005 Management Studio but still get the weird error message with SQL Server 8.0 Enterprise Manager.
Any ideas?
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Mar 22, 2001
A couple months ago I created a DTS package to use the Bulk Insert task for importing a series of large files from a different server. It worked great until last week. Now, when I try to use the Bulk Insert task in a DTS package, I get the following message, "Could not bulk insert because file "blah.txt" could not be opened. Operating System Error 5 (Access Is denied.) I have checked permissions on the file, the file is valid and the path is correct.
What can I look at to understand what is wrong? How can I fix this?
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Jul 20, 2005
I am posting this message after reading all the previous posts withthe above subject.I have a SQL2K named instance running on a Windows 2K machine underLocal system Account and it uses SQL Server authentication. ThisServer is on a domain by itself. Let us call this M1.I am connecting to this server from an XP machine usinng EnterpriseManager. Let us call this machine M2.Since the client and server are on differentt domains when I useServer Manager on M2 to start/stop my M1's SQL Server, SQL ServerAgent etc, I am getting this error message -"Access Denied (Error 5)When starting SQL Server Service"?What user detailed are passed from M2 to M1 that I am getting thiserror? What is the best way to use server manager on M2 to control M1?Also how to know the status of a SQL server Agent from a cleint EM.
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Nov 19, 2007
I'm trying to solve this error from so many days and not able to get any solution till now, pls help on this.
My reports are working fine after being deployed on Windows 2003 Server with SQL Standard Edition. But on 2 sites, I'm using SQL Express Edition with Advanced Services on Win XP Pro machine.
This is a C# Applicaiton, using reportviewer control and getting reports from reportserver. I'm using following code before the report is refreshed to set credentials.
These machines are not on domain and using common workgroup. I have created a account with admin rights on these machines, which is being passed to reportviewer control.
NetworkCredentials = new NetworkCredential("MyUser", "MyPass", WorkGroupName);
I have tried everything on this, including the giving additional rights to Aspnet account, adding it as login etc. etc. but nothing seems to work.
Can somebody pls help on this.
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May 7, 2007
Hi ,
I am getting access denied error when tried to import or export data from another machine. ( right click on database in management studio , select tasks , select import or export) i was getting that error in the second screen of the wizard which asks to select the source system to copy from. Previously in this process i got error while sql initialization which comes after selecting source ,destination system and database tables selcetion. i have searched the net for the sollutoin and got a sollution mentioning to install the sql service pack 1. while installing i kept my server running , in the middle of installation what happend is a message box is diaplayed saying something and showed three options cancel,continue and try again. i mistakenly clicked on continue without stopping the server. after successfull installation of service pack i once again tried to import data from other system. the above mentioned error is giving in the second screen of the wizard at the place where to select the source system. i tried to system restore but updates of service pack does not reflected. hoping that some one may solve my problem.
this is the message
General access denied error
Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ApplicationClass.get_DBProviderInfos()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsWizard.DTSWizard.GetDtsDbProviderInfos(WizardInputs wizardInputs)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsWizard.DataSourceCombo.PopulateProviders(Boolean fSources, WizardInputs wizardInputs)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsWizard.Step1.OnInitializePage(EventArgs e)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.WizardPage.RaiseEnterPage()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.WizardForm.NextPage(WizardPage nextPage)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.WizardForm.Next_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
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May 5, 1999
I have created a stored procedure that dumps the database from
server 'A' and copies the dump file to server 'B'. I get 'ACCESS'
DENIED' error in the following portion when it shells out to DOS:
SELECT @CmdStr = 'COPY ' + RTrim(@PrimaryCopyDev) + RTrim(@DBDevice) + '.dat ' + RTrim(@SecondaryCopyDev) + RTrim(@DBDevice) + '.dat'
EXEC@result = Master..xp_cmdshell @CmdStr
Can anyone tell me what is wrong? Thanks in advance.
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Apr 6, 2004
I am pretty new to MS SQL Server ....
I have installed SQL Server Enterprise Manager Version 8.0. I am getting the following error while try to create a new DTS Package.
"DTS designer Error .... Access Denied"
getting the DTS packge design window but there is no TASK icon visible
either in the tool bar or menu.....
Enterprise Manager Version 8.0
OS : Windows XP pro with SP1
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Jul 20, 2005
Yesterday afternoon I lost access to my local MSDE 2000 sp3(a?)instance. Usinig NT or SQL authentication I get an 'access denied'error when I try to connect. This happened suddenly with no changesto the server on my part. I've tinkered with the Client NetworkUtility settings, from Multiprotocol only, every combination of Multiprotocol, TCP/IP, and named pipes. I've tried connecting with mynetwork machine name, using (local), and using my IP address (both127.0.0.1 and my network IP). I've tried connecting from QueryAnalyzer on other computers. Of course I've rebooted as well, all tono avail.I know that there were network changes being made, but my domain login(which I normally use to connec to my SQL Server as a sysadmin) isstill in the local administrators group on my machine and I haven'tnoticed any problems accessing anything else.Any ideas?
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Feb 11, 2008
I have created a package that works just fine from my desktop. I am now testing it by deploying it to the server. The task was imported into the "File System" store. I connected to the SQL Server, from my desktop, with SSMS. I right clicked the package and selected "Execute" If I just validate the task, it validates without errors. When I go to run the task I get a "Access to the path is denied" error at the start of the first file system task. I am sure it is a permission issue. Based on the info from another thread in the forum:
"Security to network shares is dependent on the user who is running the package. If you are running it yourself, make sure you have permissions to the share. If you are running it from SQL Agent, you might need to use a proxy account (search for SQL Agent Proxy in Books Online) to access it."
I have some questions:
1. When I select "execute" what account is SQL Server using for permissions for accessing network folders? Is it mine, SQL Server Agent, something else? If it is my account, why would I get an "Access to the path is denied" error?
2. I don't understand how to use a proxy account, or even if I need one. I assume that when I set the task for scheduling I'll need one. I read the BOL pages, but I'm still confused as to what I need to set up.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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Feb 24, 2006
I am getting an error when trying to access SSIS packages stored in the MSDB section. File access works, but I get an Access Denied error with the MSDB access. I've tried through the SQL Server Management Studio on the server and on a remote workstation. I've logged on with multiple users; to no avail. Has anyone encountered and solved this problem yet? I've noticed several posts that appear to be similar, but there are no resolutions that work for me.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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Sep 17, 2007
I'm trying to connect to my local database running on SqlServerExpress. I'm able to connect to it from SQL Server Studio. I'm also able to create a data connection to the database from VS.NET 2005 using server explorer. However, when I try to pull some data from my code, I get the "SQL Server does not exist or access denied." error.
Here's my code:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="true" DataSourceID="SqlDatasource1" /><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDatasource1" runat="server" SelectCommand="select * from tStates" ProviderName="System.Data.OleDb" ConnectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=.SQLSERVEREXPRESS;database=TestaDB;uid=sa;pwd=SAPassword" />
I'd appreciate some help on this.
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Nov 15, 2003
Hi guys,
I just installed WebMatrix and MSDE (downloaded from www.asp.net), and I have set MSDE to use SQL authentication. I have granted user ASPNET read/write previlege and added it to the MSDE user's table. When I tried the following code, it gives me this error: "SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script runat="server">
void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// TODO: Update the ConnectionString and CommandText values for your application
string ConnectionString = "server=(local)/BERKELEY;database=emonopoly;Trusted_Connection=yes";
string CommandText = "select * from test";
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(CommandText, myConnection);
DataGrid1.DataSource = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
<body style="FONT-FAMILY: arial">
<h2>Simple Data Report
<hr size="1" />
<form runat="server">
<asp:datagrid id="DataGrid1" runat="server" CellSpacing="1" GridLines="None" CellPadding="3" BackColor="White" ForeColor="Black" EnableViewState="False">
<HeaderStyle font-bold="True" forecolor="white" backcolor="#4A3C8C"></HeaderStyle>
<ItemStyle backcolor="#DEDFDE"></ItemStyle>
I turned on the debug option, and the exact output is this:
Server Error in '/' Application.
SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Source Error:
Line 13: SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(CommandText, myConnection);
Line 14:
Line 15: myConnection.Open();
Line 16:
Line 17: DataGrid1.DataSource = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
Source File: D:PersonalProjectsMS.NeteMonopolysourcedatareport.aspx Line: 15
Stack Trace:
[SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) +474
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) +311
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +383
ASP.datareport_aspx.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:PersonalProjectsMS.NeteMonopolysourcedatareport.aspx:15
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +55
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +27
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573
The strange thing is I'm able to connect to the MSDE database from the DATA window on the right hand side of the WebMatrix design window. Will somebody give me a hand?
And yes, I did make sure the MSDE is running.
Thanks alot
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Jul 4, 2005
I have re-installed Visual Studio and SQL Server and now i am getting this error for all applications i try to runError:"
SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace:
[SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) +474
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) +372
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +384
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen(IDbConnection connection, ConnectionState& originalState) +44
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromCommand(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +304
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +77
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) +36
ResNet2.top_animals.BindGrid() +64
ResNet2.top_animals.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +525
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731
"any suggestions?
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Oct 4, 2005
I'm trying to create to set up connection between my web application on the server and
the database on another box and getting "SQL Server does not exist or access denied" error.
Both the web server and the database machine are Windows 2003 Server, there's no firewall
enabled, there's mixed authentication enabled on the sql server. The machines are not on the
same domain so I'm using SQL Server authentication from web.config. Here's my connection string:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Server=sqlboxip;User id=sqlaccountname;Pwd=sqlpass;Initial catalog=dbname">
I've also got <identity impersonate="true"> set in web.config.
Had it the connection working at some stage but then with more tweaking and app reinstall
back square one... Please help!</identity></add>
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Dec 27, 2007
I'm trying to export excel data to a SQL Server database as:
'Excel 12.0;Database=D:DATA_SOURCEData2.xlsx', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$');
I get errors:
Error Message: The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. Access denied.
Is there any reason for this error message? Thanks.
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Apr 25, 2007
I guess I messed up somehow, but I am not sure how to fix this.
On Vista, with SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition, I created a 6GB database and loaded it up with data. I then decided that I wanted to burn a copy of the files, so I detached (no problem.) But when I wanted to copy the physical MDF and LOG file to another folder. Vista said I did not have access to the folder, but if I hit continue, no problem--it would correct the situation. I did. I copied the files (no problem), but now when I go to reattach to the MDF (that is still in the Data folder), I get a "CREATE FILE encountered operating system 5 (Access is denied)" error. I checked permissions and SQL Server has full rights. I am the only user on the system (Admin), and the files do not appear to have anything weird set (read only, advanced permissions, etc.)
What did I do wrong? And how do I fix this? Oh the joys of advanced Vista security features Even the admin is locked out now.
Thank you for your help!
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Oct 18, 2006
Hi, my name is Beatriz and I'm another victim of the 0x80070005 from
Hell. I'm running WBEMTEST from a PC to connect to another one with WXP
SP2 and even:
1. The firewall is down.
2. Applied the commands:
netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable
netsh firewall add portopening protocol=tcp port=135 name=DCOM_TCP135
3. Did the workaround suggested in:
4. Ran the workaround in: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/884573
5. Added the account I use to access by Wbemtest with to the Default
Lauch Permissions with Full Control.
6. Checked up the registry
were set to 0.
I keep not being able to connect, and receving 0x80070005, what I'm
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Jun 1, 2006
I have tried the upsize wizard from access 2000 and access 2003 and get records transfer in 90% of the tables I have data stored an 89 meg MS access database (2003) on an XP machine. I can use, compact and copy etc in MS Access without problem.
With the upsize, I get No errors, just does not reliably move ALL data. I have run it multiple times and occasionally get some data in these tables, but never all data in a few tables and inconsistent.
So I have written code to copy the data from the access database and move it field by field into an Upsized database that was structure only, no data.
I have ONLY one Identity field (autonumber in MS access) that is the Key Relationship number to all other tables.
1 questions and one "bug" report need solutions to both.
Question: How can I copy the value from the MS access autonumber field to the identity field. (Some of the autonumber rows have been deleted so not always sequentiall) (I can do this moving data in code between to MS access databases that have autonumber fields)
I tied an elaborate write around to addNEW and then read the data in the newly created row. Reading the Identity field, I look up that number in the MS access database. Then I copy the ACCESS data to the Newly created table row in SQL Exress and update.
It works fine for about 30 record updates, then the Identify field stops giving me the correct sequence for the Identity field value. Makes it impossible to make sure all of my Access rows get copied. Tried transactions but not supported with the ADODB configuration, but doubt that would help.
Example data returned in the SQL Express recordset, when I read the Identify field back I get
1,2,3 etc 31, 33, 32 (out of sequence) then it (my code) can't figure out the out of sequence and end up with the next identity value at 41.
The only info I found was that it could be a cursorlocation problem, what do you recommend?
?Is there a way in code to change the identity field to string, then copy the data and change back to identity field again?
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Sep 16, 2006
Hello All,I have a webservice uses a vb.net component that accesses thrid party dll to connect to a sqlserver dbase, username,dbase name ,server and password are passed to the third party dll for login purpose.This works fine in development evironment when pda client calls webservice, A soap error is thrown to the client "sqlserver does not exist or access denied" when the client calls the deployed webservice. I have tried the following 1. Added ASPNet user to the database 2.Added domian user to the database both has public and dbowner rightsCan any one help??[:'(]Thanks Regards
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Nov 24, 2007
I copied my .mdf database from a file and pasted it into the visual studio project App_Data folder.I can see the tables and the columns etc when creating my TableAdapter, and create my sql query etc, but then when I hit the finish button, I get this error "an Unexpected Error has OccuredError Message: Access Denied". Anyone know why I can't create my TableAdapter?
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Jun 9, 2005
I have set up an MSDE SQL Server in my Win XP Pro PC and am able to connect to it on the host PC, and over my LAN. However, when I try to connect to it over the Internet my connection is refused with the following message:SQL server does not exist or access denied. ConnectionOpen (Connect())Some background:I have router/NAT firewall and have opened port 1433 (I have even tried a DMZ to the SQL Server machine). The Router is definitely going to the SQL Server PC! I am fairly certain that the connection string is correct.Any help would be most gratefully received.
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