When trying to register SQLExpress, I get to the registration page, enter all required information but keep getting error that my email must be entered. It is entered. It is a valid MS Passport ID. I would like to register. What can I do to get past this apparently invalid validation?
I noticed that Microsoft gives license to redistribute SQL Server Express as part of an application (though we have to register for this - http://www.microsoft.com/sql/editions/express/howtobuy.mspx).
So we would like to take advantage of this, and redistribute SQL Server Express 2005 as part of our WinForms application (using the method described http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlexpress/archive/2006/09/20/763956.aspx or http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsse/html/emsqlexcustapp.asp)
My Question is: If we perform a silent install on the client machine (included with the installation of our application), are our end-users required to register Sql Server Express in order to use it? From this page (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/register/) it appears that in order to use an Express version for longer than 30 days, one is required to register it. However, requiring our clients to register their version of Express kind of defeats the purpose of our using Express as our database format. We need a database that we can distribute with our application, that the end-users can use without having to register.
So is the redistribution license enough (in order that the end-users do not have to register their individual copies)? Or will the end-users also have to register their copies (in which case we probably cannot use SQL Express)?
New to 2000, I used EM to register the SQL server and the name is in the format of Server nameSQL Server Name. In SQL Sever 7.0 I always had one name which is my preference. How do I do this. I also am having trouble using a ODBC connection and connecting to SQL Sever from EM from other computers. I am wondering if the problem is the name format?
I have a database that runs sql 7. Most of our workstations are running on a windows 98 platform, however, a few are running windows 2000. I am trying to set up a new sql registration in enterprise manager, but the connection is failing. All of the 98 machines are logging in with a sql user name, but I was told to log the 2000 machine as a NT server. If you can understand what my problem is, could you please advise me? thanks :confused:
Our current production DBs are on windows 2000 and SQL Server 2000. We just installed SQL Server on new windows 2003 server. We need to copy the DB on to this new server. When I tried to register the new server, I am getting the error message as server does not exists or access denied.
Could some one please assist on this why I am getting this error and how to solve this.
I have a client that is running SQL 2005 Standard edition and they purchased 10 more Cal's, do I have to enter new registration keys, and if so where do you enter them?
Hi: My pc is windows 2003 server and I have installed SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS. From Management Studio I made a New Server Registration with Windows Authentication. I can't run the new server, its icon appears with a white dot (instead of green when a server is running or red when the server is stopped) I go to server properties and click the "Test" button and I get the next message error: Testing the registered server failed. Verify the server name, credentials, an database, an then click Test again. An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server) what could be wrong? How can I run the server? Thanks!
hi, when we go for a new sql server registration, then there are two authentication modes i.e either through windows authentication or through sql server authentication. May anyone please tell me the default password for the windows authentication mode for user "sa". Thanks & Regards, Sitangshu Roy
i need to know how can i register my SQL server with WEb based SQL server i have the address MSSQL2.MINUTESUAE.COM now how can i register my SQL Server with them. when i m going to conect with this server it register but after that Database not show it take to much time.
I'm attempting to register a new sql server through the enterprise manager and recieving the following error message: login incorrect, userid not found.
I'm using the sql server wizard to register and selecting the sql server login information as the authentication mode. The login name and password is a valid account on the Windows NT server when i view the domain information.
I was trying to register a new server. When I start the new ser. registration wizzard I've selected a pc with the MSDE installed and when I entered all the correct passwords it doesn't register. Both pc's are the domain administrators.
I tried with windows authent. too and still the same. To be onest I was playing with this for about 2 days ;(
Both PC's are runnoing windows xp pro. I did hoewer manage to connect to the MSDE on the windows 2000 server.
For years I've had a server registration using sql server auth set up...now it's failing...can't be found not suthed BS...
I can still see mu other boxes in sql mode, and otyhers in mixed, and I can still see my remote boxes in Ireland and Pennysylvania...we're in NJ..
The person next to me does the same thing, had to reboot, but was fine.
I get ice in the winter...
bizzare-o world.
Any ideas?
Never seen anything like it...
I do know that our tech group has been doing some pushes lately...but I checked my settings and they seem fine..but why would I be able to see everything else but this one instance?
Dear All, i've sql server 2005 server in my system. and sql 2000 client is also there. now my problem is i was unable to register my server in sql server 2000. but i was able to work with query analyser. is there any way to register 2005 server ?
thank you very much
Vinod Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
I am trying for the first time to learn what to do and how to use SQLServer. I am following instructions in Books on Line to make a New Server Registration. The instructions read as follows:
Connecting to Servers
The toolbar of the Registered Servers component has buttons for the Database Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, SQL Server Mobile, and Integration Services. You can register any of these server types for convenient management. Try this exercise to register the AdventureWorks database.
To register the AdventureWorks database
On the Registered Servers toolbar, click Database Engine if necessary. (It may already be selected.)
Right-click Database Engine, point to New, and then click Server Registration. The New Server Registration dialog box opens.
In the Server name text box, type the name of your SQL Server instance.
In the Registered server name box, type AdventureWorks.
On the Connection Properties tab, in the Connect to database list, select AdventureWorks, and then click Save.
I did steps 1 and 2 --- no problem. At step 3, for server name I typed MARKSDESKTOPSQLEXPRESS
At step 4 I typed: Adventureworks
At step 5 I went to Connection Properties and at the "Connect to database drop down box there were 2 choices: <default> or <browse server> (not Adventureworks). If I click on browse server, The browse server for Database window pops up but Adventureworks is not listed there either.
I did a search on my C drive and there are lots of Adventureworks files present so I must have downloaded the database OK.
Does anyone know where I go from here to connect to the Adventureworks database so I can continue with this tutorial?
Hi all. I'm trying to connect with ADOCE 3.1 to a sdf file (SQLCE v 3.5). I'm not able to open the connection because I think that sqlceoledb is non registered correctily or at all. I read some post saying that it should be registered via regsvrce (for CE 5.0 in my case). This tool is avilable in evC 4.0..I found, but I don't have it. Is there any other way to achieve this or a place where to find the correct regsvrce(I found prevoius versions that don't work). Where are informations stored in the registry (I mean which keys)
Below the code I use:
Dim cn as Object Dim rs as Object
Set cn = CreateObject("ADOCE.Connection.3.1")
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=Flashdisk est est.sdf"
Set rs = CreateObject("ADOCE.Recordset.3.1")
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM TestTable",cn,3,3 ...... Thanks for any help
I purchased a SQLServer 2005 Workgroup Edition....My IT guy installed, but not sure if registration went through...As it turns out, this expensive software is NOT the right thing for my computer needs...so I am wondering...
1. Can ANYONE tell me how to check if the product key registration went through and was rec'd by Microsoft?
2. Can anyone ALSO tell me how I might be able to unregister this product key if it did, so that I can return the product, which has NEVER been used!
I've been looking and looking for answers -and not finding any! Anyone?
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express ------------------------------
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 41 - Cannot open a Shared Memory connection to a remote SQL server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 87)
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=87&LinkId=20476
------------------------------ BUTTONS:
OK ------------------------------
TITLE: Browse Server for Database ------------------------------
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=53&LinkId=20476
------------------------------ BUTTONS:
OK ------------------------------
ABove is the error msg. Anybody any suggesstion. I'm newbie in SQL Server. This happen when i follow the tutorial for server registration at Server Management Studio.
'To register the AdventureWorks database'
I had enable all the protocol. I'm using win XP Sp2.
have a standalone machine with SQL Server 7 installed....service is up and running but am having trouble registering the server in the Enterprise Manager.....
error message:
A connection could not be established to MACHINENAME - Client unable to establish connection ConnectionOpen (CreateFile()).. Please verify SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties (by right-clicking on the MACHINENAME node) and try again
have tried both nt security and the sa account but always get same message
I hv 'SQL 2k' working on W2k. Initially the server name was 'GENOMESQL2000'. Today I hv changed the server name(sp_dropserver 'genomesql2000') to 'genomesql2k' by using the command sp_addserver 'genomesql2k',local.
After that I hv stopped the service and restarted the server, the server name was changed to 'genomesql2k'.
When I went and saw the SQL Server Group in the Enterprise Manager still the old name 'genomesql2000' exists. I hv refreshed the server it is showing the old name.
Now I got a doubt that this name is different from the server name or it should match the servername with the 'select @@servername'.
I'm not sure what the Admin installed on my Windows 98 computer; and he is on vacation. I tried registering a server, but I get the following error message: SQL Server registration failed because of the connection failure. General network error. ConnetionOpen (connect()). I checked the utilities and the default network library is TCP/IP. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Samantha
The log file shows the following:
10:55:00 Begin Setup 10:55:00 7.00.623 10:55:00 Mode=Normal 10:55:00 ModeType=NORMAL 10:55:01 ValueFTS returned: 1 10:55:01 ValuePID returned: 1 10:55:01 ValueLic returned: 1 10:55:01 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0xf000000 10:55:01 System: Windows 98 10:55:01 SQL Server ProductType: Developer Edition [0x2] 10:55:01 Begin Action: SetupInitialize 10:55:01 End Action SetupInitialize 10:55:02 Fixed install: 0 10:55:02 Begin Action: CheckRequirements 10:55:02 Platform ID: 0xf0000 10:55:02 Version: 4.10.67766446 10:55:02 DCOM95 has been detected. 10:55:02 File Version - C:WINDOWSSYSTEMshdocvw.dll: 5.0.2919.6307 10:55:02 ComputerName: Samantha 10:55:02 User Name: Samantha 10:55:02 Domain: Samantha 10:55:02 OS Language: 0x409 10:55:02 End Action CheckRequirements 10:55:02 Begin Action: Detection 10:55:02 End Action Detection 10:55:02 Begin Action: ODBCLocked 10:55:02 C:WINDOWSTEMP\_ISTMP0.DIRodbcinst.exe -IsLocked -Silent 1 -SourceDir F:X86ODBC -LogFile C:WINDOWSsqlodbci.log 10:55:03 Process Exit Code: (0) 10:55:03 End Action ODBCLocked 10:55:03 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a client install only. 10:55:20 The Developer Edition server component cannot be installed on Windows 98 using this CD. Only client components will be available for installation.
10:55:20 Reading SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionCommonFilesD ir ... 10:55:20 CommonFilesDir=C:Program FilesCommon Files 10:55:20 Windows Directory=C:WINDOWS10:55:20 Begin Action: ShowDialogs 10:55:20 Begin Action: DialogShowSdWelcome 10:55:21 End Action DialogShowSdWelcome 10:55:21 Begin Action: DialogShowSdLicense 10:55:23 End Action DialogShowSdLicense 10:55:23 Begin Action: DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx 10:55:24 End Action DialogShowSdRegisterUserEx 10:55:24 Begin Action: DialogShowCdKey 10:55:24 End Action DialogShowCdKey 10:55:24 Begin Action: DialogShowPID 10:55:24 End Action DialogShowPID 10:55:24 Begin Action: DialogShowSdSetupType 10:55:29 [SetupTypeSQL] 10:55:29 szDir=C:MSSQL7 10:55:29 Result=303 10:55:29 szDataDir=C:MSSQL7 10:55:29 End Action DialogShowSdSetupType 10:55:29 Begin Action: DialogShowSdComponentMult 10:55:29 basesys=0, baseinst=0,basedata=0 10:55:48 SQL program folder: C:MSSQL7 10:55:48 SQL data folder: C:MSSQL7 10:55:48 Windows system folder: C:WINDOWSSYSTEM10:55:48 Prog req: 46703, Data req: 0, Sys req: 58434 10:55:48 Prog avail: 2147155, Data avail: 2147155, Sys avail: 2147155 10:55:48 Prog req vs. avail, 105137, 2147155 10:55:48 Data req vs. avail, 0, 2147155 10:55:48 Sys req vs. avail, 58434, 2147155 10:55:48 DisplaySystemPreReq 10:55:48 [SQLComponentMult] 10:55:48 Component= 10:55:48 Result=1 10:55:48 End Action DialogShowSdComponentMult 10:55:48 Begin Action: DialogShowSdStartCopy 10:55:49 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy 10:55:49 Begin Action: DlgCPLLicense 10:55:49 End Action DlgCPLLicense 10:55:49 End Action ShowDialogs 10:55:49 Begin Action ProcessBeforeDataMove: 10:55:49 DeinstallStart returned (C:MSSQL7): 0 10:55:49 End Action ProcessBeforeDataMove: 10:55:49 Begin Action ProcessComponentSelection: 10:55:49 End Action ProcessComponentSelection 10:55:49 Begin Action LogSelectedComponents: 10:55:49 MgtTool 10:55:49 MgtToolSEM 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMHTML 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMMSD98 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMMSD98SYS 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMMSD98Res 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMMSD98Hlp 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMHelp 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMSEMSys 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMRes1033 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMResIntl 10:55:49 MgtToolSEMMSD98RsI 10:55:49 MgtToolProfiler 10:55:49 MgtToolProfilerHelp 10:55:49 MgtToolProfilerRes1033 10:55:49 MgtToolProfilerResIntl 10:55:49 MgtToolQryanlz 10:55:49 MgtToolQryanlzHelp 10:55:49 MgtToolQryanlzRes1033 10:55:49 MgtToolQryanlzResIntl 10:55:49 MgtToolDTCCLi 10:55:49 MgtToolWzcnflct 10:55:49 MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnsys 10:55:49 MgtToolWzcnflctWzcnHlp 10:55:49 MgtToolUtilSys 10:55:49 MgtToolUtilBinn 10:55:49 Connect 10:55:49 ConnectConnSys 10:55:49 ConnectConn9x 10:55:49 ConnectConnNT 10:55:49 Books 10:55:49 BooksBookso 10:55:49 BooksBooksCD 10:55:49 DevTools 10:55:49 DevToolsHeaders and Libraries 10:55:49 DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesInclude 10:55:49 DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibx86 10:55:49 DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesLibAlpha 10:55:49 DevToolsHeaders and LibrariesESQLC 10:55:49 DevToolsMDAC SDK 10:55:49 DevToolsVDI 10:55:49 DevToolsVDIInc 10:55:49 DevToolsVDISamples 10:55:49 DevToolsDbg Int 10:55:49 DevToolsDbg IntDbg Int Common 10:55:49 DevToolsDbg IntEXE 10:55:49 Samples 10:55:49 SamplesADO 10:55:49 SamplesDBLIB 10:55:49 SamplesDTS 10:55:49 SamplesESQLC 10:55:49 SamplesMSDTC 10:55:49 SamplesODBC 10:55:49 SamplesODS 10:55:49 SamplesOLEAut 10:55:49 SamplesRepl 10:55:49 SamplesSQLDMO 10:55:49 SamplesSQLNS 10:55:49 Core 10:55:49 CoreSys 10:55:49 ODBC 10:55:49 OLEDB 10:55:49 Repostry 10:55:49 RepstSys 10:55:49 CoreMisc 10:55:49 Monarch 10:55:49 Jet 10:55:49 NetCore 10:55:49 NetExt 10:55:49 SFExt 10:55:49 ReplExt 10:55:49 Core1033 10:55:49 CoreIntl 10:55:49 CrMi1033 10:55:49 CrMiIntl 10:55:49 Monr1033 10:55:49 MonrIntl 10:55:49 SFEx1033 10:55:49 SFExIntl 10:55:49 RpEx1033 10:55:49 RpExIntl 10:55:49 SysCore 10:55:49 VOLEDB 10:55:49 VODBC 10:55:49 MiscCore 10:55:49 MCHlp 10:55:49 MC1033 10:55:49 MCIntl 10:55:49 CnctBinn 10:55:49 CrRepCom 10:55:49 {E07FDDC8-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434} 10:55:49 {E07FDDBE-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434} 10:55:49 {E07FDDC7-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434} 10:55:49 {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434} 10:55:49 End Action LogSelectedComponents 10:55:49 Begin Action MoveFileData: 10:56:31 End Action MoveFileData 10:56:31 Begin Action ProcessAfterDataMove: 10:56:31 DeinstallSetReference (C:MSSQL7sqlservr.exe) returned: 0 10:56:31 End Action ProcessAfterDataMove 10:56:31 Begin Action InstallPkgs: 10:56:31 Setup is installing Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) ... 10:56:31 F:x86Othermdac_typ.exe /q:a /c:"setup.exe /qtn" 10:56:59 Process Exit Code: (3010) 10:56:59 Setup is installing Microsoft Management Console (MMC) ... 10:56:59 F:x86Otherinstmmc.exe /Q 10:57:20 Process Exit Code: (0) 10:57:20 Setup is installing Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) ... 10:57:20 F:x86Otherdtcsetup.exe /q:a /r:n 10:57:22 Process Exit Code: (0) 10:57:22 Setup is installing HTML Help ... 10:57:24 HTML Help installer exit code: 0 10:57:24 End Action InstallPkgs 10:57:24 SetNewPath returned: 3010 10:57:24 Path successfully updated. 10:57:24 Begin Action SelfRegister 10:57:30 Return code: 0 10:57:30 End Action SelfRegister 10:57:30 Begin Action SetupRegistry: 10:57:30 End Action SetupRegistry 10:57:30 Begin Action PostSetupRegistry: 10:57:30 C:MSSQL7BINNdcomscm.exe /RegServer 10:57:30 Process Exit Code: (0) 10:57:30 C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1MICROS~1SQLDEB~1sqldbreg.exe -RegServer 10:57:30 Process Exit Code: (-2147312566) Error loading type library/DLL.
I recently just changed my server's IP address. Now I can't access my named server in the Enterprise Manager. I can get to the server using the (LOCAL) name but not the machine name. Any pointers on how to fix this problem? Thanks!
I had 50+ servers that are to be registered under 10 Groups. My Sr.DBA dumped all registered servers from his registry to a shared location as with file name as Servers.reg. I clicked this file and added to to the Registry.
But the problem is when I opened the Enterprise manager i could see only the group names but the servers are missing???
Some one please help me in this ... How can we add all the Servers to my registry.
One of my developers is trying to register a SQLServer server (Win 2000, SQL 2000) using Enterprise Manager. He receives the message below;
A connection could not be established to sever_name. Reason: "EXECUTE permission denied on objedt 'sp_MSSQLDMO80_version'.
His login is in an NT group and I added the login the way I've always done. I even tried adding his login alone. No luck. He can register other servers, just not this one. He can connect and run queries on this server using Query Analyzer without issue.
I tried granting explicit execute rights to the sp but the error pops up again but on a different sp this time.
This is not my server and is under the direct control of another dba and IT group. I spoke with them and they were clueless about any security setup/configuration that may have been done.
I have 65 servers registered in SQL Server 7.0 that I can see in Enterprise Manager. When I load the desktop client for 2000 I lose all the registered servers, and I have to register them all again.
I am about to write my registration confirmation tables. Right now I have my registration form and table "Users" that receives input from user registration.
I want to do email confirmation of a registered account. I was thinking of doing this by creating a table "Verify" that is set to 0 if not verified and 1 if the user verifies his email address.
Then I started thinking about the original registration information. If a user "doesn't" verify, then there is all this dormant data in the "Users" database. So, maybe it is better to write all the registration data to the "Verify" table and then have SQL move that data to the "Users" table upon verification? This sounds a bit sloppy to me... is this how the email verification of data is done or, if not, can somebody suggest a best practice?
I have installed Sql Server 2000 evaluation copy on Windows XP, which I use to monitor other sql server 2000 installations (on Windows 2000) through Enterprise manager version 8.
What has been noticed is that if you try and set up a backup job through enterprise manager you do not get the option to remove inactive transaction log entries (yes the database's use full recovery models). Also if you select the verify backup option, it is not included within the job.
This is the same if you try the above on the local instance. This is not a problem as you can use the server installations, but what I am wondering is:
1. Has anyone come across this before? 2. Is it sql server 2000 on XP? 3. Is it the evaluation copy that is causing the problem? 4. Is it none of the above but indeed a far more complex reason which will mess with my head?
As always your help / knowledge is very much appreciated.
I have 3 SQL Servers running here. Here are their configurations:
SERVER 1: OS: Windows 2000 SP 4 SQL: SQL Server 2000 SP 4
SERVER 2: OS: Windows 2000 SP 4 SQL: SQL Server 2000 SP 4
SERVER 3: OS: Windows XP Professionnal SQL: SQL Server 2000 SP 3
Now, as you can see, SERVER 1 and SERVER 2 have identical configurations. Plus, both will accept Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication.
If I try to add a new Registration from SERVER 3 to SERVER 1, it works fine but from SERVER 3 to SERVER 2 it doesn't. I always get an error (SQL Server does not exist or access denied). But, using the exact same user name and password, a connection can be established from SERVER 1 to SERVER 2 and vice-versa. Only when trying to connect froms SERVER 3 to SERVER 2 fails.
recently i have intsalled sql server on my system . and tried to set the sql server authentication, but its giving me an error,all the time i.e not allowing me to register and it says, "not connected to the right server." or sql server is not found.
can any one help me out ASAP with this.that is show me how to register the sql server exactly and set the user name and password for the sql server.Thnaks.