SQL Express Cannot Co-exist With SQL 2000?

Jan 30, 2008

Here is my problem and proposed solution.
If someone knows how to to configure 2003 server to support 2005 Exress and SQL 2000, then do tell.

Problem: Cannot access SQL Express database because SQL 2000 processes have a lock on the MDF file.

Details: The particular database is used by an application we sell, and I have no idea why SQL 2000 would want to put a lock on SQL Express DB,but it does. I found that stopping the sql 2000 services and restarting the Express services resolves the problem.

Solution: (let me know if there is a better one)
I will tell customers to run the following .bat file (or will have the applicaiton automatically do this at startup):

net stop "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)"
net stop "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" /y
net stop "SQL Server FullText Search (MSSQLSERVER)"
net stop "SQL Server Reporting Services (SQLEXPRESS)"
net stop "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)"
net start "SQL Server Reporting Services (SQLEXPRESS)"
net start "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)"

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Can 6.5, 7.0 And 2000 All Co-exist On Same Machine ?

Jul 20, 2005

I'm currently running SQL Server 6.5 and 7.0 together on the samemachine (i.e. switchable using the program switcher). Does anyoneknow if i can install SQL Server 2000 to run alongside both of these?Thanks in anticipation.Rob

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Co-exist Of SQL 2000 And 2005

May 12, 2006

Dear all,

I have SQL 2000 Enterprise mgr and Query Analyzer in my desktop, and I install SQL2005 Express Edition + Mgm Studio today, however, my SQL 2000 Enterprise mgr disappear and all my registered servers disappear too when I open up the SQL 2005 Mgm Studio. Is it mean that I no longer able to use SQL 2000?? How can I rollback the installation of SQL 2005 because I still have to use Enterprise mgr to manage my existing database and clients. (Yes, I give up SQL 2005 now)


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Can SQL Server 2005 And Express Edition Co-exist?

Dec 28, 2006

I just started getting into C# programming, and downloaded the express version for work and at home. At home, I also installed SQL Server 2005 Express, but not at work, since I already have the full version installed. Unfortunately, Visual Studio Express won't recognize the full version of SQL Server, and I was wondering if there would be any problems installing both the full and express versions side by side. As this is my work computer, I don't want to risk it unless I know it's safe. Thanks for any help.

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Can Sql 2000 And Sql 2005 Exist On Same Server?

Jun 14, 2007

My instructions are to install Sql 2005 on server BIGPETE2. I found that there was already an installation of Sql 2000, with databases that I was quite sure should remain as SQL 2000.

According to info I found on the internet, it should be possible to have separate instances of 2000 and 2005, so I went ahead and tried to install, giving the 2005 version a different name, BIGPETE2005. It didn't hit me with any error messages, but neither did it install a different database server. When I was finished, I was able to open Management Studio, but the only database server it could find to open was BIGPETE2, which is not what I wanted.

Enterprise Manager still works, and the mdf dates haven't updated, so I'm guessing the data is still safe, but I need both servers up and running.

Okay, I just read through the installation report, and I saw this:

Service pack requirement check:

Your upgrade is blocked because of service pack requirements. To proceed, apply the required service pack and then rerun SQL Server Setup. For more information about upgrade support, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

1. What service pack is it asking for?

2. And doesn't that imply that it's upgrading my Sql 2000 installation instead of installing a new instance of Sql 2005?

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Can't Make A Connection To SQL Express As Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied...

Aug 9, 2006


I have recently downloaded SQL Server Express which I have installed using Windows authentication mode. I cannot seem to be able to make a connection to SQL Server from Dreamweaver or Microsoft Visual Web Developer as I am getting an error Server does not exist or access is denied....

I am relatively new to all of this, so would appreciate any advice....

When I installed SQL Server Express I chose Windows Authentication. When I fire up SQL Express and view Security option - the installation program has set up an sa login with a random password. I did not set this password, but think this might be a reason why I can't connect. To rectify the problem I tried creating a new user in SQL Server Express with a password that I specified. On going in to check the settings, I notice SQL Server Express has gone and changed it from the password that I set up.

Now when I try and connect to SQL Server Express I specify the following in the connection paramaters


Database The database name that I've created

User: the new user that I created

Password: the password I created as part of new user setup

Now I get error message Server does not exist or access denied

Is the problem to do with passwords or perhaps one of the many parameters one seems to have to set up? How can I change a password if I didn't create it? Is there anywhere I can reset it?

PLEASE HELP - I have literally spent 3 days attempting to get this working and am about to give up entirely. Due to my lack of experience, I need very specific step by step instructions..

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0x80040E37 Table Does Not Exist At The Source - Transferring 2000 To 2005

Nov 28, 2007

Hi All, I've got a problem transferring objects between SQL Databases.
The source database is an SQL 2000 dbase, and the destination is a local SQL2005 instance. When trying to transfer I get the error:
0x80040E37 (table) does not exist at the source - but it does.

I am guessing its a schema related issue, I've tried setting the copyschema setting to true, but no joy.
The copyallschemas function doesn't work with an SQL 2000 box so its set to false.


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Restoring A Sql 2000 Db In Sql 2005 Express Db With Sql Server Management Studio Express

Mar 21, 2007

As I said in the subject I've a problem trying to restore a backup of a previous db created in sql 2000 server

When I try to do it I recive the following message:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Il set di backup include il backup di un database diverso dal database 'musica2007' esistente. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.2047.00&LinkId=20476

Program Location:

in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExecutionManager.ExecuteNonQueryWithMessage(StringCollection queries, ServerMessageEventHandler dbccMessageHandler, Boolean errorsAsMessages)
in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupRestoreBase.ExecuteSql(Server server, StringCollection queries)
in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore.SqlRestore(Server srv)

What should I do? What's the probem? I've already tried to look for the solution in other messages but I didn't find anything..... Thanks for help,,, by Luke

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Where Exist Condition - Pull Out Whole ID Group Which Code Z Exist

Dec 3, 2013

I have data as below: select ID,code,go,back from tableA

ID code go back

I only want to pull out whole ID group which code Z exist. I tried as below:

select ID,code,go,back from tableA A
where exists
( select ID,go,back
from tableA B with (nolock)
where A.ID = B.ID
and A.code='Z')

But it only appear:

ID code go back

How can I appear with the group as well?

ID code go back

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Linked Server 2000 To 2005: Error 17 Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denined.

Aug 30, 2006

I'm trying to link SQL Server 2000 sp3 to SQL 2005 64 bit. I keep getting Error 17 sql server does not exist or access denined. I tried adding remote user mapping and chaning the linked server properties to "Be made using this security context" without any success.
Any help is appreciated.

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SQL Server 2000 Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Sep 20, 2006

I know this has been asked and addressed in many other posts, but I havnt found the answer to this scenario.  I have a server running on my internal network, I have a wireless router that has ports 80 and 5801(my sql port) forwarded to my server internally.  So, from my website I am attempting to make some requests to my server, but all I ever get at these Error:[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied errors.  My connection string looks like this:        Private DBConn As OleDbConnection        Dim DBCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand        Try            DBConn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=external IP,5801;Initial Catalog=DataWarehouse;User Id=WEBUSER;Password=*****")            DBCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * from Users"            DBCommand.Connection = DBConn            DBConn.Open()            DBConn.Close()        Catch            Response.Write("Error:" & Err.Description)        End Try    End Sub I know I have a service running on port 5801 and the port is open in my firewall, also I have sqlserver.exe as an exception in my firewall.  I have been browing the web and trying different ideas for the better part of a week.  Just wondering if anyone has run into this problem or if its my server or my web hosting company who has the problem.  Thanks in advance for any help. Kyle  

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SQL To Search Exist Or Not Exist Data

Nov 24, 2005

Hello all,

I have a branch a data, now i need to search through a database to check whther it is exist in that database or not, any syggestion?

Now i have data 123, 234, 345. Let say data 123 and 234 is exist in that database, but data 345 is not exist in that database.

What SQL am i suitable to use to get those result exist(123, 234) and those result not exist (345)?

The database structure is someting like this:
-- ----- --------
1 120 123
2 234 234
3 345 345

1) The data consider 'exist' if it exist in column NAME or column O_NAME (either one).

2) The data consider 'not exist' if it not exist in neither NAME column nor O_NAME column

After the SQL query, someting is expected:


-- ----- --------
1 120 123
2 234 234

Not Exist:

-- ----- --------
3 345 345

I'll appreciate if anyone can provide me a solution..Thanks!

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SQL Server Express - Can It Co-exist With SQL Server 2005?

Oct 5, 2007


I had set up a MS Small Business Server with MS SQL Server 2005 and recently someone wanting to use Microsoft Dynamics with SQL Server Express installed SQL Server Express on the same server.

It appears that the developers have used SQL Server express to run queries against the SQL Server 2005 database and tables, and now SQL Server Express (Dynamics) has ground to a halt.

When I view the SQL Server Express server, I see all of the SQL Server databases. When I use Enterprise Manager, I used to see the SQL Server Express instance, but disconnected it.

Is there a way to remove the connections to the SQL Server 2005 from SQL Server Express without harming the SQL Server databases? I am unsure as to what will happen, and which is controlling which. I am a long time user of MS SQL Server 2005, and the connections and uses of SQL Server Express are foreign to me.

Any help, or info, or links you can point me at would help -
Canadian Chick

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SQL Express And SQL 2000

Oct 12, 2006


We are new to ASP.Net, but have a lot of experiance with relational databases. We have developed a web application that goes against a SQL 2000 database which works very well. We now would like to impliment the ASP.Net 2.0 login tools to control and manage access to the website. In doing so, a new database is created using SQL Express. Everything works fine until we deploy to the host. Then the login connection does not work. I get a connection error #26. The host only runs SQL 2000. Questions: Is there a way to run both? Is there a way to convert the ASPNETDB.mdf database and publish it to the host? Can I set up ASP.Net to create the login database in SQL 2000? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Damselfly Solutions Inc.

Kitchener, Ont. Canada

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The NORTHWNDConnectionString Not Using Express Using SQL 2000

May 22, 2007

Hey everyone,
I know this has been asked before and I tried to search for something but no luck.
<add name="NORTHWNDConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|NORTHWND.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
But I didn't install SQLEPRESS 2005 cause I have SQL 2000 Personal Addition on this Desktop
Could someone show me the proper way the connection string needs to be to connect to my SQL 2000 Northwind Database please.
Thank you in advance
If you know of a good tutorial or Article referencing Connection Strings in VS2005 I would appreciate the link.

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Cannot Connect SQL Express From SQL 2000

Apr 4, 2008

Hello friends,

I have got a windows 2003 server with SQL 2005.

I have tried to connect to SQL DB from my local computer suing SQL query analyser.

But I am unable to connect to it.

Can anyone help me in this.

Thanking you in advance.

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SQL 2005 Express Vs SQL 2000

Apr 15, 2006

I'm thinking of migrating our 12 user SQL 2000 db to SQL 2005 Express.The db is about 2 gb. Does anyone know if there is a no of users or dbsize or other restrictions on SQL 2005 Express. How about performancerelative to SQL 2000? Thanks in advance....

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Sql Express Compatibility With Sql 2000

Apr 5, 2007

Is it possible to load a sql express database into a sql 2000 server?

Someone in another department installed sql express and has an application using it, but its database

will grow over 4 gb so I need to move the database somewhere. We currently only have sql server 2000 in production so I was wondering if I could use our 2000 server.


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SQL Express Alongside SQL 2000

Oct 24, 2007

I have a client that has a SQL 2000 Standard installation. They are keen to start using Reporting Services. I know I could just install 2000 Reporting Services, but I am the one who will be creating the reports, and I'm really not geared up to develop 2000 reports. I could install the development environment, but would rather not if it is avoidable.

What I was thinking of doing, is installing SQL Express with Advanced Services on the same server that SQL 2000 is currently installed on. I could then use it's Reporting Services. The date would of course be sitting in the existing 2000 databases.

Is this viable/recommended?

The client will eventually upgrade to 2005, but more in the 6-12 month time-frame.

I think I should be able to administer it from here - I have remote connectivity into their server.


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SQL 2005 Express To SQL 2000?

Mar 1, 2007


If I have a database that is on SQL Express 2005 on a local PC can I move it to a SQL2000 server without issue? If not what might I expect to have to do to acheive this. The database itself has run previously on MSDE.


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Sql 2000 To Sql Express Problem

Sep 5, 2007

I'm trying to setup a pull Subscription on my SQL 2005 Express machine from our SQL 2000 Server.
Using the wizard, I'm able to select my sql 2000 Server Publisher.
When trying selecting my local machine as the subscriber I get the following error

For merge publications, the version of the Subscriber must not exceed the version of the Publisher. (New Subscription Wizard)

Anyone have any clue as to what I maybe doing wrong?

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Move Databas From Express To Sql 2000

Jul 25, 2007

 I have created i webpage whos has a logged in system which is cretead in VS 2005 with the function ASP.NET configuration.
And know will i move all databas to i a MSSQL 2000 there i only can have one databas, And know i have ASP.NET logged in Databas and one site databas.
I just wondering if its possible to make i virtual connection with MSSQL 2000? If not somebody has some idés for me?
I hope you can understand me. 

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SQL 2005 Express && SQL 2000 On Same Machine?

Dec 31, 2005

Hi all,
I'm about to download the VWD ASP.NET 2.0 with SQL Express 2005, but i currently have Visual studio.net 1.1 and SQL Server 2000 installed on my PC, XP Pro.
Has anyone had problems with this or are they happy to run along side one another without over writing projects already created in the older versions?
Thanks in advance.

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Can SQL Server Express Coexist With SQL 7/2000?

Mar 24, 2006

Can SQL Server Express coexist with SQL 7/2000?
What is the order in which they are to be installed/uninstalled?

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SQL Express 2005 And Sql Server 2000

Feb 14, 2007

Currently on my development machine i have SQL Express 2005 running.

On the production server, they have SQL 2000. So I need to get one of my databases from this server to the other one. From my understanding you can't export from 2005 to 2000 because of the drastic change.

What is the easiest way for me to do this?

create the tables manually and export the data in CSV and import it that way?


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Can Express Be Linked With 2000 Standard?

May 2, 2008

I'm considering upgrading from MSDE 2000 to Express 2005.
Before I do that I need to know if my linked server dependant
scheduled jobs will continue to function properly.

Here's my current configuration:

I have a local SQL Server 2000 Standard edition box linked via IP address to a remote MSDE 2000 SQL Server. This link
uses SQL authentication.

I want to upgrade the remote MSDE server to 2005 Express. Will my local 2000 SQL Server link successfully with a 2005 Express server?

Also, I have 2000 Developer Edition on my machine and am using Enterprise Manager where I have registered the remote MSDE so I can easily manage the server. Will I be able to register a 2005 Express server or will I need to upgrade my developer machine to 2005? If I do upgrade my developer machine, will I still be able to register the 2000 Standard Sql Server?

If there are any other issues with running a mixed environment like the one described here, please speak up! I want to make an informed

Thanks so much for your help!

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SQL 2000, SQL 2005 Express Upgrade

Apr 5, 2007


Server Details:
OS => Windows Server 2003
SQL => SQL Server 2005

Client Machines:
OS => WinXP sp2
SQL => 2000, 2005 express

The developers at work connect remotely to the server. Some of them have the "client SQL 2005 express" and others are using "SQL 2000"

Over the next week I plan to upgrade all the developers to 2005 Standard.

I have performed an upgrade of '2005 express' to '2005 standard' and encountered no problems. However I have no experience upgrading the 2000 client.

Can anyone suggest a strategy (fresh install/upgrade)or highlight any pitfalls that I should avoid.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions offered.


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SQL Slow From MSDE 2000 To SQL Express

Feb 2, 2007

I posted this in one of the VB forums but I'm starting to think itmight be more appropriate to have it here, since it really seems to bea SQL server (MSDE/Express 2005) problem:Hey, all, I have a problem with queries against a SQL server instancethat I just found and is causing me fits. I hope someone can pointmein the right direction, please. TIA.Basically, I got a Vista OS machine to test my VB6 app on it as someof my clients will be switching over in the coming months. I went toa local Circuit City during early business hours in the middle of theweek and I installed my application on each of 5 PC's on the newVistaOS (Tuesday, when it was released). I had read that MSDE 2000, whichI normally use as my DB is not supported on Vista so I had downloadedand was using SQL Express 2005. Each system had at least a 1.9 GHzdual core processor and 1 GB of RAM. One process in my program findsrecords in one table that do not match records in another table andthen reports those un-matched entries. On my development machine(laptop with 1 GB of RAM, XP Pro SP2, MSDE 2000 (current SP), 2 GHzCentrino (IIRC)) the process takes less than 30 seconds consistently.On each of those 5 systems at Circuit City the process took 5 minutes(on each of 3 HP machines, a1700n, a1720n, a1730n, and 11 minutes oneach of two Gateway systems (the model numbers of which I forget atthe moment). Each of these computers should be much faster than mylaptop, and some had twice the RAM, and all had SATA or SATA IIdrivesinstead of my piddly 5400 laptop drive, I would have thought they'dall be faster but were abysmally slow.So, seeing a huge difference in the time, and to try to keep thisshort and sweet, I fired up another computer I have, running XP SP2,on 512 MB RAM, AMD Athlon 2300+. First I loaded MSDE 2000 and myapplication and ran the process. < 30 seconds on each of multipleruns. Second, I unloaded MSDE 2000 and installed SQL Express 2005andmoved the DB to it (sp_attach_db) which caused some upgrading(messages reported in OSQL about update/upgrade). When it was done Irebooted, to be sure, and the ran the program and the process again.On the same data, on the same computer, the process took 7-9 minutesconsistently on each of several runs. This makes this part of theapplication unusable, and even the simple stuff like grabbing asinglerecord from the DB (maybe 5 columns of no more than 500 bytes total)is noticeably slower on the SQL Express 2005 than on MSDE 2000.So, the problem seems to be with my interaction with the DB. I amusing ADO 2.8 in VB 6 (SP 6). I use DSN-less connections with aconnection string like: Driver={SQL Server};server=(local)caredata;database=caredata;Uid=sa; Pwd=<password>I use the RecordsSet Object to open the data similar to this:oRS.OpenstrSQL$, oCN, adOpenKeysetafter the oCN object has had the connection string set and the objectis opened.Considering that the same computer, against the same data, with thesame program, takes about 14 times (or more) longer to run, then ithas to be either that SQL Express 2005 is slow OR that my program isinteracting with it in an incorrect manner.Can someone point me in the right direction, please?Thank you.--HCSo, the problem isn't Vista

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SQL 2000 Standard And SQL 2005 Express

Jun 12, 2007

Can I install SQL 2005 Express on a server that's running SQL 2000 Standard Edition?

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Can I Pull A Sql 2000 Datafile Into Sql Express ?

Jul 27, 2006

Can I do this with a sql 2000 database

then attach sql express to this mdf ?

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Can Sql 2000 And 2005 Express Work Together?

Oct 20, 2006

I have a server (win server 2003) that is running Symantec Backup Exec for backups. I found that this soft uses an SQL server 2000 instance to keep his data... The problem is that I developed an application in asp.net (with VS2003) that use an SQL server 2005 express database. What I want to know is if I install SQL server 2005 express, is the backup will still work? I mean that the 2005 express wont upgrade sql 2000? What do I have to do to make it works?

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SQL Express 2005 And SQL Server 2000

Nov 22, 2006

I have been using SQL Server 2000 on a dedicated server. It works fine.

I want to use Visual Web Developer with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

Can I install and run both 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server 2k on the same server or must I use only one or the other?

Thanks in advance for advice.


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MSDE 2000 And SQL Express On Same Server

Jan 15, 2008

I have an application that is already installed on a Win2k3 Server using SQL Express 2005. I have another application that wants to use MSDE 2000 (already tried using SQL Express 2005, but it won't install). My question is, can both of these be installed on the same server and running at the same time without any problems? Thanks!

- Adam

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