SQL Help: Conditional Statement Using Inserted

Oct 29, 2007

I'm learning SQL and here I'm trying to use two things that I'm not familiar with - IF statements and the Inserted temporary table.

Here's the background - skip this paragraph if you like. I'm working on a tasking system for the Help Desk - they get requests from the web site for various items and I break up the request into Software, Hardware, Accounts, etc tables and list the status of each item as "Requested". I'm also keeping a Tasks table to make work orders for each item requested. I've got triggers on the Accounts and Hardware tables that automatically make a new task for those items but the Software is more tricky because all software for a given request should be just one task. Software installs are all done by one person at the same time.

So I'm trying to make a trigger that creates a new Task when a new Software record is inserted. But if a task already exists with the same RequestID (meaning they requested two peices of software and this is the second one), then I just want to update the task already created. Here's what I got:

 1 CREATE TRIGGER [NewSoftwareTask]
2 ON [dbo].[Software]
4 AS
7 -- If a software task already exists for this request
8 -- then update it. Otherwise create a new task.
10 if exists(select TasksID
11 from Tasks
12 where Tasks.RequestsID = inserted.RequestsID and
13 TasksType = 'Software')
15 UPDATE [BGHelpdesk].[dbo].[Tasks]
16 SET [TasksDescription] = [TasksDescription] + vbcrlf + "Install " + inserted.SoftwareType + ". " + inserted.SoftwareComments
17 WHERE Tasks.RequestsID = inserted.RequestsID and
18 TasksType = 'Software'
19 END
21 else
24 INSERT INTO [BGHelpdesk].[dbo].[Tasks]
25 ([RequestsID]
26 ,[TasksType]
27 ,[TasksSubType]
28 ,[TasksTitle]
29 ,[TasksDescription])
31 s.RequestsID
32 ,'Software'
33 ,s.SoftwareType
34 ,'New ' + s.SoftwareType + ' Account for Request ' + cast(s.RequestsID AS varchar)
35 ,s.SoftwareComments
36 FROM Software s join
37 inserted ON s.SoftwareID = inserted.SoftwareID
38 END
39 END
40 GO

It keeps balking at lines 12 and 17 saying "The multi-part identifier "inserted.RequestsID" could not be bound." The ELSE statement is what I use on the other tables and it works fine so the inserted temp record seems pretty straightforward but I must be doing something wrong...

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Using Conditional Statement In Stored Prcodure To Build Select Statement

Jul 20, 2005

hiI need to write a stored procedure that takes input parameters,andaccording to these parameters the retrieved fields in a selectstatement are chosen.what i need to know is how to make the fields of the select statementconditional,taking in consideration that it is more than one fieldaddedfor exampleSQLStmt="select"if param1 thenSQLStmt=SQLStmt+ field1end ifif param2 thenSQLStmt=SQLStmt+ field2end if

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Conditional Where Statement

Jul 23, 2007

I have a stored procedure that performs a search function with params:@username nvarchar(50)@country nvarchar(50)and like 10 more.A user may provide values for these params optionally.So when the @username var is left blank, there should be no filtering on the username field (every field should be selected regardless of the username)Currently my statement is:select username,country from myUsers whereusername=@username and country=@countryWith this statement when a user provides no value for username the username field selects on ''m which returns ofcourse nothing...What can I do to solve this?Thanks!

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SQL Conditional WHERE Statement

Feb 4, 2008

Hi, is it possible to do a conditional WHERE in T-SQL? I have a table with a column that consists of a reference that starts with either a single alpha character or two alpha characters followed by four numeric digits (the numeric portion is always unique but the alpha isn’t). E.g. A1234, AB1235, AB1236, C1237, HT1238. What I want to do is select a range of rows based on the numeric portion of this reference column. In other words I want to select say 50 rows starting from row 1000 (rows 1000 to 1050) regardless of whether there is one or two alpha characters preceding the numerics.The Stored procedure I have so far works (using COUNT for testing) for selecting a range of rows that has two alpha's at the start. However, if I simply add an OR to the WHERE to select rows where there is a single alpha in the reference column, when a single alpha reference is found it will fail the first logical check for two alpha's giving an error condition. Therefore, how can I incorporate a conditional WHERE using IF or some alternative method, so that it will also give me all the rows in the number sequence that start with either single or double alpha's within the same SELECT / WHERE statement?

Thanks for any help.ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Test]

@startRef int,
@endRef int



SELECT Count(*) FROM myTable
WHERE ((SUBSTRING(Ref,3,LEN(Ref)-2) BETWEEN @startRef AND (@startRef + @endRef)))


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Conditional WHERE Statement?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,I have one for all the blackbelters out there: is there a way i canmake a stored procedure where i can control the where statement withvariables? I have to do some complex transformations to get compose afact table for MSAS and there a a lot of similarities between thequeries and a few differences because of different account methodsetc. (booking in starting date, booking stuff on order entry datesetc) I want to put a combination of different rules in differentmembers of dimensions.An example of what i mean:CREATE STORED PROCEDURE dbo.FILLFACT (@PAR1, @PAR2)ASINSERT INTO FactTable (blah blah)SELECTIF @PAR1 = 'OrderDate'SourceView.OrderdateELSESourceView.StartDate,etc etc...FROMSourceViewWHEREIF @PAR2 = 'WholeTable'1=1IF @PAR2 = 'Incomplete'EndDate IS NULL OR EXIST (SELECT * FROM Exceptions WHERE...., etc)This way i could fill my fact table withEXEC dbo.FillFact 'beginDate','Wholetable'EXEC dbo.FillFact 'begindate', 'Rulebook1'EXEC dbo.FillFact 'BeginDate', 'Exceptions'etcetera.This is not an actual SQL script i use, just an example of what i'mtalking about. Or maybe i could pass the where statement entirley as avariable? But i can't use SET @PAR1 = 'EndDate IS NULL' and then useWHERE @PAR1 can I?I hope i'm making sense. Does anyone know if this is possible? Rightnow i have a procedure that is composed of a dozen of sql scripts thatare mostly the same, but i have to copy it for every combination ofsituations and then, of course, new stuff has to be added on 12different places. Again and again.Any thoughts?TIA,Gert-Jan van der Kamp

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Conditional Statement! HELP!

Nov 22, 2007

Hi, I've been looling around, but was unable to correctly use a conditional statement in a T-SQL Query.
I have this SQL query and in it how I would do if it was C#. If someone could please help me get
what I need I would appreciate it a lot. Here is the query:

Code Block

SELECT Ficha, Almoxarifado, [Código do Item], Descrição, Unidades.Unidade,
[1ª Contagem], [2ª Contagem], Recontagem, Observações, Cancelar FROM Fichas
INNER JOIN Itens ON [Código do Item] = Código
INNER JOIN Unidades ON Itens.Unidade = Unidades.ID
WHERE Ficha BETWEEN 01 AND 5000 AND Recontagem IS NULL AND

/* What I would do in C#, but need in T-SQL*/
if ([1ª Contagem] > [2ª Contagem])

if ([2ª Contagem] / [1ª Contagem] < 0.99)

return true;

if ([1ª Contagem] / [2ª Contagem] < 0.99)

return true;

I really need a help in this. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

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How To Make Sure In An Insert Statement That The Vendor Being Inserted Does Not Exist?

Dec 3, 2006

I am using  INSERT into Vendors (.....) VALUES (....)    form of insert statement. How can I make sure that the insert fails if thie new vendor's vendorname exists?
I cannot create a unique index on 'VendorName' column since it is more than 900 bytes and SQL Server will not allow to create index on a column bigger than 900 bytes.

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Can INSERT Statement Also Return All Columns Inserted As Result Set

Jun 2, 2014

Can an INSERT statement also return all columns inserted as a result set? If so what clause of the INSERT statement does this?

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Using The IF EXISTS Conditional Statement

Apr 5, 2007

I'm trying to gather some user statistics based on 3 conditions. First I want to check if the referring querystring is already in the database. If not insert it into the db. Second, if the querystring is already in the database, then check if the ip-address of the user is already in the database. If it is, then check if the ip address was inserted today. If not, update the "refCountIn" field with +1. The problem lies in the third condition where we check if the ip-address was inserted today and if false, update the "refCountIn" field with +1 and if true, do nothing.Below is the code I have until now:  1 Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
3 ' *** Declare the variables
4 Dim getStatCmd As String
5 Dim updStatCmd As String
7 Dim myRef As String = Request.QueryString("ref")
8 Dim myQueryString As String = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING").Replace("ref=", "")
9 Dim myRemoteAddr As String = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
10 Dim myHttpReferer As String = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
12 Dim dtNow As Date = DateTime.Now
13 Dim dtToday As Date = DateTime.Today
15 ' *** Conditional INSERT command
16 getStatCmd = _
17 "IF EXISTS(SELECT 'True' FROM tblReferers WHERE robotName = '" & myQueryString & "' AND refIpAddress = '" & myRemoteAddr & "' AND refTime = '" & dtToday & "') " & _
18 "BEGIN " & _
19 "SELECT 'This clickin has already been recorded!'" & _
20 "END ELSE BEGIN " & _
21 "SELECT 'Clickin recorded' " & _
22 "INSERT INTO tblReferers(robotName, refIpAddress, refReferer, refTime) " & _
23 "VALUES(" & _
24 "'" + myQueryString + "'," & _
25 "'" + myRemoteAddr + "'," & _
26 "'" + myHttpReferer + "'," & _
27 "'" + dtToday + "')" & _
28 "END "
31 ' *** Conditional UPDATE command
32 updStatCmd = _
33 "IF EXISTS(SELECT 'True' FROM tblReferers WHERE robotName = '" & myQueryString & "' AND refIpAddress = '" & myRemoteAddr & "' AND refTime <> '" & dtToday & "') " & _
34 "UPDATE tblReferers " & _
35 "SET refCountIn = refCountIn + 1, refTime = '" & dtNow & "' " & _
36 "WHERE refIpAddress = '" & myRemoteAddr & "' AND robotName = '" & myRef & "'"
38 Dim insConnCmd As New SqlCommand(getStatCmd, New SqlConnection(connSD))
39 Dim updConnCmd As New SqlCommand(updStatCmd, New SqlConnection(connSD))
41 insConnCmd.Connection.Open()
42 insConnCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
43 insConnCmd.Connection.Close()
45 updConnCmd.Connection.Open()
46 updConnCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
47 updConnCmd.Connection.Close()
49 End Sub
Anyone with an idea on how to solve this one? I think I need to write a subquery for the third condition, but I don't have a clue on how to handle this.Thanks in advance for your help! 

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Using Conditional Statement In Where Clause

Mar 26, 2012

I'm trying to use a conditional statement in the where clause.

Here is my table
UID Amount ID PID Amount2
1 30000 8064 NULL NULL
2 30000 8042 8064 30000

What I'm trying to achieve:

If Amount = Amount2 for UID 2 then show UID 1

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Conditional Select Statement

Mar 23, 2004

Hello dbForumers,

Yet another puzzling question. I remember I saw somewhere a particular syntax to select a column based on a conditional predicate w/o using a user defined function. What I want to accomplish is this : SELECT (if column colA is empty then colB else colA) as colC from SomeTable. Possible ? Not possible? Have I hallucinated ?

Thank You!

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Conditional Sum With Select Statement

Feb 24, 2014

Table with water consumption per month and customer.

I want to sum up total consumption per customer with a select statement

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Adding Conditional Statement To A Sum

Jun 12, 2007

currently I am creating a total if the date is between two entered dates:

select sum(case when exigo_data_sync.orders.orderdate between @prevMonthStart and @prevMonthEnd then 1 else 0 end) as PrevMonthCount,

I need to check an additional column for ($1.00) or $1.00. If it contains $1.00 then proceed as normal and add to the total. If it contains ($1.00) then subtract one from the total. Any advice?

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IIf ANY Value In Table Conditional Statement

Oct 12, 2007

This is probably quite simple, but it isn't sticking out at me.

In a simple table with two groups, I want to conditionally set the color of the first group to red or green based upon whether ANY value for this field equals a particular string.

I know how to conditionally set the color of the field. However, the below code appears to only compare the FIRST value in Fields!myField.Value to the string "bad". I want it to return "Red" if ANY of the values for Fields!myField.Value = "bad".

Code Block=IIf(Fields!myField.Value = "bad", "Red", "Green")

myField is ouput in the detail scope if that makes any difference.

Is this possible?

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If Conditional Statement Replacement

Oct 2, 2007

Is there a work around for the following query on sql server compact edition

IF(Some Condition) --






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SQL 2012 :: Can INSERT Statement Also Return All Columns Inserted As Result Set

Jun 2, 2014

Can an INSERT statement also return all columns inserted as a result set? If so what clause of the INSERT statement does this?

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Conditional Statement In View Design

Apr 10, 2008

Have a View where I need to enter a conditional IF_THEN_ELSE statement in a new field (field has an alias). If this were an Access query I would do following:

IIf([dbo.AR1_CustomerMaster.EmailAddress] Is Null, "A", "B")

How can I accomplish same in View design??

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Case Conditional In SQL Statement 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm trying to do calculations in a SQL statement, but depending on onevariable (a.type in example) I'll need to pull another variable fromseperate tables.Here is my code thus far:select a.DeptCode DeptCode,a.Type Type,(a.ExpenseUnit / (select volume from TargetData b where b.type =a.type)) ExpenseFromcalc1 aThe problem... a.Type can be FYTD, Budget, or Target... and dependingon which one it is, I need to make b either FYTDData, TargetData, orBudgetData. I'm thinking a case statement might do the trick, but Ican't find any syntax on how to use Case in an MS SQL statement. EvenIf statements will work (if that's possible), though case would beless messy.Any suggestions would be much appriciative. Thanks...Alex.

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TSQL: Conditional Union Statement

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to have a conditional union statement in a stored proc?Here's an example on the northwind database. If says there's a syntaxerror near the UNION statement. Looks like it doesn't like having theBEGIN directly in front of it.Is the only solution to create a dynamic sql string then call exec onit?Any help appreciated.Tom.CREATE PROCEDURE usp_test(@both int = 1)ASSET NOCOUNT ONSELECT * FROM territories WHERE regionid = 1IF @both = 1BEGINUNIONSELECT * FROM territories WHERE regionid = 2ENDGO

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Summing Items From A Conditional Statement

Jun 29, 2007

What I need to do in seperate a group of numbers into two different categories based on a phase code. I have acheived this through two conditional statements, but when I try to total the numbers that were returned for each group I receive an #error.

This is an example of the switch statement I used in order to return the correct values for the Implemenataion.

=Switch(Fields!Phase_Code.Value="PILOT", Fields!LedgerQuantity.Value, Fields!Phase_Code.Value="DATAMIGRAT", Fields!LedgerQuantity.Value/2, 1=1, "")

I've tried several different methods for aggregating the numbers that are returned.

=SUM(Switch(Fields!Phase_Code.Value="PILOT", Fields!LedgerQuantity.Value, Fields!Phase_Code.Value="DATAMIGRAT", Fields!LedgerQuantity.Value/2, 1=1, ""))

I've tried substituting a 0 in for the "" at the end of each statement. I've also tried to take the first statement and put it into its own table field named ImplementationLedger, and them summing it. ie. =SUM(Fields!ImplementationLedger.Value)

Please Help!

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Conditional Where Clause W/ Case Statement Possible?

Sep 25, 2007


After many hours search many forums and many failed experiments, I figure it's time to turn to the experts.

I need to execute a query that changes the returned data based upon a parameter's value. In my example below, the lob field contains both text values and nulls.

SELECT uniqueID, lob, xdate
FROM mytable

CASE WHEN @myparam = 'ALL'


xdate >= '2007-09-01'

xdate >= '2007-09-01' or
lob = @myparm

I've experimented with various forms of the LIKE function, checking for null/not null and keep coming up blank.

I thought about using an IF statement and creating different versions of the entire statement, however, in real-life I need to do this with four fields using four parameters (one for each field). The permutations are a little too much.

Any ideas?


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Conditional Suppression Of Table Detail Row And If/then Statement

Oct 26, 2007

Two questions:

1) I am unable to get a detail row of my table to suppress. I am using:

=Iif(IsNothing(Fields!Address2.Value), True, False)

2) I am not able to get an If/Then statement to work. I am able to use the followingl; however, ideally I would want to have multiple if/else statements:

=Iif(Fields!Taxschid.Value = "CUST", 0, Fields!Selling_Price.Value*.08)


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Conditional Statement With A Cast From String To Date

Feb 5, 2007

My source file is showing column 10 as string. My destination table is datetime. I am using the derived transformation with a conditional statement. How do I convert the value from string to date. Everywhere I try the (DT_DATE) I get an error.

[Column 10] == "01/01/0001" ? " 01/01/1801" : [Column 10] <= "12/31/1801" ? "12/31/1801" : [Column 10]

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MS Access Vs. Transact-SQL – Conditional SQL Select Statement Problem

Dec 13, 2004

Hi All,

I am trying to write a Transact-SQL statement and am having no success. I have a customers table that has some duplicate Customer Numbers in it, however the records do have a unique Reference Number. I am trying select all records that match a list of Customer Numbers but if there are more than 1 matching Customer Number I only want the one with the largest Reference Number.

My BASIC Select Statement is:

SELECT Cust_Ref_No, Customer_No, Customer_Name, Address1,
Address2, Suburb, State, Postcode, Phone
FROM Customers
WHERE Customer_No IN
(SELECT Customer_No FROM temp_Customers)

Much to my HORROR I found that what I am trying to do is simple in MS Access using the “First” Function – Such as below:

SELECT First(Cust_Ref_No) AS Cust_Ref_No, Customer_No
FROM Customers
GROUP BY Customer_No
ORDER BY First(Cust_Ref_No), Customer_No;

There appears to be no “First” Function in Transact-SQL. Is someone able to show me how to achieve the same results in Transact-SQL as I can get with MS Access (I’d HATE to think that MS Access has more functionality in querying data than SQL Server in any way at all)?

P.S. I really need to run the select statement as one step rather than splitting it up into parts.

Regards, Trog28

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedure With Conditional IF Statement Logic

Aug 9, 2015

I have a data model with 7 tables and I'm trying to write a stored procedure for each table that allows four actions. Each stored procedure should have 4 parameters to allow a user to insert, select, update and delete a record from the table.

I want to have a stored procedure that can accept those 4 parameters so I only need to have one stored procedure per table instead of having 28 stored procedures for those 4 actions for 7 tables. I haven't found a good example online yet of conditional logic used in a stored procedure.

Is there a way to add a conditional logic IF statement to a stored procedure so if the parameter was INSERT, go run this statement, if it was UPDATE, go run this statement, etc?

I have attached my data model for reference.

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How To Solve Tables Or Functions 'inserted' And 'inserted' Have The Same Exposed Names.

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all!In a insert-trigger I have two joins on the table named inserted.Obviously this construction gives a name collition beetween the twojoins (since both joins starts from the same table)Ofcourse I thougt the usingbla JOIN bla ON bla bla bla AS a_different_name would work, but itdoes not. Is there a nice solution to this problem?Any help appriciated

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Getting Identity Of Inserted Record Using Inserted Event????

Jun 5, 2006

is there any way of getting the identity without using the "@@idemtity" in sql??? I'm trying to use the inserted event of ObjectDataSource, with Outputparameters, can anybody help me???

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Conditional Subscription / Conditional Execution Of Report

Mar 7, 2008

Hello everyone,

Is there a way in order to execute a subscribed report based on a certain criteria?

For example, let's say send a report to users when data exist on the report else if no data is returned by the query
executed by the report then it will not send the report to users.

My current situation here is that users tend to say that this should not happen, since no pertinent information is contained in the report, why would they receive email with blank data in it.

Any help or suggestions will be much appreciated.


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Conditional Formatting - Not So Conditional??

Dec 15, 2006

I have the following code in the color property of a textbox. However, when I run my report all of the values in this column display in green regardless of their value.

=SWITCH(Fields!Wrap.Value >= 3, "Red", Fields!Wrap.Value < 3, "Green")

I already tried =iif(Fields!Wrap.Value >= 3 , "Red", "Green") and got the same results.

Is it because this is a matrix report? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance . . .

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OUTPUT INSERTED INTO Can't Get Column Value When That Column Is Not Inserted

Aug 22, 2013

I'm doing a data migration job from our old to our new database. The idea is that we don't want to clutter our new tables with the id's of the old tables, so we are not going to add a column "old_system_id" in each and every table that needs to be migrated.

I have created a number of tables in a separate schema "dm" (for Data Migration) that will store the link between the old database table and the new database table. Suppose that the id of a migrated record in the old database is 'XRP002-89' and during the insert into the new table the IDENTITY column id gets the value 1, the link table will hold : old_d = 'XRP002-89', new_id = 1, and so on.

I knew I can get the value of IDENTITY columns with the OUTPUT INTO clause, although I have never actually used it. And now I can't get it to do what I need.

Below is some code to set up three tables: the old table, the new one, and the table that will hold the link between the id's of records in the old database table and the new database table.


[Code] ....

Below I tried to use the OUTPUT INSERTED INTO clause. Beside getting the generated IDENTITY value, I also need to capture the value of the old id that will not be migrated to the new table. When I use "OUTPUT DaOldTable.pk" the system gives me the error: "The multi-part identifier "DaOldTable.pk" could not be bound." Using INSERTED .id gives no problem.

INSERT INTO DaNewTable(a_column)
--OUTPUT DaOldTable.pk, INSERTED.id link_old2new_DaTable--(DaOld_id, DaNew_id)
SELECT a_column
FROM DaOldTable

[Code] ...

--but getting "The multi-part identifier "DaOldTable.pk" could not be bound."

DROP TABLE link_old2new_DaTable

How can I populate a table that must hold the link between the id's of records in the old database table and the new database table? The records are migrated with set-based inserts.

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Nothing Is Being Inserted

May 13, 2007

I will paste my code below. Â I inserted a breakpoint but nothing is being sent to the database and nothing came up when I ran it with the breakpoint. Â Can anyone tell me how to fix this?Protected Sub btn_addfriend_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_addfriend.Click Dim add_friend_source As New SqlDataSource add_friend_source.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO [Friends] ([UserName], [UserID], [IP], [AddedOn], [FriendName]) VALUES (@UserName, @UserID, @IP, @AddedOn, @FriendName)" detailsview_addfriend.DataSource = add_friend_source add_friend_source.DataBind() add_friend_complete.Text = "Success!" End SubThe "Success!" text is the only thing that seems to work properly...

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Get Last Row That Was Inserted

Jan 1, 2008

Hello, I am stumped on how to get the last id that was inserted. I have searched all over the internet to find the answer but all of them turned up to be classic asp.

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Orw Is Not Inserted

Mar 18, 2008

while executing this command locally, ita working fine 
Insert into tblorderDetails
(OrderID,ProductID,SofaPackageID,Quantity,UnitPrice,TotalOrd,ItemStatus )
values(1, 3915, 0, 1, 2049.00, 2049.00, 'PO')
 but when executing online, giving me following msg:
(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'Location16FreeStock'.
and also data is not inserted in table.

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