SQL Login Using A Computer Account

Jun 1, 2006

In SQL 2000 I use to be able to grant a computer account access to a SQL DB by adding that computer account to the SQL Logins using DOMAINCOMPUTERNAME$. I have not been able to do this so far in SQL 2005.

Does anyone know if this is still possible or has this functionality been removed from 2005?

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Domain Account Without A SQL Login Account

Apr 25, 2007

I have a situation that I have discovered in our QA database that I need to resolve. When I looked at the Activity Monitor for our server, I discovered that a process is running under a domain user account for one of our .Net applications. The problem is that that domain user account has not been created as a SQL login account on the server. I am trying to figure out how someone can log in to the database server with a domain user account that has not been added to SQL Server as a login account.

Does anyone have any insight on this? I don't like the idea of someone being able to create domain account that can access the database without me granting them specific access.

- Larry

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Error Message Web Service Account Not Setup How Do I Set One Up On Local Computer, Just For Training

Jan 31, 2008

Help, Had configuration error trying to set up reporting services. Uninstalled SQL Server and Reinstalled, but not all files were removed. How many files and directories do I have to remove to get Reporting Services to work?

<Product>Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.1399.00</Product>
<TimeZone>Central Standard Time</TimeZone>
<Path>C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesLogFilesReportServerService__main_01_31_2008_16_16_12.log</Path>
<OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2</OSName>
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing ConnectionType to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing IsSchedulingService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing IsNotificationService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing IsEventService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing PollingInterval to '10' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing WindowsServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing MemoryLimit to '60' percent as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing RecycleTime to '720' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing MaximumMemoryLimit to '80' percent as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing MaxAppDomainUnloadTime to '30' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing MaxQueueThreads to '0' thread(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing IsWebServiceEnabled to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!configmanager!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: w WARN: WebServiceAccount is not specified in the config file. Using default: JPADESKTOP1ASPNET
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing MaxActiveReqForOneUser to '20' requests(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing MaxScheduleWait to '5' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing DatabaseQueryTimeout to '120' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing ProcessRecycleOptions to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsScavengerCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsDbCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsAge to '30' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing CleanupCycleMinutes to '10' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing DailyCleanupMinuteOfDay to default value of '120' minutes since midnight because it was not specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonFlags to '1064' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpOnExceptions to 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingException' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpExcludeIfContainsExceptions to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing SecureConnectionLevel to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing DisplayErrorLink to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!library!4!1/31/2008-16:16:12:: i INFO: Initializing WebServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!9!1/31/2008-16:16:13:: Total Physical memory: 1055309824

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Moved Aspnetdb To SQL Server - What Permissions Do I Need To Give The ASP IIS Service Account For That? (Getting: Cannot Open Database Aspnetdb Requested By The Login. The Login Failed.)

May 12, 2008

I am getting the error:
Cannot open database "aspnetdb" requested by the login. The login failed.
When I browse to my ASP.NET 3.5 LINQ web application on the IIS 6.0 server on Server 2003.
I imagine this is because while I granted SQL Server 2005 login and permissions to my database that the application stores its data in, I did NOT grant any rights to the service account the IIS Application Pool uses for its identity to the aspnetdb database on SQL Server which is where all my roles information is stored at.
My question is what are the MINIMUM permissions needed for this database so it can perform its roles related functions?
I'm using Windows Authentications with the SQL Role provider for authorization.
Thank you.
EDIT: I think I only need to open the aspnetdb database and add my login to the aspnet_Roles_FullAccess role.  Is that correct?

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Audit Login Fail Get Computer Name

May 26, 2004

Hi can audit login fail and computer name for standard sql login?

Thank you


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Login Failed For User '&&<DOMAIN&&>&&<COMPUTER&&>$'

May 20, 2008

In an attempt to improve security for our web server/db server setup, we have a SQL Server 2005 server set for Windows authentication only and a web server (both behind a firewall together on a single local domain).

The web server is using IIS7, and the default NetworkService account to run the ASP.NET processes.

I've given the NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE account access to the database in question.

The SQL authentication fails, but the account failing is NOT the NetworkService account, but the <DOMAIN><COMPUTER>$ account.

Note that if I use identity impersonation with a specific domain account, I can get the app to work. However, I do NOT want to use impersonation, I want the default NetworkService account to work.

Does anyone know why IIS, which is supposed to be using NetworkService, is instead using the <DOMAIN><COMPUTER>$ account to connect to SQL, which is then failing?


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Remote Computer Not Able To Sign Into SQL Get Login Error

Jul 12, 2006

I have 2 xp machines one has the SQL EXPRESS Server with all the goodies on it and the other I just install the client stuff. I am using VB 6 to program with using the ADO. It works great on the server machine. The software pulls up great. I can't seem to get it to work on the client machine. I get "Login failed for user 'TIGGERLGuest'. I found the places to set the TCPIP setings on the server SQL Express to allow this even turned on the browser but nothing same error. I am using the same login on both machines and am pointed to the same workgroup. I used window authentication when I set them up. Not sure why it insists on using Guest.

This is a copy of the connection string I am using

"Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;AttachDBFileName="c:mpsdbmpswarehouse.mdf;Database=MPSDB;Data Source=tiggerlsqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;"

Not sure if this is okay for connecting remote. Any help would be greatly appreciated


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About Login Account

Jun 21, 2006

Hi everyone,
I have a simple question for you which is too important for me.
My question is about logins in my own(local) server.
I know that my local server(my computer's server) has to default login account which are called sa and BUILTIN/ADMINISTRATOR. While I am using my own server, I do not know which default login account is used by my Server since I use windows authentication while connecting to the Server.
Another question is that while adding new login account for my own Server, I noticed that there is a choice which is comprised of Grant and Deny for the Security. What is the meaning and usage of this ??

Thanks and Regards

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Login With Domain Account

Jul 20, 2005

I doing some testing with security and ran into the following problem.I want to log into the SQL server (from Query Analyzer) using mydomain account. To allow this, I went into Logins section inEnterprise Manager and added my user account as a Windows User.If I set Analyzer to use Windows authentication I am to log in with noproblems. But if it is set to SQL Server authentication and I type inmy username (in the format domainusername or username@domain) andpassword I get a login error.Is there a way to login in to SQL using domain account without usingwindows authentication?Thanks,Jason

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Cannot See Login Account Properties

Mar 20, 2007

Hi everybody !!!

I have SQLServer 2005 installed and I think a login account is corrupted because Im not able to connect to a database. I get an Timeout expiration error after I clicked on Login Properties or when I try to make a connection to SQLServer 2005 using that login account. Also I cannot review the script needed to create the login, but I do can review the database user properties mapped to this login account.

Is there a way to recreate or repair a login account??

The only solution I have right now is create another login accout, but this involves to modify database connection properties within my code.

Any help, comment or suggestion is really appreciated.

Thans a lot.

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Cannot See Login Account Properties

Mar 20, 2007

Hi everybody !!!

I have SQLServer 2005 installed and I think a login account is corrupted because Im not able to connect to a database. I get an Timeout expiration error after I clicked on Login Properties or when I try to make a connection to SQLServer 2005 using that login account. Also I cannot review the script needed to create the login, but I do can review the database user properties mapped to this login account.

Is there a way to recreate or repair a login account??

The only solution I have right now is create another login accout, but this involves to modify database connection properties within my code.

Any help, comment or suggestion is really appreciated.

Thans a lot.

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How To Change The Login Name For The Dbo Account?

May 22, 2008

I need to change the login name for the dbo account on several databases to the SQL sa name instead of using a Windows authentication domain name. I haven't been able to find a way to make this change.

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Sql Login Account Accessing Limitation

Aug 14, 2007

Hi everyone,

Is there any limitation in number of accesses for a sql login account?

For example, I use one sql login account to connect between the website and db. Since I changed web server to window 2003. I got error message saying SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

I then created another sql account instead of only one login account. now the website is running fine and faster than before.

I really don't understand it. Can anyone please explain it?

Thanks in advance!

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Security Login Account Restore

Oct 25, 2007

Hey Everyone,

I am testing restoring databases on another SQL 2005 server in out environment using HP data protector 5.5 and its great. However, I notice that the security login accounts do not get restored. If this is the case how do I go about getting accounts restored? Also, are there any other options?



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Add Login Fails With Popup Beacuse It Connot Determine Is Computer Instancename Is Joined To Domain

Apr 23, 2008

I have a SQL 2005 SP2 fail-over cluster with several named instances. It has been running for sometime with no problems. Recently I had to add a new windows group to a named instance. From Management Studio I brought up the "Login - new " gui hit search to find the group in out doamin and got the following error mesage:

The program cannot open the required dialog box because it cannot determine whether the computer named "<instance_name>" is joined to a domain.

The id I am using is a domain authenticated account and I used this same proceedure to add windows groups in the past. If I ignore the message and type in the group as domaingroup_name I can still add the group and users of that group can log into the instance. The other named instances have the same probelm. There are no errors in the event log or SQL's log. Any ideas on how to get the domain search back would be appriciated.

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How Many People Can Login To SQL Server With The Same User Account?

Mar 8, 1999

I'm developing a client-server application using Visual Basic and SQL Server
6.5 for 700 users. The application currently requires users to login to the
database using their network account (via trusted connections). Each of the
users takes up a maximum of 6 connections. Unfortunately, other
considerations will force us to discard use of trusted connections. So it
only leaves us either to create 700 user accounts on SQL Server separately
from their network logins or to create one SQL Server account and everybody
uses that same account to login to the database. For political reasons, the
customer would prefer not to ask their support group to maintain 700 user
accounts on SQL Server if it can be avoided.

My question: is there any technical limitation or other negative consequence
of having 700 users login to the same account to SQL Server if SQL Server
can handle that many connections (it would be 6*700 = 4200 connections)
simultaneously? Are we supposed to do things like this? It seems that we
don’t have better choice than this.

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SQL Unable To Start After Login Account Change

Jul 25, 2007

I have a SQL 2k5 ent. 64 bit on Windows 2003 Ent x64 edition.

The sql server was running fine under localsystem account. Recently I changed the service account to a local user (part of users group in windows) and implemented permissions according to KB article 283811. (have imlpemented the same on many other sql servers without issue).

However, the SQL services are not starting up and I am seeing the following errors in the errorlog.


2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 spid11s Server name is 'HBCARPROD'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 spid13s Starting up database 'model'.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x5, status code 0x51.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x5, status code 0x1.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 3.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Error: 17120, Severity: 16, State: 1.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.


I have gone through the http://blogs.msdn.com/sql_protocols but everything mentioned here seems to be there. I understand this is some permission issue. Just not able to find it out. Can anybody help?

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How To Login To Sql Server Express By Creating You Own Account ?

Nov 21, 2007

Dear All,
I currently installed visual studio 2005. So together it als install sql server express. So then I install the sql server management studio express too. So the problem now I want to do is run asp.net pages. I want to know how to create a local account with my own password. Because now I can only login using default windows authentication so how can I create an account with for sql server authentication ? Another question is that for the server address in my asp.net page what must I write localhost or the name shown in the server name text box while logging in. Thanks.

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Drop And Add A Sql Server Login Account To Each User Database

Dec 6, 2007

I would like to write code to delete and add a SQL Login to every User database on my development server.
Whenever I restore databases to dev using production backups the SQl Server logins are invalid and I need to delete them from the user database and add them again.

I've already hard-coded a sql server job with n steps... a step for each user database to drop and add this sql user to each database. This isn't optimal since I have to add or delete a step everytime a user database is added or deleted.

Does anyone know how to write a loop or cursor that does this dynamically?
I am doing something syntactically wrong related to the GO statement.

declare @db varchar(100)

declare @message varchar(3000)


SELECT top 1 name

FROM master.sys.databases

where name not in


OPEN user_cursor

FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @db



SELECT @message = 'use '+@db + '


+'DROP USER [SQLLogin.DataEntry]

CREATE USER [SQLLogin.DataEntry] FOR LOGIN [SQLLogin.DataEntry]

EXEC sp_addrolemember N''db_datareader'', N''SQLLogin.DataEntry''



execute @message

print @message

FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @db


CLOSE user_cursor

DEALLOCATE user_cursor

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How To Use Sqlcmd Command To Login To Sqlserver With Sa Account Which Have Empty Password

Oct 11, 2007

the password of sa account is empt

I use "sqlcmd -S servername -U sa " command but failed

any suggestions?


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Login Failed For User '%.*ls'. Reason: The Password Of The Account Must Be Changed.

Apr 3, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sql server database user with Password must change, and I get this error when i use ODBC connection wizard,


Login failed for user '%.*ls'. Reason: The password of the account must be changed.

where would the windows shows up to change it similary we do when we connect through Management studio and provide new password.

Any idea.

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Problem In Executing Xp_cmdshell With Least Privileged SQL Login Account In SQL 2005

Jan 26, 2007

I have a least privileged SQL Login €œClient€? and have granted execute rights on XP_Cmdshell SP at master db. When I execute master.. XP_Cmdshell €˜dir€™ I€™m getting the below error.

Msg 15153, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
The xp_cmdshell proxy account information cannot be retrieved or is invalid. Verify that the '##xp_cmdshell_proxy_account##' credential exists and contains valid information.

Please note it is SQL Login account and not windows account. I have checked everywhere for similar problem and no luck.

Thanks for you help in advance

With regards

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Login Failed For User 'dd_user'. Reason: The Password Of The Account Must Be Changed.

May 5, 2008

Any idea why this happened and what do i have to do to reslove it?

Code Snippet
Login failed for user 'dd_user'. Reason: The password of the account must be changed.

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Whether To Use Local System Account Or Domain Account For Service Account

Jan 5, 2006

During install of SQL Server 2005, we can of course use a domain account or the built-in system account for running the services.  I lean toward domain for obvious reaons but would like to know a +/- to each option and why I'd choose one over the other and what consequences or limitations one may encounter if I choose one over the other.

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SQL Security :: What Windows Account Used Server Login To Access Server

May 14, 2015

If we have a "pool" SQL login, a one that uses SQL Server authentication, and this login is used by different domain account to access SQL Server, is there a way to audit which domain account used that "pool" login to do something on a object in SQL Server? I have to keep this way of accessing SQL Server, so how to create a login for every domain account accesses SQL Server

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SA Account (DBA System Account) Granting Priveleges But SQL Server 2000 Not Applying Them

Dec 4, 2006

I have been running a script in SQL Server 2000 as sa also as a Active Directory user who has administrator rights (I tested both approaches SQL Server then Windows Authentication) in Query Analyser which grants execute rights to the stored procedures within the database instance and Query Analyser does not give any errors when I run the script. I have made sure that each transaction has a go after it. I then return to Enterprise Manager, check the rights (I apply them to roles so that when we create another SQL Server user we just grant him/her rights to the role) and discover that the role has not been granted the rights. I seems to be occurring only with 2 of the procedures. Is there a known bug that might be causing this?

yours sincerely

Craig Hoy

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DTS Fails As A Job With Service Startup Account As &#34;System Account&#34;

May 9, 2002

I have several DTS jobs that runs well as a job with my nt login account for the SQL agent service startup account, but if I use the System account
they fail with this error.
" Error opening datafile: Access is denied. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services Flat File Rowset Provider"

The data has change access to the System account under the NT security.

Thank you in advanced.


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Xp_cmdshell Does Not Execute For Non-sysadmin Account Even With Proxy Account

Mar 2, 2004

Hi all, i hope you can help me.

Basically a dts package has been setup that pulls in data from another companies server, this data requires to be on-demand i.e individual users can pull in updates of the data when they require it.

I am using xp_cmdshell and dtsrun to pull in the data. This obviouly works fine for me as i am a member of sysadmin.

Books online quotes " SQL Server Agent proxy accounts allow SQL Server users who do not belong to the sysadmin fixed server role to execute xp_cmdshell"

So i went to the SQL Server Agent Properties 'Job System' tab and unchecked 'Non-sysadmin job step proxy account' and entered a proxy account.

The proxy account has been setup as a Windows user with local administrator privilages and even a member of the sysadmin server role - just in case.

Now when i log onto the db with my test account - a non-sysadmin - and attempt to run the stored proc to import the data i recieved the message 'EXECUTE permission denied on object 'xp_cmdshell', database 'master', owner 'dbo' '

hmm... so basically i have either misunderstood BoL or there is something not quite right in my setup.

I have search the net for a few days now and yet i can find no solution.

Can anyone help?

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Domain Account Vs Local Account For SQLServerAgent

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,BOL notes that in order for replication agents to run properly, theSQLServerAgent must run as a domain account which has privledges to loginto the other machines involved in replication (under "SecurityConsiderations" and elsewhere). This makes sense; however, I waswondering if there were any repercussions to using duplicate localaccounts to establish replication where a domain was not available.Anotherwords, create a local windows account "johndoe" on both machines(with the same password), grant that account access to SQL Server onboth machines, and then have SQL Server Agent run as "johndoe" on bothmachines. I do not feel this is an ideal solution but I havecircumstances under which I may not have a domain available; mypreliminary tests seem to work.Also, are there any similar considerations regarding the MSSQLSERVERservice, or can I always leave that as local system?Dave

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How To Know Whether A Computer Is A Sql Server According To The Name Of Computer?

May 9, 2004

Thanks a lot

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Error: Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'projectAllocations'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'sa'.

Oct 27, 2004

Im getting this error when attempting to retrieve data from an sql database.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login 'projectAllocations'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'sa'.

Source Error:

Line 13: objConn = New SqlConnection( "Server=LAB303-066NETSDK; Database=projectAllocations; User ID=sa;Password=mypassword")
Line 14: objCmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM project_descriptions", objConn)
Line 15: objConn.Open()
Line 16: objRdr = objCmd.ExecuteReader()
Line 17: While objRdr.Read()

Source File: C:finalyearproject2sample.aspx Line: 15

Please Help!! Im a beginner to this, so if anyone knows the answer, take baby steps when explaining. Thanks

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'dbName'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'machineNameASPNET'

Jul 27, 2005

Been looking through the forums for a solution to this problem.I already tried granting access through statements such as:exec sp_grantloginaccess N1'machineNameASPNET'But they don't seem to work.. i vaguely remember seeing somewhere a DOS command line statement that grants access to the ASPNET_WP and that fixed my problem before on another computer.. but this is a new computer and i forgot to write down the command.Can anyone help explain and propose a solution to my problem. Many thanxs.

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Cannot Open Database Requested In Login 'sql'. Login Fails. Login Failed For User 'ASPNET'.

Dec 19, 2003

I am using the MSDE to connect to my ASP.NET application. I get this error after clicking the login button of my login page. Anyone know why this would happen?

Thanks for any help,

Cannot open database requested in login 'DataSQL'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'serverASPNET'.

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