SQL Mobile 3.0 (Update And Insert Question)
Feb 15, 2007
Is it possible If I use insert query to insert a record, but the record is already exist, it will automatically change insert to update?
I have a row: customer_name, last_update
is it possible to use sql to check if the customer_name I want to update is the same as the customer_name in database, it can automatically stop the update?
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Sep 27, 2006
I'm just getting started with using SQL Server Mobile while creating a handheld app using Visual Studio 2005. So far, I have succeeded in RETRIEVING data from the mobile database, but I don't understand why my INSERT nor UPDATE statements will not work. (I'm assuming they don't work, because after I run my code via the debugger, I oddly get no error message, but when I "open" the table in the Server Explorer, I do not see my expected results. Do I need to do some kind of "commit" or something? Here's my code. Thanks for any help! - Sue
'Create SQL statement:
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO MyTable (col1, col2) VALUES ('yucky', 'poo')"
'Create DB connection:
Dim connDB As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection
connDB.ConnectionString = ("Data Source =" _
+ (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetName.CodeBase) + "SueUWM.sdf;"))
'Create DB command:
Dim cmndDB As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand(strSQL, connDB)
'Open the connection:
'Execute the command:
Dim intRecordsAffected As Integer
intRecordsAffected = cmndDB.ExecuteNonQuery()
If intRecordsAffected <> 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("Unable to insert into database.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString, "Insert Error")
End Try
'close the DB connection:
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Mar 11, 2008
Am trying to find a way to insert/update/delete data in a SQL mobile database on a Windows CE 5.0 device FROM a desktop PC.
This situation is completely stand alone, no network (apart form device/desktop), no GPRS etc etc etc.
I've looked at RDA but i dont believe it fits my app. (pulling data from a 2005 server that doesnt exist doesnt really help me much, push can't be used without a pull which kills the idea.)
The goal is a UI on the desktop that can manipulate data in the SQL mobile Database.
I've tried all i can find/think off in relation to this but to no avail.
My latest attempt has been using the simplest method possible (using a VS wizard datasource to the devices DB and tryign to whack that on a form) but this just creates a "Path not found. Check the directory for the database [Path = Mobile Device/ce_swipe/TestDB.sdf".
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Jul 7, 2006
Hi all,
In my C# code I have a Class property that takes the value DateTime.Min upon initialisation, but when I try to insert this into the database column (yes, it is DateTime data type :)) I get an 'Unexpected Error' from SQL Server Mobile.
Is this a known?
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Jul 9, 2006
Hi guys, I'm having a problem inserting a file into a SQL Mobile table.
I'm updating the table via a tableadapter designed through the Dataset designer in VS2k5.
The SQL used to insert is "Insert into TestTable (itemid,itemdata) values (@itemid,@itemdata)"
Where ItemID is a GUID, and ItemData is an Image field. The tableadapter has typed the parameters as GUID and Binary properly already.
Only problem is when I actually call the command with a byte array containing my file, I get a "Byte truncation" error message.
I remember this working properly in SQL CE 2.0 but so far I don't seem to get it to work in SQL mobile, anyone got any pointers?
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Jun 5, 2006
I have use this guide to make a application for windows mobile 5.0. http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/tour/vs2005_guided_tour/VS2005pro/Smart_Client/DataBinder.htm Everything is work. I can add, remove data in the dataset. But i can't update the sql server database. can somebody tell me whats wrong? Nitro.
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May 10, 2006
Hiya, last one (for a while), I swear. I'm getting the hang of this now (famous last words).
I've got a data file saved as an image type in my SQL Mobile database,
and I'm trying to send it over to my SS2005 Server via RDA, which seems
the simplest way possible. The application will only have
periodic rows to send over and insert into the Server's DB, so it seems
like doing a merge or a push is unnecessary overhead.
Is there some way to include parameters in the SQL string argument to
the method SubmitSQL? Or, embed the byte array into the SQL string? For
the life of me, I can't figure out how to do this.
So, if column data has type image, my statement would look like what?
string sSQL = "INSERT INTO sensor_stream (data) VALUES (what goes here?)";
rda.SubmitSql(SQL, strSQLConn);
I've seen the solution being able to assign the image by using
parameters, but it seems that solution is not an option in this case?
Thank you in advance for your time and effort, I appreciate any and all help very much.
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Feb 17, 2006
I have created a database in the SQL Server 2005 and the same database in sql mobile. I have a field, which has a GUID and uniqueidentifier, when i tried to insert the same data which is there in sql server 2005 database into sql mobile database it is giving me error as below
Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 25501
> INSERT INTO TypeValue (TypeValue_ID,DisplayValue,TypeName,OrderIndex,IsActive)
VALUES (b6483fe1-1118-4ba1-9106-0069715a75c0,Asian,ETHNICITY,1,TRUE)
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 2,Token line offset = 24,Token in error = ba1 ]
Please suggest me any solution.
Thank you,
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Mar 2, 2006
Hello (sorry my bad english, im brazilian)
I was using Visual Studio 2003 and SQL Server CE 2.0 for C# mobile applications. The .sdf database were created in the emulator or in the mobile device itself using Query Analizer.
The application developed need some initial data to run, and this data is obtained executing one service that reads a postgree database, and insert the data in the SQL CE database of the mobile device. But, given the size of the database (maybe 10.000 rows), it tooks too much time (sometimes 6 hours).
Now we are migrating to Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition.
I want to know if its possible to create the .sdf database and load the data into this database on the desktop. Maybe through the execution of a .sql script, or through a service executed on the desktop.
After this, its just upload de .sdf file to the mobile device.
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Apr 16, 2015
If I have a table with 1 or more Nullable fields and I want to make sure that when an INSERT or UPDATE occurs and one or more of these fields are left to NULL either explicitly or implicitly is there I can set these to non-null values without interfering with the INSERT or UPDATE in as far as the other fields in the table?
FirstName VARCHAR(50) NULL,
LastName VARCHAR(50) NULL,
[Code] ....
If an INSERT looks like any of the following what can I do to change the NULL being assigned to DateAdded to a real date, preferable the value of GetDate() at the time of the insert? I've heard of INSTEAD of Triggers but I'm not trying tto over rise the entire INSERT or update just the on (maybe 2) fields that are being left as null or explicitly set to null. The same would apply for any UPDATE where DateModified is not specified or explicitly set to NULL. I would want to change it so that DateModified is not null on any UPDATE.
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded)
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName)
INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded)
SELECT FirstName, LastName, NULL
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Nov 14, 2007
I have a web form with a text field that needs to take in as much as the user decides to type and insert it into an nvarchar(max) field in the database behind. I've tried using the new .write() method in my update statement, but it cuts off the text after a while. Is there a way to insert/update in SQL 2005 this without resorting to Bulk Insert? It bloats the transaction log and turning the logging off requires a call to sp_dboptions (or a straight-up ALTER DATABASE), which I'd like to avoid if I can.
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Oct 23, 2014
I'm working on inserting data into a table in a database. The table has two separate triggers, one for insert and one for update (I don't like it this way, but that's how it's been for years). When there is a normal insert, done via a program, it looks like the triggers work fine. When I run an insert manually via a script, the first insert trigger will run, but the update trigger will fail. I narrowed down the issue to a root cause.
This root issue is due to both triggers using the same temporary table name. When the second trigger runs, there's an error stating that a few columns don't exist. I went to my test server and test db and changed the update trigger so that the temporary table is different than the insert trigger temporary table, the triggers work fine. The weird thing is that if the temporary table already exists, when the second trigger tries to create the temporary table, I would expect it to fail and say that it already exists.I'm probably just going to update the trigger tonight and change the temporary table name.
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Feb 15, 2008
I've to write an trigger for the following action
When a entry is done in the table Adoscat79 having in the index field Statut_tiers the valeur 1 and a date in data_cloture for a customer xyz
all the entries in the same table where the no_tiers is the same as the one entered (many entriers) should have those both field updated
statut_tiers to 1
and date_cloture to the same date as entered
the same action has to be done when an update is done and the valeur is set to 1 for the statut_tiers and a date entered in the field date_clture
thank you for your help
I've never done a trigger before
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Aug 8, 2006
Dear ppl,
I am writing an application for a device (MDA Pro T-Mobile) having Windows Mobile 5.0 using
-MS .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP-1
-SQL Mobile 2005.
-VS 2005 .NET
The application uses Merge Replication. The error occurs in the Synchronise() Method of the SqlCeReplication object.
"SQL Server Mobile encountered problems when opening the database."
I don't understand why I am having this error. It does create the database on AddSubscription() method but it is failing opening the database on Synchronise(). I have also tried uninstalling and then reinstalling all the SQL Mobile components in the following order.
However, when i run this application on a device(Dell X50 AXIM) with Pocket PC 2003, it runs fine creating the database and sysnchronising it.
The target platform for the project is Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK.
Does any one have any clue what could be the problem ?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,I am writing a stored procedure that will take data from severaldifferent tables and will combine the data into a single table for ourdata warehouse. It is mostly pretty straightforward stuff, but there isone issue that I am not sure how to handle.The resulting table has a column that is an ugly concatenation fromseveral columns in the source. I didn't design this and I can't huntdown and kill the person who did, so that option is out. Here is asimplified version of what I'm trying to do:CREATE TABLE Source (grp_id INT NOT NULL,mbr_id DECIMAL(18, 0) NOT NULL,birth_date DATETIME NULL,gender_code CHAR(1) NOT NULL,ssn CHAR(9) NOT NULL )GOALTER TABLE SourceADD CONSTRAINT PK_SourcePRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (grp_id, mbr_id)GOCREATE TABLE Destination (grp_id INT NOT NULL,mbr_id DECIMAL(18, 0) NOT NULL,birth_date DATETIME NULL,gender_code CHAR(1) NOT NULL,member_ssn CHAR(9) NOT NULL,subscriber_ssn CHAR(9) NOT NULL )GOALTER TABLE DestinationADD CONSTRAINT PK_DestinationPRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (grp_id, mbr_id)GOThe member_ssn is the ssn for the row being imported. Each member alsohas a subscriber (think of it as a parent-child kind of relationship)where the first 9 characters of the mbr_id (as a zero-padded string)match and the last two are "00". For example, given the followingmbr_id values:1234567890012345678901123456789021111111110022222222200They would have the following subscribers:mbr_id subscriber mbr_id12345678900 1234567890012345678901 1234567890012345678902 1234567890011111111100 1111111110022222222200 22222222200So, for the subscriber_ssn I need to find the subscriber using theabove rule and fill in that ssn.I have a couple of ideas on how I might do this, but I'm wondering ifanyone has tackled a similar situation and how you solved it.The current system does an insert with an additional column for thesubscriber mbr_id then it updates the table using that column to joinback to the source. I could also join the source to itself in the firstplace to fill it in without the extra update, but I'm not sure if theextra complexity of the insert statement would offset any gains fromputting it all into one statement. I plan to test that on Monday.Thanks for any ideas that you might have.-Tom.
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Jun 15, 2006
I am migrating a pocket PC application from VS 2003 to VS 2005 and a few weeks ago I hit the following problem when replicating
A SQL Mobile DLL could not be loaded. Reinstall SQL Mobile. [ DLL Name=sqlceca30.dll]
Scanning forums for help I saw that other people had had this problem and one
suggested that this problem could be circumvented by getting the replication object early and then continuously using the same object for subsequent replications.
I did this and it works a lot better now but ever so often I get another error which is
Native Error 28559 SQL Mobile encountered problems when opening the database
My only option at this point is to stop and start the application which cures the problem.
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Mar 23, 2006
I am developping a non-managed C++ application for PocketPC using a SQL Server mobile database.
The application is compiled for PocketPC 2003 and uses SQL Server Mobile v2. I use Visual Studio 2005. But I need to compile the application for Windows Mobile 5.0 devices. So I installed the WM5 SDK and had the WM5 into my project configuration.
The "ssceoledb.h" which I include incluses the "transact.h" file. But my problem is that this file is only provided with the PocketPC 2003 SDK and not in the WM5 SDK.
So I cannot use the WM5 configuration project with SQL Server. I also tried with the last SQL Server Mobile 2005 (ie v3.0) and the "ssceoledb30.h" also includes "transact.h".
Did I miss something to install ?
Do you know how I can resolve the problem ?
By advance, thank you for any answer.
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Mar 1, 2007
Can I roll back certain query(insert/update) execution in one page if query (insert/update) in other page execution fails in asp.net.( I am using sqlserver 2000 as back end)
In a webpage1, I have insert query into master table and Page2 I have insert query to store data in sub table.
I need to rollback the insert command execution for sub table ,if insert command to master table in web page1 is failed. (Query in webpage2 executes first, then only the query in webpage1) Can I use System. Transaction to solve this? Thanks in advance
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May 18, 2006
Using MS VS 2005 (incl SQL Server Mobile)
MS Pocket PC 2005 SDK
I am working on a project that builds for Pocket PC on both Mobile 2003 and Mobile 5. The project uses/will use SQL Server Mobile to store local data.
Project created from new with support for both platforms. I include required header files ssceerr30.h and ssceoledb30.h.
Project builds fine in WM2003 configuration, release and debug.
When I build for WM5 the compiler cannot find the header file transact.h. This is included from within ssceoledb30.h. Same as under WM2003.
In WM2003 configuration if I highlight the ssceoledb30.h include in Visual Studio and open the header, it takes me to <Visual Studio dir>SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerMobilev3.0. I then locate the include for transact.h and do the same, which takes me <Visual Studio dir>SDKPocketPC2003include. The file exists.
If I repeat the above 'browsing' under the WM5 configuration, ssceoledb30.h takes me to a different copy in the WM5 SDK directory. There is no diff between the file here and the other copy used by WM2003. If I attempt to open transact.h - file does not exist.
Fix (which I'm not too sure about, i.e. is it OK?) - If I copy transact.h to the WM5 SDK directory, the project builds.
Why has transact.h disappeared from WM5 SDK?
I can find no ref's to this problem anywhere. Is my installation of the WM5 SDK corrupt? What else could I be missing?
Is there a sample for SQL Server mobile (like the NorthwindOLEDB sample) that comes configured to build for WM5?
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Mar 6, 2006
It is possible to access a Sql Server 2005 Mobile database in a VS2003 application (compact framework) ?
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Sep 8, 2007
I receive error 25123 on my PPC (audiovox 6600) in a reproducable way (usually) with .net 2.0 application that is using SQL CE that I wrote:
Open the application
Connect to the database
Close the applicaton
Re-Open the application
Connect to the database <-- Error occurs
I will also receive the error if my application isn't the first application launched (or very close to the first to launch).
I don't believe it's a memory issue as according to the memory manager I have plenty of memory:
At boot up only start screen items loaded: 18.46 Used 49.89 Free
Launch Resco File Explorer to click EXE: 19.18 Used 49.18 Free
Launch my application (no DB connection): 23.64 Used 44.71 Free
Connect to the DB and do select count(*) from a table with 0 rows: 26.27 Used 42.08 Free
Close the application (this.Close() on the form: 19.38 Used 48.97 Free
Relaunch App and connect to DB receive error: around 38 Used around 30 free
I was unable to reproduce the issue right now while typing this message, the last sets of numbers are from memory, and include other applications that are currently running.
The only way I have to get SQL CE to load again is to soft reset the PPC. If the application is able to connect to SQL CE at least once it is fine up till I close it and re-open the application. So it either connects and runs great, or it can't connect at all.
Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 24, 2006
Hi folks, I'm new to Windows Mobile progamming, and new to this forum. Apologies in advance if I'm asking a boneheaded question, but I've done searches and can't find anything directly applicable to my problem.
I'm currently walking through the published MS tutorial in setting up an SQL Server 2005 Mobile application that subscribes to a publication on SQL Server 2005 to exchange information.
I've gotten almost all the way through... successfully set up the server components, creating the publication, etc. On the mobile side, I've been able run the cab files to install the SQL Mobile components and to create the project, add the reference to the dll, and instantiate an engine object. It compiles.
The step in the tutorial after that, though, where you specify the data source from the "data" menu, I've got a problem. When I try to use the "new connection" dialog from choosing the data connection, "MS SQL Server Mobile Edition" doesn't show up as a choice. I've tried choosing any of the other combinations, and in teh subsequent "Connection properties" section my database, SQLMobile (as in their sample) is available, but I get an error when I choose it and click OK. Clicking on "Test Connection" gives me a connection successful message.
My guess is that something about the Mobile server side components is not installed correctly on my development machine, but honestly I have no idea how to begin to fix it. Has anyone seen this problem before and know how to resolve it?
Your time and any knowledge sharing is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
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Jul 21, 2006
This is a great tutorial and it's a shame one of the more important steps was missed.
In the €œCreate the snapshot user€? section you you find the steps to create the snapshot_agent account. Then in the €œCreate the snapshot folder€? section you find the share and folder permissions. However, at no point do the instructions advise you about adding the snapshot_agent to the SQL Server Logins. The result is that agent cannot perform the initial snapshot but you won't find this out until 50 steps later after Step 10 in the section €œCreate a new subscription".
To get back on track, openthe Object Explorer's Security section and add the snapshot_agent to your logins. Then using the "User Mappings", set an appropriate level for the SQLMobile database role. Once completed you then need to run the agent.
Right-click the SQLMobile publication you created and select "View Snapshot Agent status". From that dialog you can select "Start" to run the agent. When it completes, you can return to the tutorial section "Create a new subscription" and continue with the tutorial.
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Nov 3, 2007
I am studying the tutorial in SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition Books Online, and the topic is Creating a Mobile Application with SQL Server Mobile. I have got a problem when creating a new subscription after created a new SQL Server Mobile database. And the problem is shown below:
New Subscription Wizard
- Beginning Synchronization (Success)
- Synchronizing Data (100%) (Error)
* Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect.
HRESULT 0x80004005 (29061)
* 無法完æˆ?作æ¥ã€‚
- Finalizing Synchronization (Stopped)
- Saving Subscription Properties (Stopped)
Before I have met this problem, I have finished all the task. And I can browse the localhost web site by using anonymous account even I use internet explorer or browse the directly in IIS.
Does anyone can solve it?? Thank you very much~~~
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Jul 7, 2006
Can anyone explain what the difference is and the advantages or disadvantages of using the below statements in my SQL paramaters please. Is there a performance hit if I use the second option?
If myCustomer.Phone2 IsNot Nothing Then
If myCustomer.Phone2.Length > 0 Then
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Dec 8, 2006
Is there an easy way with DTS to pump data from one table to another so that it will update the row if it exists (the source and destination have the same value for the ID colum) or insert it if it doesn't.
I know this can be done with stored procedures/sql by doing IF EXISTS UPDATE ELSE INSERT but there are many tables and columns and this will be very tiime consuming.
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Feb 2, 2008
I have a page where the user can update stock records. it has 5 x 5 text boxes. If the user has already entered stock before that stock will show up and they can change it and clicking the button it will update, however if they have just entered new data i would assume they would need to insert it, so how do i go about doing this? do i need to use both insert and update in the same sql string?
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Jul 15, 2005
I am developing an application for the marketing dept at my company.
Basically users can build the content of an email to be sent to our
subscriber database.
I am wanting the application to initailly save the content into a database, the update the most recently inserted row.
The save button uses the following SQL command:
Dim SqlMethod As String =
"INSERT INTO CZC_email (Offer, SendDate, Destinations, Copy, BannerURL)
VALUES ('" & txtCampaignName.Text & "','" &
calCampaignDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yy/dd/MM") & "','" &
DestinationsSelected & "','" & FreeTextBox2.Text & "', '"
& txtBannerPath.Text & "')SELECT @@IDENTITY AS 'CZ_ID'"
And my update button has this SQL command:
Dim SqlMethod As String =
"UPDATE CZC_email SET SendDate = '" &
calCampaignDate.SelectedDate.ToString("yy/dd/MM") & "', Offer = '"
& txtCampaignName.Text & "',Destinations = '" &
DestinationsSelected & "', BannerURL = '" & txtBannerPath.Text
but it doesnt seem to be updating. anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
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Nov 24, 2005
I have a GridView on a page, It contains data from 2 joined tables and a command column to Edit/Update. I want to update the data in only one of the tables. If the data exists in the table to be updated there seems to be no problem (obviously). But I get an error when trying to update a record that does not exist (I should think so). Is there a way of Inserting the record before the update is fired? I have tried to do an insert contained in a 'Try' in the GridView1_RowUpdating, but this does not seem to work. as I still get the same error. Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.] System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider) +54 System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, TypeCode typeCode, IFormatProvider provider) +293 System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceView.AddParameters(DbCommand command, ParameterCollection reference, IDictionary parameters, IDictionary exclusionList, String oldValuesParameterFormatString) +577 System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceView.ExecuteUpdate(IDictionary keys, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues) +400 System.Web.UI.DataSourceView.Update(IDictionary keys, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues, DataSourceViewOperationCallback callback) +78 System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.HandleUpdate(GridViewRow row, Int32 rowIndex, Boolean causesValidation) +1173 System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.HandleEvent(EventArgs e, Boolean causesValidation, String validationGroup) +1084 System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +88 System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +35 System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +117 System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +35 System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) +83 System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +136 System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11 System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +172 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +4839
Protected Sub GridView1_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowUpdating
Dim eventid As Integer = CInt(GridView1.Rows(GridView1.EditIndex).Cells(7).ToString)
Dim userid As Integer = CInt(hfID.Value)
Dim guests As Integer = CInt(GridView1.Rows(GridView1.EditIndex).Cells(4).ToString)
Dim attending As Boolean = CBool(GridView1.Rows(GridView1.EditIndex).Cells(5).ToString)
Dim extra As String = Server.HtmlEncode(GridView1.Rows(GridView1.EditIndex).Cells(6).ToString)
InsertRecord(eventid, userid, guests, attending, extra)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Function InsertRecord(ByVal eventID As Integer, ByVal userID As Integer, ByVal guests As Integer, ByVal attending As Boolean, ByVal extra As String) As Integer
Dim connectionString As String = "server='localhost'; trusted_connection=true; Database='AFRA'"
Dim sqlConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim queryString As String = "INSERT INTO [AFRAAttendance] ([EventID], [UserID], [Guests], [Attending], [Extra]) VALUES (@EventID, @UserID, @Guests, @Attending, @Extra)"
Dim sqlCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConnection)
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@EventID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = eventID
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = userID
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Guests", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = guests
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Attending", System.Data.SqlDbType.Bit).Value = attending
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Extra", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = extra
Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0
rowsAffected = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery
End Try
Return rowsAffected
End FunctionThank you
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Jan 6, 2006
Is it possible to run a DTS package so that it just updates existing rows rather than a full on insert?
I have an HR db as a source and a health and safety db as destination. records of peoples H+S acheivments and assessments are maintained in the H+S db but i need to keep this topped up with the newly recruited staff details and the existing staff change of details. The DTS need to know to insert where its a new record and to update where its just a change of name or work location etc.
if DTS wont do this, what are my options?
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Aug 22, 2004
I have a form that pulls existing information from a database and allows users to edit it. Every field can be left blank if the user wishes. I am having an issue with determining which SQL statement to run. There has to be an easier way to do this then what I am doing. For each filed I process the data this way:
SQL2="select * from 1985ClassList where MailingListID =" & Session("EID")
set aData = oConn.execute(SQL2)
SQL = "Update 1985ClassList SET "
if aData.Fields("FirstName") > " " and Request.QueryString("FirstName") > " " then
SQL = SQL & "'FirstName' = '" & Request.QueryString("FirstName") & "', "
end if
if aData.Fields("FirstName") = " " and Request.QueryString("FirstName") > " " then
strFSQL = strFSQL & "FirstName, "
strVSQL = strVSQL & Request.QueryString("FirstName") & ", "
end if
SQL = SQL & "where MailingListID =" & Session("EID")
set mData = oConn.execute(SQL)
if strFSQL > " " then
SQL1 = "Insert into 1985ClassList " & strFSQL & "VALUES " & strVSQL
end if
set mData = oConn.execute(SQL1)
It works fine for the UPDATE, but not for the INSERT.
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Sep 1, 2004
Is it possible to Read data From a Table while Insertion/Update is happening on the table??
In case if this is not possible,Is there anyway to do that??
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