SQL ODBC Table Listing Is Not Showing

Nov 8, 2006

I have created a System DSN using the SQL Server ODBC driver and configured it to point to my server and database.


When I access the newly created DSN, it should show the tables listing.  However, I get the following screen:

See it here

 Why am I getting this instead of the tables listing and how do I fix it?


Thank you!

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Listing Table Data Types Using TSQL

Jun 17, 2008

I can find out the data types used in my table by navigating the SSMS and right clicking the table and selecting modify.

How do I view that same output using T-SQL?

Thank you

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Table Object Is Not Showing.

Oct 2, 2006

declare @MinVoter varchar(20)
declare @field varchar(20)
declare @sql1 varchar(100)
declare @tableName varchar(20)
set @tableName = '00221'

print @tableName

print '======================================='

select @field = ad_str1
from @tableName
where id_voter = @MinVoter

Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 15
Must declare the variable '@tableName'.

can someone fix this syntax.

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Qurey Showing All The Rows In Table

Jun 10, 2008

Hi guys,

The below query should produce all those customers who are in 'orginalerrorfiles' but not in 'hopefullyworks2'. 3 fields will be used as the check to make sure that the rows, that r identical won't be displayed but those that r different will be displayed.

Instead of doing that it just display everything in the table called 'orginalerrorfiles'.

Note 'orginalerrorfiles' consist of 141455 rows
'hopefullyworks2' consist of 134784 rows

select o.card_no

from OriginalErrorFiles o

where exists (select h.card_no
from hopefullyworks2 h
where( h.card_no = o.card_no and
h.ref_no=o.ref_no and
h.tran_val = o.tran_val

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##table Schema Not Showing In Dataset

Jan 16, 2008

I have a ##table (dynamic openquery to oracle - don't ask) but am unable to see the dataset schema in the dataset window

I've tried putting FMTONLY statements in - no difference
I've also tried changing the query to be text e.g. EXEC proc @param,..... - no difference

Anyone know of a workaround?

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Rows In Table Not Showing Up In Enterprise Manager

Nov 20, 2000

I have just installed SQL Server 7 on a server. Everything was installed fine without any errors. The only problem occurs when I use Enterprise Manager, I right click on a table in the Northwinds database to open table and return all rows. The form pops up and no rows appear. Nothing in the table form works. I can view the records from Query Analyzer, and can also view them through Enterprise Manager when using a workstation client. This problem only occurs at the server. Any thoughts.

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Showing Realtionship In Database Table Diagram

Nov 23, 2006


i have a table inwhich there are three columns heading1, heading2, heading3...now this table is linked to a tree table which has columns headingid, headingname, and parentid

The link between the table1 and table 2 be
heading1 = headingid OR
heading2= headingid OR
heading3= headingid

is there a way I can show this on my database diagram??? (I know this is against normalisation, but the database was written by someone else...)

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Digram Showing Schema Of System Database Table

Dec 1, 2000

Does anyone know where I can get a digram showing the database schemas for all of the system database. I need to know the realtionship between tables in the system databases. Would like to download something from the internet preferably, or if someone has something they can e-mail?

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Table Diff Utility - Showing Only Difference Of Records

Dec 10, 2007

Hi Madhu,

my table does not have primary key so i created a seperate index on each of the table.

I used the recommended tablediff utility and it works successfully. But its only show the difference of records in each table and does not copy rows from source to destination and destination to source table. I was expecting database1.dbo.table1 contains same records as in database1.dbo.table2.

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COM>tablediff /sourceserver kashif-pcs
qlexpress /sourcedatabase AB /sourcetable table1 /destinationserver kashif-pcsq
lexpress /destinationdatabase CD /destinationtable table2
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Replication Diff Tool
Copyright (C) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

User-specified agent parameter values:
/sourceserver kashif-pcsqlexpress
/sourcedatabase AB
/sourcetable table1
/destinationserver kashif-pcsqlexpress
/destinationdatabase CD
/destinationtable table2

Table [AB].[dbo].[table1] on kashif-pcsqlexpress and Table [CD].[dbo].[table2]
on kashif-pcsqlexpress have 5 differences.
Err Sno
Src. Only 101
Src. Only 102
Dest. Only 103
Dest. Only 104
Dest. Only 105
The requested operation took 0.466767 seconds.

Can you write a short script for my problem, just like comparison of database1.dbo.table1 compares in database2.dbo.table2 and which ever records not present it should copy those and vice-versa.

It means Database1.dbo.table1 contains 5 records
Database2.dbo.table2 contains 5 records

Kashif Chotu

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Job Listing

Mar 9, 2006

Hi fellas.

I need you to answer a question:
What should I do and which SQL Server tool do I have to use in order to find a job listing on the database ?

Thanks in advance,

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Table Name Too Long Via ODBC

Aug 16, 2006


I am traing to execute this select


using SQL SERVER ODBC, however, I received this message:

"Identifer too long"

Is there any table length name limitation?

I think, there is, because works well on SQL environment.

I mean, should this table have less then 18 characters? Can I work around this limitation?



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ASP.Net Unleashed Listing 12.16 Example

Dec 2, 2004

I am trying to get the following code to work but I keep getting an error.

DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK__titleauth__title__060DEAE8'. The conflict occurred in database 'pubs', table 'titleauthor', column 'title_id'.

Has anyone else experienced a problem with this example? Let me know what is wrong
with it.


<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script runat="server">

Sub Page_Load
Dim dstPubs As DataSet
Dim conPubs As SqlConnection
Dim dadTitles As SqlDataAdapter
Dim dtblTitles As DataTable
Dim drowTitle As DataRow
Dim objCommandBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder

' Grab Titles Table
dstPubs = New DataSet()
conPubs = New SqlConnection( "Server='(local)';Database=Pubs;trusted_connection=true" )
dadTitles = New SqlDataAdapter( "Select * from Titles", conPubs )
dadTitles.Fill( dstPubs, "Titles" )
dtblTitles = dstPubs.Tables( "Titles" )

' Display Original Titles Table
dgrdOriginalTitles.DataSource = dstPubs

' Add a Row
drowTitle = dtblTitles.NewRow()
drowTitle( "Title_id" ) = "xxxx"
drowTitle( "Title" ) = "ASP.NET Unleashed"
drowTitle( "Price" ) = 1200.00
drowTitle( "Type" ) = "Mystery"
drowTitle( "PubDate" ) = #12/25/1966#
dtblTitles.Rows.Add( drowTitle )

' Delete the First Row
dtblTitles.Rows( 0 ).Delete()

' Double the price of the Second Row
drowTitle = dtblTitles.Rows( 2 )
drowTitle( "Price" ) *= 2

' Generate the SQL Commands
objCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder( dadTitles )

' Update Titles Table
dadTitles.Update( dstPubs, "Titles" )

' Display New Titles Table
dgrdNewTitles.DataSource = dstPubs
End Sub

<h2>Original Titles Table
<asp:DataGrid id="dgrdOriginalTitles" Runat="Server"></asp:DataGrid>
<h2>New Titles Table
<asp:DataGrid id="dgrdNewTitles" Runat="Server"></asp:DataGrid>

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Listing Indexes

May 31, 2001

Is there a way to list all table index in a user database? Not the system index.

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Index Listing

Aug 28, 2003

I want something like:

select TableName, IndexName
from SomeSystemTables
where TableName like 'Src%'
and IndexName not like '_WA%'

I plan on using this in a cursor in order to delete all indexes. Then I rebuild all tables from an old VMS.Ingres database and create new indexes.

I've looked over previous posts on listing indexes, but don't get the method for identifying both the tablename and the indexname in the same query. DB is SQL2000.



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Index Listing

Mar 21, 2001

Does anyone know of a system stored procedure that I can run to print a list of indexes for a specific datbase. I know I can do it for a specified table, but I would like it for all tables. Thanks!

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Listing Db Values

Mar 12, 2004

Hi, I want to make a logfile where i store all tables, collnames and values of a specified database. Which statement can I use in SQLserver or Oracle? I already found the following statements:

select * from all_tables
select * from user_tables

select * from sysobjects where type'='U'

So getting the tablenames isn't the problem. The question is how the get the matching columns with their type and value.


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Listing Zero Count

Jan 22, 2007

I have a query that lists the names of all employees and the number of training modules they have sat. The query is below:

SELECT distinct pps_principals.name AS principals_name,
COUNT(*) AS coursecount
and pps_scos.name like 'MT%'
and pps_principals.login like '%testlogin%'
and pps_transcripts.date_created between '2006-10-01' and '2007-09-30'
GROUP BY pps_principals.name
ORDER BY coursecount desc

The cont goes all the way down to those who have sat 1 module.

I now however need to be able to report all those names of individuals who have sat 0 courses.

Any help appreciated.

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Listing Data

Mar 30, 2008

sample Table and records.

id uname punchdate punchtime
1 Â A Â Â Â Â 1/1/2007Â Â 7:00am
1 Â A Â Â Â Â 1/2/2007Â Â 8:00am
1 Â A Â Â Â Â 1/4/2007Â Â 7:30am
1 Â A Â Â Â Â 1/6/2007Â Â 7:40am

let say i want to get a result which punchdate is from 1/1/2007 to 1/8/2007, how can i get a result like this one.?

1 Â Â AÂ Â 1/1/2007 Â Â 7:00am
1 Â Â AÂ Â 1/2/2007 Â Â 8:00am
1 Â Â AÂ Â 1/3/2007 Â Â <null>
1 Â Â AÂ Â 1/4/2007 Â Â 7:30am
1 Â Â A Â Â 1/5/2007 Â Â <null>
1 Â Â A Â Â 1/6/2007 Â Â 7:40am
1 Â Â A Â Â 1/7/2007Â Â <null>
1 Â Â A Â Â 1/8/2007 Â Â <null>

listing all data even if theres no punchdate and time in the table.

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Listing All Indexes

Jul 20, 2005

Still using SQL7.I am wondering how come there is not an Information_Schema view thatlists indexes? Information_Schema is supposed to be the safest way toobtain information on metadata, but it appears that the only way toget a list of indexes is with a system stored proc.

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Link A Table With Odbc Into Sql Server?

Nov 14, 2003

is it possible to link a table with odbc into sql server?
it would be nice to link an MS Access table into sql server where i could use stored procedures to access the MS Access table.

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Copy Table From ODBC To SQL Database

May 12, 2006

Hi all,

I'm trying to copy a table from an odbc db to an sqlserver2005 db. SSIS will not do this for me and says I must write a script. I'm not experienced enough in sqlserver to do this and was unable to find a example of this by searching the web. Does anyone know of any websites with an explanation of how to do this?

thanks for any help.

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Users Not Listing In Database.

Jan 25, 2001

Hello Experts,

I copied a database from my production server to the development server and now i dont see the users in the database from the enterprise manager,database and users folder. But, When i run a query to against the sysuser table from a query analyser I can see those users here. Why cant I see in from the Enterprise manager. Any advice please..

Appreciated any comments on this.


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Listing All Months Regardless Of Values

Jun 15, 2005

I have written the following query which returns the number of orders received grouped by the year and month:
SELECT DATEPART(yyyy, order_placeddate) AS year, DATEPART(mm, order_placeddate) AS month, count(order_id) AS orders
FROM orders
GROUP BY DATEPART(yyyy, order_placeddate), DATEPART(mm, order_placeddate)
ORDER BY year, month
year month orders
---- ----- ------
2004 6 17
2004 7 37
2004 8 30
2004 9 42
2004 10 34
2004 11 46
2005 1 25
2005 2 7
2005 4 1
The obvious problem with the above is that it misses out the months that have no orders, i.e. December, March, May, etc.

Is there a way I can amend my query so that it shows all months regardless of whether any orders were placed?

I have thought about trying to LEFT OUTER JOIN the above to a table that has rows with values of 1 – 12, but I’m not convinced this is the answer... and I don’t really know how to do it!

Do let me know if any of the above is unclear – what I’m after is the following:
year month orders
---- ----- ------
2004 6 17
2004 7 37
2004 8 30
2004 9 42
2004 10 34
2004 11 46
2004 12 0
2005 1 25
2005 2 7
2005 3 0
2005 4 1
2005 5 0
Many thanks

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Listing All Tablenames In A Database?

Jun 24, 2004

Is it possible to list all the tables in a database? I need to list the tablenames, is that possible with a .mdb database?

Only by using SQL, I want no frontend programming.

And is it possible to list all fieldnames of a known table.

All help appreciated

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Listing All Tables And Their Columns?

Jun 14, 2006

Hey all. I apologize, but I'm a developer, not a DBA. I need to run a query that will list each table in a DB as well as the columns i nthose tables.

I know that you can use: EXEC sp_help 'table_name' to get a description, but I'm not sure how to set up a cursor to substitute the table names, or where to get the tables names.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Listing Orders Without A Date

Apr 25, 2012

I'm suppose to List all orders where there is no shippedDate (just give their orderNumbers).

I have this:
select orderNumber from orders where shippedDate= null;

I'm not sure what to put in place of the "= null" as that is clearly wrong

(Note: If I use "select orderNumber from orders where shippedDate;" it prints out all the orders, but I only want the orders where there are no ShippedDate...

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Listing All Indexes Within A Database

May 23, 2007

Working with sql server 2005. Is there a way through Management Studio to show all indexes within a db?


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Server Listing For TCP Connection

Oct 25, 2005

I'm having trouble with an ODBC User that can't connect to 2003Windows Server with SQL2000.The ODBC fails when he tries to contact with TCP client connection.When I view the Network Connection it is displaying TCP is checked,but when I view the error log is doesn't display that it is listeningfor TCP.Is there any way to prove that my TCP connections are workingcorrectly or a way to make sure that my SQL server is listening forTCP?Thanks for reading my note and any help with this issue is greatlyappreciated.

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SSIS Package Listing By Name

Sep 21, 2006

I have 100s of packages under one project and finding it difficult to locate a package since it is not in any order. Is there a way to list packages by its name - alphabetically sort ?


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Listing Foreign Keys

Dec 12, 2007

If I run the following code (quote many times on the internet), which should show all foreign keys in a database, but it only returns a partial list:

select CCU.table_name src_table, CCU.constraint_name src_constraint, CCU.column_name src_col, KCU.table_name target_table, KCU.column_name target_col, RC.UPDATE_RULE, RC.DELETE_RULE


where CCU.constraint_name = RC.constraint_name and RC.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME = KCU.CONSTRAINT_NAME

order by CCU.table_name, CCU.constraint_name

If I run the following, removing the KEY_COLUMN_USAGE link, it returns the full list:

select CCU.table_name src_table, CCU.constraint_name src_constraint, CCU.column_name src_col, RC.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME, RC.CONSTRAINT_NAME, RC.UPDATE_RULE, RC.DELETE_RULE


where CCU.constraint_name = RC.constraint_name

order by CCU.table_name, CCU.constraint_name

I can't figure out what the problem is, the ones that are being left out of the first query ad the ones where the unique_constraint is set to the column name, not the constraint's name. For example, the first one appears in both query results, the second one only appears in the secod queries results:

awards awards_FK00 award_type aaaaaaward_types_PK awards_FK00 NO ACTION NO ACTION
awards awards_FK01 personid personid awards_FK01 NO ACTION CASCADE

Any help would be great, thank!


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Network Instance Listing

Feb 6, 2008

Hi All,

I have installed SQL Server Express on several machines on my network using same command line, configuring remote connections to be allowed. I have also added SQL Server and SQL Browser to the exceptions list in Windows Firewall.

All the installed intances in the network are listed when using SMO enumeration to browse through the servers.

But, in one of the machines, only the local SQL Express Instance is listed. The same is the case when trying from SQL Server Management Studio. But when I manually type the remote instance name it successfully connects.

I also found that adding SQL Management Studio to the list of exceptions in the Firewall solves the problem. But I don't want to install Management Studio in my client machines.

Any alternate solution will be helpful

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SSIS Error Listing

Jun 9, 2005

Is there a list of all the SSIS Error codes and what they

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Odbc Error Linked Table Access

Sep 27, 2006

I have access97 front end , with linked tables to sql server 2005. when i change a table ID column (type int) to primary key so it is updatable, then try open the table i get odbc error with no msg, if i alter table again to remove primary key option table opens fine but is not updateable. any ideas would be a great help

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