SQL Reporting Services 2005: Using IIF To See If Field Contains Specific Value
Feb 27, 2008
I'm sure there's a way to do this, but I can't figure it out. I want to see if a field has a semi-colon in it and if it does display one thing, if not display another. But it doesn't just have a semicolon. It's a list of names, and if there is more than one name there will be a semi-colon between them.
I am in a project where we are using a vanillla Reporting Services 2005 with the builtin report portal. No sharepoint integration yet.
We have successful deployments where we limit access to different folders based on AD-accounts and groups. In this particular case I have a folder for which I would like to allow access to all AD-users within the entire company.
So basically I know how to limit access but I don't know how to enable access for everyone. Is there a simple way to do it? I have googled and search mshelp but I couldn't find anything. I will admit to the search being quite quick but as usual time is short.
Is there a way in Reporting Services layout mode to get the report to display more than one response for one field in the same cell?
More specifically, I have a list of classes that lists section, title, and instructors. If the class has more than one instructor, I want the instructor cell to list both instructors in one cell, separated by a semi-colon, rather than listing all the class information - along with instructor - in two separate rows. Any suggestions?
Hello, My problem is with Validating Date parameter filed, when I user enters wrong (assume user is entering date instead of selecting from date picker). Where following are scenarios I would like to validate.When user enters non-date. When user enters 30/feb/yyyy.When user enters 29/feb/yyyy. (for non-leap year).When user enters 31/mm/yyyy. (for months does not includes day 31)
Could you explain in a little more detail how to accomplish this?
1. I have a dataset with userID's 2. I want to only show the records where a userID is a member of a specific AD group,
I'm not allowed to use a linked server. I was able to make a datasource in SSDT that connects to AD, but I don't know where to begin with the dataset expression in the SSRS report.
We run std 2008. In my ssrs log I see this for one of our most critical reports...
library!ReportServer_0-64!2244!07/07/2015-08:24:53:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(/somedirectory/somedirectory1).... which I assume is an indication of a report starting to render by first checking permissions.
Around the time my user says he still saw the revolving arrow and he stopped the report because he felt it was running too long, I see...
webserver!ReportServer_0-64!1dbc!07/07/2015-08:54:44:: i INFO: Processed report. Report='/somedirectory/somedirectory1/importantreport', Stream=''
How can it be true that he stopped it and ssrs reports that it processed the report?
About 4 minutes later I see this entry in the log...
webserver!ReportServer_0-64!15e4!07/07/2015-08:58:34:: i INFO: Processed report. Report='/somedirectory/somedirectory1/importantreport', Stream=''
Which processed report message is right? Could there be multiples cuz of subreports? I see a number of errors and exceptions around these same times but do not know how to tie either to a specific report. Is there a way?
I have some duplicate values for my query results, about 200 duplicates out of 30000 rows. Of these 200 duplicates I want to keep the ones that have a higher value for... 'UpdatedBatchID'.
SELECT IR.Id as 'ID' , CAST(IR.Priority as varchar) as 'Priority' , IRSupportGroupDN.DisplayName as 'Support Group' , DATEADD(MI,DATEDIFF(mi,GETUTCDATE(),GETDATE()),IR.CreatedDate) as 'Created Date' , DATEADD(MI,DATEDIFF(mi,GETUTCDATE(),GETDATE()),IR.ResolvedDate) as 'Resolved Date' , SLOConfig.DisplayName as 'SLO' , DATEADD(MI,DATEDIFF(mi,GETUTCDATE(),GETDATE()),SLOFact.TargetEndDate) as 'SLO Target' , SLOStatusDN.DisplayName as 'SLO Status' , SLOMetric.DisplayName as 'SLO Metric' , SLOFact.UpdatedBatchId as 'UpdatedBatchID'
I have report where i should create a report which is multivalued parametr report,but here my condition is i want to see only one county name in my output that is Ex: Asia Specific (CountryName),I dnt want to see the other Country names,So how should we create for this condition .
I have a requirement to display the total of a Group after subtracting a specific value from the same Group.
Example: Say the below data is grouped on a particular column
Group Values Month
Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15
A 10 20 30 B 5 10 25 C 1 2 3 D 5 10 15
Total 11 22 33
Formula is : Sum(A+C+D)- Sum(B)
What is the best way to Group the above scenario from SSRS level and display the result as shown above. I am able to display all the values except the last total row where am displaying the complete total i.e. 21 42 73.
How do I dynamically subtract the values for row B which is one of the group values.
I am trying to migrate my reports from SQL server 2000 reporting services 32bit to 2005 64bit. I am following the migration steps that MS specified. Restored my Reportserver and ReportserverTempDB databases Then I was using the configure Report services to upgrade these databases but I always end up getting the follwoing exception when I run the upgrade on the "Database Setup" configuration for 'ReportServerTempDB' database System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'ReportServerTempDBTempDB'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Common.DBUtils.ApplyScript(String connectionString, String script) at ReportServicesConfigUI.SqlClientTools.SqlTools.ApplyScript(String connectionString, String script)
It's driving me crazy, why is it looking for 'ReportServerTempDBTempDB' in the catalog instead of 'ReportServerTempDB'? Is it possible to migrate from 32bit to 64bit?
where uidate is a calculated field in my dataset that always has the value of 05/29/2012 (using formatdatetime("05/29/2012",dateformat.ShortDate))
Everything else is set to Auto, with stripwidth=0
I'm trying to display a single vertical line at the x-axis value of 05/29/2012
I have previously tried setting the interval offset to "05/29/2012" but that didn't work. I've also tried setting the value of a hidden text box on the report to "05/29/2012" and setting the interval offset to the value of that text box, but that gave me a "text box not declared" error.
How I can simply display a vertical stripline on my line graph at the x-axis value of 05/29/2012 ?
I have a report being built from a stored proc. Then I have a total. Then I need to do a secondary total that would be the total - on of the lines in the report, but it may be a different line every time.
=CountDistinct(IIF(Fields!Released_DT.Value = Fields!Date2.Value, Fields!Name.Value, Nothing)) Released_DT = a date - 09/03/2015 or 09/02/2015 Date2 = returns another date value in this case 09/03/2015
What I'm trying to do is: count distinct number of people (Fields!Name.Value) if the Relased_DT = Date2.My IIF statement is returning a zero value.
I am creating a report that shows orders created by our employees but I am having trouble with one employee. She changed her last name this year and so in the report, it shows a line her with her maiden name and one with her new name.
Is there a way to combine all the data from both names into one name so it appears on one line and looks like a single person instead of two.
I am creating a report with a Matrix and this report contain a collapse Matrix which it toggle from a certain field.
Now I am having two issue:First issue is that when I set visibility to hide and that the matrix can be toggle by a field is leaving a very unaesthetic space between rows.
The second problem is that when I toggle the field I would like another part of the report to hide.
Does it exists anything that would allow me to define an expression I can use in the visibility that I Can use to make disappear this part of the report when the + has been toggle and make it appear back when the - has been toggle?
I am having SQL query which has inner join table from another Database. The below highlighted query shows its values.
/*Trend and Capacity Report*/ SELECT MEA.DisplayName AS Cloud, MEB.DisplayName AS VM, OS.PropertyValue AS OS, CONVERT(varchar(17),PD.DateTime,113) AS Date, VM3.VirtualCPUCount AS VCPU FROM Perf.vPerfDaily AS PD INNER JOIN vPerformanceRuleInstance AS PRI ON PD.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = PRI.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId INNER JOIN vPerformanceRule AS PR ON PRI.RuleRowId = PR.RuleRowId
My request is to calculate total capacity of all available Virtual CPUs, Memory and Storage from 4 separate clouds: 'cloud1','cloud2','cloud3','cloud4'
Whenever I select =Sum(Fields!VCPU.Value) expression in Report Properties and assign it to a variable and assign that variable to a Text Box field I get the value as VCPU * (Number of VMs) which is not correct.
I am looking to get the value of VCPU from all 4 clouds above.
We have an SSrS report that has a tablix cell with a textbox that is a hyperlink to another SSrS report. We pass parameters to the report using the textbox properties>Action set to "Go to report" and setting the parameters to the value of a field and a parameter as shown below. We want to set action to "Go to URL" and to pass these variable parameter values in the URL. How is that done? URL....
I have to display check box against each value coming from the table in SSRS. I have tried using html tags in an expression but it is displaying only for the first field.
Ex: my table contains Medical details with Type column with 3 rows Type
I am attempting to pull certain bits of information from the content field in the ReportServer.dbo.Catalog. I found this blog post that is nearly perfect : URL....However, when I try and bring in the query parameters, I am just getting nulls. All the code is:
--The first CTE gets the content as a varbinary(max) --as well as the other important columns for all reports, --data sources and shared datasets.
WITH ItemContentBinaries AS ( SELECT ItemID , Name , [Type] , CASE Type WHEN 2 THEN 'Report' WHEN 5 THEN 'Data Source'
I've tried various variations on the bit third line up from the bottom without any joy. I been reading lots on XML this morning and thing my head has completely gone out the window.
If divisor is "0" I need to print the Field, but for me it displaying #Error. If I pass any value it is working fine. It is not working only for the Field.
I have two reports 'Product Details' and 'Sales by Product'
When i click on 'Product ID' field in 'Product Details' report, It has to drill through to 'Sales by Product' which has a parameter 'Product ID' in it.
I would like to know how does subreport accept multi value, and how should i modify my expression so that the sub report will display correctly.
My main report will pass dynamic number of account number to sub report, it depends on how many account number a person has. I have my sub report parameter Data Type set as "Allow multiple values" and the visibility is "Visible".
Currently, I am using the following expression to try to pass multi value from main report to sub report. I had tested the result of that expression. It is showing the following result when there are 3 account numbers to pass to sub report.
1534896 1563498 1593548
With that expression, when only one account no is pass from main report to sub report, the sub report will display the result. But when more than one account numbers are passing over, the sub report display nothing, it is blank.
*Note: I cannot put the account number into a multivalue parameter in the main report and pass from that parameter to sub report. I know this will workd BUT I had tried that by setting the default value in the multivalue parameter to the dataset that consists of the account number. That involves 100 thousand plus plus account numbers and it will for sure over the limit of 8000 characters.
I am trying to create an SSRS report to display a single row of Household information (from CRM Dynamics) Household being the Parent Entity, with 1:N relationship with Contact Entity.
How would I go about showing all the Firstnames (from Contact) in the same cell like the below?
Hi, I have just install SQL 2005 SP2 and trying to get Window SharePoint Services V3 integrated with SQL 2005 SP2 reporting services. In SharePoint Central Administration, I select the Reporting Services Integration page and have setup the Report Server Web Service URL and Authentication Mode. I then goto Grant database access, specify the SQL server name, get promted for a username and password that has access SQL Reportserver and get the following error "The group name could not be found" Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks
I want to sort this field interactively.I have already sorted other fields, but as this field is text but has decimal data, its not sorting properly. How do I do this correctly? Once sorted ascending, report should show
I need to set a field value based on two date time parameter's.What is the correct syntax to allow me to pass the value into the field in my SSRS expression ?