SQL Reporting Services Issue Using Multiple Parameters Where Data Is Passed In From A Stored Procedure
Apr 15, 2008
I have an issue with using multiple parameters in SQL Reporting services where data is passed in from a stored procedure
When running the report in design mode - I can type in a parameter sting and it runs fine
In the report preview screen I can select single parameters by ticking the drop down list and again it runs fine
as soon as I tick more than one I get an error
An error occurred during local report processing
Query execution failed for data set €˜data'
Must declare the scalar variable '@parameter'
Some info...
The dataset 'workshop' is using a sproc to return the data string?
I get multiple values back fine in the sproc using this piece of code
(select [str] from iter_charlist_to_table( @Parameter, DEFAULT) ))
I have report parameters set to Multi-Value
Looking through the online books it says...
You can define a multivalued parameter for any report parameter that you create.
However, if you want to pass multiple parameter values back to a query, the following requirements must be satisfied:
The data source must be SQL Server, Oracle, or Analysis Services.
The data source cannot be a stored procedure. Reporting Services does not support passing a multivalued parameter array to a stored procedure.
The query must use an IN clause to specify the parameter.
Am I trying to do the impossible ?
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Jun 23, 2015
Using the following:
SQL Server: SQL Server 2012
Visual Studio 2012
I have created an SSIS package where I have added an Execute SQL Task to run an existing stored procedure in my SQL database.
General Tab:
Result Set: None
Connection Type: OLE DB
SourceType: Direct Input
IsQueryStoredProcedure: False (this is greyed out and cannot be changed)
Bypass Prepare: True
SQL Statement: EXEC FL_CUSTOM_sp_ml_location_load ?, ?;
Parameter Mapping:
Variable Name Direction Data Type Prmtr Name Prmtr Size
User: system_cd Input NVARCHAR 0 10
User: location_type_cd Input NVARCHAR 1 10
location_type_cd - Data type - string; Value - Store (this is static)
system_cd - Data type - string - ??????
The system code changes based on the system field for each record in the load table
Sample Data:
SysStr # Str_Nm
3 7421Store1
3 7454Store2
STORED PROCEDURE: The stored procedure takes data from a load table and inserts it into another table:
Stored procedure variables:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ml_location_load]
(@system_cd nvarchar(10), @location_type_cd nvarchar(10))
BEGIN .....................
This is an example of what I want to accomplish: I need to be able to group all system 3 records, then pass 3 as the parameter for system_cd, run the stored procedure for those records, then group all system 18 records, then pass 18 as the parameter for system_cd, run the stored procedure for those records and keep doing this for each different system in the table until all records are processed.
I am not sure how or if it can be done to pass the system parameter to the stored procedure based on the system # in the sys field of the data.
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Sep 29, 2015
So I have a report that uses an MDX query to fetch the main data for the tablix. Then I have a custom row added which pulls data in via a Lookup function and references a different dataset. The report has 3 parameters. Each dataset uses those 3 parameters in its underlying query. However, the dataset referenced in the lookup function doesnt seem to be updating when change the parameters and re-run the report.
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Jul 23, 2005
In which system table the information about the optional parameters passed to stored procedure are stored.I know about the tbl_columns and all that stuff. From where can i can come to know the parameter is mandatory or optional.--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com
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Jul 15, 2014
I am writing a stored procedure that takes in a customer number, a current (most recent) sales order quote, a prior (to most current) sales order quote, a current item 1, and a prior item 1, all of these parameters are required.Then I have current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3, which are optional.
I added an IF to check for the value of current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3, if there are values, then variable tables are created and filled with data, then are retrieved. As it is, my stored procedure returns 3 sets of data when current item 1, prior item 1, current item 2, prior item 2, current item 3, prior item 3 are passed to it, and only one if 2, and 3 are omitted.I would like to learn how can I return this as a one data set, either using a full outer join, or a union all?I am including a copy of my stored procedure as it is.
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Dec 14, 2012
I have a scenario where I need to compare a single DateTime field in a stored procedure against multiple values passed into the proc.So I was thinking I could pass in the DateTime values into the stored procedure with a User Defined Table type ... and then in the stored procedure I would need to run through that table of values and compare against the CreatedWhenUTC value.I could have the following queries for example:
WHERE CreatedWhenUTC <= dateValue1 OR CreatedWhenUTC <= dateValue2 OR CreatedWhenUTC <= dateValue 3
The <= is determined by another operator param passed in. So the query could also be:
WHERE CreatedWhenUTC > dateValue1 OR CreatedWhenUTC > dateValue2 OR CreateWhenUTC > dateValue3 OR CreateWhenUTC > dateValue4
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Sep 22, 2005
oConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection
oConn.ConnectionString = "user id=MyUserID;data source=MyDataSource;persist security info=False;initial catalog=DBname;password=password;"
oCmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand
oCmd.Connection = oConn
oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
oCmd.CommandText = "TestStdInfo"
'parameters block
oParam1 = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@intSchoolID", Me.ddlSchl.SelectedItem.ToString())
oParam1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
oParam1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int
oParam2 = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@dob", Convert.ToDateTime(Me.txbBirth.Text))
oParam2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
oParam2.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime
oParam3 = New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@id", Me.txbID.Text)
oParam3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
oParam3.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar
daStudent = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("TestStdInfo", oConn)
dsStudent = New DataSet
daStudent.Fill(dsStudent) 'This line is highlighted when error happens
oConn.Close()The error I am getting :Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure 'TestStdInfo' expects parameter '@intSchoolID', which was not supplied.I am able to see the value during debugging in the autos or command window. Where does it dissapear when it comes to Fill?Could anybody help me with this, if possible fix my code or show the clean code where the procedure called with multiple parameters and dataset filled.Thank you so much for your help.
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Nov 9, 2007
I have written a stored procedure that returns 8 tables.
When I try to design a server report based on this stored procedure, reporting services only recognises the first table and not the other 7 tables.
I am using SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005.
Thank you in advance
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Jul 5, 2007
Hi all,
I need to know how, and if, possible to create a multiple value parameter in SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services. I need this for a client of mine. Any help/tips/etc will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
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Aug 24, 2015
I have done this several times before but somehow unable to make it work this time around.
select ast.AssetId, fu.ParentDescription from
dbo.asset ast
inner join tblPatchViaFU FU ON ast.AssetId = fu.Assetid
where fu.ParentFUId IN (@IMO)
In tblPatchViaFU table column [ParentFUid] is int datatype
***** Dataset for Parameter "IMO" ******
ParentFUId ParentFUId
, ParentDescription IMOfficer
ParentName = 'Income Patch'
***** @IMO Parameter ******
Datatype : Integer
Allow multiple values
Available Values
Dataset : IMO
Value Field : ParentFUId
Label Field : IMOfficer
The report runs perfectly fine for 1 parameter value but the moment I select more than one it fails with the error message "Error converting data type nvarchar to int."
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Sep 6, 2006
Hi All,
I have a database with very heavy volume of data.
I need to write a stored procedure with 20 parameters as input and it searches in a table . Most of the parameters or NULL , how do I write this procedure without using any dynamic queries.
Ex : To find a customer I have a proc which can accept 20 parameters like CustName, City, State , Phone , Street etc.
Im passing only Custname as parameters and other 19 parameters are NULL.How do I write the WHERE clause ?
Thanks in advance,
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Dec 10, 2007
My requirement for the parameter is multivalue parameter with a text box. for example when user enters aa15 it need to include product aa15. when the user enters aa15, aa16, zz15 than it needs to include all the three products. the last case is when the user enters AA** than i need to inclued all the products start with AA. when i use default multivalue parameter with data source analytical services than i am getting a drop down box. I dont want that. I need a text box where user can enter the value.
1. In sql we have a like key word to query . for example select * from product where product like "AA%".
what is equavalent mdx query to get such results ?
2.How to impliment the multivalue parameters without using dropdown box?
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Mar 26, 2008
I want to create a stored procedure which I can pass multi parameters. This is what I need, I have a gridview which is used for displaying customer info of each agent. However, the number of customers for each agent is different. I will pass customer names as parameters for my stored procedure. Here is a sample,
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[display_customer]
@agentID varchar(20),
@customer1 varchar(20),
@customer2 varchar(20),
..... -- Here I do know how many customers for each agent
SELECT name, city, state, zip
FROM rep_customer
WHERE agent = @agentID and (name = @customer1 or name = @customer2)
Since I can not decide the number of customers for each agent, my question is, can I dynamically pass number of parameters to my above stored procedure?
Thanks a lot!
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Apr 12, 2006
OK, 1st, I have looked at every article that has come back on a "Stored Procedures" Search on this site, and am more confused than when I started looking for my answer.
This is what I need to do:
I need to pass a search sentence to a stored procedure, have the stored procedure break up the space delimited string and then do a "like" and "contains" in the WHERE statement, on what was sent to the stored procedure, and then return the results to a gridview for the person to select which item best answers their search.
I am just totally lost with using a stored procedure. I have done this in webmatrix when I coded it all into the aspx page, or into the codepage, but I have never done it with a stored procedure on the sql server, never sent a varible to a stored procedure... and am totlaly lost, or just do not understand how to do it.
Any help would be great.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 3, 2012
Here is my stored procedure:
@parameter1 int = 5,
@parameter2 datatype OUTPUT
@Number int,
@FixedRev money
Update Ticket set FixedRev = @FixedRev where Number = @Number;
Here is my code:
Dim dbConn As New OleDbConnection
Dim dbComm As OleDbCommand
dbConn.ConnectionString = connStr 'connStr is class-level vrbl
dbComm = dbConn.CreateCommand
dbComm.Parameters.Add("@Number", OleDbType.Integer).Value = txtDatabaseTicketNo.Text
dbComm.Parameters.Add("@FixedRev", OleDbType.Currency).Value = txtFixedRev.Text
dbComm.CommandText = "SP_UpdateFixedRev"
dbComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
However its not updating my database when I run the app from a button click event.
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Mar 12, 2008
Hi all,
From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in http://support.microsft.com/kb/308049, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlDbType
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")
Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)
testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)
RetValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
Dim auIDIN As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@au_idIN", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11)
auIDIN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Dim NumTitles As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("@numtitlesout", SqlDbType.Int)
NumTitles.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
auIDIN.Value = "213-46-8915"
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = testCMD.ExecuteReader()
Console.WriteLine("Book Titles for this Author:")
Do While myReader.Read
Console.WriteLine("{0}", myReader.GetString(2))
Console.WriteLine("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value))
Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))
End Sub
End Class
The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Oct 9, 2007
Hi,I have a stored procedure that takes 3 parameters. I am using a sqldatasource to pass the values to the stored procedure. To better illustrated what I just mention, the following is the code behind:SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "_Search"SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("Field1", TextBox1.Text)SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("Field2", TextBox2.Text)SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("Field3", TextBox3.Text)SqlDataSource1.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedureGridView1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1"GridView1.DataBind()MsgBox(GridView1.Rows.Count) It doesn't return any value. I am wondering is that the correct way to pass parameters to stored procedure?Stan
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Nov 21, 2007
If I were to create a stored procedure that searches a table using (optional) multiple parameters, what would be the best way to do the search. I want to try and avoid using several "IF" statements (like IF @FirstName IS NOT NULL, etc). How would I do it, or would I just be better off using several "IF" statements? Thanks...
CREATE PROCEDURE intranet_search_GetEmployeesBySearch
@FirstName NVarChar(100),
@LastName NVarChar(100),
@Phone NVarChar(50),
@Cell NVarChar(100),
@Pager NVarChar(100),
@Ext NVarChar(50),
@Email NVarChar(100),
@Department NVarChar(200),
@Position NVarChar(100),
@IsManager Bit
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Jan 23, 2008
I need to create a stored procedure that will have about 10-15 queries and take 3 parameters.
the variables will be: @lastmonth, @curryear and @id
@lastmonth should inherit Session variable intlastmonth
@curryear should inherit Session variable intCurrYear
@id should inherit Session id
One example query is SELECT hours FROM table WHERE MONTH ='" + Session("intLastmonth") + "' AND YEAR ='" + Session("intCurrYear") + "' AND [NUMBER] = '" + Session("id")
The rest of the queries will be similar and use all 3 variables as well.
How can I go about this and how will queries be seperated.
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Nov 21, 2007
Hi,I'm using c# with a tableadapter to call stored procedures. I'm running into a problem where if I have over a certain byte size or number of parameters being passed into my stored proc I get an exception that reads: "Cannot evaluate expression because a thread is stopped at a point where garbage collection is impossible, possibly because the code is optimized." If I remove one parameter, the problem goes away. Has anyone run into this before? Thanks,Mark
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Feb 19, 2007
since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.
I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:
CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest]
@Name nvarchar(20)= ''
declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);
set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table'
if (@Name <> '')
set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery
Inside my business Intelligence Project I created:
-the shared data source with the connection String
- a data set :
CommandType = Stored Procedure
Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest
When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.
Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter...
So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name
allow blank value is checked and is non-queried
the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!
What is wrong? What I forgot??
Thankx for any help!
Marina B.
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May 21, 2014
Can we Pass table valued parameters and normal params like integer,varchar etc..to a single stored procedure?
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Jul 24, 2007
I have created a custom data extension.
I am using this custom data extension from BI Studio.
Que1: I want to create report parameters from BI studio and capture them in my Data Extension.
Que2: Every report parameter has so many properties, like hidden, internal, default value etc, how do capture that information in my data extension, the parameters only give me name and value.
Que3: I know I can capture command Text. So My command can be Select * From tablename where fieldname= @myFieldname. Once I get this commandText in my data extension, How do extract parameters of the command?
Que4: If I have any custom attributes in my RDL file, Can I capture them in my Data Extension ?
Any help is appreciated...
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Jul 16, 2009
I am building a webapp that calls an SSRS instance to display a report based on another servers web service.I can make a call from the ssrs server using this in the RDL:
<Method Namespace="http://machine/webservices" Name="HelloUser">
                               <Parameter Name="user">
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="true">*</ElementPath>
This works no problem. but.. I want to have the user parameter "Craig" be a parameter passed in from the web app. If it were a regular SQL data source you would put @user in the query. How do you do it with XML text queries?
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Jun 27, 2009
I have researched this question and so far have found very different opinions as to how or if it is possible.I have created 2 Data-driven subscriptions in SSRS. 1 for our sales persons and another for our managers reports. For the salespersons report, the solution works brilliantly as expected and I can appreciated the increased simplicitly for having 1 subscription to drive reports to a sales staff of over 100 folks.One the other hand, I can't seem to grasp the significance of this type of solution for the Sales managers when they have multiple salespersons that report to them.
Apparently, SSRS 2008 has provided no practical solution for this scenario that would be easily implemented in a Data driven subscription.Since I can't find a way to pass in muliple integer values that represent each of the salesreps for a single manager, I am stuck with potentially sending multiple reports for each of the Sales Reps residing under a single manager. Not very elegant or useful as I'd hoped for using Data driven subscriptions. I have even changed the parameter datatype to string and used something like:
paramSalesPeople = substring((SELECT ( ', ' + CAST(territoryid AS VARCHAR(2000)))
FROM Reports..SalesForce t2
WHERE t1.SalesManagerID = t2.SalesManagerID
ORDER BY SalesManagerID
FOR XML PATH( '' )), 3, 1000 )
To create a comma-delimited list of values for the parameters in effort of generating 1 (ONE) record per Manager. But the Data Driven Subscription fails miserably.So the question, Is it or is it not possible to have multiple values passed as a single parameter to a data driven subscription to consolidate the number of required reports into one. If not, it would seem that it should be possible since it can be done from the reports parameters drop-down menu.I have read someones recommendation to script the multi-valued parameter which seems to defeat the intent of the term "Data Driven' Subscription if I have to hard-code this logic into a script.
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Nov 29, 2010
I am attempting to pass report parameters to my query. My report's data source is a WCF web service. I can run normal queries fine, but I have found that without the know-how to pass parameters to my query I am limited with my capabilities.
Assume a string parameter named "Name" with a specified default value of "Jmachol90", how would I pass that into the following query at the designated place:
      <Method Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/masterdataservices/2009/09" Name="SecurityPrincipalsGetRequest">
      <Parameter Name="Criteria" Type="XML">
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Jun 17, 2012
I am SSRS user, We have a .net UI from where we want to pass multi select values, but these values are comma separated in the database. how can I write a sql query such that when I select multi values on my UI, the comma separated values are take care of.
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Aug 11, 2005
Hi all,
I want to use 2 stored procedures in one report, but I could not find what is the way of doing this. I searched this subject on the intrernet, and I found some solutions. However, they used stored procedures in one stored procedure and used in one report. This is not the thing which I want to do, I want only do using 2 stored procedures in one report at the same time.
Thanks, for now...
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Feb 24, 2007
I have created CLR Stored Procedure and my CLR stored procedures are not appearing in the Stored Procedures drop-down list located on the Data tab within the VS2005 Business Intelligence Development Studio. After Creating the dll I have registered the dll like that CREATE ASSEMBLY MY_SP_NAME from 'C:MY_DLL_PATHMY_DLL_NAME.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = SAFEAfter registering I have deployed the dll :CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MY_SP_NAME] @dbname [nvarchar](4000), @varTable [nvarchar](4000), .............. .............. .............. ASEXTERNAL NAME [MY_DLL_NAME].[MY_CLASS_NAME].[MY_SP_NAME]GOEXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'AutoDeployed', @value=N'yes' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'PROCEDURE',@level1name=N'MY_SP_NAME'GOEXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'SqlAssemblyFile', @value=N'EXAMINER_WORKSHEET_F_hmz4_Ex.cs' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'PROCEDURE',@level1name=N'MY_SP_NAME'GOEXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'SqlAssemblyFileLine', @value=10 , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'PROCEDURE',@level1name=N'MY_SP_NAME'GOThe Stored Procedure is deployed successfully to SQL Server 2005, but its not showing in the drop-down list located on the data tab while I am desiging my RDL layout.All of the non-CLR stored procedures are present. Is there something I need to do to add these CLR stored procedures?
Please please ASAP.
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Apr 24, 2008
Hi all,I am using Stored procedure to design report instead of Query.
Problem is i am unable to view the fields in the dataset.
Any body please tell me the Steps to use Stored procedure in Reporting Services design.
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Jul 31, 2015
I have a report where in I have a combination of matrix ,table data regions.
The problem what I am facing is that the data tables don't remain fixed in their position and they tend to move down.
E.g. table 1 and table 2Â are on the same page in design time side by side (right and left)however during the runtime the table1 is pushed down and table2 is at its position .
Now how can I keep them all fixed in their same position. Most of the tables have fixed size rows and some who have high size of rows have been put at the end . What settings we can set?
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Feb 12, 2008
I am trying to get records related to a Device_ID with the following conditions:
IF LastModified_Date BETWEEN (@p_datetime_StartDate AND @p_datetime_EndDate) OUTPUT
I want records between the range of date selected, or all the records if no date entered. Can somebody help me ASAP. Here is what I have so far. I just don't know where to put the IF...THEN ELSE.
FROM ActivityMonitorActionLogs
WHERE Device_ID = ISNULL (@p_int_Device_ID, AL.Device_ID)
AND LastModified_Date BETWEEN (@p_datetime_StartDate AND @p_datetime_EndDate)
Thanks a lot!!!
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Sep 26, 2004
I have a big SQL Stored Procedure which works with a cursor inside of it. During the procedure the data is inserted into a table and at the end is a SELECT statement from that table. The problem is that when i create a dataset with that stored procedure and i run it in the Data tab i get the correct select, but in the Fields section of the Report I don't get the fields from the last SELECT, but the fields from the cursor. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug and how can i fix it.
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