I wonder if anyone can tell me how we can run select queries in an OLE DB data flow task and tell the target SQL 2000 server it should allow reads at all time. Currently when a lock is on the source table our SSIS package will sit and wait untill the lock on the source table is gone.
While I was out of the office the Lan Team moved one of my SQL Server2000 servers to a new network domain. Since then the maintenance jobhas not ran.The error log for the SQL Agents has the message listed in the subjectline. I have not found any useful articles on the MS SQL Serversite. Anyone know what might be wrong and how to fix it.HTH -- Mark D Powell --
I've got an INSERT that's selecting data from a linked server and attempting to push 10 million rows into the blank table. More or less, it looks like this:
The instance of the SQL Server Database Engine cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users. Ask the database administrator to check the lock and memory configuration for this instance, or to check for long-running transactions. There are no other active users. I ran it again and monitored the following DMO to watch the growth of locks for that spid:
SELECT request_session_id, COUNT (*) num_locks -- select * FROM sys.dm_tran_locks --where request_session_id = 77 GROUP BY request_session_id ORDER BY count (*) DESC
The number of locks started small and held for a while around 4-7 locks, but at about 5 minutes in the number of locks held by that spid grew dramatically to more than 8 million before finally erroring again with the same message. Researching, I can't figure out why it's not escalating from row locks to table locks at the appropriate threshold. The threshold in was set to 0 at first (Server Properties > Advanced > Parallelism > Locks). I set it to 5000, and it still didn't seem to work. Rewriting the INSERT to include a WITH (TABLOCK) allows it to finish successfully in testing. My problem is that it's coming out of an ETL with source code that I can't edit. I need to figure out how to force it to escalate to locking the entire table via table or server level settings.
A colleague suggested that installing service packs may take care of it (the client is running SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM)), but I haven't found anything online to support that theory.
I have a query, and It doesn't matter if it has finished, the table is still locked. Is there any clause to unlock the share mod lock (force) when the query has finished or any way to ensure that table has no locks to continue with another query or transaction ?
We have found deadlocks in our application. Deadlocks occure between SELECT and UPDATE. I get deadlock graph using profiler and find that SELECT makes SIU lock. Below you'll find SELECT statement:
select t1.* from MyTable t1 --self join on field1 and field2 left outer join (select field1, field2
Let's assume the client code call a stored procedure which reads: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ID < 100. Let's assume that for whatever reason, the query becomes very slow and takes 60 seconds to complete. This 60 secs, could be the time for the DB engine to fetch all the rows (happening before returning the resultset to client code), or during the transfer of the resultset to client code (slow network throughput). Question1: could this prevent another user from doing SELECT on myTable? (could be onn different ID or even overlapping the ID between 1 and 100). Question2: could this prevent another user from performing write (UPDATE/DELETE) on the rows with ID between 1 and 100? Question3: can another user perform a write (INS, DEL, UPD) on rows outside of the ID between 1 and 100?
I want to make SQLTransaction as global and use it checking the State. But then where there are Only Select queries are going to fire, it will open transaction.
So, Does it locks database/tables when Only Select query comes in SQLTransaction.
If you have another successful way of doing this, Please suggest.
We are migrating our database(s) from ORACLE to SQL. In Oracle we were able to issue a SELECT statement and see all of the locks (Blocking and Non-Blocking) currently in the system. The query also included the Process ID of the process we needed to kill in order to get rid of the lock.
We now need to create the same type of query for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. I have seen postings on different sites saying that this info can be obtained using SP_WHO2 or using the SQL Server Management Studio Activity Monitor's PROCESSES tab, but we are looking for a SELECT statement that will give us similar information.
Yesterday, we have had a sudden load in our SQL Server 2000 which resulted in several locks. There was not too much time to investigate as we had to rush. A team member had reviewed the processes in EM, Manegement, Current Activity. Looking for blocking processes and killed them.
She told me that as soon as the blocking SPID was killed, another one arose and she had to repeat the operation a dozen of time. When done, the server activity was back to normal. She noticed that more than half of the blocking processes showed that they executed the stored Proc "P_SearchProducts".
We don't own the server and the information on what had happened at that time (batches or resource intensive operations, etc.) is not available for now.
The team suggests that we set the Transaction Isolation Level to Read UNCOMMITTED for this SP. I would like to know better about locks before I go ahead.
P_SearchProducts returns 5 recordsets each one could contains from 1 to 200 rows. To achieve the results, it creates about 10 intermediate tables (SELECT ... INTO #TableX) these temp tables are then used progressively to arrive to the final results. Roughly the volume of these temp tables could be double than the final results. The developer who wrote this SP is not a guru in SQL, there is room for improvement. But here are my questions:
Q1. Could the series SELECT ... INTO #TableX in P_SearchProducts prevent or lock another connection from executing the same SP? If yes, under which conditions?
Q2. Let's assume that P_SearchProducts has a slow execution time. Could it prevent another connection from updating the Product table? And thus leading to a deadlock situation? Something like another transaction (by User2) has obtained lock on most of Product tables, except the Product table which were being slowly read by User1 executing P_SearchProducts. But User1 cannot read the other product tables b/c there are locks by User2.
Q3. If the contention issue was provoked by the slow execution time of many request to exec P_SearchProducts (let's assume there were suddenly 50 users on the web hitting the search product feature at the same time). Could the Read Uncommitted magically resolve the contention issue, providing we accept the consequences of the dirty read.
Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance for any help.
We have a two node cluster running W2K and SQL2000. The agent starts, but we cannot access any of the jobs. It gives us the 14258 Agent is starting, try again later... error message. We know that this is not the case, we have waited several hours without it "starting". The SQL Agent log indicates that the agent is waiting on SQL Server to recover databases, but all of our databases are up. It is almost as if during startup a flag did not get set to indicate that a database was recovered.
Has anyone run across this before? If so, did you ever figure out how to fix it?
I'm wondering if there is any way for me to execute any type of command (delete, insert, create, alter, etc) on management studio without having to wait the server answer.
On Oracle, I use DBMS_JOB. On SQL Server, do I have to create a SQL SERVER Agent Job? What if I don't have permission to create that kind of jobs?
Suppose there's a table named [Category], which has 2 columns: CategoryID int, ParentCategoryID int
Each category, except the top most, has a parent category, it's a 1-to-n parent-children relationship. Now I want to write a stored proc./function that accepts a CategoryID input parameter, and output all the descendent CategoryIDs (son, grand son, ...). How to do that in MSSQL 2000?
Everytime I try to open the design-mode of a table from enterprise mgr, I get this error 1204.--- SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS. There no other users but me. Locks have been configured to their max (over 200000000). Don't understand whats wrong. Please help..
We've experienced persistent hang up on our application. I tried opening the enterprise manager->management->Current Activity->Locks/Object and I've seen ridiculous entries like master.dbo.spt_values, SIS.dbo.feesclass,tempdb.dbo$##lockinfo205. I don't what this mean? does it tell us that something wrong with the application that does not release locks? please help me.
I have a simple web application using ASP.NET/C#/SQL Server 2000/Windows 2000
I'm having problems with the server "hanging" for ~15 minutes. Disk/CPU are idle so this isn't a resource issue. In Enterprise Manager, under "Current Activity" I see several processes waiting on:
How do I investigate this? My application is so simple, I have trouble imagining how a lock-related problem could ocurr? There is absolutely no concurrent processing done on this server. There is only one user running this app and there are no separate threads spawned.
Although this problem is sporadic, this happens the most while doing the following:
- Open connection1 (for SELECT) - Open connection2 (for UPDATE) - Open SqlDataReader through connection1 with SELECT statement - Iterate through - For certain records issue UPDATE statement via connection2.
Here are some sample code snippets. Default ADO.NET options and everything should be cleaned up through C# "using" blocks without relying on garbage collection.
using (SqlConnection selectConnection = LeadsDatabase.OpenConnection()) { using (SqlConnection updateConnection = LeadsDatabase.OpenConnection()) { using (SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, selectConnection)) { using (SqlDataReader reader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { using (SqlCommand updateCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, updateConnection)) { updateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
The SQL statement below works without the WHERE statement but as soon as i try to use the where it stops working, I think it has something to do with the HAVING statement in the vwMultiAE2 view but I am not sure.It did the same thing when I had it in one view. Anyone know what is going on here?SELECT Ch, Reg, FMM, AE, Acc, Totals FROM vwMultiAE2 WHERE (g1ID = @g1 or @g1 = 'All') AND (g2ID = @g2 or @g2 = 'All') AND (g3ID = @g3 or @g3 = 'All') AND (AEID = @g4 or @g4 = 'All')
vwMultiAE2 > SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT Ch, Reg, FMM, AE, Acc, Totals, g1ID, g2ID, g3ID, AEID FROM vwMultAE WHERE Account_ID IN (SELECT Account_ID FROM vwMultAE GROUP BY g2ID, Account_ID HAVING ( COUNT(Account_ID) > 1 )) ORDER BY g2ID, Account_ID
I have to write a select query which need some logic to be implemented. Query is like select name,number,active, if active ="true" then select @days=days from tbl_shdsheet else @days='' end from tbl_emp In the above query there will be days row for that employee if active is true else there won't be any data for that emp in the tbl_shdsheet So how can i write queery for this.
i am facing a problems, hope that anyone who know the answer can help me.
i am using sql server 2000 and vs.net. i wan to retrieve a data from the table which only select 3 top row based on their different contingentID. the table have different contingent and each contingent have 5 row data. i wan to retrieve 3 top row based on the total group by contingentID and sum up the total to order by the total and generate the ranking based on total. what i can do is only retrieve every row of data in that table. so anyone know the answer please help me, or if u dun understand my question , can message me..thank your
Hi, i have installed sql 7.0 sp1 on a server that frecuently report the error: 1024
"SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS.."
I reconfiguered the locks twice, but the error persist.
Situation: When I ran a query and bumped into a message that is "SQL server has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active ussers. or ask your system administratroe to reconfigyre SQL Server with more LOCKS." Then, I tried to reconfigure/increase the locks. It could not let me do it. So, I tried to relog on the server, then I kept getting the same message as above.
Questions: Is there a way to log on the server and reconfigure the locks? Do I have reinstall the SQL server?
I am getting the following message from the SQL Server 7.0. I have increased the locks but still it is getting messages on few days.
Coould you please advise me what is the main reason for ran out of locks and how can solve this problem otherthan increase the locks.If needs to be increased what is the calculation method to arrive at the number of locks.
Thanks >RAvi
" SQL Server Alert System: 'Demo: Sev. 19 Errors' occurred on CSQWBDB1
DESCRIPTION:Error: 1204, Severity: 19, State: 1 SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS. "
Hai friends,, I have a table name "Student" it contain 2 fields no ,name no name 1 Raja 2 Larsen 3 Ravi 4 Ankit 5 Eban my questions is I have a webform random.aspx whenever any user open a webform random.aspx it should display anyone of name in a random order..... CODING:- Dim cn As New System.Data.sqlclient.SqlConnectionDim rd As sqlDataReader cn.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=master;password=david;" cn.Open()Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand("select no,name from Student", cn) ' how i can chage to random order.... rd = cmd1.ExecuteReader rd.Read() Response.Write(rd(0) & "." & rd(1)) rd.Close() thank u.. Ambrose...
Hi All,I am facing problem in MS SQL Server 2000. It is behaving slow forselect statements. It is even slower than MS ACCESS. For example, if iuse"Select count(*) from tbl;". i get the results after long time ifthere is more than 100k rows. What might be the possible reasons forthis??ThanksHoque
There are a series of traces of transactions for essentially the same units of work. Each includes a retrieving the same table "Select" from the database. The first 4 transactions ran concurrently. The last one ran about 7 minutes later with no other concurrent transactions.
The elapsed times for the database accesses for each of the first 4 is significantly higher than the last one. Can you think of any database optimazation that might improve this?
Are there any utilities available than can be used for stand-alone testing of SQL Server database performance? E.G. they would measure response time for reading/writing large/small amounts of canned data once/multiple times with concurrent/nonconcurrent access.
SQL Server Database is on 2000.I am not sure about the ISOLATION level in the Java code.
Basically I am new to SQL Sever....Please ans the above questions and provide me the direction to proceed on these questions
I have to find locks which have been caused by some particular users before the scheduled jobs kick off and kill the locked processes so that the scheduled job executes without failing. How to do this in SQL server? please help
Hi All, I am frequently getting an error of Unable to acquire a LOCK at this time. Something about too many users logged in. What is the limit of LOCKS in MS SQL 2005 ? When I switch the cluster nodes, the LOCK issue goes away. The issue only occurs when someone tries a DDL command. Advice.
I have an application wrote in Power Builder 11 and use OLEDB connection for SQL SERVER 2005 DB. it works excellent till multiple users access the application. 2 seconds passes and locks appears and blocks all the DB! I realy don't know what is the reason. In past I used SQL Native driver and it works well with the same application!!! (other reasons caused me to change the connection. not this). Does someone can help me????????
We are having a problem with an SSIS package. The package gets stuck when it runs a data flow component that reads data from 5 large tables, performs a union on the data, does a conversion on one field and then writes the data to another table. This all happens in the same database and the ssis package runs on the same server as the database.
When I look at the waiting tasks on the sql server I always see the following type of scenario. It is always the ASYNC_NETWORK_IO that is causing the others to wait.
SPID Wait type duration Waiting Address Blocking Address
In some cases the duration column goes up to several hours until we finally just kill the package. At the same time, we also see that session 118 is consuming very large amounts of memory (in sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants). However, when we look at the dtexec process that is running the package on the server it only has a working set of about 100Mb. We've tried rewriting the dataflow task as a simple stored procedure and this goes through smoothly.
Can anyone shed some light on what is going on and how to avoid this type of locking situation (other than just using plain old T-SQL).