May 8, 2007

Hi! Everybody,

i am totally new to the environment of MS, (.Net, SQL Server...)

i was working previously with Oracle 9i. I have downloaded MS SQL Server Express 2005, MS SQL Mgmt Studio Express, ..

i want to build a database, and import my data to it. How to do so?

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Beginner To SQL Server

Jan 9, 2008

Please add me for real-time ask for help.
My MSN: ices_ailee@hotmail.com
My Yahoo: ices_ailee@yahoo.com.sg

Please add my msn or yahoo account, easy for me to enquiry straight forward ...thx yo. I am a junior and beginner with SQL Server.

thx yo!

chia ling

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I Am A Beginner, Who Have An Example For Operate The DataBase(Sql Server) In Asp.net(C#)?

Sep 23, 2004


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SQL Server 2000 - Absolute Beginner! Please Help Me

Nov 15, 2002

Hello there...
Pending receiving the full version from the higher powers at my work, I have downloaded the Evaluation version of SQL 2000, and set up an instance on my desktop machine. This was set up on an administrator account, and works fine.
My main aim with SQL 2000 is to upsize all the companies piddling little Access 97 databases into an SQL backend and keep the 97 frontends. I have migrated some of the tablesets into SQL, and linked to them in Access 97 and they work fine.
However, the problems are when I try and set up ODBC. When I enter ODBC as a different user on the server itself, the ODBC list of available SQL Servers shows me the correct server information - my PC ID no, followed by the server name. However, when I try and connect with another machine on the network, it only displays the PC ID no of the server, and not the server name. When I attempt to add the server with just the PC name, it doesnt find the server - same when I add the name of the database to the end of the PC ID no.
I'm sure there is something really basic I have not done, but I'm totally stumped now. I am using Windows Auth, and have set up the login of the other PC I am trying to connect, as an authorised user.
Please help me - I am just a doofus, please feel free to laugh at me...

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Beginner- Need Help With SQL Server 2005 Express

Mar 22, 2007

I am an absolute beginner with SQL Server, and I have now developed an app that needs to store, read, and search for saved data. Basically, my program will have to search through the databse to find a particular URL match to a string I supply, and then retrieve the Username and Password data that is associated with that URL, storing those to strings.

My problem is, I've learned how to create a database and tables in the IDE, but all of the examples on the web that I've found only talk about using SQL Server with Visual Basic 2005 in uses such as databinding to controls and displaying the database in datagrids and such on the form. I need help with how to interact with the database in code, seeing as the user of the program will likely never actually see the database contents- the data will be for the program's use only.

So, I was wondering if anyone could provide/guide me to some helpful information on interacting with SQL databases through code in VB Express 2005.

Thanks for any help.

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Beginner Book For MSFT SQL Server 2000

Aug 24, 2006

Can someone recommend a good book for a beginner to learn MSFT SQL SEVER 2000 ? Thank you. lar

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SQL Server: Beginner: Login Failed For User 'sa'.

Mar 5, 2006

Hello,(Sorry for my English first...)Could you help me please with SQL Server problem? I suspect that myproblem has simple solution but I have little experience.I have installed SQL Server 2005 and I am installing some applicationusing it - unfortunatelly setup fails because I cannot logon to SQLServer in SQL Server Authentication, account sa, password sa.Thus I checked SQL Server Management Studio Express: I have 'sa'account, password 'sa' (because I had prepared it), unfortunatelly Icannot logon in SQL Server Authentication (sa/sa) because of:Login failed for user 'sa'. The user is not associated with a trustedSQL Server connection (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452).Could you help me plase...Thank you very much./RAM

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Problems Viewing SQL Server Beginner Video

Dec 20, 2007

For some reason when I go to view any video on http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/sql/learning/default.aspx

it doesn't run. Can someone help?



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Beginner To SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Feb 22, 2006


I am fairly new to Visual Studio 2005 (using C#) and am writing an application for the company I work in. I have got a really nice functioning form working and am now planning what to do about the massive database I need to create (I don't think it will ever get to the 4GB limitation of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition).

Can someone please help with some simple questions please?

1: I am decoding a specific file format and extracting the information for the main database. Fortunately, each record in the data file I am decoding has unique identity codes (so this will be great for the ID of each entry). Because the software has to do this by itself (the encoded file contains more than 1,120,000 records which will shrink to about 30,000 records, all different sizes once decoded). Can each record in a SQL server database contain a different number of elements? If so, what is this known as (I have read a little about jagged arrays - is there a similar thing in SQL server databases)?

2: As the program will decode the file and assemble the database, can I make my program create the database from scratch and manipulate the database rather than me having to define a database for my program to fill? If so, where can I find some info on doing this?

3: The database file will be stored on our office network and has to be accessible to more than one person at a time (in this case, a maximum of 6 users - well within the 25 users my book says is possible with SSE2005). Is it more complex to develop multi-user access to the database?

Just in case you wonder what books I have got, they are "Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for Developers" and "Getting Started with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition".

Thank you!

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A Bit Of Beginner Confusion About SQL Server 2005 Encryption

Dec 26, 2007


I have studied a variety of online documents explaining built-in SQL Server 2005 encryption, and I'm a bit confused. Every encryption approach, it seems, ultimately replies upon a password that must be provided with queries to access the data. As an application developer, it brings up the obvious question: how should that password be provided? If I build the password into my applications, then it will no longer be secure. On the other hand, I can't possibly expect my users to provide a password every time they perform an action that requires unencrypting data. If I give that password out to 50 users, the password will become public information quickly, I am sure. We will also have to alter the password regularly. Plus several of my applications run as windows services, in which case the user (meaning the windows user under which the service runs) won't be around to type in password.

I have a better solution in mind. Is there an option to limit access to symmetric keys by windows identity? As a best-standards-abiding coder, all of my sql server access is done via Windows Authentication instead of SQL Server Authentication. Why not make it so that myorgjoe and myorgsally can access the symmetric key for a particular column, but nobody else? This way there is still a password involved, but it is now moved further up the application layers; it is the windows password that the user originally used to log into their machine to run the application.

Is there a way to make it so that access to symmetric keys (or asymmetric keys which encrypt symmetric keys) is decided solely on the basis of windows user identity?

Thank you for any thoughts!


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Beginner Q: Pocket PC Access To SQL Server 2005

Feb 28, 2006


I am a total beginner to Pocket PC, and a 2-month beginner to SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005. I made a database Pillbox.mdf, and wrote a Windows Forms program to access it. It's really easy. I just added a Data Source, chose tables and Stored Procedures, and dragged them onto my forms. It automatically created adapter classes and a DataGrid for me.

Next, I wanted to do the same thing for Pocket PC. I did the same drag and drop thing, and was happy to see the empty DataGrid in the emulator (design-time) form. From here on, trouble. When I ran it, it said it could not connect.

So some questions:

1) Does my connection string have to change? It has 3 parts: machine name, database name, and security spec. It specifies my machine name. Is that ok? Is it known by the Pocket PC, or do I have to specify http something? Does my machine have to change any settings to become a "server"? It's just a standalone PC with no network. I understand the emulator chooses to pretend that it's not "on" my computer. Is the database name known by the Pocket PC? (Same type of question.) And is Windows authentication ok on a Pocket PC? Or must I create a name/password pair on SQL server?

2) When I went to modify my connection string, I noticed a setting to specify the Data source. For SQL Server 2005, it asks me for a dbo, but for SQL Server Mobile, it asks me for a *.sdf file. What type of file is this? Is there a way to generate this from my other database? Is it not possible to have the the Pocket PC app point to the same database as the Windows app? Oh... does the sdf represent the Pocket PC's local database? If so, then my question is just how to populate it. But I will also have to update the main database at some point. I guess I'm confused about how Pocket PC's are supposed to work.

3) Do I have to deploy SQL CE or something? I think I read that Visual Studio does it automatically. It's a bit hard reading blogs because many comments talk about things that are now contained in VS. One blog was talking about 7 dlls that need to be downloaded to the Pocket PC.

4) My application just has to get a table, store it on the Pocket PC, and allow the user to modify and update records. The bandwidth should be low, as the table is small and updates should not be frequent. Is this a reasonable design? What I am asking is if it's ok to have direct database access, or if I should package up the data in some custom format, and use a Web service to pass the data back and forth. I have read and understood articles why you should not pass a Dataset in a web service, but the point was just that web services can be interoperable, so why spoil that with MS-only Datasets. In my case, I just want to get this simple app up and running quickly.

Thanks in advance.

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Beginner Question: Which MS SQL Server I Need To Use For Visual Studio 2005

Sep 17, 2007


I am trying to install Visual Studio 2005, but before that I need install MS SQL Server for my database, what kind of MS SQL server I need install, how about "MS SQL 2005 Express Edition"? Or I have to install "MS SQL 2005"?

Can you please give a link for the download.



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Sql Beginner

Aug 4, 2000

I am just a sql beginner. I wonder if it is possible to jump to table B to continue searching while I am still doing search on table A. Thanks


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DTS - Beginner

Oct 9, 2000

Can anyone tell me where I can learn more about DTS.
As I have to export data from a .CSV(comma separated file) into SQL Server.

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Sep 12, 2007

I have MS SQL 2000 and 2005 Express install on my computer. I would like to know where I can get some good beginner's training and I also need to know how to run sql scripts and import database to both.

This is so easy to do in mysql.


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Beginner Please Help

Aug 19, 2005

I have a SQL server that my web host has provided but I don't know who to set it up! I'm currently have an MS Access database on my web site and I want to change it to MSSQL using the Access upsizing wizards, can anyone talk me through it?

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Beginner Needs Help With SP

Dec 8, 2006

hi there. this is my first post on this forum. im new to SQLServer so please go easy on me. :)

i am trying desperately to call a stored procedure from within another stored procedure. if i post my code below could somebody tell me where i am going wrong. the SP i have written is executing OK but the OUTPUT parameter Id_User is coming back as null, whereas it should be giving my a value there. i have tried changing the line 'EXEC sp_User_I' for 'INSERT INTO @User_Id EXEC sp_User_I' but this wont compile.

@Username varchar(16),
@Password varchar(88),
@Surname varchar(32),
@DateBirth datetime,
@Email varchar(64),
@Id_Account int OUTPUT,
@Id_User int OUTPUT


DECLARE @ErrorCode int;



EXEC sp_User_I

...do some other stuff here for the account...


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Beginner SQL Help

Mar 19, 2008

Hi all,

I've been banging my head against this issue, and I haven't managed to find a solution. I was hoping that maybe somebody here has done something similar.

I am trying to get the latest available pricing from a Rate table, which is based on the customer ID and the provided date from another table (Table1).

This is what the code looks like, essentially:


from table1
left outer join table2 on table1.Id = table2.Id
left outer join (
Select Top 1 Rate from RateTable
Where RateTable.date < table1.date
order by RateTable.date desc
) as table3 on table3.custId = table1.custId

I understood that table1.date can't be explicitly passed into the nested join within table3, but does anybody know a work around that can achieve the above example (the environment is SQL server 2000 and inside a view not on in a stored proc)?

Thanks in advance for any tips or workaround.

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BCP Beginner - Please Help

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am completely new to the BCP utility and fairly new to SQL ServerI am learning from a book and I am trying the following example (the serverI'm learning on is called contractor and a password has not been give to thesa)bcp pubs..authors out authors.txt -C -r -t, -U sa -P -S contractorWhen I run this in Query Analyser i get the error message..Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '.'.I have tried puuting quotes around the database and the table name asfollows-bcp "pubs..authors" out authors.txt -C -r -t, -U sa -P -S contractorand get the errorServer: Msg 179, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.Please can anybody help me to get this first bit working?Thanks in anticipation.

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SQL Beginner

Nov 15, 2005

What is the best way to go about learning SQL?  Where should I start?

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As A Beginner

Sep 4, 2006

How do i learn SQL server 2000...I'm new to development, and need to get my basics right before i proceed further.

Do give me your feedback / learning tips.

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SQL Beginner

Apr 19, 2008


is there any SQL server book or online meterial for beginners?? i've checked msdn its seems not helpful at beginner level.like issues for installing and first time configuring SQL Server. and installing its clients etc.

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Some Questions From Beginner

Jan 23, 2006

hello all i'm new in dot net and as every one beginning in something i have some problems hope u guys can help me my first question is really easy i'm feeling silly to ask such a question i made database in sql server 2005 and i made a table and columns but i cant insert data into the table i dont know how to fill the table with data? my second question is can i convert sql server 2000 database to 2005 if i can how i cando that? that's all for now hope u can really help me thanks in advance

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Beginner Seeks Help

Aug 31, 2006

My company needs a database. My first thought was to do it in Access, because it's available! But I wanted to check that that was smart, what its limitations are, when it's better to move to bigger / more expensive software, etc.

It's probably going to have several hundred thousand records in and will grow by more than a hundred thousand every year. Is there a size limit?

Not that many fields, though - it's not that complicated a database.

Many thanks in advance for any help :beer:

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Beginner && DB Creating

Feb 7, 2007


I'm trying to make a dictionary.

WordIta(#id, word);

tables with words in Italian and English.
Connect1(#id,id1,id2); connecting word form Eng with Ita translation.
Connect2(#id,id1,id2); same for Italian.

Is this correct? 3. normalisation? Will this work?

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Another Beginner SP Question

Dec 8, 2006

if i am creating an SP then i only specify output parameters if the SP is to return a single set of values. is that correct? if my SP is returning multiple rows from a SELECT statement then i would not specify any parameters on the SP. can somebody clarify this for me. thanks!

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Help Im A Beginner... Insert

Aug 17, 2007

Hi guys,

I am new to database programming... i know the answer is somewhere in the past forums and i unfortunately i can't locate it... I have this problem i hope you can help me.

I am trying to insert values into table hosp_wareitem and one of it is the itemid where in i would like to get the item id of an existing medicine... (i hope you can understand me guys) here is my query.. right now im puzzled and i know the answer is already there.. i just cant see it...

set xact_abort on
declare @id as integer
begin transaction
select @id (select medicines_id from
hosp_medicines where medicines_id = medicines_id)
insert into Hosp_WareItem
'1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM',
'1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM',
Update Hosp_Counter set Counter_ID = @ID
where Table_Description = 'wareitem'
commit transaction

it returns an error

(1 row(s) affected)

(24 row(s) affected)

Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 6
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ItemID', table 'Medix_Hospital.dbo.Hosp_wareitem'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

it tries to insert a null value in itemid because it cant get the value of the medicine_id.

any help is much appreciated!


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Beginner Questions

Oct 16, 2007

Hi all,

This looks like a great place for SQL Server support. I hope you don't mind a few n00b questions.

I'm a sysop whose main experience is with Windows XP and SBS 2003. I'm also reasonably familiar with Access 97/2000, having programmed a few small databases. I've recently acquired a client who is running the premium version of SBS, which includes SQL Server 2005. This means I have to manage this thing. This *huge* thing. So my first question is: Where can I find information to get me started, first from a sysop perspective, and later from a Access programmer perspective. What is your experience?

Then two current issues. One is that for some reason SQL Server 2005 is using about 2 gigabytes of memory out of the box. Is this normal? Second, I can't for the life of me find the backup system. I can see backups being made of the AdventureWorks database (at 3:00), but even after 2 hours of searching I can't change the schedule. I knew how to do this in SQL Server 2000, but this version is very different.

I'd much rather figure these things out on my own, but this product is just too complicated to learn in a few days, and the memory usage issue is critical.

I'd be much obliged for any help you can offer.

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Beginner Student PL/SQL To T-SQL

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm finishing up a beginning SQL class where we learned on an Oracledatabase and the transition to working on SQL Server is easy. The next moreadvanced course will be in PL/SQL, but I know I will be working on SQLServer in the workplace, so my question is if I should take this course.Will I benefit from the basic philosophies that will be covered, or will itjust make a transition for me more difficult? Will it be partly a waste oftime and money and I'd be better served getting a book and self teachingmyself? I know that in a greater sense learning something isn't necessarilya waste, but I mean from the perspective of my goal of being able to use SqlServer, will this course be useful?thanks.

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Beginner's Question

May 22, 2007

I just installed SQL Server 2005, Office 2007, and the add-in, but when I check services.msc, I don't see the SQL Server Analysis Services. Does anyone know how I can get this to load? Also, when I run the server configuration utility in the DM add-in folder, do you know what I should put in the server name to get it to run off my hard disk and not a server? local host doesn't seem to work. Thanks in advance!

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SQL Beginner Question

Apr 7, 2008

Hi all....

I'm not good t adatabases and never had to install one before, but I have an easy question....

I need to install a big application that needs a database server in the back end to run, I have a box with SQL2005 installed on it and I need to let the server be the database server for this application that will be installed on a seperate box....

How would I be able to point this application to the database server? do I need to install a SQL client on this server and point it to the SQL2005 server in the back?

Do I need to create a "new database" on the SQL sever and give it a name and credentials then point the application to that database? if that is the case, how would I do it?


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Drillthrough (beginner)

Jan 5, 2007

I have created two reports. One links to the other with a drillthrough. The linking works fine, but no values show up in the fields besides the group titles and column titles. Why is this happening?

The user is given a list of Counties with values. The Counties(in a matrix) are clickable for a drillthrough of Ages and Genders in the Counties. Looks something like this:


Counties Total Crashes Fatalities

Cook 85 98

Manchester 2850 258

Sagamon 987 526

So when a user clicks a county, such as "Cook", this is displayed


Age Gender Total Crashes Fatalities

0-8 Female 25 8

Male 55 15

9-15 Female 850 258

Male 185 35

16-22 Female 87 526

Male 10 35

But I am getting this in :


Age Gender Total Crashes Fatalities

0-8 Female


9-15 Female


16-22 Female


Whats going on? Can anyone make any suggestions? Just to let you know its based off of an Analysis Services Cube and not relational tables.

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Beginner Help With Insert

Dec 9, 2007


First off, I'm completly new to SQL.
I'm trying to create an insert command that uses a select command as a value.

INSERT INTO Activation.dbo.Selected (PID) SELECT PID FROM ElecDB.dbo.PTT WHERE Vendor = 'guy'

What I get from this is 5 rows updated which is what I wanted.
Although, I would like to insert a UserID from C# code or for now just 1151 for example.
I'm assuming that it would look something like this:

INSERT INTO Activation.dbo.Selected (PID,UserID) SELECT PID FROM ElecDB.dbo.PTT WHERE Vendor = 'guy' , 1151

but I am not even close.
Please help me with this.


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