Oct 3, 2006

Hi Guys,
I have a website that has a log in box, when a user logs in it automatically inserts a 1 in my users table and a little icon changes color on the web page to indicate that a person is signed in, my problem is that sometimes my users don't log off using the signout button which then puts a zero back in my table and a different coloured icon is shown.  I cant seem to force them to use this button so I being new to sql server wondered if I could use a trigger to set the field to 0 after say half an hour.
I also have a table that has various projects in it and they each have a field that has an estimated end date, I wondered if there was some sort of trigger I could use to fire off an email when the todays date passes that end date to notify evryone it was overdue.
 If this can be done please could you provide me with an example,
Many thanks

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Multiple Triggers On A Table Or Encapsulated Triggers

May 12, 2008

This isn€™t an problem as such, it€™s more of a debate.

If a table needs a number of update triggers which do differing tasks, should these triggers be separated out or encapsulated into one all encompassing trigger. Speaking in terms of performance, it doesn€™t make much of an improvement doing either depending upon the tasks performed. I was wondering in terms of maintenance and best practice etc. My view is that if the triggers do totally differing tasks they should be a trigger each on their own.


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Triggers In SQL Server

Oct 18, 2001

I need help writing a delete trigger. The table that I want to audit is [dbo].[MCMESSAGE]. When there is a delete on this table I want to write the deleted row to an audit table called [dbo].[AUDIT_MCMESSAGE]. The name of my trigger is [DEL_MCMESSAGE_TR].

This is what I have so far :


(MessageID, ReplyToID, Sender, Subject, CreateDate,
ExpirationDate, Reply, Body, ReadReceipt, Priority, Association,


MessageID, ReplyToID, Sender, Subject, CreateDate,
ExpirationDate, Reply, Body, ReadReceipt, Priority, Association, AppID

FROM deleted

When I test this I delete a record from [dbo].[MCMESSAGE] I get this Error :
"[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated."

Could someone please hwlp me?

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Triggers In Ms-sql Server 7.0

Jul 1, 2000

As per microsoft's documentation we can create more than 3 trigger per table in sql 7.o. I just like to know the meaning for this statement. If it's the case we can create more than one update trigger per table. Then which trigger will fire first and then how the other update triggers will perform. Can you please provide detailed explanation.


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Triggers In Sql Server 6.5

Feb 25, 1999

Hi, I know how to write a trigger on a table in which any insert into table A will fire an insert trigger... What I am tring to find out if the following is possible:
I want to have a trigger on a table A where it fires ONLY when anumber of rows are inserted NOT row by row.... for example. I am importing acouple of hundreds of rows into table A. Once the import process is done, I want to fire a trigger to count the total number of rows inserted into Table A... and insert the table Name, #of rows into Table called Tracking table...

Can anyone help me in finding solution for this...



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Help Sql Server Database Triggers

Feb 15, 2008

help sql server database triggers sample code ???

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Feb 21, 2008


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Triggers In SQL Server 2000

Jan 23, 2006

Hi All,
I'm trying to make a trigger on a table. If the data changed, the trigger will fire and copy the table into another table.
Can u give me examples on Triggers for Update..

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SQL Server Newbie (Triggers)

Jul 31, 2000

Good afternoon one and all,

I am migrating a access dbase to SQL. I have two tables, the first is a buffer table that collects data from various sources, the second table is an indexed version of the first table (to eliminate duplicate records etc. etc.)

I am currently using the DTS packaage to transfer data between them, would a trigger be a better solution?

Thanks in advance for any and all help


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SQL Server Newbie (Triggers)

Jul 31, 2000

Good afternoon one and all,

I am migrating a access dbase to SQL. I have two tables, the first is a buffer table that collects data from various sources, the second table is an indexed version of the first table (to eliminate duplicate records etc. etc.)

I am currently using the DTS packaage to transfer data between them, would a trigger be a better solution?

Thanks in advance for any and all help


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Triggers Using SQL Server Functions

Apr 12, 2007

I am still learning the bells and whistles of SQL Server and was wondering if I can find out the query that caused my trigger to fire, so that I can log this in another audit table.
I have an If Update ( My_Column ) trigger set up, where once an update happens to My_Column much information from the updated row along with , Host_Name and App_Name is sent. I also want to send the exact query used to update it, any ideas?
Any comments, suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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How To View Triggers In SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am pretty much a newbie with SQL server. I have what is probably apretty stupid question. In SQL Enterprise manager, is there a way toeasily see all triggers, or, even better, all tables and thereassociated triggers? I suppose at the least in a way similar toviewing all saved functions or views.Thanks,Ryan

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SQL Server Instead Of Delete Triggers

Mar 21, 2008

I have 2 table that are exactly the same and want to create a trigger on table1 that will do the following:

Every time i delete from table1, the "Instead of delete Trigger" will automaticaly delete the data from table2 and not from table1.

Can anyone help me?

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Importance Of Triggers In Sql Server

Feb 21, 2008





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Instead Of Triggers On Views In Sql Server 2000

Oct 15, 2007

hi all,
i had a view in my project, i am inserting a record in to that view(View contains a identity key for a column),  with in stored procedure  i am inserting a record i am not passing the identity key value to the insert statement. The record is getting inserted,Based on the identity key(i am getting the identity key value with Scope_Identity()) and with that value i am inserting records into another two tables.In this scenario every thing is working fine.
but now i am trying to place a trigger(instead of insert trigger)  on the view, when i placed,it is not inserting record into first table,so i am not able to get the identity value of that record and process failed.
how can this achived, let me know.

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SQL 2012 :: Triggers With Linked Server

Nov 10, 2014

I have a system where people can apply for registration and also a registration fee is involved. The screen where the application is captured has a couple of inserts into different tables. Each of these tables have triggers on them to transfer data to a linked server and they work fine. Today I just added another trigger on a different table but also part of this same save process. Now I am getting the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'

The statement has been terminated.

/orisys.int.za/applicants/ApplicantInsert.asp, line 111

I do not know this error and think it might be time-out.

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Stretching The Limits Of Triggers In SQL Server

May 1, 2008

Hello all.

For my first foray into this forum I have a tricky one....

We have a table in our database called tblJob with two columns:
jobNbr VARCHAR (5) (This would be, for example '12323')

When a new job is created (i.e. job Number 12323), the client wants a trigger on this table that creates a new table called tblJobData12323.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?

Thank you in advance.


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Row Triggers Equivalent In Sql Server 2000

Jan 19, 2007

Hello Guys!i have been working with oracle with quite a time. No i migrated to sqlserver 2000 and i want to create a trigger on a table.the trigger function has to update the Modification field to getdate()whenever a row is being updated.i tried lots of thingsif anyone can help i would appreciate a lot!Regards

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Recursive Triggers In SQL SERVER 2005

Oct 28, 2007

I have searched the net for atmost two days to find the solution of this problem but we not able to get the solution. I would appritiate if any one could help me in solving this issue:

I have a Table :


1 abc NULL
2 xyz 1
3 hty 2
4 loi 3

I want to write a trigger for deleting the EMPLOYEE with EMPID=1 and the trigger should delete all the employees as there is cascading among them i.e EMPID 1 is the Manager of EMPID=2 and so on..

I found a solution at: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa902684(sql.80).aspx
but the solution does not work when i try to implement it . It deletes the record for abc,xyz in the above table but rest are not deleted by the trigger.

Can anybody tell me the exact Trigger code......

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DDL Triggers For Auditing Server Roles

Oct 5, 2007

I wanted to set up a trigger to alter me or log to a table when someone is added to a server role. The event for the trigger I wanted to use is ADD_SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER. When trying to create the trigger, I get the following information:

"ADD_SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER" does not support synchronous trigger registration.

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Simulating Triggers On SQL Server Mobile

Feb 24, 2007


Can anybody let me know if there are ways to programatically track changes made to a SQL SERVER CE table? I am writing a db monitoring tool on SQL server CE which should track any changes made to the table.(Insert update and delete)

We could have done this using triggers on Sql Server 2005. Since triggers are not supported on SQL Server CE, are there any alternate ways to achieve this functionality?



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SQL Server Triggers- New Person -Help Required-Urgent

Mar 10, 2008

Please help me in sorting out my Problem Providing me the solution .
My Problem is
I have a master table with Primary key on ID field (PatientID-(Patient-Table)) and it is an Identity field
And My child table has the same ID field(PatientID-(PatientDetails-Table)) and it has the relationship set
And the child table has its own Primary key of its own ID field(PatientdetailsID).
What I want is as soon as enter row of data into the master table (Patient-Table)and click save on my front end application(Which is ASP.Net web application)
I want to update Child Table’S (PatientDetails)ID field ( ie.,PaientID in the PatientDetailsTable) in the  Child Table   which relates the parent table ,by doing so I want to  update the Primary key field (ie.,PatientDetailsID)  & ForeignKey Field (PatientID)of the child table and to create row  in the child table  with two columns .(PatientID,&PatientDetailsID)
What I want to achieve is in my ASP.net Application as soon as I enter Master table
I want to Edit Child tables (about 15) one by one like a Wizard pages which will have The ID Field(PatientID) same in all my wizard pages .
I want to know whether I can incorporate triggers if so in which table (is it in Patient or PatientDetails) and I will be grateful If anyone gives the Script to-do  so.I am also providing my two table sripts.
Sripts:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Patient](      [PatientID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,      [Date] [smalldatetime] NULL,      [UserID] [int] NULL,      [FirstName] [varchar](40) NOT NULL,      [Surname] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,      [DOB] [datetime] NULL,      [Age]  AS (floor(datediff(day,[DOB],getdate())/(365.25))),      [Sex] [varchar](10) NULL,      [Occupation] [varchar](30) NULL,      [Ethinicity] [varchar](60) NULL,      [HomeTel] [varchar](15) NULL,      [Mobile] [varchar](15) NULL,      [varchar](40) NULL,      [AddressLine1] [varchar](30) NULL,      [Line2] [varchar](30) NULL,      [Line3] [varchar](30) NULL,      [City] [varchar](20) NULL,      [PostCode] [varchar](15) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Patient] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (      [PatientID] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX  = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE  = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS  = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] GOSET ANSI_PADDING OFFGOALTER TABLE [dbo].[Patient]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_Patient_User] FOREIGN KEY([UserID])REFERENCES [dbo].[User] ([UserID])GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[Patient] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Patient_User] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PatientDetails](      [PatientID] [int] NOT NULL,      [PatientDetID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,      [Date] [smalldatetime] NULL,      [NHSNumber] [varchar](12) NULL,      [HospitalRefID] [varchar](10) NULL,      [Ovaries] [varchar](15) NULL,      [ReportFromGP] [image] NULL,      [LMP] [datetime] NULL,      [DateStopped] [datetime] NULL,      [Comment] [varchar](150) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_PatientDetails_1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (      [PatientDetID] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX  = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE  = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS  = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GOSET ANSI_PADDING OFFGOALTER TABLE [dbo].[PatientDetails]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_PatientDetails_Patient] FOREIGN KEY([PatientID])REFERENCES [dbo].[Patient] ([PatientID])GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[PatientDetails] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_PatientDetails_Patient] 
I want to incorporate this through database level .
I am using SQL Server2005-Express
Although  Iam using ASP.net C# I am new and I will not be able to do this in my front end.
Please help me wth the solution.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Set Up Triggers After SSIS Dump

May 11, 2015

I am would like for a Trigger to fire after an SSIS job finishes.

My understanding is that i would use a AFTER trigger.

How my UPDATE and INSERT INTO would fire and only affect the new rows.


UPDATE [GDev].[dbo].[tblCIDetailsTest]
SET dFRate = (dFCharge/(dSCharge+dACharge))

Also need to INSERT INTO 3 columns from a Table called tblFinanceP by looking up/Union or Join (not sure what to use) called vcTNum that is in bother the tblFinacneP and tblCIDetailsTest.

INSERT INTO [GDev].[dbo].[tblCIDetailsTest] AS Details
SELECT iPNum, iPCount, iZone
FROM [GrEDI].[dbo].[tblFinanceP] AS EDI
where EDI.vcTNum = GDev.dbo.tblCIDetailsTest.vcTN

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Triggers On Delete And On Insert && SQL Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi everybody,I just wrote my first two triggers and from the minimal amount of testing Ihave done, they work! However, I was hoping I could get some feedback fromthose of you more experienced in writing triggers.Here is the first one:CREATE TRIGGER DecreInters ON InteractionFOR DELETEASdeclare @stu INTdeclare @num INTselect @stu = Student_FK from deletedselect @num = (select Inters from Student where Student_Key = @stu)UPDATE StudentSET Inters = @num - 1FROM StudentWHERE Student.Student_Key = @stuHere is the second one:CREATE TRIGGER IncreIntersON InteractionAFTER INSERTASdeclare @stu INTdeclare @num INTdeclare @last_rec INTselect @last_rec = @@IDENTITYselect @stu = (select Student_FK from Interaction where Interaction_ID =@last_rec)select @num = (select Inters from Student where Student_Key = @stu)UPDATE StudentSET Inters = @num + 1FROM StudentWHERE Student.Student_Key = @stuAre there any shortcuts I could use or things I could do to make thesetriggers more efficient. Please give me some feedback and let me know ofany problems that might possibly be caused due to my doing this improperly.Thanks ahead,Corey

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Linked Server Insode Triggers Problems?

Aug 8, 2007

Dear all

I am trying to use linked server objects inside a trigger and have some major problems.

Just to explain what i am trying to achieve:

My server A is SQL 2000. When ever a row is added to a table on server A i would like to send some of the inserted values to server B which is a physically different computer and has SQL 2005.

To do that i created linked server object on the SQL 2000 side.

To test the linked server object i go:

Select * ServerB.Database.dbo.Table

This works perfectly and i get the results. I then test the same inside a stored procedure but i do some parameterised queries.

Select id from ServerB.Database.dbo.Table where id=@myId

This also works perfectly inside the stored procedure.


As soon as i place this inside the trigger it just doesnt work. My trigger has nothing else pretty much except for that. Here is a sample:

SET xact_abort ON

DECLARE @myValue nvarchar(50)

SET @myValue = '6357'

SELECT * from ServerB.Database.dbo.Table
Where id = @myValue


It just gives me a timeout error. But what is even worse is that after this the whole database is crashed and i have to restart the database service to make it work.

I checked both servers and they have the service DTS for the distributed transaction on. No proxies, no firewals. Also i checked the servers configuration and they have RPC,RPC OUT and Data Access enabled.

I have tried everything over the last week and nothing has worked for me.

Any advice would be much much apreciated.


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Triggers Error Handling In MS-SQL Server 2000

Oct 24, 2007

We have trigger on a table. The trigger implementation is to insert a record in another table. If any error occurred in the trigger then the trigger should log the error to a file on the file system.

declare @errorcode int;
INSERT INTO MySecondTable (id, myvalue) values (null, 'hey')
set @errorcode=@@ERROR
if (@errorcode <>0)
print 'Error occurred with error code "' + CONVERT(varchar, @@ERROR) + '"'

If the insert statement fails, for example because of a null violation, then trigger aborts and never reaches the next step in the trigger T-SQL code.
IS this a limitation or there's somthing wrong on the above code?

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SQL Server 2005 Triggers And .NET Web Form Application

Jan 17, 2008


Where do I ask questions about creating SQL Server 2005 triggers? I want to create a field in a SQl server 2005 database based on a combination of four (4) fields in one table, and then have the data updated in a field in the same table, as well as output to the asp.net web form.

Any guidance appreciated.


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Creating Triggers Using Managed Code In SQL Server 2005

Mar 6, 2008

Hi all( Create a VB 2005 SQL Server Project ) 

i want to Create a Trigger using Managed Code in VB.Net (.NET CLR integration with SQL Server.)Somebody help me.Thanks

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Using Triggers To Get Recently Updated Info In SQL Server 2000

Sep 30, 2004

Hello all,

I am trying to change values of two tables in my sql server 2000 database. When one of the tables is modified in some way like adding/updating a record, I need a trigger procedure to copy this new data from the first table to the second. Problem is, how do I get the newly inserted or updated data from the first table? How do I specify that I only want the data which caused the trigger to execute? Anyone know?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Script Out Tables With Encrypted Triggers?

May 14, 2015

I am trying to run a test migration of our application from V8 to V9. To do this I am creating an empty database by running the Tasks -> Script database

Once that is done, I restore it to our dev server and run SQLCompare against it to generate the change scripts

The problem I am facing is that there are a few tables that have encrypted triggers on them and I cannot include them in the generate scripts. I want to take the table structure, including indexes, but I am not interested in the triggers. There are only 5 tables so I could script them by hand, but this means that I cannot automate the process.

As a result of the missing tables SQLCompare will try to generate a CREATE TABLE rather than an ALTER TABLE DDL

The live migration won't be a problem because this will be a database restore and migration - my problem is the CREATE TABLE DDLs in the script.

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Createing New Triggers In SQL Server Management Studio Express

Sep 22, 2006

Is it possible to create a new trigger for a SQL 2000 Database using SQL Server Management Studio Express?

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Do SQL Server 2005/CLR Triggers Support .config Files?

Jun 5, 2006

Does anyone know if it's possible to use the standard .config file within a CLR Trigger to read properties via the System.Configuration namespace

I guess it's not possible because the CLR Trigger needs to be compiled as an assembly which is hosted by SQL Server



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Database Triggers - SQL Server - Fields Only Allowed If Listed In Another Field In Another Table

Nov 2, 2006

I would like to ensure data integrity in a column (actually multiple columns will need a trigger) in my table(s) by setting up a trigger which allows an update of my database field only if the value which is being written to the field in the database exists in another column (in another "check" table).eg. I only want values "Yes", "No" or "" in many of my fields, which I store in a column named "YesNoBlank" in another table.Does anyone know the easy way to do this? / Syntax for the trigger?

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