Hi - I'm short of SQL experience and hacking my way through creating a simple search feature for a personal project. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with writing a stored procedure. Problem: I have two tables with three columns indexed for full-text search. So far I have been able to successfully execute the following query returning matching row ids: dbo.Search_Articles @searchText varchar(150) AS SELECT ArticleID FROM articles WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @searchText) OR CONTAINS(Title, @searchText) UNION SELECT ArticleID FROM article_pages WHERE CONTAINS(Text, @searchText); RETURN This returns the ArticleID for any articles or article_pages records where there is a text match. I ultimately need the stored procedure to return all columns from the articles table for matches and not just the StoryID. Seems like maybe I should try using some kind of JOIN on the result of the UNION above and the articles table? But I have so far been unable to figure out how to do this as I can't seem to declare a name for the result table of the UNION above. Perhaps there is another more eloquent solution? Thanks! Peter
I am not getting Correct values for StartLongitude , EndLongitude. How can i achieve this to get the val of latitude corssponding to max/ min of time_val column.
I have a table. In that table I have a list by student number that lists the entry dates into a particular grade. When trying to list only the first time entered, there is no unique way to identify one row from another other than the date. Is there a way to use max or min to only pull one date per student number? I have done a series of case when statements and I am able to get it down to 1 to 2 entries per student number, but I need to get it down to only 1 date per student number.
Thank you for your help
THEN er.enterdater
THEN ea.enterdatea
THEN ep.enterdatep
ELSE eb.enterdateb
END AS entrydate
dbo.v_EntryDate9_R AS er ON mx.stu_num = er.stu_num LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.v_EntryDate9_P AS ep ON mx.stu_num = ep.stu_num LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.v_EntryDate9_A AS ea ON mx.stu_num = ea.stu_num LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.v_EntryDate9_B AS eb ON mx.stu_num = eb.stu_num
I have a table that stores part numbers and manufactuers. Somehow this table has become corrupt showing different manufacturers with the same part numbers.
I know this will take a bit of manual digging to fix, but I want to find a way to pull all rows that have the same part number that have different manufacturers, or just pull up any "duplicate" part numbers and I can determine what is right or wrong as far as the manufactuers and make those changes.
I have tried this, but it does not seem to want to work.
Select * from my_table Where partnumber = (select partnumber from my_table) and compName <> (select compName from my_table)
I have tried other variations of the same, but nothing seems to want to show me just the items that have the same part numnbers and different manufacturers. I do not care if there are duplicates of the same part number/manufacturer entries, just if the part number is duplicated where the manufacturers are not the same.
These are the rows I want to edit and group by part number. I have almost a million rows of entries and this is not something I want to go through row by row. :-P
I have a tabel called "Daily" which has 5 columns, "TesterID", "Activity", "Hours Given", "Hours Used", "Delta". The data for "TesterID" and "Hours Given" columns are taken from a table called "Tester". Data for columns "Activity" and "Hours Used" taken from table called ALD. "Delta" column is the difference between Hours Given and Hours Used. For "Hours Given" in table "Daily", the data source should change every 12 hours. For Monday-Friday Mornings, "Hours Given" should read data from "Tester.Weekdays_day" and for Monday-Friday Nights it should read data from "Tester.Weekdays_Night" and for Saturday-Sunday Mornings it should read from "Tester.Weekend_Day" and for Saturday-Sunday Nights it should read from "Tester.Weekdays_Night" .
how to split a single column into multiple columns with | delimited. For example I have column old_values in this I have a data with | delimited and I need to split this data into multiple columns.
Old_values xxx|yyy|zzz|aaa|bbb|ccc|ddd into A   B    C     D    E     F    G xxx  yyy   zzz   aaa   bbb   ccc   ddd
Hi This is probably a very basic question for most people in this group. How do i split the data in a column in to 2 columns? This can be done in access with an update query but in MS SQL server I am not sure. Here is an example of what i want to acheive
I have data in SQLSever 2008 R2 in one column as following. I would like to run a sql statement and capture them into individual columns. Would that be possible? The column separator is |
I m extracting data from Excel-sheet and inserting into SQL Server 2005 Database using SSIS(SQL Server Integration services). Having 2 columns in excel-sheet and want to insert those into 1 column of SQL Table. Can anyone help me about, how can I insert data from 2 columns into 1 column in SSIS. Is Export/ Import column or Copy Column or Merge will work..
I'm working on a sales commission report that will show commissions for up to 5 sales reps for each invoice. The invoice detail table contains separate columns for the commission rates payable to each rep, but for some reason the sale srep IDs are combined into one column. The salesrep column may contain null, a single sales rep id, or up to five slaes rep IDs separated by the '~' character.
So I'd like to parse the rep IDs from a single column (salesreplist) in my invoice detail table (below) to multiple columns (RepID1, RepID2, RepID3, RepID4,RepID5) in a temp table so I can more easily calculate the commission amounts for each invoice and sales rep.
Here is my table:
CREATE TABLE invcdtl( invoicenum int, salesreplist [text] NULL, reprate1 int NULL, reprate2 int NULL, reprate3 int NULL, reprate4 int NULL, reprate5 int NULL, )
As you can see, some records have trailing delimiters but some don't. This may be a result of the application's behavior when multiple reps are entered then removed from an invoice. One thing for sure is that when there are multiple reps, the IDs are always separated by '~'
select notes, jobid, caller from contact where status in (6) and jobid = 173 I am getting this:
This job will be posted to Monster for 2 weeks. 173 906 Waiting for full budget approval 173 906 TUrns out we're uppin 173 906
What should I do so that these three columns for the same jobid from the same caller appears in only one column, either separated by a comma or semicolon?
finding one set of data within another set of data for update,so if within column 1 it finds the results from another select on another table, it updates a different column with the result.
SELECT Title from H..Import_Table returns 'PRN - Concord' 'PRN - San Jose' 'SLP - PRN - San Jose' 'San Jose - PT - PRN'
I am trying to pivot data based on columns value in year column... but results are not showing up correctly. I want to see all columns after pivot.I want to Pivot based on year shown in the data but it can be dynamic as year can go for last 3 years
I am also using an inner join as i have two amount columns in my code and i want to show both amount columns for all displayed year.I am able to pivot but I need in output all the columns like this Id,MainDate, Year1,Year2,Year3(if any), AMT1 for YR1, AMT2 for Yr1, , AMT1 for YR2, AMT2 for Yr2, AMT1 for YR3, AMT2 for Yr3,
Here is some data:
-- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TEMP]( --[FileType] [varchar](19) NOT NULL, --[dType] [char](2) NOT NULL, --[dVersion] [char](2) NOT NULL, --[Id] [char](25) NOT NULL, --[MainDate] [char](40) NULL,
I have one column in a matrix component and it has about 7 items, but the only the items which have values on the page appear at the top of that page.
This is for a labratory so the columns are the different Patient Types and the rows are the different Test Mnemonics. If one of the Patient Types is not used in any of the tests on that page, it doesnt show up. How to I make sure all Patient Types show up on every page?
I have a scenario of where the standard Full-Text search identifies keywords but Semantic Search does not recognize them as keywords. I'm hoping to understand why Semantic Search might not recognize them. The context this is being used in medical terminology and the specific key words I noticed missing right off the bat were medications.
For instance, if I put the following string into a FT indexed table
'J9355 - Trastuzumab (Herceptin)' AND 'J9355 - Trastuzumab emtansine'
The Semantic Search recognized 'Herceptin' and 'Emtansine' but not 'Trastuzumab'
Nor in
'J8999 - Everolimus (Afinitor)'
It did not recognize 'Afinitor' as a keyword.
In all cases the Base of Full-Text did find those keywords and were identifiable using the dmvsys.dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document.It does show the index as having completed.
why certain words might not be picked up while others would be? Could it be a language/dictionary issue? I am using English and accent insensitive settings?
Hi, I have 3 tables: Table SLA: SLA_code, SLA_name Table industry: Industry_code, Industry_name Table14: SLA_code_origin, SLA_code_destination, Industry_code, Freq
I would like to query to get in one table: SLA_name for DESTINATION, Industry_name, Freq
Note: SLA_code contains the same codes as SLA_code_origin and SLA_code_destination. All are the same codes in column oringin means the From point and colum destination the To point.
How can I query to get the Freq and Industry for those destination SLAs?
I have make a relationship between: Table SLA.SLA_code with Table14.SLA_code_destination and Table_industry.Industry_code with Table14.Industry_code
But I am not sure if just a SELECT SLA.SLA_name, Industry.Industry_name, Table14.Freq FROM SLA, Industry, Table14 would select the SLA_destination and not the SLA_origin.
I have a SSIS package with a Data Flow task. This task transfers the data from SQL Server 2000 to a table in SQL Server 2005.
I deployed and tested this package on the Test Server. Then put this package in a job and executed it - Works fine.
On the production server- If I execute the package through DTEXECUI, it works fine. But when I try executing it through a job- the job fails and it gives me following error:
Description: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The "external metadata column "T_FieldName" (82)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection....
What I don't understand is, why are there no errors displayed when I execute the package through DTEXECUI.
I have a single table that consist of 4 columns. Entity, ParamName, ParamsValue and ParamiValue. This table stores normalized Late Fee related parameters for apartments. The Entity field contains a code that identifies the apartment complex. The ParamName in a textual field that contains the name of the parameter that the other 2 fields define the value for; ParamsValue and ParamiValue. If the Late Fee parameter (as named in ParamName is something numerical then the value for that parameter can be found in ParamiValue else its in ParamsValue.
I don't know if 'Pivot' is the correct term to use for describing what I am trying to do because I've looked at the Pivot examples and I don't see how that will work for this. Using the Table and data as provided below, how would I construct a query so that I get 1 row per Entity in which the columns are the ParamsValue or ParamiValue for the ParamName listed in the column header (for the query)?
Below is the DDL to create the table and populate it.
USE [DBA_UTIL] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PARAMEXAMPLE]( [Entity] [varchar](16) NULL,
I'm working on a script to merge multiple columns(30) into a single column separated by a semicolons, but I'm getting the following error below. I tried to convert to the correct value. but I'm still getting an error.
Error: "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ';' to data type tinyint".
we have a database hosted online on sql server 05. at work, we have a sql 2000 query analyzer on a machine, and sql 2005 management studio on a machine. both machines can connect to the database, both can pull up the data from a certain table. but there are two columns that display info in query analyzer that show up as empty on management studio. not null, just empty. any ideas why?
I need a query to pull the data from Sql server. my requirement is i need to pull the data from multiple columns, in that there are three email fields are there like email1, email2, email3. i need query to retreive the data from table first it search for email in the above 3 fields if any one of the fields contains the record the it display as Main mail id.
Is it possible to get data-type,default-value, etc. (basically schema information) of columns in a particular query.This is something similar to what we get when we execute the followingÂ
But instead of TABLE_NAME i would like to give a query like
SELECT [EmployeeID],[LastName],[FirstName] from [dbo].[Employees] order by [EmployeeID].
I'm trying to develop a query that provides sales data by Customer.GroupCode in monthly columns as depicted below:
GrpCd JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOT Film 5,000 15,000 20,000 Aero Elct 3,000 950 3,950 Desg Edu 150 150
Here€™s a simplified version of the DDL: CREATE TABLE invchead ( invoicenum int NULL , invoicedate datetime NULL , invoiceamt decimal(16, 2) NULL , custnum int NULL )
The query below gets me close but it gives me gives me one row for each customer. So if I have 5 customers with the same group code, I get 5 rows for that group code. I need to modify it or come up with a different approach that gives me only one row for each GroupCode.
SELECT distinct c.Name, c.GroupCode, (SELECT SUM(InvoiceAmt) FROM InvcHead WHERE InvcHead.custnum=i.custnum AND DATEPART(year, InvcHead.invoicedate)= DATEPART(year, i.invoicedate) AND DATEPART(month, InvcHead.invoicedate)=1) JAN, (SELECT SUM(InvoiceAmt) FROM InvcHead WHERE InvcHead.custnum=i.custnum AND DATEPART(year, InvcHead.invoicedate)= DATEPART(year, i.invoicedate) AND DATEPART(month, InvcHead.invoicedate)=2) FEB, ...... (SELECT SUM(InvoiceAmt) FROM InvcHead WHERE InvcHead.custnum=i.custnum AND DATEPART(year, InvcHead.invoicedate)= DATEPART(year, i.invoicedate)) TOT
FROM InvcHead i INNER JOIN Customer c ON (i.custnum=c.custnum) WHERE i.invoicedate>='1-1-2007' AND i.invoicedate<'1-1-2008'
Grateful for any advice that will get me closer to accomplishing this.
How can I run a query that searches for a reference number that may appear in two different columns? I want to pull all records for idenification numbers that can also show up in a secondary identification column.
I have a table with Million plus records. Due to Running Totals article, I have been able to calculate the Trial_Balance for all months.
Now I am trying to provide a Beginning Balance for all months and the Logic is the Beginning Balance of July would be the Trial_Balance of June. I need to be able to do this for multiple account types. So the two datasets that need to be included in logic is actindx and Calendar_Month.
For actindx of 2 and Calendar_Month of 2014-01-01The Trial_Balance_Debit is 19585.46 This would make the Beginning_Balance of actindx 2 and Calendar_Month of 2014-02-01 19585.46
I am trying to do some type of self join, but not sure how to include each actindx number differently.
Table creation and data insert is below.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TrialBalance]( [Trial_Balance_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,