I am using Windows server 2012 Standard R2 and SQL Server 2014 Enterprise. I have created three AD Groups and added the groups to the SQL server:
Group A. Group B, and Group C. I have mapped each group to their database which I created on the same SQL server.
Now I have Group A mapped to Database A, Group B mapped to Database B, and Group C mapped to Database C.
Now all the users in all the groups can see each other databases, I need to give full permission to Group A for ONLY database A and NOT to allow them access Database B and C, also I need to do the same thing for the other two groups, this means each group can only access their database and not allowed to access other databases.
Hi,I created a user account on my active directory service. I then triedto assign a service located on my SQL server to be executed by thisaccount. However, when I try to configure my SQL server service, Iget the following error message:WMI Provider Error"No mapping between account name and security ID was done"Do you know what I am doing wrong?thanks
I received the following when trying to deploy an 2005 analysis services package over an existing database:
The following system error occurred: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
We have redeployed this solution several times over the last week and have never encountered this error. The changes that we are deploying are related to partitioning of the measure group fact tables - and are not related to security in any way. Can someone assist?
I am trying to form a replication system but at the very beginning i couldn't pass an obstacle. While trying to create the Replication it says i have to change the user which starts the SQL Agent because the current starter user account is a system account and this will make the replication between servers fail. "SQL Server Agent on OZN currently uses the system account, which causes the replication between the servers fail. In the following dialog box, specify another account for the service startup account." I change it in the properties dialog box of the SQL Server Agent. The new account is the one I formed and granted accordingly. But it gives the following error when I try to apply the changes. " Error 22042: xp_SetSQLSecurity() returned error -2147023564, 'No mapping between account names and security IDs was done' "
I tried many things, searched in the net, changed the owner of the database, applied new accounts, many grants, applied service pack 4, etc...
If anyone helps it will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance...
Our software vendor rep is trying to upgrade MS SQL server 2008 SP4 to 2012 SP1. Get an error message: no mapping between account names and security ADs was done. He says that we get this error message because we have two domain controllers in our network, and one is running on the same windows server that run sql server. Out IT support disagrees to delete the second domain controller, saying it is recommended by Microsoft and he suggests that the problem is in Active directory.
What are the security groups that I would need to enable a user to use the conflict viewer and replication monitor for specific databases that are setup for merge replication? Thanks.
Hello, In NT MS suggests putting global groups into local groups and then assigning object permissions to those local groups in NTFS. I was wondering if this pattern should be followed in SQL server when assigning permissions to integrated login accounts. Is it better to use global groups or local groups?
hi, i have starange problem here. i have total 10 nt groups mapped to security manager. today when i opened security manager it is saying no groups in the security manager,security manager is blank. i am using mixed security mode. pls give me any ideas.. it is very ugent pls.. Thank u very much
Hi,Apologies for not knowing much around this subject, we currently run sqlserver 2000 for a database and have each user marked up on the database.We are moving to use a windows security group, so taking themanagement slightly away from the database server.What I would like to know is, will this effect functions such assuser_sname() by returning the group name instead of user id? I wouldassume not but it's worth checking!Also, I'm guessing if a user is marked on the database as their own idand as part of a security group, then all permissions are thrown in withdeny taking preference? How does this work with a database owner who isalso part of a security group that has limiting functionality?Thanks for your help,Chris
I've been reconfiguring my Windows service accounts for the SQL Server service and the SQL Agent service to comply with the security best practices for SQL Server 2005. Specifically, I created two new network accounts. One account runs the SQL Server service, the other runs the SQL Agent service.
I have a report running and I am attempting to assign role based security. I added a group to the site level security. The group I added contains child groups. It doesn't seem that report server is looking into the child groups to see if the logged in user is a member of the child group. Is there anyway to get this to work instead of adding all the groups directly? I suspect that report server is using cominterop and cominterop is not traversing the directory tree?
I have multiple security groups for which I would like to print off the different table rights associated. Is there a quick and easy way to accomplish this? Thanks, Craig.
It appears that I have a machine where the SQL Server 2005 Security groups were deleted, now I am unable to change account settings in configuration manager ( I get a WMI provider error ). Is there any way to recreate these security groups without uninstalling and reinstalling SQL Server?
I have a small problem in parameter mapping for Execute SQL Task. I am using a delete statement with 2 conditions. Followed by another Execute SQL Task which contains commit statement.
delete from tname where c1 = ? and c2 =?
where c1 is number(4) datatype and c2 is of varchar2(20) datatype in oracle.
The connection manager i am using is ORacle OLE DB provider. I am passing 2 global variables i.e g_v1 of Int32 and g_v2 of String Type.
In the parameter mapping of the Executing SQL task, i am mapping these 2 variables for c1 and c2 and changed the datatypes inside parameter mapping as Numeric for c1 and Varchar for c2.
I also set the property as ByPassPrepare = True.
When i am executing the package i getting INVALID NUMBER ERROR. i believe the SSIS is unable to perform the implict datatype converison.
For the next run, i changed the g_v1 varible datatype to Double and also i changed the parameter mapping for c1 as Doble datatype. This time it is working fine. I can see the Green signal for the 2 SQL Tasks.
But when i connected to Oracle check the count in the table, the data is not getting deleted.
Also, I set the property RetainSameConnection = TRUE for oracle connection manager. I am not able to trace this logical error.
The same is working fine in my local machine. But i am facing the problem when i deployed the same on the client machine.
Is there any problem with parameter mapping? What should be equialent Datatype for Oracle NUMBER datatype that should be used inside the SSIS package while declaring the global variable and inside the parameter mapping.
I have a new SQL 2005 (SP2) Reporting Services server to which I've just upgraded and deployed some SSRS 2000 reports.
I have a subreport that contains a matrix with two groups. The report data seems to be inexplicably repeating the data for the first row in the group for all rows in the group. Example:
ID1 ID2 DisplayData
1 1 A
1 2 B
1 3 C
2 1 A
2 2 B
2 3 C
Parent group is on ID1, child group is on ID2, report would show:
1 1 A
2 A
3 A
2 1 A
2 A
3 A
Is this a matrix bug in 2005 SP2, or do I need to do something differently? I can no longer pull a comparison version from an SSRS 2000 server to verify, but I believe it was working as expected before...
I have posted this issue for a week, haven't got any reply yet, I posted it again and desperately need your help.
The article http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms365343.aspx says: Model Item Security can be set for differnt security filters, but when I use SQL Server Management Studio to set Model Item Security, it seems "Permissions" property surpass "Model Item Security" property. -- My report server is using Custom Authentication.
For example, in "Permissions" property of the model, if I checked "Use these roles for each group or user account" without setting any user or group, no matter what users I added to "Model Item Security" with "Secure individual model items independently for this model" checked, NO one user can see the model on report manager and report builder;
in above situation, if I added "user1" and gave role such as "Browser" role to "user1" in "Permissions" property, if I checked "Secure individual model items independently for this model" in "Model Item Security" property, even I did NOT grant "user1" to root model and any entities under the model, the "user1" is able to access the model and all entities in report builder.
My question is on the same report model, how to set "AdminFilter" (empty security filter) for administrator permissions and set "GeneralFilter" (filtered on UserID) for general user based on their UserID?
The article also says:
"Security filters are always applied, even for users who have Content Manager or Administrator permissions to the model. To allow administrators or other users to see all rows of an entity on which row-level security is defined, you can create an empty security filter (which always returns True) and then use the filter to grant those users access to all the rows."
So I defined 2 filters "GeneralFilter" and "AdminFilter" for "Staff" entity for my report model "SSRSModel", I expect after I deployed the report model, the administrator users use report builder to build reports with all rows available, and the non-admin users can only see rows based on their UserID.
I can only get one result at a time but not both:
either the rows are filtered or not filtered at all, no matter how I set the "SecurityFilter" for the entity: I tried setting both "AdminFilter" and "GeneralFilter" for SecurityFilter at the same time, combination of "DefaultSecurityFilter" and "SecurityFilter", or one at a time.
Is there any possibility to schedule SQL job execution as Windows Security Group? I need to run powershell script through SQL job with one of this group member's permissions.
I have Sql Server Express installed on Vista (service pack 2)
I have Visual Studio 2005 with an application that I'm trying to access it with within a WCF service.
The login ID of the service is added to the database.
The database has remote access turned on.
The ID is granted access to all databases within the server.
The thread is being set with WindowsProvider and the services set their thread to WindowsProvider.
The dataserver is set with using Windows Authentication for security.
When I open my connection to the database, though, it reports the typically useless message that the connection is not allowed and that the server may not allow remote connections.
How to I get past this? I've done everything right.
I want to use an Active Directory security group that is a Distribution List for a new role assignment for an existing report. Can someone tell me if this is possible? I get an error each time I try:
The user or group name <DLName> is not recognized. (rsUnknownUserName)"
I'm using NHibernate with SQL Server Express Edition and I've been problems with the data type to be defined in the "type" attribute on the "property" tag in the XML file mapping.Has someone worked with that?I need to match the appropriate NHibernate type to the following SQL Server Types: uniqueidentifier;bit;ntext;I have been getting "type mismatch" error when the code is trying access the data. Thanks a lot!
Hi all, I have to provide user mapping between two databases on the same server so that the tables and content of both the databases can be accessed by each other. I know how to do it using Enterprise Manager, but I have to do it via script as in my asp.net application the databases are created dynamically. If I am not wrong, then "sa" login will be required to execute this script, but no problems as we will be having the "sa" password also. The server is sql server 2005. Can anybody please let me know how to do it exactly. Its very urgent. Thanx a lot in advance.
hi friends.. i want to insert data in sql server2005 table through asp.net column names of this table comes from diffrent tables..... like Rollno--- in my new table....but in old table1 this is like RNO & from old table2 this is R_no so i want insert this two old diffrent table data into my new table...but i have problem coz of diffrent column names of old table... can you help me 4 that...
I have a requirement to link two databases on the same server. Besides using the microsoft link option is there any other method by which we can link these two databases. Responses will be highly appreciated.
I'm trying to find out the best O/R mapping tool for .NET. A perfect tool would begin with the database model and would be capable of generating 2 layers: the Domain layer (normal classes) and the Persistence layer (methods for storing and retrieving the domain layer objects from the database.
This tool would also be capable of generating the corresponding Visual Studio solution and projects.
I've already tried NetTiers, but it generates so many layers that the code is very dificult to manage and understand.
So any of you know a tool similar to the described above?
We have a Item table and a Price table. Structure is mentioned below. An Item need to be matched with the Price table (or vice versa is also fine) and get the Cost from the Price table. The challenge (which I feel :) ) is, mapping or Columns to be looked up between these two tables are not fixed.For an Item, Country, City and Number of Days columns can have a value or can be null. For ex, Paper, US, New York <10 days is one combination which should be matched to the Item table. For Paper, UK, NULL, <5 days is another combination which need to be checked. it is kind of dynamic look up of columns between the two tables.
Price Table Item Country City Number of Days Cost Paper US New York <10 100 Paper UK <5 150 Paper Chicago >10 200 Pen China <10 250
Item Table Item Country City Number of Days Paper US New York 5 Paper UK London 3 Paper US Chicago 15 Pen China Shangai 5 Paper China Beijing 15 Paper US Chicago 5