I have a question regarding Transparent Data Encryption. I have enabled TDE on a database using the below steps:
1. Create a master key encryption by a password.
2. Create a certificate in the the user database named 'TDE_Test' protected by the master key.
3. Create database encryption key 'TDE_Test' using the certificate created in Step 2.
4. Enable encryption by using the command 'ALTER DATABASE
I understand that if I need to copy this TDE encrypted database to a different SQL Instance, I have to copy the certificate from the source Instance to the destination Instance.Now my question is, do the Service Master Key and Database Master Key come into the picture here anywhere?
Are these related to TDE in any way? Do I have to take regular backups of the Service Master Key & Database Master Key as part of regular maintenance for the SQL Instance that has a TDE encrypted database?
We have a large VMWare environment with HP SAN, and 2 datacenters - primary and DR, with SAN based replication between them.We also backup databases to tape via Commvault and send them off-site using a vendor.TDE protects data at 'rest', meaning, (that if it wasn't implemented, and) if someone got a hold of our physical .mdf/.ldf files, or our .bak's, or tapes, they could recover the data.
Hi, I need to encrypt certain fields of tables with minimized changes required to my application. I want the database only available to my application so I want to use password to protect the encryption key.
Currently, in SQL 2005, I created view and use INSTEAD OF trigger to encrypt/decrypt data to underlyer table. I also having code at application startup, pass my password to a stored proc to open these key so that my view can encrypt/decrypt data accordingly.
I read some posts mentioned that SQL 2008 supports transparent data encryption. May I know how does it help in my case?
In cases when the SSIS package has to be deployed in SQL Server, when we use ProtectionLevel ="server storage" while creating SSIS Catalog, does it use TDE? or Database Standard Encryption? if the database is using TDE?
In cases when the SSIS package has to be deployed in SQL Server, when we use ProtectionLevel ="server storage" while creating SSIS Catalog, does it use TDE? or Database Standard Encryption? if the database is using TDE?
I have created two user defined functions for encryption and decryption using passphrase mechanism. When I call encryption function, each time I am getting the different values for the same input. While I searching a particular value, it takes long time to retrieve due to calling decryption function for each row.
best way to encrypt and decrypt using user defined functions.Below is the query which is taking long time.
SELECT ID FROM table WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE dbo.DecodeFunction(column) = 'value'
When I try to use symetric or asymetric encryption, I am not able to put "OPEN SYMETRIC KEY" code in a function. So, I am using PassPhrase mechanism.
Hi There is a very sensitive table that holds a very sensitive field (i.e. a person's salary). I have a requirement to programmatically encrypt it when the value is stored (I can do that quite easily in the VB client app), but there are times when a suitably 'sa' user should be allowed to perform a SELECT of the table and to view the salary field in the clear.
I think a SQL2000 user-defined function can do the job. The catch is that the client is running SQL 7 and he will only upgrade 'over his dead body', or words to that effect.
I understand that Dialog Security + certificates can be used to encryption individual dialogs. I have several demos working now that do just this.However, I don't fully understand exactly when the messages are encrypted, and if they are ever written to a queue on the initiating service prior to being encrypted. I want to make sure that admins can't simply query the transmission queues to get clear text messages, because I have strict requirements that I encrypt all personal data that is stored anywhere in a database. BOL is a little unclear on this topic. The relevant doc reads:For a dialog that uses security, Service Broker encrypts all messages sent outside a SQL Server instance. Messages that remain within a SQL Server instance are never encrypted. In dialog security, only the database that hosts the initiating service and the database that hosts the target service need to have access to the certificates used for security. That is, an instance that performs message forwarding is not required to have the capability to decrypt the messages that the instance forwards.Does this imply that message destined for an external service aren't encrypted until they leave the instance? Or does Service Broker figure out that the message is destined for a remote service and therefore applies encryption to the message_body prior to the message hitting the transmission queue on the initiating service?Many thanks, Kevin
I am using SQL server 2012 Management studio and I have some confidential data on publisher which is being replicated to subscriber and i want to revoke permission for decryption at publisher end which is only possible using Asymmetric key as it allows only private key to decry-pt the data. But problem which i am facing is,we can not take backup of asymmetric keys which i could restore at subscriber. I do not want to share the private key password with sender. Is there any way to achieve it?
We are unable to login in database due to “The server could not load the certificate it needs to initiate an SSL connection. It returned the following error: 0x80090331. Check certificates to make sure they are valid. Unable to initialize SSL encryption because a valid certificate could not be found, and it is not possible to create a self-signed certificate.”we have tried to run that selfssl.exe from command prompt followed by below command and am getting the cryptographic error.
I want to enforce a unique constraint on a column which must be encrypted in MSSQL 2005 using Cell Level Encyption (CLE).
[Code] ....
The output makes it obvious why the constraint has 'not' been enforced.
Able to access SQL express remotely using SQL mgt Studio after certain configuration.
But notice that I must use IP address/SQLEXPRESS for server name in order for connection to work. What is this "/SQLEXPRESS" ? Is it a standard surfix for SQL Express ?
I have installed the Oracle Transparent Gateway on the machine with SQL Express and setup the tnsname for SQL Express. For the tnsname, have used IP address/SQLEXPRESS as the host name but it gave this error :
ORA-28545: NCRO Failed to make RSLV connection
Tried with just the IP address and it gives the same error.
Dear All,I am using the oracle transparent gateway connectivity with sql serverusing tg4msql,as far assettings are concerned those were set and Connectivity is working Fine,and getting the responsefrom that server.here is description what I done as:-There is a View on Sqlserver whichis Join of 6 tables and havedata around 1 million in 2 tables and 0.5 million in rest of thetables, as the Query for creatingsqlserver view is given below:CREATE view Account_anila_test asSELECT ......(around 50 Columns)FROM GE_Init.dbo.Person INNER JOINGE_Init.dbo.Konto ON GE_Init.dbo.Person.Person_ID =GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Person_ID INNER JOINGE_Init.dbo.Produkt ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Produkt_ID =GE_Init.dbo.Produkt.Produkt_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.Konto_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.calcKontoOBSdt ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.calcKontoOBSdt.Konto_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.calcKonto ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.calcKonto.Konto_IDWHERE (GE_Init.dbo.Konto.SlettetKonto = 0) AND(GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.MarkertForSletting = 0OR GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.MarkertForSletting IS NULL)Now,I made a table in oracle adjacent to sqlserver View and Inserteddata as:INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TEST11(.....)SELECT .............FROM Person@dbl_getgc1 a INNER JOINKonto@dbl_getgc1 b ON a."Person_ID" = b."Person_ID" INNER JOINProdukt@dbl_getgc1 c ON b."Produkt_ID" = c."Produkt_ID" LEFT OUTER JOINCRMKonto@dbl_getgc1 d ON b."Konto_ID" = d."Konto_ID" LEFT OUTER JOINcalcKontoOBSdt@dbl_getgc1 e ON b."Konto_ID" = e."Konto_ID" LEFT OUTERJOINcalcKonto@dbl_getgc1 f ON b."Konto_ID" = f."Konto_ID"WHERE (b."SlettetKonto" = 0) AND (d."MarkertForSletting" = 0 ORd."MarkertForSletting" IS NULL);This insert Satement worked fine,but when I inserted from the viewalready created in SQLSERVER as:-INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TEST11(.....)SELECT .............FROM Account_anila_test@dbl_getgc1;This gave a following error:-"WEB_30_SUM", "WEB_360_COUNT", "WEB_360_SUM", "WEB_90_COUNT","WEB_90_SUM"*ERROR at line 48:ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned thismessage:[Transparent gateway for MSSQL]ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from DBL_GETGC1Elapsed: 00:01:01.04after this I set The paramater "HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL=ON" in INIt file oftg4msql Folder then in thetrace File of tg4msql folder following error comes:-(0)(0) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired (SQL State:S1T00; SQL(0) Code: 0)(0)If any one has Faced the similar kind of problem and Can help me,Pleaselet me Know where I amdoing Wrong and How this error can be ractified.Waiting For Reply ASAP.RegardsLovkesh
The above chart has three Values in it (slightly late in pink, rather late in hot pink and very late in red). Because of the ordering of these values the red very late values can't be seen. When I shuffle the order around slightly they are indeed there:
...This report runs dynamically for one of a number of activities the user can select, as such I have no way of knowing which of these series will be at the lower end of the scale and which will be at the higher end. Is it possible to set the Values/Series to be transparent so I can be assured that all will be visible to the user at runtime?
i have to encrypt my data in sql2005 database using assymetric key encryption which i have done properly.But i have a doubt that while writing stored procedure i have to provide key information in it , that will be visible to everyone then whats the use of taht encryption. Can anyone tell me how can i write stored procedure without providing key information in it.
Does anybody know how can I implement data encryption on the sql7.0 database? I need to do this with some of the fields, like credit card number. My sql server acts as backend database server for IIS servers.
I am looking for a way to encrypt a column in my SQL Server Table. I have been looking in the books and have not found anything. Any ideas of how to do it?
hi, I am a new user to SQL convert my business application from VFP. I am bulding my new application depending on stored procedures. My questions as follow:-
- Is there a way to stored procedures encryption? - How to products my data structure
The error in the subject line "The property 'Use Encryption for Data' is not supported" is encountered when running a DTS package via a job step in SQL Server 7.0. The problem is not encountered when executing the DTS package interactively via Enterprise Manager from my PC. When I view the Advanced Properties of the OLE DB driver from Enterprise Manager on my PC, I notice a Use Encryption for Data Property. When I view the Advanced Properties of the OLE DB driver from Enterprise Manager on the Server, the Use Encryption for Data Property does not appear. Service Pack 3 for SQL 7.0 is installed on both my PC and on the SQL Server. I suspect this Property difference for OLE DB could be related to the fact that I installed Enterprise Manager for SQL 2000 on my PC at one time and then uninstalled. Any ideas how to correct this situation?
Is there any way to encrypt the sql server mdf and ldf data files in SQL Server 2005 without using EFS or creating an additional system user? Only one application which has the password embedded (i know this is a security risk) should be able to connect to the database and access the mdf and ldf files.
My current experience is with access and sql2000. In my current application, I compress/encrypt my data prior to storing in my database. Does the new verion of sql support compression/encryption and if so can you please point me to any links which discuss.
Hi, I would like to encrypt data in my database. I want encrypted column value to be viewable only for certain group of users. Users that has access to my database doesn't meant they can access to my encrypted data.
Currently, I am using the following "approach" as my key management.
create master key encryption by password= 'MasterKeyPass'
My data will be encrypted using Symmetric key MySymmKey.
User who want to access my data must have MasterKey and MyAsymmKey password. Is it OK? Any better way?
Hi. I have a SQL Server 2000 database that contains information I would like to encrypt. The information is a field inside a table, and I would like to encrypt this information using a key, and decrypt it in my asp.net application using that key and use the decrypted data. Please tell me how this can be done, or direct me to an article or a link on the subject. Thanks in advance.
I know there is no native encryption in SQL2K, but what 3rd party encryption tools would other forum members recommend from experience? I am required to encrypt data for PCI compliance.
I store data in an .mdf file (I use SQL server 2005), because this way it's easier to move the application from one machine to another.
I've faced a problem with the encryption of the database.
Is there a possibility/way to encrypt a database file so that, if someone else finds/copies the mdf, he/she won't be able to read it.
I thought about encrypting the string values of the tables itself and decode them inside the application and encide when Inserting, but why inventing somehing that might already exist.
I have an encrypted SQL Server 2005 database. Data is encrypted and decrypted using the encryptbykey and decryptbykey statements. I would like to allow the end user to be able to build adhoc reports using the Report Builder. I can't figure out how to decrypt the fields as they are dragged onto the report layout. Does anyone have any insight on how to accomplish this, or is it even possible?
Data encryption and database restores. 1. When using data encryption on a 2 node active/passive cluster does it make any difference which server the sqlserver is running on when encrypting or dcrypting data? 2. When restring a database to a different server with encrypted data is the data decrytable or is it lost?