SQL Security :: Virus Changing Values In Field

Sep 18, 2015

I've got this virus URL... in our production server. It is changing the values in a table column.

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Changing Field Values In A Stored Procedure

May 4, 2003

Here's the deal:

I import a flat file from a legacy system, and then convert it into a single table. That works simply enough.

Then I have a SP that querys that table using a parameter for an accountID. My business tier calls that SP and returns the results to the calling tier (my web application). Easy enough...

Now for the question. The people who created the flat file (written in COBOL) decided to use "codes" to represent data. So, for instance, if I'm looking for the account plan, I can expect to see characters like ], or [, or +, etc... These characters have a special meaning, like:

] = Plan A
[ = Plan B
+ = Plan C, and so on.

Currently, the web application displays those characters, but I want it to display the actual plan name. Is there a way that when I execute the SP, the SP could pull the necessary records, and whenever it encounters a certain "plan" character, it could convert it into a "readable" name? Say that it sees that the plan_type field has a value of "]" for twenty records, so it converts those twenty records' plan_type value from "]" into "Plan A"? I'm not sure if I can do that, but I want to at least evaluate the option if I can.

I've evaluated other options, like using a CASE statement in my code, but I shot that down quickly...for obvious reasons. I don't wanna be changing my web application or business tier each time these guys update a plan name, or add a new one, delete an existing one, etc...

I've also thought about creating a dictionary table than contains the plan's code and its name, and then just INNER JOIN the first table with the dict table. This would keep my SP very simple (it's very straight-forward right now, and I like that). That way, if a plan name is ever changed, or a new one is added, I simply update the dict table using a simple query. However, if my SP is doing the conversion, I could just as easily update the SP.

Either of these methods would work for me, and I *do* know how to do the latter (dict table). However, there are quite a few other fields that I may have to do this for. I believe when I left for the day on Friday, my last count was 14 fields total that needed translation. That would mean 14 different dict tables! That could certainly affect my SP performance with all those INNER JOINS!

Therefore, I'm certainly interested in figuring out if it's possible to do the former method (SP), and then I shall decide which method is best for my situation.

Feel free to include your thoughts on which process you think is better as well. I'm really riding the fence with this one. However, if I can't find out how to change field values in my SP, then obviously I'll make a decision very quickly...

Thanks in advance.

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Inserting Values Into SQL CE 3.5 Ntext Field Is Changing All Rows...

Apr 25, 2008

Has anyone seen this issue before? We are running a SQL CE 3.5 database on a windows desktop. A couple of our tables have ntext fields. When we do an insert the statement updates the value for all rows, not just the one that was added. I can easily repro this with some of the online samples too. Try the following:

SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(_sConn);


SqlCeCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE BlobTable(name nvarchar(128), blob ntext);";


cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO BlobTable(name, blob) VALUES (@name, @blob);";

SqlCeParameter paramName = cmd.Parameters.Add("name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128);

SqlCeParameter paramBlob = cmd.Parameters.Add("blob", SqlDbType.NText);

paramName.Value = "Name1";

paramBlob.Value = "Name1 Memo";


cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO BlobTable(name, blob) VALUES (@name, @blob);";

SqlCeParameter paramName = cmd.Parameters.Add("name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128);

SqlCeParameter paramBlob = cmd.Parameters.Add("blob", SqlDbType.NText);

paramName.Value = "Name2";

paramBlob.Value = "Name2 Memo";


After the second execution the blob column in both rows will have the value 'Name2 Memo'.

This is obviously a huge problem for us and would appreciate it if someone can explain what is happening. Seems like a bug but would like to be certain before I go the support route.

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Conditionalize Field Values Based On Other Field Values

Apr 17, 2007

Here's a portion of the current statement.

UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas

SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,

numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,

numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,

numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,

numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,

bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bControlRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = 0,

bCommentsIsAffirmed = 0

FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK) ...

And what I need is to conditionalize the values of the "IsAffirmed" fields by looking at their corresponding "num" fields. Something like this (which doesn't work).

UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas

SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,

numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,

numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,

numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,

numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,

bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = (numInherentRiskID IS NULL),

bControlRiskIsAffirmed = (numControlRiskID IS NULL),

bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = (numCombinedRiskID IS NULL),

bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = (numApproachTypeID IS NULL),

bCommentsIsAffirmed = (parent.txtComments IS NULL)

FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK)


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Changing Security

Dec 20, 2000

I need to change my security settings from "Windows NT Only" to "SQL Server and Windows NT". Does anyone know of any issues with doing this? Does this subtract anything or does it only add access??

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SQL Security :: How To Trace Changing On DB User

Jun 3, 2015

Is there a kind of log to trace the change on DB user, such as when the password/permission is changed, etc. If yes, how can i get this log; If no, is there a way to achieve this thing?

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Changing Value Of A Field

Jun 5, 2006

Bob writes "I want to change the value of a field but it is part of a
unique index. Can someone help me do this.
I need to update about 55000 rows.

thank you very much."

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Changing A Field Value In SRS

Jan 27, 2008


I have a field on my SRS Report called directioncode.
This field gives me a value of 1 or 0.

How do I fix this code so
if the value of directioncode is 0, the text "Incoming" is displayed
if the value of directioncode is 1, the text "Outgoing" is displayed?

Current value in the expression area of my field....

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Changing Year In Field

Jan 15, 2007

Hi all:
I need to change the year to many records that, by mistake, were put with a 2007 date, but they should be still with 2006, can anyone help me ?

I use Sql Server 2000 and the field is of type datetime


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Changing Field Names

Jan 27, 2008

This is a followup to my last post. If a field name is changed in the database, what is the easiest way to determine what stored procedures and triggers that reference that field are now broken?

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Changing NULL Values...

Mar 8, 2000

I have a field called Trainee1 and there are about 3 in every 10 records that the value is <NULL> - I want to change that value to 0.

I have tried to use this command but it changed EVERY record to <NULL>

update Trainee1 set RegId=replace(RegId,'NULL','0')

Has anyone any suggestions on how to just change the records where the value of traineeId is <NULL>???

Thanks in advance,


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Best Practices: Changing Values

Jun 3, 2004

What is the best way to design your tables in cases where field values change?

CREATE TABLE Product (ProductID INT, Description VARCHAR(32), Price SMALLMONEY...);

CREATE TABLE Purchase (PurchaseID INT, ProductID INT, Quantity INT);

Since price obviously change over time, I was wondering what the is the best table schema to use to reflect these changes, while still remembering previous price values (like for generating reports on previous sales...)

is it better to include a "Price SMALLMONEY" field in the purchases table (which kind of de-normalizes it) or is it better to have a separate ProductPrice table that keeps track of changing prices like so:

CREATE TABLE ProductPrice (ProductID INT, Price SMALLMONEY, CreationDate DATETIME...);

and have the Purchase table reference the ProductPrice table instead of the products table?

I have used both methods in the past, but I was wanted to get other peoples' take on it.


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Changing Values In A Record

May 2, 2004

I have the problem of dynamically changing a field value in a row depending on the value of the same field in the previous row, assuming the table is sorted on that field.
You may consider that field as a key of same sort as other values in the table do not help in selecting them uniquely.
Before After
130 -> 130
130 -> 130A
140 -> 140
140 -> 140A

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Changing Default Values

Jul 20, 2005

How can i change the default value of a column? I already have a columnnamed DateOfRental but I want to alter it so that it has default valuegetdate()ThanksDavid--http://www.nintendo-europe.com/NOE/...=l&a=Prodigious

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Autogrowth Values Keep Changing

Sep 21, 2006


We have 2 dbs on our dw-server and the autogrowth values for both the data- and logfiles on both of these dbs changes about once a month. The data autogrowth value changes from 10megs to a percentage value between 3200 and 6400 and the log-file value changes from 10 percent to a percentage value between 3200 and 6400. Resulting in huge files and filling the drive.

What am I missing here?

BR John

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Changing Populated Field Types

Mar 30, 1999

How can I change a field type whilst it is populated?

I have tried :

insert new_table
select *
from old_table

but I get :

Disallowed implicit conversion from datatype 'text' to datatype 'varchar'
Table: 'davy.dbo.new_table', Column: 'de_area'
Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

My table formats are as follows :

TABLE dbo.new_table (
de_pk int NOT NULL ,
de_name char (25) NOT NULL ,
de_area char(255) NULL

TABLE dbo.new_table (
de_pk int NOT NULL ,
de_name char (25) NOT NULL ,
de_area text(16) NULL

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Changing/reordering Text In A Field

Jan 3, 2005

I have a table with approx 1200 names in the format of "John Doe" I need to edit the names to the format of "Doe, John"

Any easy way in SQL to do this or am I better off dumping to text file, making the changes in another app and then updating the table?

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Changing Field Name Of An Existing Table

Jan 17, 2006

Is it possible to change any fieldname of an existing table?I mean to say
by TSQL statement.We know that we can alter the data type and width etc.
But I haven't got any info about filedname change.So if it is possible
Please help...
And Is there any TSQL command to alter multiple columns in a single statement?

Please help...

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Changing The Size Of A Varchar Field

Jul 7, 2006

We have a small table of about 13 million rows that needs altered. A column in the table needs to be changed from a varchar(20) to a varchar(500). When we ran the alter table script, 3 hrs later and it wasn't done running. Any suggestions on what we can do to speed up the process?

Thanks ahead of time

We are running SQL Server 2000 and the db at the time was running in simple mood

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Changing Field For Unique Key Index

Oct 18, 2007

SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager won’t let me drop a unique key index and move it to another field. I get an error regarding ‘drop index not allowed because of unique key constraint enforcement.

Is there anyway to change fields for unique keys in SQL Enterprise Manager?

Thanks, Al

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Changing Values Returned...Newbie Needs Help.

May 29, 2008

Hi Guys,

I have had a look through the forum and I can't seem to be able to find how to do this... I have a vague recollection of achieving this before but it was many years ago since I've done any sql.

I have a table like this

StaffID JobNumber Status
------- --------- ------
1 50 'In Progress'
2 20 'On Hold'
3 30 'Completed'
4 40 'Completed'

what I want to be able to do is change the status to something common if it is not 'Completed' I don't want to update the database though, I just want to return it in a select statement. Is this possible.

My output would be something like;

StaffID JobNumber Status
------- --------- ------
1 50 'NOT Completed'
2 20 'NOT Completed'
3 30 'Completed'
4 40 'Completed'

Many thanks in Advance.


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Changing Null Values To Blanks

Aug 15, 2013

Aim- the following columns “Cancel_Date”, “First_Post_Date”,“Last_Post_Date” can either be populated with figures or have a null value.

I want all Null values to be removed and be replaced with a blank

Final table is

Select *
from #test
left join #SF_AccountBuild on #test.FDMSAccountNo = #SF_AccountBuild.[External FDMSaccountno]


External_ID ,
[DBA Name],
[Legal Name],

[Code] .....

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Any Virus Problems??

Mar 21, 2000

I was wondering if anyone has faced any virus problems while using SQL Server on NT.

Also what are the preventive measures taken?


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Anti-virus And SQL?

Mar 12, 2001

Do you have antivirus software on your SQL 7 server? Which antivirus product?

Looking for input...


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Anyone Aware Of A Virus...

Feb 12, 2004

That targets SQL Server. It deletes all data in random tables, and then truncates the transaction log.

Anyone heard of something like this?


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Changing Field Lenght Via Query Analyzer

Jul 17, 2004

My DB is on the web so but I want change Field Lenght of one of my Fileds on my DB

its 70 rights now I want change it to 120 its a nvarchar

how can I do it , I am using a ASP page


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Changing Field Names Is SQL Server 2000

May 23, 2007

Why is it that when you change a field name is SQL Server it sometimes completely messes things up. I renamed a field in one of my tables from Emp# to EmpNumber. I had a view based on this table and naturally I knew I would have to change a view I had based on the table. I opened the view and changed the field from Emp# to EmpNumber but when I tried to open the view I got an error Invalid column Name EMP#. I have not been able to fix this. I have dropped and recreated the view, refreshed all the objects using enterprise manager, refreshed all the objects using Query Analyzer, shut down and restarted my computer, taken my database offline and put it back on line. The field name EMP# is not in any tables in my database and not referenced any views or procs . I am just starting on this database so I could verify this very easily because I only have a few views and procs.

Has anyone had this problem or more importantly does anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?

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Changing Field Length Whilst Replicating

Jan 6, 2004


I have two databases that are merged using replication, and I want to change the length of one of the fields. Can anyone think of a way of doing it that doesn't require dropping the whole publication and rebuilding it? Thanks Ed

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Changing One Field Updates 3 Other Fields, Use A Join?

May 10, 2004

i currently have a table like this..

user_id username app_id app2_id app3_id app4_id
1 john 3 4 5 6
2 mike 4 5 6 6
3 manager 4 5 6 6
4 vicepres 5 6 6 6
5 ceo 6 6 6 6
6 board 6 6 6 6

the basic pattern is... a user has approvers, and those approvers have approvers as well... i have 4 columns of approvers.. and if my first approver is the manager, then my second approver will be the managers approver and my third approver will be the managers approver's approver and so on..

on my actual page, i have select fields for the app, app2, app3, app4 and i need it so that when i change the very first app, it'll automatically update app2, app3, and app4

any ideas how i would do this? im pretty new to sql but im thinking i would use some type of join?


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Dynamically Changing The Length Of A Varchar(n) Field

Dec 26, 2006

Hi Everyone,I have a question about dynamically changing the length of a varchar(n)field, in case the value I'm trying to insert is too big and will givea "truncated" error, but before the error is given! i.e. Is there somekind of a way to "test" the length of the field while Inserting thevalue into it, and to have it automatically increase its length to thelength of the value being inserted, in case the value is too big?I've been able to do this in a "primitive" way, simply by identifyingthe specific error number in case the value is being truncated, andthen increasing the length of the varchar(n) field by using the ALTERcommand, and then duplicating the insert statement, but is there astandard (shorter) way of doing this?Here is my code (I'm working in an ASP environment):<%var_txt = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12345678789"sql = "Insert Into Table1 (text) Values ('" & var_txt & "')"On Error Resume Nextconn.Execute sqlIf err = -2147217833 ThenResponse.Write "Error Recognized Successfully!<br /><br />"sql = "ALTER TABLE Table1 ALTER COLUMN text VARCHAR(" &Len(var_txt) &") NOT NULL"On Error Resume Nextconn.Execute sqlIf err<>0 ThenResponse.Write "Error while trying to alter Column:<br/>" & err & "= " & err.description & "<br />"ElseResponse.Write "Column altered successfully to: " &Len(var_txt) &"<br />"sql = "Insert Into Table1 (text) Values ('" & var_txt &"')"On Error Resume Nextconn.Execute sqlIf err<>0 ThenResponse.Write "<br />Error number 2:<br />" &err.description &"<br />"ElseResponse.Write "Now it was added successfully!HaHa!<br />"End IfEnd IfElseResponse.Write "Success."End If%>Thanks in advance!

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Changing A Field's Value When User Updates Data

Sep 10, 2007

I am working on a project that involves one part where a field's value needs to be changed when the user updates the record. Here is the situation in detail:
There is an InputData table where the user enters new records or changes existing records. There is a field called "calculated" in this table which has a default value of 'no'. A stored procedure runs math calculations on all the InputData records where the calculated field = 'no'. At the end of this stored procedure, it sets the calculated field = 'yes'. When new records are added by the user their "calculated" field value is 'no' by default so that the next time the stored procedure is executed, it only runs the math calculations on the new records. The problem is, if a user changes an existing record, the "calculated" field needs to be changed from 'yes' to 'no' so that the stored procedure recalculates the math for the modified record. How do I change the value from 'yes' to 'no' on records that the user modifies?

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Anti-virus Software

Jun 24, 1999

We are new to SQl Server and the NT environments we work on don't have any anti virus software installed. This concerns me. I was wondering how typical it is to install anti-virus software on SQLServer machines, and whether there are any problems associated (e.g. performance degradation) with installing software. We would be most likely to install Dr Solomons. Any comments/shared experiences would be appreciated.

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Anti-virus On Sql Server Box?

Jun 21, 2007


i am using sql 2005 with sp1 standard edition.

i have a question regarding the antivirus software. Is it ok to install anti-virus software on the sql server box? what are the issues involved if we install anti-virus software on the sql server box?
I heard, it causes some performance and other issues.

Is there anything we need to take care of .if we decide to install anti-virus software on the sql server box?

Can anybody share experience on this?


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