SQL Server 2000 ODBC Related Issues...

Jul 23, 2005

I have a customer who has a SQL Server 2000 DB and we are needing to
get to this DB through ODBC. I had setup a DSN last week that
connected fine to this DB, and was preparing to build a script to
manage transfers of data to and from one table to another.

The then began to have troubles with their DB Backup (this is not at
all related to the issue at hand). The problem they claim was that the
"sa" was needing to have certain roles applied to it that were not part
of it's default properties. My understanding is that the "sa" is the
King of the Kingdom sotospeak, and has all rights, permissions, role
capabilities, etc...

To make a long story short she tried to apply the write and read roles
to the "sa" and it would not allow for this to be applied. She then
applied a password to the "sa" account (previous it did not have one
and was set to blank) and upon doing this she then removed the password
and set it back to blank.

Since she made these changes we have not been able to connect to her DB
via our DSN. When we get to the point of telling the DSN to use SQL
Authentication, and apply the sa account for use with a blank password
- it comes back with an error similar to "database is not available or
password is incorrect".

Has anyone had this problem before, and if so is there any simple
resolve? Something other than the customer having to restore a previous
backup of the DB?

Much thanks in advance...

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Concurrency Puzzle (ODBC API Related)

Jul 20, 2005

I hope this is not outside the scope of this newsgroup.have been useing BulkAdd with ms-access with good success.Until now that I;m switching to MSDE which is on a shared server.The problem is that MSDE gives an error:Invalid attribute/option identifier, sql state=HY092which corresponds to:SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY statement attribute was set to SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY.but my BulkAdd routine explicitly has a call to:SQLSetStmtAttr(stHndl, SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY, SQL_CONCUR_LOCK , iRet)I cannot imagine how the concurrency is readonly.Could it be that I'm looking at the wrong place or the wrong attribute???Thanks in adv.

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Vista Business ODBC/DSN To Remote Windows 2000 Server / SQL 2000

Oct 8, 2007

Just upgraded some development desktops to Vista Business. However we need
to still connect to some older remote windows 2000/SQL 2000 servers.

Trying to setup an ODBC system DSN on our Vista Business local desktop we get the
following errors -

Connection Failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server Error: 772
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 18
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SSL Security Error

Any help greatly appreciated as this is stopping us from making
database/table connections etc. We've checked the firewall setup and all is well there.

PS - we can still connect fine using XP or windows 2000 desktops and their
local DSNs.

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ODBC And SQL Server 2000

Jul 30, 2003

I install SQL server 2000 on a computer.
I made a new database and table on it.

I wanna to use ODBC on another computer.
When I use ODBC on another computer,it can n't connect to the Computer that I install SQL server.

Please tell me what should I do?!Where is the Problem do you think?

Waiting to hear soon.

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SQL Server 2000 ODBC DSN

Nov 15, 2006

I am a real newbie to SQL Server 2000 and databases in general. I am on a WINXP box. I am using an ODBC connection in a perl script. My problem is this. I get this error in my perl script when I try to execute a query against an existing table in my database:

DBD::ODBC::st execute failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'wrk_taxonomic_unit'. (SQL-42S02)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared. (SQL-42000)(DBD: st_execute/SQLExecute err=-1) at validate.pl line 89.
DBD::ODBC::st fetchrow_array failed: (DBD: no select statement currently executing err=-1) at validate.pl line 90.
The problem seems to be the table name. if I append the owner of the database to the front of the table name, it works. I don't really like this solution. Is there something I can specify in my DSN to avoid this dilemma? Any help is appreciated.

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Help With SQL Server 2000 SP4 And ODBC

Nov 20, 2006

SQL Server and the service pack seemed to install fine on a Windows 2003 Standard box. I configured the ODBC connection and got a "connection successful". However, when the next application tries to install, i am getting the "data source name not found and no driver specified". My client and db box are the same. Is my client not configured correctly?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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ODBC And SQL Server Drivers For 2000

Jun 8, 2001

We're upgrading to SQL Server 2000 and need to update all our clients with the latest version of the ODBC and SQL Server Drivers. Can someone tell
How do I upgrade the ODBC driver so that they can connected to SQL 2000.
The client pc's have an older version of ODBC drivers which supports Sql 7.0 Which dll do I need ? ? Where do I get it? Does it have on sql 2000 cd?



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ODBC And SQL Server Drivers For 2000

Sep 5, 2001


We're upgrading to SQL Server 2000 and need to update all our clients with the latest version of the ODBC and SQL Server Drivers. Can someone tell
after updating the ODBC driver to SQL 2000 would it support SQL Server 7.0 ?



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Sql Server 2000 Odbc Error With Odbcping

Mar 19, 2001

I have two servers named Zulu and Zul1 with SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition.
I am trying to implement SQL Server 2000 replication. Before do this, I would like checking the connectivity between the two servers by using "ping" and "odbcping" command.
With ping command, the result is good (I get the reply from other server).

When I use odbcping, from Zulu to reach Zul1, I get this error:

“ Could not connect to sql server
SQLState: 08001 Native Error:17
Info. Message [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Drive][DBNETLIB]This Sql server doesn't exist or access is refused
SQLState: 01000 Native Error:1326
Info. Message [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Drive][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen <Connect<>> ”

But when I use odbcping from Zul1 to reach Zulu, I get the good message

ODBC SQL Server Driver Version 03.80.0194
SQL Server Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 – 8.00.194 (Intel x86)
Aug 6 2000 00:57:48
Copyright © 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 1)”

* I use the same SQL Server user i.e. sa with the same password in the odbcping command.
* Zulu1 is under a firewall, Zulu is on our DMZ zone for public access.
* Zulu1 is a Windows NT 4.0, SP 5 and Zulu is a Windows 2000 server.

Thanks for reply



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Backup ODBC On Windows 2000 Server?

Jul 6, 2004

howto backup ODBC configure and data on windows 2000 server help me!

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Sql Server ODBC Driver 2000.85.1117.00

Nov 6, 2006

Hello All,

Where can I get this drive: Sql server ODBC driver 2000.85.1117.00


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MS SQL Server 2000 / MS Access - ODBC Connection Question

Jul 23, 2005

Hello all!I have such question to all of you.I have some tables linked from MS SQL Server 2000. Is time of processingquerybased on these linked tables from MS SQL Server 2000, faster or slower thanthe time of processing the same query based on tables, which are not linkedbutimported to MS Access?Can you answer this question?Thank you in advance for postsMarcin from Poland.

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ODBC Connect From MS Access To SQL Server 2000-Viable?

Jul 20, 2005

How viable is it to use MS Access as a front end (via ODBC) to a SQL Server2000 database?The users would access via the internet using a netgear vpn setup.Thanks,Paul S

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How To Transfer Data From SQL Server 2000 To Db2 V8 Using DTS And Odbc Driver

Jul 20, 2005

hi all,I am trying to create a dts package to transfer data from tables in mysql server 2000 database to a db2 UDB v8.1.4 database. When I use ibmdb2 oledb driver for the destination this works fine except that rowsare committed on a row by row basis thus performance is slow. I wantto use the odbc driver but when I define it as the destination, i geterrors saying that the maximum number of rows failed has exceeded theminimum.Does anybody know what to do in order to get the transfer workingusing ibm db2 odbc as the datasource?ThanksLyn

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Getting ODBC Connection Errors With SQL Server 2000 On Windows XP

Apr 21, 2008

Hi all-

I setup a new ODBC connection to MS SQL Server 2000 on Windows XP and keep getting the following errors when I try to
either register a new SQL Server 2000 group within Enterprise Manager or test the new ODBC connection:

Current configuration

- MS SQL Server 2000
-Windows XP
-ODBC 3.85.1117


I. Within SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager

Error: SQL Server connection open

II. When I test the ODBC connection:

Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 03.85.1117

Running connectivity tests...

Attempting connection
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]Specified SQL server not found.


Now here is what has me totally confused:

I can use the command line ISQL to access the database on the server and IP is all correct and port is available.

Any tips how to get this ODBC working?

Ben Prusinski

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Steps To Set Up An ODBC Connection From Access To SQL Server 2000

Mar 22, 2007

I just want the simple steps. I think this is linking through get external db? Is it different from SQL Server 2005?

Is this an Access question or a SQL server question.


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Cant Use ODBC Data Source On SQL SERver 2000 Sp3a Named Instance

Jul 23, 2005

Here's my situation:I have an ODBC DSN setup for Timberline Data (An accounting packagethat uses pervasive.sql) on my sql box. I set up a linked server usingthe supplied timberline odbc driver. I have two sql instances setup,the default instance and a named instance. On the default instance,the linked server works great no matter who is logged in using it (allauthentication is NT integrated). However on the named instance onlythe NT account that the MSSqlserver$NAMED service is logged in undercan utilize the linked server. All others get a ODBC error:"error 7399: OLE DB Provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. AccessDenied. OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL'IUnknown::QueryInterface returned 0x80070005: Access Denied.]."Far as i can tell, both instances are setup the same, except that oneis the default and one is a named instance.Why the different results for the default instance vs a named instance.Any ideas?Thanks

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Bad Performance In Queries With Jet4.0 And Linked ODBC-tables To SQL-Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

I changed from Access97 to AccessXP and I have immense performanceproblems.Details:- Access XP MDB with Jet 4.0 ( no ADP-Project )- Linked Tables to SQL-Server 2000 over ODBCI used the SQL Profile to watch the T-SQL-Command which Access ( whocreates the commands?) creates and noticed:1) some Jet-SQL commands with JOINS and Where-Statements aretranslated very well, using sp_prepexe and sp_execute, including thesimilar SQL-Statement as in JET.2) other Jet-SQL commands with JOINS and Where-Statements aretranslated very bad, because the Join wasn´t sent as a join, Accesscollects the data of the individual tables seperately.Access sends much to much data over the network, it is a disaster!3) in Access97 the same command was interpreted wellCould it be possible the Access uses a wrong protocol-stack, perhapsJet to OLEDB, OLEDB to ODBC, ODBC to SQL-Server orJet to ODBC, ODBC to OLEDB and OLEDB to SQL-Server instead ofJet to ODBC and ODBC direct to SQL-ServerDoes anyone knows anything about:- Command-Interpreter of JetODBC, Parameters, how to influence thecommand-interpreter- Protocol-Stack of a Jet4.0 / ODBC / SQL-Server applicationThanks , Andreas

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Driver Not Capable (-26) When Exporting The Data From Odbc Access Using Sql Server Managare 2000

May 9, 2008


I am getting the error message as "DIAG [00000] [ODBC Access Driver] -26 Driver not capable (-26)" at the time of retrieving the catalog infromation by SqlTables methode. it is shown "?" as catalogname but this not supported by odbc access driver. can you please help out how can i resolve using C++ code in SqlTables methode.

Error message:

dtswiz 1390-e20 EXIT SQLTablesW with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
HSTMT 003C3108
WCHAR * 0x00D27EB8 [ -3] "? 0"
WCHAR * 0x00000000 [ -3] <empty string>
WCHAR * 0x00000000 [ -3] <empty string>
WCHAR * 0x00164804 [ -3] "TABLE 0"
DIAG [00000] [ODBC Access Driver] -26 Driver not capable (-26)

Best Regards,

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Query Not Returning Proper Data (date Related) In 2005 After Upgrade From 2000...

Jun 7, 2007

I am sending out an SOS.

Here is the situation:

We recently upgrade to 2005(sp). We have one report that ran fine in 2000 but leaves out data from certain columns (date related) in the results, so we chalked it up to being a non compatiable issue. So, I decided to try and switch the DB back to 2000 compatibility (in our test env) and then back to 2005. After that the report started returning the proper data. We can€™t really explain why it worked but it did. So we thought we would try it in prod (we knew it was a long shot) and it didn€™t work. So the business needs this report so we thought we would refresh the test system from prod, but now we are back to square one. I was wondering if anyone else has heard or seen anything like this. I am open to any idea€™s, no matter how crazy. J The systems are configured identically. Let me know if you need more information.

Thank you. Scott

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Can't Find SQL Native Client In ODBC Connection Manager In SQL Server Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

Feb 13, 2007

I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this posting. Looking at the descriptions, it appeared to be the best choice.

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I have installed the SQL Native Client for
XP. However, when I try to add a new data source through ODBC Connection
Manager, SQL Native Client is not listed as an option. I have followed this procedure on three other systems with no problems. What would be causing the
SQL Native Client to not show up in the list of available ODBC data sources?

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SQL 2000 And ODBC

Nov 19, 2007

I would like to seperate the data between years 2005 and 2006 from SQL 2000 database.And i also want to access those seperate data from the client pc through ODBC.Is it possible.

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Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]

Dec 10, 2003

Hi Everybody,

On localhost this application works fine but when I put on remote server. I am getting following errors. For both localhost and server, I am using same remote sql 2000. I will appreciate any help.



Server Error in '/' Application.

ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[OdbcException: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.]
Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(IntPtr hHandle, SQL_HANDLE hType, RETCODE retcode) +27
Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReaderObject(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) +838
Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +80
Calgary.venues.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwrootCalgarySitevenuesvenues.aspx.vb:32
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731

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MSSQL 2000 ODBC Driver

Apr 11, 2005


I normally use Microsoft Access to retrieve data , via ODBC connection, from a table in a SQLserver database. One of the fields in the table has a value 1 but at times when the data is retrieved into MS Access it turns out to be 100 in Access. Moreover, when I try to change it in Access my computer hangs or it takes a long time before the change is effected. It does not matter from which client Pc this action takes place it remains the same. I am using ODBC SQLserver ODBC driver version 2000.81.9042.00.

I would be grateful if you could help me out of this strange situation.



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MSSQL 2000, ODBC, Tempdb, Locking

May 14, 2002

Hi, I wonder if anyone can shed some light on this issue -

We have a client/server program for MSSQL7 and MSSQL2000.
When running client/server - we have our own broker, etc,
the program ends up locking itself on SQL2000; this is not a problem on SQL7.
We noticed that it seems some system tables locking tempdb.
We also noticed that SQL2000 no longer has insert-into/bulkcopy option like SQL7. But, here we don't have temporary tables at all. It's just that we found the lockings in tempdb caused by some sysobjects, sysindexes, etc.
Also, this does not happen to all the systems we have. Some of our machine does not have the self-lock problem; most of the machines have this problem though.

If we don't run client/server, then the program works fine.
Same logic, the difference is when we use client/server logic to connect to the remote SQLServer 2000 server, the locking might happen on most of our machines.

Anyone is familiar with tempdb and locking issues, please provide some hint??? Is it possible that there are some system parameters that we can set to avoid the problem. We haven't found out why some of our machines do not have problem, while most of the machines have this locking problem.

The program is written using ODBC.

Many thanks in advance.

HIBA International

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Msde 2000 Odbc Connection Failed

Sep 22, 2004

i have msde 2000 running on a server i am able to create an odbc connection to my db on that pc. when i try to create anpther odbc connection on another pc on that network i get the following error:

sql state '01000'
server error 2
[microsoft][odbc sql server driver][named pipes] connectionopen (connect()).
connection failed
sql state '08001'
server error 17
[microsoft][odbc sql server driver][named pipes]server does not exist or access denied.

what do i have to do to get this odbc connection on this pc working?

Thank You,

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ODBC - OpenLink 5.2 Clent - Informix 2000

Jul 8, 2007

I'm having trouble using Informix 2000 database as a source. I have an OpenLink v 5.2 driver installed and a System DSN set up. I can successfully test the connection.

I added the ADO.Net DSN to the connection manager and added it to a DataReader Source. I then added the SQLCommand property. I was able to map columns (took a long time for the columns to show up) and then I get an error: "Function sequence error:". Can not save the DataReader.

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Compatible Versions Of Ms SQL Server, ODBC Driver, Driver Manager And ODBC API Spec

Oct 28, 2004


Please help share with me if you know the version compatibility matrix of Ms SQL Server, ODBC driver (sqlsrv32.dll), Driver Manager (odbc32.dll) and ODBC API spec. For instance, how can I know Ms SQL Server 2000 can work with which version of sqlsrv32.dll, a particular version of sqlsrv32.dll can work with which version of odbc32.dll and a certain version of sqlsrv32.dll/odbc32.dll conforms to which version of ODBC API spec (e.g. 3.5).

Any help will be appreciated.



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Problem With DTS Source Using Pervasive SQL 2000 (Btrieve) ODBC Driver

Apr 26, 2006

I am trying to use a DTS package to extract data from an old Pervasive SQL 2000 (Btrieve) data source, and copy into an MS SQL Server table.

I have installed the Pervasive ODBC driver and got linked tables in Access working.  I can see the data.

When I create the DTS package, it shows a list of the tables in the drop-down, but when I hit the Preview button I get an unspecified error.  I can finish setting up the DTS package, the new MS SQL Sever table gets created, and the field transformations all look correct.  However, when I execute the package it fails.  In the logs, I get an unspecified error, the only error code I get in log is: 80074005.

Please help.


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SQL Server Job Related Query

Jan 17, 2008

Hello all,
I have a job in sqlserver 2005 that has 2 steps. step 1 actualy verifies the netbackup files and step2 deletes those files from the disk if it is already being backed in netbackup. But this job is failing and in the job history i am seeing the errors
"The job was stopped prior to completion by User "username". The Job was invoked by Schedule 2 (Schedule1). The last step to run was step 1 (NetbackupStatus)." This is master slave job and this job is working fine in all the other servers except this one. The sql server service and the agent are running on the acct. which is an admin on that box. Can someone help me out please.

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Loading Data In SQL Server To Related Tables (how)

Jul 14, 2004

Hi I have a question how to load data to tables linked by Foreign Keys in MSDE/SQL server. Example:
If I have 2 tables linked (by Foreign Key):
One table:

1cheese 2

And another:

1 household
2 food
3 general

How do I enter the load of data
Do I have to enter it as
or is there some way of entering it as

TDS wizard does not allow me to transfer to views/querries what I thought would be a normal way as I would enter data to view(relevant to Access's form) and it would update related tables . When I wrote sql to do it it said I can not update my view table as too many tables would be affected(I had lookup tables empty then though)
I am doing it by number using TDS wizard to transfer it directly to the main table but there must be a better way

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Not Another SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied Related Issue

Nov 21, 2003

...but this one is really odd--at least I think so anyway...

- I am running MSDE
- I downloaded SQL Sever Eval so I could install Enterprise Manager
- I also have Teratrax database manager installed

- SQL Server Service Manager reports that the service is running
- SQL Server Service Manager reports the server has the same name as the local machine
- I can register this server with Enterprise Manager, navigate and modify it in any way
- I can do the same from Teratrax database manager

And here is the problem I'm experiencing

- When I try to install a CMS product like Rainbow I get the dreaded "SQL Server does not exist or access denied" error
- When I manually enter osql -S %DBNAME% -E -n -i createdb.sql (where %DBNAME% is (local), (local)/NETSDK, SCOOBYDOO, or SCOOBYDOO/NETSDK) I get the same dreaded error
- And osql -L tells me that there are no servers. This explains the error. However Enterprise Manager, Teratrax and SQL Server Service Manager all tell me that there is at least one local server named SCOOBYDOO that is running

Oh yeah, and to make things even more confusing, everything was working fine last night.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled MSDE a few times, but to no avail.

Not being an SQL ninja, I'm sure there is some simple solution to this matter--but after working on it all day I just can't seem to figure it out. Can anyone help??

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting Related Records Set Based Results

Sep 29, 2015

I have a table that has multiple transactions for stock items.

This table holds all records relating to items that are inducted onto the system and there movement. For each stock item i am interested in getting the drop destination, if it has one, and only when it follows the sequential order of "Inducted>OnTransport>Dropped" (this sequence isn't always the case). Also note the CreatedDate for the Inducted and OnTransport records for the valid sequences are always the same. Below is a valid sequence for a stock item so i would want to return 'Lane01' for the Destination of this occurrence of the stock item, if this item didn't have a valid drop location then destination would be blank. Also note each stock item can be inducted more than one time per-day.

I think i have managed to build the below sql but it will only do one item at a time, so would have to wrap it in a function. Is there a way of writing a set based select statement that gets all the inducted items and for the ones that do follow the "Inducted>OnTransport>Dropped" return the destination it was dropped at? I've attached scrips below:

DECLARE @StockItemID nVarchar(128)

Set @StockItemID='8cbe17da-6079-4170-b27a-41c0d38830f6'
Set @CreateDate = CAST('2015-08-31 13:52:39.890' AS datetime)

[Code] ....

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