SQL Server 2000 Query Slowing Down In SQL Server 2005

Aug 14, 2006

Hi everybody,

I have a query slower in SQL Server 2005 than in SQL Server 2000. I have a database in SQL 2000, I put it on the same server, but with SQL 2005 and the query take 5 seconds instead of 0 seconds. The DB compatibility is SQL Server 2000 (I tried with 2005 and result is the same). Execution plan seems right and I tried to change some DB options without results. It is weird, when I remove left join on MandatsEx, it take 2 seconds. The view currentEmployeeLevelHistoric returns 45 000 rows and mandatsex has 0 rows.

Here is the sample:

Select ls.EmployeNiveau.pk_EmployeNiveauID as NoNiveau,
IsNull(nullif(ls.Traduction.Description, ''), ls.TraductionDefaut.Description) + ' (' +
ls.currentLevelHIstoric.NoNiveau + ')' As Nom,
ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.DebAssign As DateAssignationDebut,
ls.EmployeNiveau.assignmentReason As AssignmentReason,
ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.FinAssign As DateAssignationFin,
ls.MandatsEx.noDossier, ls.MandatsEx.pk_MandatID,
'' As Period, ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.NiveauPrincipal,
ls.EmployeNiveau.fk_NiveauID_Niveaux, ls.EmployeNiveau.No_Ent_leg,
IsNull(nullif(TradPere.Description, ''), TradDefautPere.Description) + ' (' + NiveauPere.NoNiveau
+ ')' As NomSup,
ls.EmployeNiveau.No_Ent_leg + ls.EmployeNiveau.no_divisio + ls.EmployeNiveau.no_sec_eco +
ls.EmployeNiveau.no_etabli + ls.EmployeNiveau.no_mat as employeeScope,
case when ls.mandatExternalisation.fk_mandatID_MandatsEx is null then 2 else 1 end as
From ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric
Inner Join ls.EmployeNiveau on
ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.pk_EmployeNiveauID = ls.EmployeNiveau.pk_EmployeNiveauID
Inner join ls.currentLevelHistoric On
ls.EmployeNiveau.fk_NiveauID_Niveaux = ls.currentLevelHistoric.fk_niveauID_niveaux
Left Outer Join ls.TraductionDefaut On
ls.currentLevelHIstoric.fk_TraductionID_TraductionDefaut = ls.TraductionDefaut.pk_NoTraduction
Left Outer Join ls.Traduction On
ls.TraductionDefaut.pk_NoTraduction = ls.Traduction.No_Traduction and
ls.Traduction.Langue = 1
Left Join ls.MandatsEx on
ls.EmployeNiveau.fk_MandatID_MandatsEx = ls.MandatsEx.pk_MandatID
Left Join ls.mandatExternalisation on
ls.MandatsEx.pk_MandatID = ls.mandatExternalisation.fk_mandatID_MandatsEx
left Join ls.Niveaux as NiveauPere on
NiveauPere.niveauID = ls.currentLevelHIstoric.supId
Left Outer Join ls.TraductionDefaut As TradDefautPere On
NiveauPere.fk_TraductionID_TraductionDefaut = TradDefautPere.pk_NoTraduction
Left Outer Join ls.Traduction As TradPere On
TradDefautPere.pk_NoTraduction = TradPere.No_Traduction and
TradPere.Langue = 1
Where ls.EmployeNiveau.fk_EmploID_Emplos = 345158 and (convert(varchar,
ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.DebAssign, 112) <= '20060802' and
(ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.FinAssign is null or
convert(varchar, ls.currentEmployeeLevelHistoric.FinAssign, 112) >= '20060802'))

Thank you

Steve Gadoury

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Sql Server 2000 Randomly Slowing Down

Jan 22, 2008

Hello there,

I have a SQL Server 2000 with a dozen of databases. The databases are rather small (all sum up to 10 GB).

The entire server gets extremelly slow from time to time (lasting a few days when it happens and suddently coming back to normality). A profiler trace doesn't show anything strange (besides a lot of SQL Agent entries).

I pretty much tried to isolate every single application that makes use of the databases in that server and see if it was the cause of the problem, but I couldn't find any correlation.

I know the computer where this server runs is quite fragmented. Is there any way I could make sure this is the cause of my performance issues?

I don't know if this might help, but once the server simply went down for some 3 hours, and I wasn't able to bring it up in any way. It eventually started working again by itself. The only thing I did in the meantime was to run DBCC CHECKDB a few times, always getting the response "No errors found on the database".

Any hint on that?

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Can Distributed Query Read Sql Server 2000 From Sql Server 2005?

Nov 29, 2007

if it is possible to run a distributed query against 2000 from 2005, what would the OPENDATASOURCE parameters look like? I'd like to be able to pivot without copying my older 2000 db to 2005 or using linked servers..

For reference, here's an example of a distrib query that reads excel...

'Data Source=C: estxltest.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0')...[Customers$]

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SQL Server 2000 To SQL 2005 Linked Server - Query Problem

Jan 16, 2008


SQL 2000: 8.00.2187 x86, 8 way 700mhz, 6GB Ram
SQL 2005: 9.00.3042 IA64 2 Way Dual-Core 1.66Mhz 16 GB ram


Querys to the SQL 2005 box from SQL 2000 work but when the query is parameterised with non-literals (@variables) then the query run on the SQL 2005 box excludes any where clause causing the entire table to be returned to the SQL 200 box. When the query is parameterised using literal values the query is executed on SQL 2005 including the where clause.

At first I thought that the "Collation Compatible" setting was the culprit but setting this to 1 made no difference. Other SQL 2000 boxes work as expected and any queries from these using literal and non-literal parameters.

Please, any ideas?


SELECT A.Column FROM linkedServer.IA.dbo.Table Where A.Column = 'value'

Not Working (correctly anyway!)

DECALRE @Value tinyint
SET @Value = 22
SELECT A.Column FROM linkedServer.IA.dbo.Table Where A.Column = @value

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A Query In SQL Server 2000 And Sql Server 2005

May 5, 2008

Hi all,

I need your help.
I have 2 different databases. One of them is in the SQL Server 2000 and the other on is in the SQL Server 2005. I need to make a query out of these 2 databases.
Is there any way that I can do this?


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CLR Project Slowing Down SQL Server

Dec 4, 2006

I'm running into an issue when developing a clr project. I open the project to make changes and apparently it hoses up the sql server that I'm connecting to. I'm opening the CLR Project from a mapped drive on another computer. I can't figure out why just opening up the project causes the slow down. Any ideas.


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DTS Database Transfer - Slowing Down The Server

May 29, 2001

We have a process here where a ~45Gb is copied from DB1 to DB2 (both on the same server) using the Export Data wizard and choosing the "Transfer objects and data between SQL Server 7.0 databases" - All the defaults are left as is.

Under 6.5 this method took around 24 - 26 hours, now with SQL 7.0 (SP3) it takes about 16 hours. That's great execpt towards the end of the copy it seems to be hogging most of the server resources - although the processors aren't mazed out.

Users of the other databases are having queries take 5+ mins when they normally come back in < 5 seconds. As soon as the copy finishes there query time return to 'normal'.

Anyone any ideas on where to start looking or how to analyse this problem.

Thanks in advance.

Rob Elmes

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PageIOLatch Slowing Server To A Halt

Oct 2, 2007

We're having problems with our SQL 2000 SP3 standard server (on Win 2k3). Our quasi-data-warehouse application does data processing on feeds of approximately 7 million records. Once the data is loaded in the queries against that data and updates against large tables will often wait with PAGEIOLATCH_SH contention. To give an example, over 7 million rows I was testing something out in development and issued: UPDATE <Table> SET <VarcharColumn> = null, which took forever (over an hour) with the PAGEIOLATCH problem....meanwhile someone else using another database was completely blocked from making an update during that time. It seems like something is very wrong.

The server has 4 drives spinning at 15k rpm with some sort of a high end raid controller, so I'm sure it's not a slow i/o subsystem.

Has anyone experienced this behavior before? Is this an issue that's resolved in 2000 SP4?

Thanks in advance,

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Query Performance Difference Between Sql Server 2005 And 2000

Aug 1, 2007


I'm having an issue with a query I'm running on Sql Server 2005. It's a semi-complex query involving an in-line table function and several left outer joins which are joined on to the results of the function call. Two of the left outer joins are then qualified in a where clause of the form where table.Col is not null; the idea is that the final result set contains data that has no match in those two tables.

The problem revolves around a where clause in the function and the last left outer join (ie, one of the ones qualified with where not null). When I alter the where clause of the function to further restrict the result set the function returns, the query times shoots up from 1 second to roughly 2-3 minutes. Note that the time the function takes to complete is not affected. The difference in time is purely down to what the query does with the results the function provides. Also note that the change to the where clause provides a subset of the original data; it does not add any more data (it actually restricts the original resultset by roughly 1000 rows).

I can bring the query speed back down again by removing the last left outer join - this join takes one of the columns from the function, and joins it to a small table - 924 rows. So it appears that this particular join is the cause of the issue, but only when using the resultset generated from the modified function query.

Now, as the thread title alludes, Sql Server 2000 and 2005 handle this differently, or appear to. When I execute this same query on a Sql 2000 machine, there's no apparent time differences, and the data that is returned is as expected. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be causing this and how I can fix it? I could simply return the larger resultset and use managed code to filter out the rows I don't want; however, I would like to get to the bottom of this, especially if it's going to effect future queries.



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Problem With Server Slowing Down Because Of High Amounts Of Users On At The Same Time!

Jan 24, 2008

The server being used is a Intel Xeon E5310 Clovertown 1.6GHz 2 x 4MB L2 Cache Socket 771 80W Quad-Core 2U Passive Processor.

The problem is that this server is slowing down everytime about 1000 users log into a forum which the server is running. I think that the server should be able to handle this many users with no problems but I am not sure if that is the case.. The problem is probably something to do with the SQL of the server I am guessing. The server is not mine but I want to help the owner of the server as well as the users who are trying to access this forum but cant because of this server issue. If I was able to get the SQL would I be able to fix this problem? I doubt you need this but the server url is www.smashboards.com

I am fairly new to servers and have never really set one up myself yet. Forgive me for my lack of knowledge about them.

-Thank you!

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Distributed Query From SS 2000 To Access Catalog Views On SS 2005 Via Linked Server

Aug 24, 2006

I am trying to write some admin only procedures which will collect information to one of my development server from other production and development servers.
I have created linked servers to access these other servers on the development server. This development server is SQL Server 2000 EE. Other servers which I want to access are 2000 and 2005 (vaious editions)
E.g I have another development server called PRODTEST which is SQL Server 2005 and on the development server I have created a linked server pointing to PRODTEST called TESTLINKSRV. I want to access new object catalog view (as I do not want to use sysobjects)
When I run the following query
I get following error,
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error:  OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName=' TESTLINKSRV ', TableName='" DBNAME "."sys"."objects"'].
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider ' TESTLINKSRV ' does not contain table '"DBNAME"."sys"."objects"'.  The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
So I try this query
and I get following error
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name TESTLINKSRV.DBNAME.sys.objects'.
So bottom line is how do I access catalog views on a 2005 server from a 2000 server using linked server?
I hope someone understands what I am trying to achieve. Please let me know what is it that I am doing wrong.
Thank you

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Memory Configurations For SQL Server 2005 EE X64 With SQL Server 2000 EE X32 On Windows Server EE X64 Server

Apr 20, 2007

My server is a dual AMD x64 2.19 GHz with 8 GB RAM running under Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with service pack 1 installed. We have SQL 2000 32-bit Enterprise installed in the default instance. AWE is enabled using Dynamically configured SQL Server memory with 6215 MB minimum memory and 6656 maximum memory settings.

I have now installed, side-by-side, SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition in a separate named instance. Everything is running fine but I believe SQL Server2005 could run faster and need to ensure I am giving it plenty of resources. I realize AWE is not needed with SQL Server 2005 and I have seen suggestions to grant the SQL Server account the 'lock pages in memory' rights. This box only runs the SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 server databases and I would like to ensure, if possible, that each is splitting the available memory equally, at least until we can retire SQL Server 2000 next year. Any suggestions?

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SQL Server 2000 Databases To SQL Server 2005? Enterprise Manager And Management Stuio At The Same Server?

Feb 13, 2008

When I proposed start to use SQL Server 2005 for new VS 2005 web sites, one of my co-workers responded that
we will update the old SQL Server 2000 databases to SQL Server 2005 when we are ready to use 2005 SQL Server.

1. Any expected problems to upgrade old 2000 databases to new 2005 SQL Server?
2. I have installed both 2005/Management Studio Express and 2000/Enterprise Manager in my PC. Any expected
problems when running both 2000 and 2005 SQL Server at the same database server?
3. What is the best configuration for running SQL Server 2005 when we have old 2000 databases? Upgade or not upgrade?


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Install Sql 2005 Instance With Reporting Service 2005 On Sql 2000 With RS 2000 Server

Aug 18, 2006


We would like to install Sql 2005 Enterprise Edition (including database engine, reporting service, integration service and analysis service) as a sepearte instance on a server which already has Sql 2000 with reporting services and analysis services. We do not want to disturb the existing sql 2000 setup.

If we do that then what will happen to my earlier sql 2000 reporting service? Will it be upgraded to sql 2005 reporting service? I heard that reporting services are instance unaware application. Where will be the default reporting service database available?

Please help us.


Sankar N

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Problem Occurs When Migrating A SQL Server 2000 Database To A SQL Server 2005 Server

Sep 20, 2006

When I try to migrate a database on a SQL Server 2000 server to a SQL Server 2005 server with the Copy Database Wizard of the SQL Server Management Studio, I'm confronted with the following problem;

Performing operation...

- Add log for package (Success)
- Add task for transferring database objects (Success)
- Create package (Success)
- Start SQL Server Agent Job (Success)
- Execute SQL Server Agent Job (Error)
* The job failed. Check the event log on the destination server for details. (Copy Database Wizard)

When I take a look at 'Event viewer' on the SQL 2005 server, the following error is displayed;

InnerException-->An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005,
this failure may be caused by the fact
that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I already enabled the MSSQLSERVER network configuration protocols (TCP/IP and Named Pipes ).

How do I solve this problem?

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How To Move Sql Server 2000 Database From One Server Box To Server 2005 On Another Server Box Sql

Aug 10, 2007


We have an old machine which holds SQL server 2000 database. We need to migrate a whole database to a new machine which has SQL server 2005.

When we tried to move whole database using Import and Export Wizard, only tables can be selected to import/export. However we want to import/export the whole database, including tables, stored procedure, view, etc. Which tool should we use?


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How To Move Sql Server 2000 Database From One Server Box To Server 2005 On Another Server Box Sql?

Aug 10, 2007


We have an old machine which holds SQL server 2000 database. We need to migrate a whole database to a new machine which has SQL server 2005.

When we tried to move whole database using Import and Export Wizard, only tables can be selected to import/export. However we want to import/export the whole database, including tables, stored procedure, view, etc. Which tool should we use?


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SQL Server 2005 Installation Problems With SQL Server Express && SQL Server 2000

May 31, 2006

Hi Guys,
I have had SQL Server Express and Sql Server Management Studio Express installed on my machine for some time and recently tried to install a trial of SQL Server 2005 as well.  (Yes, I'm migrating from Visual Studio Express to Visual Studio Professional, just as in tended!)
Everything went fine except that nothing seemed to be installed.  I searched in all the obvious places - both on the Start/Programs menu and on the hard-drive: nothing.
A check under Add/Remove Programs showed that Sql Server 2005 Express was installed, but called SQL Server 2005.
So after a number of retries in which the install program kept saying that there was nothing to install, I selected every option under Advanced in the intall process.  This resulted in stuff being installed and I now have SQL Server 2005 running on my machine, but no SQL Server Manager icon.
My questions are:

Where can I find the SQL Server Manager executeable?
Has anyone installed SQL Server Express, SQL Server Mangement Studio Express, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio on a single machine successfully?  If so, what order did you install them in?  (I'm planning on uninstalling everything SXQL Server related and starting again.)
Thanks very much for your help.

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Problem Accessing A SQL Server 2000 Linked Server From SQL Server 2005

May 4, 2007

I have created a linked server from SQL Server 2005 (SP 1) to SQL Service 2000 (SP 4) with a sql server login that is available on both servers but with different passwords and permissions.

I am getting the following error while accessing the linked server in management studio based on the scenario given below ;

------ Error Message Starts
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "(SQL Server 2000 instance name)" returned message "Communication link failure".
Msg 10054, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 0
Login failed for user 'abc'.
------ Error Message Ends

Consider login name is abc.
Now this login abc has sysadmin rights on sql server 2005.
The same login abc has only db_datareader rights on sql server 2000 on just one database and is not associated with any fixed server role.

I have configured the linked server using the following options;
1. I have tried impersonating login from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 .
2. I have also tried specifying remote login / password option.

Anyone having any idea, would be of great help.
Salman Shehbaz.

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Connect From A SQL Server 2005 Db To A SQL Server 2000 Db, Without Linked Server Connection

Apr 18, 2007

Can I connect from a SQL Server 2005 database to a SQL Server 2000 database, without establishing a linked server connection.

I need to fire a SELECT query on a SQL Server 2000 database, but don't want to add it as a linked server. Is there any way I can do this or its not possible??

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Using Visual Studio 2003 With Sql Server 2000 And Planning To Switch To Sql Server 2005

Aug 24, 2006

We have a project already developed iusing VS 2003 Enterprise architect edition using sql server 2000(have lots of table and stored procs etc.)
Now planning to switch to Sql server 2005 are there any issues associated with the switch.
I mean front end programming wise asp.net and vb.net front end codes do they work straight away or need to make any changes to all the front end codes, we are using datasets, data readers calling stored procs and also using lot of hash tables and XML object to make bulk loads to sql server via sqlxml3.0 sp3.
Please help thank you very much for the information.

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SQL Server 2000 + 2005 Working On Same Windows 2003 Server As Seperate Instances

Nov 20, 2006

Hi all,I just asked some people to help me out and phone microsoft with thefollowing information, kindly they refused unless we setup a supportcontract with them first, for pre-sales information. (That really doesnot sound like good business sense to me - anyway here is our problem,if anyone could help thanks)."To tell and ask microsoft:We will be setting up a microsoft sql server 2000 instance running on awindows 2003 server.1) We need to check this can run alongside a microsoft 2003 sql server(either workgroup or standard edition), on the same machine. Are thereany .dll clashes if we do this? If there are can we run SQL Server2000, in a virtual machine running windows 2000 professional. (I have alicenced copy we can use for this).2) If we run one instance of 2000, and one of 2003 of the sql servers,can one use the processor licence model, and one use the CAL licencemodel."Thanks for any help, and any idea why they actually force you to usenews groups for pre-sales information?David

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Applying Service Packs To SQL Server 2000 Instance Attached To Sql Server 2005

Jan 8, 2008


I have an interesting situation here. I have a SQL Server 2000 database which is attached to SQL Server 2005. The database (SQL 2000) however only has service pack 3 applied. I need to apply SP4 before I can move forward with SQL 2000->2005 upgrade. The question: can I somehow apply this support package with my current configuration or should I install full SQL 2000 front-end anew (which I don't have at the moment)? Whenever I try to run SQL 2000 SP4 it complains "SQL Server 2000 is not installed on this machine."

The server I try to install the update is Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition x64. SQL Server 2000 database itself is x86 (obviously).


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Linked Server 2000 To 2005: Error 17 Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denined.

Aug 30, 2006

I'm trying to link SQL Server 2000 sp3 to SQL 2005 64 bit. I keep getting Error 17 sql server does not exist or access denined. I tried adding remote user mapping and chaning the linked server properties to "Be made using this security context" without any success.
Any help is appreciated.

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Best Practice To Pull Data From Sql Server 2000 To Sql Server 2005 With Dynamic Queries

May 3, 2007

Hi There,

I need to pull data using input from one table in sql server 2005. I have to query against the sql server 2000 database and pull data into sql server 2005. I have a list of ids that I have to pass to a query to get the desired data. What is the best practice for this. Can I use SSIS or do I need to build an app in C#? Can somebody please reply back?

Thanks a lot!!

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Application Insist Open SQL Server 2005 While The Host Still With SQL Server 2000

Mar 12, 2007

I don't know why my application on the internet try to access the SQL Server 2005, when the host still having the 2000 edition. I put the following connection string: 
        Data Source=##DBSERVER##;Initial Catalog=##DBNAME##;User ID=##DBUSER##;Password=##DBPASSWORD##;       
Isn’t everything fine with that? I created the table by host but dosen’t work. I’m wondering if can I conect straight with Data Base, without register in the server, like with mdb?
This is the error that I’m getting.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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How To Create A Copy Of SQL Server 2000 Database In SQL Server 2005 Express?

Jun 23, 2007

I have a database called 'DB1' in SQL Server 2000. I want to create the same database in SQL Server 2005 Express including the original data in tables.
How would I do that? I cannot find any option to do this upgrade in SQL Server Management Studio.

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Cannot Restore Database In The Computer Is Setuped SQL Server 2000 And SQL Server 2005

Dec 27, 2007

Hi All
I have Computer is setuped SQL Server 2000 and SQL server 2005 when I restore SQL Server 2005 it's OK but when it's not OK when I restore in SQL Server 2000. The Error as follows:

Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks

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Is Microsoft Free* Elearning For Sql Server 2005 Useful For Learning SQL Server 2000?

Feb 13, 2006

I'm working towards MCAD and as elective I want to do the SQL Server course. The exam is on SQL Server 2000.  I was just wondering whether the online course that Microsoft currently have a available for free at https://www.microsoftelearning.com/sqlserver2005/default.aspx would be useful and applicable to SQL Server 2000, or whether it is sufficiently different product to make it confusing to use this as a learning resource.
Also if anyone can point me toward any webcasts for SQL Server that would be great. I listened to Fritz Onion's 15 part series when I studied  for my ASP.NET exam and would like to do something similar for SQL Server 2000 if any are available. 

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How To Restore Sql Server 2000 Db Backup Into Sql Server 2005 Express Edition

Jun 22, 2007

Hi Friends,I have installed SQL server 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server managementI have a SQL server 2000 db backup file. I try create a new database in my SQL server 2005 express Edition and try restore that backup file from device, it only searching for file with *.bak and *.tm extension! I tried generate backup file with .bak extension and tried restore into SQl server 2005 express edition but still it is not allowing to do so! I also tried copy my database's data file and log file and paste it under SQL server 2005 express edition Data folder and still not able to read the tables.Is that any ways to do restoring for this SQL server 2000 backup file into SQL server 2005 express edition! Anybody can help me on this please...:eek:

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SQL Server 2000 Database To SQL Server 2005 Standard Security Issue

Jan 12, 2006

We have experienced an issue with back backup / restore of a database originating from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2003.

We have the following setup:

SQL Server 2000

  - DatabaseA

     - asdfUser (SQL User)

               - asdfUser is (dbowner) of DatabaseA

  - DatabaseB

     - asdfUser (SQL User)

               - asdfUser is (dbowner) of DatabaseB

SQL Server 2005 Standard

  -asdfUser is NOT Setup as a user yet.


-We restore DatabaseA and DatabaseB to the SQL Server 2005 Standard. The databases are restored with the security permissions of asdfUser being the DB Owner of DatabaseA and DatabaseB.

-We create a new SQL user named asdfUser on the SQL Server 2005 box. We then try to add the UserMapping of DBOWNER for the DatabaseA and DatabaseB. We receive an error message stating that the asdfUser already have permissions to the databases. We proceed with the user creation without those permissions.

-We proceed to the login properties of the asdfuser and view their UserMappings. The asdfUser does not have access to DatabaseA or DatabaseB. We then add the UserMapping of DBOWNER to both DatabaseA and DatabaseB. We Try to select OK and we receive an error message that states that the user already has those permissions.

-When we query the UserID's of the asdfUser that is in the database and the UserID of the asdfUser that is created, they are two different values.

I assume this is a bug... any word on a fix?



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SQL Server 2000 Migration To SQL Server 2005 Collation Change - Method?

Jan 24, 2008

Recently moved a SQL2000 database to SQL2005.
Collation on SQL 2000 database server was SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
Colaltion on SQL 2005 database server is Latin1_General_CI_AS

After restoring the SQL 2000 database on SQL 2005 we observed that the database collation was SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. We have altered the database collation to Latin1_General_CI_AS. We understand this will work for all new objects created on the database but existing objects (prior to the collation change) will continue to have the 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS' collation.

What is the best method to change the collation of the older columns to 'Latin1_General_CI_AS' -
1) Run ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN <colname> <datatype> COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS <nullability>
on each varchar/char column


2) For each table
BCP out data
RECREATE TABLE (taking the new collation Latin1_General_CI_AS)
BCP in data

3) Other methods?

Thanks in advance

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Setting Up Replication On SQL Server 2000 Using Distributor Running On SQL Server 2005

Jul 6, 2006


I have a setup where I need to replicate the database which is actually subscribing from another database. The current setup is all in SQL Server 2000. I need to now setup a Distrbutor on a SQL server 2005 and publish the database using this distributor to another server on SQL server 2000.

Has anybody done this before. If yes what will I need to check. Can you please let me know :-

1) SQL Server 2000 which SP should be installed to support this enviroment.

2) SQL Server 2005 which SP should be installed to support this environment.

3) Any thing that I need to look out for.

Thanks for any inputs on this.


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