SQL Server 2000 And 2005 On One Machine?

Jul 17, 2006


i have SQL Server 2000 running on my notebook for learning purposes. Is it possible to run SQL Server 2005 on the same notebook without using virtual machines?

Thank you,


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Select Data From 2000 Machine From A 2005 Machine

Jan 17, 2008


here goes the question:

i have 1 sqlserver 2k5 machine (machine A) and sqlserver 2k (machine b)

how do i build a query to select data from 2k machine in a query of 2k5?

i mean something like

select *
from login:passw@machineb.dabatase.dbo.customers


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Select Data From 2000 Machine From A 2005 Machine

Jan 17, 2008


here goes the question:

i have 1 sqlserver 2k5 machine (machine A) and sqlserver 2k (machine b)

how do i build a query to select data from 2k machine in a query of 2k5?

i mean something like

select *
from loginassw@machineb.dabatase.dbo.customers


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RS On Sql Server 2000 And 2005 On Same Machine

Oct 18, 2006

Hi Samuel,

I'd like to draw on your expertise on this topic. I've been browsing at many blogs/forums about installing SQL Server 2000 and 2005 on the same machine.

What I'd like to know is how does that work with Reporting Services? Your machine's IIS will need to work with Reporting Services 2000 and Reporting Services 2005. The RS 2005 requires .NET Framework 2.0 and RS 2000 requires .NET Framework 1.1. IIS can only support 1 version of the .NET Framework at a time.

Thanks kindly.

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Sql Server 2000 And 2005 On Same Machine

Oct 5, 2006

I've got to install sql server 2000 and 2005 on our test computer (sql server 2000 is already installed). I've heard from the grapevine that trying to install 2005 with 2000 already installed can cause problems, and its difficult for sql 2000 and 2005 to co-exist on the same machine.

what are these problems and how can I avoid them?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2000 And 2005 Express On The Same Machine?

Aug 22, 2006

Can I install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on the same server where I already have SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition?

Doing this also includes replacing .Net Framework 1.1 with 2.0, could that cause any disturbances to the already existing SQL Server 2000 ?

(None of these two databases are heavy production databases)

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Can I Setup SQL 2005 And SQL 2000 Database Server On The Same Machine?

May 9, 2008


Can I setup SQL 2005 and SQL 2000 database server on the same machine?

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Connecting To An External SQL 2000 Server From A Vista Machine With SQL 2005 Installed

Nov 26, 2006

hi there - I'm praying someone here can shed some light on this - after many google and web searches, I have found users with similar issues, but have yet to find a solution.
Problem: I have recently upgraded my desktop from Windows XP to Windows Vista Ultimate (clean install) and have migrated my local machine to SQL Server 2005. However I have a number of .Net projects that access databased on another server running SQL Server 2000 - prior to my upgrade to Vista, I was running SQL Server 2000 on my desktop as well. During the install, everything seemed to go well, and I also installed the SQL Server 2005 Service pack as instructed via the MSDN site.  However, when attempting to test my .net projects on my desktop pc (ie visit http://localhost), I encounter the error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
 note that the server I am attempting to connect TO is the old SQL 2000 server - NOT 2005.  I specify my connection info in the web.config - and it points to an external ip address on the web.
Can anyone shed some light on this?  I've tried enabling remote access on my local SQL 2005 install, but I'm fairly sure thats for servers that want to connect to my desktop, rather than my desktop attempting to connect to external servers. Any help is greatly appreciated - I'm pulling my hair out over trying to figure this out! :)
 To summarize my setup (if it helps)
Desktop PC:Windows Vista (Ultimate)SQL Server 2005Visual Studio 2005II 7.0.Net 2.0 (ASP.Net Application)
External Server (co-located at a datacenter)Windows Server 2003SQL Server 2000IIS 6.0.Net 2.0 (ASP.Net Application)
 Much appreciated,

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Installing SQL Server 2005 On Same Machine As An Existing SQL Sever 2000 Instance

Sep 8, 2005

Given than once SQL Server 2005 is installed, SQL Server Studio has to
be used instead of Enterprise manager, can both SQL 2000 and 2005 be
used on the same machine, be it development or production? (The second
one to be installed probably would be a named instance.)
Any experiance of doing this or a pointer to a Microsoft recommendation would be appreciated.

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Can I Install SQL 2005 Server Express On A Machine That Has SQL 2000 Server

Mar 26, 2007

I have a dedicated server running SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2003.  Can I install SQL Server 2005 express so that I can run sites developed with VWD Express.  I still have the sites that need to use the sql 2000 server.

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Can I Install Sql Server 2000 And Sql Server 2005 In The Same Machine

Apr 24, 2007

Hello ,i am an asp.net developer my pc has sql server 2005 already and now my company use sql server 2000I think 2005 is very easy to use but some of 2000 that I don't know so can I install 2000 in the same machine with 2005 ?thanks for your kindness.Kate 

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Can I Install SQL Server 2005 On Machine Which Already Have SQL Server 2000 ?

Jul 9, 2007

I need SQL server 2000 for one application and 2005 version for another.

Does SQL Server support multiple versions of software Install on the same windows server ?

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Problems With SQL 2000 And 2005 On Same Machine - Can't Connect On 2000

Mar 13, 2006

Hi,i have SQL 2000 and 2005 on same machine(with different intance names,of course), my laptop - XP with SP2. The 2005 works fine but i can'tconnect on SQL 2000. All the the SQL services are started.Any idea? Have i to reinstall 2000?Tks,Lourival

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SQL 2000 And SQL 2005 Both In The Same Machine

Nov 15, 2007

Hi i am new using SQL 2005, i have SQL 2000 Personal Edition SP4 with 2 databases for testing installed in the default instance and i would like to install SQL 2005 standart Edition (i have Windows XP pro sp2) . can i have the same instance for both SQL database engine?. or to create a new instance for the 2005?. what i need is to test SQL 2005 while i keep my database for test in SQL 2000. I was trying to install by typing a named instance, and it gave me an errors. then i try again by choosing the default instance and then it start an upgrade operation and affter a sucess upgrade now i cannot see the sql management studio and neder Enterprice Manager for SQL 2000. i am confuse, some ideas for this issue?

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SQL 2000 And SQL 2005 On Same Machine?

Aug 9, 2006

Can you have a SQL 2000 and 2005 running on the same machine? Can you direct me to resources regarding this?

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SQL Sever 2000 And 2005 On Same Machine

Nov 21, 2006

Hi, I am trying to create a connection string that will connect to a SQL Server 2005 Registration on a remote machine.  I have a SQL Server 2000 registration (installed) on the same machine and so I think there may be a conflict.  The SQL 2005 registration is denoted as HARDYSQL5 and the 2000 registration is merely HARDY (the machine name).  I need to connect to a database on the HARDYSQL5 registration but I am not connecting.  I have tried various connection strings but none have worked.  I get a Login failure.  I think this is red herring because I doubt its even finding the database.I can connect to the 2000 db with:"Server=HARDY;Database=Perimeter;UID=use;pwd=example;" But its fails with the following, for example:"Server=HARDYSQL5;Database=Perimeter;UID=use;pwd=example;" "Server=HARDYSQL5;Database=HARDYSQL5Perimeter;UID=use;pwd=example;" "Server=HARDY;Database=SQL5Perimeter;UID=use;pwd=example;"  I'm gon go nuts.  What am I doing wrong? Thanks. 

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SQL 2005 Express && SQL 2000 On Same Machine?

Dec 31, 2005

Hi all,
I'm about to download the VWD ASP.NET 2.0 with SQL Express 2005, but i currently have Visual studio.net 1.1 and SQL Server 2000 installed on my PC, XP Pro.
Has anyone had problems with this or are they happy to run along side one another without over writing projects already created in the older versions?
Thanks in advance.

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Reporting Services 2000 && 2005 On Same Machine

Aug 3, 2006

How can I get the 2000 and 2005 versions of SQL Server Reporting Servicesboth working on my development laptop ?????I have ASP.NET 1.1 and 2.0 installed on my laptop.I have Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 installed on my laptop.I have my default website configured for ASP.NET 2.0.I have the developer edition of SQL Server 2000 installed on my laptop asinstance RMK006 in the MSSQL folder. I have the developer edition of SQLServer installed on my laptop as instance RMK0062005 in the MSSQL.1 folder.I have the corresponding versions of SQL Server Reporting Services installedon my laptop.I have the Reports web site and the Reports web site and ReportServer website configured to ASP.NET 1.1I have the Report$RMK0062005 web site and the ReportsServer$RMK0052006configured to ASP.NET 2.0Entering http://localhost/reports$rmk0062005 in my web browser works fine.Entering http://localhost/reportserver in my web browser generates thefollowing error:Reporting Services Error--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitiveor encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore abackup key or delete all encrypted content and then restart the service.Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) GetOnline HelpBad Data.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Microsoft Reporting ServicesEntering http://localhost/Reports in my web browser generates the followingerror:The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitiveor encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore abackup key or delete all encrypted content and then restart the service.Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) GetOnline Help Bad Data.The only way I can seem to get 2000 Reporting Services working is to do thefollowing:- run C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspn et_regiis.exe -u- uninstall 2000 Reporting Services- run C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322aspne t_regiis.exe -i- install 2000 Reporting ServicesBut once I've done that Visual Studio 2005 etc no longer work.The utlimate goal is an ASP.NET 2.0 application developed in Visual Studio2005; the application is based on a SQL Server 2000 database and needs toinvoke SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services to run reports.What am I doing wrong?ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED - I'M DIEING HERE AND MY CLIENT ISLOSING PATIENCE !!!!!

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MSDE 2000 And SQL 2005 Express On The Same Machine

Jul 26, 2007

Hi I would like to ask If its possible to have installed MSDE 2000 and SQL 2005 Express on the same machine. My computer uses MSDE 2000 for one application and I would like to install SQL 2005 Express for my own application. I would like to ask it will be a problem before I install it.
thanks a lot
Martin Molnar

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Upgrade From SQL 2000 To SQL 2005, Same Machine For Both Instances?

Sep 6, 2006

I am trying to install SQL2K5 on my machine where I already have SQL2K installed.

The best I have managed to achieve is to get SQL2K5 EM looking at my SQL2K databases.

Do I need to uninstall SQL2K before installing SQL2K?

Depending on what combo of SQL I have installed my options on SQL2K install vary.

I am a bit lost at this point.

Anyone know a link to a good white paper type doc that guides me through an install on the same machine.

Thanks In Advance


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MSDE && SQL Server 2000 On The Same Machine !

Aug 13, 2004

Hi all,

I started learning ASP .Net using the "Teach yourself ASP.Net in 24 hours". In that book, the applications use MSDE as the database tool.

Now i have started developing some big applications and have installled MS SQL Server 2000 on my machine.

I still have databases on the MSDE.

My question is 'How do i move the old databases from MSDE to SQL Server 2000' ?

Can i uninstall MSDE safely since i already installed SQL Server 2000 ?

Please let me know.

Thank You

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Moving SQL 2000 Server To A New Machine

Jun 24, 2002

I am moving my SQL 2000 Server from a Small Business Server to a full version of Windows 2000 Server and SQL 2000 Server. I have had no experience doing this but have backed up and restored my production databases for practice in case a of disaster situation. Is there anything special I need to do to move everything, including the system databases to a new server and not loose any of the user logons, etc.?

Thanks for any advice,

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Installing SQL Server 2000 On Xp Machine

Oct 5, 2004

Is it possible to install sql server enterprise edition on an xp machine (home or professional)? I tried both (w/sp2) and it said it can only be run as a client.

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SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition The Image File Setup.exe Is Valid, But Is For A Machine Type Other Than The Current Machine

Nov 28, 2006

Hi All,

I have enterprise version software CD1 and CD2 of SQL server 2005

when i try to run setup.exe..the following error pops -up

The image file Setup.exe is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine

MY OS version is windows 2003 32bit Operating system...

I am suspecting the binarie may be of 64bit.. How do we check the binaries are 32 bit and 64 bit software

Thanks for your Help


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How To Set Client Machine Name When Using ADO To Connect To SQL Server 2000?

May 15, 2007

When you connect to SQL Server using SQLConnection, how to set client machine name(or IP address) so that you can monitor the process on Server side using Enterprise Manager?

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How To Fix SQL Server 2000 After Machine Name && Domain Change ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello everybody..Is there a way to fix the SQL Server 2000 installation when the Server afterthe server has been disjoined form its old domain and added to a new domainwith a different computer name too?Sounds like a joke, but stuff happens.TIA-arifi

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SQL Server Reboots My Windows 2000 Machine

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am facing one more problem. As soon as i started the sql server firsttime, my windows 2000 machine reboots and i was not able to start sql serveragain. I had to uninstall and install again and this process repeats. Doanyone has idea about what is happening ??Thanks a lot,Dinesh

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SQL Server 2000 Service Not Running In Local Machine

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,After merged two partitions into one (C: and D: into one C:) byusing Partition Magic, I can't start SQL Server 2000 which waspreviously installed in both C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80and D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLThe original files in D: (every thing in D: actually) are now copyedin C:Data folder.Other than re-install SQL Server in C:, is it possible to restoredata(files) from D:Data ?Mank thanks to any suggestions/hints.Kind Regards,Bob

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How Can I Use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components On X64 Machine?

Feb 27, 2006

Is there a X64 version of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components from Feature pack for SQL Server 2005?

I have installed an X86 version on the AMD64 machine. But when I open a sql 2000 dts package, there is always a warning window.

The Message is as follows:

SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer components are required to edit DTS packages. Install the special Web download, "SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components" to use this feature. (Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsObjectExplorerUI)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.ObjectExplorerUI.LegacyActionBase.CreateLegacyDesigner()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.ObjectExplorerUI.OpenLegacyPackageAction.Act(INodeInformation nodeInfo)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.ObjectExplorerUI.DtsServerMenuItem.Invoke(INodeInformation parent, String mode, String assembly, String type)

There are two same assemblys called 'Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsObjectExplorerUI' in the GAC, and one is GAC cache type, the other is zap cache type.

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Connection Failure To SQL Server 2000 In Remote Machine From Application In Windows Server 2003

Dec 25, 2007


I'moving my asp application to a new hosting server.

So when i tried the setup locally with the live DB & application in my test machine...
The DB access is denied when application tries to hit the DB.

DB is in seperate machine with SQL Server 2000 & application(ASP) is in Windows server 2003.....
Kindly help me with your suggestions....on what went wrong?

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Can We Install Reporting Services 2005 In A Machine In Which Is Not Installed SQL Server 2005

Nov 19, 2007


Can we install reporting services 2005 in a machine in which is not installed SQL server 2005.?


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Migrating SQL 2005 Test Machine To New Machine

Jul 13, 2007

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if there was any white papers on the migration part from microsoft?
Apparently the situation is like this
Currently installed MOSS 2007 in a testing pc as application server. This application server will refer another testing database server which running SQL Server 2005.

Now, wanted to move this 2 temporary server into another 2 new servers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, it cannot be done by using image like Norton Ghost due to difference hardware spec.

So, if I install another fresh copy of MOSS2007 & SQL server 2005 in that 2 new servers, how can I migrate the contents, documents, etc from the testing database server?

It would be great if someone can show me the links to kb article. Thanks

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Can SQL Server 2005 Express And SQL Server 2005 Be Installed On Same Machine?

Jul 20, 2005

I am interested in installing both SQL Server 2005 Express and SQL Server2005 b2 on the same machine. Can they both be installed on the same machinewithout conflicts? As in two different instances?John Dalberg

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