SQL Server 2000 And Transaction Log Error - More Info

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All:

I am getting an error when trying to open a recordset in SQL Server 2000.
The error states that the transaction log is full. Is there any way I can
clear out or empty the transaction log, or get rid of it alltogether as it
is not really needed?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


The error msg is: tempdb transaction log is full. B/U transaction log to
free up space..."

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SQL Server 2000 And Transaction Log Error

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All:I am getting an error when trying to open a recordset in SQL Server 2000.The error states that the transaction log is full. Is there any way I canclear out or empty the transaction log, or get rid of it alltogether as itis not really needed?Any help would be appreciated.Thanks and regards,Ryan

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SQL Server 2000 Edition Info

Oct 18, 2007

Can someone help me with the following... My SQL server disk says standard edition on it, my invoice for the license says standard edition (granted it's expired according the license site) but when I go to the machine and right click on the local DB properties it says it's personal edition...

I am confused how this can be.. Any thoughts ?

The only way I figured this out was because we kept getting the you have exceeded your limit of 8 concurent queries...


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Info On Data Replication On Sql Server 2000.

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm in need of detailed information on how data replication works on thesql server 2000. If someone knows about a book or articles thatdescribes how data replication works with transactions, storedprocedures and/or merging databases I would like to be pointed in theright direction./Zero_Addiction.

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Using Triggers To Get Recently Updated Info In SQL Server 2000

Sep 30, 2004

Hello all,

I am trying to change values of two tables in my sql server 2000 database. When one of the tables is modified in some way like adding/updating a record, I need a trigger procedure to copy this new data from the first table to the second. Problem is, how do I get the newly inserted or updated data from the first table? How do I specify that I only want the data which caused the trigger to execute? Anyone know?


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Error 8525: Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

May 31, 2008

Hi All

I'm getting this when executing the code below. Going from W2K/SQL2k SP4 to XP/SQL2k SP4 over a dial-up link.

If I take away the begin tran and commit it works, but of course, if one statement fails I want a rollback. I'm executing this from a Delphi app, but I get the same from Qry Analyser.

I've tried both with and without the Set XACT . . ., and also tried with Set Implicit_Transactions off.

Begin distributed Tran
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 and DONE = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.FIXED
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1

It's got me stumped, so any ideas gratefully received.Thx

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SQL Server 2000 SP3 Transaction Log Errors

May 31, 2008


We have a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 running database for Microsoft
Navision 3.7

From time we encounter problems, especially when running heavy query
procedures from Navision, with the transaction log. It's actually setup as

File properties:
File growth By percent (10)
Restrict file growth (MB) 10000

Recovery model: simple
Settings: Autoupdate statistics, Auto create statistics, Autoshrink

We get the following errors (once every 2-3 months so far):

The log file for database 'ME_Prod' is full. Back up the transaction log for
the database to free up some log space..

in between numerous abovementioned messages I have the following:
Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 1 to 1. Run the
RECONFIGURE statement to install..

Could not write a CHECKPOINT record in database ID 9 because the log is out
of space.

Automatic checkpointing is disabled in database 'ME_Prod' because the log is
out of space. It will continue when the database owner successfully
checkpoints the database. Free up some space or extend the database and then
run the CHECKPOINT statement.

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Controlling A Transaction By User In SQL Server 2000

Jun 14, 2007

Hey Folks!
I have a typical requirement by my client. On submitting a Update (Bulk) button a huge database operation starts. A huge bulk update operation need to be performed. This would take 2-3 minutes some times. Client wants a cancel button in this case where he can be given a way to cancel the database Transaction.
 Please let me know in case if there is a way out.
Thanks, in advance.

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SQL Server 2000 - Table Transaction Date

Aug 9, 2007

(I may be in the wrong forum.)
How do I obtain/find the properties of a table using SQL Query Analyer (SQL Server 2000)? Specifically, I would like to run a query to find the most recent date of any transaction on a table. I have a script that I use for SQL Server 2005 but it doesn't work in 2000. I don't know 2000 but I'm guessing that the syntax is different?

Here's the 2005 SQL Server script (stolen from 2005 Books Online BTW):

CREATE TABLE ddl_log (PostTime datetime, DB_User nvarchar(100), Event nvarchar(100), TSQL nvarchar(2000));








INSERT ddl_log

(PostTime, DB_User, Event, TSQL)



CONVERT(nvarchar(100), CURRENT_USER),

@data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/EventType)[1]', 'nvarchar(100)'),

@data.value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand)[1]', 'nvarchar(2000)') ) ;


Here's the error:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure ddl_log, Line 2

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DATABASE'.

Remember, I want to do the same thing in SQL Server 2000.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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Implicit Transaction Mode In SQL Server 2000

May 17, 2007

Hi all:

I know i can use the sentence SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON in a Stored Procedure to force SQL Server to set the connection into implicit transaction mode.

Have i a sentence or configuration to force all SQL Server connections to implicit transaction mode?

Thanks in advance.

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Newbie - Sql Server 2000 Transaction Log Size Limit

Jan 12, 2004

Has anybody encountered a physical size limit for a sql server 2000 transaction log running on win2k?

Transaction log reached ~6Gb before rolling back the delete stating transaction log was full. There was 42Gb free on the server and the log was set to unlimited growth.

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Control Transaction In Sybase Database Using Sql-server 2000

Apr 20, 2004

Can anyone help me with this scenario!!!!
I have a sybase database and a sqlserver 2000 database.
I want to insert data into sybase database table thru sql-server 2000 using distributed queries
When i execute the following the transaction

Create procedure myCurrentDataBaseProcedure

begin tran
insert into mytable values(1)
if @@error <>0
rollback transaction
insert into sybasedatabaseserver.databasename.dbo.tablename values(1)
if @@error <>0
rollback transaction
commit transaction

The procedure is created in sql server database
trying to execute this procedure..shows error
The first part of the procedure is executed.

But the error is here
insert into sybasedatabaseserver.databasename.dbo.tablename values(1)
The data is succesfully inserted in the local database
I am unable to insert data into the remote database
Can anyone suggest me wht shd i do in this scenario
Are there any drivers to be loaded to commit this transactions


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Transaction Replication && Data Archiving On SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

Hi techiesI have set up a Transaction replication from My Primary Server toSecondary Server on Orders table.Thousand of records gets inserted on Orders every hour which getreplicated on the secondary server. it works finereporting apps uses Secondory server's Orders table data for generatingreports .The Problem :Let say if i want to Remove older records from Orders table in theprimary serverwith out reflecting this change on the secondary server.is there a way to PREVENT this operation /transaction to be propogatedto the secondary server.Note : i am moving the records to another table (orders_Archive ) anddeleteing the rows from orders table . Also I need all the rows to bepresent on the secondary server table.Please advice ASAPRegards,Raj

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SQL Server 2000 - Run Transaction Log Backup Using Windows CMD File

Mar 19, 2007

How I can run a SQL Server Transaction Log Backup using a Windows CMD File.  It's that posible?  Anyone know the command or how do this?

We already have a application monitoring our SQL databases.  Everytime the transaction log get full, it sends us an alert.  Would be better if our application repair the problem itself, executing a command (Windows CMD File).

I'm not a expert using SQL databases or MS DOS Prompt commands.

Any help will be appreciate.

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Basic Getting Started Info On MSDE 2000?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am looking for basic info on installing and using MSDE.I am trying to install and play with MSDE on my PC (Win2000). Ifinally managed to work my way through installation, and namedinstances but I am finding no information on how to simply START thedatabase engine and get to a sql prompt! I have manually started theMSSQL and SQLAGENT services, and tried running sqlservr.exe andosql.exe (just guessing) without success. Can anyone refer me to adocument that gives this BASIC information!?

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How To Skip Snapshot In Transaction Replication (from SQL Server 2005 To 2000)

Jun 13, 2006

We have two SQL Server 2005 production DB at remote sites. Due to network bandwidth issue, we need to replicate these DBs (publishers and distributers) to central corporate SQL 2000 DB (subscriber for backup and possible reporting (and in rare case as a failover server).

We would start out with backup from SQL 2000 db restored on remote SQL 2005 DBs. When we have DB issue on remote 2005 DB, we want to restore it from central corp. 2000 DB backup. Since two DBs are replicating to central DB, we DO NOT want combined db back up data on restored remote 2005 db. We can restore the db and delete unwanted data before we turn on replication from this restored server. So, this is not a problem.

The real problem is how to avoid snapshot replication (during initialization) when we create a transaction replication on this restored server to avoid over writing data on the central subcriber sql 2000 DB???


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Error - SuperSocket Info: (SpnRegister): Error 8206

Dec 27, 2005

We just installed SQL Server 2000 (as part of SBS 2003) including service pack 3a.

When we reboot the server a message pops up that a service did not start properly.

The error is 'SuperSocket info: (SpnRegister): Error 8206'.

I have searched here and other places on the Internet without any success.

All assistance is appreciated as we cannot continue.

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Nov 14, 2006

I'm receiving the below error when trying to implement Execute SQL Task.

"The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION." This error also happens on COMMIT as well and there is a preceding Execute SQL Task with BEGIN TRANSACTION tranname WITH MARK 'tran'

I know I can change the transaction option property from "supported" to "required" however I want to mark the transaction. I was copying the way Import/Export Wizard does it however I'm unable to figure out why it works and why mine doesn't work.

Anyone know of the reason?

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SQL Server Transaction Error 34000000d0

Jun 14, 2007


any idea what this error indicates (needed a restart of SQL Server to solve) or where I can find information on this error code ?

com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The server failed to resume the transaction. Desc:34000000d0.
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDatabaseError(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.IOBuffer.processPackets(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStatement.getPrepExecResponse(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStatement.doExecutePreparedStatement(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStatement$PreparedStatementExecutionRequest.executeStatement(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.CancelableRequest.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.executeRequest(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStatement.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
at de.siemens.icn.hipath.dls.server.db.LoggablePreparedStatement.executeQuery(LoggablePreparedStatement.java:207)
at de.siemens.icn.hipath.dls.server.db.DlsDBAccess.accessHelper(DlsDBAccess.java:510)
at de.siemens.icn.hipath.dls.server.db.DlsDBAccess.access(DlsDBAccess.java:675)
at de.siemens.icn.hipath.dls.server.db.DlsDBAccess.access(DlsDBAccess.java:636)
at de.siemens.icn.hipath.dls.server.db.DlsDBFetch.fetchDlsObjects(DlsDBFetch.java:977)
at de.siemens.icn.hipath.dls.server.db.DlsDBSelect.fetchDlsObjects(DlsDBSelect.java:1004)
at de.siemens.icn.hipath.dls.server.common.DlsLoggerServer$AlarmTask.run(DlsLoggerServer.java:427)
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Unknown Source)


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How To Get More Info For Error Messages

Jul 10, 2000

So far I have not been able to figure out how to get more info
regarding the sql server errors. For example, I get this error
from sql server query analyzer (this just an example):

Server: Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
The name 'does' is not permitted in this context.
Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here.
Column names are not permitted.

Is there a way to find more information regarding this error, or
like Oracle has MeataLink, where you can search, if someone else
already got this error and how it got resolved?

Or how you folks go about resolving errors you get? Is it based
on trail and error, or experience (like already encountered this
type before) etc.?

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Get Error Info On DTS Packages

May 23, 2005

I am executing a DTS package from within a java application using the xp_cmdshell procedure and dtsrun via JDBC.

My question is how do I pass back error info on the DTS package to my app?!

Any help is appreciated!

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Info About Error 8623

Feb 27, 2004


SQL Server returned me error 8623 "Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan." I've looked for info in the SQL books, but there's no info about this error. I would appreciate it a lot if somebody could tell me what this error means, how is it triggered, and if it's possible, how to avoid it.

Thanks a lot,


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SQL 2012 :: Error And Transaction Handling In Server

May 3, 2015

I'm taking the liberty to announce the availability of a suite of articles on my web site about error and transaction handling in SQL Server. In total there are three main parts and three appendixes.

The first part is a short jumpstart, while Part Two is a long in-depth discussion of what can happen in SQL Server in case of an error and what commands that are available. Part Three covers implementation and has lot of examples as well as a facility for logging and raising errors.

The appendixes cover special areas: linked servers, the CLR and Service Broker.

Start at [URL] ....

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Linked Server Nested Transaction Error

Oct 10, 2007

I have a problem in running this query on linked servers, which has distributed partitioned view.

SQLTransaction transaction;... public void DeleteAllData() { try { connection.Open(); transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); { Console.WriteLine("Deleting All Data..."); string cmdText = ""; cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText, connection, transaction); cmd.CommandText = "delete from NEW_ORDER where NO_O_ID > 0"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.CommandText = "delete from ORDER_LINE where OL_NUMBER > 0"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
Console.WriteLine("Sucessful"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed in Method DeleteAllData"); throw e; } finally { connection.Close(); } }

The error returned was:

Failed in Method DeleteAllDataSQL Exception caught: Unable to start a nested transaction for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "SERVER_B". A nested transaction was required because the XACT_ABORT option was set to OFF.OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "SERVER_B" returned message "Cannotstart more transactions on this session.".

I realized that this problem may be eliminated if I'm using stored procedures on the database, and SET XACT_ABORT ON before any transaction.

Please could anyone help me.

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Is There A System Table With Timestamp Info Or DTS Job Info?

May 7, 2007

I want to be able to see when records have been added to a table. The issue is we have a DTS job scheduled to run every night. The developer who wrote it password protected it and doesn't work here anymore. I want to add a step to this series of DTS jobs and want to run it just prior to his job. Is there a way to see when the records are being added or when this job is being run? Thanks again, you guys are the best.


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Error 3926 , Server Failed To Resume Transaction

Aug 22, 2007

In a high load asp.net environment,  I am getting an error. The transation active in this session has been committed  or aborted by another session.Here is the code , I am getting error. 1 object returnObject = null;
2 SqlTransaction sqlTrans = null;
3 try
4 {
5 //Getting new SqlConnection
6 comm.Connection = GetConnection();
7 //Opening connection
8 OpenConn(comm.Connection);
9 //beginning transaction
10 sqlTrans = comm.Connection.BeginTransaction( IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted );
11 //setting transaction to SqlCommand object
12 comm.Transaction = sqlTrans;
13 //executing operation
14 returnObject = comm.ExecuteScalar();
15 //trying to commit.
16 sqlTrans.Commit();
19 }
20 catch (SqlException sex)
21 {
22 if (sqlTrans != null)
23 {
24 sqlTrans.Rollback();
25 }
26 }
27 finally
28 {
29 comm.Connection.Close();
30 }
  Could you please explain , am I doing smthg wrong ?

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Error Code: 60000000b8 Server Could Not Continue Transaction

May 27, 2008


does anybody know this error code? I get that error from a jdbc-connection ocasionally but can't find an explanation. The original message is in German. The number should be ok. The error occures when a transaction is aborted, the jdbc-connection is lost.

'Der Server konnte die Transaktion nicht fortsetzen. Beschreibung: 60000000b8'

Please help,
Many thanks

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SuperSocket Info: (SpnRegister) : Error 8344

Jul 4, 2004

i seem to be getting a lot of this "SuperSocket info: (SpnRegister) : Error 8344" errors in my event viewer. Does anyone know what this is ?

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SuperSocket Info: (SpnRegister) : Error 1355.

Aug 31, 2006

Hi All,For hardware upgratdation we have to move our database server(MSSQL2000) from a P3(Window 2003) machine to a p4(Windows 2003) machine. Wehave replicated the data from P3 machine to P4 machine.the replication was success full.After this we have changed the name of the p4 machine to tha of p3machine.now when we try to connect to the new p4 machine using the windowsauthentication we are not getting errror "Cannot generate SSPIContext."for solving it we have tried to change the name of the sqlserver.REF:http://groups.google.co.in/group/mi...0b0966be28f835ewhile replication the database we have made the mssql service run undera network account.this could be a possible reason for not able to register with the ADS.Later we have changed it to run under the local user account.Any help will be highly appreciated.Mayank

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2 Questions: SQL Timeout Error, Can I Email Info From App To Me ?

Mar 29, 2007

Question 1: SQL TimeOut Error
I get this when i run my program and when it happens the program no longer displays data from the database. When i restart the program it seems to work fine. Is there away to fix this or at least make a message to the user telling them to restart the program?

Question 2: Can I e-mail form info to myself?
I want the user to be able to fill a form and click submit and have it emailed to myself. how can i go about doing that?

{Edit}The Below is for a different project
Question 3: Picture Box' and SQL
Can I make it so the user a browse for a picture as his Avatar or Just his Picture and the save it to the Database again?

Fill In This Form To Complete Registration:
Picture: {Pic Box Goes Here} [Browse]
Date of Birth:
(at this point im going to stop)

thx so much

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SQL Server 2008 :: Transaction Log Full Error While Altering A Column?

Jul 17, 2015

I am altering a table ( changing the data type to varchar (8000) from nvarchar (1500) ) with 352929 rows. I get the transaction log full error.

The database is in FULL RECOVERY model. I changed the recovery model to SIMPLE and performed the alter but I still run into error.

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Connecting To Sql Server 2000 On Godaddy Error: (provider: Named Pipes Provider, Error: 40 - Could Not Open A Connection To SQL Server)

Mar 5, 2007

Facts:1. I am using my account on Godaddy trying to connect to my sql server db.2. I can get into my db using user id and password.3. Godaddy's help file shows this for a connection string: connectstr = "Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=" & db_server & ";DATABASE="
&db_name & ";UID=" & db_username & ";PWD=" &
db_userpassword4. My connection string: "Server=whsql-v09.prod.mesa1.secureserver.net;uid=dbasolutions;pwd=***;database=DB_87972;"  & _                    "Trusted_Connection=False providerName=System.Data.SqlClient"{password **** out}5. Get error message  An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) I tried to email Godaddy's help desk with this information. There first response: We do not allow remote connections to our sql server database.There second response was to read the help file!Does anybody have any suggestions?  Thanks in advance,bswanson     

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VB.NET Login (SQL Server 2005) Error: Communication With The Underlying Transaction Manager Has Failed

Mar 4, 2008

Hi all,I am trying to setup a VB.Net development environment on my desktop for one of the application which was already in the production for couple of years (some unknown contractor(s) developed and maintained it so far). The application works fine on the web.Visual Studio 2005, .Net 2.0, SQL 2000, SQL Server 2005 were installed on my desktop. When I try to build the entire application/solution in the debug mode (i.e., with http://localhost/), build succeeds and I could get to the login.aspx. When I try to login, I am getting an error in the Visual Studio at the following code;connection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
 saying "Communication with the underlying transaction manager has failed", "System.Transactions.TransactionManagerCommunicationException was unhandled by user code". And the web browser displays the following error "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component".     When I try to connect the SQL Server 2005 with the same ConnectionString attributes by going to Tools>Connect to Database, it works fine. But, through application connection.Open() giving above errors.     I have set the MSDTC properties (i.e., under Component Services>MyComputer Properties>Security Configuration) as below:-Enabled Network DTC Access, Allow Remote Clients, Allow Remote Administration, Allow Inbound, Allow Outbound, No Authentication required - selected, Enabled XA Transactions...& DTC Logon Account is "NT AUTHORITYNetworkService".Please help.Thanks in advance,Chandra 

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