I've recently noticed some strange behaviour with sql server 2000 spid's blocking themselves. The spid will appear to be blocked for short periods of time, and then the block will disappear. I'm not sure how this could occur. It started appearing around the same time as I applied SP4.
If anyone could provide any insight into this, it would be greatly appreciated.
One of our Server which is running SQLServer 2000 SP4 has blocking and when I checked several of spid were blocked by "-2" id and obviously I could not find any spid with -2. Anyone has any idea about it? Thanks -- Farhan
A fellow developer of mine has created a ASP.Net application that executes some fairly complex stored procedures. This application is for all intensive purposes a queue and 3 or 4 people work on processing items in a FIFO type environment. There is logic in the Stored procedures to make sure each worker get a unique entry using a series of query hints.
Well what we are seeing is if these works are moving at a rapid pace and we execute an sp_who2 on the sql server there are entries that that seems to be hanging there and REMAINING there even after a browser is closed or the disposed method has been called on the connection object. Has anyone else experienced something similar to this with an ASP.Net application used by mutiple people?
My inclination is to blame the design of the application, but before I do that and step on my co-workers toes I thought I would throw this out to the group.
I've installed the MDW (Mangement Data Warehouse) database on our central monitoring SQL Server. I've then added a number of servers to be monitored. The data is collected on the servers that are being monitored and uploaded to the central MDW Monitoring server.
On the servers that are being monitored, I'm seeing a large number (over 1000) of SPIDs being generated by 'SQL Server Data Collector'.
Is this normal behaviour? I've seen more blocking as a result of this.
Is there any way to reduce the number of SPIDs generated?
We have just combined 3 sites into one server. Two of the sites are serving fine, however one site has spids that won't disconnect. By the end of the day there are over 600 spids from that one site. At first we thought it was due to the ASP pages had a db connect, but nothing that closed that db connection. But after they modified the pages, we are still having the same problem. Checked the webserver and they are identical to the other webservers. Any ideas???
SQL Server 2000Just curious - was wondering why some SPIDS are left hanging out therefor up to several weeks. There are no errors or anything. It looks likenormal processing.Thanks,Craig
I have an issue with a server where some users are recieving error messages along the lines of "There are currently 250 connected users etc....". the result of which is that the users sometimes can't connect. The server properties have Current Users set to 250 - I know that I could increase this figure but that doesnt't appear to be the problem.
It would seem that connections appear to stay connected even though the user has finished any server/client transactions. Also there seems to be a huge number of SPIDs even when there are only a handfull of users. Most of the 'Process Details' for these user threads show the following: "IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN".
What is going on and why are these Process IDs hanging around, sometimes the only option is to reboot the client PCs since trying to kill the processes just makes them reappear a few seconds later?
It could be the 32-bit client application causing it, but these problems are only on one server out of half a dozen.
We are using Merge replication with clients from remote offices (SQL2000, sp3). Recently, I have had a problem with users who arereplicating, and they shut down their laptops. The connection neverdies, and I end up with major blocking issues related to the"orphaned" spid. The tables that are blocked are used to filter dataon each client. Since the orphaned spid is blocking, backups will runforever, and have to be killed, and a SQL management job thatinserts/updates data in these tables has to be killed.If I kill the spid, it shows a rollback at 0% and the status neverchanges. The user has disconnected, and there is really nothing toroll back. How can I get rid of this spid with out restarting SQLserver, or rebooting my server?Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Amy M
The myComplexProc stored proc does the following in sequence: 1. Call a UDF 2. Call another Stored Proc 3. Make a SELECT with 4 joins 4. Make another SELECT 4 joins + aggregate.
Question1: if myComplexProc is executed on 4-CPUs SQL2K Server, does it start and complete with a single SPID?
Question2: Is SQL2K smart enough to do some sort of parallelism behind the scene? If yes, can it spawn some extra SPIDs? How does it handle lock or sequencing? Because in the hypothetic scenario above Step N+1 re-uses the results of Step N so it has to wait for Step N to complete.
I have a powerbuilder application that is connecting to SQL Server. We get very frequent DeadLock situations. Is there a way that I can check to see as what SQL is causing the Lock?
I wonder if anyone has any hard fact based pro or contra, especially onperformance, about having views as opposed to tables when the object isbeing accessed for read only by multiple sessions/users/spids. I amparticularly concerned about the multiple instantiations of the view.Relevant thoughts on this are much appreciated.Thanks,Caveman
I have w2k enterprise sql server with 2k3 windows enterprise. 180 users connects and runs video editing system. user connection value of Sql server:General Statistics is about 1400.
I upgraded my hardware from 4X xeon 2.2ghz. server to 8XAMD opteron dual core CPUs server system.
after this upgrade, in the day time (I mean work hours), sql server service is hanging or blocking randomly. there is no lock,no cpu load. during this blocking period, I can connect to server via remote desktop, whne I checked the disks, I can read data from disk. There is no error or warning in the events before the blocking time. In this period I can not login but if a user has already logged in he/she can run some queries in the begining of the period, but after 2-3 minutes nobody can run any query.
Do you have any idea about the reason or any suggestion to trace?
I need a stored proc to kill spids, but the following sproc loops infinitely with the same [correct] spid being printed out. What am I doing wrong?
The select statement, when I execute it via the query grid, returns the correct and finite number of spids.
Any help greatly appreciated. Judith
CREATE PROCEDURE rasp_KillDBProcess @dbname varchar(128) AS declare @KillSpid smallint declare @SQL varchar(1000) -- declare DBCursor cursor Forward_only for SELECT distinct l.spid FROM master.dbo.syslocks l INNER JOIN master.dbo.sysdatabases d ON l.dbid = d.dbid WHERE (d.name = N'coj_pcisdata') open DBCursor -- Fetch next from DBCursor into @Killspid -- While (@@Fetch_status <> -1) Begin If (@@Fetch_status <> -2) begin print 'spid = ' + cast(@killspid as varchar(12)) --exec ('kill ' + @killspid)
end -- end Fetch next from DBCursor into @Killspid -- close dbcursor deallocate dbcursor print 'end'
I have issued a simple insert statement on table and the statement could not insert a single row into the table.When i check the locks on the tables i found that almost 5000(five thousand) locks on the table for a single user with different SPID(s). The user is and sql server user(not a windows user) and used to connect to the application.I wanted to disconnect the user from the DB so that all the locks will be freed.But i dunno how to disconnect a user from the DB. I know that i can issue KILL command to Terminate a user process based on the system process ID,but here the same user has nearly 1000 SPIDs.I thought that it would be very big job to kill each and every process and restared the sql server.but i guess its not the correct process to do. how can i dosconnect a specific user from the DB.
Queries against DMVs like sys.dm_XXX causing blocking in user databases? I have never read that querying DMVs has caused blocking in user databases but that question recently came up in my environment.
We have a SQL Server 2008R2 system that has heavy usage to one specific table. I have tuned basically all I can as far as making sure SQL Statements are using good indexes. From time to time a group of folks will log into Mgt Studio and run SQL Statements like this, leave the query open and once in a while it will cause blocking to other SQL running our online system
The query is like this: select ID,* from tablename with (nolock) where ID like 'MSPRYy%'
The results come back within less than 1 second. However, they leave this window open which is what causes this to be a HEAD BLOCKER and blocks other SQL Statements from running.
I have trying to access a 2nd SQL Server instances running on my WHS 2011 server from my Windows 8.1 Pro client.
The first SQL Server instance I installed is SQL Server 2014 Developer. This has been in place for many months and access from my client pc is not a problem. The Developer instance was installed using standard settings so uses TCP port 1433 and I have verified this by checking the firewall rules. This instance name is <SERVERNAME>
As I want to host a personal website on my server I installed SQL Server 2014 Express as a 2nd instance on my WHS 2011 box for website database purposes. After this installation both instances are accessible via Management Console on the WHS 2011 box.
The second instance is named as <SERVERNAME>SQLEXPRESS.
However, I am unable to access the SQLEXPRESS instance using Management Console on my client pc. I know it is a firewall issue as when I turn off the firewall on the WHS 2011 box I can connect successfully. The errors reported have resulted in my trying many things to resolve the problem but none have worked, e.g.
Use the default SQLEXPRESS instance to listen on all TCP ports (default installation option). I checked the necessary firewall rules were set up correctly and they were, i.e. UDP ANY and TCP ANY for the SQLEXPRESS sqlservr.exe file.
Change the default SQLEXPRESS instance to list on a specific TCP port, e.g. 19344
Create an ALIAS for the SQLEXPRESS installation
The instance is definitely set up for Remote Access and is not Hidden.
Are there any other firewall rules I need to apply?
The following question applies to SQL Server 8.0.2187 (2000 + SP4+916287/914384/898709/915065/915340):
We have now twice had an incident where the same SQL Server has stopped responding. The only workaround is to restart the SQL Service. After this occurs, the log is filled with the following messages:
2007-09-10 16:42:14.29 spid3 Process ID 197:320 owns resources that are blocking processes on Scheduler 1.
2007-09-10 16:42:14.31 spid3 Process ID 74:324 owns resources that are blocking processes on Scheduler 5.
We haven't been able to pinpoint a cause or reporduce the problem on a dev server. I've seen several posts about this issue online but not many answers. Does anyone have any advice on how to troubleshoot this issue?
I have a sql snippet from a 3rd party application that will not complete its transaction. The SELECT statement executes but does not finish. Instead the statement just sits in AWAITING COMMAND for 1000 seconds then dies, thus killing the UPDATE statement that is supposed to follow.
One sql transaction is in rollback state and optimization job is trying to restructure index on the same table that this transaction is using. As a result, transaction is in 'blocking' state and optimization job is in 'blocked' state. 'Kill process' doesn't do anything. How can this situation be resolved?
Is it possible that blocking can occur between a select and update statements running at the same time on the same object??thanks for the reply! Sheila.
Anyone out there having "self blocking" issues since upgrading to SP4 on SQL 2000? Enabing trace flag 9059 has not helped, is this a parallelism issue ?
INSERT INTO #XLAT_BCP_Results(Col1) Exec(@Command_String)
A spid is launched to do the bcp...I have 4 files...on the last load The connection Pooling lauched spid gets blocked by the sa spid that launched the sproc...it doesn't happen all the time, just most of the time....
I've put a trace on in Profiler, but I don't see anything...I've picked the event class of deadlocks...but I never see it...
Hi just read an article on the internet that states
"A quick way to resolve a blocking problem is to disconnect the connection blocking the rest of the users. All you have to do is ask your database administrator to execute the KILL statement. Obviously, this is not a permanent solution, and won't really help anything except take care of an immediate need."
Now when i run sp_who ... i see that the spid that is blocking is the same as the spid itself....
Now the above article states that killing the one that is blocking the rest of the other spids is ok ...
But what if its the same SPID that is blocking ...what does it signify & whats the solution