I'm looking for shared web hosting with PHP, SQL Server 2005 and the SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP. Know of any hosts?
Also, please share your experiences with this set up. I've programmed with VB.NET and ADO.NET accessing a SQL Server database, which has a rich set of data access objects. How does the SQL Server Driver for PHP compare for data access? How does it compare to the more traditional PHP/mySQL on Linux/Unix data access?
Hello, I'm setting up a new PHP environment in Windows with IIS and this is the first I've seen of Microsoft's MS SQL driver for PHP. I'm debating on whether I should use this or the extension that PHP has included for many years. I'm just curious, why are they doing this? There must be some improvement over PHP's built in MS SQL functions, right? Performance Improvements? Functionality Improvements? Is this going to be a supported driver for many years (think PHP6 and beyond)?
The Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP Team is proud to announce the availability of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP CTP. This driver is a PHP 5 extension that allows the reading and writing of SQL Server data from within PHP scripts. The extension provides a procedural interface for accessing data in all editions (including Express editions) of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000. The API makes use of PHP features, including PHP streams to read and write large objects.
The SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP Community Technology Preview (October 2007) is a preview release not intended for production purposes and can be downloaded here. To provide feedback or to get more information, visit our team blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlphp . Please post any questions you have about this CTP release in this forum.
I'm trying to figure out if the SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver supports SSL at all. I've downloaded the driver documentation, looked at more web pages than I care to count, and even went as far as to take a stab at guessing at different driver property names in the hopes I might discover some undocumented feature. Each time I try, I come up dry.
The following exception shows up in my JBoss log:
2007-01-03 12:13:36,812 WARN [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool] Throwable while attempting to get a new connection: null org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The SQL Server login requires an SSL connection.)
I know I have things working properly on the SQL Server side, as both osql and Query Analyzer work fine, and packet sniffing yields no plain text information. I've also tried swapping in the open source JTDS driver, and once again, sniffing shows that the data between the two machines in encrypted.
Does anyone know if I'm just missing something completely obvious, or can someone state with absolute certainty that the driver does not support SSL? Any ideas on how to find out if there are plans to support this feature and what the timeline might be?
I'm trying to use the recently released native driver for PHP to connect to our SQL Server 2000 database, but it garbles any Unicode (nvarchar or ntext) data. I didn't see any mention of Unicode in the API document, but am hoping there is some hidden configuration or option to enable Unicode support. Has anyone gotten this to work with Unicode?
Do we have to use SQL server 2005 JDBC driver to connect the sql server 2005? I got sql server 2000 driver for JDBC, it works fine to connect the database. But when I use sql server migration assistant for oracle, i got an error saying: [sql server 2000 driver for JDBC] Error establishing socket. Do I have to download SQL server 2005 driver for JDBC or I miss something else?
Can any version of the SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver connect to SQL Server 2005 or do I have to install the new JDBC version 1.1 to connect to my 2005 instance?
I have one query which executes properly with mssql 2000 jdbc driver but fails with the 2005 driver.
The query creates a table, using insert exec method tries to get the data in the created table. But, executing this statement fails producing exception com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The statement did no t return a result set.
the command is as: insert into #temp exec ('dbcc inputbuffer (' + @spid + ')')
I tried executing only the dbcc command on the db with query analyzer, it returns the results correctly, even with the same driver if I execute the dbcc query it runs fine and returns the resultset. But, only when I use it with insert exec it fails.
Does anyone know why this error occurs and what can be work-around.
Tengo instalado Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition en un servidor IBM xSeries 220, estoy tratando de instalar IBM Director 5.10 y no ha sido posible hacer que se conecte con la base de datos.
Esto ocurre cuando intento configurar el Servidor SQL en la fase final de la instalación de IBM Director.
Gracias por su ayuda, ¿puede alguien darme alguna sugerencia?
We have a problem with SQL Server 2005 v1.2 JDBC driver, where the application is failing with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. We have a database of around 50 milion rows and our application has to query that database and operate on the large dataset. However, we are not facing this problem with databases having 1 million rows.
Database is running fine even after the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in the application side. However, the application is not responding after this error.
We are facing this problem with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition as well as Enterprise Edition. Any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Recently I downloaded version 1.2 release of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver. Thanks a ton to Microsoft for providing many new features such as Adaptive Buffering , SSL Encryption , Tightly Coupled XA Transactions etc.
I am mainly concerned about SSL part of it and would be grateful if you can solve my queries or forward it to app- ropriate forum.
1 ) I tried connecting to SSL enabled SQL Server 2005 through a sample program provided by Microsoft along with this package ( Version 1.2 ) and I succeeded whereas in previous versions I use to get an exception as "The SQL Server login requires an SSL connection." My connection string is as follows "jdbcqlserver://Ip adress of dataserver machine:1433;databaseName=master;user=sa;password=sapassword" .
Ideally we should only get an SSL connection when we request it else an error message should be thrown informing the user that dataserver requires an SSL connection. This would help in choosing between type of communication a user needs with dataserver.
The scenario now is like forcing a user to have SSL communication if dataserver forces it. A flag may be added as ssl should be mandatory or auto .
2 ) Current driver 1.2 is not capable of communicating with MS SQL Server 2000 both in case of SSL and Non - SSL cases , The error which we receive in both cases is :
Oct 18, 2007 4:57:17 PM com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection Prelogin WARNING: ConnectionID:1 TransactionID:0x0000000000000000 Prelogin response packet not marked as EOM The TDS protocol stream is not valid.
To communicate with both MS SQL Server 2000 and 2005 a user will have to maintain both the drivers which may increase complexity of the application , like loading both driver in a single process , etc etc . . .
If version 1.2 id built on top of Sql server 2000 JDBC drive then it should be able to handle following 4 cases :
i ) SQL Server 2005 - SSL , ii ) SQL Server 2005 - Non - SSL , iii ) SQL Server 2000 - SSL , iv ) SQL Server 2000 - Non - SSL .
If this single driver handles all above 4 cases , life of a developer and application developed by him/her would become less complex.
3 ) Last but not the least , the SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver connects with both kind of SQL Server 2000 instances i.e. SSL and Non - SSL without any certificate of flags specified. I was able to establish non - SSL connection with SQL Server 2000 using two third party JDBC drivers which I think is not appropriate behaviour.
4 ) I have also noticed that when SQL Server 2005 is running in Non - SSL mode i.e. "ForecEncryption=No" and our Client application requests SSL communication , we are not warned about server is not runnning in SSL mode , could you please explain this ?
Kindly correct me I am wrong anywhere as I am just a beginner and don't have much knowledge on this subject .
I have recently upgraded our v1.1 drivers for our software. What I found when running some 2 Tier Thick client testing is that its looking for the SDK/JRE's jsse.jar and jce.jar (for ssl and encryption respectively). Now I know this came about because of the new features added to the drivers. Its just that I cannot find any information on it anywhere. Just wondering if there is a way around having to bloat my classpath more by added these new dependencies on as well. It doesn happen for Servlet or 3 Tier as the container has all that set up on its CP already. Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
Hi everybody I have installed SqlServer 2005 on my server but my Windows application on the client computers should connect to server via ODBC connection so what should i install on the client computers (that don't have any sql server installed) to enable them to connect? When i want to create ODBC connection on client computers through (Control panelAdministrative ToolsData Sources) i don't see SQL-Server 2005 ODBC driver in the list ....could anyone help me? Kind Regards.
I'm encountering a problem that seems to be due to the StreamError class not being serializable. This was raised on the JDBC Driver Team blog by Jonas on 10/24/2007. Jimmy Wu notes on 10/29/2007 that it is under investigation. Any progress?
We are in the process of configuring a j2ee application with SQL Server 2005. We have downloaded the new version of SQL Server 2005 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Driver 1.0.
We are having some issues in getting it to work using the XA datasource. Description of the error is as follows:
javax.transaction.xa.XAException: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create the XA control connection. Error: Could not find stored procedure 'master..xp_sqljdbc_xa_init'.. at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerXAResource.start(Unknown Source)
Has anyone else has encountered this and possibly found a solution.
I'm using JDBC driver for Server 2005 (version 1.1.1501) to access Server 2000. I have no problems reading my data, but every update returns "Cursor is READ ONLY".
If I use driver for Server 2000 I have no problems. And I have no problems running the same program with 2005 driver against SQL Server Express.
Does the x64 version of SQL Server 2005 June CTP contain 64-bit versions of the SQL Server ODBC Driver and the OLE DB Provider? I am not interested in the .NET Managed Provider here, just the legacy ODBC and OLE DB drivers, and only 64-bit versions of those.
I'm trying to configure JBoss application server to use SQLServer 2005 as database with XA transactions. I can start a new transaction, access SQLServer from within the transaction, but when committing, there is the following XAException from SQLServer: 16:04:20,926 INFO [STDOUT] javax.transaction.xa.XAException: java.sql.SQLException: COMMIT: Status:0 msg:*** SQLJDBC_XA DTC_ERROR Context: xa_commit, state=1, StatusCode:-4 (0xFFFFFFFC) ***16:04:20,926 INFO [STDOUT] at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerXAResource.commit(Unknown Source)16:04:20,941 INFO [STDOUT] at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnection.commit(XAManagedConnection.java:176)16:04:20,941 INFO [STDOUT] at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.resources.arjunacore.XAResourceRecord.topLevelOnePhaseCommit(XAResourceRecord.java:641)16:04:20,941 INFO [STDOUT] at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.onePhaseCommit(BasicAction.java:2619)16:04:20,941 INFO [STDOUT] at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.End(BasicAction.java:1779) [...]
The system is running on Windows Server 2003 64bit with SQLServer 2005 64bit, and JBoss running on JDK 1.5.0 (32bit) Can anyone tell me what this message indicates?
Now I'm trying to run PHP web application on x64 2003 Server with Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The version of PHP is 5.2.3. and the web application should be run as 64bit applications. Since there seems no way to use php_mssql.dll on the environment, I'm trying to use SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP but when PHP loads php_sqlsrv.dll, an error has occurd and there's a following message in an error log...
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:phpextphp_sqlsrv.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application
From this message, I thought the distributed libraries for Windows would be for a Win32 environment but there seemed no information that says the libraries run on Win32 environment only.
Hi, We are looking for a way to create the jdbc connection with Microsoft jdbc driver on a TomCat server ? Meaning the exact information to enter within the server.xml file or within the Tomcat web server administration tool - data source GUI.
I am using SQL server 2005 stored procedures being called from my java application using the CallableStatement. As long as my stored procedure is a simple and direct Select statement things are moving nicely. But my stored procedures are a little bit more complicated and this causes problems for me to parse the data in a ResultSet. a sample stored procedure: Create procedure sp_Get
//this also returns false? boolean moreResults = cmd.getMoreResults();
The strange part of this is that when you execute this query in the SQL Server Managent Studio it returns 1 result set. Why is my java code not able to see this result?
God morning! I 've just installed SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 Server 64 bit. One of my databases need to connect to seveal Oracle databases. - I tried installing 64 bit Orcale 9 on this server. Got a strange message that the application (Oracle 64 bit) could not be installed on a 32 bit server! Strange! - I installed Oracle 9 32 bit on the server, but I could not find ODBC driver in the Data sources! Neither the oledb under providers in MSS Manager Studio! - Same result efter several desintall and installation. A college copied the .dll files och run a script to register the dll files. We could then se the Oracle driver in the Database sources, but we could not create any connection. - We have even tried an 10G version of Oracle with the same result.
Is there anyone who succeeded installing Oracle on 64 bit Windows and could create odbc connection/linked server?
I have some code that should execute multiple statements and then commit. I am using the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1.
The statements only commit ifI close the connection to the SQL Server 2005 instance. I've looked at the example given at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms378931.aspx and it doesn't require closing the connection in order to commit.
public void doCall(Connection con) { try { /*Turn off AutoCommit.*/ con.setAutoCommit(false);