SQL Server 2005 Is Rtrim Needed In Where Clause?

Aug 13, 2007

When is RTRIM needed in a Select ... where clause. I noticed that if I have a column named TEXT varchar(17) which is varchar and in the where clause I state where
TEXT = 'This is the text'
or I state
TEXT = 'This is the text ' followed by 4 spaces

The equate still works - so when do I need RTRIM?

Do I need RTRIM for a host variable:
...where TEXT = RTRIM(:VAR_001)
if the host variable is the same length as the TEXT column field in the SQL Server 2005 database?

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Syntax Error In FROM Clause - Help Needed Please!!

Jun 8, 2008

 Hi all,I am a newbie to asp and have been using VWD to make a database for an assignment but I am having big problems trying to extract some data to a datalist view. I intend to use this page to display all information of hotel rooms. I know its probably really obvious to some of you but its driving me mad!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated.     Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)        Dim ds As New DataSet()        Dim sGetRooms As String = "SELECT RoomID, RoomType, " _          & "RoomName FROM Rooms2 " _          & "WHERE RoomType LIKE @RoomType " _          & "ORDER BY RoomType"        Dim sGetroomsizeandprice As String = "SELECT ID, RoomSize, RoomPrice, @RoomType " _          & "FROM roomprices JOIN Rooms2 ON Rooms2.ID = roomprices.ID " _          & "WHERE RoomType LIKE @RoomType " _          & "ORDER BY RoomPrice"        Dim sConnect As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("White Sand's Hotel - Dan MahilConnectionString").ConnectionString        Using con As New OleDbConnection(sConnect)            Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(sGetRooms, con)            Dim param As New OleDbParameter("RoomType", OleDbType.VarChar, 10)            param.Value = Request.QueryString("RoomType") & "%"            da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(param)            Try                da.Fill(ds, "Rooms2")                da.SelectCommand.CommandText = sGetroomsizeandprice                da.Fill(ds, "roomprices")            Catch ex As Exception                Label4.Text = "ERROR: " & ex.Message                Exit Sub            End Try        End Using        Dim pkcol As DataColumn = ds.Tables("Room2").Columns("RoomID")        Dim fkcol As DataColumn = ds.Tables("roomprices").Columns("ID")        Dim dr As New DataRelation("MenuLink", pkcol, fkcol)        ds.Relations.Add(dr)        DataList1.DataSource = ds        DataList1.DataMember = "Rooms2"        DataList1.DataBind()    End Sub  

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SQL Server Do Host Variables Need Rtrim

Aug 13, 2007

I understand that for SQL Server rtrim is not needed in where clause equates because SQL Server

automatically trims the spaces. Is rtrim necessary when comparing to a host variable since rtrim is a deterministic function? It it needed in the following example
Select ....
TEXT = rtrim(:I--HV-001)

TEXT is a varchar column in the SQL Server database and it is getting compared to the host variable.

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Help Needed In Merge Replication, SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition And VC# 2005

Apr 10, 2008

I have written following code in my application

I just want to display all the data of a Single table into a Data Grid, I know that we can drag and drop the table on to a form and datagrid is generated, but here I want to retrive those values through my code, how should i do that

I am getting following errors while running the program
Error 1) Error No. 28037, MS SQL Server 2005 Evrywhere Edition
Error: A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information see HRESULT
Error 2) Error No. 0, SQL Server 2005 Evrywhere Edition ADO.Net Data Provider
Error: The specified table does not exist [ JobLists ].

Can anybody please tell me, where I went wrong ??? In this code anywhere else????

Note: While adding a Data Source of SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, I have added that .sdf file into my project, thats why I have written the Data Source as : .DbFile.sdf

@"Data Source = .DbDotNetCF.sdf";

The code is as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;

namespace DeviceApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
string filename = @".DbDotNetCF.sdf";

private DataSet dsJobLists;

public Form1()

private void DeleteDB()
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))

private void Sync()
SqlCeReplication repl = new SqlCeReplication();

repl.InternetUrl = @"http://localhost/WebsiteDotNetCF/sqlcesa30.dll";
repl.Publisher = @"RAHU";
repl.PublisherDatabase = @"DotNetCF";
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication;
repl.Publication = @"PubDotNetCF";
repl.Subscriber = @"SubDotNetCF";
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Data Source='" + filename + "';Max Database Size=128;Default Lock Escalation =100;";
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
catch (SqlCeException ex)

// Display Same Data In Another DataGrid : dataGrid1
SqlCeConnection cn = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source='" + filename + "'");

SqlCeDataAdapter daJobLists = new SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT JobListsID, JobID, PersonID FROM JobLists", cn);
if (dsJobLists == null)
dsJobLists = new DataSet();
daJobLists.Fill(dsJobLists, "JobLists");
dataGrid1.DataSource = dsJobLists.Tables["JobLists"];
catch (SqlCeException ex)

private void DisplaySQLCEErrors(SqlCeException ex)
for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++)
MessageBox.Show("Index #" + i.ToString() + ""
+ ex.Errors.Source + ""
+ "Error: " + ex.Errors.Message,
"Error No. " + ex.Errors.NativeError.ToString());

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (DbDotNetCFDataSetUtil.DesignerUtil.IsRunTime())
// TODO: Delete this line of code to remove the default AutoFill for 'dbDotNetCFDataSet.JobLists'.

I have created a merge replication correctlly( I suppose, there were no errros)
Please help

Your help will be appriciated

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Using The ORDER BY Clause When The Ordered Column Is Not Needed In The SELECT Statement

May 15, 2008


I have a C# application that calls a stored procedure to query the database (MSSQL 2005). I only have one field/column returned from the query but I need that column ordered.

How do I use the ORDER BY clause without returning the index column which does the sorting? The first example is NOT what I want. I want something that works like the second example which only returns the 'Name' column.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyProcedure]




ORDER BY A.[Index], A.Name ASC


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyProcedure]



ORDER BY A.[Index]



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Help Needed For Transaction Support In SQL Server 2005

Jun 21, 2006

Hi,I have 2 stored procedure 1st insert the data in parent tables and return the Id. and second insert child table data using that parent table id as paramenter. I have foreign key relationship between these two tables also.my data layer methods somewhat looks likepublic void Save(order value){using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))         {              int orderId =  SaveOrderMaster(value);            value.OrderId = orderid;              int childId = SaveOrderDetails(value);             //complete the transaction              transactionScope.Complete();        }}here  1. SaveOrderMaster() calls an stored procedure InserOrderData which insert a new record in order table and return the orderId  which is identity column in Order table.2. SaveOrderDetails() call another sotored procedure which insert order details in to table "orderdetail" using the foreign key "orderid".My Problem:Some time the above method works correctly but when i call it repeatledly (in a loop) with data,  some time it gives me foreign key error which state that orderid is not existsin table Order. This will happen only randomly. I am not able to figureout the reason. does some one face the same problem. if yes, what could be the reason and/or solution.

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Report In SQL Server 2005 - Suggestion Needed

Jul 8, 2007

I want to develop a monthly salary report for our employees. The salary is calculated on daily basis for individiaul employees. Thus the report is supposed to display Employee Name, ID etc + 31 columns (representing maximum days in a month). The report will display the employee basic information along with their salary calculation for each day. So its like 35 columns report. I already have used a cursor in my stored procedure with SQL Server 2005 to get this report (displayed in .NET Page) but the performance is more than worst and takes even 3-4 minutes to compile (which ofcourse is unacceptable). There are around 300 employees and they belong to different departments. When we select a given department, all the respective employees report has to be displayed. If i select All Departments, then the entire 300 employees report has to be displayed. I dont want to cache the data as it will have a big performance issue for the server.
I want some good suggestion on how to develop a monthly report in SQL Server 2005 which can display the data with optimized performance. Kindly help of any guru will be highly appreciated.

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What Licensing Is Needed To Mirror A SQL 2005 Server?

May 7, 2008


I hope this is in the right forum, I'm new to MSDN. I'm also not an expert in SQL, so please bear with me as I was unable to find an answer by searching the archives.

We have a single SQL 2005 Standard installation with 30 user CALs on a Server2003R2 box. We have another Server 2003 box in a remote but connected location that we previously used for backup replication. What we'd like to do is use some of the replication features in SQL 2005 to replicate the data over every night to the other box, onto which we would install another copy of SQL 2005. This would not be a server accessed by clients, but simply a "live backup", that in the event of a catastrophic failure, could be manually set up to operate as a SQL server in place of the failed primary server. I don't need any kind of automatic "failover", just the ability to replicate the data over to the other system so I have two SQL Servers that synchronize from one to the other overnight.

I was told that I wouldn't need to buy the user CALs again, that the 30 user cals would translate over if the primary server fails and has to be replaced by the cloned server. But what do I buy for the SQL server itself? A boxed version is a bit pricy and comes with 5 CALs which apparently I wouldn't need. Then I noticed that on softwaremedia.com the open license version, which can be bought a la carte, lists a requirement of buying at least 5 cals or a processor license. What exactly do I need to do this, and how can I get it for the least amount of further spending?


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Upgrade To SQL Server 2005 - Downtime Needed?

Jul 11, 2006


We want to upgrade the Clustered SQL Server 2000 in our production environment to SQL Server 2005 (Clustered).

Are there any complexities we need to take care of?

Do we need a downtime during the period when the SQL server is being upgraded?



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SQL Server 2005 Express Error. URGENT HELP NEEDED!

Jun 5, 2006

I get the following error when I try to access the database from my web application
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.
The application works when I run it on my local machine, but when I move the application to a remote server, I get the above error.
Below is the connection string section in my web.config file.
 <connectionStrings>  <remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>  <add name="LocalSqlServer"        connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|CiaaASPNETDB.MDF;user instance=true;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=CiaaASPNETDB;Integrated Security=True;user instance=true;Connection Timeout = 0"       providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>  <!--Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|CiaaASPNETDB.MDF;user instance=true;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=CiaaASPNETDB --> </connectionStrings>
Can anyone help me with this.

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Trace Flag 8679 -- Is It Needed Under SQL Server 2005?

Feb 12, 2007

Using SQL Server 2000 std. edition, I was bitten by the bug described in KBs 818671 and 289149. Query optimizer using Hash Match Team operators would sometimes fail. I added -T8679 at SQL Server startup.

Now that I'm upgrading to SQL Server 2005, is this trace flag still required?

I see that "this was fixed in SQL 2000, SP1." However, I would like a more precise confirmation that this flag is no longer needed in SQL 2005. Sometimes, no news is not necessarily good news.

The error is intermittent, and at least partially dependent on data conditions not available to me for exhaustive regression testing (or else of course I would do that).

Any info, comments, etc. ... would be welcome.

Thanks ...

Tracy Slack

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NEEDED: SQL Server Express 2005 Setup Walkthrough

Nov 12, 2006

Someone please help me, Im trying to set up SQLServer on my website(IIS v4.0) and I cant seem to get any web apps that use SQL to intall correctly, I get errors like, SQL does not recieve remote connections by default, or just 'Server Not Found'.

This is what I need to know

- How to set SQL to accept incomming remote connections

- Where to find the Name of the SQL instance

- Is it a good idea to have a password on the db, and how do I add one

- A walkthrough on how to set up SQL Express 2005(what to do after the istall is complete)

As you can see Im very new to SQL. So any information you could give to help would be greatly appreciated.


Admin @ Something-to-do.com

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Is This A Known SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Bug With Sub-selects In An IN Clause

Feb 17, 2008

Try the following code in SQL Server 2005:

Code Snippet



USE test_bug

CREATE TABLE test1 ( a int )
CREATE TABLE test2 ( b int )



-- This should error but instead returns all rows from test1
SELECT * FROM test1 WHERE a IN ( SELECT a FROM test2 )

I've tried it onw three different boxes that I have access to.

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Help Needed !!!! The Colors Used By A Bar Chart In SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.

May 3, 2007

I have created a linked report in which I have two screen:
First Screen: Clicking on the bar of particular country the details of that particular country should be visible (the second screen)

Second Screen: When I clicked on a bar. All the count values are very well correct. In first chart Count of values under one bar "Pending decision"(yellow) was 337 for a country and in second screen its 337 again(shown in light green bar).
<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
Problem: My problem is to make it sure that the colors that the first screen is having for particular status (as shown in the legend) should remain same in second screen also. For example for a status say "pending decision" the chart is using yellow color, so in screen two as well it must be shown with yellow color and not with lany other color. Can anyone help me in this context. Is there any way to customize colors used by bar chart. Please note that the question is not about using appropriate color scheme(palette) the question is how to "capture/ Re-use/ customize/ pass as a parameter" the colors used by a bar chart in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.

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SQL Server 2005 Log Shipping And Subsequent FULL Backups That Are Needed

Dec 4, 2007


I have a few Log Shipped DBs that are working great.

Currently they are set to fire off every 15 minutes 24/7.

My question is this ... I need to get FULL backups of the source DBs in order to restore them on certain Dev boxes.

If I were to execute the full backup on one of these Log Shipped DBs ... how would it affect the log shipping process?

Is there a special method to accomplish this?

As a side note, what would be some concerns/issues if in being able to create the FULL backups and not interupt log shipping, I were to create the backup using a 3rd party tool like Quest LiteSpeed?

I sure wish we were on Enterprise, then I could create a mirror and then snapshot off it to create my backups BUT ... that is not the case as we stand today.


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Top Clause In SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition

Oct 19, 2007

Can we use Top Clause in the Select statement while using SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition. If not, is there any other workaround available to achieve same results.

Salman Shehbaz.

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SQL Server 2005 SP1 Installs Successfully But Microsoft Update Still Showing It As Needed?

Jun 3, 2006

I have successfully installed SQL Server 2005 SP1 but when I go to the "Microsoft Update" site it is still shown as required. I have tried going back to an old image of the PC and installing SQL Server 2005 and SP1 again but still the "Microsoft Update" page is not picking up the fact that SP1 has installed successfully. Anyone had the same problem or know of a fix?


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SQL Server 2005 Performance - Where Clause Range Retriaval

Sep 28, 2007

Everything is flowing smoothly for the SQL Server Database I have, except one type of retrieval and that is when the where clause has a range of data values to do the retrieval then the performance is terrible. I cannot anticipate every range. There are indexes on the table to try to help; however, nothing seems to help. Has anyone had a similiar problem? Any suggestions to improve performance?

Thanks, Mary

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INSERT INTO OPENROWSET Does Not Respect ORDER BY Clause On SQL Server 2005 EE

Jul 3, 2007

I need to pass data from a SQL Server data base to an Access data base. To do this I use the OPENROWSET as followed:

INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'C:Aux.mdb'; 'Admin'; '',Test) (Id, Name, TypeId) SELECT Id,Name,TypeId


On SQL Server 2000 or MSDE the data is transfered as expected, respecting the specified order. But when I run the same clause on a SQL 2005 EE the data is transfered, but the order is not respected.
So my question is if I have to activate an option for the order to be respected or if this is a bug.

Best regards,
Ângelo Vilela

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Should We See Replication Filter Where Clause Text In Profiler TextData On SQL Server 2005?

Sep 25, 2007

We have Merge Replication publications for SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition subscribers.
Some articles have filter statements that send rows to multiple subscribers, based on the value of Host_Name() supplied at run-time.

Our publications work for most subscribers, but we have at least one subscriber who downloads too many rows from one of the filtered tables.

When we run the Select SQL from the article's Filter statement it returns the intended 4 rows for this subscriber.
We cut and pasted the filter statement into query analyzer, substituted the subscriber's value for Host_Name(), executed the statement, and got the proper 4 rows for this subscriber in the results.

But when this subscriber syncs her Compact Edition database it downloads 10 rows - the proper 4 rows that the filter statement should pass, plus 6 other rows that she should not download.
Our hypothesis is that the Filter statement is not properly applied to the article when this subscriber syncs.
Other subscribers get the proper rows when they sync, so the publication's filter statement works in some cases, for some values of Host_Name().

We'd like to see the application of the filter statement at run-time (sync-time), but we have not found the text of the filter statement in SQL Profiler output. Should we expect to see the text of the filter statement in SQL Profiler output?
Is there a better way to debug this error?

FYI, here's the text of the article filter statement:

SELECT <published_columns> FROM [dbo].[TBL_USER] WHERE user_sys_id in (

select u.user_sys_id

from tbl_user u

join tbl_territory t on u.territory_gid = t.territory_gid

where t.terr_no_id like (


case (select t.data_access_qnty from tbl_user u join tbl_territory t on u.territory_gid = t.territory_gid where u.user_sys_id = Host_Name())

when 2 then (select t.terr_no_id from tbl_user u join tbl_territory t on u.territory_gid = t.territory_gid where u.user_sys_id = Host_Name())

when 3 then (select left(t.terr_no_id,5)+'%' from tbl_user u join tbl_territory t on u.territory_gid = t.territory_gid where u.user_sys_id = Host_Name())




And here's the statement we ran from Query Analyzer:

declare @id varchar(10)

select @id = 'aultnc'

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TBL_USER] WHERE user_sys_id in (

select u.user_sys_id

from tbl_user u

join tbl_territory t on u.territory_gid = t.territory_gid

where t.terr_no_id like (


case (select t.data_access_qnty from tbl_user u join tbl_territory t on u.territory_gid = t.territory_gid where u.user_sys_id = @id)

when 2 then (select t.terr_no_id from tbl_user u join tbl_territory t on u.territory_gid = t.territory_gid where u.user_sys_id = @id)

when 3 then (select left(t.terr_no_id,5)+'%' from tbl_user u join tbl_territory t on u.territory_gid = t.territory_gid where u.user_sys_id = @id)





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Help Needed In Accessing A Sqlserver 2005 Express Edition From Client Systems To The Server 2003 R2 Servermachine.

Dec 4, 2007

hi guys,
i am having a truble in accesing the server 2005 express edition from my client systems in server 2003 domain network. i get server not accessible. whereas my domain is working perfectly. i really tried alot and i have enable tcpip and named pipes and i am still getting errors while accessing. i have also created user reights for the domain users to access sql server. still i couldn't able to access it.

please guide me to over come this issue. I'm dying.My project is similar to SAP concept project and i am doing it in a production industry.so each department as to access the data from the server to update their daily production and activity.

thnks in advance.


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SQL Server 2005 Needed On The Web Server?

Feb 16, 2006

When dealing with an ASP.NET website that has its own *.mdf database files, does SQL Server 2005 Express or the like have to be installed on the web server for the app to work with the database or will the .NET Framework 2.0 work with it similar to the way we worked with Access *.mdb files previously?

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Nov 7, 2000

I am trying to use the RTRIM command but it does not seem to be working. If I perform

select rtrim(name) from table

it returns the row with the spaces in it anyway. ???

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Oct 26, 2005

If Rtrim doesn't catch space at the end is there a way to catch strings that match but don't seem to get selected correctly when matching?

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Sep 4, 2001

Could somebody please give me a syntax that I can use to trim spaces. I have used and I still have the spaces. :


We are trying to clean up spaces at road intersections. Thanks for your assistance.

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Rtrim And Ltrim?

Oct 5, 2004

I have some data that contains spaces both before and after the text string, and now I'm wondering what would be the best method to remove these blanks (sometimes there are no blanks, so I can't check with a specifik width)?

Is it possible to do something like:

set foo = ltrim(rtrim(foo))

or do I have to split it into 2 steps?

This trimming will be done in update & insert statements

// Pati

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Ltrim + Rtrim

Nov 13, 2005

How do i remove carriage returns in SQL Server ? each of the lines have a carriage return as well as in front and back of the text.

Keith Waltin

Transport Ticketing Authority

03 9651 9066

I've tried the

update test.dbo.test
set bodytext1 = ltrim(rtrim(bodytext1))

but the whitespace/carriage returns still exists in the back and front of the text ? Anyone got any ideas ?

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Trigger With Rtrim

Feb 1, 2008


I want to put a trigger on insert (bulk insert). It´s supposed to do RTRIM and LTRIM on the incoming data to a specific column in a table. The data comes from a textfile.

What to do? Totally stuck..

Thankful for all help!


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May 8, 2008

can anyone explain me what happens when we write the above for a col.

I k now it remove spaces but can anyone explain with exmpls


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Automatic RTRIM????

Aug 3, 2007

Could anyone explain why this happens:

-- All outputs works but only the first should

select 'works' where '1' = '1'

select 'works' where '1' = '1 '

select 'works' where '1 ' = '1'

Seems to me like trailing blanks are automatically trimmed, why?

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RTrim And LTrim With UPDATE

Dec 2, 2005

You all have been so much help, but I've discovered yet another problem. I'm trying to clean up my table using the following command:
UPDATE dbo.TableName
SET First_Name = LTrim(RTrim(First_Name))But it does not seem to have any effect. Thoughts? Thanks!

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Equivalent Tsql For Sql Server 2000 Is Needed [from Sql Server 2005 Only Tsql]

Nov 19, 2007

Can anyone please give me the equivalent tsql for sql server 2000 for the following two queries which works fine in sql server 2005

-- Full Table Structure

select t.object_id, t.name as 'tablename', c.name as 'columnname', y.name as 'typename', case y.namewhen 'varchar' then convert(varchar, c.max_length)when 'decimal' then convert(varchar, c.precision) + ', ' + convert(varchar, c.scale)else ''end attrib,y.*from sys.tables t, sys.columns c, sys.types ywhere t.object_id = c.object_idand t.name not in ('sysdiagrams')and c.system_type_id = y.system_type_idand c.system_type_id = y.user_type_idorder by t.name, c.column_id

-- PK and Index
select t.name as 'tablename', i.name as 'indexname', c.name as 'columnname' , i.is_unique, i.is_primary_key, ic.is_descending_keyfrom sys.indexes i, sys.tables t, sys.index_columns ic, sys.columns cwhere t.object_id = i.object_idand t.object_id = ic.object_idand t.object_id = c.object_idand i.index_id = ic.index_idand c.column_id = ic.column_idand t.name not in ('sysdiagrams')order by t.name, i.index_id, ic.index_column_id

This sql is extracting some sort of the information about the structure of the sql server database[2005]
I need a sql whihc will return the same result for sql server 2000

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Sql 2005 SP1 Needed For Client Side Sql 2005 Install?

Jul 7, 2006

We have just updated our sql 2005 server with sql SP 1. Should we apply this service pack to the client boxes that access this server or is that unnecessary?



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