SQL Server 2005 Reporting Serivces: XML Datasource Problem

May 24, 2006


I'm just starting to use SQL Server 2005 Reporting services, and need to use an XMLdocument as the datasource. I will get the xml data from a webservice and then need to bind it to the report. Here is what I am doing:

1. I created a webservice at the following location:
http://localhost/myWebDirectory/myService.asmx. this webservice has a method called "GetXMLDocument" that has 1 parameter (sql). This method uses the sql statement to fill a dataset from a SQL Server database, converts it to an xmlDocument, and returns the xmlDocument. Here is a sample of the results:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <NewDataSet>
- <Table>
<ReportFriendlyName>All Girls Named Mary</ReportFriendlyName>
<ReportDescription>This is a test SQL Server Reporting Services report. It has no parameters.</ReportDescription>

2. I created a datasource in my reports project as follows:
- Name: TestDataSource
- Type: XML
- Connection string: http://localhost/myWebDirectory/myService.asmx

3. I created the following dataset:
- Name: TestDataSet
- Data source: TestDataSource
- Query string:
<Query xmlns="http://tempuri.org/Service/GetXMLDocument">
<Method Namespace="http://tempuri.org/Service" Name="GetXMLDocument"/>
<ElementPath />

I am getting this error:
An error occurred while executing the query. Failed to execute web request for the specified URL.

Additional Information:
----> Failed to execute web request for the specified URL. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions).

I cannot figure out why I have this error. The service runs fine from the browser, but I just can't get it to work in Reporting Services. What am I doing wrong?

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SQL Management Studio And Reporting Serivces Server

Nov 3, 2006


I have watched Geoff Snowmans webcasts where he connects to the Reporting Services server. Is this option not available in the express edition?

"Database Engine" is the only registered server available.

I have tried right clicking on registered servers ->New->Server Registration but this bring up the "New Server Registration" form where the server type is "Database Engine" and the combo box is disabled.

Thanks for replies

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Steps To Install SQL Server Express (&&amp; Reporting Serivces) On 64 Bit Windows Vista Ultimate

Apr 13, 2007

Steps to install SSX (& Reporting Serivces) on 64 bit Windows Vista Ultimate

I struggled quite a bit over the past few days to complete this install. The sequence of steps is less obvious than those for Windows XP Pro on a 32 bit machine.

I recorded all the steps in one place in cookbook style for non-technical (but database capable) users like myself. I have referenced appropriate other postings and sources for detail steps. These are steps I found useful, you may be in a different situation.

My environment is as follows:
-New HP dv9000 w/ 2GHz and 2GB memory
-Factory installed Windows Vista Ultimate. Note this includes .NET Framework 2.0 so I did not have to deal with installing that.
-I have no extant databases or SQL Server that I am trying to convert or upgrade!

Setup Steps Before Install:
1) Turn off User Account Control.
At present, I am a one-user operation with close control over my system and there seemed to be issues with getting reporting services set up right with UAC. I may come back and modify this step later on and certainly would change this for any releasable systems.

1a)Go to Control Panel Home --> User Accounts --> Turn User Account Control on or off.
1b)Unselect Use User Acount Control.
2)Set up your IIS 7.0 for Reporting Services.
IIS 7.0 has IIS 6.0 Compatibility features turned off out of the box. You will turn them on with this step. This is needed for both Reporting services and to enable the Adminscripts that are used in Step 3 below.

2a) Use the Control Panel --> Programs --> Turn Windows features on and off function.
This is quite nicely desribed with screen shots at:
These steps worked for me although they are labeled Vista Beta 2.

3)Set up your 64 bit machine to run 32 bit ASP.NET
This capability is needed to make sure you pass the System Configuration Check for Reporting Services. I don't know the full implications of this step and wonder if it might eventually bite me if I have to flip-flop between 32 and 64 bit ASP.NET or have them both run at the same time.

3a) Open a command line window by:
Start --> Accessories -- Cmd Prompt
3b) In this window type:
cscript %SystemDrive%inetpubAdminScriptsadsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1

At some point, you may wish to go back to 64 bit. For that, see the posting by MihaelaE as an Answer in the SQL Server Reporting Services Forum under a thread started by fagster on 3/8/2007.

Now to actually install SQL Server.

1) Download the 64 bit SSX.
This step fooled me for a while as the 64-bit downloads are 'below the fold' on the web page.

1a) Go to the SSX download page:

1b) Scroll down the page and below Step 5, Register, you will see this text which takes you to the download you want:
"* For the 64-bit install of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, click here."
1c) Follow the "click here" to get the download.

2) Install the package from step 1c and you will get SQL Server Express.

2a) The install may fail and complain about not finding a valid SQL Server Native Client Install, sqlncli_x64.msi. You will have to extract the files manually and then run the sqlncli_64.msi package by itself. Then you can go back to step 2 and should be successful.
To do this, see post of Mike Wachal on 4/5/2007 to SQL Server Express Forum, titled "Cannot Install SQL Server Express on Vista Ultimate -- cannot find MS SQL Server Native Client".

3) Now add in the SQL Server Management Studio Express 64 bit version.

3a) Go to the SSX download page:

3b) Scroll down the page and below Step 5, Register you will see this text which takes you to the download you want:
"* For the 64-bit install of SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express, click here."

3c) Follow the "click here" to get the download.

4) Now add the SQL Server Reporting Services.

4a) Go to the SSX download page:

4b) Scroll to Step 3 Download and Install (in the middle of the page) and download SQL Server Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2.
4c) Install, but at the Feature Selection screen, disable all components EXCEPT Reporting Services. You already have the other components installed.
4d) In the install, you will get a screen called "Report Server Installation Options". Go ahead and select the "Install but do not configure the server" radio button.

5) Go ahead and configure SQL Server Reporting Services.
I'm not highly skilled in this area so I recommend the SQL Server Express Video "Learning Video 10: Getting Started with Reporting Services". This is found at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/sql/learning/default.aspx
I found this video to be cogent and useful.

That's what it took me to get SQL Server Express installed with reporting services on a 64 bit Vista Ultimate system. Sorry if this is so long but I wanted to cover all the steps that hung me up.

To forum moderators: If I have any errors that will lead people astray, I'm more than happy to correct them.

This posting is "AS IS" with no warrantees and caveat emptor.

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Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services And XML Webservice DataSource

Dec 14, 2007

I am new to both Reporting Services and Webservices implementation so I am just trying to use a simple example. I found a Webservice on the internet that returns movie information:


I am trying to call in using XML DataSource and with absolutely no luck. Here are the steps I have followed:

DataSource type: XML
Connection String: http://www.ignyte.com/webservices/ignyte.whatsshowing.webservice/moviefunctions.asmx

Report Data Quert:

<Method Namespace="http://www.ignyte.com/whatsshowing" Name="GetUpcomingMovies">
<Parameter Name="month">
<Parameter Name="year">

I am getting an error: The XmlDP query is invalid. (Microsoft Report Designer)

Any help? I am trying to figure out this simple example so I can apply it to my own webservice.


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2005 Reporting Srv Cannot Connect To Oracle Datasource On Web Server

Nov 18, 2006

created an Oracle datasource (tried both ole db & oracle client) in Visual Studio 2005 report project - works fine connecting and preview of report within ide , deployed to Reporting Services web server, received the following error when attempting to run the report on web server:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot create a connection to data source 'oracle'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.

web server has oracle client 9i client installed and connecting to db ok through sql plus (this server also is loaded with VS2005 and the SqlServer2005 db)

any thoughts or direction greatly appreciated

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Reporting Serivces Scripter

Mar 20, 2008


Any body has the idea of installing the reporting services scripter in sql server 2005. I am new to sql server, could some body help me with this. I need to move the lot of reports from one server to production server. Thank you!

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Reporting Services 2005 And XML DataSource (as WebService)

Apr 25, 2006

I'm trying to build WebService to use result as DataSource for RS 2005 (XML DataSource).

But I have a strange problem.

I have WebMethod with parameters.

When I'm testing my WS in browser then everything works just fine.

But... When I'm trying to call this web-service from VS2005 environment then something strange happens.

Looks like VS passing parameters incorrectly to my WS (not passing at all!)

I've created very simplyfied version just to check parameters:

using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Messaging;
using System.Text;
using System;
using System.Web.Services;
[WebService(Namespace = "http://company.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class GetRemoteData : System.Web.Services.WebService
public XmlElement GetData(string CompanyName, string FunctionName, string ParameterList)
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement xmlElement1;
xmlElement1 = xmlDocument.CreateElement("parameters", "values", "urn:errors");
xmlElement1.InnerText = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", CompanyName, FunctionName, ParameterList);
return xmlElement1;

In the browser WS returns all passed parameters back correctly. VS - not.

What's wrong with my code? Why MSDN example works fine?
Do I need to specify some undocumented (soap specific) attributes?

Where I can find full tutorials how to create RS-compatible web-service?

(Sorry for cross-posting but I have no single reply...)

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SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.0 Error In Using XA Datasource

Feb 22, 2006

We are in the process of configuring a j2ee application with SQL Server 2005. We have downloaded the new version of SQL Server 2005 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Driver 1.0.

We are having some issues in getting it to work using the XA datasource. Description of the error is as follows:

javax.transaction.xa.XAException: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create the XA control connection. Error: Could not find stored procedure 'master..xp_sqljdbc_xa_init'..
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerXAResource.start(Unknown Source)

Has anyone else has encountered this and possibly found a solution.



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SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1 Error In Using XA Datasource

Sep 11, 2007


I'm trying to configure JBoss application server to use SQLServer 2005 as database with XA transactions.
I can start a new transaction, access SQLServer from within the transaction, but when committing, there is the following XAException from SQLServer:
16:04:20,926 INFO [STDOUT] javax.transaction.xa.XAException: java.sql.SQLException: COMMIT: Status:0 msg:*** SQLJDBC_XA DTC_ERROR Context: xa_commit, state=1, StatusCode:-4 (0xFFFFFFFC) ***16:04:20,926 INFO [STDOUT] at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerXAResource.commit(Unknown Source)16:04:20,941 INFO [STDOUT] at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnection.commit(XAManagedConnection.java:176)16:04:20,941 INFO [STDOUT] at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.resources.arjunacore.XAResourceRecord.topLevelOnePhaseCommit(XAResourceRecord.java:641)16:04:20,941 INFO [STDOUT] at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.onePhaseCommit(BasicAction.java:2619)16:04:20,941 INFO [STDOUT] at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.End(BasicAction.java:1779)

The system is running on Windows Server 2003 64bit with SQLServer 2005 64bit, and JBoss running on JDK 1.5.0 (32bit)
Can anyone tell me what this message indicates?


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Programmatically Assigning The Datasource In The Server Report Ssrs 2005

Jan 2, 2008

Dear All:

I am new to SSRS 2005.

I have created many shared datsources and reprots at http://localhost/resportserver.

I am trying to access these reports from ReportViewer in the web application. Actually I want to use these reports for different customers by just changing the datsource programitically.

Is this is a possible?

Thank you

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SQL Reporting With Oracle Datasource

Dec 15, 2007

I am new to SQL Reporting services and learning from website tutorials. I could easily connect to Adventure Works database and could create some reports. Now I want to create one report from Oracle database in my network on one of my server (Network computer). I could not connect to database as do not know what to write (is path like Server name or IP address Oracle database name) is required in Server name field? Server Type should be OLE DB or Oracle and OLEDB Provider should be Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle? Then Server of filename?
Is there any tutorial or material available, which can help me in establishing this connectivity? Any help is greatly appreciated.Do I have to install any thing on my local computer for oracle ( as read in one of forum for Oracle Client or something like that)

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Xml Datasource For Reporting Services

Mar 15, 2008

help pls - pulling hair out on this one

am doing proof-of-concept for reporting services reports getting data via web services.

got it working for simple examples (passing back strings etc)
also woking passing back an object
but cant get it working with a dataset - am having trouble filtering out the XML resultset

this is my webmethod
public DataSet DSetExample()
DataSet ds = new DataSet("XMLTest");
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataColumn dc;
dc = new DataColumn("IntegerColumn1", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
dc = new DataColumn("StringColumn1", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
dc = new DataColumn("DecimalColumn1", System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
dc = new DataColumn("DateTimeColumn1", System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));
DataRow drow = dt.NewRow();
drow["IntegerColumn1"] = 1;
drow["StringColumn1"] = "WTF";
drow["DecimalColumn1"] = 205.299;
drow["DateTimeColumn1"] = DateTime.Parse("22/May/1966");
return ds;

this is my basic query
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="true">*
<Method Name="DSetExample" Namespace="http://localhost/testservice1">

this just gives me the first node details

but when ever i try and specify the elements i want by using the ElementPath
nothing comes back....

just need to know how to specfiy the ELEMENTPATH to return the dataset details...


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Sharepoint List As Datasource In Reporting Services ?

Oct 25, 2007

Hi everybody,

I was wondering if it's possible to use a sharepoint list as datasource in reporting services ? If yes, what's your trick ?
Is it possible to use a directory as datasource in reporting services ?

Thanks for your response,

Have a nice day,


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Unable To Configure Reporting Services To Use SSIS Datasource

May 16, 2008

I've created a SSIS package with a DataReaderDestination and a SSRS report that points to it.

I referenced these links during development and I have everything working as expected locally. **I changed the config files as stated on both my local machine and our server. My config matches the example exactly.


When I attempt to deploy my report project to the server I get this error message:
"An attempt has been made to use a data extension 'SSIS' that is not registered for this report server."

In the report manager data source properties page it reads:
"The data processing extension used for this report is not available. It has either been uninstalled, or it is not configured correctly."

In SQL Server Management Studio data source properties page SSIS is not a data source type option.

I've tried restarting both the Reporting Services and Integration Services on the server to no avail.

Any suggests? My problem is I can't get the SSIS to be recognized source on the server.

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Reporting Services :: Creating Datasource As ODBC With AS / 400 For SSRS Report

May 22, 2015

Data Source of the report is AS/400 and I need to create a report in visual studio 2013 with ODBC Connection type and deploy report onto share point 2013. How to create report, data source and deploy on share point.

My problem is how we will create ODBC connection with AS/400 and connect report with AS/400.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Internal Error When Try To Explore Manage Option Of A DataSource

Jan 28, 2014

A customer use SCSM 2012 RTM and recently they changed the password of the account that connects with the datasources that use Service Manager to generate reports. There are several datasources namely DWStagingAndConfig, ConfigurationManager,  DWDataMart and other ones.The process to change the password of the account, done via web in the SSRS URL instance of Service Manager,  requires to enter in the Manage option of each DataSource  and replace the password with the right one in the Properties section; is a really simple step. However, after the change, the only Datasource that not allows to access again to the Manage option is DWStagingAndConfig (appears a message that points out to a report server internal error);I append  a extract of the SSRS log related to the problem with this Datasource.

library!ReportServer_0-109!3024!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(/SystemCenter/ServiceManager/DWStagingAndConfig).
library!ReportServer_0-109!8820!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction().
library!ReportServer_0-109!8820!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
library!ReportServer_0-109!8ab8!01/22/2014-14:54:15:: Call to GetDataSourceContentsAction(/SystemCenter/ServiceManager/DWStagingAndConfig).
library!ReportServer_0-109!8ab8!01/22/2014-14:54:15:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException:


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Visual Studio Hangs When Generating A Reporting Services Report With Cube As The Datasource

Mar 7, 2007

When creating a report using reporting Services with a cube as a datasource, visual studio 2005 hangs. I have applied SP1 to visual studio.net 2005 .

This is the query generated by query designer in reporting services. When I try to drag and drop another dimension to slice it by , visual studio hangs.

The fact table has just 10,000 records. Are the number of dimensions used to slice the cube too many? How do I optimize this query?

SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Avg MT Rate - Speech], [Measures].[Change in Avg MT Rate], [Measures].[Edited Lines Per 1000], [Measures].[Speech Utilization], [Measures].[Time Saved %], [Measures].[Speech Edited for Rev 1], [Measures].[Change in Account Productivity], [Measures].[Hours Saved], [Measures].[Lines Per 1000], [Measures].[Average MT Rate - Total Production], [Measures].[Typed Lines], [Measures].[Productivity Time in hours - Edited Docs],[Measures].[Productivity Time in Hours - Typed Docs],[Measures].[Productivity Time in Hours]} ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Dim Customer].[Customer Name].[Customer Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Customer].[Dictator Site Name].[Dictator Site Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Date].[The Month].[The Month].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Date].[The Year].[The Year].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim MT].[Creator Last Name].[Creator Last Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim MT].[Creator First Name].[Creator First Name].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@FromDimDateTheYear, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@ToDimDateTheYear, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@FromDimDateTheMonth, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@ToDimDateTheMonth, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [ETL DW])) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS

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Can We Install Reporting Services 2005 In A Machine In Which Is Not Installed SQL Server 2005

Nov 19, 2007


Can we install reporting services 2005 in a machine in which is not installed SQL server 2005.?


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[Express 2005] Unable To Connect To Datasource

Aug 21, 2006

I've never used SQL Server before. I installed VB 2005 Express (I've been working with VB since I was 16), and SQL Server 2005 Express.

I installed the server with all the default settings and created a small database to handle customer information (a remake of some Access and Oracle databases I've made before).

I'm told, however, each time I try to connect to the database via VB, that SQL Server isn't accepting remote connections...

Remote? It's on a local computer. So is VB...what is going on here? Is there a setting I've missed?

Warren Ayen

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Problems Adding MS Access Datasource In VB Studios 2005 Enterprise

Mar 8, 2006

I am running Visual Studios 2005 enterprise edition and I am creating a mobile application to keep track of some receipts. The problem I'm currently having is that even though I can connect to the MS Access Database with Server Explorer that I'll be aquiring data from; Everytime I attempt to use the Data Configuration Wizard to add a new data source that namely the database I get this error message:

The new connection uses a data provider that is not supported. (end of message)

There is no username or password necessary to access this database and it is an Access 2003 database.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Reporting Problems W/ MS SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Step By Step To MS

Apr 26, 2007

I am trying to learn Reporting Services using the title "MS SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Step by Step" by Stacia Misner and Hitachi Consulting, published in 2006. I am experiencing problems with some of the exercises. I got as far as Chapter 4 when I followed directions to create a SQL statement to define a query string for a dataset. Pg 80:

select * from vProductProfitability

where year = 2003 and

MonthNumberOfYear = 1

The view vProductProfitability does not exist in the tutorial database that came with the book, rs2005sbsDW. The result of this query is the basis for the entire chapter on developing basic reports and I'm being denied a learning opportunity because the view does not exist. In short, I'm stuck.

I have tried to find somewhere at Microsoft to place this question and get some answers so I can continue thru the tutorial. To no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions?

BTW, the solution that came in the CD is also wrong because the query noted above is also in the solution.

This humble grasshopper seeks wisdom.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dave Matthews

Atlanta, GA

aka FlooseMan Dave

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OLTP Vs OLAP (Data Warehouse) As A DataSource In Analysis Services 2005

Jul 3, 2007

Hello,Can I import an OLTP (Reltional DB) as a Data Source into SQL ServerAnalysis Services 2005 and then use the Cube Wizard and the new DataSource View feature to create the OLAP model ?Or do I have to first design an OLAP Data Warehouse with a Star Schemaand then import this DW as a Data Source into my Analysis ServicesProject.With SQL Server 2000 , OLAP would be the way to go..but with SQLServer 2005 , it seems as though the wizard and data source viewfeatures do half the work for you.I have an OLTP DB and am not sure which route I should take ! Anysuggestions / input would be much appreciated.Thanks in Advance...RegardsRusszee

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SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 Service Would Not Start On Windows Server 2003

Dec 13, 2007

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 Service would not Start on windows server 2003. Working great till yesterday and no changes were made to config file.

Here is the error in Event log

Event Type: Error
Event Source: SQL Server Report Service
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 12/13/2007
Time: 8:25:59 AM
User: N/A
Service cannot be started. Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ServiceAppDomainController.Start(Boolean firstTime)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.NTService.ReportService.OnStart(String[] args)
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

Here is i found in log files
ReportingServicesService!resourceutilities!4!12/13/2007-08:25:59:: i INFO: Running on 0 physical processors, 1 logical processors
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!4!12/13/2007-08:25:59:: e ERROR: Exception caught loading and setting code permissions policy level: System.Security.XmlSyntaxException: Invalid syntax on line 158.
at System.Security.Util.Parser.GetRequiredSizes(TokenizerStream stream, Int32& index)
at System.Security.Util.Parser.ParseContents()
at System.Security.Util.Parser..ctor(Tokenizer t)
at System.Security.SecurityManager.LoadPolicyLevelFromStringHelper(String str, String path, PolicyLevelType type)
at System.Security.SecurityManager.LoadPolicyLevelFromString(String str, PolicyLevelType type)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ServiceController.SetAppDomainPolicy()
ReportingServicesService!servicecontroller!4!12/13/2007-08:25:59:: e ERROR: Error Starting Service: System.Security.XmlSyntaxException: Invalid syntax on line 158.
at System.Security.Util.Parser.GetRequiredSizes(TokenizerStream stream, Int32& index)
at System.Security.Util.Parser.ParseContents()
at System.Security.Util.Parser..ctor(Tokenizer t)
at System.Security.SecurityManager.LoadPolicyLevelFromStringHelper(String str, String path, PolicyLevelType type)
at System.Security.SecurityManager.LoadPolicyLevelFromString(String str, PolicyLevelType type)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ServiceController.SetAppDomainPolicy()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ServiceController.StartService(Boolean firstStart)

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One User Unable To Access The Reports From SQL Server 2005 Reporting Server.

Jul 6, 2007

I have deployed some reports on the reporting server, i have noticed that every one in the domain in which the reports are published can access the reports, except one user. when he tries to access the report he got the following error message or the blank report.

"An error occured during report processing"

"can no read the next data row for the data set dataset1".

Although this user has all the roles on the reporiting server kike browser,content manager etc.

i tried many things but still problem persists.

Can anyone tell me the exact reason for this ?

I shall be extremely thankfull.

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Windows Server 2008 Enterprise &&amp; SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

Mar 12, 2008

Does anyone know how to properly install SQL server 2005 express reporting services on windows server 2008. When ever i try to access the report manager I get an error "Cannot access the remote server" even though the report server is on the local machine. I only have the web server role installed on the server. Im still quite a newbie at managing servers so please keep it as simple as possible.

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Sql Server Reporting Services On Vista(sql Server 2005 Setup)

Mar 26, 2008

I have visual studio 2008 sql express, vista ultimate is on my computer however I have not installed sql express on my computer
I wish to install sql standard 2005 sp1 I have read microsoft's article 934164 before installing sql standard
I have a couple of questions installing sql server standard edition see sql-articles.com -installing
sql 2005

sql instances screen- can I choose default installation?
sql services screen do I need to choose domain name(I am a small business, I do not own a server, I wish to
use a third party to use sql reporting services . I have not registered my domain name

Windows authentication- I wish to use mixed mode.
I wish to configure user account later by stopping sql services and then installing sql sp2 (after windows
authentication screen)
described in microsoft article 934164
do I need to configure the server?(next screen after windows authentication)
I want to avoid a system reboot......
Is there anyway that I can make sure all the parts are installed on sql server and sql sp2?
Is it adviseable to configure my administrative account at the end of sql sp2?
How do this work? I just want to be prepared......
Thank you

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Migrating Reporting Services From SQL Server 2000 To SQL Server 2005

Mar 31, 2008


I'm migrating SQl Server Reporting Services from 2000 to 2005.The reports are generated normally in 2000 but it seems that it is taking more time in 2005 or sometimes it does not generate the report at all.Could you kindly suggest a solution?


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Installing SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services On Server 2000

Feb 25, 2008

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2005 on a server 2000 machine, everything is working with the exception of the Web Service Identity. It is putting machinenameASPNET, and I don't know where to go to make it use something else. I've look around but I have really seen any answers that have worked for me.

Thanks in advance


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SQL Server 2005 And Reporting Services

Apr 8, 2006

Why doesn't SQL Server 2005 need IIS for its http readiness while its Reporting Services do? Thanks.

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Reporting Services - SQL Server 2005

Mar 3, 2007

We are in the process of doing a side by side installation of the SQLserver 2000 and SQL server 2005 on the same server. To install theReporting services feature of SQL server 2005 requires IIS. We have aseperate web server running IIS that connects to the database server.My question is : can we still install Reporting services on thedatabase server without the IIS?Thank you

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services And ASP .NET 1.1

Oct 26, 2007

Our team is developing an ASP.NET 1.1 Application that is written using VS2003 but using SQL Server 2005 as database. Can we use a Report Viewer Control that comes with SQL Server 2005 in our ASP.NET 1.1 application? If not, Can some one suggest some alternative way of showing SQL Server 2005 Reports in ASP.NET 1.1 application?



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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service

Jul 25, 2007

Hi guys,

I am trying to get my hands on SQL Server Reporting Services. Can anyone tell me how to

generate reports using this service?

Thanks heaps.



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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

Feb 13, 2008

Dear Friends

When try to Install SQL Server 2005 Dev. Edition in Windows Vista Home Premium
Reporting Services Option Found Disabled.

As per Requirment IIS 7 (all options) Enabled and having IE 7.0

Expecting Favour from all friends.


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