SQL Server 2005 SP2 Agent XPs Error

Mar 18, 2007

I have been having a problem with an attempted install of sp2 (the updated one) and don't have a clue on how to get past it. Here is the error that I get

MSP Error: 29537 SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'dbo.sp_is_sqlagent_starting' of component 'Agent XPs' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server.

What is strange is that I have ensured that the Agent XP's are enabled prior to the sp install by checking the agent xp's configuration option but it seems as though during the sp install it disables them and encounters problems when trying to start the SQL Agent resulting in a failure of the sp install with the message shown above.

When I check the database after the failure, it does show the AgentXP's as being disabled. I've re-enabled them multiple times with the same result.

The sp is being installed on a 2 node cluster but only one node is having the problem, the other upgraded fine. I have also had this problem on a single non-clustered server with 3 instances where two of them installed fine but one didn't, it too had the same error message.

My basic configuration is as follows:
x64 Windows 2003 Standard Edition R2
SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition (for the clustered server) Dev Edition for the standalone server

Any thoughts on how to get past this problem or is this a bug?

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SQL Server 2005 Database Mail And Agent Error

Feb 9, 2006

Hello, hoping someone might be able to help.

I've set up Database Mail on an instance of 2005 and the test mail works just fine. However, when testing a job (notify on fail, success, whatever) the mail fails to send. Job History last information reads NOTE: Failed to notify 'My Name' via email.

Checked out the Database Mail logs - nothing interesting.

Restarted the Agent service and then checked out the current Agent Log. Found message:

[260] Unable to start mail session (reason: No mail profile defined).

The 'DatabaseMailProfile' key is most certainly defined in the Registry
(at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1SQLServerAgent')

I'm at a loss...why is it telling me no mail profile defined?
I'd be most grateful for any help if anybody else has run across this problem.


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SQL Server 2005 Agent - Error Copying A File Onto The Network...

Jan 10, 2008


I have an SSIS package designed to copy across a file from local machine to a location on the network.

The SSIS package works fine when I run it directly run it in the Designer, ie, it copies over the file to the network.

But when I run the package through the Job server agent, it fails giving me a validation error on the network path..

Does it have to do with the permissions of the User account used here? Could anyone please provide any information on this....


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SQL Server 2005 Job Agent

Jun 18, 2007


I m using SQL Server Job Agent to execute my SQL Server Integration Package. When I execute this job, the status of the job is shown as 'Between tries' and the job get hanged. I searched through the msdn. The solution provided is specific to SQL Server 2000. I am not able to get the solution for SQL Server 2005. Could someone please tell me the reason behind this problem?



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SQL Server Agent Error

May 15, 2001

When i try to stop or Start SQLServer Agent I get the
following error:

" An Error 1060(the specified service does now exist as an installed service)
occured while performing this service operation on the SQLServerAgent service "

I use SQL Server 7.0 on windows 2000.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem.

Thank you,

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Sql Server Agent Error

Nov 15, 2000

hi, I am doing the following: I am testing the email or the pager for an operator under ms sql server agen. when I click test, it ask me to confirm test pager address I clik oK,then get a message that the mail was sent successfully then I get an error message then sql server enterprise close.

any idea what is going on


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SQL Server Agent Error Log

Oct 15, 1999

Anyone seen this in 7.0 SQL:

The 'SQLAgentCmdExec' proxy account does not exist or has an incorrect password. I am not running a proxy.

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SQL Server Agent Error

Jun 17, 2004

I am getting the following error when I try to create a maintenance plan on one of my servers:

Error 14258: Cannot perform this operation while SQLServerAgent is starting. Try again later.

Thanks in a dvance for the help.

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SQL Server Agent Error (Help)

Nov 12, 2004

Can someone help me troubleshoot this error:

Error 22022: SqlServerAgent error: Undable to get the default MAPI Message store due to MAPI error 273: The information store could bot be opened.



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Error From Sql Server Agent

Oct 2, 2007

Can anyone figure out what is causing the error below. It seems like a permission error certainly. Here is some information, first I am not a DBA so bear with me. I am using the client version of SMO and SS BI. I have a package that will execute in BI manually but will not execute from the scheduled job. I have permission to remote to the server and I have tried to run the job from the server and still get this error. If anyone understands the error; please provide some info.

Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE. ...Connection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.Open() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.ManagedHelper.GetManagedConnection(String assemblyQualifiedName, String connStr, Object transaction) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.AcquireConnections(Object transaction) at Microsoft.SqlServer.D... The package execution fa... The step failed.

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Does SQL Server 2005 Express Have A SQL Agent

Jul 20, 2006

Does SQL Server 2005 Express have a SQL Agent?  If so, can someone tell me where I would find it?  If not, can someone tell me if there is a replacement for it or some kind of work around?

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SQL Server 2005 Express Agent

Jan 5, 2006

Hi - I know SQL Server 2005 Express comes with no agent, so how do people using it, currently backup their databases?
eg. I currently use MSDE in a live environment (small user base), and I use the Agent/Jobs to create a backup each night.
How could I achieve the same with the SQL Server 2005 Express?
Thanks for any help,

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Starting Sql Server Agent Sql 2005

May 4, 2007

I am running windows 2003 and sql server 2005. i am following the directions in books online:

On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager.

In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand Services, and then click SQL Agent.

In the results pane, right-click any instance, and then click Start.

A green arrow on the icon next to the SQL Server Agent and on the toolbar indicates that SQL Server Agent started successfully.

Click OK.

the problem is i have nothing in Services. there is nothing to expand.
is it installed wrong?? or is there another step before this that i have to do??

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SQL Server Agent Missing In 2005

Feb 27, 2008

Hi all, This is my first message in this forum and I am a new bie to SQL server 2005.. I am trying to schedule the backup job for a database in 2005 and I am not able to figure out where it is. I browsed through few topics in the forums and found that I can do using sql server agent in the SQL server management studio. But I do not see the sql server agent in the management studio. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks all!

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SQL SERVER AGENT 2005 Job Failure

Nov 13, 2007

I have scheduled a job in SQL Server Agent, as it executes it fails Immediatly. The error history displays the following error details, which i copied from the log file

"Description: Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted.

The system cannot find the path specified.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format. End Error ... The package could not be f... The step failed."

I am using the File System Type to load my package.

Please assisst me in finding the solution



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Cannot Restart Sql Server And Agent 2005

Oct 31, 2007

I've installed an SSL certificate via IIS. I stopped sql server and agent but cannot restart them. I'm getting the following message in the error log:

2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x2, status code 0x38.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x2, status code 0x1.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 spid9s Starting up database 'model'.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 3.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server Error: 17120, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-10-31 21:24:53.63 Server SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.

I've tried removing the SSL certificate but with no success.

Help! I'm starting to think that the only solution is to uninstall sql server 2005 and reinstall.

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SQL Server Agent Error - Very Urgent

Jun 6, 2001

I get the following error in the SQL Agent log file

Password verification of the 'SQLAgentCmdExec' proxy account failed (reason: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer)

Does anhbody know why this happens.

Let me know.

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SQL Server Agent Error- Urgent

Jun 15, 2001

I have question. My SQL Server Agent Log has the following error messages logged. Does anyone know why this happens. It happens everyday when I back up a 40 GB Database. Let me know. I Appreciate the help.


6/14/01 9:30:58 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:30:59 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:31:01 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:30:58 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:30:59 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:31:00 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:31:01 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:31:02 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:31:03 PM - ! [165] ODBC Error: 0, Timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]
6/14/01 9:31:07 PM - ! [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (JobManager)
6/14/01 9:31:07 PM - ! [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (JobManager)
6/14/01 9:31:07 PM - ! [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (JobManager)

6/14/01 9:31:07 PM - ! [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (JobManager)
6/14/01 9:31:07 PM - ! [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (JobManager)

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SQL Server Agent Error Log Question

Jul 20, 2000

There is a stored procedure (sp_cycle_errorlog) which can be
executed to cause the SQL Server error log to cycle.

Is there anything similiar for the SQL Server Agent Error log?

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SQL Server,SQL Server Agent,SQL Analysis Resources Failing In SQL 2005 Cluster

Aug 17, 2007

I have installed an SQL 2005 Failover Cluster on a Two Node Active Passive Windows 2003 Cluster.If i am trying to failover from the Active node to the passive Node,The Sql Server,Sql Server Agent and SQL Analysis resources fail,However if i reset the passowrd in the services tab of the above three services on the pasive node,the resources come online.
Below is the brief of my setup
1.I have two Active directory domain controllers running Windows 2003 R2 Standard edition with SP2.
2.i have installed a Windows 2003 Two Node Active Passive Cluster as NODE1 and NODE2.
3.The Domain account used to install WIndows 2003 A/P Cluster is Clusteradmin.This account is the member of Administartors on the Domain as well as the Local Admin on NODE1 and NODE2.
4.SQL 2005 with SP2 is installed on both the Nodes as SQL 2005 Failover Cluster.The account used to install SQL 2005 is sqadmin.This account is the member of Administartors on the domain and the member of Local Admins on NODE1 and NODE2.
5.SLQ 2005 has four domain groups for 4 SQL Services.The Services are SQL Server,SQL Server Agent,SLQ Anaylisis Server and Full text Search.
6.Each of these servcie has a seperate service account created for them.All these service accounts areb the members of domain admin and the member of Local Admin on NODE1 and NODE2.
7.Each of these servcies is running under these servcie accounts in the Servcies tab in NODE1 and NODE2.
8.If i fail the resources from NODE1 to NODE2 ,The SQL Server,SQL Server Agent and SQL Anaylisis resources are failing.on going to the service tab of NODE 2 I reset the password for these services,the services come online.
10.The Cluster resources and MSDTC Resources are Failing over successfully.They are coming online successfully.
11,I have a problem with the SQL Server Resources,even if i failback to NODE1 from NODE2,the same resources are failing again.

Plz Advice.

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SQL Server 2005 Agent - User Account

Jun 26, 2007

Who needs to invoke the jobs in SQL05? Manually executing the job import_myteam as a user with dbo privileges fails. So, which user account should be assigned to successfully run scheduled jobs (ie, dbo)?

The package file for the job in question is located in the server€™s C:Documents and SettingsuserxyzMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsIntegration Services Project3Integration Services Project3MyTeam (1).dtsx, but this still fails when the user userxyz is logged on and is executing the job directly from the server console.

Step1 of the package executes as userxyz
Step 2 fails and runs as cpmc-casql02

The user account userxyz has administrator rights to the server as well as being a sysadmin of the SQL2005 database (named cpcasql02).

The account cpmc-casql02 is a €œpublic€? user of the database and is a member of the administrator group on the server itself.

This same scenario carries for tasks as simple as truncating a table and importing the contents of another table in the same database.

All of these jobs exhibit the same behavior whether run directly from the server console on remotely from a workstation connected to the SQL2005 database.

Attempting to get a really simple job working, we also created a very simple SSIS package which does a select from a database table and writes the output to a text file. When running the same package from the user€™s workstation within Visual Studio, the package executes successfully. Once copied to the server, and run from within SQLServer as MyJunePackage however, the execution fails in the same manner as described above. The first step executes successfully as the logged-in user and the second fails executed under the account cpmc-casql02.

So, again we have the same behavior of sequential steps being run as different users with unsatisfactory results. Please advise as to how to set up these jobs to run correctly and consistently.

Thanks very much,Eric W

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SQL Server 2000 SQL Agent Error [393] Waiting For SQL Server To Recover Databases

Jan 30, 2007

While I was out of the office the Lan Team moved one of my SQL Server2000 servers to a new network domain. Since then the maintenance jobhas not ran.The error log for the SQL Agents has the message listed in the subjectline. I have not found any useful articles on the MS SQL Serversite. Anyone know what might be wrong and how to fix it.HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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0xc0202009 Error When Running Job In Sql Server Agent

Jul 30, 2007

I get 2 errors when I run a job in sql server agent 2005 0xc0202009 and 0x80040E2. I cannot see why I am getting these errors, when I run the job with dtexec it is successful. Also when I run it in the debugger or run the executeable it is successful. But when I try to run it with the agent it fails. Any Ideas would be greatly appriciated.

thank you
Joey Kushinski

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Error: Server Agent Cant Find Dts File

Apr 17, 2006

Im trying to schedule an integration sevice package with no anvile. I have tried both running it in Agent under Integration services and operation system (CmdExec) and still wont work. Under CmdExec, the command is /FILE "C:Documents and SettingsebuahMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsSwamp_SolutionFIRSTTIME_DOWNLOADSSIS_ACT.dtsx" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF. In the advance tab, I checked outfile to a log.txt file so as to read the log if there was any errors. The account running the job is the same account that sql server agent services is running which would only mean I really dont need any proxy account to run the job. When i run the job under CmdExec, i get the error

Executed as user: CYPRESSAdministrator. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x529C255F20199B40A83858B1CCC875F2 (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed.

when I run the same package under integeration system, the error I get in the logg file is

<message>System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.AcquireConnections(Object transaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)</message>
<source>ACT TABLE 250</source>
<starttime>4/17/2006 1:20:47 PM</starttime>
<endtime>4/17/2006 1:20:47 PM</endtime>

If you ask me, I dont know whats going on but I am very fustrated. Have been working on this for 4 days now. I really really need help.

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Pakcage Execution Error Under SQL Server Agent

Feb 27, 2006

Hi SSIS experts!

I have been trying to schedule a package I design to run off hour, but unable to do so. Here is a strange issue:

1. I am able to run and excute the package successfully through VSS. After I finished designing all my flows and containers, my exceution was successful to all my data sources.

2. I was able to deploy and run the actual package by sending to my local file system and it runs successfully through Execute Package Utility.

HOWEVER!!! when I tried to schedule this package through file system under sql server agent to run at night or through start job within SQL agent always failed...

I am puzzled so I added some logging on the package. The error message shows the following....

<message>The connection "{087B883F-D188-440A-9501-FF38CF5CEC28}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.

<message>Failed to acquire connection "". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

But I thought if I had set the connection correctly to remember my passwords and using SQL server standard login within my package (connection manager) and should resolved the connection issues....

Why did it failed when I try to run it under sqlagent? But not through Execute Package Utility? Is there is a special setting I need to do for it to run under sql agent?

I notice within the job step when I choose the file source to point to my package... there was a tab called data sources where it has the connections I defined in my package. Does it matter if I put a check box on them or not? Either way they failed to connect.

Please help!


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SQL Server 2005 Agent Service High CPU Usage

Jan 30, 2008

I have six stored procedures that I have to run hourly during the day. When I schedule them into separate SQL jobs (they must run concurrently), the percent CPU of Sqlagent90.exe process goes way up, eventually pegging out the overal CPU usage on the server. When I run the six stored procedures concurrently from query windows in SQL Server Management Sudio, the overall CPU usage stays very low.

Is there something about the SQL Server Agent that inherently adds CPU overheard? Thanks in advance ....

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SQL Server Agent Error 15404 - Maintenance Plan

Aug 23, 2007

When trying to execute a maintenance plan I have setup (which contains a shrink command on all databases and then a backup to file command on all databases) i get the following error message from SQL agent:

Date 23/08/2007 10:02:17
Log Job History (Shrink and Backup v4)

Step ID 0
Server 0127-0323-DB01
Job Name Shrink and Backup v4
Step Name (Job outcome)
Duration 00:00:00
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0

The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (0127-0323-DB01IIPAdmin) of job Shrink and Backup v4 has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user '0127-0323-DB01IIPAdmin', error code 0x534. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404) The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621)).

I have searched both online help and the forums and have not been able to find a solution, any help would be appreciated



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SQL 2005 Error: Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: Agent (null) Failed.

Jun 15, 2007

I'm getting this, after upgrading from 2000 to 2005.Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent (null) failed.The subscription to publication '(null)' has expired or does notexist.The only suggestions I've seen are to dump all subscriptions. Sincewe have several dozen publications to several servers, is there adecent way to script it all out, if that's the only suggestion?Thanks in advance.

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Notification To SQL Server 2005 Agent Job On Completion Of Oracle Package

Dec 21, 2007

Is there any built-in way of kicking off a job on SQL Server 2005 Agent whenever a package/job completes in Oracle?
Are there any (Triggers? Msft queue? Event Notification?) mechanisms to automate running a job on the SQL side?
Any article or knowledge articles would be appreciated also.

If not are there any built-in stardardized polling techniques? Or are there any timers in SSIS?
That way I can delay executing a child package until a certain record has been inserted into a control table in Oracle.
I don't want to write an inefficient for loop that blocks all other processing on the server and iterates once every second.


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Mar 27, 2006


"Message: Incorrect syntax near 'NoteID'."

Here is a snipet from the output file:

2006-03-27 13:01:49.820 Skipping file 'NotesHistory_21.sch' because it has already been delivered for a previous article or by a previously interrupted snapshot.
2006-03-27 13:01:49.867 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET ANSI_NULLS ON

2006-03-27 13:01:49.898 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:49.945 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.008 [17%] OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory](
[NoteID] [int] NOT NULL,
[CaseRefNum] [int] NOT NULL,
[KeyField] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
[KeyValue] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
[Note] [varchar](800) NULL,
[NoteField] [varchar](100) NULL,
[ScanDocID] [int] NULL,
[PDF_ID] [int] NULL,
[RescanCode] [int] NULL,
[RescanNote] [varchar](100) NULL,
[AuditID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL

ꜽśã¹? êœ?Å›B 27 13:01î–”Å›è›ªç —êœ?Å›é”?Ä€Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.086 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET ANSI_NULLS ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.117 Preparing table 'NotesHistory' for merge replication
2006-03-27 13:01:50.164 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON

2006-03-27 13:01:50.195 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.258 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': if object_id('MSmerge_conflicts_info') is not NULL
alter table [MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] add origin_datasource_id uniqueidentifier NULL

2006-03-27 13:01:50.351 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': if object_id('MSmerge_conflicts_info') is not NULL
create nonclustered index [ncMSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] on [MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory] ([rowguid], origin_datasource_id)

2006-03-27 13:01:50.383 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': exec sp_MSsetconflicttable @article = N'NotesHistory', @conflict_table = N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory'

2006-03-27 13:01:50.430 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.476 [17%] The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.50é”?Ä€
2006-03-27 13:01:50.539 Applied script 'NotesHistory_21.cft'
2006-03-27 13:01:50.586 OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.617 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.711 Percent Complete: 17
2006-03-27 13:01:50.742 {call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'NotesHistory', N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory', N'LARGOS00-SDI', N'EFILE', N'EFILE_MERGE')}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.773 OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.867 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:50.898 Category:COMMAND
Source: Failed Command
Number: 0
Message: {call sp_MSsetconflicttable (N'NotesHistory', N'MSmerge_conflict_EFILE_MERGE_NotesHistory', N'LARGOS00-SDI', N'EFILE', N'EFILE_MERGE')}
2006-03-27 13:01:50.961 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:50.992 Category:SQLSERVER
Number: 102
Message: Incorrect syntax near 'NoteID'.
2006-03-27 13:01:51.039 Percent Complete: 0
2006-03-27 13:01:51.070 Category:NULL
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147201001
Message: The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
2006-03-27 13:01:51.133 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.180 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.226 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.258 Disconnecting from OLE DB Subscriber 'LUZERNV4-PDOSQL4'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.305 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.336 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.383 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.414 Disconnecting from OLE DB Publisher 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.445 Disconnecting from OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.492 Disconnecting from OLE DB Distributor 'LARGOS00-SDI'
2006-03-27 13:01:51.523 The merge process will restart after waiting 60 second(s)...

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Oracle 9i -&&> SQL Server 2005: Snapshot Agent Aborts Suddenly Uninterrupted

Jun 14, 2006

Hi - I hope some of you can help me with this problem.

I'm trying to run the snapshot agent for 77 published tables, but the agent stops suddenly uninterrupted. It stops in the middle of taking a snapshot of a table containing 81,719,531 rows. The error message is pasted below.

2006-06-14 05:33:33.53 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57200000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:34:12.57 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57300000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:34:51.23 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57400000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:35:29.99 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57500000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:36:09.82 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57600000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:36:49.38 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57700000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:37:28.56 [89%] Bulk copied 100000 rows from "ORAMSSQLREPL"."HREPL_ARTICLE_21_21" (57800000 total rows copied)
2006-06-14 05:37:35.36 [89%] The replication agent was shut down in response to an abort request.

Does anyone know what is causing this error and how I can possibly solve it?

Best Regards,
JB Plum

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Execute Sql Server Agent Job Task - Job Immediately Returns Success... However Agent Job Is Still Running???

Nov 30, 2006

when I run a package from a command window using dtexec, the job immediately says success.
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0).
Started: 3:37:41 PM
Finished: 3:37:43 PM
Elapsed: 2.719 seconds

However the Job is still in th agent and the status is executing. The implications of this are not good. Is this how the sql server agent job task is supposed to work by design.



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Copy Database Wizard Error- SQL Server Agent Cannot Execute The SSIS Package

Aug 3, 2006

I am trying to
copy a database from our company's external SQL
Server(production) to our local SQL
Server(development). The Copy Database wizard fails on the step
"Execute SQL Server Agent Job".
Following is the error in the log file.. Please advise

InnerException-->An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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