SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition Install Fails; An Instance With The Same Name.../

Jan 18, 2006

Good Morning

I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 onto Windows Server 2003 Small Business Edition. Previously SQL Server 2000 from the SBE disk was installed, automatic updates are enabled.

I have selected the default instance and everything I try results in the error:

An instance with the same name is already installed on this computer. To proceed with SQL Server Setup, provide a unique instance name.

Log file says;

Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Failed
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0002_ISAINTERNET_SQL.log
Last Action : DetectInstanceClash
Error String : An instance with the same name is already installed on this computer. To proceed with SQL Server Setup, provide a unique instance name.
Error Number : 28086

Ian Smith

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Standard Edition Fails To Install, Express Edition Fails To Uninstall

May 8, 2008

We are trying to install the Standard Edition of SQL Server 2005. We already have SQL Express installed. Standard won't install and Express won't uninstall.

We have tried every suggestion we can find and some we made up. When we try to install Standard, we get to the bit where you choose what you want to install and the only thing available is workstation components.

There are so many cases of this on the Internat that I can't believe MS have not solved the issue. And I am stunned that they want to charge us more money to talk to us about how to fix something we just paid them an arm and a leg for!

What do I need to tell you to get some idea of where to go next with this?

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No Server Instance In SQL 2005 Standard Edition

Jan 22, 2008

Good day!
I installed SQL 2005 Standard Edition in my XP machine, but I don't have any instances. When I use Add/Remove programs, and click Change in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, it says that "No instances have been installed. To add a new instance, click the Add component hyperlink", but I cannot see the hyperlink. Why was the default instance never installed? How do I install a new instance?


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SQLEXPRESS Instance On SQL SErver 2005 Standard Edition

Jan 10, 2007

What happens when you install a SQLEXPRESS instance on a machine that already has SQL Server 2005? Will the SQLEXPRESS still run in the limited mode or will it sense that an full standard version of SQL Server 2005 is already present and just "upgrade" itself?

On the otherhand, how do I "upgade" an existing instance of SQLEXPRESS to a full version of SQL Server 2005 standard edition without uninstalling and installing the standard edition. If I have both the instances then will the SQLEXPRESS be freed from its limits?



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SQL Server 2005 Standard Will Not Install MSSQL Default Instance

Jun 21, 2007

I installed SQL Server 2005 flawlessly yesterday. When login as "sa" through SQL Server Management Studio, I get an error message saying it cannot connect to my PC.

I checked the MSSQL Server Service. It is not started and cannot be started because it's looking for a path that does not exist!.

The folder in question is missing.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL

The following folders do exist:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2

I initially suspected this problem was cause by a previous MSDE 2000 installation.

I uninstalled SQL Server 2005 & MSDE 2000.
I re-installed SQL Server 2005. Same problem.
I executed
to make sure all registries are removed and manually deleted C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server€™s content

Re-installed SQL Server 2005. Same problem.

I do not know what do in order to get SQL Server 2005 up & running.

All help is greatly appreciated.


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Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition Install Problem

Feb 27, 2007

I am planning to work with replication topic and i have a problem with it.

I have installed a SQL server 2005 standard edition.When i try creating a new publication it comes out with this error

"Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is unable to access replication components because replication is not installed on this instance of sql server.

for information about installing replication,see installing replication in sql server books online

Additional information:
Execute permission denied on object 'sp_MS_replication_installed",database'master',owner'dbo'.
(Microsoft SQL server ,Error:229)

I have tried inserting the CD and reinstalling it.but didnt work.

When i tried to Remove sql server from control panel add/remove programs it shows me the following components to be deleted.but then even after restarting my machine i find everything in start->all programs.

what do i need to do??

Please help me.

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SQl Server 2005 Express Edition Install Fails

Sep 5, 2007


I am trying to setup Sql server 2005 express edition but ı getting an error message that cannot install. The Logfile is below.



Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042.00
OS Version : Home Edition (Build 6000)
Time : Tue Sep 04 22:44:28 2007

Machine : QUIETUS-PC
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0007_QUIETUS-PC_SQLSupport_1.log
Machine : QUIETUS-PC
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0007_QUIETUS-PC_SQLNCLI_1.log
Machine : QUIETUS-PC
Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0007_QUIETUS-PC_SqlWriter_1.log
Machine : QUIETUS-PC
Product : SQL Server Database Services
Error : SQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Windows NT user or group 'QUIETUS-PCSQLServer2005MSSQLUser$QUIETUS-PC$SQLEXPRESS' not found. Check the name again.. Refer to the server error logs and Setup logs for detailed error information.
Machine : QUIETUS-PC
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Product Version : 9.2.3042.00
Install : Failed
Log File : c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0007_QUIETUS-PC_SQL.log
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : SQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was {Microsoft}{SQL Native Client}{SQL Server}Windows NT user or group 'QUIETUS-PCSQLServer2005MSSQLUser$QUIETUS-PC$SQLEXPRESS' not found. Check the name again.. Refer to the server error logs and Setup logs for detailed error information.
Error Number : 29521


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Steps To Install 64 Bit Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition In Windows Vista 64 Ultimate

Jul 25, 2007


I have just take my system back to the factory defaults after some unsuccessful attempts to install 64 bit and 32 bit sql server on my notebook. I am looking to use either 32 or 64 bit (I have disks for both) and I would like to get a step by step guide that will help me through the process.

I tried an install of the 64 bit version, applied SP2, and it went smoothly but the report services browser didn't work. I tried to change some IIS settings but I didnt document what I changed so i was unable to undo the changes that i made when these didnt work.

I tried several combinations of things but then decided that a clean install on a clean system was the best option.

I need the SQL engine , reporting services, analysis services - and possibly integration services - i am not sure if i need notification services (dont know what it does anyway!)

I also have vs2005 - should i install that first or after sql server 2005 SP2?



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Problem To Install SQL 2005 Express In Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition X64

May 10, 2006

I Try to install SQL Server Express in Windows 2003 Standard edition x64 and have some problems.

It say that can not instal client and say to use sqlncli_x64.msi, but I can not find this packege to install this client and I receive one alert with ASP.NET register 64.

I Check all request systems requirements many times and looks ok.

How can I solve this to install properly the SQL 2005 Express? When the setup finish say that was not possiblem to install SQL Server 2005 Express.






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SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Fails To Start During Install

Jun 21, 2007

In the last step of installing the SQL Server 2005 Express edition I get the following error:

Doing Action: Do_sqlScript
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlScript : Thu Jun 21 19:38:35 2007
Service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS with parameters '-d"c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLTemplate Datamaster.mdf" -l"c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLTemplate Datamastlog.ldf" -m SqlSetup -Q -qLatin1_General_CI_AS -T4022 -T3659 -T3610 -T4010' is being started at Thu Jun 21 19:38:35 2007
Service failed unexpectedly (1814)
Error Code: 0x80070716 (1814)
Windows Error Text: The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.
Source File Name: sqlsetuplibservice.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:29:04 2006
Function Name: sqls:ervice:tart
Source Line Number: 301

---- Context -----------------------------------------------


Error Code: 1814
MSI (s) (80!08) [19:39:58:265]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (1814) The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.

Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (1814) The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.
<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='203'>
Doing Action: Do_sqlScript
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlScript : Thu Jun 21 19:39:58 2007
Service MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS with parameters '-d"c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLTemplate Datamaster.mdf" -l"c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLTemplate Datamastlog.ldf" -m SqlSetup -Q -qLatin1_General_CI_AS -T4022 -T3659 -T3610 -T4010' is being started at Thu Jun 21 19:39:58 2007
Service failed unexpectedly (1814)
Error Code: 0x80070716 (1814)
Windows Error Text: The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.
Source File Name: sqlsetuplibservice.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:29:04 2006
Function Name: sqls:ervice:tart
Source Line Number: 301

Any idea how I can fix this?

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SQL 2005 Standard Edition Fails During Installation

Jan 4, 2006

When trying to install SQL 2005, I keep getting the foll. error:

Error 1706. Setup cannot find the required files. Check your connection to the network or CD-Rom drive. For other potential soltions to this problem, see C:Program ....1033setup.chm

I have tried using two different DVDs, and also downloaded SQL 2005 from msdn, but none of them work.

Can some please help.





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SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition - Distribution Agent Dieing When Network Connection Fails

May 21, 2007


We have replication setup on a sql server 2000. We encountered issue that the distribution agent goes down (distrib.exe stop running) in the event of network connection broken. We would like to know:

is this the expected result that the distribution agent will go down in the event of communication failure between the distribution server and subscriber server?
if not, is there a way to programmatically control and restart the agent?
Is there any sp in SQL server which can monitor the replication communication error message?
is there any sp in SQL server which can be run to restart the agent?
For the best practice, what do you think we can do to achieve an €˜event-driven€™ kind of mechanism so when an communication breaks, the agent can be restarted by the triggered event (or at least a simple way to automatically restart)?



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Installing SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Trial Edition And Standard Edition On Same Machine

Jan 22, 2008

-I have istalled sql server 2005 standard edition , I want to install sql server 2005 enterprise edition on the same machine.
Is it possible? I have Microsoft windows server 2003 SP2 and 1GB RAM.
I want to use partition function with the enterprise edition, will the trial version of sql server work for me?
-If I have already created a database and tables using the standard edition, will I be able to access and use the database using the installed trial version or will I have to start a fresh creating a new database?
- Is it possible to access the same database with any of the installed versions?

BTW, I am prety new to sql server and databases , I am trying to learn by myself


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Wots The Difference B/w SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition And Express Edition

Sep 23, 2006

Hello!M a newbie.. I just want to know, that wots the difference b/w SQL Server Standard Edition and Express Edition.?And can I use Visual Studio 2005 (Professional Edition) with SQL Server Express Edition.?

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Performance Difference Between SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition And Enterprise Edition

Dec 15, 2006

Dear All,We have a database which contains many tables which have millions ofrecords. When We attach the database with MS SQL Server 2005 StandardEdition Server and run some queries (having joins, filters etc.) thenthey take very long time to execute while when We execute same querieson Enterprise Edition then they run 10 times faster than on standardedition.Our database does not use any features which are present in EnterpriseEdition and not present in Standard Edition. We want to know what arethe differences between Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition forperformance. Why should we go for Enterprise Edition when StandardEdition has all the features required.We are presently using evaluation versions of SQL Server 2005 Standardand Enterprise Editions.Thanks and regards,Nishant Sainihttp://www.simplyjava.com

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Error Upgrading SQL Server 2005 From Standard Edition To Enterprise Edition (x64)

Apr 10, 2008

I am attempting to upgrade a 2005 Standard Edtion to Enterprise Edition. This is a default instance. All components are upgraded successfully except the Database Engine. I receive the following error:

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]The certificate cannot be dropped because one or more entities are either signed or encrypted using it.. To continue, correct the problem, and then run SQL Server Setup again.

This installation does not have encryption enabled, so I do not undersand the error or how to correct it.

After rebooting the SQL instance appears to be upgraded to Enterprise, but it cannot be upgraded to SP2.


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SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition Upgrade To Standard Edition

Feb 8, 2008

I'd like to upgrade from my current SQL Server version: 09.00.3042 (Workgroup edition that comes with SBS upgrade) to the standard edition that I've just purchased. I've attempted to run setup.exe SKUUPGRADE=1 from the command prompt and it just tells me that there's nothing new to install.

I don't really want to uninstall the current installation just to do something that shouldn't be complicated to do, upgrading software versions should not be a difficult process.

Does anybody have any experience with this?

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Can I Run The SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition In Standard Edition Mode?

May 10, 2006

As an ISV, I want to certify my product on Standard Edition. I am using Developer Edition everywhere. Is there a way I can do the certification using the Developer Edition, or do I need to obtain/purchase a copy of the Standard Edition?

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Replicating From SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition To Remote SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Aug 13, 2007


I have been unable to create a replication from an SQL Server 2005 standard edition database to remote SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The remote express edition is on a Virtual Private Server we are leasing from a hosting company. The name of the remote DB is similar to vs572.si-vs572.com. I can connect to this with SQL server authentication through Management Studio and also with SSIS. But, I have been unable to create a push subscription (I have tried a test push subscription with the same publication to a local SQL Express server here in our office and this works fine).

Here is the error message: SQL Server Replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'VS572SQLEXPRESS'.

The hosting company had originally installed a shared SQL server which would not support replication. They then installed SQL Express edition and I was hoping this would allow us to run a replication.

I tried to connect to VS572SQLEXPRESS with out any luck. I check the remote connections, made sure replication was installed, etc., but no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

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Enterprise Edition Doesnt Install The SQL Server Instance.

Jul 24, 2007

I am trying to install the SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, but on the components selection page, the only options I can check are Sample Book/Docs and Tools(Business Intelligence Studio, SQL Management Studio).

Even on the advanced page, those are the only options. Everything runs with no problem, except the SQL server instance.

I checked on the SQL Server Configuration Manager, and it does not show any SQL instances installed.

I tried adding a new instance using the add/remove>change for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 by selecting the setup.exe file in the Enterprise CD, but the it has the same options. If I select the setup.exe file from my Workgroup Edition CD, the option for adding new instances works.

What should I Do?

Cant I add SQL server instances using the Enterprise Edition? I was unable to install even the first instance.

The computer I am using meets all requirements and no SQL versions have been installed yet.

Thanks for the help.

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How Can I Run SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition On Standard Edition

Mar 20, 2008

I tried to download PerformancePoint Server Trial Version to ther server today and I got to the configuration point of the Analysis Services Setting, and when I clicked next to proceed with the configuration I got a popup error message:
"Microsoft Analysis Server must be Evaluation, Developer or Enterprise Edition".

Now I have SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Disc (Bought it with Visual Studio 2005) but on the server I have SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition, if I try to run the sql server developer Edition disc, I use the wizard download and it seems that the download is going through the SQL Server entire download, it's like I'm re-downloading SQL Server all over again.

Does that seem right?
what is the best approach to work around this probelm?

I appreciate any help


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Upgrading SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition To SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

Nov 9, 2007


I would like to find out if there is any way to upgrade SQL Server 2000 (Ent) to 2005 (STD)

The Instance has many logins and jobs etc and I dont want to loose those

A document or some advice on how to go about it would help


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SQL Server Express Edition Fails To Install On Windows Server 2003, R2, SP2

Mar 21, 2008

I cant figure out why this is happening.. its a fresh 2003 x64 R2 sp2
server, during the installation of the SQL Server Database Services the server hangs
and displays Setting File Security. I let the install run for over 45 mins and it still hangs... the log file is useless..
i cant find any clues as to why ...

any thoughts..

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Database Services Install Fails When Install SQL Server 2005 SP2

Aug 15, 2007

The error I got is:
Hotfix.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

EventType : sqlsesetup P1 : sysdbupg.sql P2 : 0x7361
P3 : odbcstatement__execute_batch@sysdbupg.sql@3 P4 : 0x7361
P5 : lib_odbc_statement.h@91 P6 : unknown P7 : sql9 P8 : hotfix@
P9 : x86 P10 : 3042

Log Location: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
MSP Error: 29537 SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot find the object 'dm_exec_query_resource_semaphores', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.. To continue, correct the problem, and then run SQL Server Setup again.

I tried to search internet, however, I couldn't get solution.

My SQL server 2005 is standard version, OS Windows server 2003 sp2, I am using Administrator account to install it.

Thanks a lot,


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Instance Name Of SQL Server 2005 Standard

Apr 29, 2007

I'm new to SQL Server, and have just started to work through the MS Press ADO.Net 2.0 Step-by-Step book.

In the beginning of the book, at the point where the Add Connection box comes up, it says to type in the Server Name text box, (local)SQLEXPRESS, as the book takes for granted you have SQL Express installed, and hence this is the instance name.

I have Visual Studio 2005 Professional, and SQL Server 2005 Standard installed. What would the instance of SQL Server be in this case?

Any hope would be greatly appreciated.

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Upgrade From SQL Express 2005 Report Server With Advanced Services To SQL 2005 Standard Fails

Feb 25, 2008

I am trying to upgrade SQL Server Express 2005 Report Server to SQL 2005 Standard and it fails with the following error:

SQL Server Setup did not have the administrator permissions required to copy a file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.8Reporting ServicesReportServer
ssrvpolicy.config. To continue, verify that the file exists, and either grant administrator permissions to the account currently running Setup or log in with an administrator account. Then run SQL Server Setup again.

After I click OK on the message, this whole path where the upgrade is bieng installed dissapears C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.8Reporting Services. The error is a bit missleading because the file that it is trying to copy rssrvpolicy.config does appear in that upgrade folder so I am not sure why it would try to copy a file that has already been copied.

I was able to upgrade the Database Engine instance fine but can't upgrade Reporting Services due to that error. I have verified that the account that ran the setup had the administrator permissions. Your prompt reply to my question would be greatly appreciatted.

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Is It Possible To Install SQL Express With SQL Standard Edition

Jun 6, 2006


I have installed SQL standard Edition in my computer for one project. We want to kick off a new project, and intend to use SQL Express, Will anybody advise me whether I can install SQL express when SQL Standard Edition is there? or I need to remove SQL standard Edition first and install SQL express?

Thanks a lot


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MS SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

Mar 21, 2007

I have the option of buying a new copy of MS SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition for Itanium based systems, however will this also work on the following spec server

2.8Ghz P4

1Ghz Ram

120Gb IDE hard drive

with windows 2003 standar edition operating system

The part number for the stanard edition of SQL is 228-04025

If it helps you can call me on +44 (0) 1285 644091



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Standard Edition Components Wont Install.

Oct 4, 2007

I am getting the following error while attempting to install the Workstation components on my SQL2005 Standard Server.

To change an existing instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to a different edition of SQL Server 2005, you must run SQL Server 2005 Setup from the command prompt and include the SKUUPGRADE=1 parameter.

I know the problem is related to a previous installation of Enterprise Edition on the same server. I have tried deleting all SQL files, and registry keys yet I am still getting the same error.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Cant Install SQL Standard Edition On VISTA Ultimate

May 29, 2007

I ve been coping with the follwing Error for 2 months , and i desperately need sb helping me out with a practical solution. the error has become a real pain in the neck 4 me .I want to install SQL 2005 standard edition on a vista ultimate however the error appears at almost the end of installation proceess .and the sql server database services fails to be installed on vista????? and doesnt get a check mark. this is the Error:

sQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Windows NT user or group 'computer-nameSQLServer2005MSSQLUser$computer-name$MSSQLSERVER' not found. Check the name again..

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Cannot Install SQL Server 2005 Standard

May 6, 2008

Hello All,

I am installing SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition for the first time on a Windows 2003 Standard server. I have already configured the system with the pre-req's. I am trying to install the workstation piece of it, and I am getting the following message:

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools -- Error 29549. Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog. Error: -2146232062
Error message: Unknown error 0x80131902
Error description: Configuration section system.transactions/machineSettings could not be created. Machine.config is missing information

I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the software with no luck.

Please Help!!!!

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SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition Licensing

May 1, 2008

I'm getting some conflicting information , regarding sql 2005 Standard Edition licensing for multi instancing.

If you have multiple instances of SQL 2005 Standard Edition on one Server, do you need to pay a server license for every Instance or just the one Server license?

Jack Vamvas
Search IT jobs from multiple sources- http://www.ITjobfeed.com

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DB2OLEDB For SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

Sep 19, 2006

The Microsoft OLEDB provider for DB2 (DB2OLEDB) is available in the "Feature Pack for SQL Server 2005 €“ April 2006." The installation routine, however, will only install on the enterprise edition or the developer edition. Is the DB2OLEDB provider not available for SQL Server 2005 standard edition?

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